To Matter (Superpowers Quest)

[X] Name: Jacob Anderson
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Write-in power: Anything you touch is infinite. The gun you hold will have infinite ammo. Your water bottle will infinite water. If you lose a limb, you give yourself infinite blood or endorphins just by touching the wound.
[X] Weaponry (-3 points) You can get your hands on a lot of illegal weapons, up to and including experimental Excalibur Initiative toys, though at that high end, using them will call a lot of attention to you.
[X] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
[X] A Mysterious offer (+3 points) You were offered a vial of something by an unknown figure. Desperate to become more powerful, you accepted and it seems to have worked. Definitely no downsides whatsoever that will ever come up.
[X] Uncontrollable Power (+3 points) Your power is strong- maybe too strong. It can easily get away from you and end up doing something you don't like or not quite doing what you want.
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[x] Dylan Bailey

Care to name the plan properly?

I like the power in I AM plan, but a combination of a Caring Heart and Winning Personality got stale after a while.
[X] Plan Hard as Water, Soft as Steel
-[X] Diane Ling
-[X] Female
-[X] Hardness Control. You can make anything harder and more rigid or softer and more flexible, from making your body harder than titanium, to making concrete flow like water. This doesn't seem to inherently harm the object or person, but when turned brittle without enough hardening a person might be shattered with a powerful impact, and a liquified person is unlikely to be able to breath.
-[X] Power level 8(-3 points)
-[X] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
-[X] A Winning Personality (-3 points) You're friendly and get along with people. You'll do significantly better at most social interactions.
-[X] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
-[X] A Caring Heart (+5 points) You've dreamed of power and fame idly, but when it comes down to it, you can't bring yourself to cause others harm in pursuit of that dream. The idea of hurting someone for your selfish wishes... You can't abide it. (Note that this flaw is very all encompassing, though is mitigated depending on the kind of of power you choose.)
[x] The power to temporarily increase all of your physical and mental capabilities to superhuman levels.
Approved as far as powers go, though note that in line with my previous statement, the superhuman mental capabilities are mostly going to go towards making your Hacker trait much better, and give you quicker thinking (and better aim) under fire.
-[X] Hardness Control. You can make anything harder and more rigid or softer and more flexible, from making your body harder than titanium, to making concrete flow like water. This doesn't seem to inherently harm the object or person, but when turned brittle without enough hardening a person might be shattered with a powerful impact, and a liquified person is unlikely to be able to breath.
Also approved. A cool idea.

I like the power in I AM plan, but a combination of a Caring Heart and Winning Personality got stale after a while.
If you're worried about the combination making everything sunshine and rainbows, you're fine. While A Winning Personality will let you talk you way out of or around a lot of the issues with A Caring Heart, most of the major players like Ashley Weaver won't (usually) give a shit how friendly you are if you get in their way too much. Of course, with enough effort and the social boost you could befriend or makes allies of even many of those people. Even in that case though, the Excalibur Initiative will be attempting to push your shit in.
[x] Plan Speedster (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)
[x] Name: Rocco "Rocky" Rhode
- [x] Gender: Male
- [x] Super Speed (possibly with an added Healing Factor, allowing us to heal from wounds if we eat enough later)
- [x] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
[x] Plan Speedster (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)
[x] Name: Rocco "Rocky" Rhode
- [x] Gender: Male
- [x] Super Speed (possibly with an added Healing Factor, allowing us to heal from wounds if we eat enough later)
- [x] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.

Straight up super speed is a power i have never seen done before in a superhero quest.
Straight up super speed is a power i have never seen done before in a superhero quest.

Imagine being able to dodge attacks like they're standing still, throw punches like cannon balls, swing a sword like it's a chainsaw, and run across town through rush hour traffiic.

When you can swing your arm at supersonic speed. Everything becomes a bullet.

Also, you could probably pull off the "running across hot coals" trick with pretty much any material out there. If your fast enough to run across water, you can run across anything. I mean... you might have trouble running across weird stuff like superglue or lava... but burning buildings shouldn't be an issue since your wind resistance basically means the fire gets blown out faster than it can burn you.

Not to mention stuff like running across walls or pulling crazy parkour moves.
Gonna be real honest, I'm probably going to pick the option in second place if that particular speedster wins. Having no traits and a flaw that by itself is kind of boring means that writing it would not be interesting for me. If you want a speedster I would recommend revising the plan or coming up with a new one.
[x] Plan Speedster 2 (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)
[x] Name: Rocco "Rocky" Rhode
- [x] Gender: Male
- [x] Super Speed. power 8
- [x] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
-[x] Well read (-2 points) You did a lot studying before coming here and have a working understanding of the powers of a lot of the common players in New Eden.
-[X] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.
-[x] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.

P.S. This is a rip off of "Plan Speedster (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)" only with differing flaws and merits. please give credit to Rossum the original creator of the speedster plan.
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Gonna be real honest, I'm probably going to pick the option in second place if that particular speedster wins. Having no traits and a flaw that by itself is kind of boring means that writing it would not be interesting for me. If you want a speedster I would recommend revising the plan or coming up with a new one.
Does the vote close soon then?
Gonna be real honest, I'm probably going to pick the option in second place if that particular speedster wins. Having no traits and a flaw that by itself is kind of boring means that writing it would not be interesting for me. If you want a speedster I would recommend revising the plan or coming up with a new one.

