Timber! [Naruto - Male SI]

Just read the first chapter, and this quote confused me:

How, exactly, does the many worlds interpretation justify his selfishness? He acts like he's explaining it in the next few paragraphs, but none of what he says has anything to do with the many worlds interpretation at all.
There are an infinite amount of worlds, among them an infinite amount of worlds with an infinite amount of individuals

He excuses his, at this point, future actions with the thought that in the grand scheme of things it simply doesn't matter. The canon he knows and this incarnation are simply versions among an infinite amount of possibilities and variations. Somewhere there is a variant where he jumps out of the next window, in another he joins some peace-loving temple, in another he could be a dog.

OK. I remember dropping this story a long time ago. Don't remember why but didn't take it off my watch list. I just went to reread it to try and catch up, got to the Root arc and remembered how stupid that was. Why did he dive headfirst into Root like that? I was fast reading/skimming from that point on, but it didn't get better, even after Root got shut down and that arc ended. At some point I just need to stop. Which is a shame because I think this story would be really good with some editing/rewriting parts. It's like you have all the right pieces there, just not put together quite right. That's what I think, it might just be my own opinion.

Thanks for the feedback, anyway. Constructive feedback or discussions regarding various opinions would have been helpful shortly after the posting of the chapters. I have never been averse to changing things.

Still, it's my first story, and I wrote as I went.
He excuses his, at this point, future actions with the thought that in the grand scheme of things it simply doesn't matter. The canon he knows and this incarnation are simply versions among an infinite amount of possibilities and variations. Somewhere there is a variant where he jumps out of the next window, in another he joins some peace-loving temple, in another he could be a dog.
That's a pretty silly justification, but I'll accept it as the MC being a flawed character lol
Chapter 3.2.5
Chapter 3.2.5

"Shikamaru?" A female voice rang through the house, surprise clear. Loud footsteps were clearly audible, too.

The three men on the porch stared at each other. The kids were done? Already?

"Shikamaru, wh…?" Shikaku's wife tried again, only to be cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut.

And then silence.

A short and perplexed stare through the living room later, the gazes of the three men met over the cards between them.


Shikaku's gaze snapped back toward the living room. Yoshino, his wife, with her arms crossed and clear expectations written over her features.

Unwilling to make the first step onto this minefield, he kept quiet and simply raised his eyebrow in question.

"Oh, don't play dumb on me!" And just like that, the Jonin-commander of Konoha was put into line. His wife had just come back from her brunch and was now happily busy in the kitchen. He wouldn't threaten the peace and tranquility with something like this. Not to mention that he was curious as well.

"I will talk to him when he comes out of his room," he offered with a nod and got a grateful smile in return. He knew how to play this marriage game, he thought in satisfaction, as he watched his wife retreat toward the kitchen.

"So, I get it you are curious, too?" Inoichi asked, having watched the brief scene quietly from the sidelines. He knew his friend, and he also knew his friend's son. That was as close to an outburst as you would get from either of them.

Shikaku only nodded yes, his eyes back on the hallway past the living room. The sound of doors opening and closing was soon followed by another set of footsteps.

"Now," Inoichi whispered, giving a glimpse of the well-oiled machine they had once been.

The words barely left his mouth when a needle-thin shadow raced across wood and carpet. Agitated stomps were stopped in their tracks and the younger Nara was left frozen on the spot. Motionless in the hallway, the eyes of the three elders were squarely on him. The only sound now was a faint chopping from the kitchen and the rustle of leaves from the trees.

"Care to join us for a second?" Shikaku eventually asked, and as usual, his tone was utterly unbothered.

A sigh and a nod later Shikamaru made his way toward his father, posture stiff as a board and his eye on the woods straight ahead.

Very much unlike him.

"How was it?" Inoichi asked, his voice a mixture of anticipation and dread, desperate to hear what that boy did to get the young Nara into such a state. Was his daughter in a similar state?

"When he looked at me, I thought I was going to die and pissed my pants in front of everybody," Shikamaru stated tonelessly after only a moment of hesitation.

Choza and to a lesser extent Inoichi visibly rocked back, stunned, and even the unflappable Jonin-commander couldn't help but raise a lone eyebrow in surprise.

"Please start at the beginning," his tone was still relaxed, but beneath it was the first hint of steel.

And so Shikamaru retold this morning's event from start to finish, the expressions and thoughts of the three fathers impervious to the genin.

"Almost, the entire movement has to be one smooth motion. From the ball of your feet to your upper back and shoulders," Kakashi instructed, casually standing directly behind Shino on the broad tree branch.

The way the Aburame grew rigid as he was about to stand up from his crouch told me quite clearly that he didn't sense the jonin coming yet again. Something that might be a novum for the bug-user.

An entire colony was at his beck and call, but all were just as blind and deaf as he was when faced with a man like Kakashi.

Observing the scene from a distance, I leaned against a nearby tree, watching as the young Aburame absorbed Kakashi's advice with unwavering focus. Shino was diligent, attentive, and determined—a testament to his commitment to improving.

