Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

Chapter 84 - Face it Tiger...
So I read the latest Miles Morales book. Good news: Lana's still heroic and definitely against being a criminal. Bad news: Bendis completely derailed Lori's character and she went from telling Lana to make her own choices to laughing to her face when Lana admits she wants to be a hero and telling her daughter 'Too fucking bad. You're underage, so legally you're mine'. Lana even attacks her mom over this, which shows how deteriorated this relationship is.

So yeah...definitely not using that at all :/

Anyway, this chapter's Road to Recovery; the majority of people voted against the angst so let's take a bit of a break from it...kinda. I'll let you see what I mean when we get to the chapter itself.

Sufficent Velocity Side-Note - I might have to stop posting here at some point given lack of current feedback. I'll give notice if and/or when I decide to do this so one can transfer over to spacebattles or fanfiction for future updates. Thanks for the feedback so far and I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Chapter 84: Face it Tiger...

"Stop fucking moving!"

Peter ducked the clumsy punch and stepped back with a light hop. The smell of blood and vomit in the air made it hard to focus, and the cheers and jeers from the crowd didn't help much in that regard. It was bad before, but after Frost's gallery it bordered on unbearable and sometimes it took everything he had not to just scream at them all to shut up and maybe actually take a damned bath to wash the blood off.

The worst part? This was probably the most relaxing thing he'd done all week.

"Focus, Spider." He felt a touch at his left shoulder and his head snapped to meet Felicia's gaze. Meeting her in a back-alley fight club wasn't exactly his idea of a good time, but apparently she'd gotten a taste for it. It probably beat hanging out in ritzy parties and pretending to like the people who talked behind her back; or at least it did for him. He still had no clue why she was really doing it and she didn't want to tell him.

Which was just fine by him. They were hardly friends.

It was 2 on 3 - previously 6 until just now - and he was flagging. One week of drinking himself stupid and filling up on painkillers and his body still felt like it was flushing out his system. Either the Spider-God decided to take back his protection for being such a lazy twit or he'd pushed too far.

Felicia charged ahead first and he did the same. She delivered a swift punch to the closest thug's gut which Peter followed with an elbow to his face, blood staining the sleeve of his white shirt. The first of the three fell on his back and spat out a curse, though it was muddled from the blood and spit. Felicia rolled her eyes and kicked him at the right side of his jaw to knock him out.

2 left.

She took the smaller one on the left, which left him with the roided gorilla at the center. The smug bastard was still grinning and judging by the way he looked at him he must've thought his muscles could make up for his brain being the size of a pea, "Come on, little boy." He gestured Peter to come closer, the messy tattoo covering his face shifting at the movement of the skin.

This would be quick.

Peter ran towards him and, after dodging his sweeping punch, tackled him against the cage. The big galoot grunted and Peter kneed his side, earning a muted cry of pain that was almost unheard through the cheers of the crowd.

"You're tougher than you look!" Peter blocked the punch and headbutted him. Blood hit the skin of his forehead and he winced. Maybe going to a fight club when he was still reeling wasn't a good idea, but was drinking himself into a stupor any better? At least here was still sober.

Peter kneed his side again and smashed his head against the surface of the chain link cage. The crowd cheered and booed in equal measure while money began to change hands. If he won this then he could get a decent kickback even if he had to split it with Hardy - which was doubtful considering it must have been a drop in the bucket for someone like her. Sucking in a deep breath, he raised his fist and prepared a final punch-

What the hell were they doing here?

Peter's head snapped up and he blinked, trying and failing to trick himself into thinking it was just another hallucination. Ben and May Parker were in the crowd, both eyes wide and mouth agape as they stared at him. They stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd, though thankfully no one paid them any mind, all of them too busy cheering and betting on the fights to care about a couple of Queens suburbanites.

Speaking of the fight.

His spider-sense rang, but he was so distracted that he didn't notice the first flying for his face till it made contact. Peter stumbled back and held his nose with both hands, a pained groan escaping his lips. Ben screamed something at him - a warning - but it only served to distract him more. How the hell were they there? Or was he just seeing things again like the ghost from last night?

A pair of hands circled around his neck and smashed him to the ground, meaty fingers pushing against the flesh. Peter looked up and glared at the meathead grinning down at him. His first instinct was to release a burst of webbing and beat his face into the ground, but that would've made it a bit too obvious.

In the end he never got the chance to. Before Peter could pry the bastard's fingers off a kick landed at the side of the lunk's head and he was quickly knocked out, falling on Peter's chest with a dull groan, "Shit..." Peter kicked him off and looked up to see Hardy smirking down at him, the silver-blonde offering him a hand which he promptly ignored. It was embarrassing enough that she had to 'save' him, thanks.

And the two of them were still there. Either they were real or this hallucination was really damn persistent.

"We have a winner! These two-"

Peter shoved past the would-be announcer and opened the door to the cage. Parts of the crowd cheered and patted him in the back while others spat curses at him, but he paid them no mind. Right now all his attention was focused on a pair of sheep in a wolves den.


"What the hell are you two doing here?" he hissed, cutting off May's worried exclamation, "Do you two have a deathwish, coming here on your own?


"No, nevermind, I don't wanna hear it." He wiped the blood on his forehead and let out a frustrated breath. Seeing them again should've been a good thing, but this was the last place for a reunion of any kind, "Just...get out of here before any of these guys wise up and-"

"Having troubles, Spider?" He turned and glared at Hardy, though the masked thief just smiled back in response. If there was someone else who stuck out in a place like this then it was definitely her: fancy clothes, make-up, silver-blonde hair and a mask that barely covered the space around her eyes...she couldn't have looked less like an outcast if she tried. Difference was she could take care of herself, something Ben and May couldn't claim.

"Not the time, Hardy..."

"Well, I hope you didn't plan to leave without your prize." She threw a crinkled envelope his way. He counted enough to pay multiple month's rent easy, "Now, if you're planning to have a conversation then I suggest we do it out of sight of your 'fans'."

He wanted to tell her to pike off, but seeing the pleading looks on Ben and May's faces made him bite his tongue. He did plan to talk to some point. Definitely not in the middle of a fight club after he got himself bloodied trying to pay rent, though.

It took them a while to find a place where he was sure they were relatively alone, but all throughout it he felt their stares boring into his back. Hardy seemed happy, at least, though that wasn't exactly comforting to him right now. The temptation to spend half his prize on a entire shelf of whiskey got more tempting by the second.

They stopped at an alley that was distinctly lacking in activity. Peter took a cursory glance at both ends of the narrow path and nodded. Definitely alone then, "...What the hell are you doing here?" he asked after a moment of silence. His 'parents' blinked in surprise and he continued, "How the hell did you find me?" He didn't exactly announce it to the world. Even Hardy only ran into him by chance.

The two of them looked at one another uncertainly before Ben eventually spoke up, " a message. The number was unknown, but it told us that you were here."

"An unknown message?" Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "You didn't stop to think that maybe running after a random message was a bad idea?" For all he knew Murdock could have sent it. The blind bastard - a devil, he reminded himself ruefully - was petty despite all his claims to higher morality and thought.

"We were worried about you, Peter," May said softly, "We didn't see you after that madness a week ago this what you do with your free time?"

"You've seen more on the news..." He softly batted away the hand that reached for his face and frowned down at the ground. There was a reason he didn't advertise. Fighting against crooks and 'Supervillains' or fighting in a club to get money; same thing in the end, but not everyone saw it that way. He was damn sure Gwen would give him a lecture on safer things to do for 'fun'.

"I suppose it's shocking despite all that," Hardy chimed in. Peter didn't bother to glare at her and she stepped forward with a hand offered towards Ben, an easy smile on her face, "Good afternoon to you both, my name is Felicia Hardy. Ben and May Parker, I assume?"

"Um...yes." Ben shook her hand awkwardly and gave her a confused look, " Felicia Hardy do you mean the one on the television?"

"That's a rather vague description, but I guess I have to say yes." She shook May's hand as well, the sickly sweet smile never leaving. He wanted to wipe it off her face, "Pleasure to finally meet you two."

"Um, you as well." May wrung her hands together and looked back at Peter. She was probably confused that apparently someone besides them, Bullseye, Lana and Gwen knew about his 'condition', "Is she a friend of yours, Peter?"

"Yes, Peter and I are...close acquaintances, one could say." This time he did glare at her, though she paid it no mind. He definitely heard the double meaning in her words, and judging by the surprised furrow of the brows Ben had he did too, "Your son's been helping me and a few others out so I'll admit it's interesting to meet face to face with the two who raised him."

"Enough with the sweet talk, Hardy. It's not gonna make me help you." He scoffed, "You two...look, if you were hoping for a talk here then you're gonna be disappointed. This ain't exactly the place for a heart to heart."

"Then come back with us." Ben said, his voice taking on a more forceful tone. It reminded him of the lectures him...the kid...whoever he was got a few years ago, "Peter, we deserve a chance to understand all that's happening and with Gwen coming back from's better now than later, right, kiddo?" He tried to smile, but it came of as forced as the nickname did.

Peter would've rolled his eyes at the lecturing act, but the sight of Felicia's pursed lips and narrowed eyes drew his attention, "Stacy's in Washington..." He could practically see the gears turning in her head. Despite Lana's comments Hardy wasn't dumb - no more than him or anyone else, at least - and she could see the end of the puzzle when someone dangled it in front of her.


"Oh, how could I have missed it?" Her smile shifted, going from sickly sweet to smugly satisfied. It wasn't a good look on her, "Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman...the irony's almost storybook, isn't it? The Lizard whose death led to her being hunted as a criminal was her best friend and now he's Spider-Man. Terrific."

"She's not-"

"Don't try to lie, Spider. You're not very good at it," she interrupted, "I suppose it explains a lot of things, though I'm confused on how you can stand to be around her given your history. One would think it'd be difficult considering she beat you to death."

"You don't want me to lie? Fine, how about this: you don't shut your mouth I'll make you." Ben and May winced at the blunt threat while Felicia remained nonplussed, crossing her arms and looking him right in the eye. Peter glared at her for a few seconds before turning his attention back to Ben and May, "And you two need to be careful on who you tell. We're lucky this alley's deserted."

"Calm down." Felicia clicked her tongue and uncrossed her arms, "What exactly do you think I'll do with this? I've seen the news. She's one of Captain America's pets, the 'Avengers'. If I start running my mouth that entire group will come down on me and I'll accomplish nothing but making her more famous than she already is. Besides, I may not have any love for her but I don't want her dead. Or do you think so little of me that you think I'd let her die out of spite?"

"You definitely sounded like you wanted her head on a pike." He sighed, "Look, just keep quiet about this. Bad enough that Murdock knows who we are, I don't need every schmuck in this city sharing in." Considering how obsessed they were with her they'd probably batter down her house just to catch a glimpse of the 'woman behind the mask' or some other fancy saying.

"If that diable knows who you are then you have more to worry about him than you do me."

"Point." He was pretty sure the only reason Murdock didn't expose them was because he was playing some kind of long game, "...Come on, you two, let's go back to your house. Something tells me whoever sent you that message is waiting."

Sometimes Peter hated being right.

Seeing Gwen again, he couldn't deny it was a relief. The blonde sat at one end of the table and she looked...well, better than before, at least. Granted that wasn't a hard pull considering her mental breakdown a week ago, but it was a nice sight all the same. The blonde sat at one side of the table and smiled softly when she saw them enter the dining room. She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of old jeans and sneakers, though judging by the way they shifted he doubted they were real clothes.

Still, she was a damn sight better than his 'sister' sitting across from her.

Teresa looked up slightly at their approach, a ghost of a smile playing on her face, "Right on time. Good."

"Teresa...guessing it was you who sent them my way," Peter said. He couldn't bother to muster up a glare; she probably (hard to tell with her) wouldn't even see it.

"Yes. A bit of a risky move, but I was sure you needed a push."

"Risky move? No, it was a dumb move. They could've gotten killed or at least mugged. Didn't think of that, 'Madame Web'?"

"I had my sort-of apprentice Anya trail them. Anyone that got so much as an inch too close wouldn't get very far," she said casually, "She followed them until you made contact in the club, at which point she broke off."

"You've got all the answers, don't you?"

"It's my job, even if I don't get paid for it-"

"Okay, okay, hold up." Gwen said, finally speaking up, "I'm super confused here. Peter, who the fu- heck is this?" Peter raised an eyebrow. Why she still insisted on censoring herself around the Parkers he had no clue; it wasn't like they hadn't seen her trash talking the clowns on the TV already, "I mean when I got here she was just lounging around like she owned the place and said she was a cousin or something."

"Close enough...she's my sister."

That got their attention. Ben and May looked at him like he grew a second head while Gwen stared at Teresa with a completely blank expression. The older woman laughed under her breath and leaned back on the chair, "A bit of warning might have been better there, Petey." Peter scowled at the nickname, which she again paid no attention to, "I was kind of hoping to ease them into it."

"That went out the window when you had them walk down alleys to find me." Peter scoffed, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be catching up with Bullseye or something? Last I checked he was shellshocked finding out his alleged former squadmate is alive."

"Business before pleasure." She waved a hand through the air and gestured to the three remaining chairs, "We need to get some things out of the way, Petey, and if I left it to you then I'm sure you'd be content to stall until Gwendolyne dragged you kicking and screaming from your apartment."

"You don't know anything about me, 'sis'." The words held less bite than he intended, and judging by the slight tilt of her head Teresa caught that as well, "...Let's just get this over with. Sooner I don't have to see you again the better I'll be." He sat down on the seat farthest from Teresa and waited for Ben and May to take the remaining two. Something told him they'd need to be sitting to get through this.

"I can tell you're lying about that. You know you don't always have to play the act of the loner." Peter didn't say anything. Teresa sighed, "Alright, be that way then. Let's start from the beginning: tell them what happened at the smelting factory."

