To become Great: a Golden Treasure Dragon Quest

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The Sun is your father, the Earth is your mother. All beings are your prey.

Welcome to "To become Great" a narrative quest heavily inspired by Golden treasure where you play as a dragon.
You will start as a small hatchling but with determination, strenght of Body and Mind and some luck you shall become Great and take your place among your Kin: the True Children of Sun and Earth, the Draak.
1.1 Hatchling
1.1 Hatchling

A box without hinges, key, or lid, and yet golden treasure inside is hid. What is it?
-Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

You are alone in the Chamber. There is one Wall which surrounds you in every direction and on every side. The Wall is made of love and it embraces you, its goodness is an obvious Truth. There is a Rhythm within the Chamber and yourself, a beat that is and has always been.

Suddenly there is a Voice. At first you do not know it is a Voice, just a sensation of warmth flowing from... The outside the Chamber? As you reach out of your reality you feel its deep joy, it echoes in the deepest parts of your Essence and Mind. As the Rhythm beats the Voice pours in your Mind-Song the colors of the emotions and images of a world you still have to see. It tells you of the Great Giver, the Sun, and the Great Birther, the Earth. "Earth and Sun are the Greatest of beasts, the mightiest of all the animals, but next to them in might there are your own people, the True Children of Above and Below, the Kin Unto Each Other, the Draak".
The Voice asks you a question: "Oh Kin yet to be, which shall you become? Will you be like the Sun, the Great Giver, who rules and slays and is slayed and reborn each day? Or like the Earth, the Great Birther, who circle-dances to Sun's Music, peaceful and omnipotent it knows all silent secrets?"

[] Sun
[] Earth

As the Rhythm beats the Voice from outside leaves and returns again and again, continuing to instruct you. It teaches you of the many good beasts, those of fur and scale and feather and fin. Some are swift, other are powerful, but all are Good and have their own Music. Most importantly it teaches you the Two Great Laws:
"First you are a Destroyer. To Live is Good, and you may only preserve you Life by tearing away the Life of others. You must Destroy: find that which calls to you and Destroy it, take it into yourself and grow mighty. If you fail to Destroy you will waste away and yourself be Destroyed, and all your Music will become Silence."

"Second you are a Creator. All Creators are one of two kinds: Givers, who give their Essence in the Dance of Creation, or Birthers, who receive the Essence and waive it into new life. When you have grown Great you must seek another who is also Great and of opposite nature and through the dance of Creation become source of the Future. If you fail at this the destiny of the True Children of Heaven and Earth will waste away, and where there might have been an echo of your Music in the time beyond yourself there will only be Silence. So it Was, Is and Shall Be."

"Beyond the Two Great Laws there is one Lesser Law, you shall not be Destroyed should you violate it. Nevertheless taste this Truth and chain it to your Mind: you must seek Treasure. Treasure comes in many kinds, but you will know it when you find it. Treasure is something rare and of worth to all the Children of Above and Below. By taking Treasure as your own you shall prove your Greatness to other Kin. Whenever obtained by strength of Body or Mind, or any other thing it matters not: all that matters is that you must gather all Treasure to yourself. Some are obvious, but well guarded, others require little strength, but are difficult to find."

There is a pause for one question, what shall you ask?

[] Write in
[] Nothing, and reflect on this Truths within yourself.
Caracter Sheet

Elemental Masteries:

Fire: Rank 2 (2/5 to next Rank): The Fire within you burns strong and mighty. Far stronger than one would expect from an hatchling this young, you are bigger than most Draak of your age.
1. Fire Breath: the very first step on the path of Mastering Fire. All Draaks can creathe fire and most good beasts fear it. As they should.
2. Danger Sense: with this ability your Core will warn if something is wrong or dangerous. You will need Air to understand what exactly is wrong though.
Water: Rank 0 (4/5 to next Rank): You are still ignorant of the ways of Water, your body is stiff and not very agile and you can't hide well.
Air: Rank 1 (1/5 to next Rank)
: You have started to understand the path of Air, you are quicker and more clever. Your speed allows you to give Chase to your prey
1. Glide: the first step on the path of Mastering Air. While not the same as true flight, gliding allows you to reach plays you couldn't reach in normal ways and to save yourself should you fall from somewhere high
Earth: Rank 0 (4/5 to next Rank): You are still ignorant of the way of Earth, you are brash, impatient and your scale armor still soft.