"That should be enough," Kakashi said and inspected his surroundings. Judging the distance from the starting point to be adequate for the first day. "The trek back on the forest floor. Be conscious of your footsteps in the dirt."

As Kakashi vanished from sight, his voice lingering in the air, I put my senses on the rest of the genin waiting at the start/finish line. I could almost feel their tension in the air. This wasn't the outskirts of the Forest of Death, we were in the deep dark heart of it, and the creatures that roamed here shouldn't be underestimated, especially this close to dusk when the predators were on the prowl.

I stood quietly on the sidelines, my sharp eyes scanning the scene. I was a silent observer, and fully aware that even my heightened senses wouldn't help me detect Kakashi's presence if the jonin didn't want to be found. A realization was dawning on me...

Without my sensing abilities, I would be just as vulnerable in the face of a shinobi of Kakashi Hatake's caliber.

Minute chakra applications to the nose and ears perhaps?

Despite the constructive criticism Shino already had shown remarkable improvement over the course of this one session. It was evident that Kiba's help had played a significant role in Shino's progress so far and he was reaping the benefits just as I did with Hana.

As the training continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for these young shinobi. Their dedication to growth and their willingness to learn from each other and their mentors were indicative of their potential. The path ahead would be challenging, but with the right guidance and determination, they had the chance to become exceptional shinobi, each with their unique strengths.

I continued to observe, a sense of purpose settling within me. I had a role to play in shaping their journey, just as Kakashi did. As the setting sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, I silently reaffirmed my commitment to guiding these young minds toward their full potential. Konoha would need them.

The group, a mixture of mentor and mentees, emerged from the forest, the last traces of the training ground's canopy giving way to the open sky. Kakashi had set a brisk pace at the forefront of the group, his posture still relaxed yet purposeful. The genin followed behind him, jumping in a loose formation, a myriad of emotions on full display. From simply exhausted, over giddy, and thrilled, all the way to anxious.

The latter was primarily from one team in particular, which was now at the center of my attention given that I made up the rear of the group.

The fact that I had scared her teammate to death just this morning was the reason why I was still silently mulling over the best way to approach the girl. That we had spoken less than a dozen words so far was another, smaller factor.

The Nara was the brain, the Akimichi the brawn, but she was the key to their survival, the key to making use of the other's strengths. She had the gift of sensing.

With the big fence that surrounded training ground 44 in sight, I couldn't help but shake my head and put that train of thought on the back burner, at least for this moment. The nearby river had given me an idea to fill the rest of the day with something productive.

So I gave three clicks...

At the head of the procession, Kakashi raised his right fist in a swift, practiced motion, a signal recognized by all as the military hand sign to freeze. It was a command that brought the entire group to a halt, some members stopping more abruptly than others. The genin reacted in various ways, a testament to their different levels of experience and training.

I couldn't help but observe the scene unfold. Some of the genin were caught off guard, their movements a little unsteady as they quickly adjusted to the sudden stop. It was clear that Kakashi's command had taken them by surprise.

As the group settled into place, I decided to give them a friendly reminder about the distinction between "halt" and "freeze."

Remaining at the rear of the group, I addressed them in a casual yet instructive tone.

"Remember, there's a difference between halting and freezing. Halt means to stop in your tracks, but freeze implies not just stopping, but maintaining absolute stillness. One wrong move in certain situations might trigger a trap, while in others, staying perfectly still could be the key to avoiding danger," I explained, and despite my tone, I was desperate to remind them of their squishy nature.

I could see a few nods of understanding among the genin, their expressions thoughtful as they absorbed the lesson. It was moments like these that showcased the importance of mastering even the smallest details in the life of a shinobi. Each command, each hand sign, carried a purpose and could mean the difference between success and failure in the field.

Taking the lead I guided the group toward the nearby river. It wasn't violent but there was an audible rush near the bank, a sign that the current wasn't to be trifled with.

"Alright, gather around," I called out, my voice carrying easily over the background noise. "This next exercise is one that's used abroad," I began, wanting to pique their interest.

"There are better exercises for specific tasks, but this one kinda neatly combines chakra control, strength, and resilience."

"I want each of you to wade into the river until only your heads are above the water," I instructed with a smile, that didn't reach my eyes, as I was fully aware that this was going to be unpleasant for them given the cold and the current.

By the looks on them, they knew it, too. A fact, that made my smile just a tiny bit more genuine.

"Up and at 'em!" I shouted and clapped twice. "And give yourself some room!"

As the genin began to distance themselves and wade into the water, I stepped back, giving them space to experiment and learn from the experience.

The usual suspects were soldiering through, the rest of the bunch was advancing with baby steps. I didn't mind it, though.

Not unlike water walking they had to constantly use and adjust the chakra at their feet just to stay in place, even more so as they were currently trying to get into the designated position. More than once I couldn't help but smile as looks of alarm flitted across some faces as they lost their footing or were in danger of doing so.