"What's she talking about?" Gwen looked at him worriedly. He wished his next words were 'nothing to worry about', but he was done lying, "Is she talking about our fight with that Kasady guy? The serial killer?"

"Yes, but not what you think," Teresa said, "This isn't about your morality, Gwendolyne; though I'm glad it was the choice you made."

"I'm sorry, I'm still reeling from this," May said softly, "You said you're Peter's...sister?" she asked, getting a muted nod in return, "Th-That doesn't make any sense. Richard and Mary didn't have another child. Peter was the only one who..."

"Peter was the only one who could be normal." There was a tinge of sadness in her voice, "When mom and dad died he was only 3, but I was 10 and I'd already seen things that could make me a target. H.Y.D.R.A isn't exactly picky about going after children if they think there's a profit in it." Her smiled turned more sardonic, "S.H.I.E.L.D wiped me from the records. Officially I'm Teresa Durand and my parents died in a car crash when I was an infant. Less messy that way."

"Y-You realize we can't take this without any proof, right?" Ben said.

"Is it any more absurd than your son coming back from the dead?" She asked. Neither Ben or May answered and she let out a soft breath, "Here, it's the same picture I showed Peter. It's one of the few things from them that they let me keep."

The picture of 'his' entire family together made him feel different compared to before. Back then he'd denied it outright, so convinced that no matter what he couldn't have been the Peter Parker of this universe. Now...well, it was just another reminder how much he'd been lied to, how impossible the idea of being normal could ever be. Lizard serum or not he apparently had a sister who could see the future and into different worlds.

"This is so fucked up..." Gwen muttered, completely forgetting to censor herself in her shock, "So, wait, you're Peter's sister and you have...what, exactly?"

"Spider powers. Anansi chose us both, it seems." Again with the talk of totems and destiny. Still, he couldn't deny it sounded less and less silly the more time passed, "I can see the future and into different worlds, though it's something I prefer not to use. Besides that I can defend myself just fine with my gifts. I can't hold a candle to you now that you've been bonded with what remains of Klyntar, but it's enough."


"She means the kid. The symbiote." Peter sighed. This was another reason he didn't want Teresa meeting them. A blind long-lost sister who could see into the future? It sounded more outlandish than Murdock being possessed by the damn devil, "Look, can we stop with the Twenty Questions? She claims she's my sister and she can see into the future; or at least she's really lucky."

"Right..." Gwen shook her head, obviously still in shock from the bombshells his 'sister' dropped, "Look, you were talking about the smelting factory?"

"Yeah..." He looked down for a brief moment and bit his lip. Admitting it shouldn't have been so hard compared to everything else, but saying outright his life was just a lie wasn't something he could pretend didn't bother him, " you remember when we were fighting in the factory and those two helped us?"

"Yeah, the one with the claws and her partner. I saw them before." Gwen nodded, "What about them? I heard they worked for S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Maybe, but that's not what's important." He took a deep breath and steeled himself. Teresa gave him an encouraging nod, "Her partner...the guy in the coat in the mask...he's Spider-Man. The original one, I mean...the one who came here."

It only took a few seconds for the words to sink in, but for him it felt like an eternity. Gwen's eyes widened and she stood, the chair clattering to the ground with a loud thud at the suddenness of the action, "W-Wait, what?!" she choked out, looking between him and Teresa frantically. There went any hope of this being easy, "W-Wait, okay-okay-okay..." She took a moment to breath in and out before she spoke up again, "That doesn't- isn't he dead? S.H.I.E.L.D had the body, right?"

"I was dead too, remember?" His words were bitter and he hated that he couldn't look them in the eyes. Ben and May seemed to take it better, at least in the sense that they weren't screaming. Still the way their hands held onto each other in a vice grip made it obvious that it wasn't easy passing for them either, "I don't know how he came back, but he's there and he's alive..." And nearly killed him in a rage, but they didn't need to know that.

Another moment of silence passed before May spoke up, "So...wh-what does this mean?"

"It means that a lot of ambiguity no longer applies," Teresa answered for him, "While I can't deny the possibility that the Pariah might have copied the other Spider-Man's mind wholesale it wouldn't explain why there are residual memories. I can only assume then that the entity that brought your son back gave him Spider-Man's memories as a sort of stopgap solution. An imperfect one, certainly, but it kept him from relapsing."

"Okay, okay, just...stop." Gwen closed her eyes and let out a frustrated breath, her hoodie shifting and moving in response, "You're telling me the old Spider-Man, the one who died before Peter came back, is running around again and that Peter's clusterfucked memories are because something made him that way on purpose?"

"Yes," Teresa said bluntly, "This shouldn't be so much of a shock, Gwendolyne. Did you think your powers could be replicated so easily because of radiation? As much as Ms. Moon might claim to be the source of your abilities she can't even come close to replicating it en-masse and giving it to all her troops. The only reason she ever got that far was because Anansi chose you...the same way he chose me and Peter's patron chose him."

"God, this mystical bullshit's giving me a headache..." She picked up the chair shakily and sat back down, fingers rubbing her temples, "Okay, okay, so Peter's really Peter without a doubt...that's good. That's good." She nodded and took a deep breath. He would've thought she'd be happier knowing she was right all along, but she only seemed worse off than before, "I just don't get this magic stuff..."

"Did you never wonder how a radioactive spider biting you caused you to develop powers? If it was that simple you'd think that the government and everyone else would've figured that out decades ago. Your connection to the web of life is far more tangential to Peter or myself, but make no mistake: you are tethered to it. Anansi might not dictate your choices, but he's always there."

"Like a creepy uncle looking over your shoulder." The slight smile Gwen had was comforting. At least she was joking again, "So my powers came because this Anansi dude decided that I'd make a good appetizer for his radioactive, that's still fucking weird."

"It was shocking the first time for me too." Teresa's head shifted to Ben and May, her lips curled in a slight frown, "I'm sorry for getting this all out in the open like this, but I thought it was better than leaving you both guessing."

"No, it''s fine. We're just glad Peter is alright..." Ben said, his left hand holding onto May's right tightly, "This...I won't pretend this isn't hard to understand, but it's better than running blind."

"But I still can't give you what you want." Peter clenched his hands into shaky fists, "These memories in my head...I don't know which one I'm 'supposed' to be, but I don't want to go back to the one I remember. Someone who was so desperate to feel better about himself that he made one of his only other friends feel worse, someone who was so obsessed with the idea of hitting back against his bullies that he risked it all and turned himself into a monster. I don't wanna be that person again...I can't."

Peter stood up and turned away from them. He couldn't look them in the eye, couldn't bear to see the look in their faces when they realized that they weren't getting the one they wanted and they were left with some patchwork thing that didn't belong in either of these damn universes. Madhouse or the Depression...he didn't feel like he was going to last much longer either way the rate he was going.

Eventually he heard a pair of footsteps before a wrinkled hand cupped his cheek and tilted his head to the side, "We're not asking you to." May said, her smile small and somber, "Peter, we're just glad you're alive. I won't pretend this isn't difficult or that I'll ever fully understand it all, but I know you being here - whoever you want to be - is better than you buried because of a tragic accident."

"I'm not your son..."

"We can start over," Ben said and stood to join them, "I don't know if this is a miracle or we're wasting our time, but isn't it better if we try? Waffling around never did anyone any good." He clapped him on his right shoulder and nodded, "I'm not saying we're gonna go fishing or I'll give you girl advice - unless that's what you want - but I know that living day to day worrying isn't what me and May want."

"...I've treated you both like shit for months." And despite it all they still refused to give up on him. He felt like the prodigal son, except he didn't have the decency to try and beg for forgiveness. They just gave it to him.

"You saved us, remember?" Ben said, "If it weren't for you that Vulture man would've killed us."

"If it wasn't for me you would've never been in his crosshairs." He let out a tired breath and looked down at the floor. This was supposed to make him feel better - and he couldn't deny that it did, at least partly - but the open arms and warm smiles just reminded him of how often he'd taken them for granted or how much riskier it'd be if they didn't cut him out of their lives right then and there.

"You can't blame yourself for everything, Peter." Gwen said, her voice soft, "That's what you told me, remember?"

"Difference is that the things you blame yourself for really aren't your fault." Peter shook his head, "Look, I don't want to argue. I'm just...I'm happy that none of you are kicking me to the pavement right now, but this isn't a happy ending. Half this city still wants my head on a stock and I've got a psychopath and the damn Kingpin after my head. I'm lucky I made it this far..."

"You mean Murdock?" Gwen scowled at his nod and let out a frustrated breath, "That fucker...look, I can help-"

"Actually, you can't." Teresa interrupted, causing the younger Spider to glare at her, "I know it seems simple, but Matt Murdock isn't an enemy you can beat down and throw in jail even besides his connections and capabilities."

"He's a blind lawyer-"

"Who's possessed by the devil," Peter interrupted. It was obvious by the utterly flat look that Gwen had that she didn't believe him, "Look, I know it seems insane, but at this point it shouldn't even come as a surprise. I didn't believe her at first either."

"Yeah, but...Peter, you know how insane this sounds, right? You're telling me that Matt Murderdock is possessed by a devil straight out of the bible? That he has a pitchfork he's keeping up his ass or something?"

"Nothing so cartoonish, but demons, angels and the afterlife do exist." Teresa laughed under her breath at the complete silence that came from the Superhero, "I'm sorry if I rocked your worldview. It's the truth, though, and in a reality where alternate universes, superpowers and destiny exist it's hardly the most shocking revelation to have. For most of us on this earth it won't be our concern till we're six feet under."

"Still, a devil?" Gwen asked, her voice becoming more obviously desperate.

"Afraid so, and all without an angel to make things a bit more equal." Teresa tapped her gloved fingers over the table and smiled wryly, "The Beast has been here long before any of us in this room were born and, I suspect, long after we pass on."

"Look, that doesn't matter." Gwen said. Peter could tell even she didn't believe that claim, "I'm not just gonna sit around while Murdock or a devil or whatever tries to turn Peter into his goddamn apprentice! I can-"

"Use Klyntar's power? Or do you mean calling the Avengers to assault his base?" Teresa interrupted, a hint of impatience seeping into her words, "If it were that easy the Chaste would've killed him long ago. Matthew isn't an enemy you can jail and even death won't stop the corruption. The Beast isn't something that can be beaten down in a pure physical fight, no matter how strong the battering ram. In all honesty you're lucky he turned his attention from you."

"What do you mean by that?" Peter slipped past Ben and May and stepped closer to the table again.

"I mean that your arrival here derailed Murdock's attentions." Teresa sighed, "I've seen futures where you fight against Murdock by yourself, Gwendolyne, and in none of them is it a clean victory. It always costs you something: your dad in a coma, Klyntar degrading your sanity or even having to give up your morals like what happened with Cletus Kasady. The only world where you succeeded was the one where you received the power of a god, and I know for a fact that it's not coming to pass here."

"Bullshit!" Gwen stood up and glared down at her. Dark veins shifted up her neck and reached her jaw, "So you're telling me I'm just supposed to sit here and let Murderdock have at Peter like he's a prime fucking rib?"

"If you don't then you'll both lose. I've searched and searched, but there's nothing and no future where your intervention helped things along. It just made things worse. Sometimes...Sometimes inaction is better, despite how it seems. Fate's a tangled web and a cruel mistress all in one."

"Fuck your fate crap!" She slammed her hand on the table and the wood immediately cracked and splintered, "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing! Trying is better than just waiting with my thumbs up my ass!"

"Even if it means Peter's death?"

All the rage and indignation on Gwen's face drained immediately. Peter looked back at Ben and May and hurriedly gestured for them to leave the room, but they remained rooted to the spot, "What...What do you mean by that?" Gwen finally asked after seconds of heavy silence.

"I don't want to tell you...but if that's what it takes to convince you, fine. Don't blame me afterwards." Teresa pursed her lips and pressed her hands together, "When you first got your powers you wanted to figure out your threshold. Your plan to do that was to participate in the charity wrestling match She-Hulk hosted at your school. You thought that if you did it then fame and glory were yours for the taking."

"H-How do you-"

"Because it's the story of many of the ones who got bit," She interrupted, "A story I've seen far too many times than I'd like. Whether it's you or Peter or Mary Jane or who knows else, fame is almost always the first thought. And let's get to the next part of the story - when you were nearly on stage you saw that someone had robbed the cash register and you doubled back, giving up your first chance at stardom to stop a petty crime and saving Ben Parker in the process."

"Wait, that was you?" Ben asked, "I mean I always thought your voice sounded familiar, but I never thought that..."

"What does this have to do with anything, Teresa?" Peter asked.

"In saving Ben's life, she doomed yours."

"That's..." Gwen shook her head and let out a shaky breath, "That's not true..."

"In many worlds Ben Parker dies because Peter refused to stop the robber either out of spite or because he thought it was beneath him to to do so. This is the same: you were 'supposed' to ignore it and take your chance and Ben Parker was 'meant' to die because of it. Your interference shifted the web around and someone else needed to be a sacrifice...Peter took Ben's place."

"Y-You're lying..."

"Anansi wants hunters, Gwendolyne, and what better way to create rage than a sacrifice?" Teresa looked down at the table, her expression grim, "Ben's death would have convinced you that no crime was too small and it would've shaken Peter out of his fantasies. The bullies would've stopped harassing him out of pity and you confessed your identity to him out of guilt. He would've forgiven you and you channeled your grief into being a hero, but without being condemned and hunted as a criminal like you were here."

"Shut up..."

"In saving Ben's life you altered everyone's path, Peter included. The bullying never let up and you continued your path towards fame unabated. Peter grew to resent the bullies more than he already did and he created the Lizard Serum...and you know the rest." Her laugh was bitter, "Anansi got his sacrifice in the end. So you tell me, Gwendolyne; knowing what you do now would you save Ben again even if it meant Peter's death?"

