To Build a Giant: A Military Quest

A New Year, A New Government - The first week of January, 1970.

The new flag of a dictator-free Santaigo.

As the new year began, General Fransico Fernández threw his support behind the Santiago Democratic Liberation Front (SDLF) with Amando Balivar Soto being brought in as the provisional President of Santiago on January 3rd, 1970. Tens of thousands turned out to celebrate his rise to the Presidency, though he made it abundantly clear that he was only the provisional President and that elections would be held soon to determine who would lead the country. Many supported Soto but only two days later a raid was launched on several National Guard barracks and armories in San Carlos, southern San Marco, and northern San Riccada. Losses were small, only a dozen killed and another thirty wounded but losses to equipment included a large batch of small arms, ammunition, and more critically six M30 106.7mm Mortars with the DSLF clearly behind the raids.

Fernández had his work cut out for him as he had the task of integrating the SDLF into the National Guard but doing it while fighting a guerilla war. He could also choose to keep the SDLF separate from the National Guard, but there were dangers of lack of coordination between the two forces, something that had caused the downfall of Ortega. Fernández was also of an older generation, he having been brought up on the concepts developed in World War Two and felt that large formations, both mechanized and infantry combined and well supported by artillery would be the way to victory over the DSLF. Some advisors attached from several agencies working with the SDLF considered this a bad move, they sighting examples of the current conflicts in Vietnam and Rhodesia now going on but Fernández was adamant and continued to organize his forces as he saw best.

Fransico would gather his staff together a day after the attack and asked several hard questions as he tasked them with determining how the military would act towards the raids and rebuilding itself.

Issue #1

What should the National Guard do with the military arm of the SDLF?
  • []Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?
  • []Keep them separate and have them operate alongside the National Guard?
  • []Disband the SDLF Military Arm and take their equipment?
Issue #2

The current structure of the National Guard is a brigade system, with a brigade for each province, should this be kept or changed? Many units are currently heavily understrength due to desertions throughout 1969 while fighting against both the SDLF and the DSLF.

Current Structure:
  • 1st Brigade [3,500 Soldiers] [San Riccada]: Two Infantry Battalions, 1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion [18 M59 APCs, 10 M113 APCs], One Armored Company [11 M41 Walter Bulldog Tanks], One Heavy Artillery Battery (4 155mm Howitzers), One Light Artillery Battery (6 105mm Howitzers), One Anti-Aircraft Battery [8 M1 Bofors 40mm Anti-Aircraft Guns] and support units.
  • 2nd Brigade [2,000 Soldiers] [San Marco]: One Infantry Battalion, 1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion [30 M3 Halftracks], One Armored Company [11 M41 Walter Bulldogs], One Light Artillery Battery (6 105mm Howitzers), and support units.
  • 3rd Brigade [2,500 Soldiers] [DeSoto]: Two Infantry Battalions, 1 Armored Company [10 M4A3 (76) Sherman Tanks], One Light Artillery Battery (6 105mm Howitzers), 1 Anti-Aircraft Battery [8 Hispano-Suiza HS.404 20mm Anti-Aircraft Guns], and support units.
  • 4th Brigade [2,000 Soldiers] [San Carlos]: Two Infantry Battalions, One Light Artillery Battery [6 75mm Howitzers], and support units.
  • 5th Brigade [2,000 Soldiers] [Amealda]: Two Infantry Battalions, Two Light Artillery Batteries [12 75mm Howitzers], and support units.
  • []Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?
  • []Propose a change to the current structure? [If chosen will be covered in the next vote]
Issue #3

The Democratic Socialist Liberation Front has attacked along the western coast of the island, should the military act at this time?
  • []Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty?
  • []Keep all forces in their bases as the military is about to undergo a reorganization and we need the time to rest and prepare new plans?
  • []Send out units from all Brigades into the countryside and try and hunt down whatever DSLF elements they can find?
  • []Write-In.
[Note: The Air Force and Navy will be covered in the next vote]

Previous Vote Results:

  • The Santiago Democratic Liberation Front (SDLF)
  • Land-Battle Approach

[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?
Doesn't really make sense to do otherwise given the doctrine we're going with.

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?
It's unclear how the DSLF is organizing their forces and until we do know I don't see any glaring flaws with these arrangements.

As for responding to the ongoing attacks, I'm not really sure about what to do. It'd be helpful to have some more information about how significant of a force we appear to be dealing with. My first inclination is to go with - []Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty? - but that's on the assumption that these are sporadic guerilla raids by disorganized groups, and it's not clear if that assumption is accurate.
Current Intelligence is unknown exactly how the DSLF is organized at the moment. From information gained from the SDLF they were operating with light infantry as their major formations, usually in battalion strength [300-500 Soldiers] and supported by mortar companies when able. Due to the cut with relations and limited contact with them, it is unknown if they have organized further at this time.
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces
[X]Propose a change to the current structure
[X]Keep all forces in their bases as the military is about to undergo a reorganization and we need the time to rest and prepare new plans

The military will only be loyal if we break them upon the wheel and remake them in our own image. Short-term losses to the red menace are tolerable in the search of Utopia.
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[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty​
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty
[X]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty
[X] Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[X] Propose a change to the current structure?

[X]Send units from the locale Brigades to hunt down DSLF forces in the regions hit? Keeping the rest of the Brigades on garrison duty​
[x]Integrate them into the National Guard and combine their forces?

[x]Keep the current structure and operate with this system for the foreseeable future?

[x]Send out units from all Brigades into the countryside and try and hunt down whatever DSLF elements they can find?
-[x] One company of each Brigade shall be sent to a new formation: Peace Keeping Reaction Force
-[x] Order the more combat cable parts of the SDLF that we can trust to help the PKRF in the role of a screening force.
[X]Disband the SDLF Military Arm and take their equipment.
-The national guard, and only the national guard can safeguard the nation.

[X] Propose a change to the current structure

[X]Write-In: Deploy more than one brigade, cover for vacated garrisons with regiments split from safe places elsewhere. Attempt to organize a dedicated, cohesive coastal defense force from forces operating.
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Hey guys working on the update throughout the day, hopefully, will have it up at some point today or early tomorrow!