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Two worlds, one laced with a deadly crystal, the other facing an endless horde. Now both are intertwined through war of all kinds......
In the Field New
In different universes, Humanity fights and struggles against alien threats. In one, they battle a dangerous alien crystal and those that harness their use. In another, they fight against the forces of an unending scrouge that consumes all with no care.

In the former, they have finally triumphed over the crystal and prepared to fight those that seeded it. But on the other, they are losing the war.

This is a story of how two universes became connected into the same war, against the same enemy.



Existence 01 (World 3 Superior): Existence 9. >>Quantum Event<< detected in relevant zone of operations. Sector 30.54,44.27. Confirm Event

Existence 09 (World 3 Consul Lesser): Quantum Event Confirmed. Anomalous Event. Requesting Orders.

Existence 01 (World 3 Superior): Existence 9. Deploy Tertiary Bioform Existences to investigate. Priority: Urgent.

Existence 09 (World 3 Consul Lesser): Orders confirmed. Redirecting Bioforms from Western Advance to Quantum Event.


Transcript Location: Phillidelphia II Station, in orbit over Earth
October, 2088

UNGDI-Director General: "Ladies and Gentlemen, let's skip the Pleanstries. What the hell is going on in the Middle East?"

UNGDI-Director, Department of Covert R&D:" Director-General, we have an….unusual situation going on in the former state of Kuwait. 24 hours ago, our satellites picked up a spike in anomalous readings within the Red Zone. We're still gathering information but what information we are getting out of there is…..concerning."

IN-Ops-Director: "That's a mild understatement, Karl. Director, we have unknown hostiles in Kuwait. They're not Nod, Scrin, Tib-life, or any other force we've seen. Frankly, this is something new."


UNGDI-Director General: "Brief me."

Chairmen of the JCS: "We sent drones and air assets over Kuwait from some of our carriers in the Red Sea. These unknowns are….pecuilar. We've lost several drones to what seems like Pulse Laser Fire despite their organic appearance. What we do know is that they don't number more than a division's worth of entities."

"In-ops Director: "We're cycling through drone footage and seeing if either the Forgotten Mutants or the Protectorate about what's occurring but even they don't know what the hell is going on. Best guess? We might have a Zerg problem coming out of some sort of Gateway to who knows where."

Staff Chief of Ground Forces: "What the [Bleep] are Zerg?"

In-Ops Director: "Old sci-fi preference. I believe the term is a Multi-organic Being Hostile Force. Think Hostile Tib-life but without Tiberium mutation."

UNGDI-Director, Department of Covert R&D: "Either the case, our initial satellite and drone footage show that they're some sort of….well portal to say the least, that these things came out of. It's about half a kilometre wide, bigger than any portal we could create.

Staff Chief of Ground Forces: "I can have forces mobilized to move in on the anomaly but well, despite the TCN running for the better part of a decade, the Central Middle East is still a Red Zone."

ZOCOM General: "We've kickstarted reclamation efforts a year early. Abatement operations are moving to secure paths. Thankfully the area around the anomaly is considered a Yellow Zone so we should have no problem going in there with conventional forces. That being said, we can't drop in an army group or even OSRCTs yet. We need ground forces going in on foot or air."

Director of Foreign Affairs: "You got a suggestion for a force? We don't want the Protectorate getting antsy and they still don't like the Talons for the mess in Sakaka."

Staff Chief of Ground Forces: "I have a unit. Armoured Rangers. The 28th Pacific Edge Armoured Ranger Division operating out of Blue 3."

ZOCOM General: "Ground Pounder's own Tib-Hazard unit? I remember. Good unit and did well on the Suez Op. And they've been fully required with the latest armour. Still, they're from the Pacific and only just got their desert legs. You sure?"

Staff Chief of Ground Forces: "They can handle it. They've gone through some dangerous times and the Protectorate likes them, they'll know what to do."

Chairmen of the JCS: "Send me numbers. I'll grease the wheels."

UNGDI-General Director: "Well, sounds like a plan. It's only been 8 years since Kain disappeared, and a good two decades since the Last Major War. General, are you people ready for this?"

Staff Chief of Ground Forces: "You need to ask?"


To: Major General Coen Chang, 28th Armoured Ranger Division (Pacific Edge)
From: GDI-Middle East Command
Subject: Urgent Redeployment

Chang, new orders from higher up. You're being rerouted to Kuwait. We got unknown hostiles in the region mucking about in the Tiberium. Intel is still sketchy but command doesn't want these unknowns tracking too much Tiberium from where they came from.

Your orders are to move in and secure the area around this anomalous gateway in Kuwait. It's still a red zone so we're giving you additional engineering, logistical, and abatement assets. Air Force is assigning additional gunships and transports to your forces. You'll also have full bombardment cover from maritime battleships. ZOCOM is also attaching both armed and science units to your force, the force is placing additional close support assets to the force, and you're getting a full resupply.

We've also assigned ZOCOM's 23rd Divisional Battlegroup to assist in nearby operations. How does working with an old friend sound out? Be advised they're already making inroads to the anomaly but their orders are to support, not take. Taking the anomaly is your job.

Vice-Coordinator Smith


To: GDI-Middle East Command
From: Major General Coen Chang, 28th Armoured Ranger Division (Pacific Edge)

Sounds good director. I don't mind the tacked-on support and to hear Honavi's Pathfinders nearby is a godsend. We'll get on the way. Have our transports and intel reports ready.

Coen out

The former territory of Saudi Arabia, Redzone R-1
November 3rd, 2088

Decades ago, UNGDI forces under one General Norman Schwarzkopf were part of a major operation to evict Nod from the Oil Rich Middle East. A modestly successful operation, if one that was a strategic draw.

Now in the 2080s in the cloudy but otherwise mid-weather of northern Saudi Arabia, another GDI force was treading the same path.

The 28th Armoured Rangers of GDI's regular Ground Forces was a unique force. Hailing from various Pacific adjacent states like Japan, Canada, the Western United States, Taiwan, Korea, Philippines, and more, it was a proud unit that fought Nod and Tiberium life forms in the post-Tib War 3 era.

From fighting Nod in China to defending against Warlords in North America, the 28th had earned the nickname Pacific Edge, always fighting on the frontier.

Now far from the Pacific and into the Middle East, the 28th rolled into the former lands of Saudi Arabia, approaching from the West. Tiberium-infested lands, once home to just the deadly crystal, were interrupted by the shaking of tank treads.

Nearly 20,000 combat and support personnel, over a thousand combat vehicles, hundreds of tanks, over a hundred aircraft, a dozen of the powerful and massive Mastodon Mobile Walker, countless drones, and of course, Mobile Construction Vehicles.

Had this unit been plopped during Operation Desert Storm, it could have wrecked both GDI and Iraqi forces while still having the firepower to take over Kuwait.

This was why Major General Coen Chang was grateful that for once in recent times, they would not be fighting other humans.

No, their operations would be more….unusual.

Sitting in his command Mammoth Heavy Battle Tank, he simply watched from various data screens as information and data on his force poured in while listening to the latest intel reports from InOps.

"(Comms). The Latest Drone Scans show that the unknown anomaly is akin to the older Pinhole Portals used by GDI during our forays into portal technology but on a massive scale. Still, it's stable and should be safe for our ground forces to move in."

"Not sure if I want to move anyone into a portal to god knows where, Lumini," Coen mused. "Any idea where it leads and what's powering it?"

"(Comms) Unfortunately not General, I don't have that information" the InOps Artificial Intelligence reported. "However, Recon from Airforce assets do show that these creatures are struggling to move through the tiberium-infested zones and are dying. Likely, these unknowns are not prepared for operating in a Tiberium environment."

"Well, that's something we got going for us," Coen reviewed the data.

"(Comms) Recon shows 25,000 active entities, with the number constantly fluctuating as many die, enter the portal, or exit. They are organic, with no sign of any external armaments besides their mouths. Of course, one can say the same when the Scrin invaded but still, these creatures are much uglier than the Scrin."