Fair enough. Added these to my plan:
[] Connections (-2 points) You have a friend or two in New Eden, people who know the area and will make sure you aren't going to walk into things entirely blind.
[] Martial Arts (-2 points) You know your way around a fight and can throw a mean punch. Against people who don't know what they're doing, this can be an overwhelming advantage.
[] EX Series (+4 points) You got your hands on an Excalibur Initiative power amplifier. It's crazy strong, but very bulky and very noticeable. Not to mention that if anyone sees you with it, they'll probably want it for themselves. Besides which, the Excalibur Initiative definitely wants it back and will likely pursue you hotly.

With the martial arts, perhaps we know about European martial arts? Things like fencing, stick fighting, etc. If we chose weapons, we're are more likely to be using stuff like swords, shields, full-plate armor, and european weapons than using asian weapons or techniques.
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Approved as far as powers go, though note that in line with my previous statement, the superhuman mental capabilities are mostly going to go towards making your Hacker trait much better, and give you quicker thinking (and better aim) under fire.
How much is our stats improved by when the power is activated? Is it like we would have the level of speed of a level 6 speedster and the strength of a level 6 brute for the duration?
How much is our stats improved by when the power is activated? Is it like we would have the level of speed of a level 6 speedster and the strength of a level 6 brute for the duration?
For your build? In a word, yes. Although, it would be neither as fast nor as strong, nor as durable as a more focused brute/speedster of an equivalent level of course. Looking at the build holistically, the strength would be optimized for carrying around weapons with speed and precision being the main focus of the physical enhancements, allowing surer and swifter aim as well as fast movement and parkour even when carrying/wearing normally unwieldy things. The durability boost would be very modest for a brute of that level.

At level 6, that means you're strong enough to carry basically any conventional and most non-conventional weapons with ease- think Seras Victoria's giant cannons for the upper limit of that, and fast enough that you could keep up with a car on the highway for shortish bursts; though big enough weapons would slow you down some. You are especially fast when popping in and out of cover.

Of course, all of that would be heavily modified by any Excalibur Initiative toys you pick when I offer them, so while that would be the default state of that build, it could vary by a lot. (Keeping in mind that actually using Excalibur Initiative stuff means drawing a lot of heat)
If you're worried about the combination making everything sunshine and rainbows, you're fine.
Nah. It's just that a determinated carebear with a tendency to befriending everyone who is amiable to it is the default option for most protagonists.

This appears to be a setting where most independent superpowered tend towards villains and lawbreakers by default. I was hoping to get someone less alien to that kind of life.
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Nah. It's just that a determinated carebear with a tendency to befriending everyone who is amiable to it is the default option for most protagonists.
Or be a gigantic emo, truth be told I wasn't really thinking about that just a nice combination of abilities and traits.

If you can think of a superior one I am happy to change my plan up.

@Wander with my current plan and 8 power level what do we get in terms of stat improvement?
If you can think of a superior one I am happy to change my plan up.
I don't know about 'superior', but as far as different go... how about substituting a Caring Heart by a Weakness of Body? It would make sense for a power to offset our weakness, but we can't activate it on a whim.

[] Stubborn Resolve (+3 points) You don't back down, not ever, and often you've got the power to back that up. Sometimes though, it can get you in a whole lot of trouble.
[] A Weakness of Body (+4 points) Your power might be overwhelming, but your physique leaves something to be desired. Your are both chronically ill and somewhat out of shape. On your best day, you're still a bit slower and weaker than average, and on your worst even leaving your bed is something you find difficult.

Similarly, any of the benefits could be traded for any of these:

[] Connections (-2 points) You have a friend or two in New Eden, people who know the area and will make sure you aren't going to walk into things entirely blind.
[] Just a Face in the Crowd (-3 points) You're good at staying unremarkable and good at getting out of hairy situations given the slightest opportunity. Within the realm of plausibility, people won't recognize you if you don't want them to.
@Wander with my current plan and 8 power level what do we get in terms of stat improvement?
With your plan, a lot of the 'budget' as it were is tied up in durability. That said, the scale is pretty exponential, so you're actually looking at similar physical stats to the ones I outlined for a non-focused level six physical power. With less precision and parkour ability because this build doesn't have the same mental enhancements. And again, that's before considering the Excalibur Initiative toys that build gets from its trait.
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This appears to be a setting where most independent superpowered tend towards villains and lawbreakers by default. I was hoping to get someone less alien to that kind of life.
Oh, and because I meant to reply to this. In general terms, 'lawbreaker' is usually more accurate than 'villain'. A big thing in the setting is that, well, order didn't break down when super powers became a thing. 'Supervillains' don't get any special treatment under the law, and while some like Ashley Weaver are strong/smart enough that they've managed to stick around long enough to become household names, once they get caught that's usually it.

These artifacts that have begun to appear represent sort of a turning point, where the possibility of someone becoming powerful enough to truly change the world is starting to creep into people's minds, and accurate or not, people are willing to fight for that. Either to keep it for themselves so it can't be used against them, to use it, or to keep it out of what they believe to be the wrong hands.

Oh, and since this is common knowledge in setting and her name has come up a lot. (What is generally understood to be) Ashley's deal is that she literally gets more powerful the more wealthy she is. She's stolen a lot of 'priceless' things from museums and is therefore kind of a big deal. The army could take her if they could concentrate enough force, but there would be a lot of collateral damage and she's been scrupulously avoiding being pinned down long enough for that to happen.
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[x] Plan Speedster 2 (Because I've been binge watching The Flash lately)