You currently don't own any Treasure
Artifacts: You haven't found any Artifact

Good Beasts' Ways

Sentinels are small furbeasts that live in clans led by an Archbirther. They begin every Sun solemnly contemplating its rebirth, unlike many featherbeasts that commence the Sun with hymns and prayers. Vigilance is a crucial part of the Good Way of the Sentinels, when they are out hunting there is always some clan members keeping an eye out for dangers from above and ground. As they give the alarm every member runs toward one of the refuges that they build all around their the clan's territory. Do not let their preference to flight fool you, when cornered the Sentinels close rank and fight enemies way bigger than them, they have an alliance with the Treetails who might join in support against some enemies

Silence Seekers are large featherbeasts whose feathers can be brown or black. They patrol the Great Above in search of the remains of other animals' prey and consume the parts nobody wants. And the ones everybody wants if you let them. They are easily distinguishable by their naked heads, some say they are featherless in respect of those they consume with gratitude. Silence Seekers have an important role as without them the land would face way more plagues.
Follow them and you will find the remains of an animal, be wary though, you are not the only doing so and the prey was probably fell by someone that won't give up their prize without a Challenge.

Greater Pricklebacks are furbeasts strong in Earth that prefer to live alone. They are rather large and their armored backs offer them protection from most predators attacks. The Greater Pricklebacks' Way is a way of patience, their Dance strategy is to offer their backs to potential predators and let them impale themselves on their thorns. Their armor doesn't cover their whole bodies, the strategy of the good beasts that prey on them consists in swatting them to the side making them fall on their backs and attacking their vulnerable bellies. Not many good beast are capable of such a feat since adult Greater Pricklebacks are quite heavy and it requires a certain limb coordination and strength to flip them.

Clanjokers are one of the three big Tribes that live in packs, along with the Maneclaws and the Lesser Clansingers. Clanjokers live in clans lead by an Archbirther with all the birthers in the higher positions of the hierarchy. All pups inherit their birther's position and are raised accordingly. Once they become mature givers leave their original clan and join another. Unlike other pack animals Clanjokers tend to hunt alone or in small numbers, but all the clan will rise in defense of food, territory and den. Their costume to laugh in face of the gravest dangers earned them their name.

Day Skyclaws are one of the mightiest featherbeasts on Earth. They patrol the great Above during the day, when they decide on a target they lock on it and dive to catch it. Day Skyclaws are famous for their claws and the strength they hold, goodbeasts caught in them can't free themselves. Day and Night Skyclaws feathers are considered Treasure among Kin and a collection of feathers of a single Day Skyclaw is worth a few Shiny Things depending on quality, quality and condition.

Tailbeast are scalebeasts that are believed to be distant relatives of the Draak. In ancient times they gave up their limbs and wings in the name of Survival, but their Spirit remembers and still shows what the Tailbeasts have sacrificed. There are two major categories of Tailbeasts: those that fight their enemy face to face, whose Dance strategy is to suffocate their opponent, and the feared Deathbite Tailbeasts, who are more versed in Water, they poison their prey and then leave the battleground, later they trail it and when it dies consume it.

Treetails are small furbeasts that live up on the trees. Unlike the Sentinels they aren't great fighters and run from most confrontations. Treetails are strong in Water, they can run away and quickly climb trees, Chasing them will require you to either know how to climb quickly and catching them before they can reach the trees. When Sentinels are confronting Tailbeasts the Treetails, unusually for their Way, will join the Dance in aid of the Sentinels and use their big fluffy tails to distract the Tailbeast.

Longears are small furbeasts that make their dens underground. They Create many times during a Turning and are prey of many goodbeasts. Longears are one of the most revered goodbeast here as the land you live in is harsh and during the hardest times they sustain even the mighty Maneclaws. When hunted Longears run to their underground homes, to consume them you need to catch them before they reach their refuge or be able to burrow to follow them underground.

Blackburns are middle size featherbeasts extremely strong in Air. They can be found everywhere on Earth and can be easily recognized by their mostly black feathers, which depending on the land can also be blue, white or grey. Blackburns are uncontested masters of Air among the featherbeasts, their intelligence allowing them to find clever ways to survive any environment. Sometimes they are too clever, in the land you live the Blackburns use the forbidden art of lying to steal prey from the Sentinels.
Like Draaks Blackburns collect Shiny Things, seek their dens to find some Treasure or ask them for valuable information, but be wary, their high Air makes them strong Challengers in Trials of Mind.
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Quest Mechanics
Nature is surrected by four pillars: Fire, Water, Air and Earth.
Your relationship with the Great Four is the key to survival. Your understanding of them will improve your Body and Mind.

Fire is your physical strenght, your ferocity and the strenght of your fire-breath. Fire is used to intimidate others and to take a more direct approach
Fire is the Core part of yourself and regulates your most instinctival responses.]

Water is your fluidity of motion and flexibility of Mind, it governs your agility and your stealth. Water is used to understand others and to take a more indirect approach.

Air is your swiftness of Body and Mind, your intelligence and speed are incresed by your understanding of it. Air is used to understand better all of creation and to find clever solutions to your problems.