Seconds ticked by and finally, I was greeted by the sight of nine youthful heads just above the surface all along the bank of the river.

"Fantastic," I cheered. "Now, I want you to practice your most basic katas, the foundations of your various fighting styles, against the current."

"Oh, and mix in the occasional kunai slash or stab, too, please," I added after some delay as the thought crossed my mind. No reason why not, was there?

The sun continued to set, shadows lengthened further and further, and some Genin looked more and more miserable. To them time seemed to stretch on, the moments blurring together as they focused on syncing their chakra with the river's flow. The river's unrelenting push served as a constant reminder of the task at hand.

The struggle was clearly written over some of their faces, brows furrowing in concentration as they struggled to maintain their positions.


Others, namely, Kiba, Sasuke, and Naruto seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their faces were alight with the joy of a proper workout, embracing the challenge with enthusiasm.

Deciding to spice things up a bit, I repositioned myself further upstream, ensuring that I was in clear sight of the genin. As I turned I imagined I could taste their trepidation in the air as their eyes locked onto my smile. If that's how Orochimaru felt all the time...

On the sidelines, Kakashi remained engrossed in his book, seemingly unperturbed by the ongoing training or my short foray into madness.

I crouched and my hands slowly came up. Don't overdo it, Daiki!

While the hand seals were slow and obvious, my control was pinpoint, the smallest amount possible, but more than enough for this.

A warning was fair, I reckoned, as the smile on my face didn't budge an inch.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave," I intoned loud and clear. The looks of horror were glorious.

"You did alright back in the forest," I said casually while looking down at Shino with my hands in my pocket. My nonchalant mannerism was in stark contrast to his labored breath and unfiltered misery. He was near his breaking point and it wasn't going to be long before he joined Team 10, Hinata, and Sakura at the shore.

"But you had trouble with avoiding a trail on the forest floor," I continued, not waiting for a reply. For one Shino was too exhausted to talk, and for two another wave courtesy of my clone was going to hit him in the face. They weren't fast or violent, no, they were a lumbering surge, a tsunami in the middle of the ocean. Water washed over your head and stayed there for an uncomfortable amount of time. Zabuza had loved that training method, so much so that there had been times when he hadn't known when to stop.

The cruel bastard, his death wasn't something I was losing any sleep over. Not now, not ever.

"You know, it's been a while, but there was a guy from your clan on my team," I began, watching as his attention shifted from his practice to me. "His name was Torune Aburame. Bug user, obviously, but he also had an earth affinity."

The flicker of interest suddenly became an uncharacteristic loss of composure for the Aburame at the mention of the name, and I couldn't help but watch with an arched eyebrow in surprise as the boy lost his focus and was swept away. Quickly moving to help him out of the water, I gently guided him to the nearby shore. He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. It was clear that the training had taken its toll on him.

It seemed like my mention of Torune had struck a chord, breaking through his exhaustion for a moment. He struggled to voice his thoughts amid his heavy panting but managed to convey his surprise that I knew Torune.

"Torune?" he gasped out, his voice strained. "You... knew Torune?"

I nodded, taking note of his reaction. "Yes, I had the chance to work with him before. It's been a while, though."

Shino was visibly struggling to regain his breath and composure. It seemed that my mention of Torune had brought up memories he hadn't expected. As I sensed his exhaustion, I decided to give him a reprieve.

"Take a moment to catch your breath," I advised, squatting down next to him. "Great guy, great shinobi, and I'm certain he's still doing his duty as part of ANBU."

"I don't want to presume, perhaps your father or somebody has some training for you in mind, but if you want to get ahead, Torune might be your best bet."

With the sun now hidden behind the horizon, the only remnants of its presence were the shades of purple and pink painting the sky. With every genin now firmly back on dry land, busy with gathering energy and strength, I made sure to send two of my clones among them. The clones moved with practiced precision, their hands working over the genin's tense muscles, alleviating some of the accumulated discomforts from the intense training.

"Good job, everyone," I called out, drawing their attention. "You've all done well today. Remember, these challenges are designed to push your limits and prepare you for what's to come."

So far so good, I reckoned, a bit generic toward the end, but probably better than the slightly psychotic introduction from this morning.

I watched as they exchanged tired glances, some of them showing signs of relief, others with a lingering challenge in their eyes. They were a diverse group, each with their strengths and weaknesses, but today they had come together to face a common trial.

"Tomorrow, fresh and frisky, back at the stadium at 6 in the morning," I announced, my voice carrying the promise of more challenges and growth.

Now for the last job of the day...

I silently watched as the kids pulled themselves together and shakily got to their feet. My little muscle treatment wasn't some miracle work. It wasn't even as good as I could have made it since this was a lesson, too, but what I was currently observing was simple exhaustion. Bone-deep exhaustion, nothing more, nothing less. This was perhaps even the first time some of them had experienced something like that.