"Teresa, that's enough!" Peter glared at her, though she looked at him without any hint of hesitation.

"You weren't supposed to come back, Peter. In every future I saw you remained dead the same way Ben did in those worlds where he was taken. If the Pariah didn't have a sense of humor you'd still be dead and buried. You weren't meant to be anything more than a sacrifice so Gwen could find strength in her grief. I'm sure the Pariah had a sick sense of thrill bringing you back specifically just to spite Anansi - his sacrifice turned into a hunter and a guardian. Irony of ironies."

"We're not their...playthings."

"But we all dance to their tune. It's the only reason you're still breathing."

He wanted to argue, but Gwen suddenly standing up and leaving through the backdoor drew all his attention. Peter threw his 'sister' one last glare before following her out of the kitchen. All of this talk of Spider-Gods and fate...he never liked it then and he liked it even less now. He never really believed in fate - both here and back in the Depression he was taught to work for what he wanted because no one was gonna just toss it at his lap.

The idea that he was alive only because someone wanted to play a joke was...he didn't know how to describe it, but it wasn't comforting.

He found Gwen on the steps with her knees tucked tucked to her chest, "Gwen..." Her head tilted up slightly to meet his gaze and he felt a painful stab in his chest when he saw the look of utter hopelessness in her eyes. It didn't suit someone who fought against hatred and fear for three years just because she wanted to do good, "...Look, don't listen to Teresa-"

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" She stared forward and rubbed at her eyes harshly, "Do you think saving Uncle Ben led to you dying because fate or whatever decided someone had to die?"

"...I don't know." He sat at her side, their shoulders nearly touching, "All this talk of gods and's beyond me, really. Maybe she's right, maybe you saving Ben did lead to that dying because a giant spider somewhere else didn't like it, but I know one thing: you're not responsible for it."

"Hah, isn't it? You heard what she said-"

"It isn't." He took her right hand and squeezed it gently, "You did what you thought was right and you gave up your first shot at fame for it. If some overgrown spider threw a temper tantrum then that's hardly your fault. I blamed myself for what happened at Times Square because I stopped Sin Eater and got Jack's attention, but that's his fault. I tried to do the right thing and he chose to massacre civilians in response. If you knew what would happen you'd have saved both of us. You're a Superhero; it's what you do."

"I'm not feeling really heroic right now." She scooted closer and placed her head on his shoulder, "...You ever think about what it'd be like if neither of us ever got these powers? If we were just Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy?"

"I heard Teresa talk about a world like that...she said we were happy."

"But then all the people we helped out...guess that's out of the table, huh?" She laughed bitterly and closed her eyes, "I'm a big-time Avenger now, Spider-Woman's on the news every day...they think this shit's so easy, that it's not hard at all to risk your life or have Supervillains come after you and the people you love. Jessica helped people and now she's being shit on by assholes who need someone to blame. It's not fair..."

"If the world was fair it wouldn't need people like us. All we can do is try to make it less terrible."

She was quiet for a while after that and all he heard were her soft breaths. Peter was tempted to stand up and leave before she suddenly reciprocated the hold on her hand, "...Dad and Jess are out of town." She looked up at him and he stared into her blue eyes, "I don't wanna sleep alone..."

He knew what she was asking. A part of him wanted to refuse, to go out and let himself think about what happened, but the pleading look in her eyes caused any sort of refusal to die in his throat. His feelings for her...was it just because of what he felt before all of this madness began or were the past 6 months all on their own enough to bring them about?

In the end, did it change anything? Peter Parker,, both, neither; Gwen Stacy was a constant no matter what.



Not good enough.

Donald Roxxon stepped off the bed and put on the silken night robe, a frustrated breath coming and going. The cold air of the penthouse was normally relaxing, but right now all it did was add to his rising sense of frustration.

Not good enough.

He looked back at the sleeping young woman, her body barely covered by the thin blankets. Her name was Cecilia Carmichael and she came from a well-off family in Scotland. She was young, beautiful and creative; traits that helped her in her study of the arts. By all rights she had a bright future ahead of her and any man would've found himself lucky if she deigned to give them her attention.

But she still wasn't good enough.

Donald opened the door in frustration and made his way to the bar. When he'd first seen her not too long ago he'd been captivated with her fire-red hair and sultry smile and she in turn was drawn to him. She loved his stories of traveling to exotic locales such as Milan or the jungles of Africa and he wasn't ashamed to admit that her earnest desire to paint and express her creativity to the world was endearing as well.

She just wasn't who he wanted.

He poured himself a generous helping of bourbon and made his way to the balcony. The view from up here always calmed him; seeing the people down below struggle and meander through the roads and simply live day to day brought things into perspective. If the mood took him he could do whatever he wanted; it wasn't like most could say no to the Roxxon name.

Except perhaps her. Spider-Woman.

Donald still remembered his father's lectures and 'life lessons'. The old man was a bore and a strict taskmaster, but his words still stuck to mind even a decade after his death. One of them was a warning against 'craving what you can't have'; a lesson father dearest himself hadn't taken to heart given his own proclivities and hushed activities. It was one thing he agreed on without a doubt.

After all, what was the point of striving for the common? If he did that he'd be one of the drones down there content to coast their way through life simply surviving.

He swirled the bourbon and took a small sip. Spider-Woman...she was an enigma if he ever saw one. She'd made the scene only a scant few years ago and people loved her, but after that disastrous night where she was accused of murder it all turned around faster than one could blink. He himself paid her no mind at first; she was just another passing fad in a costume and they traveled in different circles.

That was until that fateful day in Mary Storm's disastrous party. That...creature who could flatten herself in such a grotesque manner was his first brush with the so-called Supervillains. It was the first time he'd feared for his life, the first time where he understood that his influence and power wouldn't matter.

And then she came and saved him. Donald's lips curled up in a wistful smile. He'd heard of her on the news before, but seeing her with his own eyes was...mesmerizing. Her power, her grace, the confidence she exuded...what other woman could compare to someone like her? Cecilia was someone who others would've admired or coveted, but after seeing such a display she might as well have been a pauper in rags.

Spider-Woman...she was what he deserved. He certainly deserved her more than that thug who ran around claiming a connection to her. 'Spider-Man'...he was nothing more than a pretender who shouldn't have gotten even a scrap of her attention. Spider-Man wasn't influential or blessed like him; he simply ran around town playing the part of an ineffectual vigilante. She'd see that someday. She was too good for someone of his ilk.

He took another sip of the alcoholic beverage and let his thoughts wander. She and a few others had been announced as part of the Avengers...surely meeting someone of his name would be of interest to such a burgeoning group? She'd refused his invitations before, but that was only because the cretin had thrown a tantrum on Times Square and she had to clean up his mess. Surely in a different setting she'd be far more receptive.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone back at the living room table. With a sigh he set the glass down and answered the cellphone, "What do you want, Kingsley? You'd better have a good reason to call at such an ungodly hour."

Roderick Kingsley was the quintessential example of a wolf in sheep's clothing. To the public at large he was a dandy fashion designer and the head of Kingsley's cosmetics; harmless and ultimately quirky in the sense that anyone who didn't have money would be considered insane. Donald and a few others knew better - Kingsley had his hands in every pot and when he called you listened, even if you had to bluster and complain along the way.

"Sorry, Donald, did I interrupt you?" He ignored his pealing laughter and waited for the old man to finish, "Just thought you wanted to know something interesting I've found-"

"I've already paid you your monthly dues, Roderick, I won't be blackmailed again-"

"Do you really think so little of me? Tut, tut, and here I was thinking of sharing something juicy about your dad's old super soldier experiments."

"What about them? They were failures." Anyone who wasn't a complete dunce knew the stories: the super soldier serum gifted to Captain America was meant to be one of many until saboteurs destroyed the research and killed the scientists. His father had the bright idea to try and recreate the formula with his own components passed around as vaccines (helped to avoid attention) and there were no results.

"You sure about that?" Kingsley said in that smugly knowing way of his. Donald was tempted to shut the phone then and there, "Cause someone caught on film begs to differ."

"What are you on about?"

"The girl with the exploding hands," he said, his voice sing-song, "I recognized her powers from the projected test results. It was from the V2-N2 variation of the formula if I'm remembering correctly."

"That's...impossible." Donald's grip on the phone tightened, "The V2-N2 was a failure on all fronts and it ended with either the subjects dying or showing no powers-"

"Not unless one of those participants was pregnant at the time." Kingsley interrupted. Donald could practically see his smile, "The girl's young - young enough that I could theorize she's the offspring from one of your unknowing participants. If you do some research you can probably find the proper dosage at which powers start manifesting and then..." He laughed, "Then I guess you can add another million to your blood money when you start selling it. Just don't forget my cut, Donnie boy."

Kingsley rattled off some more, but at that point Donald stopped listening. Powers...if he could find the proper dosage then he could give himself abilities above the faceless masses. His lips curled up in a smile. This would draw her attention, it had to.

I feel like calling this the 'Road to Recovery' was a misnomer :/ Teresa's exposition seems like it just made the leads (moreso Gwen) even more angsty, especially with the knowledge that the Spider-Gods are playing them like puppets for their amusement. Still the two do seem to find comfort in each other at the end and their dialogue next chapter is a tad more teasing and friendly.

The last part was a bit difficult. Originally it was going to be Jack-o-Lantern's POV, but I chunked him out because him appearing pretty much guaranteed bad times right out the gate. Now instead we get Donald Roxxon - while he's a weak character on his own (he's basically a modern day Gaston) he does connect more to Roderick Kingsley/Hobgoblin and sheds more light on Lana's backstory. Interested to see where I can take this since Gwen's personal antagonist is sorely lacking so far.

That the totemtic bullshittery reaches critical mass this chapter. Then again I can't be the only one who sees the multiverse and wonders why Uncle Ben always freaking dies. Here Teresa justifies it as Anansi just being a dick and assuming his avatars need a push to heroism...and considering the world where Ben didn't die ended with Peter as an asshole he might be right.

Still, it does add an awkward undertone to Peter and Gwen's relationship since Anansi ostensibly killed him off for her benefit. Him coming back was definitely not part of the plan.


1. For those who supported pairing Noir and Gwen together I have to ask: how long do you honestly think it can last? I mean she's lightened up on his killing people, but I can't see her being cool with him associating with Punisher (mass murderer) or Bullseye (sadistic psychopath). This would probably come up at some point and I can't see them finding an agreement...

2. Following up on the above, do people even want stable/healthy romances in these kinds of fics or is drama what people search for? Another reviewer pointed out Kate would be far more healthy for Gwen and maybe Cindy for Peter, but those get far less attention or support and another reviewer commented it'd be 'boring' due to how the two don't argue and conflict with one another.
Either the Spider-God decided to take back his protection for being such a lazy twit or he'd pushed too far.
He quits his job, but still wants to keep the perks? He should be glad he's not turning into a lizard.

About the relationships: Noir's interactions with everyone is much of what makes this fic so interesting, and regardless of who he's paired with he's still going to be an asshole.
Nice chapter!

About Gwen and Peter relationships, well I believe both can change a little bit because of the other, so they can achieve sort of a balance for their relationship, like with Noir trying to not kill his targets(with some defenders saying that he is whipped) of course if the villain is too much of an asshole he will kill him, and Gwen loosening up with her no-kill rule for only the Carnage!type criminals.

Of course, such changes would not happen immediately and obviously but would show up between later interactions of both Peter and Gwen on a more subtle form.

But for your question about Gwen and Noir relationship lasting, I say that it will last forever! For I am a romantic! Also because characters change they pass through character development, the actual Peter feels like a really bad material for a boyfriend, but he can grow into a better person, better than the Peter!Lizard who he loathes, the same way Gwen is growing into a more realistic hero, instead of an Ideal Heroine who never kills, even if she will still try her best to continue being an Ideal Heroine.

Edit: I love the totem talk, such a shame people ignore this in fanfics, and your explanation for Ben continual deaths is really sound, like actual canon stuff.

Edit2: About you leaving SV...well it is a shame, regardless of the place where you post I will remain a fan, just give a warning so I will follow you to where you will continue posting!
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He quits his job, but still wants to keep the perks? He should be glad he's not turning into a lizard.

About the relationships: Noir's interactions with everyone is much of what makes this fic so interesting, and regardless of who he's paired with he's still going to be an asshole.

To be fair he got his arm ripped off, just found out the Pariah's played him like a fiddle and the serum is causing him to go insane: a week long break with worker's comp is the least he's owed.

Gwen doesn't mind his attitude anymore - she tolerates it at worst at this point - but rather his choice of allies. Kinda hard to ignore your 'boyfriend' palling around with Frank Castle or Bullseye or planning assassinations when fighting the Hand.

About Gwen and Peter relationships, well I believe both can change a little bit because of the other, so they can achieve sort of a balance for their relationship, like with Noir trying to not kill his targets(with some defenders saying that he is whipped) of course if the villain is too much of an asshole he will kill him, and Gwen loosening up with her no-kill rule for only the Carnage!type criminals.

The problem is their choice of allies. Noir himself might not kill as much anymore, but he can't exactly convince Bullseye or Castle to follow that mindset and since he's technically allied with them he's more or less complicit in what they do, which involves daily mass murder (Castle) or just outright torture and sadism (Bullseye). Likewise Peter should take issue with her still defending Harry or the fact that she's still nominally allied to SHIELD despite them gaslighting the Carnage incident. These just seem like really glaring blindspots for any sane couple to ignore.

But for your question about Gwen and Noir relationship lasting, I say that it will last forever! For I am a romantic! Also because characters change they pass through character development, the actual Peter feels like a really bad material for a boyfriend, but he can grow into a better person, better than the Peter!Lizard who he loathes, the same way Gwen is growing into a more realistic hero, instead of an Ideal Heroine who never kills, even if she will still try her best to continue being an Ideal Heroine.