"Figures," Images flashed on the various data screens. "Anything else?"

"(Comms) InOps has designated these creatures as Wanderers for the time being. Not the most suitable name but one they've decided for the time being. In addition, a data packet on all spotted lifeforms."

"Works with me. Lumine, status on all units."

"(Comms) the 71st Regiment and and Dragoons are in position, with the 5th Regiment andand 3rd Armour ready to follow in. However, 2nd Brigadge and our fire support elements need 5 more minutes to assemble at the rally point."

"Of course, of course," Coen felt the Mammoth slow to a stop, its hulking mass sliding to a halt. "And our ZOCOM friends?"

"(Comms) Masatdons at the ready, along with advance Zone Companies."

"Got it. Lumine, link me with all Regimental, Brigade, and ZOCOM commands."

"(Comms) Understood General. Linking you to all Actual elements."

The viewscreens in front of Coen winked and shifted, before showing the faces of the various commanders that he commanded.

"All Pacific Rim Command elements, report in."

"This is Opal Actual, 2nd Brigade is in the green," a Filipino Brigidar General clad in Zone armour appeared on screen.

"Clover Actual Reporting. Mammoths at your ready," A Japanese Colonel reported in.

"Mapuche Actual, Reporting," The view of a female colonel hailing from the former state Peru winked onscreen.

"Red Actual, Reporting in," an Alaskan colonel appeared, mostly in light GDI standard combat armour.

"Okanagan Actual Reporting in," an Asian-Cascadian-looking tank colonel showed up, also sitting in a Mammoth tank.

"Yulin Actual, reporting," another Asian, this time a Taiwanese commander appeared, noticeably clad in a normal officer's uniform.

"Griffin Actual, on standby. What's the word mate?" an Australian TIberium Mutant with a colonel's rank appeared, decked out in engineering power armour.

"Lion actual, ready for command," this time, the view screen only showed the GDI Icon. Mainly because Lion Actual was another AI named Leniadia.

"Black Eagle Actual, we are ready on the Tarmac," a Korean female officer clad in a pilot's uniform appeared on screen in the seat of an Orca.

"442nd Actual, we're ready," finally, another North American appeared on screen, face obscured by combat armour.

"Excellent. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Hafar Al-Batin, a former City of Saudi Arabia, 200 kilometres away from our objective, and our last staging point before we advance on the portal. As you can see, we have relatively friendly weather for what the edges of a Redzone."

Coen quickly tapped a tablet and one of the viewscreens shifted to a satellite map. "As most of you know, our objective is the anomaly located west of Al Jahra. This anomaly, according to InOps, is some sort of portal and we got unknowns ebbing in and out of it."

"InOps has ID 40,000 of these unknown life forms but presently only 25,000 of them are active as many are succumbing to Tiberium Exposure."

"You think they're still effective even after a week of Tiberium Exposure?" Black Eagle Actual questioned.

"No idea. Since they're dying in Tiberium, we can assume they aren't some Alien invincible swarm or some godly remnant that requires people with magic and shifting weapons to beat. Still, that's 25,000 unknown entities squatting in a Tiberium field shooting down our drones. Suffice it to say, the directors don't like that, the Protectorate is worried, and both want them gone. Thus, Highcommand has given full authorization to engage with necessary force."

"And, we've been blessed by every spirit deity that we have a nearly ideal tank hunting environment. Flat terrain, semi-clear skies, and, at the moment, full naval and air support."

Coen tapped the screen, the mapping screen switching back to a bird's eye view of Hafar Al Batin and the entire 28th.

"We're running a wide front approach. Anvil and Twin Hammer approach. Clover Actual, you and your regiment will advance cautiously and slowly toward the hostiles directly from the south. I want 2nd armour to provide infantry and light armour support. Engage the enemy at maximum range, focus on keeping them away from our troops and these things out of the Protectorate."

"Sir!" Clover Actual nodded.

"Okanagan Actual, take a detachment of Sandstorms, Swing around and approach from the East. You'll act as a screen against the enemy in case they go towards the sea."

"Aye, this shall be interesting." The Canadian nodded in agreement.

"I want the 3rd and 5th regiments to head NorthWest before hooking east, engage the enemy from above. Push the Wanderers into the Dragoons and 71st and box them in."

"Sir!" Both regimental officers nodded.

"I want ZOCOM and our engineering regiment on standby, ready to plug holes. And I want all fire support assets ready for saturation bombardments. Clear?"

"Sir!" Everyone nodded their assent.

"Good. Another thing," the holographic screen shifted to show footage taken from a GDI airborne drone. "InOps as ID this creature as the source of the laser fire."

"Uggh, that looks disgusting. Like someone tried to disguise a Visceroid with giant glasses," Griffins blanched.

"Kind of looks like Cho's mom."

"OI!" Yukon snapped. "My mother wears glasses better than you dance!"

Several other of the Regimental Commanders chuckled and Coen smiled. "As much as I spit shards at these things, InOps has identified these creatures specifically as the source of the Laser Fire. They've taken potshots are our drones so expect them to do the same to aircraft and missiles."

"As such, Black Eagle will hold back until we neutralize a majority of those things. These things are the highest priorities, take those out and we can bring in birds to mop up."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Be advised that we'll be the only ones approaching the anomaly on the ground but are not the only forces in this AO. Two Protectorate Divisions will be watching our backs down south, ZOCOM's 23rd Divisional Battlegroup will be pushing in from the North West out of Suez, and Space Force is working on repositioning the 55th Orbital Strike Division in case of emergencies. And we can expect additional divisions to arrive soon enough."

"So don't much this up or the Voiders and Crystal-Suckers get to take the credit. Copy that and we're clear sir," Red Actual smirked.

"Of course, making sure to prove our worth against our sister services is always a priority. HighCommand has also entrusted us with plentiful fire support assets. The Navy has 3 Battleships, a fleet carrier, a bunch of Cruisers, a couple dozen frigates, and plenty of ordnance on call. They'll saturate the area before we move in."

"The Airforce has also readied several squadrons of Auroras, Apollos, Centuries, NovaHawks, Harbingers, and additional Orcas. However, the pilots aren't in the mode to test shield and anti-laser measures so their birds are grounded. And finally, we have half a dozen Ion Cannons from Space Force on standby in case shit hits the fan."

"We could just glass the place with Ion Cannons and just roll over the enemy," Clover Actual Snorted.

"That's the sort of thing that makes sense. And we're not doing that because we're the military and making sense is against tradition," This caused all the commanders to snort or chuckle at the dark humour.

"Of course, the actual reasons are that various science departments want intact samples of these beasts, even if they have been torn about by Tiberium or Railguns," Lion added. "That and the Protectorate throws hissy fits whenever we fire Ion Cannons in this region."

"Of course, of course. Try to keep some of them intact just enough to dissect, but just know our own guns and the Navy is always ready to provide support and don't be afraid to call on them. They should be launching their strike just about……now."


In the Persian Gulf, an armada had been amassed akin to the fleet nearly a century ago. Like their ancestors before, the fleet consisted of warships of many classes. To the various Hydrofoil light attack craft with their missile Box Launchers and lasers for anti-air defence duties to the dozen Governor Class Cruisers that made the backbone of the fleet. And from the myriad of ancient Burke variant destroyer hulls that still dotted the fleet to the GDS Antares supercarrier designed and built to operate in a Scrin-saturated environment.

But the real stars of the show were GDI's three newest battleships of the Radion Class.

Each bearing 20 360mm Heavy Railguns in 5 quad-barrel turrets, half a dozen Hypersonic VLS silos, arrays of laser and missile defence systems, rapid-fire railguns point defences, energy shields, and their top-of-the-line Electronic Warfare suites.

As the GDS Kongo, GDS Lion, and GDS Victoria trained their main armaments at the Kuwaiti Coasts, they followed a pattern many ancient sailors would have found familiar in the last century.