My eyes stayed on Team 10. They had a lot of catching up to do.

I shook my head. 'Here goes nothing!'

"Excuse me, Ino, right?" I ventured out, obviously knowing her first name, but trying to break the ice and get a feel for her disposition toward me.

"Yeah," she damn-near squeaked and tried to scramble to her feet properly.

I raised an eyebrow at her skittishness but decided not to comment on it directly. "Mind if I walk you home?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she glanced at me uncertainly before nodding. "Uh, sure, I guess."

As we started walking, I matched my pace to hers, giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. "I noticed you seemed a bit nervous out there today. How are you feeling about the training?"

Ino let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Honestly, it's been tough. I knew we were behind compared to some of the other teams, but seeing it up close today... it doesn't look good."

I nodded, understanding her concerns. "It's true that some of the other teams have had a head start, but that doesn't mean you can't catch up. Remember, everyone has their strengths. What you lack in some areas, you can make up for in others."

"You, in particular, have a unique advantage with your sensing abilities. Shikamaru may be the brain, and Choji the brawn, but you...you are the key to their survival, the key to making use of their strengths," I echoed some of my earlier thoughts.

"I...guess," she hesitated, obviously not understanding the gift she had.

"Listen, in my humble opinion, sensing is just as much a tool as the Sharingan or the Byakugan, and look how everybody is making a fuss about it."

I shook my head. Perhaps a different approach might be better, something more tangible.

"I really don't want to brag, but I'm damn strong," I said without beating around the bush or breaking my stride as we left one of the training ground gates behind us.

Ino remained silent, not yet knowing where I was going with this.

"Some higher-ups even put me in the bracket as those geniuses," I continued, but this time my tone suggested what I thought of that. How ridiculous that was.

"I'm ahead for my age," I conceded before I shrugged and briefly met Ino's gaze.

I sighed, feeling myself getting off track.

"All that I am is thanks to my sensing," I said and absolutely meant it.

"From the first time I 'saw' my caretaker's glow in the dark," I described and was glad to see Ino nod in understanding. "The first time I sensed somebody's presence, their chakra, in my mind's eye. Frankly, sometimes it felt like I was cheating."

"I can sense every chakra-based trap in my vicinity. I can sense ambushes miles in advance. Most of the time, I can tell when someone's lying. Genjutsu tend to be a non-issue," I rattled off the most obvious benefits before I collected my thoughts.

"The real boons only come with practice, dedication, and experience."

By now, we were on a dirt path headed for the eastern district.

"You can sense more than just the presence of others," I told her. "You can sense their intention before their body outwardly reacts."

"Chakra flow doesn't lie!"

The first hints of genuine passion were shining through the cracks, and I gave it my best to temper it. This wasn't about pressuring her into doing what I wanted her to do. She needed to come around and 'feel' the benefits all on her own. She needed 'to want' it herself.

Speaking of passion and want, a presence just entered my range.

I hid a smile and continued with my infomercial.

"I can judge temper and health over a distance."

"It's what had kept me and my teams safe so far," I lied through my teeth, but this was one of the big selling points and I had to make it count. The other point was this.

"It's also what got me so strong," I began and stopped us in the middle of a little wooden bridge over a stream.

"I can sense how more competent people are doing stuff and I can sense what I'm doing wrong! I don't waste weeks or months trying to understand something. I know what to look for and act accordingly."

"Ino, you can use your sensing to unlock the strength and speed you will need to protect your family and team! No technique involving yin and yang-release is too far for you! You can sense and shape your chakra to your desire!"

"All it takes is practice," I finished and made sure my tone hinted at the fact that everything was practically within her reach. She just had to grab it.


That simple question was enough for me to light up like a fool. A smile of pure delight formed on my face.

"You just have to use it!"

"When you lie in bed, try to sense your parents or neighbors. When you walk through the streets, simply close your eyes. Meditate and focus on yourself, on everybody, as much and as often as you can!"

A soft landing and a loud gasp at the other end of the bridge nearly gave Ino a heart attack, while I whipped my head around in exaggerated shock. I was in seriously good spirits, as I was certain that I converted the young blonde in front of me.

"How could you!" Hana shouted. "I wait at home and here you are, playing around with someone younger!"

"This isn't what it looks like!" I pleaded and from the corner of my eyes I saw Ino stand rigid. Like a deer in the headlights.

"I thought we were ready to build a life together!" she went on, theatrics in full swing.

"We are. She's just a friend!"

"What's she got that I don't have? The blonde hair, youth?" By now, she hid her face behind her hands.

"Nothing. You know I couldn't live without watching you shave your hairy legs in the bathtub."

The way Ino's head whipped around toward me and then back toward Hana when she heard the snort seriously made me fear for her health.

"Creepy perv," Hana muttered loud and clear, hands back in the pockets of her hospital attire, her demeanor right as rain. No hints of the show only seconds prior.

"See," I turned to Ino, a smile in my voice and on my face. "Without sensing I wouldn't have been able to tell if I was in trouble or not."