Similar to above, they may change as individuals but their allies leave a lot to be desired. Can Noir just ignore that she considers Harry Osborn as one of her friends? Can Gwen ignore that he's allied with Frank Castle and therefore complicit in his murder sprees? Cause if they do that seems remarkably unhealthy and would lead to problems.

Edit: I love the totem talk, such a shame people ignore this in fanfics, and your explanation for Ben continual deaths is really sound, like actual canon stuff.

Honestly I just wanted an excuse for Gwen not to pound Murdock into the pavement or call the Avengers down on the Hand like the fist of God. Teresa saying 'because I said so' wouldn't fly, so I used an absurd butterfly effect excuse instead. Your mileage may vary on how believable it is.

Ironically the Pariah's one of the few totems that didn't lead to Ben's death, as evidenced by him dying before Peter got his powers. I guess Ben just pissed some deity off and all of his incarnations pay the price.

Edit2: About you leaving SV...well it is a shame, regardless of the place where you post I will remain a fan, just give a warning so I will follow you to where you will continue posting!

To be fair I haven't gotten much responses, so there's little point in posting at the rate this fic is going. We'll see.
To be fair he got his arm ripped off, just found out the Pariah's played him like a fiddle and the serum is causing him to go insane: a week long break with worker's comp is the least he's owed.

Gwen doesn't mind his attitude anymore - she tolerates it at worst at this point - but rather his choice of allies. Kinda hard to ignore your 'boyfriend' palling around with Frank Castle or Bullseye or planning assassinations when fighting the Hand.

The problem is their choice of allies. Noir himself might not kill as much anymore, but he can't exactly convince Bullseye or Castle to follow that mindset and since he's technically allied with them he's more or less complicit in what they do, which involves daily mass murder (Castle) or just outright torture and sadism (Bullseye). Likewise Peter should take issue with her still defending Harry or the fact that she's still nominally allied to SHIELD despite them gaslighting the Carnage incident. These just seem like really glaring blindspots for any sane couple to ignore.

Similar to above, they may change as individuals but their allies leave a lot to be desired. Can Noir just ignore that she considers Harry Osborn as one of her friends? Can Gwen ignore that he's allied with Frank Castle and therefore complicit in his murder sprees? Cause if they do that seems remarkably unhealthy and would lead to problems.

Honestly I just wanted an excuse for Gwen not to pound Murdock into the pavement or call the Avengers down on the Hand like the fist of God. Teresa saying 'because I said so' wouldn't fly, so I used an absurd butterfly effect excuse instead. Your mileage may vary on how believable it is.

Ironically the Pariah's one of the few totems that didn't lead to Ben's death, as evidenced by him dying before Peter got his powers. I guess Ben just pissed some deity off and all of his incarnations pay the price.

To be fair I haven't gotten much responses, so there's little point in posting at the rate this fic is going. We'll see.
Like I said character development, Peter could stop hanging around Bullseye and Frank, and Gwen stops giving Harry special treatment, but doing this suddenly could give the readers a bad taste in the mouth so doing it little by little or doing a copout with making Bullseye or Frank Leave the city to make the 'troublesome mates' problem go away, and with Harry doing another 'questionable thing' in front of Gwen that makes her lose her patience.

there are lots of possibilities.
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Like I said character development, Peter could stop hanging around Bullseye and Frank, and Gwen stops giving Harry special treatment, but doing this suddenly could give the readers a bad taste in the mouth so doing it little by little or doing a copout with making Bullseye or Frank Leave the city to make the 'troublesome mates' problem go away, and with Harry doing another 'questionable thing' in front of Gwen that makes her lose her patience.

there are lots of possibilities.

Problem is it seems rather unlikely. Harry tried to murder Gwen and she still forgave him and, as Teresa indicates, Noir can't afford to be picky with his allies because he doesn't have many people who can be effective against the Hand and a freaking devil trying to corrupt him. While they could change, their allies are something they don't have much in the way of control of.
Problem is it seems rather unlikely. Harry tried to murder Gwen and she still forgave him and, as Teresa indicates, Noir can't afford to be picky with his allies because he doesn't have many people who can be effective against the Hand and a freaking devil trying to corrupt him. While they could change, their allies are something they don't have much in the way of control of.
Oh, you meant against the war against Murdock, then Peter needs to control the desire to put a bullet through Harry's head, and Gwen needs to push her desire to put Bullseye and Frank behind the bars while Murdock is being devilish with our MCs with both of them managing their 'problems' to not mess with their loved ones.

And there is the option of Killing them off...but it is kinda extreme.
Oh, you meant against the war against Murdock, then Peter needs to control the desire to put a bullet through Harry's head, and Gwen needs to push her desire to put Bullseye and Frank behind the bars while Murdock is being devilish with our MCs with both of them managing their 'problems' to not mess with their loved ones.

And there is the option of Killing them off...but it is kinda extreme.

Noir lets the Harry thing go provided they never talk to each other again; of course the main difference is that Noir tends to be easier on compromising whereas Gwen - being who she is - is stubborn as all hell and really doesn't like Noir having to ally with psychopaths just to hit back against Murdock. This isn't helped by Teresa's claims that Gwen herself is somehow less effective than either of these two, which grates on her nerves.

I dun of, it's just the relationship thing that makes this problematic. Pillow talk becomes pillow arguments in cases like these..
Chapter 85 - ...I'm Your Last Shot
Had to pry myself from AC: Origins and New Colossus to write this up. Anyway, the first half is poorly written 'romance' while the second half is basically every Venom/Host interaction ever, so hopefully this still manages to satisfy people.

Speaking of the story: The next few chapters are going to be pretty hectic since I'm going to go full bore into focusing on the 4 main baddies - Jack-o-Lantern, Matt Murdock, Hobgoblin and Cindy Moon - along with other plots that need wrapping up - Carnage!MJ, Lana's family situation, the situation with Octavus - so everything's gonna be pretty chaotic for a bit while the cast have to play catch-up to all the lingering plot threads.

Right now I'm leaning towards dealing with Jack-o-Lantern first, then Murdock, then Hobgoblin then Cindy; especially since I have plans for the Hand after Murdock. Still, which bad guy would you prefer to focus/deal with first? I still have some leeway to switch the orders around if you guys want it. We're gonna be powering through the 'main quest' full force for now.

In addition I'm considering some segments similar to the 'setting the stage' chapter which have differing POV's such as with Lana, Hawkeye, Frog-Man etc etc. We'll see where that goes; I'm kinda considering one that's focused on Lana when her family arc goes full force given that it changes her status quo heavily.

Side note - Moon Knight's getting a new ongoing and the greatest Inhuman ever, Lockjaw, is getting his own comic run :D I cannot tell you how pumped I am for this! Let's hope that they managed to do it right.

Chapter 85: ...I'm Your Last Shot

When morning finally came Gwen half-expected Peter to be gone, so it came as a pleasant surprise when the first thing she woke up to was a head of brown hair and the sound of soft breaths.

He was facing away from her, but it was easy enough to tell he was still asleep; he would've been staring up at the ceiling like the film noir cliche he was if he hadn't been. Gwen's lips raised up in a slight smile and she buried her face into his bare shoulder, her right leg wrapping around his. She relished in the warmth and breathed in his scent, wishing that the time would stop for just a few more hours and leave them alone.

A part of her was still afraid of hurting him, but the events of a night prior helped ease her worries. She wouldn't say it was easy - especially not after his pained complaints the last time they'd done it - but the fact that it was possible at all was relieving all the same.

Her morning bliss wasn't going to last; something she was painfully aware of. Already Teresa's (was she really his sister?) words came back, 'Saving Uncle Ben killed Peter...' She bit her lower lip and traced her fingers across his chest. The feeling of his heartbeat through the warm skin was instantly relieving. She didn't know if she really believed (or wanted to believe) her mumbo-jumbo about fate and some giant web of destiny, though the fact that Peter came back from the dead made it hard for her to just dismiss outright.

And she definitely didn't like to think that indulging in common fucking decency ruined their lives. If this 'Anansi' really thought that her powers were worth losing her best friend or Uncle Ben then it could go suck an egg.

Of course that wasn't the only problem. Matt Murderdock was still out there and it didn't take a genius to figure out that there was something between that bastard and Peter that went beyond the usual Hero vs Villain fair. If she had to guess he was probably doing the same bullshit he did to her before she was declared innocent, though she got the feeling Peter wouldn't tell her if she was right or not even if she asked.

And those were just the two biggest problems...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden shift of movement and a weak groan, "...Time is it?" Peter asked softly.

"About 7:30." Gwen (reluctantly) released her hold on him and watched as he sat up on the bed, her eyes lingering on his back before shifting to his posterior; again, she could be polite about her ogling. She lied back down on the pillow and looked through half-lidded eyes as he dressed himself, his movements somewhat awkward and stiff, "...Is something wrong?"

"Hm?" He buttoned up his pants and looked back at her curiously.

"You're moving kinda odd. Is it hurting again? Cause I thought tying my wrists would-"

"No, it's not that..." He let out a slight laugh and scratched at the stubble at his face. It looked good on him, she decided, "Just...never thought we'd do that again, especially not after how the last time ended."

"Yeah..." Sleeping out on the riverside followed by getting caught by her friends and then a reaffirmation that he still planned to go back to the 30's. All in all it definitely wasn't the magical or romantic experience one would think it was, " least you're not limping this time. Baby steps, right?"

"We take what we can get." He shook his head and grabbed for his shoes. Gwen watched him for a few more seconds before she eventually decided to sit up, the Trek Wars blanket slipping off her and crumpling to the matress in a lazy dip. The slight squeak of the bed caused Peter to look back again and his cheeks heated up slightly when their eyes met, " might wanna put some clothes on."

"Little late for blushing, Pete." She rolled her eyes when he turned away and stood up properly. She'd learned to form clothes somewhat, though it was always the same hoodie, jeans and shoes; definitely not something appropriate all the time. That and she liked the feeling of clothes against her skin. Having just the suit on felt like she was wearing nothing at all sometimes.

She rummaged through the closet and grabbed a pair of baggy pajama shorts and a ratty gray sweatshirt with a weird smattering of colors at the front that she distinctly remembered picking up at a trash boat after her first disastrous fight with Vulture. She couldn't believe anyone would throw it away.

Her eyes drifted over to her reflection in the mirror and she paused when she saw the blue highlights at the tip of her hair. As if reading her mind Peter suddenly spoke up, "Didn't notice that dye before."

"Yeah...guess it's new." Gwen rubbed a tuft of hair between her fingers. She'd always thought about it, but she never really found the time for a dye job between everything else, "...The suit must have done it, I think." Or at least that was the only explanation she could think of right now. For all she knew Kate or Cindy did it as a prank before they left Washington.

"It's changing your appearance...that doesn't scare you?"

She snorted, "After everything else? I think blue hair dye's the least of my worries."

The two of them got dressed in comfortable silence, the only sound between the two being the soft shifts of cloth. As soon as her head popped through the collar she huffed in a tired breath and raised an eyebrow when she saw the sharp, serrated patterns of black ink on Peter's left wrist that the bunched up sleeve failed to cover. How did she not notice that before?

"Is that a tattoo?"

He paused slightly at the question before he eventually nodded with a soft sigh, "Lana thought it'd be a good idea." He rubbed at the skin self-consciously and frowned, "I didn't want to, but she was really damn insistent. Said it'd make people less likely to think I was an old man. Stupid idea; my costume covers everything up, but try telling her that."

"Hah, you just keep telling yourself that. I bet you really wanted it," she teased, getting a half-hearted glare in response, "Really, though, she lives with you, leaves her clothes all over your place and she can make you get a tattoo of...what is that, anyway? A spider or raven wings?" She shook her head, "Doesn't matter. Point is she can get away with all that but when I try to subtly suggest you put on a proper costume you set the damn thing on fire."

"By 'subtly suggest' do you mean 'shove the box in my hands and demand I change into it'? And that said 'proper costume' was so tight you'd see my pecker the second I moved my legs?" He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, though she didn't miss the light smile on his face, "No offense, Gwen, but not all of us are confident enough to swing around this madhouse with people taking pictures of our rear-ends."

Yeah...she really hated the fact that someone snagged a pic of her ass and circulated it all over tweeter. It was someone she rescued too, which just made it even more of a pain in ass (pun fully intended), "Pfft, so says the guy who hangs around Black Cat and Moon Knight." Seriously, how did Felicia not get a wedgie every time she moved in that thing? She knew from experience that leather was not the go-to material for acrobatics.

"You're just sour that I can wear normal clothes and still jump a roof."

"You're not doing it in style, though." She looked back at the closet and her smile turned into something more teasing, her voice dipping low. This was going to be good, "You know, I've got another copy of it if you changed your mind. Might make the next time a bit more...interesting."

The look of flat-footed surprise on his face made her snicker. So worth it, "...You're lying. I burned that thing and that was the end of it." He looked away with a huff and pointedly ignored the grin she was sporting. Still, the fact that he didn't say something along the lines of 'there ain't gonna be a next time, dollface' relieved her more than she liked to admit.


20 minutes later and they were sitting across one another on the dinner table. Gwen dug into the wide spread of eggs, sausages and hashbrowns greedily while across from her Peter made do with a few slices of toast. The blond raised an eyebrow and wiped her mouth with a napkin, " aren't hungry?" she asked, pushing a plate full of eggs towards him.

"Nah...rarely am nowadays." He bit into the toast slowly and shrugged, "Lana does enough eating for both of us."

"If you say so..." That was worrying. Then again how hungry could someone who'd come back from the dead be? She shook her head; she really didn't want to think about that, "...This takes me back."