Earth is your patience and your ability to resist Destruction, it rapprensents the strenght of your scale armor. Earth is used to stop and think things through where others would just charge in.

As you progress through the game you will learn Lessons of this elements. Every five Lessons learned you will increase your Mastery of that Element of one Rank and learn a new ability.

Remember that while success brings you benefits you do not need to be too afraid of failure: mistakes and losses bring with them the best lessons. If you lose a challange you will suffer in the short term, but your elemental masteries are likely to increase
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You tell the Voice you wish to be like the Sun. The Voice nods "You shall have the Power, the Glory and the Rise and Fall both. You will be a Giver, like Sun itself".
Your Mind receives the vision of the warmth that sustains all life on Earth and the scorching heat that can Destroy it all. You do not see your Body within the Chamber, but know for Truth that such visions changed it.
[+2 Lessons of Fire]


You ask what happens to those who do not follow the path. The Voice intones patiently "The reasons for being known as Great by other Kin are many. When the time comes for the Dance of Creation only those that are Great will be chosen by others to Dance with. If you are not Great you will never Create more of the blessed beings that are the Draak. Those who do not collect Treasure will never be called Great and though they might survive and be well-fed and strong of Body, their Creator-self will lie in a frigid void"
"But more important still is the Truth that the seeking of Treasure is written upon our very Essence. We must seek out great and rare things. Even if there were no Dances of Creation, we would still do it. It calls to us, as the Sky and the Sea and the Great Green call to all with a Song of Invitation. You are Kin, you shall seek Treasure. For such is our Way, the Good Way of the Draak"
[+1 Lesson of Air]

The Voice grows softer "Now I leave you, my Kin and my Creation, you will never hear my Song again, nor I yours. As is my duty I have imparted you the Three Laws of the Draak-Kin. All other Laws are false. Those alone bound us."
"Remember that you are Draak-Kin all other beings in the world must stand in the shadow of your beautiful and terrible Music. The Rhythm you feel now flowing through you is the Rhythm of Life. To have the Rhythm within you is the sign of being Alive. To be Silent, without the Rhythm, is the perfect sign of Death. Nature shall now be your guide, companion and opponent, your friend, enemy and always, always your teacher. There is no being born of Earth, the Great Birther, or Sun, the Great Giver, greater than you. The Music of our people is Great. Rejoice knowing that your Essence has been woven into such a Body and that such fate is yours. When you at last escape from the Wall I have put around you, both to keep you safe and to test you, you will be worthy to begin the great Adventure called Life" With this final message the Voice is gone. You know it will not return.

You are alone again. As what you now know as Time passes you dream awake and asleep of the life that awaits you. Finally, at last, the Wall around you grows smaller and smaller. Its embrace once full of love has now become toxic. Beginning the first of your challenges you start to Destroy it, pushing and breaking with your head and claws, reaching from the light you start to see through the cracks.
At last you are free, earning your right to begin to Live.
As you rest to recuperate from the ordeal you can finally observe your Body, though you can't fully see yourself you confirm that you belong to:

[] The Ruby Clan. This fierce Kin can't blend in any environment, but they don't have particular requirements for their territory and can be found in lands no other Kin would live in. The Kin of the Ruby Clan are capable of breathing Fire right after having hatched from the egg. [starts with a Rank of Fire Mastery]

[] The Sapphire Clan. This graceful Kin live near Water, the Essence of Earth. They can easily hide inside the Element that favors them and are born already capable of diving, but their territory must be surrounded by Water [starts with a Rank of Water Mastery]

[] The Onyx Clan. Unlike all the other Clans this swift Kin are active mostly during the night, their pitch black Bodies allowing them to blend in the sky after the Sun is slayed. Like the Ruby Clan this Kin don't have requirements for territory but they prefer dens that remain in the dark during the day. They are favored by Air and are born capable of gliding for short distances. [starts with a Rank of Air Mastery]

[] The Emerald Clan. This majestic Kin make their home in forests, as they easily blend among Mother Earth feathers. Their territories are in tree rich areas and are born capable of digging. [starts with a Rank of Earth Mastery]
The Draak Good Way
The Draaks

Draak are massive scalebeasts that inhabit every land of Earth and parts of the Great Blue as well. They have four limbs, with their front legs being used both for motion and flight.
All Draak-Kin belong to one of the four Great Clans: the Sapphire Clan, the most numerous in numbers, that live in water-rich areas and managed to conquer parts of the Great Blue, the Emerald Clan, that lives in forests and are also called the tree-dwellers, the Ruby Clan that lives in whatever territory they manage to conquer, even areas no other Kin establish themselves in and the Onyx Clan, mostly active during the night, they can live in any territory like the Ruby Clan.
Draak of different Clans can Create with each other, the resulting generation will inherit the Clan of the birther-Creator.