By now Hana joined us on the bridge, her arm over my shoulder.

"Plus, no need to get any ideas. You wouldn't believe the degenerate smut the guy reads."

And there went all the respect I built over the entire day.
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Yoshino Nara

Yoshino Nara (奈良ヨシノ, Nara Yoshino) is the wife of the former head of Konohagakure's Nara clan: Shikaku. Usually a very strict, and overbearing woman, she can also be very warm and gentle at times. Due to the passive nature of the Nara men, it's not surprising that she and Shikaku got married. He...

That's the link to and name of Shikamaru's mom if you weren't sure.
"When he looked at me, I thought I was going to die and pissed my pants in front of everybody," Shikamaru stated tonelessly after only a moment of hesitation.

Choza and to a lesser extent Inoichi visibly rocked back, stunned, and even the unflappable Jonin-commander couldn't help but raise a lone eyebrow in surprise.

"Please start at the beginning," his tone was still relaxed, but beneath it was the first hint of steel.

And so Shikamaru retold this morning's event from start to finish, the expressions and thoughts of the three fathers impervious to the genin.
Welp shit that's going to have some consequences. Hopefully Daiki can get that sorted out. Also holy shit these are Clan Heads why are they trying to coddle their kids that much.

I stood quietly on the sidelines, my sharp eyes scanning the scene. I was a silent observer, and fully aware that even my heightened senses wouldn't help me detect Kakashi's presence if the jonin didn't want to be found. A realization was dawning on me...

Without my sensing abilities, I would be just as vulnerable in the face of a shinobi of Kakashi Hatake's caliber.
Kakashi is really damn good at what he does, also shows how skilled Daiki is at chakra sensing.

As the training continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for these young shinobi. Their dedication to growth and their willingness to learn from each other and their mentors were indicative of their potential. The path ahead would be challenging, but with the right guidance and determination, they had the chance to become exceptional shinobi, each with their unique strengths.

I continued to observe, a sense of purpose settling within me. I had a role to play in shaping their journey, just as Kakashi did. As the setting sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, I silently reaffirmed my commitment to guiding these young minds toward their full potential. Konoha would need them.
Daiki really does love teaching and his passion makes him pretty good at it.

Others, namely, Kiba, Sasuke, and Naruto seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their faces were alight with the joy of a proper workout, embracing the challenge with enthusiasm.
Nice to see that some people are having the time of their lives. Naruto and Kida are used to it due to Daiki's influence. Sasuke is having the time of his life since it helps him on his self improvement grind.

Deciding to spice things up a bit, I repositioned myself further upstream, ensuring that I was in clear sight of the genin. As I turned I imagined I could taste their trepidation in the air as their eyes locked onto my smile. If that's how Orochimaru felt all the time...
Daiki has issues, for all that he hates Orochimaru he kinda wants to become like him in a way.

"You know, it's been a while, but there was a guy from your clan on my team," I began, watching as his attention shifted from his practice to me. "His name was Torune Aburame. Bug user, obviously, but he also had an earth affinity."

The flicker of interest suddenly became an uncharacteristic loss of composure for the Aburame at the mention of the name, and I couldn't help but watch with an arched eyebrow in surprise as the boy lost his focus and was swept away. Quickly moving to help him out of the water, I gently guided him to the nearby shore. He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. It was clear that the training had taken its toll on him.

It seemed like my mention of Torune had struck a chord, breaking through his exhaustion for a moment. He struggled to voice his thoughts amid his heavy panting but managed to convey his surprise that I knew Torune.

"Torune?" he gasped out, his voice strained. "You... knew Torune?"
Yeah Shino is freaking out right now. This unstable dude knows his long lost brother who's thankfully still alive.

"Some higher-ups even put me in the bracket as those geniuses," I continued, but this time my tone suggested what I thought of that. How ridiculous that was.
Daiki is staying down to earth about his skills which is good. He's a badass but he's not that badass.
Chapter 3.2.6
Chapter 3.2.6
It's been a week since we started this exam prep, and things have been moving along. No time for hand-holding; we're keeping it practical and these kids were putting in the work, no doubt about that.

No more than the three boys around me, who had all but demanded an extra shift when we wrapped up with the rest of the group.

Naruto was off on his own, nearby, deep into a meditation that looked more like a wrestling match with his own chakra. He was trying to stretch his wind chakra to the limits, a chakra-intensive move that would have given anybody else a run for their money. His chakra capacity was staggeringly massive, and continued to amaze me, so that wasn't the problem. What was tripping him up was building a sense of his own chakra, and that was directly tied to control and sensitivity.

I hung back, just sensing the show. He was failing, no doubt about it, but that was part of the game. You didn't learn without messing up. Naruto's frustration was palpable, and I could practically hear the gears turning in his head. He was trying to force it, and that's where he was messing up.

I refrained from shaking my head in sympathy because I didn't want to disrupt the Uchiha in front of me.