But unlike the last time GDI forces massed around Kuwait, the battleships proved that they were no distraction. As their quadruple-barrelled turrets showed, they were the real punch.

As given a silent signal, the 60 heavy Railguns thundered in a steady orchestra, sending their masses of railgun projectiles streaking over the Horizon one barrel at a time.

As blue streaks radiated from the turrets of the battleships, VLS tubes in Frigates, Destroyers, and Cruisers began opening up their Vertical Launch Silos and targeting information from drones began being fed.

Soon enough, cruise missiles began popping upwards before rocketing away from the fleet. First in pairs, then by the dozens, missiles joined the dozens of railgun projectiles being hurried into Kuwait.

The creatures, simply known as the Beta in another world, had been preoccupied with investigating (and dying) this new land when the organisms began detecting the incoming projectiles.

The Beta followed a pattern that they had been accustomed to for the last few decades, their laser strains reorienting themselves before blue beams of light began lighting up the sky.

Soon, Cruise Missiles, a few Railgun projectiles, and the occasional UAV began being melted and downed by the dozens thanks to the laser strains.

The problem for the newcomers was that they had been impacted heavily by Tiberium exposure and interference, while their enemy was both used to the environment and was more than happy to expand plenty of ordnance.

A mere minute after the bombardment began, the first Railgun slugs slammed into their targets, cracking both bug and Tiberium crystals wherever the rounds landed. Craters formed, being the only signs of the creature's existence.

And as railgun rounds pulverized bug horde after bug horde, the first cruise missiles began landing. The first to arrive were various missile mounting not explosive warheads but Electronic Warfare modules. They loitered up ahead, spewing their invisible shield. There were still questions about their effectiveness but said missiles still provided to be excellent bait.

Next were plasma ordnance, their great geen explosions frying many bugs including many of the precious laser strains.

Cluster and Incidenary missiles followed, filling the horde with fire wherever one looked.

And then by the dozens, regular cruise missiles with conventional high explosive payloads began landing. With significant chunks of the enemy air defence ripped apart, chunks more of the horde.

Combined with the constant bombardment of railgun slugs and the result was plenty of carnage.

When the bombardment finally subsided after ten minutes and the fleet pulled back to refill VLS tubes and Round Rakes, half of the alien horde had been decimated and critical information had been gathered by neighbouring drones.

In another world, such an expenditure of ordnance would have consisted of the start of a multi-division assault and the rate of intercepted munitions would have been considered catastrophic and court-martial worthy.

For GDI though, such expenditures were business as usual.

And the worst was yet to come. As the creatures began trying to reorganize into a coherent force, an armoured fist was moving their way.


71st Heavy Tank Regiment, 28th Division, GDI Regular Forces
Near the Saudi-Kuwait Border

Two centuries ago, the idea of a multi-hundred-ton Super Tank would have been laughable. After all, why would anyone need a vehicle that was basically an armoured house?

The answer came in 5 global spanning wars, an Alien Invasion, a quasi-state/terrorist group with access to advanced technology, and decades of bloodshed meant that yes, a giant tank the size of the house was necessary.

The Mammoth Mark V was the latest generation of Mammoth tanks, an iterative upgrade over the older Mark III and Mark IVs, this generation of super heavy tanks could crush anything like the sand and rocks currently under its treads.

Still, even after a quarter of a century of development, being inside a tank like the Mammoth Mark V was like being in a cramped transport truck. Cramped, noisy, a little smelly, crappy entertainment, and a tad bit claustrophobic.

Though for Colonel Shano Kirobuyashi, in his command seat in the Mammoth Tank "In The Field", the vehicle felt much like a throne.

After all, he commanded more military might than even industrial armies before the Second World War. The Mammoth wasn't just some armoured vehicle, it was a symbol of GDI's power in the post-TCN era.

Wherever the tanks roll, GDI is there to stay and slay anyone in its way.

Such as the many bio-organic beings in it's way.

"(Comms) Clover Actual, this is Lumine. How are you feeling Taicho?"

"Well, on the one hand, we're about to fight a bunch of angry bug aliens from god knows where. On the other hand, I'm about to send them to meet Izanami. So good, very good Lumi."

The InOps AI chuckled. "(Comms) Very good Colonel. I will assist with communications and recon while you do your work. Speaking of work, the Navy has completed its preliminary bombardment of the area."


"(Comms) Give or take half the Wander's force. Not great but those lasers proved more effective than usual. They rival our LADATS and Nod Lasers. Navy will readjust for another strike."

"Nah, let them patch their rail barrels. What else?"

"(Comms) Well! The wanders seem to be disorganized but are heading away from the anomaly from navy drone footage. They are following the highway 70 away from the anomaly. In our direction."

"Time to contact?"

"(Comms) Less than a hundred kilometres away, forward elements moving at 35 kilometres fast and accelerating. ETA is around 30 minutes, expect it to be less."

Shano took a breath. "Ok, then we make our stand at the border. Connect me to Opal actual."

"(Comms) Understood, connecting you to Second Brigade Actual."

One of Shano's command screens fizzled and was replaced by the view of a Filipino General. "Aquino! You got InOp's latest report?"

"Oo naman, I know they are heading our way. You planning to make a stand now?"

"Hai! My tanks will position themselves outside the old border station. Was wondering if you could divert a battalion to plug the holes in my lines."

"Only if you lend me a company of Mammoths. I feel like I need a bit of beam support today."

"Ok, will send 4th Company to support. I'll have them boost your lines."

"Thank you, old friend, sending the 14th and 15th to support your lines now. Good hunting Clover."

"You too, ranger." The communications line disconnected and the screens all returned to a holographic view display.

"(Comms) Clover Actual, Lumine. Readjusting Wander timetable. Contact moving at 60 kilometres per hour, expected time of arrival in 20 minutes."

"Very well," Shano toggled his communication systems. "All Clover elements, this is Clover Actual. 5th Company, you are to divert from the column and support the 2nd in their fight against these beasts. Everyone else, move past the Salmi Border station to form two lines, space 25 metres between each tank, and stagger so everyone can fire."

Shano received a flurry of affirmations and replies back and soon, his holographic displays showed icons representing various units moving forward.

Outside, dozens of Mammoth tanks tumbled forward, bypassing the shattered remains of the former Saudi-Kuwaiti border, and thundered just passed the formerly recognized border.

Shano felt his tank roll to a halt, quickly tapping so some of his command screens switched to camera views of both the Field and vehicles of his company commanders.

In the distance, he could see a very distant sand cloud being kicked up. "Lumini, am I seeing the Wanders on my scope?"

"(Comms) Affirmative Colonel. Expect contact at 15 minutes. I will contact you if something else occurs. Lumini out"

Shano took a moment to calculate. Both himself and the enemy were devoid of any terrain advantages, being on flat terrain. He had range, they had speed. Shano, knowing his tanks couldn't outrun them on a good day, knew he had to keep the enemy at range, or at least delay them until they range of the Zone Troopers.

"Colonel, the forces General Aquino has promised have arrived," the Mammoth's Electronic Virtual Assistant Unit spoke up. "Shall I have them dispersed across the line?"
"Yes EVA, plug them into our lines. Disembark them into the second line, and keep the Armadillos with them as well. Their repeating Railguns will be useful."

"Understood, redirecting them now."

Mammoth tank crews patiently checked their systems for any issues, made sure autoloaders for the missile launchers worked and stared at the incoming hostile forces. All the while, Armadillo Infantry Armoured Vehicles pulled up to the second line and Zone Troopers began disembarking.

Shano watched as hundreds of Zone Troopers wielding everything from Heavy Anti-armour Railguns, Laser Sniper Rifles, and Rotary 50 Caliber machine guns dug in beside the tanks of the first line.

Shano now had the most firepower ever concentrated in the former state of Kuwait, and it was pointed all directly at the hostiles incoming.

"EVA, status report on the other regiments."

