In 2006, The third world war began. What followed was a devastating conflict, were over a billion met their end. Only ending Seven years later, in the year 2013...
Three years after the end of the third world war. In much of the world, things seem peaceful, as mankind begins to heal the wounds inflicted upon itself, though some conflicts continue, the scale is much smaller. Allowing for many of those involved to live somewhat peaceful lives.
Enter Arctaius Corde, once a young boy thrust into life or death battles, connected to this very war, surviving with abilities gained as he became a proto-human. Today, he lives in the Tokyo. Though a troubled student at best, with a large amount of fights under his belt. They were nothing compared to those previous, and his life had become a more peaceful one. However, this would soon end. As a mysterious group that appeared during his childhood resurfaces, and begins to take action, eventually drawn in by their plans, he takes the first chance to begin chasing them.
Three years after the end of the third world war. In much of the world, things seem peaceful, as mankind begins to heal the wounds inflicted upon itself, though some conflicts continue, the scale is much smaller. Allowing for many of those involved to live somewhat peaceful lives.
Enter Arctaius Corde, once a young boy thrust into life or death battles, connected to this very war, surviving with abilities gained as he became a proto-human. Today, he lives in the Tokyo. Though a troubled student at best, with a large amount of fights under his belt. They were nothing compared to those previous, and his life had become a more peaceful one. However, this would soon end. As a mysterious group that appeared during his childhood resurfaces, and begins to take action, eventually drawn in by their plans, he takes the first chance to begin chasing them.