Sasuke and I stood only a couple of feet apart, the intensity of his gaze locked onto mine. There was no need for words; we both knew what we were here for. Training with Sasuke was always a no-nonsense affair.

We were doing a bit of everything today, pushing the limits of his Sharingan. He had to keep that crimson eye active for as long and as much as possible, the strain showing in the subtle tension around his eyes. On top of that, he had to maintain an active Sharingan hidden behind a simple Genjutsu, creating the illusion that it was deactivated. My reasoning was clear: a hidden Sharingan could catch an unsuspecting enemy off guard more effectively than one that was blatantly on display.

Now, it was time to test another aspect of his Sharingan's abilities. I'd been drilling him in Genjutsu, and today's challenge was to cast genjutsu solely with his Sharingan. He had two jutsu in his arsenal that I had taught him—the Mist Servant Technique and the Temple of Nirvana Technique. The more proficient he became with these jutsu, the more lethal they would be in battle.

I stared back and raised my eyebrow in challenge when I didn't sense any effort from my charge. I knew he was at his limits, and that he was tired, but I didn't care. Itachi wouldn't.

A flicker of determination in his eyes, and I could sense the Sharingan spinning. The one tomoe in each eye swirling hidden behind his little genjutsu, an ominous glow, however, faintly visibly. As was the tightening around his eyes.

Standing stock still, he unleashed the Mist Servant Technique. It was faintly impressive how quickly the illusion jumped to me and a shadowy, mirror-like doppelganger appeared beside him, mimicking his movements flawlessly. The Genjutsu was decently convincing but in the still bright afternoon sun, decent wasn't enough. Its shadow was good, but the lack of pressure on the grass below its feet wasn't.


I nodded in approval. "Better."

He didn't respond, his focus solely on maintaining the Genjutsu. It was clear that he was determined to master this technique.

After a while, he released the Mist Servant and took a deep breath. His Sharingan never wavered as the intensity of his training showed in the slight strain around his eyes.

"Alright, Sasuke, now let's move on to the Temple of Nirvana Technique," I instructed.

He nodded and closed his eyes briefly, focusing his chakra. When he opened them again, I was glad to see the Sharingan still hidden. He stared directly at me, and I could feel the Genjutsu taking hold, a calming sensation washing over me.

The Temple of Nirvana Technique was a powerful Genjutsu that could lull opponents into a deep slumber. If Sasuke could master it, he'd have another deadly tool at his disposal.

I maintained my focus, resisting the urge to succumb to the calming effects of the Genjutsu. Sasuke's control was impressive, and it was clear he was making progress.

After a few minutes, he released the Genjutsu and deactivated his Sharingan, the strain evident on his face. He looked at me, waiting for my evaluation.

I couldn't help but be impressed. "You seem to have a knack for the Temple of Nirvana Technique, despite its complexity," I said, and wasn't lying, he was doing good, and it was an A-rank technique.

Sasuke simply nodded in exhaustion, while his expression remained determined, and I knew that he wouldn't rest until he mastered these same obviously could be said about the blonde to the side.

As I continued to observe, an idea started to form in my mind. Maybe there was a different approach he needed to try, a helping hand.

I stepped forward, but I didn't rush in. I let him keep at it for a bit longer, letting the struggle sink in. Then, I approached, keeping it casual.

"You're putting up a good fight, Naruto," I said, and he didn't even open his eyes, just grumbled something that sounded like agreement. "But that isn't the point, you know," I continued and the smile in my voice was evident.

I took a seat nearby and leaned back, getting comfortable. "Wanna try something?"

He cracks open an eye, curiosity piqued. Even Sasuke watched, always eager to learn.

"Remember, relax, close your eyes, trust me, and focus on the sensation," I instructed and raised my hand for some seals, while Naruto closed his eyes again.

'Water Prison Technique' This wasn't an attack, so there was no need to rush. My control was simply allowed to work its magic. Slowly, ever so slowly water from the air and the grass began to form around Naruto in a sphere, his neck and head remaining free.

A couple of moments later Naruto floated gently in the water. Satisfied, I got up and approached my watery creation. My left hand was up in a ram-seal for concentration, as my right touched the surface of the lukewarm water. Then, the water started to gain a green hue, and a technique meant to alleviate strained muscles became the ultimate spa treatment.

"Relax," I refrained from using a genjutsu to whisper into his mind and simply spoke quietly, as gently as possible, and not a harsh whisper. "Feel the wind on your neck, on your face."

"You are in a tranquil forest, relaxing in a beautiful spring. In the distance breathtaking mountains and above a blue sky," I continued, my eyes closed, too.

"The wind on your skin, the warmth of your chakra within."

I sensed his chakra and knew we were on a good path.

"Take a breath, and follow it, feel the warmth spread into your chest," I told him and waited for a heartbeat for him to do just that. "Exhale...Follow your breath, follow your warmth, feel the wind flow around the trees."

"Take a breath, feel the warmth, as it returns to you, into your chest..."