"The Cascadian Dragoons are snaking 65 Kilometres to our South. The 3rd and 5th Regiments are 72 kilometres to our Northwest, both are out of position and will not be able to engage for some time. However, the 626th is ready to call upon, the 2nd Brigade is ready to fight at your side, and the ZOCOM detachment is prepared to sally forth."

"Ok, ok. Can work with this," Shano took a breath and toggled his communication systems. "All Clover Elements, This is Clover Actual. The Wanderers are approaching our location and doing so at full force."

"We have been charged with taking the anomaly and Kuwait from them, and to do that, we will break them here and now. We will not retreat like GDI did a century ago, we will stand here and smash whether with our railguns or tracks."

"Make every shot count, cover the backs of your comrades, and make GDI proud. Show everyone that we, the 71st, will not back down from this fight."

"Tend to your stations, and be ready to engage when they come to range. Clover Actual out."

"Nice speech, sir."

"Thank you, Gunner. You have full permission to engage at your discretion after the first valley. Load SABOT and prepare to knock this first wave down."

"Hai, loading SABOT."

Even though he was sitting in a tank displacing hundreds of tons, Shano could feel a slight rumble foreign from his own tanks and vehicles.

He didn't need to know that the rumbling was from the 28th's Organic artillery units. The light Overseer Self Propelled Guns, Hwacha rocket projectors, and Juggernaut heavy artillery batteries begin a preparatory bombardment of their own.

From his scope, he could see blue beams of light flash upwards, intercepting munitions left and right. Credit where credit was due, these creatures had gun Point Defence.

"Target Range: 10 kilometres." the EVA unit spoke.

"All Clover elements, fire on my mark."

"Target Range, 8 kilometres."

He could truly see them now, or at least some of them, on the views of various UAVs. Shano could spot the creatures in the front. Beasts like elephants with a green shell or hide akin to a flower or a clam shell. Or not. But it had the look of being extremely armoured.

"Target Range: 6 Kilometres."

He could begin picking out the first ones on his tank's scopes. They were like a rampaging horde of bulls, stretching out over the width of a kilometre. Explosions erupted in their midst, artillery shells and rockets exploding on and in the horde.

"Target Range: 5 Kilometres-"

"All Clover elements, fire!"

Like some ancient line formations in centuries past, every Mammoth tank in the battlelines fired. Most were armed with a pair of railgun rounds shells left a blue streak in the air. Others were equipped with a direct fire Particle Beam Cannon that lashed out like an angry laser. Some had specially made plasma cannons lobbed blue polts of pure plasma moving at subsonic speeds at the horde.

A mere second passed, and Shano felt hours move by.

And then the wall of fire crashed into the creatures and there was nothing but carnage.

Railgun slugs effortlessly punched right through the beasts' forward hides, many over-penetrating and cutting into the beasts behind them.

The Particle Beams burned right through one of the beasts, cutting into the next, and the next. These beams continued for several long seconds as the tanks that fired them turned their turrets and cut through the horde like a lightsaber through metal.

And the plasma bolts simply vaporized many of the beasts where they ran, melting their faces off even as they tumbled and flipped to the ground.

6 seconds passed before the last of the particle beams snapped off and Shano could see that the vanguard had been broken. Dozens of the beasts dead or dying in that instance, and hundreds more dead behind them.

No time to lose though. Shano could see more of those fat elephants clambering over their dead counterparts and running toward his line, including hundreds of smaller creatures.

He felt In the Field's autoloader ramming the next pair of railgun shells into the breaches of the railguns.


The tanks fired again, railguns streaked outwards, plasma bolts raced forward, Ion Lances raked the lines, Thunderbolt missiles erupted from rocket pods and the orchestra of death marked the death of another line of creatures.

And marked the start of GDI's intervention in the BETA War.

So, some time ago, I began playing C&C Tiberium War and was reading a certain Plan Quest on a post-Tiberium War 3 scenario. Subsequently, I got bored and began reading a certain MuvLuv/Supreme Commander story a while ago and then the idea fairy got me typing.

Thus, this is the result of a few weeks of typing, researching real-world orders of battle, reading wikis, and playing games. I probably didn't need to spend an entire day reading up on divisional orders of battles but here we are. Anyways, enjoy. This is my first fanfic upload in the year.

Author's Note: This alternate universe of C&C Tiberium Universe after Tiberium Wars is not based on the "canon" Tiberium Twilight Games. Rather, this universe is based on the Quest: "Attempting to Fulfill the Plan: GDI Edition" by Ithillid on Sufficient Velocity. Long story short, you (and the audience) follow the POV of the GDI Director of the Treasury and try to salvage the situation after the Third Tiberium War. Suffice it to say, I dislike how EA ruined this beloved franchise and I am glad to find a timeline that has only finished last year. I would recommend for any C&C fans to check out his quest as that's what go me inspired to write this fanfic, but I would also recommend reading it first to get a geist of the background and some of the tech (like new AIs). This version of GDI incorporates elements form both the Tiberium and Red Alert universes.
28th Armoured Rangers - Order of Battle New
InOps Report - 28th Armoured Rangers: Division Order of Battle

The Armoured Rangers were developed in the Post-Regency War era, partially as a means for GDI's Regular Forces to conduct combat operations in Redzones better and as a means to continue working on international cooperation amongst the many displaced Nationalities of the Pacific Rim. Since its formation in the 2060s, the 28th Armour Rangers nicknamed the Pacific Rim, has found itself in most of GDI's major conflicts long and around the Pacific Oceans.

Like most GDI formations, the 28th is larger than most pre-unification national military divisions with over 18,000 combat, vehicle crew, and support personnel, not including attached drones, AI, and other personnel from other combat branches. Most of its units can trace their lineage to national military formations from across the Pacific Rim but even these units have members from far from their original homelands.

The units of the 28th include the following formations (note, personnel like crews for vehicles, doctors, and logistical personnel aren't counted. That also goes to a wide variety of support vehicles like trucks, hover medivacs, and munition haulers):

2nd Mechanized Armour Brigade (Philippines) - Descended of the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Philippine Army, the 2nd Mechanized Armour Brigade comprised a powered armoured and mechanized infantry force with adjacent tanks. A powerful punch for and shield for any GDI Offensive, and each Battalion
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 11th Mechanized Zone Infantry Battalion (400x Zone Troopers, 40x Armadillo IAVs)
  • 12th Mechanized Zone Infantry Battalion (400x Zone Troopers, 40x Armadillo IAVs)
  • 13th Mechanized Zone Infantry Battalion (400x Zone Troopers, 40x Armadillo IAVs)
  • 14th Mechanized Zone Infantry Battalion (400x Zone Troopers, 40x Armadillo IAVs)
  • 15th Mechanized Zone Infantry Battalion (400x Zone Troopers, 40x Amadillo IAVs)
  • 1st Force Recon Battalion (360x Assualt Troopers, 64x Zone Troopers, 24x snipers, 30x Armadillo IAVs, 8 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles)
  • 1st Armour Battalion (64 MBT-7 Paladins)
  • Logistics and Maintenance Battalion

71st Heavy Tank Regiment (Japan) - A Japanese Tank Regiment formerly of the Japanese Defence Forces, the 71st has been reformed into a heavy tank with the Mammoth Mark V Heavy Tanks. The spearhead of any heavy assault, the Tanks will shred anything smaller in their path.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 1st Heavy Tank Company (18x Railgun Mammoth HBTs)
  • 2nd Heavy Tank Company (18x Railgun Mammoth HBTs)
  • 3rd Heavy Tank Company (18x Ion-Cannon Mammoth HBTs)
  • 4th Heavy Tank Company (18x Ion-Cannon Mammoth HBTs)
  • 5th Heavy Tank Company (18x Plasma-Cannon Mammoth HBTs)
  • 1st Recon Company (24 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 4x Guardian II APCs, 24x snipers)
  • Logistics and Maintenance Company