Life cycle

Draak birthers lay their eggs at a certain distance from each other at the edges of their territory, during the incubation they visit the eggs to instruct them about the world they will live in and teach them the Good Way of the Draak, once the unborn Kin are considered sufficiently taught they are left to fend for themselves.
Once born the hatchlings claim patches of land at the edge of their Creator territory and grow there. They pass their childhood learning to survive, collecting their first Treasures and Challenging each other over hunting grounds or portions of their burrowed territory.

Once the hatchlings grow their ornamental feathers and attain true flight they are considered adults among the Draak and leave their birther territory. Young adults travel the world in search of knowledge, Treasure and glory. Once they become Great they conquer a territory for themselves.

Great Kin protect their territory from rivals and any threat, Create the new generations and dedicate themselves to perfect their elemental Mastery. Older Draak on the verge of completely mastering an element are called Sages, Sages are considered Great among the Great and it's not unusual for young adults to seek them out for counsel.

Above the Sages there are the Elders. Elders are fabled Kin who are told to have completely mastered one element. There are numerous tales surrounding them, from their ability to eclipse the already large lifespan of the Draaks, to the ability to Destroy all living beings in an area in a matter of minutes. Some say that they no longer follow the Two Great Laws as they no longer exist as Bodies, having left them behind to exist only in Spirit, avatar of their mastered element. Whatever the truth Elders are exceedingly rare and their word may as well be a lesser Law among the Kin.

Dance of Creation

Kin don't really care about their role as birthers or givers unless it's the Time of Creation, a sacred moment where Draak recognized as Great seek others to Create. Courtship consists in a birther or giver Kin entering the territory of the Draak they are interested in Dancing with and then proceeding to prove their worth to it. Kin decide the Greatness of another based on individual values and while Treasure and glory are an almost universal measure of Greatness, some Kin may decide to test their perspective partners challenging their Mind or Body or demand a gift.


Draak's Way is one of strength alone, instead of numbers, since Earth wouldn't be able to sustain their cooperation. Tradition is a series of honorable norms that regulate meetings between Draak. While tradition is not a Law, not respecting it is a powerful but dangerous tool, as being known as dishonorable might lose the respect of other Draak, making it harder to find a partner for the Dance of Creation, losing the right to barter and making the breaker look weaker, increasing the number of Challengers.
While the most important aspect of tradition is the regulation of Challenges, these are the other regulations:

1. No Kin should impose their Way on another
2. When entering another Kin territory one should announce themselves with the Song of Annunciation, if the Song goes unanswered the Kin has right to enter the territory.
3. All Treasures and prey in a territory belong to the Kin that owns it.
4. Kin should make their den at least three days of walk from the border of another Kin territory

Challenges are confrontations among Kin to prove their superiority. They are divided into two categories: Trials of Body, which are Dances of Destruction, in which Draak face each other in open combat. This type of Challenge ends when one Draak recognizes the superiority of the other, in this Dance of Destruction it is extremely unlikely that one of the partners is Silenced. Then there are Trial of Mind or Trials of Song, these intellectual Challenges consist in riddle contests. The Challenged is the one that picks what type of Trial the Challenge will be.


Treasure is something that holds value to all Draak. This wide definition includes Knowledge, Wisdom, a powerful Body, territory and so on.
The largest part of a Draak Trove consists of Shiny Things, they include baubles, pretty rocks, shells and precious metals. Shiny Things are the currency among Draak, since among Kin doing something for another not in self-interest is unheard of, counsel and Artifacts are exchanged for them.
Artifacts are physical objects present in the trove that don't count as Shiny Things, some are pretty, many can have powerful uses.

Good beasts

The First Law is Truth for all beings birthed by Earth, so every interaction between good beasts and Draak-Kin happens only if neither is hunting. This is made clear by Singing to each other and by positioning the Body making their intentions abundantly clear. Only once it is done interaction between good beasts and Draak can begin.

Good beasts, depending on their Way, can Challenge Kin in trials of Body or Song for different prizes. Also since the Draak greed is a known Truth it is not unheard for a good beast to enlist Kin help by promising Treasure to it.

Draak-Kin that conquer a territory are revered as guardian deities by the good beasts of the land. The Draaks' might is widely recognized and due their vastly longer lifespan they can sought as sources of Wisdom and arbitrators to settle disputes.
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You've wasted enough time as it is. With a quick glance around you, you confirm that you are in the second Chamber that Ruby birthers put around their Creations both to prevent others to attack them and to test that they are born with the Clan's gift. You feel it, deep within your Core, the inner Fire of all Draak is burning, already formed. You breathe in and for the first time you let it out, strong and just it melts the special mixture made by your Creator, freeing you.
You are finally out, Rhythm of Life almost deafening you for what you behold. The Sun, great and wondrous shines upon you, Air brings new smells and the promise of adventure. Leaving your claw marks you claim this land of wonder for yourself. You are a mere hatchling, you are allowed to stay here here only by the grace of your Creator. Thus you do not Sing a Song of Claiming.
The land you are is an harsh, the Sun doesn't Sing gently to it, but with a strength it almost can't endure. Earth's fur, normally green, is yellow. You see something strange, as you inspect it closer you see it's just one of Earth's feather, but why is it made of stone? You look around and see that the singular tree is not the only petrified, what's going on here? As you ponder on your questions your Core Sings a Song of Emptiness. You have more pressing matters to take care of than some strange trees.