And for a heartbeat, I imagined the wind on my skin.

"Follow the warmth to Sasuke..."

"Take a breath...the wind soft...the warmth gentle..."

"Exale...follow the warmth...through the trees...Kiba and Akamaru..."

"Memorize the feeling...memorize the sensation...slowly open your eyes..."

And we both did, I released my technique and watched as Naruto glided gently onto the wet grass...and promptly fell asleep.

That should have been it...

But then I sensed something else, something stirring from within Naruto...

'Oh shit.'

Shikamaru Nara, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, and Hinata Hyuga were currently sitting in the empty mess hall of the orphanage where Daiki Ito had grown up. A little revelation, that was only now, during their third visit, began to lose some of its weirdness.

The morning sun cast long shadows through the windows, creating a tranquil atmosphere in the room. The little kids of the orphanage were currently busy in a classroom upstairs, leaving the mess hall quiet and undisturbed.

Hifumi, the old matron of the orphanage, sat across from them, her weathered hands folded in her lap. Her eyes, though aged, held a sharp glint of curiosity as she inspected the blades of grass held aloft and rigid at the fingertips of the genin.

Hifumi quietly inspected each and every blade of grass, taking note of the strain and concentration of the respective genin to hold the exercise. Her experienced eyes could discern the subtle differences in their chakra control and the finesse with which they maintained the delicate balance. It was evident that they were putting their best effort into the exercise.

The genin were doing good, she thought to herself, allowing a small, proud smile to crease her lips. Their progress in the exercise she had taught them was a testament to their hard work and dedication.

Daiki really must have lit a fire under their bottoms, she mused with some humor, remembering the young man who had grown up in this very orphanage. His return and the influence he had on these genin were undeniable. It was heartwarming to see how they had taken his guidance to heart and were striving to become stronger.

Hifumi complimented them with a nod and motioned for them to lower their hands, satisfied with what she had seen. "You're all making remarkable progress," she said, her voice carrying the weight of her years of experience. "Chakra control is the foundation of any skilled shinobi, and you've shown great promise."

She took a moment to adjust her position and continued, "Now, one aspect of medical ninjutsu is to heal without breaking the skin, to reach the internal parts of the patient without surgery. This exercise, holding blades of grass aloft with your chakra, teaches you the delicate control needed for such precise work."

The genin exchanged glances, realizing the significance of the exercise in their training. It was a reminder that their journey to becoming competent ninja involved mastering various aspects of chakra manipulation.

"This is also the first exercise for chakra strings," Hifumi revealed, adding that little nugget of information as an afterthought. She watched as their eyes widened in interest.

"Now, then, let's introduce you to medical chakra," she said, her tone growing more serious. With that, she held up her hand, which radiated a soft green hue. "A skill that might save the lives of your teammates one day."

While one group of genin continued their path into the realm of medical ninjutsu under Hifumi's guidance, another set of genin faced a considerably tougher challenge. They found themselves pitted against none other than the son of the current Hokage.

Asuma Sarutobi, with his trench knives at the ready, took on Choji and his newly recently acquired escrima sticks. Asuma's clones, equally menacing, relentlessly pursued Shino, Sasuke, and Kiba.

The genin were holding onto their standard tantos for dear life, as the handful of lessons given by me and Kakashi had only provided them with the basics and a solid foundation. Asuma's experience and skill with his trench knives made him a formidable opponent, and the genin visibly struggled to keep up.

Asuma's clones were relentless, each one targeting a different genin. Shino, with his unique Aburame techniques, surprisingly managed to hold his ground somewhat, though it was clear he was being pushed to his limits. It seemed he had followed my advice. Sasuke and Kiba were both on the defensive, trying to evade the attacks and counter when they could.

A powerful kick from one of Asuma's clones sent Kiba skidding into the dirt, and he ended up near my position. He quickly got to his feet, wiping the blood and dirt from his face, his expression a mixture of frustration and determination. "Where the hell is Naruto?" he demanded, his glare suggesting that he wanted to know exactly how Naruto had managed to escape this vicious punishment.

"He has an appointment with the Third," I answered nonchalantly with a shrug, the tension from yesterday hidden deep within me.

As the genin continued their training, my thoughts drifted back to the previous day's meditation exercise with Naruto. It had been an unusual session, to say the least. Naruto had remained asleep, seemingly oblivious to the world, while another chakra within him stirred to life.

For a hot second, I had no clue what was going on, and when I realized...

For a brief, heart-pounding moment, fear had gripped me. The power of the Kyuubi was immense, and any sudden awakening or loss of control could be catastrophic. I could barely remember the start of my awareness, but the flashes I could were beyond terrifying.

But then, just as swiftly as it had begun, the disturbance within Naruto's chakra had calmed, and he had continued to remain asleep, seemingly dead to the world. I had decided to dismiss Sasuke for the day and had sent a clone to do the same with Kiba. All the while, I put on a brave face, trying not to arouse any suspicion. I played it off as amused exasperation as if Naruto's behavior had been nothing more than a minor annoyance.