3rd Armoured Calvary Regiment (Chile) - A unit hailing from the former state of Chili, the 3rd Armoured Calvary, while equipped and organized in the manner of most GDI regiments, is something of a mountain combat expert and as such, has more specialized equipment to handling combat in higher terrains.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 1st Mechanized Zone Infantry Company (90 Zonetroopers, 15 Armadillo IAVs)
  • 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 1st Assualt Tank Company (18x MBT-7 Paladins)
  • 1st Mobile Artillery Company (18x Overseer Wheeled SPGs)
  • 2nd Recon Company (24x Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 4x Guardian II APCs, 24x snipers)
  • Logistics and Maintenance Company

5th Infantry Regiment (United States) - The former 5th Infantry Regiment of the United States Army before it and its sister branches were absorbed into GDI as a whole, the 5th retains many traditions from its nation of origin. It's a mostly Mechanized Infantry force with armour support but it's also considered a fairly balanced formation.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 3rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 4th Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 5th Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 2nd Assualt Tank Company (18x MBT-7 Paladins)
  • 2nd Mobile Artillery Company (18x Overseer Wheeled SPGs)
  • 3rd Recon Company (24 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 4x Guardian II APCs, 24x snipers)
  • Logistics and Maintenance Company

Cascadian Dragoons (Canada) - Descended from several Canadian regiments but primarily the British Columbia Dragoons, the Cascadian Dragoons are an assault armoured regiment centred around three companies of the MBT-7 Paladins and a company of Mammoth Tanks.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 6th Mechanized Infantry Battalion (720 Assualt Troopers, 60 Guardian II APCs)
  • 2nd Armour Battalion (64 MBT-7 Paladins)
  • 3rd Armour Battalion (64 MBT-7 Paladins)
  • 6th Heavy Tank Company (18x Railgun Mammoth HBTs)
  • 4th Recon Company (24 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 4x Guardian II APCs, 24x snipers)
  • 3rd Mobile Artillery Company (18x Overseer Wheeled SPGs)
  • Logistics and Maintenace Company

626th Firesupport Brigade (Taiwan) - Broken off from the former Taiwanese 58th Artillery Command after the ROC Army's absorption into GDI, the 626th Firesupport Brigade (reformed from the 58th Artillery Group) is a hybrid Artillery and Anti-defence force and the largest formation in the 28th Division in terms of actual formations. It's the 28th's primary guard against missiles and airstrikes, while also providing heavier fire support elements.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • Target Acquisition Battery (12x Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 6x Guardian II APCs)
  • 1st Heavy Artillery Company (16x Juggernaut MK III)
  • 2nd Heavy Artillery Company (16x Juggernaut MK III)
  • 3rd Heavy Artillery Company (16x Juggernaut MK III)
  • 4th Heavy Artillery Company (16x Juggernaut MK III)
  • 5th Heavy Artillery Company (16x Juggernaut MK III)
  • 1st Rocket Artillery Company (16x Hwacha Rocket Projectors)
  • 2nd Rocket Artillery Company (16x Hwacha Rocket Projectors)
  • 3rd Rocket Artillery Company (16x Hwacha Rocket Projectors)
  • 1st Mobile AA Company (16x Sandstorm MRLS)
  • 2nd Mobile AA Company (16x Sandstorm MRLS)
  • 3rd Mobille AA Company (16x LADATS SPAAGS)
  • 4th Mobile AA Company (16x LADATS SPAAGS)
  • Munitions and Logistics Battalion
  • Maintenance and Logistics Battalion

3rd Combat Engineering Regiment (Australia) - While technically the 3rd Combat Engineering Regiment is the same continuation from the Australian army, the 3rd is significantly larger than a normal regiment with duties not seen in the national military. Not only do these engineers conduct combat pioneer operations, but these engineers are vital in establishing forward bases, factories, Tiberium Refineries, and defences.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • Mobile Construction Battalion (4x MCVs, 24x Cargo Armadillos)
  • 1st Combat Engineering Battalion (8x Mobile Repair Guardian II APC variants, 2x Surveyors, 24x Guardian II APCs)
  • 2nd Combat Engineering Battalion (8x Mobile Repair Guardian II APC variants, 2x Surveyors, 24x Guardian II APCs)
  • 3rd Combat Engineering Battalion (8x Mobile Repair Guardian II APC variants, 2x Surveyors, 24x Guardian II APCs)
  • Combat Abatement Battalion (12x Shatterzone II Vehicles, 12 Purifer Sonic Artillery Units).
  • Tiberium Harvesting Battalion (4x Mobile Refineries, 16x Railgun Harvestors, 16x Tendril Harvestors, 24x Guardian II APCs)
  • 5th Recon Company (24 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles, 4x Guardian II APCs, 24x snipers)
  • Maintenance and Logistics Battalion

14th Robotic Command Regiment (Mexican) - Descended from a former armoured unit from the Loyalist Mexican Army after the Second Tiberium War, the 14th Armour Regiment has been reworked into a mostly UGV and Robot force during GDI's adoption of more unmanned Platforms. While technically a full regiment, it's most commonly broken up and it's united attached to other companies and Battalions. This also the only formation commanded by an AI.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • 1st Robotics Assualt Battalion (32x Hunter Killer Platforms, 96x Guardian Drones)
  • 1st Light Robotics Support Battalion (48x Guardian Drones, 48x Sentry Drones)
  • 2nd Light Robotics Support Battalion (48x Guardian Drones, 48x Sentry Drones)
  • 1st Robotics Combat Engineering Battalion (24x Recon UGVs, 24x Mole Minelayers, 36x Heavy Repair Drones)
  • 1st UAV Battalion (48x Hawk UCAVs, 48x Recon UAVs, 24x Hunter Killer UAVs).
  • Logistics and Support Battalion

111th Combat Aviation Regiment (Korean) - Descended from the myriad of Combat Attack helicopter squadrons of the Korean armies, the 111th Regiment is GDI Airforce's attached wing of aircraft to the 28th. Meant to assist in providing UAV and Close Airsupport, it's modest for this division and the 28th will usually cooperate with full GDI Airforce formations when operating in tandem.
  • Wing Headquarters and Air Control
  • 901st Aviation Squadron (24x A-18 Orca Gunships)
  • 902nd Aviation Squadron (24x A-18 Orca Gunships)
  • 903rd Aviation Squadron (24x A-18 Orca Gunships)
  • 205th Gunship Squadron (24x A-22G Forge Gunships)
  • 301st Aviation Transport Squadron (24x V-35E Ox Transports)
  • 302nd Aviation Transport Squadron (24x V-35E Ox Transports)
  • Electronic Warfare and Airborne Control Flight (4x V-35P AWACs and EW platform)
  • Maintenance and Logistics Wing

28th Divisional HQ and Support Command (GDI) - The division HQ of the 28th Division. It comprises the 28th's central HQ section and various support elements.
  • Division HQ and HQ Company
  • Heavy Maintenance Battalion
  • Heavy Logistics Battalion
  • Secondary Engineering Battalion
  • Construction and Logistics Battalion
  • Medical Battalion
  • Intelligence Operations Battalion
  • Combat Signal and Orbital Relay Battalion
  • Military Police Battalion
  • Artificial Intelligence Unit
  • Replenishment and Distribution Battalion
  • 28th Division Band

442nd ZOCOM Assualt Detachment (ZOCOM) - Recently attached to the 28th Division is the 442nd ZOCOM. Like the 28th Divisional HQ, the battalion-sized unit has no proper national military lineage (though it shares a numbering designation with a certain US Army regiment). Experienced fighters in Red Zone Operations and familiar with containment operations, the 442nd also serves as a heavy vehicle battalion with its company of Mastadon Walkers.
  • HQ and HQ Company
  • Mastadon Heavy Walker Company (12x Mastadons Heavy Support Walkers)
  • Zone Raider Company (100 Zone Raiders, 20x Armadillo IAVs)
  • Zone Lancer Company (100 Zone Lancer, 20x Armadillo IAVs)
  • Zone Defender Company (100 Zone Defenders, 20x Armadillo IAVs)
  • Redzone Light Armour Company (12x Zoneshatters, 12x Pacifier SPGs)
  • Recon Company (24 Bulldog II Recon Vehicles)
  • Logistics and Support Company

I spent way too much time on this but here's the order of battle.
Awesome intro.
Looking forward to more.
Can't wait to see the Luv's reaction when they see Tiberium history and realize in a way, they had it easy.
At least they still have places on Earth where they can breath normally.