As you are looking for something to consume you don't notice a Tailbeast following you. Suddenly it lunges at you, biting easily into your still soft scales and wrapping itself around your body, trying to squeeze the Air out of it. You can't breathe, the life you have just glimpsed is disappearing, the promise of glory, Treasure and adventure vanishing quickly.
You Will Not Be Silenced Here!
Trashing madly you manage to bite into the Tailbeast, you claw it and breathe Fire, burning it. The trashing ends. Sudden as it had started your first Dance of Destruction is over. You quickly consume your opponent. As the excitement for the Dance drops you feel slow, sluggish and you see your red Essence screaming on the ground. You are injured.

[+1 Lesson of Fire. Rank 2 reached, you have unlocked Danger Sense]

You start to look for a den. You see a hole on the ground, by the scent you deduce that it was the home of a family of furbeasts that haven't been there in some time. As you slowly make your way inside you feel a signal of danger coming from your Core. You are not dealing with this. You breathe fire into the den and the heat causes the collapse of the escape exits. Thankfully the area the den is located isn't too near the dry vegetation, saving your newly claimed land to be consumed by a large fire. As the fire wanes you resume making your way inside and you notice the Silent remains of a large group of Stingtails that had taken residence before you. The escape routes are collapsed and it smells of burnt weeds, but it protects you from the gaze of the Sky, it remains spacious enough and is situated in a central position of your territory, this den is a good home for now.

The next Sun you make your way out of the den. You are still injured, you are slow and should you find yourself in a Dance of Destruction you would certainly be Silenced. But you want to explore, the outside calls to you! It's your first full Sun of life and you don't want to spend it in a den! Your tail lashes out indicating your frustration. There will be many Sun to explore, but there won't be if you are Destroyed because you didn't give your Body the time it needs to heal. Your tail slams on the ground in anger, this is no way a young Draak should spend its first Suns. You retreat back. You mindlessly consume the Stingtails from the Sun before, at least they are pleasantly crunchy, sleep and occasionally lash your tail at the unfairness of it all.

[+1 Lesson of Earth]

The next Sun finally rises, you are still a bit battered, but you settle on the compromise of exploring just the area around your den. In your wandering you stumble on a rock formation with an entrance that seems to go deep under the Earth. Your Core sends a shiver that reaches up to your Mind. Danger and Destruction wait you here, you are not strong enough. Taking its advice you settle to explore another part of your territory.

"Danger! Draak! Danger! Danger! Run!" a chorus of voices stops you on your tracks. Sentinels start running toward their refuge. Once there they keep watch on you, ready to form a phalanx and Dance to drive you away. You yourself are tired from your walking and still feel battered, so you settle comfortably on a rock and relax under the Sun. After some time, seeing that you are not hunting and that they need to sate their own Destroyers the Sentinels go back following their Way. Having nothing better to do you watch them spend their Sun. There is always a few members of the clan keeping watch from dangers coming both from the ground and from the Sky, with all adult Sentinels barring the Archbirther and Archgiver taking turns between guarding and hunting. The hunt is a constant chorus of "All clear! All clear!" from the guards and "Hungry! Feed me!" from the hatchlings, with the occasional cry of alarm that sends the Sentinels running.
As the Sun starts to set the sentinel Archbirther gives the order to retreat and you make your way home as well.

[Way of the sentinels added to Knowledge]

Next Sun your body is in pristine condition, you are going to explore! What shall you do exactly? You have two actions, one for hunting and the other for exploring

[X]Hunt (what?)
-[] The Sentinels. (specify how)
-[] Look for something else to consume

[X]Explore (where?)
-[] South
-[] North
-[] East
-[] West
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Pleased with the exploration of the past Sun you recap what you know of your land: There is a mountainous area that seems to start on the east side of your territory and you found a secret entrance in there. The entrance looks like something dug and enlarged a natural cave to allow passage of something big. Only a Draak would be able to modify a mountain in such a big fashion, but why do so? Was it a lair? Is in there any Treasure that your Creator didn't take when it conquered the territory? Anyway while the secret entrance is very tempting to explore it gives you a very Bad feeling about it, so you set it aside. On the north-west side of your territory there are some stone trees, you think that they might turn into a full-fledged stone forest further north. The trees are certainly an oddity and there might be Treasure there or some interesting Truths. Something about them is off, not Bad, they just feel very Silent.

