Guess the Constellation will need a refit to a mk.2 after this universe is done with to iron out the design kinks
No, it won't. The entire point is that the technology is so far beyond the universes she's visiting that the inefficiencies don't matter, and she can use the appearance of the ship he spent years designing in his head despite that not being the most optimal use of the tech involved.
Which brings us back to: I had no intention of min-maxing an Ancient ship by stuffing her full of ZPMs- which I could make -or anything like that

Half of what I designed her with doesn't exist here, and I don't have any way to replicate it. Wormhole drive? Even the Ancients didn't get that working. The kind of plasma engines I had envisaged? Nope. But, really, that doesn't matter that much. Hyperdrive was better. Ancient thrusters were better
Mass Effect is planned for later, though. An admittedly fair bit later for character reasons.

I chose that wording, specifically, though because of the 'all of this has happened before and will happen again' and the theme of 'man creates machine, machine rebels against man' that nu!BSG had going.

(Hence the specific use of 'Man' there)
No, it won't. The entire point is that the technology is so far beyond the universes she's visiting that the inefficiencies don't matter, and she can use the appearance of the ship he spent years designing in his head despite that not being the most optimal use of the tech involved.
:(Such limited imagination is painful to see. By Inefficiencies were (or attest I am) talking space usage. This ship is 700 meters long, I get that for a lot of people a sense of scale is difficult to, well sense. But just imagine how high and wide those wings have to be and just how much unused space is in them. A refit could convert the space in the wings interior into something actually useful. Like turning the interior of the wings into recreation areas(parks or pools), or even hydroponics farms for all those pesky organics she'll inevitably meet.
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Why would you do a gender bender when its meaningless. If you wanted a female character why not just make it that instead of the swap, it doesn't make it more interesting ... its like you are pandering to try and get a certain audience by doing this.
Or, as we're no longer hiding it…I'm letting my sister get her chance in the sun.

But sure. We're doing it to pander. Totally.