Wonder how far will Yuuko be able to accelerate her project once she has access to CC computers.

Wonder how the Luv UN will react at seeing a UN that was forced to take control of the world cause the nations fell and wonder if that will have to be their end goal to stop the BETA.

Just realized one possible trade deal Luv Earth can make with CC Earth is that Luv might have seeds of long dead CC plants, hell maybe even animals; that could be reintroduced to CC Earth.
Dead in Their Tracks New
Cascadian Dragoons, East of the Border Post
Kuwait, 2088

"Commander, Clover and Opal elements have engaged the wanderers. Lines are holding and hostiles falling at a rapid rate." the EVA unit spokes.

"Hostile Casualties?"

"300 entities and rising. Mostly larger ones"

"Hmmmmmm," Veda "Ripping" Walters scratched his chin from the seat of his own Mammoth Mark V, High Hiker, as it and its counterparts rolled forward. It was just the normal Railgun variant but it still packed a punch and the munitions it carried were still extremely versatile.

"Alright then, let's see if we can draw these things away from Clover and Opal," Veda tapped his command console. "All Okanagan Elements, this is Okanagan Actual, listen up. I want our Sandstorm MRLS to move up ahead and launch an opening salvo, see if we can get them to react."

"I want Alpha Company of the 2nd Armour to follow them in. If the Sandstorms attract their attention, cover them and fall back steadily until Waypoint Zeka. If not, engage are your discretion."

"Everyone else, we will establish a combat line at Grids 29.05 by 47.12 and 29.03 and 47.16, designated Waypoint Zeka. We will wait until we get these thing's attention before moving to engage."

"(Comms) Wilco/Copy that/Heard your last/Yes sir!" a flurry of replies acknowledging the order came back.

"Longarm, I want you positioned behind the line. Get our guns supporting the fight. And I want Creeper to sally out to call in strikes from fleet with Alpha and Typhoon."

"(Comms) Understood/Acknowledged," the artillery and recon detachment of the dragoons reported.

"Alright people, let's get to work. Okanagan Actual out,"

He felt the ground churning underneath the treads of High Hiker, crushed under hundreds of tons of armour, guns, missiles, and micro-fusion reactors. He was seated on a fairly comfortable command couch with hundreds of thousands of credits worth of electronic computing power.

He tapped his console, bringing up a strategic map of the entire battlezone, allowing him to see every allied and GDI unit in and around Kuwait. From the engaged 71st and 2nd Mechanized armour to the fleet offshore.

A combination of drone, camera, satellite observation, and AI-generated information painted the map of present and believed locations of hostile forces. He could see the massive wave of red trying to push against units highlighted in blue, causality estimates from friendly ordnance, and the location of the other formation.

And he noted several blue Icons coming from the East, which were his MRLS, Recon elements, and Tanks he sent forward. Taking a moment, Veda tapped into the company's communication channels.

"(Comms) This is Typhoon 16. We're moving into guided missile range. You with us Alpha 6?"

"(Comms) This is Alpha 6. We're trailing you by 400 metres. Push up ahead of us. We'll catch up."

"(Comms) Understood. We'll advance a dozen more klicks before firing. Get ready, we'll see how much we poke the Mastermind."

"(Comms) Copy that. Which part of the swarm are you planning to hit?"

"(Comms) Gonna see if I can Grid-smash the rear. Take out those mobile laser bugs in the process."

"(Comms) Wilco. Creeper. Can you get on the horn with Longarm?"

"(Comms) On it, Alpha 6."

Veda shifted back a regimental overview, watching the icon and holographic models roll over sand and dust.

"Commander, I have relayed a message from the Pacific Rim Actual. The Fleet is ready to recommence railgun bombardment. GDS Kongo is on station to support." the EVA unit spoke.

Veda nodded. "Have them hold fire for now but tie them into Creeper's link. Want to feed these wanderers some 152mm shells first. Hold fire until ready."

"Acknowledge Colonel. Update, over one thousand five hundred wanderer entities neutralized"

"Clover's going to have way too much fun. Typhoon 16, this is Okanagan Actual. When can you fire off?"

"(Comms) Okanagan Actual, this is Typhoon 16. We'll be within effective range in 4 mikes."

"Try to expedite that Typhoon. Clover and Opal are going to murder everything soon."

"(Comms) Acknowledged that Okanagan Actual. Give us one more mike, pushing our engines to the max."

Veda turned back his holographic display and swapped to a divisional overview. Finally, he could see the Wanderers having managed to inch past the wall of fire coming from the Mammoths and Juggernauts further back, only for the smaller formers to be hacked down at the two-kilometre range by Armadillo 30mm Railgun fire and the 120mm Railguns of the smaller Paladins tanks.

Now it was seeing if with the Zone Troopers, the Wanderers would be halted before the lines ran out of ammo.

"All Elements, change of plans. Reorganize at the line but drop all plans for defensive maneuvers. We're going provide the hammer for Clover."

"(Comms) We're not digging in, sir?" One of the infantry commanders asked.

"Negative we're not. Saddle up, let the tanks lead."

"(Comms) Understood/Wilco/Copy that/Heard you sure."

Veda toggled back to one of the company comm lines.

"(Comms) Alpha 16, this is Typhoon 16. We're in range."

"(Comms) Understood, we're trailing behind. Clear to fire, we got you covered."

"(Comms) Wilco. Preparing for Grid Suppressing Fire."

"(Comms) Creeper, this is Longarm. We're ready to provide fire support."

"(Comms) Understood, standby for fire mission. Wait one."


"(Comms) Longarm, this is Creeper. Fire Mission, Coordinate November two niner one seven, Hotel four seven two two. 18 guns, 90 Rounds, HE, ECM."

"(Comms) Creeper, Longarm. Confirm fire mission. November two niner one seven, Hotel four seven two two. 18 guns, 90 Rounds, HE, ECM. Firing for effect."

Veda didn't need to know that his Overseer Self-Propelled Guns, old 152mm cannons fitted onto Gaurdian APCs, were already firing. His organic artillery firing round after round into the alien horde.

The screen shifted to the camera view of one of the Sandstorm MRLS, the successor to the Hover MRLS of the second Tiberium War.

"Typhoon 16, this is Okanagan Actual. Clear to fire when in range."

Sandstorms slowed to a crawl, their repulsors keeping them aloft over the ground.

"(Comms) Copy that Actual. This is Sandstorm, firing!"

From the 16 Sandstorms's twin missile pods, the exhaust of dozens of Thunderbolt III missiles promptly rocketed outwards, exhaust trails rapidly dissipating as missiles rocketed forward.

Veda mindlessly listened as Typhoon ordered every to pull back, swapping to the camera of one of the missiles. He was greeted with a point of view of sandy and rocky terrain roaring past the camera.

Uphead, he could pick out the faint dots of the Wanderers, blue lasers flashing upwards trying to intercept the incoming artillery barrage from both Juggernauts and Overseers, and the occasional Particle Beam and Railgun trails lighting up the sky.

Veda simply waited, waiting as he could finally pick out the larger wanderer beasts from the Camera, as laser fire seemed to intensify. As-

The Camera suddenly pitched upwards before levelling out and accelerated over the horde before pitching downwards towards one of the creatures.

And Veda was given a brief sight of a Laser Class before the Camera winked out.

Across the rear of the Beta horde, explosion rippled across as Thunderbolt missiles, guided by both drone and AI, prioritized and found targets in the laser class. In a few short seconds, the number of laser class were cut by 98%.