But boy, was I on edge.

The arrival of the ANBU-squad hadn't really helped either.


Author's Note:

Hey, hello, bonjour, guten Tag! Not going to lie, took multiple starts to finally get going, but it went better than expected. So here's the next chapter of Timber! If you've been enjoying my writing here, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could check out my new story The Impel Down Redemption, and my continuation/polish of my old story Bird On The Wire. I would be immensely grateful for your thoughts and feedback.

Kind regards,
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Naruto was off on his own, nearby, deep into a meditation that looked more like a wrestling match with his own chakra. He was trying to stretch his wind chakra to the limits, a chakra-intensive move that would have given anybody else a run for their money. His chakra capacity was staggeringly massive, and continued to amaze me, so that wasn't the problem. What was tripping him up was building a sense of his own chakra, and that was directly tied to control and sensitivity.
Daiki teaching Naruto the more subtle skills like chakra control is great, it's going to make Naruto a lot more effective and that's going to be scary.

We were doing a bit of everything today, pushing the limits of his Sharingan. He had to keep that crimson eye active for as long and as much as possible, the strain showing in the subtle tension around his eyes. On top of that, he had to maintain an active Sharingan hidden behind a simple Genjutsu, creating the illusion that it was deactivated. My reasoning was clear: a hidden Sharingan could catch an unsuspecting enemy off guard more effectively than one that was blatantly on display.

Now, it was time to test another aspect of his Sharingan's abilities. I'd been drilling him in Genjutsu, and today's challenge was to cast genjutsu solely with his Sharingan. He had two jutsu in his arsenal that I had taught him—the Mist Servant Technique and the Temple of Nirvana Technique. The more proficient he became with these jutsu, the more lethal they would be in battle.
Daiki is teaching Sasuke pretty well and is training his Sharigan a lot better than I expected.

After a few minutes, he released the Genjutsu and deactivated his Sharingan, the strain evident on his face. He looked at me, waiting for my evaluation.

I couldn't help but be impressed. "You seem to have a knack for the Temple of Nirvana Technique, despite its complexity," I said, and wasn't lying, he was doing good, and it was an A-rank technique.
Sasuke respects Daiki for helping him and for his mentality. You can tell by how there's no back sass.

'Water Prison Technique' This wasn't an attack, so there was no need to rush. My control was simply allowed to work its magic. Slowly, ever so slowly water from the air and the grass began to form around Naruto in a sphere, his neck and head remaining free.

A couple of moments later Naruto floated gently in the water. Satisfied, I got up and approached my watery creation. My left hand was up in a ram-seal for concentration, as my right touched the surface of the lukewarm water. Then, the water started to gain a green hue, and a technique meant to alleviate strained muscles became the ultimate spa treatment.
Spa Treatment Jutsu is really good, Hiruzen is going to want to learn it, it's also great for comfort. Good on Daiki for making jutsu that aren't involved in murder.

He cracks open an eye, curiosity piqued. Even Sasuke watched, always eager to learn.
I think that Daiki respects Naruto and Sasuke's desire for self improvement.

And we both did, I released my technique and watched as Naruto glided gently onto the wet grass...and promptly fell asleep.

That should have been it...

But then I sensed something else, something stirring from within Naruto...

'Oh shit.'
That's an appropriate reaction. I'm a bit surprised Daiki hasn't sensed the Kyuubi before but that's probably because he's avoided taking a look.

"He has an appointment with the Third," I answered nonchalantly with a shrug, the tension from yesterday hidden deep within me.

As the genin continued their training, my thoughts drifted back to the previous day's meditation exercise with Naruto. It had been an unusual session, to say the least. Naruto had remained asleep, seemingly oblivious to the world, while another chakra within him stirred to life.
Okay it's great that nothing blew up, Naruto didn't go berserk, and he's talking to Hiruzen. All in all the Kyuubi Chakra release happened in a pretty controlled setting.

For a brief, heart-pounding moment, fear had gripped me. The power of the Kyuubi was immense, and any sudden awakening or loss of control could be catastrophic. I could barely remember the start of my awareness, but the flashes I could were beyond terrifying.
Freaking out and mind numbing terror is an appropriate reaction.

But then, just as swiftly as it had begun, the disturbance within Naruto's chakra had calmed, and he had continued to remain asleep, seemingly dead to the world. I had decided to dismiss Sasuke for the day and had sent a clone to do the same with Kiba. All the while, I put on a brave face, trying not to arouse any suspicion. I played it off as amused exasperation as if Naruto's behavior had been nothing more than a minor annoyance.

But boy, was I on edge.

The arrival of the ANBU-squad hadn't really helped either.
I don't think Daiki will be in too much trouble since nothing happened but the report will be nerve wracking.
You're the author for Bird on the Wire!? Holy shit that's awesome! I was really surprised to see that story update again on FF.