You decide that you will explore south next, but not before sating the Destroyer within you. You wander off, searching for an interesting scent to trail and you find it around the southern part of the central area. It's a young Greater Prickleback, a furbeast that shouldn't live in such a dry area, might there be Water further south? You have more pressing matters as it notices you and it prepares to Dance. Unlike your first Dance, which was wild and fast, this one turns out to be a slow Dance. You carefully circle your partner and it mirrors your moves, showing you its back armored with thorns. And you circle and circle and circle. Who knew a Dance of Destruction could be boring? Frustrated you try an half-hearted swat to try break the stalemate and only get some thorns in your right front claws in return. Ouch.
You can't carelessly use your fire-breath here least you risk starting a fire and attacking frontally will only hurt you, you don't need the Greater Prickleback to sing at you to know it's waiting for you to give up. You blow out some smoke in frustration, there must be a way around its armor... Around its armor? Struck by illumination you continue circling and then swathe your opponent to the side, launching it on its back, exposing its soft belly. You dive and bit in, ending the Dance. You are battered and putting your front claw on the ground hurts, but you are nowhere as hurt as after your first Dance and you bested a Greater Prickleback, even if it was an hatchling, it is prey you shouldn't be hunting until older. This victory hard won with your Mind fills you with pride.

[+1 Lesson of Water. Way of the Greater Pricklebacks added to Knowledge]

Holding up your right claw you make your way south. You notice that there is more Music, more Life as you progress. How could the land change so much in so little time? What is going on? The change of the quality of prey is evident by scent and tracks, in the central area the greatest danger are the Tailbeasts, here you already notice traces of Clanjokers and Lesser Clansingers, could there be something even greater further south?
Prey here is more diverse and bigger in general, a successful hunt here will yield bigger rewards, but the risks are also much greater.

You run in a strange rock. It is rather big and a bit oddly shaped, in usual circumstances you wouldn't give it a second glance. But. But there is Spirit passing through it. The only beings that have Spirit are good beasts aren't they? Is it a good beast in disguise, setting a trap for the unsuspecting? No, your Core would send you a signal of danger if it was some trap. You raise yourself on your hind legs and tap the rock with your good claws, first gently then stronger, to the point where you give it a couple of smacks, but nothing happens. You circle it, but nothing gives you the idea that it isn't a normal rock. You breathe fire at it, still nothing. Defeated you leave the Rock in search of something else, you swear you could hear it laughing at you.

[+1 Lesson of Air]

You reach a river, it is not particularly large or impressive, in its current form it's more correct to define it a stream really. It runs for a bit in your territory and then it goes further south, it seems to come from the west side of your territory, but you aren't sure.
The claw marks on the other side of the river stop you dead on your tracks, you carefully inspect them and feel a shiver running from your spine and Mind. These are the marks of an older Draak, from the synergy of its and your scent you deduce that this is the point from which your Creator's territory starts. Trespassing would be beyond dangerous and the Voice made it clear it isn't interessed in hearing your Song again.
You rest for a bit on the riverbank, injured claw carefully hidden below your body, and you see a Clanjoker observing you. Without moving you just let out a puff of smoke, showing the hidden fire burning just below your throat in an obvious threat display. The Clanjoker retreats and after a while you make your way to your den.

You have started to get acquainted with your territory, next turn you can choose to explore the three remaining sections or investigate in the areas you already know. You are currently battered, your right front claw was injured in the Dance with the Greater Prickleback.

Choose one location for hunting. (if you keep hunting in the same area you will drive out the good beasts and that hunting ground will be depleted)

[] Central Area
-[] the Sentinels (write how)
-[] Something else
[] Southern Area
-[] Greater Prickleback hatchling (how do you separate it from its birther?)
-[] Something else

Pick an action:

[] Central Area
-[] Investigate the secret entrance in the mountans (you have a very Bad feeling about this)
-[] Do something else (what?)

[] South Area
-[] Interact with the Strange Rock (how?)
-[] Call your Creator (you have nothing to offer for its counsel)
-[] Do something else (what?)

[] Explore West
[] Explore North
[] Explore East

For this Sun you decide to explore north. You are a bit wary of what you will find there considering how the quantity and quality of prey decreases from the southern to the central areas. Anyway you need to know the conformation of your territory, whatever there is north you will deal with it.

You don't know how to deal with this. You have no idea of what you were actually expecting, but it certainly isn't this. This is not a problem you can Challenge.
How can you deal with the fact that the Earth here is simply moribund? Earth is supposed to be impervious to Destruction! The Voice in the Chamber said so! You feel cheated.
You stare in defeat at the plain in front of you: this is not an hunting ground, this is the last resort for an hatchling in the very shadow of Destruction. The vegetation is grey and the only living beings are the occasional Stingtail and Baretail that can be found hiding below the rocks.