"(Comms) Confirm hits on target!"

"(Comms) We're seeing less laser fire. I think you got most of those lasers"

"Typhoon, this is Okanagan Actual. Did you draw anything from the horde?"

"(Comms) That's a negative Actual. Looks like they're still streaming towards Clover."

"Copy, stand by."

Veda toggled to the fire support channel. "Kongo, this is Okanagan Actual. Requesting Fire Mission. Railgun slugs, rear of the Pack. Hostile anti-air has been degraded to combat ineffective."

"(comms) Hai! Battleship Kongo has received fire mission. Salvo Fire commencing!"

"Understood Kongo, fire for effect." Veda once again shifted comm channels. "Typhoon. Get back behind us and rearm. All other Okanagan Element, form into battleine and prepare to advance."

Veda heard all the verbal confirmations from his subordinates, watching the holographic screen as he noted the blue icons representing Typhoon's Sandstorms pulling back.

"(Comms) All units, all units. This is Pacific Rim Actual. Enemy AA fire is no factor. The skies are clear. You have full artillery and air support, Black Eagle is moving to engage. Call upon them for support."

Veda had to sigh a breath of relief. "Air Cover? This party just got a bit livery now!"


Black Eagle Airwing
Skies above Saudi Arabia.

The humble Orca Gunship was as much a symbol as much as a weapon. A symbol that GDI would and always be able to contest the skies.

The A-18 Orca wasn't exactly revolutionary nor an airborne monster. Mostly a platform that integrated the newest in airborne powerplants, repulsor engines, railguns and laser weapons, shields, and electronics. On any other front, it would have just been a humble cog in GDI's War Machine.

Right now though? Black Eagle Actual, Colonel Ona "Yedo" Yo-Jing, might as well be flying a monster in the skies.

"All Black Eagle Elements, this is Black Eagle Actual. Report in status."

"(Comms) Stork Lead, we're all good here."

"(Comms) Osprey Lead, we are ready."

"(Comms) Shrike Lead, Standing by."

"(Comms) Drongo Lead, squadron standing by."

"(Comms) AWACs Soyha. Ready to support."

"All Black Eagle Elements, this is Actual. You all know the drill. Ground Pounders are fighting for their lives down there and need a bit of help from the skies. Typhoon did us a favour by taking most of the Anti-air. Let's return the favour," Ona stated, flicking console switches and priming everything to combat capacity.

"Shrike. You have the Wanderer's eastern flank and cover the Dragoons. Shrikes, fly along the west and saturate anything left of their AA. Drongo, gain altitude, orbit, and be ready to pummel their frontlines. Soyha, keep us posted. Stork, follow me in. Clover and Opal need her help. Clear?"

"(Comms) Understood ma'am," Drongo Lead replied, followed by all the remaining squadron leaders.

"All Black Eagle Elements, Break and Engage. Get's knock them down."

In the skies, 73 Orca gunships broke off into three separate squadrons, their engines pushing them faster than the top speeds of most helicopters.

Ona eased up on the stick, the corner of her HUD listing off requests for close air support. One stuck out as a priority.

"(Comms) This is Tailpipe 3 to any CAS Elements. We are engaged on the entire line. Engaged with 2,000 plus foot mobiles plus 2 heavy walkers. Requesting CAS, over." It was a radio broadcast from a fire support combat controller attached to the 71st, embedded with the tanks.

"(Comms) Should we go after that request Actual?" Stork lead asked.

"Of course we are. All Stork elements, we're going for a frontline Saturation," Ona tapped her screen, accepting one of the requests.

"(Comms) Affirmative ma'am. Your word."

"Tailpipe 3, this is Black Eagle Actual. Squadron of 25 Orca's coming from heading 164. Laden with Hive and Daggers. Lase targets of priority and we'll hit them."

"(Comms) Understood Black Eagle Actual. Targets have been designated. Northeast of phase line Zeta. Try to bring down the big walker one first before it hits our lines."

"Wilco Tailpipe 3. We have targeting information. Time on target, 30 seconds," Ona replied, scanning through the network's data and noticing two giant walker-like bugs. Almost like ZOCOM's Mastadons but bigger, lacking guns, and having a nasty stinger tail.

"(Comms) Understood. Watch your tails though, fleet and cannon lockers are engaged and shells are falling."

"Stork 5, 6, 7, 8. Form up with me and arm your Daggers and railguns. Everyone else, pick your targets from Tailpipe 3's targeting data."

Ona wordlessly cycled out the replies from her temporary flight mates and wordlessly cycled through target data.

She ignored as the other 20 Orcas broke off from her own flight as they prepared to run their own attack courses.

She pulled up on the stick and gained some altitude as she and her flight flew over the lines of Juggernaut Walkers and they kept flinging round after round after into the sky.

She watched as the giant multi-legged towering bugs came into view, standing hundreds of metres behind the vanguard of the Wanderers and kilometres away from the 71st's line.

She watched her Orca's targeting computer achieved a missile lock-

"(Comms) Stork 6, I have a lock."


From the five Orcas came a ripple of Dagger ATGM missiles from underslung Pylons. Dashing outwards, two dozen missiles raced toward the giant leviathan walkers.

The largest of the Wanderers, known as the Fort class in another world, should have been immune to most forms of conventional artillery. Tough, hardy, and capable of carrying other combat forms into battle.

When nearly a dozen Dagger Anti-Tank Guided Missiles crashed into the forts, a dozen a piece, they proved less immune than usual.

The Dagger had been the designated replacement for the Sidearm air-to-ground missile. Designed to puncture the hull of Scrin Warships or Nod Purifier Mechs while being light enough to carry on Orcas.

The missiles all successfully slammed into the Forts, Plasma Warheads effortlessly puncturing their way into bio-organic armour and liquefying their internal systems.

As Ona and her flight flew over the lines of the 71st, the Forts were already toppling downwards and dead as swatted mosquitoes.

"(Comms) Good kills Black Eagle Actual. Both walkers down."

"Keep your heads down Tailpipe 3. We just got started," Ona replied as she pulled back on the stick, gaining a bit of height, and then flipping her bird.

Across the line, hundreds of rockets and missiles streaked in and impacted wanderers left and right. Already depleted of their heavier Destroyer class (or fat elephants as Shano called them) and being gouged out by railgun fire, Wanderer lined practically collapsed as their smaller strains became easy pickings.

"(comms) Black Eagle Actual, this is Tailpipe 3. Good hits on targets, both heavy walker types and 500+ footmobiles KIA," the on-ground combat controller reported as Ona brought her Orca back over the lines of the 71st.

"We're done just yet," Ona unslung the Railgun-Laser turret and her HUD switched to the camera view of her chin-mounted weapons.

"Guns guns guns," the underslung chin railgun spat out 40mm slugs into the unprotected smaller Wanderer forms as Ona pulled the trigger.

Slugs began cutting into lifeforms left and right, her eyes tracking targets and death rained down on them.

Her fire was added by the four other Orcas that followed her in, rapid bursts of railguns tearing left and right into the broken horde.

Across the horde, explosions and beams ripped through the line as the division worth of Wanderers were pummeled from air, sea, and land. Long-range railgun howitzers, juggernaut artillery shots, mammoth-fired missiles, and the occasional laser bad particle beam line.

Death and destruction weaved through the area in front of Ona as held down the trigger, the coaxial Blue Pulse laser burning away targets.

By the time she let her finger off the trigger, neither Ona nor her onboard EVA could identify any moving beast.

Everything seemed to fall still, besides the occasional artillery shell or rocket.

"(Comms) All units, all units. This is Pacific Rim Actual. Cease fire, cease fire. All hostile units were destroyed. Rearm and resupply if you need to."

"All Black Eagle Elements, all Black Eagle Elements. Disengage," Ona glanced at the display showing approximate combat readiness. "RTB if you have expended all pylons. Everyone else, form up on me."

"(Comms) That's it? We didn't even get into position yet!"