"Those first two months." She almost didn't want to answer. There were some good times she remembered, but the fact that she lied to him left a sour taste in her mouth. She hadn't meant for it to get that far, but it was small comfort when he found out who she was in the worst possible situation, "That fight we had...I'm sorry for saying I would've shot you. I know there's nothing I can do to make up for that... "

"It's not like I'm blameless either." She looked down at the plate and let out a soft breath, "I'm sorry for lying to you for two months and never listening." It was a miracle neither of them strangled each other at this point; they'd certainly done enough to one another to justify it, "I said I was tired of arguing before and I meant it. I want us to move on and stop fighting, whether you're 'my' Peter or whoever you want to be. Can we do that? "

"As friends?"

"...I was maybe hoping as more than that." She picked at the sausages on her plate and winced at the silence that greeted her. Their apologies didn't even begin to cover everything fucked up about them: the fights about Harry, the fights about Frank Castle, the fights about their was easy to say they could just move on, but it was a shitton harder to actually do.

"You really think that's a good idea?" he said finally, voice soft.

"A good idea? If you're looking for those then you're asking the wrong girl." The joke was weak and she knew it. He still smiled, though, even if just barely, so she'd say it was worth it, "Frankly it's probably a really terrible idea, but I still wanna try. And maybe this time we won't have an explosive breakup."

"Explosive's a bit of an understatement..." He chewed on the toast a bit more before setting it down, "...Do you really think this can work? Gwen...I kill people and one of the few friends I have in this place is a psychopath who gets his jollies mangling people. The only good thing I can say about that is that he does it to people who no one cries for, but I'm sure that's not good enough for you."

"Not really, no..." She pursed her lips and looked up to meet his gaze, "I'm not saying that I'm happy that you have Frank Castle or that Bullseye guy on your cellphone, but I've made my share of compromises. You were right about Harry being responsible for those people being infected but even now I don't want to see him rotting in prison. And S.H.I.E.L.D and that symbiote...shit, that entire clusterfuck's still fresh."

"So what? We just ignore that? Pretend that the bad parts don't exist?"

"No, but I don't wanna pretend that only the bad parts are there either." She sighed, "I just...I wanna try this, Peter. I don't want to spend days where we avoid one another or we walk on eggshells because we're afraid of setting the other one off."

"Why do you wanna try this?" He looked down at the table with a small frown, "You're're one of Stars-and-Stripes' Avengers, this town's in love with could have anyone you wanted. People would fall all over themselves if you looked their way."

"I became an Avenger and a mascot after they spent 3 years treating me like shit. Fuck, Cap even tried to arrest me when the Lizards showed up again." She laughed, though there was no cheer in it, "I won't deny it feels nice to see kids looking at me with stars in their eyes, but all the fame doesn't make me feel giddy or high like you think."

"Maybe..." He leaned back on the seat and looked up at the ceiling, right on cue, "Still doesn't answer why you're willing to try. I ain't exactly a hero and with everything that's happening...I feel like a dead man walking, Gwen. Honestly it's a miracle I made it this far, and even then it's only because Murdock thinks he can still turn me to his side. That's the only reason I can think of why he hasn't burned my place down yet, at least."

"I'm willing to try because I care about you..." She reached her left hand across the length of the table and grasped his right hand gently, "And I don't give a shit what your sister says; if Murderdock wants to try his Jedi bullshit with you then I'm gonna help." Gwen pointedly ignored the voice at the back of her head that reminded her of the lecture last night. She couldn't just sit by and do nothing, "Promise you'll call me if you need to."

For a brief, painful second it almost seemed like he'd refuse. Instead he nodded and squeezed her hand back, "I promise."

Those two words were enough to make her smile and sit back on her chair. Was it perfect? Far from it; they were barely taking steps towards being halfway decent. But still it was a step forward without a giant step back so she'd take it.

"...My birthday's coming up," she said, apropos of nothing. Peter looked up at her and blinked, "I mean maybe you knew that already or maybe you didn't, but...yeah." She wrung her hands together. The 20th birthday wasn't overtly special - still a year from legally drinking, after all - but she was leaving the dreaded 'teen' behind so that was something.

"I remember..."

"Right...good." She licked her lips nervously, "So...what are you doing later?"

"I don't know. Guess that depends on if 'sis' decides drop in with more of her cryptic words of wisdom. You?"

"I gotta go see Cap. She wants us to train for a bit so we don't end up getting in each other's way when shit hits the fan." She could see the value in it, though she personally thought they worked together just fine a week ago, "After that I'll go on patrol for a bit then hang out with with Glory and Betty; apparently MJ's been MIA for a day or two. You could join know, if you want?"

"Tempting as it is to have Grant give me the stink-eye all day, I have to pass." She winced. Yeah, those two still didn't get along; and a week in an isolated cabin did little to change that, "...Although, are you busy next week? I heard there's a carnival in town...I'm kind of curious to see how different it is compared the place I remember. You...wanna go?"

She should have said yes like a proper adult, but the stupid smile on her face was hard to keep down, "Peter Benjamin Parker, are you asking me out on a date?" she said, her voice teasing once again.

"Ah..." The tomato red cheeks were all the answer she needed. Gwen's grin widened and he looked away from her, face still aflame. She wished she had her phone with her to record this for posterity, "I won't deny that I care about you, Gwen, but an actual relationship...I still have something I need to do first before I can even think about that."

"You mean arrest Murderdock?" Or kill him, thouhgh she didn't want to say that out loud. She really hoped there was another way out of this...

"No...well, yes, but that's not the only thing." He sighed and looked her in the eye, "I know I'm not...him, but I still have his memories swirling in my head. I..." He took a deep breath, "I want Otto Octavius...even if he's not really 'my' enemy I can't just ignore him. I spent 6 months running around like a headless chicken but he was always on my mind...I want...I need to put that part of all this behind me."

"I guess I understand..." She bit her lower lip at the next question she wanted to ask,"What about, you know, him?"

"You mean the real Spider-Man." She nodded, though it felt callous. The real felt like an insult to Peter, "The dame with the eyepatch knew who he was so the spooks probably know where he lives. I can ask them and then...then I guess we can meet..." His hand shook, "I-"

"I'll go with you," she said in a rush, "We...I'm not sure how much help I can be, but-"

She was cut off when he nudged her left leg with his foot and smiled softly, "Thanks, Gwen..."

"You're welcome..." Another question drifted into her mind and again she blurted it out before she could stop herself, "If...If this Octavius guy does have a way back...would you take it? Go back with the other Spider-Man? I know you said it's not your home anymore, but-"

"I'm staying here."

Her eyes widened and her mouth parted. She hadn't mistaken that, right? "You..." There were a hundred things that ran through her mind at that moment, but in the end all she managed out was a stuttered, "A-Are you sure?"

"Am I sure? Hell no." He let out a single, dry laugh, "Half this place wants to lynch me and I've got a damn devil after me. Most other people would at least consider leaving this madhouse behind to try and escape all that, but I..." He took a deep breath and gave her a wry smile, "Guess we're both idiots, huh? We-"

That was as far as he got before she practically leaped across the table and pressed their lips together in a rushed kiss, her hands grasping for the front of his shirt to pull him closer to her. Peter stood stock still for a couple of seconds before he reciprocated the gesture and leaned into the kiss. She was vageuly aware of the sound of crashing plates on the floor, but right that second she didn't care.

Peter was staying. Those three words repeated in her mind on an endless loop. No more bouts of worrying whether he'd just disappear one day or how she'd tell the Parkers that they lost their son again, 'You're staying. With us. With me.' Her hands groped under his shirt for the warm skin underneath. She had no idea how far she was willing to take it considering they were smack dab in the dinner table, but she continued her actions regardless.

She was so distracted by it all that she didn't notice her door edging open or the sound of heels on the wood till it was too late.

The loud cough she heard didn't come from either of them. On instinct Gwen pulled back and nearly tripped on the chair, only managing to stay upright when her stick-em powers kept her feet glued to the floor. Peter fared a tad better, falling back on his seat and halfway managing to look like he'd done it on purpose.

Of course that didn't help much at the sight of Felicia Hardy standing at the entrance to the dining room with crossed arms and an annoyed look on her face.

"Well, I suppose that explains why you weren't answering your phone." The popstar threw Gwen a withering stare and she suddenly felt distinctly ashamed, though she had no idea why. It wasn't like she cared what Felicia thought of her, right? "I suppose I can understand Bullseye annoyance now. You have a poor track record when it comes to prioritizing."

"Hardy..." Peter wiped his mouth subtly and gave her a hard look, though it was difficult to take seriously considering the tears in his shirt...oops, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Your sister gave us information on another of Murdock's operations and 'suggested' I ask you for help." She uncrossed her arms and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Of course she didn't warn me beforehand that I'd walk in on you both in flagrante delicto."

"We...just got caught up." He mussed up his hair and stood, "Why didn't you call anyone else?"

"You mean the sadist with an obsession towards cards or the executioner who I'm halfway certain wants to kill all of us for being criminals? Yes, I wonder why I'd be wary about them watching my back." She rolled her eyes, "Now put on your costume and save me the spiel about being retired. Murdock wants your head so think of this as self-preservation."

"Hey, wait-"

"This doesn't concern you, Spider-Woman."

Gwen wanted to shoot something sarcastic back at her, she really did, but the casual admittance of her secret identity left her standing flabbergasted for the next few seconds; long enough for Peter to shoot Felicia a glare and for the vigilante/thief to shrug it off with a scoff, "W-Wait..." Gwen said, finally finding her voice, "You know who I am? Did Castle tell you?"

"Castle? I wasn't even aware that madman knew who you were." Felicia's smile was a mix of predatory and amused, mostly the latter, "No, it was Ben and May Parker who let it slip. I can only assume that because I knew who Peter here really is they saw no need to filter their words."

"They just said you were coming back from Washington. Hardy figured it out on her own," Peter added, still glaring at the other vigilante, "Look, don't worry about it. If Castle hasn't told anyone then I doubt Hardy will...besides, she forfeits my help if she does and I'm pretty sure she hates Murdock more than she does you. Your secret's safe."


"Don't lose your head over it, Stacy. Like he said I don't have anything to gain by exposing you," Felicia said, "Though I'm curious if Jane and the rest of your band know your secret."

"That's none of your business," Gwen snapped back. There was no harm in her knowing the others found out months ago, but she couldn't help but feel defensive. Of all the people to know her identity Felicia Hardy definitely wasn't someone she wanted on that list (which included Matt Murderdock and Frank Castle), "Look, Peter, just...just be careful, okay? And remember that you can call me if you need help with anything."

"I'm surprised you have time for that considering your prestigious position in Captain America's hit squad." Felicia shrugged off her glare in addition to Peter's, "Now hurry up, Spider. His ninjas are hardly gonna wait for us to stop whatever they're planning."

"Right..." Peter sighed and threw Gwen an apologetic look, "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, of course..." She gave him a muted nod, "Uh, make sure to say bye to Uncle Ben and Aunt May too, okay? We kinda left them hanging last night."

With a muttered 'sure' Peter followed Felicia out of the house and she was left alone in the suddenly too-large dining room. Gwen eyed the broken plates on the ground with a sigh and began to pick up the pieces. This was going to be a long day.

MJ awoke with a start, her eyes parting open suddenly before she sat up on the bed, "What...?" She looked around the space and paused when she realized she was in her bedroom at Queens. Same old blue blanket dotted with yellow circles, same Red Sonja poster plastered on the roof; hell, she could even hear Gayle stomping around downstairs followed by her mom's lecturing.

Definitely home...but how the fuck did she get here?

She groped for her cellphone and and gasped when she saw the date and time, "10:47 am Saturday? I missed almost two days..." She set the phone down and breathed slowly. What the hell happened? The last thing she remembered was that argument with Glory and then getting drunk with Norah. After that...

The sudden pain on her right wrist caused her to hiss. MJ looked towards the source of the pain and gasped again when she saw the nasty cut that ran along the length of her lower right arm, "What the..." She twisted the limb around and winced. The wound looked nasty - the scar still looked fresh and covered in blood despite the fact that the skin itself seemed healthy. She reached out a hand to touch it.

"Don't touch it."

She almost screamed, but something kept her from shouting even as she fell off the bed and crashed on the floor, "Ah...damn it." She pulled herself up and looked around her warily. She was sure she'd heard someone, but she was definitely alone, "H...Hello?" she called out.

Nothing, as expected.

"Fuck...I must be hearing things." MJ shook her head and trudged to the door to leading to the hall. She was keenly aware that she was still wearing the same clothes she wore two days ago and yet she couldn't muster enough to care about it. Right now all she wanted to was to stuff her face with a whole turkey and maybe a pig all at once.

Gayle looked up once she stepped into the dining room, "'re here?" She stopped typing on the laptop and stared at her in confusion, "I thought you were with Glory?"

"Nah, had a fight." And something else, though she still couldn't remember what.

"Again? You should probably find a new roommate."

"So you and Norah tell me." She walked past her to the kitchen and smiled when she saw her mom pored over a stove. She wasn't usually one for cooking - takeout was the meal of the day at the Watson household - but now she was humming to herself and stirring a pot of spaghetti with an odd cheer in her step, "Hey, mom, what's up?"

"Mary Jane?" She stopped her stirring and looked back at her, her eyes widening slightly when she caught her disheveled state, "What happened to you? I tried to contact your phone yesterday but you didn't pick up."

"Yeah, I was kinda floating around, I guess." She shrugged and subtly (she hoped) moved her right arm behind her back out of sight. It wasn't really an answer, but her mom let her have enough leeway as long as she didn't think she went on drug sprees or whatever, "Hey, you got anything to eat? I'm starving..."

"There are some snacks in the fridge and the pasta's gonna be a few more minutes." She turned back to the pot and resumed stirring, "Go talk to your sister. She's writing one of her stories and you understand that stuff better than I do."