You go ahead and start exploring the plain with the howling wind as the only Music that breaks the Silence of this place. Wait, Music? Before seeing it you hear it in the distance, someone is Singing.

"...Oh Great Father in all Life..."

You are too far to understand, as you approach you see a figure who isn't a figure. It is far in the distance and doesn't seem to have a firm, physical Body, but your eyes don't lie too you: you see the Spirit in there. You keep approaching and try to Sing at the figure, but it is too absorbed in its own hymns and keeps flying away. Resolved to demand answers about this land's Destruction you give chase. You run, run and keep running. But you are slowed down by your injury and the figure flies like it is the wind itself. If only you were faster...If only you were faster! You are too tired and out of breath. You give up.

[+1 Lesson of Air. Rank 1 reached, you unlocked the ability to Glide.]

After the mad chase in the plain you travel along the borders of the southern area to complete your first exploration. You confirm the presence of the beginning of the mountains on the east side and then you see it. In the west side you see a forest of the occasional stone trees present in the northern part of the central area. They are as Silent as everything here. There might be something interesting here, but it's late and you are tired from the chase and depressed from today findings. You'll deal with it another Sun. You return to your den.

It's a brave new Sun! To clean the nasty taste of yesterday failures you decide to dedicate today to hunting. You are Draak, failure doesn't know your Kin! Or if it does it is for the briefest of time!
You settle to hunt in the south, both for the chance of richer prey and to give respite to the hunting grounds in the central area.

As you wander around, looking for an interesting scent to trail you see them in the Great Above: Silence Seekers! This large featherbeast consume the remains of mightier animals prey. Considering the numbers of them there must be the Silent remains of a large prey nearby. It is beyond dangerous, as the hunters that downed the prey are probably still around and won't give up their prize without a Challenge, but you feel beyond audacious this Sun and follow the Silence Seekers.

You reach the site and there it is, the remains of a Lithe Greathorn, barely touched. You are not alone, a Clanjoker is already chasing away the Lesser Clansingers that won the initial Dance of Destruction. You approach to take a good share of the spoils, but you are stopped on your tracks by the Song of a another Clanjoker, these one young giver. "Ohi, ohi, Draak pup, you are trying to steal what we rightfully conquered!" It starts laughing, finding humor in its own Song. In answer you assume a threatening position and roar out a Song of Challenge.
It doesn't look too impressed. "Pups these Suns, not even a Moon old and already so full of Fire. Why are you Challenging me? If the Dance drags for too long my companions will join me and you would surely lose. Surely you would be better off hunting your prey instead of facing Destruction against my clan for some scraps?" And yet it doesn't accept your Challenge, you answer. You are given just a curious "Mh?" in response. You elaborate further: it has you beaten in strength of Body and reinforcements are on their way here and yet instead of simply engaging in a Dance with you it can surely win it tries to make you leave peacefully. The answer is simple: It fears a direct battle with you since It. Will. Be. Burned. And you punctuate this statement breathing fire at the Clanjoker. And should the reinforcements arrive it will have to share a good part of the spoils if not losing them all together, since all Tribes that live in clans have a hierarchy of eating. Its bluff uncovered the Clanjoker assumes a much more threatening position "Tch, damn Draak! I'll show the difference in Mind given by experience. I accept your Challenge. It will be a Trial of Song, answer correctly to two of my riddles and you should have a share of the prey"

I exist only because of light,
give me too much and I shall die
give me too little and in full darkness I perish
What am I?
[] Write in

I can sing without mouth
I can touch without paws
I can run without legs
If I pass in front of you you cannot see me
What am I?
[] Write in

If you stare at yourself
I stare at myself
If you retreat
I retreat
What am I?
[] Write in
1.5 - Challenge results
1.5 - Challenge results
You are victorious. The Clanjoker looks aghast, mortified at having been beaten in Mind by a pup not even a Moon old. The other Clanjoker, who returned from the chase to observe the Challenge, doesn't look overly impressed with its companion. "Well, the Draak pup has some Wisdom, other than Fire." It says simply. As it holds the Lithe Greathorn remains, you grab the hoof of one of the hind legs, held your legs firm on Earth and pull back with all your strength. The whole hind leg and part of the torso come off. As you run away with your prize you hear in the distance the voices of other members of the Clanjoker clan and the beginning of a fight among members seems in the Air.

But you do not care, you are Draak, you win or lose by your merits alone and today you won. You consume your prize nearby your den, it is divine. The meat taste is rich and there is just so much. You retreat in your den with the scales on your belly almost parting from your skin skin. Truly the meal of a monarch, befitting the mightiest hunters of the land.