Ona smirked. "You'll get your chance to smash Drongo. Have your gunships remain on station just in case."

The Korean pilot switched off her HUD and surveyed the battlefield in front of her, drifting her Orca over the carnage.

Nothing, just craters, leaking fluids, and the Carcasses of 12,000 dead creatures


Pacific Rim Actual's Mammoth, Saudi Arabia

Coen watched as the camera moved up the now-plastered highway leading into Kuwait.

Everything was dead. A one-sided slaughter.

A slaughter that GDI came out of untouched and with two undeployed regiments.

"That…. that's almost like the Highway of hell."

"Ironic isn't it? The last time GDI was here, we smashed the highway north of here. We did it again here. Only against aliens," Coen replied to the InOps AI.

"Anyways. That's one thing done. Lion. Have your bots move into the target zone. Ensure nothing in there is alive besides your own. Griffin, get your people in there and help Lion out. Tag any samples that are intact enough for use."

"(Comms) got it sir, bots are mobile."

"(Comms) Boss you want me to go into the slaughterhouse to do what now?"

"Tag and clear Griffin. Help Lion ensure everything dead in there stays dead and see if there's anything for the scientists to poke at."

"(Comms) Uh copy that Boss, but we're engineers, not biologists or xenologists. How the hell am I supposed to know something is scientifically interesting?"

"I'm some divisional doctors your way. They'll see if anything is worth poking at. Cover them as they do their work."

"(Comms) Copy, moving in."

"All Opal, Clover, and Dragoon elements take this chance to top up on ordnance and fuel. One horde down doesn't mean they're gonna stay away."

"Mapuche, Red, your units have yet to be engaged. Move to waypoint Granby, dig in, and stand on overwatch."

"(Comms) Understood/Wilco," the Twin reply from the pair of mechanized regimental commanders responded.

"Lion, send an MCV with a light escort to Waypoint Granby. Let's get a base up and running-"

"Alarm, Alarm! General we have new visitors exiting the portal!"

Reacting to Lumini's cries and snapping off the camera view, Coen tapped and the screen shifted to a new drone view of the portal.

The portal could have been described as a giant floating swirling whirlpool. A swirling mass of energy with seemingly no power source. And now hundreds of creatures were pouring out in force.

It was a new swarm pouring out of the portal, more of the fat elephants, more of those creatures with giant mouths and faces, more scorpions, more of……everything. Coming out by the hundreds in an unending tide.

The drone feed cut off as the disposable Recon UAV was shot out of the sky by a laser.

"Another wave. Red, Mapuche, Lion, belay previous orders. Move to waypoint Friction instead and dig in. We're moving onto the next round."

"General, the Air Force reports it has several squadrons on standby. 3 squadrons of Aurora Strike Bombers, 3 Squadrons, 2 Squadrons of Nova-Hawks, and a squadron of Laser Apollos. Shall I have them prepare to launch a saturation strike?"

Coen paused, musing for a second, and pulled up data from the network, especially on the estimates of laser strength.

"General?" Lumini asked.

"Hold them off for the time being. Get Space Force on the line, and ask them if they want to test their Ion cannons on these things."

InOps Report……GDI's Navy

Unlike the other branches of GDI's Armed Forces, GDI's Navy never really had a proper predecessor. GDI mostly relied on using the marine assets of other nations like the United States, the European Alliance, and the Pacific Front for heavier assets, not operating vessels larger than gunboats, assault ships, Landing Pad Docks, and the occasional destroyers.

The navy mostly came together during the collapse of the nation-states of Earth before and during the Second Tiberium War, cobbling together the leaderless national naval forces with the still mostly littoral marine forces of GDI. Still, thanks to controlling most of Earth's remaining decent shipbuilding infrastructure and natural harbour, GDI effectively ruled the ways after the Second Tiberium War.

The Navy would contribute heavily in the Third Tiberium War, especially in the early stages of the conflict where its carriers and warships provided necessary launching platforms for various operations. That being said, its role is often overshadowed by that of the Ground Forces and Air Force, with the navy's capital ship fleet slashed by losses both from fighting NOD and Scrin.

Still, like all branches of GDI's military, the Navy received and continues to receive major improvements and augmentations in light of the Scrin Invasion and subsequent post-war environment. Among them is the mass deployment of new light hydrofoil patrol vessels to better guard the coasts of Blue Zones in the tumultuous early years of the 2050s. Subsequent developments include the mass production of the Governer Class Cruiser, mass implementation of laser and shield tech, expansion of hulls in the water, and increased usage of technological advancements to increase efficiency and reduce crew size.

Nowadays, GDI's navy is virtually unmatched. While certain NOD factions do maintain their formidable maritime forces, none can match the quality and quantity of the modern Eagle's Blue Water Force. Totalling over a thousand proper war and support ships and many more light hulls, the Navy seeks to be one of Earth's Last lines of defence against either an NOD or Scrin attack.

Much of GDI's proper striking power comes in the former of its carriers and battleships. Specifically the Spirit Class of Fleet Carriers and Radion Class of Battleships. The former dwarf's previous vessels like the GDS Pathe and GDS London, are closer in line with actual military bases than carriers. Spirit classes can field entire regiments and wings of strike craft while doubling as major command posts and anti-air fields.

By contrast, the Radion class battleships (succeeding the Summit class) were built to go toe to toe with both Scrin and Nod forces. Most variants are armed with 20 heavy railguns and hyperonic missiles, both of which can target both air and surface targets (though the next iteration of the Radion will see 8 of those cannons removed for Ion Beam Cannons). Many of these battleships can use their turreted weapons to strike things in low earth orbit, ensuring that even above the seas, space isn't safe.

However, while these capital ships are extremely powerful, the bulk of the fleet comprises smaller warships. Most frequent are the latest variants of the Governor class of Cruisers, Shark and Thunderhead Class of Frigates, Valiant class of Destroyers, Island Class of Assault ships, and River Class of Escort Carriers. Making up the vast majority of the fleet with over a hundred (or in the case of the Thunderhead and Shark, hundreds) hulls built per class, they aren't the most powerful warships but can hold their own in a fleet battle with their railguns, missiles, and laser weaponry.

GDI has also invested heavily in its littoral combat vessels. Most frequent are the various models of Hydrofoil light attack vessels usually armed with no more than an Anti-air laser, a pair of box missile launchers, and anti-sub weapons. That being said, they are speedy and cheap to make, perfect for GDI. GDI's navy has also begun to introduce cruiser-sized monitors and various forms of defence sea platforms with missile and railgun turrets and sea-based torpedo launchers.

The Submarine force is possibly the NA's weakest chain. While it operates a force of nuclear boats, the fleet has more than four dozen full hulls, with another hundred smaller mini-subs. Where all can carry cruise missiles, light drone aircraft, and commando teams, they pale somewhat in operational success when compared with some NOD fleets.

The Navy also operates a formidable airwing, main naval versions of the Orca A-18, Nova-FireHawk Fighters, V-35 Oxs, and even former variants of the NOD Caryalls. In addition, the navy has also accepted the new Century Heavy Tactical bomber service, which is useful in both anti-shipping and anti-submarine warfare. That's also not including the myriad of drone and Wingman air platforms.

The Navy is also involved in the production of the Kodiak line of Aerospace Cruisers. A flying cruiser capable of operating in atmospheric and space conditions regardless of the planet, the Kodiak is GDI's first proper step into a proper spaceborne armada. Of course, due to arguments and jurisdiction issues, it was decided that the branches involved, the Navy, Air Force, and Space Force, would all operate different Variants of the Kodiak. Thus, GDI's navy has introduced the 200 metre-long Kodiak ModelS into its air fleet, marking the first use of proper airships since the Pacific War of the 1940s.
Awesome chapter.
Well GDI is showing just how good it is at killing people.

Now question, once GDI gets a hold of a TSF data (let's say for this case scenario- the Raptor), how long with their industry capacities, can it take for them to build one?