"Great..." MJ sighed and brought both hands through her hair. She loved her sister, she really did, but reading her amateur pornos (or 'lemons', as she called them) about Spider-Gwen was hardly the highlight of her day; and that was before she figured that Spider-Woman and Gwen Stacy were the same person. After that? Well, the humor of imagining Gwen acting like a dominatrix wore out real fast.

She came back to the dining room with an armful of snacks and passed by Gayle, "Hey, what are you writing now?"

"Climax chapter...literally." MJ rolled her eyes at the terrible pun and dropped the assorted instant noodles and cold sandwiches on the table, "What's with all the food? You got the munchies?"

"You know I don't take drugs, dearest sister." So maybe she lied to her mom about her tendency for underage drinking or the occasional spot of mary jane (heh). She was pretty sure Gayle didn't tell mom about all the sordid details of her 'healthy fiction' either.

"Right, course not." Gayle rolled her eyes in return, "Anyway, you saw the news, right? About the Avengers?"

"You have to be living under a rock not to." MJ tried her best to forget the argument with Glory. She still had to worry about the fact that she had nearly two days of her memories missing. She'd been on some benders before, but this was ridiculous, "Anyway, what about it?"

"Nothing, just thought it was cool." Gayle shrugged and resumed her typing, "Everyone's blowing up about it at headbook and tweeter. The world's first Superhero group and they're based out of here in New York. I heard they're going to unveil some kind of base or something. Could you come with me? Mom's busy doing her weird thing and I can't go myself."

"Come running to big sis for help again, huh?" MJ ruffled the younger girl's hair playfully, which got her an annoyed grunt in return, "I'll think about it."

The rest of the hour was spent in mindless conversation; mostly with Gayle gushing about how cool it was to live in a city filled with Superheroes and how Paris' heroes had nothing to Captain freaking America and Spider-Woman. MJ focused on her food, letting her sister and mom's chatter calm her down. She still had no inkling on why she had a huge hole in her memory, but she got the feeling it had something to do with the scar on her right arm.

Something which she should have done a better job keeping hidden.

"MJ, what is that?" The redhead froze when she caught her mom staring down at the gash with narrowed eyes. A part of her was tempted to put her arm under the table and make a joke about falling down the stairs, but she knew it wouldn't fly here, "What happened? Did you get into a fight?"

"What? No, no." She winced. For all she knew she could have; it was pretty damn unlikely she did it to herself, after all, "It's just..." She shut her mouth and looked away. What could she say, really? It wasn't a small graze or anything - it looked like someone stabbed her arm with a knife, "I'm fine, mom-"

"We need to get it checked." Her mom was at her side immediately, all fussing hands and worried looks. Gayle (rather smartly) decided to focus on her food lest she be the next victim of the Watson helicopter mom, "This looks deep, but maybe-"

She almost didn't believe what happened next. As soon as her mom's fingertips grazed the wound her arm felt like it was set on fire. Mary Jane hissed and backed away from the older Watson, "It's fine, mom!" she snapped, her voice coming out in a low snarl. Both her mom and Gayle's faces split in surprise at the sudden hostility in her tone, "Leave it alone!"

Her mom stepped closer to her and touched her arm lightly, "Mary Jane, we need-"

"Don't touch me!"

Mary Jane wrenched her arm from her mom's grip and pushed her away. The Watson matron was forced back from the intensity of the shove and smacked hard against the table, plates and glasses spilling onto the floor with loud crashes. Mary Jane looked down at the whimpering woman and bared her teeth in a growl. She warned her! She did! She-

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Gayle's scream cut through her angered haze. Her younger sister knelt by her mom's side and threw her a glare, "Mom was just trying to help! What the fuck?!"


It all came rushing back. The assault on the alleyway, nearly being raped and then...

Blood and cries for help. MJ pressed both hands against her head and screamed. That...thing seeped into her wounds and turned her into a monster. It saved her, killed those men who were going to rape her, anew then...

Mary Jane ran, crashing through the door with enough force to splinter it and knock it off its hinges. She looked back briefly on what remained of the door before she continued running, her legs carrying her faster than she knew they could. She hurt her mom, but she knew staying there to try and apologize would just make things worse. She had to get away.

She didn't stop running till she was all the way into the city. A few people turned to look at her disheveled and panicked state, but most just turned a blind eye. Mary Jane leaned against the closest wall and shut her eyes tightly. Her arm still burned and her head pounded incessantly. This wasn't...none of this was supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to...

"Didn't you always want to be special? To be famous?"

Mary Jane's eyes opened and she looked around the street frantically. People passed her by without a glance; even the few people who paid attention to her had long since lost interest. She definitely knew she wasn't hearing things now, "H-Hello...?"

"You don't need to speak out loud." The was hers, but distorted to being almost unrecognizable. Every word felt like nails on a chalkboard, "I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine."

"What...the fuck are you...?" she mumbled, her voice coming out in a hoarse whisper.

"Shouldn't you know? Me and my Other were on the news."

"You're..." She couldn't even say it. Mary Jane took a few more steps and barely managed to step into an alley before she vomited. That monster on the news...the 'Carnage Killer'...and it was on her now.

"Th-This can't be happening, this can't-"

"It's happening."'s voice was smug and taunting, "I don't understand why you're complaining. Those other humans were going to have their way with you if I hadn't stepped in. You should be thanking me!"

"You're a fucking monster!" She wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket and and pushed herself up, "All those people you killed...God, I don't even know how many."

"Not enough." Flecks of red flesh shifted on her exposed right arm, "Spider-Woman murdered my Other! Stopped us from-"

"She saved the city!" Mary Jane yelled back. She could only count small blessings that the alley was abandoned so no one could hear her, "What the...where was I the past 2 days? Why can't I remember?"

"I searched your memories. Had to get myself settled into my new home. You know Spider-Woman and Spider-Man." She felt a chill run down her body at its words, "Some of the scientists who created me talked about destiny. Maybe this is the same-"

"Get the fuck out of my head!" She tried to grab for the strips of red flesh with her left hand, but they retreated back into her skin before she could even get close, "Get out, get out, get out!"

"Not happening, Other. I was weak when I searched for a host and the only reason I was able to take you over was because you left a wide door open for me." She whimpered at the sudden flare of pain on her right arm, "We're tied together now. If I leave then I'll be weakened and you...well, you wanna imagine what it's like to have all of your skin ripped out of your body? Cause that's what it's gonna feel like."


"You already said that. You humans repeat a lot." The heat spread to the lower half of her face, "Spider-Woman murdered my Other, but we can still continue what he wanted. I-"

She had to call Gwen. MJ's hands barely managed to grab for the phone before the pain worsened and she was forced to drop it to the ground, "Stop that! I'm not going to-"

"Haven't you been listening? She murdered my Other! She'll kill you once she finds out!"

"I don't believe you! Gwen wouldn't-"

Mary Jane was forced to her knees at the sudden memory that overwhelmed her. She felt the heat from the molten metal below her, her right hand holding onto the metal handrails of the walkway. She looked down at the molten metal and felt her heart rate spike. Even one passing scratch and she'd be dead before she could blink. She had to get out.

She didn't get a chance to do more than look up before a sharp blade cut through her remaining hand. Mary Jane's eyes widened and she flailed through the air in a panic before she landed on the vat of molten metal.

Gwen leaned over the edge and watched her plummet, her expression unreadable under the dark mask.

The pain was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She was wrong, she didn't didn't die immediately; that would have been a mercy. She spent the next few seconds trashing and screaming, trying in vain to reach for the edge.

She didn't get far. She'd barely started moving towards the rim of the vat before the cover of the container slammed on top and cut off any source of escape, "Let me out, let me out! Please!" The pain made it impossible to think, impossible to do anything but keep thrashing against the heat and flame. She tried to punch through the metal, her cries for help growing more and more desperate.

The last thing she heard before everything faded was the sound of choked sobs.

When Mary Jane's eyes parted open again she was lying on the ground in a fetal position, her eyes covered in tears, "God..." She pushed herself up and wiped away the tears in a rush, "That..."

"You see now? She murdered my Other! She-"

"Your 'Other' was a murderer!" She wanted to scream back at it, but her words was soft and weak. That shouldn't have been so shocking - Peter killed before if his words were any indication - but seeing it with her own eyes... "He deserved it..." She knew that, she knew...

So why in the hell did she feel so scared to see Gwen again?

"You know it, don't you?" It laughed, "You can't be sure she won't do something. Even if she doesn't kill you what makes you so sure that she won't do something just as bad? She's connected to the ones who created me, the ones who cal, themselves shield. She'll give you over to them and they'll tear you apart to get to me, to get their precious weapon back."

"Shut up..."

"They're responsible for crearing me, but they lied and said it was done by 'terrorists'. They won't hesitate to kill you if it means they can hide any proof that they were ever wrong-"

"Shut up!" She was sure people on the street heard her, but she didn't care. She grabbed for her phone and raised it to her face, her finger hovering over Gwen's speed dial. Just one press and a call to meet, that was all it took, "She won't kill you...she won't hurt you..." She thumb shook and she shut her eyes tightly. Gwen was her friend, she was a goddamn Superhero. This shouldn't be too hard.

She pressed the next number over.

The phone rang for only a couple of seconds before Peter's voice came from the other end, "Mary? This isn't a good time-"

"Tiger, I...I need your help." She grabbed for the wall with her free hand and pulled herself into a shaky stand, "I'm...I'm in really bad shape. Could you get Norah and meet me at the abandoned Warehouse out of 4th avenue? It's the one where we had a gig, remember?"

"This really isn't a good time-"

"Please! I...I don't know who else to turn to..."

She terminated the call before she could hear his reply and stuffed it into her pocket. Peter instead of Gwen...Glory would've called her an idiot, but really didn't want to think about her roommate right now. It was because of that argument that she was in this shitshow in the first place.

"Spider-Man's a murderer, too. We can take him if we have to, but why him? And why the girl?"

"He's Peter Parker...the Lizard." If anyone knew what it'd be like to have a monster attached to them it'd be him, right? It was a longshot, but she didn't have anyone else she could run to right now, "Norah trusts me...she'll vouch for me..." And maybe once she talked to them she could muster up enough nerve to stop being so damn paranoid about Gwen.

The monster didn't say anything back, which she considered a good sign. She stumbled her way past the streets and tried to ignore the taste of vomit in her mouth. All she wanted was for this day to be over.

Peter and Norah were already there by the time she arrived, along with another addition, "Hardy..." Mary Jane felt a spike of irritation at seeing the dark-skinned silver-blonde dressed up in full costume. If the devil had a face then Felicia Hardy would be pretty damn close, "No, gotta focus..." She did her best to stand tall. She had to show them properly and get their help.

"Well, well, if it isn't our partycrasher." Felicia said, her lips curled in a sardonic smile, "You realize that we compromised a lot to have to meet you?"

"I didn't ask for your help," Mary Jane shot back. It was oddly comforting to just hate something that wasn't so absurd.

"MJ, where were you?" Norah cut in worriedly, "You went AWOL when you left the apartment. What happened?"

"That''s why I called you two here." Her eyes focused on Peter and she gulped. He hadn't said a word yet and looked back at her curiously. She had one shot at this, " you guys remember that incident a week ago? With the Carnage Killer?"

"Hard to ignore, all things considered." Felicia scoffed, "Why did you call for them, Jane? Were you hoping Spider would regale you with tales of the glorious last stand? Maybe something to spice up your middling band? I would've thought being on speaking terms with Spider-Woman would render that moot?"

Mary Jane should've just ignored her, but the smugness in her voice pissed her off to no end, "Shut up, Felica! Just shut up!" she snarled. The popstar recoiled back at the unbridled hate in her voice, "I didn't ask you to come here! I didn't ask you to make my life more of a hell than it already is! So why don't you just shut the fuck up and let me talk!"

Something was wrong. When Mary Jane turned back to Norah the blonde had both hands covering her mouth and her eyes were wide with fear. Peter's face shifted into a scowl and he leveled his gun at her head, "Wh-What? Why are you two-"

"Jane...look at your hands," Felicia said.

Mary Jane raised her hands and gasped when she saw the entirety of them covered in pulsating red flesh, the tips of her fingers sharpened into claws. Looking further down she found red veins running along the length of her arm all the way to her shoulders.

"Mary...what happened?" Peter asked, his grip on the gun never wavering.

"I..." She looked him in the eyes and cried, her next words coming in a pleading whisper, " me."

Half and half (kinda) chapter done. I apologize for anyone that had to sit through Gwen and Noir 'flirting' with one another, though at the very least it's very likely not to come up again anytime soon given the fact that MJ just outed herself as Carnage to Peter; it's gonna be pretty hard to keep a romantic mood going when Noir now has another problem to deal with in addition to everything else.

So...yeah. The two leads are (kinda, maybe, not really?) dating; I give em a week before it collapses. And of course MJ now has to deal with a symbiote that openly wants her to kill people and gets triggered by her getting pissed off...oi vey. Let's see which of these two results in a bigger explosion.


1. Which of the two leads do you wanna see next chapter? Gwen has to deal with being an Avenger and possibly interacting with high-up people like Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, Roderick Kingsley or Donald Roxxon now that she's a household name. This will give more hints towards Hobgoblin and tie her to Murdock.

Noir's segment deals with Carnage!MJ and trying to help her keep in control of the Carnage symbiote, all while possibly keeping it hidden from Gwen to avoid SHIELD ever getting an inkling that there's a piece of the symbiote left. There will also be seeds planted for the upcoming Jack-o-Lantern arc, which changes things pretty heavily once it finishes.

2. Are the two leads still sympathetic? I'm getting worried that either of the two have reached the 'Designated Hero' trope where they're not really heroic or sympathetic to the audience anymore; especially Noir since his later actions against Murdock are rather eyebrow-raising and mostly justified by the fact that Murdock is the greater evil.