Your Body is in pristine condition. The large meal you won will sustain you for the next few Suns without the need to hunt. Next update hunting action can be spent doing something else.
Choose 2:

[] Central Area
-[] Explore the Secret Entrance (you have a Bad feeling about this)
-[] Write in
-[] Just wander around looking for a new Truth (random event)

[] Southern Area
-[] Interact with the Strange Rock (write in how)
-[] Call your creator (you have nothing to offer)
-[] Write in
-[] Just wander around (random event)

[] Northern Area
-[] Try to interact with the mysterious figure
-[] Explore the Silent Woods

[] Explore the West Area
[] Explore the East Area

Next Sun you awake energized, your front claws look bigger and more powerful than the Sun before. Stretching you open your wing membrane and see that it is well developed, could it sustain you in the first step of embracing the sky?
You need to know. Excited you rush out of your den and run all the way down to the border of the southern area. Your powerful limbs carry you way faster than what you are used to and soon you find yourself near a tree. You claw the bark and start pushing yourself up. It's a slow process, because while your Body is mighty enough to do the deed without much trouble, your limbs are stiff and lack the agility to do so effortlessly.
Finally you are up. You take in the beauty of the land, from your privileged position you can see some of the good beasts that inhabit it.

There are Sentinels not too far away, but they are too concentrated on a Deathbite Tailbeast to pay much attention to you. Closing ranks they commence a characteristic war dance to intimidate the scalebeast away. the Treetails, historical allies of the Sentinels, provide support distracting the Deathbite moving their tails and giving it more targets to focus on. With too many foes to face the Deathbite decides to retreat.
The Sentinels don't have much time to celebrate their victory, a Day Skyclaw is sighted patrolling the grat Above looking for prey. As the Sentinels and the Treetails run for refuge the Skyclaw swoops from above, with a speed you know will equate only when you will be much older, and catches the Longears it was aiming for.

Having had enough of the scenery and wanting to try to glide you spread your wings and embrace the sky. It isn't a very graceful flight, to not say it wasn't graceful at all. But you didn't hurt yourself so, slowly, you climb the tree again and launch yourself. Again and again. Trying and trying your technique becomes noticeably better and your general coordination improves. You are so ecstatic in being able to embrace the wind, even if not fully, that you end up spending the whole Sun gliding.
It is majestic, it is glorious and it gives you a small taste of adulthood.

[+1 Lesson of Water, Way of Day Skyclaws, Deathbite Tailbeasts, Treetails and Longears added to Knowledge]

The new Sun brings the purpose to explore one of the two areas you still ignore. Considering the pitiful state of the north and that your Creator territory starts from south, you are bound to find the borders of the territories of some of your rivals today. Your tail lashes with both excitement and fear at the taught, meeting other Draaks might result in Challenges, and Challenges bring both the risk of loss and injury, especially with your still soft armor, and the reward of a bigger land, with Treasures and richer prey. Winning it will be fundamental later on if you want to grow strong enough to leave your Creator's holding.

You make your way east, it is a much more steep compared to the rest of your land. You climb the hills of the mountain and glide down avoiding hazards like small holes. The area is rich of holes, many are the den of different good beasts, but it's likely that some will lead to the Treasure hidden below Earth wondrous Body.
Your exploration of the mountains is cut short due to the presence of claw marks signing that most of the area belongs to another Draak. From the scent it seems it is another hatchling, you aren't Kin among Kin though. The mountains must sign the beginning of the territory of another birther adult Draak.
You have more interesting things to do this Sun, so you leave the mountainous area and go exploring more south.

On your way to the southern plain you meet a ravine, gliding easily down it you notice that it is full of holes that are the dens of featherbeasts, living near each other in search of protection. Certainly something to investigate later on. Their eggs would be a nice and easy prey, or you could Challenge them for information. Featherbeasts are well versed in the way of Air, they probably would know any news about your rivals and information about some inhabitants and locations of your land.
The southern part of the east area is rich in prey and vegetation. You climb up one of the trees to have a better view of your surroundings: you see a Lesser Longlegs hunting scalebeasts not too far, but your musings are soon interrupted by the angry song of a Burntblack "Draak! Away! Away! This is my nest, put together with patience and effort!" And you do see that a couple of branches above you there is the den of the featherbeast with some Shiny Things in there. Treasure! The nest is located on quite a thin branch, but you probably can reach it.

What do you do?

[] Try to take the Blackburn Treasure by strength of Tooth and Claw.
[] Challenge the Blackburn for some of its Treasure.
[] Offer a trade: you won't take the Blackburn treasure, but you want information since Knowledge is a Treasure of its own.
-[] Ask a question about your territory and its inhabitants. (valid for all the areas)