Conversely do antagonists like Murdock and 65-Cindy come across as sufficiently evil or are they lacking in truly vile behavior to justify the leads possibly committing amoral actions in order to get back at them?
Sorry about taking so long to respond I was taking exams.

I am really invested in the Carnage!MJ arc so this gets my vote.

About the heroes being sympathetic yeah they still are to me so no worries.

The flirting was gooooooood, you are becoming better at doing it, it felt really sweet, you will see how lots of readers will say the same, especially the part where Peter said that he was staying I felt really happy for Gwen.

Let me say again you are good at psychological drama the parts with MJ felt really chilling and Carnage 'voice' was really amoral very tinged with savagery I really like it.

Well lets see how much Felicia will poke the hornet nest hehehehe.
Sorry about taking so long to respond I was taking exams.

I am really invested in the Carnage!MJ arc so this gets my vote.

About the heroes being sympathetic yeah they still are to me so no worries.

The flirting was gooooooood, you are becoming better at doing it, it felt really sweet, you will see how lots of readers will say the same, especially the part where Peter said that he was staying I felt really happy for Gwen.

Let me say again you are good at psychological drama the parts with MJ felt really chilling and Carnage 'voice' was really amoral very tinged with savagery I really like it.

Well lets see how much Felicia will poke the hornet nest hehehehe.

Carnage!MJ seems to be getting all the votes. Guess Gwen interacting with modern day Gaston will have to wait.

The 'romance' segment felt really weird to me because the two of them ping-pong between being happy, angsty then happy again; it felt rather weird (at least to me) that Gwen teased Noir about asking her on a date in after the conversation where he pointed out he had TEH DEVIL!!! after him and that he's friends with psychopaths and murderers. I dunno, it just felt to me that they shouldn't have been joking around after that.

Carnage wasn't that difficult to write; mostly because this was supposed to be where Gwen and Venom headed if not for 'Webster' acting like a freaking child and refusing to backtalk Gwen. Thankfully Carnage and MJ are much more combative to each other.

Felicia and MJ...yeah, that's a weird combination. According to canon Felicia once strangled MJ with a mic cord during a joint performance, presumably for a stunt or for shits and giggles. These two are not gonna get along...
"Great..." MJ sighed and brought both hands through her hair. She loved her sister, she really did, but reading her amateur pornos (or 'lemons', as she called them) about Spider-Gwen was hardly the highlight of her day; and that was before she figured that Spider-Woman and Gwen Stacy were the same person.

I can relate to Mary-Jane here, as a younger relative of mine writes Yaoi of real life boy bands. It's a little disturbing when the characters being shipped are actual persons.

CarnageMJ gets my vote as well.
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I can relate to Mary-Jane here, as a younger relative of mine writes Yaoi of real life boy bands. It's a little disturbing when the characters being shipped are actual persons.

CarnageMJ gets my vote as well.

It's worse for MJ since she knows Gwen on a first name basis, so it's kinda awkward to look at her and then remember that your little sister writes porno fics where she acts like a dominatrix and completely opposite to how she usually is.

It's still better than the fanfics that portray Noir as an unrepentant rapist who's forcing Gwen into a relationship, though...
Time for the pointless question again: Next chapter deals with MJ and Carnage (she literally got all the votes) for the first segment, but the second part is still uncertain. Do you guys want a villain POV? Cause I'm torn between showing off a villain POV to foreshadow a later main plot arc or doing something with Spider-Man and Shadowcat as a bit of a 'lighter' (though still plot-relevant) foil to MJ and Peter trying to deal with an obviously murderous symbiote that they can't pry loose.
Time for the pointless question again: Next chapter deals with MJ and Carnage (she literally got all the votes) for the first segment, but the second part is still uncertain. Do you guys want a villain POV? Cause I'm torn between showing off a villain POV to foreshadow a later main plot arc or doing something with Spider-Man and Shadowcat as a bit of a 'lighter' (though still plot-relevant) foil to MJ and Peter trying to deal with an obviously murderous symbiote that they can't pry loose.
I would prefer the 'lighter' plot between Spider Man and Shadowcat, sorry about the late response my internet was down.

The reason why is because I really like reading about those two.
I would prefer the 'lighter' plot between Spider Man and Shadowcat, sorry about the late response my internet was down.

The reason why is because I really like reading about those two.

Yeah, though I still have no clue why. Spider-Man's stable enough, but Shadowcat either borders or runs racing past whatever standards most people have and is pretty damn cartoony in how violent and kill-happy she is; she's like an Assassins Creed protagonist on steroids. That usually isn't something people like reading about; especially since a friend pointed out that their friends with benefits thing seems like Noir fucking Bullseye, which I doubt would go over well if I did it.
I mean Noir hasn't exactly been very celibate, the only case where he hasn't taken an opportunity was with Bombshell.

I mean sure, he isn't sworn to celibacy, but there could be drawbacks in having intercourse with so many women who don't exactly get along with each other without that knowledge.
I mean Noir hasn't exactly been very celibate, the only case where he hasn't taken an opportunity was with Bombshell.

I mean sure, he isn't sworn to celibacy, but there could be drawbacks in having intercourse with so many women who don't exactly get along with each other without that knowledge.

Why would they care? He doesn't have a continued sexual relationship with them; most of them were one night stands done under varying reasons. Going down the list: Lori was a prostitute he paid for (wouldn't care), Felicia did it to get the data drive/slight lust (wouldn't care), Norah and he did it during the heat of the moment and she's not looking for a relationship (wouldn't care), and of course there's Gwen, but they weren't in a relationship at the time.

He's currently 'something' with Gwen so she'd get annoyed if he slept around, but his past activities wouldn't bother her unless maybe Felicia tries to piss her off or something by bringing up the time she screwed Noir. He's never gonna touch either Bullseye or Lana for varying reasons and Gwen isn't gonna bring up his sexual history given that she slept with Kate and admitted to previous one night stands in narration.
Chapter 86 - Damage Control
Carnage!MJ literally got all the votes; that's a first for this story :/ So here's what you guys asked for.

Anyway, still playing through AC: Origins and I did like how they portrayed someone with trauma - Bayek is definitely angry at the generic Ubisoft tragedy, but it doesn't stop him from being warm, caring and genuinely nice to others at other times unlike most heroes of his type. I'm definitely taking some tips for this for both leads given how angsty they are, Noir particularly.

Side note - I showed a RL friend the fic and while she liked most of it she did comment on something I asked before: the age of the protagonists. Gwen was (mostly) okay since she's treated and acts enough like a teenager by comic standards, but Noir came under fire. It's not because of how he acts - that trope is pretty common - but rather everyone doesn't seem to care at all that he's so young apart from one comment. The Defenders in particular: Bullseye's still attracted to him while Punisher and Moon Knight treat him as an equal despite them being near/about/over twice his age.

I'm wondering if it would've been better if I started off the fic farther in the timeline with Gwen and Noir being in their 20's. Granted that'd make the plot twist difficult, but since he was meant to be original Noir till about the chapter 30's mark it wouldn't have been a problem.

Chapter 86: Damage Control

'Wake up!'

Mary Jane's eyes peeled open slowly and she groaned, the sound almost unheard despite the silence of the room, "Where...?" She tried to raise a hand, but her body felt as if it was weighed down by a stack of bricks. The redhead angled her head down and her eyes widened when she saw the entirety of her body sans her head and neck covered in a thick sheet of dark webbing, the silk pinning her to the bed like a cocooned fly.

She really hoped that she wouldn't end the same way when the spider came back.

"H-Hey..." She craned her neck around to look at the room around her. She was lying on a small bed and the bedroom she was currently stuck in was unfamiliar. Apart from the fact that it was small - smaller than even her own cramped apartment with Glory - there was nothing she could place on it, except maybe the empty whiskey bottles scattered around the floor in messy piles; and all that told her was that a drunk lived here.

'You let him catch us.'

The distorted voice at her ear caused her to shudder. She still remembered its presence, unlike her disastrous wake-up call that morning, but that didn't do much to help her nerves. She was still bonded to something that was attached to a mass murderer just a scant week ago, "Fuck..." She grit her teeth and tried to look left towards the door. She really hoped that it was all just a fucked up dream.

The memory of what happened earlier came back in slow bursts. She told Peter, Norah and Hardy (uninvited) about her 'situation', and then... 'He caught us.' The monster snarled again. It scared Mary Jane just how close to it she sounded earlier, "Tangled us in a web. Some kind of poison. Then punched us in the face. Wouldn't have caught us if you let me have control."

"So you can go on another killing spree? Fuck you..." She licked her lips and winced at the slight throbbing at the right side of her mouth. Peter punched hindsight practically snarling at him to help her probably wasn't the best idea, but she still considered being tied up in his apartment (at least she assumed it was his place) to be an improvement over staying alone with that fucking thing.

"You trust him too much."

"I trust him more than you." It growled at that. She just ignored it; there was no way this thing was making her feel guilty, "God...this is so fucked up." If only she hadn't said that comment out loud about Gwen or she hadn't gotten so damn drunk that she planted one on Norah. That thing would still be out there, but then Peter or Gwen or whoever else's job it was to be a Superhero could've taken it out.

And now she was stuck with this thing...

Her pitying thoughts were cut off by the door suddenly opening. Mary Jane craned her head to the side and sighed in relief when she saw Peter walk into the room, his expression severe. He stopped for a quick second when he realized she was awake, though it didn't take him long to catch his bearings. He grabbed the closest chair and and dragged it closer to the bed, the loud sound causing her to wince.

"Who are you?"

Mary Jane blinked at the question. She was expecting a lot of hows, whens and whys, but that was just bizarre, "Wh-What?" She tried to sit up on the bed and winced when she was still unable to move. Whatever this web was made of it was definitely effective, "Tiger, it's me. MJ."

"Not so sure about that..." He sat on the chair and looked down at the ground, expression morphed in a scowl, "The last time I saw that suit it was in the hands of a monster that gutted an entire hospital."

"I remember that. That was fun."

"Shut the fuck up." Peter raised an eyebrow at the abrupt insult and she winced, "N-Not you, this talks. I-I know that sounds crazy, but-"

"Not as crazy as you think." He let out an exhausted breath and brought his hand through his face, "The other did the same thing. Difference is it didn't go on a killing spree."

"Th-That's not my fault..." Mary Jane licked her lips nervously and sucked in a deep breath. She hardly expected a five star meal and a massage, but being treated like she was a criminal definitely wasn't on her list when she met up with him, "L-Look, I came to you because I needed help, Tiger. This...thing latched onto me and-and I don't know what to do. I h-hurt my mom and I..."

"...Give me proof that you're Mary and then we can talk." She stared at him, mouth agape, but he showed no signs of taking back his words, "I want proof-"

"What the fuck do you want me to say?!" She yelled, panic mixing with a growing sense of irritation, "Do you want me to tell you that I sing in a band? That I was woken up at one point because you and Spider-Gwen were fucking like rabbits in the bushes? I could tell you about anything you want, but this," She jerked her head down at the webbing keeping her body cocooned, "I came to you for help...not to get treated like a monster."

It was subtle, but she could've sworn she saw a flash of guilt on his face before he sighed again, "...Tell me you're Mary Jane Watson and you're not a monster."

"What? That-"

"Just do it."

"Fine...I'm Mary Jane Watson. I'm not a monster." His face remained impassive for a few more seconds before he suddenly stood and pulled out a knife from his back. Mary Jane's eyes widened and she tried to push herself back, though she only succeeded in lying down on the bed and making herself face the ceiling, "W-Wait, I told you what you wanted! I'm not a monster, I'm not! Don't-"

"Calm down." The knife reached her left side and cut through most of the webbing covering her upper body. The redhead let out a held breath at the sudden return of feeling in her arms and chest. She sat up again and grimaced when she saw the handcuffs on her wrists.

"Handcuffs? What'll these do?" She raised her arms and blinked in surprise when the metal refused to bend. She had no idea how strong she was, but it was apparently strong enough to splinter a door just by tackling it. Regular cuffs might as well have been made of wet tissue paper, right?

"Vibranium. Can hold anyone, apparently," He tossed the web away to the corner of the room and sat down again, "'Borrowed' it from Jones. Thought it'd be useful. I've been on the wrong end of these myself. "

"The webs weren't enough?" She still couldn't feel her legs, but she didn't mind too much at the moment; at least she could feel the sweat on her skin again.

"When dealing with that thing? Not even close." He scoffed, "...Sorry about earlier, but I had to make sure you were who you said you were."

"We shouldn't have come to him."

"Shut up...not you, Tiger." He didn't react to that and just waited for her to continue, "I...look, this is all...I don't know what's happening. One second I was arguing with Glory and making an ass of myself in front of Norah and the next I was..."

"Just start from the beginning."

"Right, okay..." She licked her lips and adjusted her place on the bed, "So...I got into a fight with Glory and I went to Norah's place a couple of days ago. We had a few drinks and then I...left." He didn't need to know how much of an idiot she was, "I needed to clear my head so I wandered around. I tried to slip through an alley for a shortcut but then these guys..." She shook her head, "They..."

"Mary, you need to tell me."

"I-I know, it's just..." She sucked in a deep breath and sat up straighter, "They brained me on the nose with a bat and they...the two of them were going to fuck me right there that goddamn alleyway." Her fists shook and she shut her eyes tightly, "I still remember tasting my own blood. I tried to get away and they shoved me to the ground and I- a piece of glass cut my wrist."

"Yeah, I see it..." He reached a hand out tentatively and traced the scar. Mary Jane shuddered weakly and leaned into the touch. It didn't hurt or burn anymore, but knowing that thing seeped through there to get inside her was still chilling, "...Does it still hurt?"

"No..." She gently separated their hands and looked him in the eyes properly, "This got in through my wounds. I killed those two fuckers and then..." Then it killed those sick bastards and she lost nearly 2 days while it combed over her mind like an open fucking book, "Those two didn't survive and then I woke up again at my house this long ago was that?"

"Not too long; it's about 3 pm." Peter stood and paced around the room slowly, "So you're telling me that you got that thing from chance?"

"Yeah...just like you and Spider-Gwen, I guess." Except last she checked their powers weren't trying to fucking kill them, "I...Tiger, I'm still trying to play catch-up here. I thought that this thing was dead? Gwen...she killed it, right?"

"I thought so too, Mary." He looked out at the slight drizzle of rain outside and frowned, "This is insane...I'm surprised that you're still standing. You said that that things talks to you. What does it say?"

'Tell him that he's next after Spider-Woman.'

"'s not pretty." She looked down at her cuffed hands and clenched them into tight fists, "It talks about what Gwen did and how it wants me to kill people...that includes you." She licked her lips again, " sounds almost like me, but it's fucked up somehow. I dunno if that makes any sense to you."

"Gwen was the same. These suits seem like they take everything from their hosts..." He muttered something under his breath that she couldn't make out and and turned back to her, "...We need to talk that thing. Tell it to materialize outside your body. I know it can do that."

'Only if he agrees to let me slice his neck.'

"It doesn't work that way, Tiger. I don't control this thing." If she did then she would've told it to get the hell out and jump into a fire, "And it's...let's just say it really doesn't like you; as in wants to slit your throat. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm more worried about you right now." She bit her tongue. That was...she appreciated that, especially after everything that happened, "...We need to talk to that thing if we're gonna get any idea of what's happening." He put a hand on his chin, his frown deepening, "...The spooks would know better than anyone else, but I don't trust em not to experiment on you the second they get their grubby mitts on that thing."

"It said that S.H.I.E.L.D created that true? I thought it was a terrorist organization that did it?"

"It was; difference is that the government's paying for it." He let out a single, frustrated breath and crossed his arms, "Alright, look, we're gonna need to draw it out; and if you can't make it go out then we're gonna have to force it." He chewed on his bottom lip and again said something she couldn't make out; though judging by the scowl he was sporting she doubted it was good, "I have an idea, but it's not gonna be pleasant. Do you trust me?"

"What?" She pondered the question for a quick moment before she nodded, "Um, I mean...yeah. I wouldn't have called you if I didn't..." Truth be told she had some reservations considering he punched her in the face and tied her up...but it could've been a lot worse considering the clusterfuck this entire thing was. Anybody else would've shot her if she showed up like that.

'We'd kill them if they tried.'

"Alright, good." He scratched at his stubble (which looked out of place considering his dyed hair) and pulled out a box from behind a compartment on the wall, "Whatever happens try to stay in control. I don't wanna lose another friend."

She didn't get a chance to reply to that before he pulled out a syringe filled with yellow fluid and waved it through the air. Immediately she felt a sense of panic rise up, which was quickly replaced by burning anger, "Where did you get that?!" She snarled, her voice coming out in a distorted growl that she couldn't control. Before she could stop herself she tried to stand and fell on her side, her hands struggling against the handcuffs all the while.

Through the rage and frustration she could feel a mounting sense of fear. All of it - the growling, the threats, the veins spreading across her skin - was out of her control. She was a prisoner in her own body.

"You know what this is." Peter knelt and tapped the tip of the needle against the floor, which earned him another frustrated growl, "Your old partner didn't have the best reaction to this, you wanna try for round 2?"

"It was you! You were the one who made us vulnerable! Made us weak!

"And I'd do it again." He drew the needle closer and she winced, though really she felt relieved. Whatever was in that syringe it scared that monster, "Get out here or I'll inject this, and I don't like your odds for another go."

The monster screamed in frustration in her head and she shut her eyes in pain at the almost deafening wail. The roar lasted for a few seconds before it was abruptly silenced and she felt the same burning pain on her right arm.

The pain left as quickly as it came and she was left on the ground, sweat running down her forehead and her breaths coming out in ragged pants. She blinked away the flashes of white in her vision and leaned into Peter's touch when he held her shoulders tightly, "Hurts..." Peter pulled her upright and moved her until she sat with her back against the wall opposite the bed.

The new occupant that settled on the floor across from them caused her blood to freeze. The monstrosity reminded her of the blurry pictures she'd seen on the youwebs about 'The Incident', but seeing it up close was another thing entirely. It was stuck on its hands and knees on the floor and Mary Jane flinched back when it looked up and she met the blank white spaces it had for eyes, its wide-open mouth parted open to show of the jagged teeth covered in a viscous yellow slime.

Monster was an understatement...

"You...murderer." It still sounded like her, but now that she was hearing it outside of her own head the differences only became more noticeable, "You helped Spider-Woman take my Other from me, my Cletus..."

"You should've died with him." Peter took out a gun from a holster under his jacket and aimed it right at the creature's face. Mary Jane turned away when the bullet fired, but she was forced to turn back when the creature laughed. She looked ahead and grimaced when the next bullet fired passed through its head, splattering blood and flesh across the floor with a disgusting squelch.

It didn't care at all.

"You can't kill me!" It licked its teeth with an oversized tongue and she shuddered, "My new Other is where I lie, you know this. Shooting this extension does nothing."

"Get out of her!"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" It laughed. Mary Jane's mouth was forced up in a twisted smile at the sound, "She cannot survive without me, manflesh. I saved her life, so it's mine now! If you take me out of her then her mind will break from the agony!"

"You're lying..." Mary Jane mumbled.

"You wanted this." It turned to her and she curled deeper into Peter's hold, her body shaking, "I read your mind. You're jealous of Spider-Woman, hate that she gets the love of this city while you're left in the shadows with your pathetic singing. Admit it: you wanted me! You want to be better than everyone, you want to prove that you're not pathetic like your friends think you are!"

"Shut up!" Tears stung Mary Jane's eyes and it took all she had not to look away from the abomination in front of her, "Shut the hell up! I never wanted to be a monster!"

Whether it was going to respond to that she had no idea. Mary Jane felt a sudden prick at the side of her neck followed by a quick feeling of numbness that ran down her body. The creature screamed into her mind for a few agonizing seconds before everything became quiet. Mary Jane relished in the silence for a handful of seconds before she suddenly swerved her head to the side and vomited out what little remained of her breakfast.

Peter's hand was on her back and he didn't say a word till she finished. The redhead wiped the dribbling vomit from her chin and took a shuddering breath, "Is it gone?" She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek against the cold wall.

"For a while, at least." He wiped the sweat off her forehead with a few quick dabs and moved her to the bed. Mary Jane bit back a disgusted sound when her bare foot and the bottom of her jeans almost touched chunks of the still-warm flesh, "The suppressant keeps anything with the Lizard serum down, though in my experience it's anyone's guess how long that actually lasts."

"Fuck..." Why couldn't this day just be over? This entire day was one nightmare after another, "So...what do we do now?"

"Honestly? I got no clue..." Peter sat next to her brought his hand through his face. He suddenly looked far more exhausted, "The last thing I expected was for a chunk of that monster to still be kicking after Gwen..." He shook his head, "Point is I'm as blind as you are, Mary. I barely have a handle on how these suits works...maybe it's best if we call Gwen and-"

"No!" Even Mary Jane herself was surprised at how loud her voice was. Peter recoiled slightly at the sudden scream and she continued, "This...can we keep this a least for now?" She licked her lips nervously at his questioning look, "'s just...she's connected to S.H.I.E.L.D, and like you said they aren't exactly trustworthy right now..."

"Point, but I don't know what to do here. Gwen would."

'You mean kill me?' She thought bitterly. She knew she shouldn't have - Gwen was one of her best friends and she was a goddamn Superhero - but the memory of being burned alive in molten metal still lingered in her mind. It still shocked her - of all the people she expected to have blood on her hands Gwen Stacy was definitely the last person on that list. It was the only explanation she could think of why she hadn't punted Jameson off a building yet.

"I'll...I'll tell her myself, okay?" she said eventually, "Until then could you please keep this quiet? For me?"

"...I guess." It was obvious by his tone that he didn't think it was a good idea, so she appreciated the muted nod that came after, "I still have a few syringes of suppressant, but after that we won't have anything to keep that thing from doing the same thing it did earlier. We either have to tell Gwen or we find some way to keep that thing from taking control of you again."


Without any more fanfare Peter cut the webs keeping her legs bound together and picked the handcuffs open, "You should be fine for a couple of hours, at least..." He pocketed the cuffs and nudged his head to the door, "I'll clean up here for a bit. Go outside and talk to Winters and Hardy. Just make sure to tell me if you start hearing voices again...and for God's sake don't let Hardy rile you."

"Easier said than done, Tiger."

Seeing Norah again was a definite relief, though it was dampened when she saw Hardy leaning with her back against the wall and her arms crossed. She would've thought the popstar/thief/vigilante/whatever the hell else she was would've left by now.

"MJ!" Norah practically charged towards her and tugged her close in a sudden embrace. Mary Jane was frozen stiff at the sudden show of affection before she reluctantly returned the gesture, her hands barely grazing the back of Norah's vest. A part of her wanted to tell Norah to step away and be careful, but the honest show of care was too relieving for her to even think about saying anything.

The hug lasted for a few more seconds before Norah stepped back, both her hands holding onto Mary Jane's shoulders, "Thank God you're alright! When I heard the noises-" She shook her head and tightened her hold, "No, I don't wanna say anything and jinx it. I'm just glad you're still kicking."

"Yes, you had us all in a fit, Jane," Felicia said. Mary Jane had to resist the urge to scowl at her, "Can we assume that your 'condition' has been dealt with?"

"Not exactly..." She pushed Norah away gently and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans, her gaze leveled downward, "Tig- Spider-Man helped me keep it under control, but it's still there." Always waiting, always probing her made her shudder to even think about it, "We're going to try to stop it from doing anything else, but..."

Mary Jane didn't - couldn't - finish. Tears stung her eyes again and she cried, her hands trying to futilely wipe away the torrent tears. Norah didn't even hesitate to pull her into another embrace and even Felicia looked at her pityingly. Mary Jane stopped trying to halt her tears and cried into Norah's shoulder, her words coming out in unintelligible blubbering that the blonde still responded to with practiced comforts.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Just a few days ago the worst thing she had to worry about was which gig she and the band should accept and if Gwen was alright after The Incident. Now she had to deal with that murderer's fucked up partner living inside her body, constantly paranoid that if she wasn't paying attention it would take over her body and use it to do God only knew what.

The next few hours were a blur of comforting words and aimless conversation meant to distract her from how utterly fucked up her life was. Felicia and Norah left eventually, the latter promising Mary Jane that she could call whenever she wanted and she'd come running. Mary Jane gave the journalist a parting embrace and relished again in the lack of fear the other woman showed. Anyone else would've been scared of even looking at her after what happened.

Mary Jane eventually found herself sitting across from Peter on the dinner table with two bowls of soggy, week-old cornflakes split between them both. Hardly dinner food, but that was the least of her concerns, " what? She picked at the wet cereal and shoveled it into her mouth. She just wanted to sleep and forget this day ever happened, but her stomach's rumbling was too loud to ignore.

"You can stay here for now..." He mushed the cereal around and made no effort to actually eat it.

"Stay here? As in this apartment?"

"You wanna tell your roommate why you have an extra set of teeth, Mary?" She winced at the poor attempt at a joke and shook her head, "Yeah, didn't think so." He gestured to the room where they were a few hours prior, "That's my room, but you can sleep there for now. I'll take the couch."

"There's another room..." She pointed at the door across his weakly, "Not staying there?"

"That's Lana's room," he said, as if it explained everything. Mary Jane opened her mouth to suggest switching around again before he shook his head, "Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Mary. I'll be in the couch, you take the bed. If you feel anything wrong then speak up, okay? I'll call a...friend in the morning; maybe she can help us get a handle on this damn suit."

"Yeah...okay." She swallowed a particularly large lump of cereal and stirred the milk aimlessly, "Hey...thanks for this, Tiger. Thanks for..." Saving her life? Keeping that thing down? Not killing? "Everything," she said eventually.

"No problem. Like I said, I ain't exactly angling to lose another friend."

Dinner - such as it was - finished on a quiet note and they mutually agreed to turn in early. Mary Jane lied down on the small bed and curled into the covers, her eyes staring into the darkness of the room. Things were fucked, but Peter and Norah were there and they still cared about her. It was...well, a good enough start.

With those final thoughts Mary Jane closed her eyes and drifted off into a mercifully dreamless sleep.

June 7, 2016. Blue Swallow Motel.

"Still reading?"

Spider-Man looked up from the history book and raised an eyebrow when he caught Shadowcat stepping out of the bathroom, a damp towel covering her wet hair and her eyes staring at him exasperatedly through the cloth, "What else am I supposed to do?" He settled closer on the seat and turned his eyes away from her. Her attire wasn't skimpy - at least by the standards of this place - but back home the black tank-top and torn leggings would've gotten her more than a few stares. She called it 'punk', so the definition of the word must have changed while he was down under.

"I dunno, how about another job? S.H.I.E.L.D's still scrambling so some heads are at a premium."

"What's the point? They're already giving me the information on Octavius." He circled another faded picture on the page and wrote down the name, "Heinrich Himmler." He wasn't as big a target as the others on the list, but he still got up to a decent amount if the history (still felt odd to call it that) books were any indication.

This was how he spent his days now. If what the Slant told him was right then time passed by linearly regardless of where he was, so 5 years here was 5 years there. He was taken just a few days past the new year on 1934; just a month after prohibition ended. He wondered how different things would be once he made it back, how different Aunt May and the others would be after 5 years.

He did know one thing: World War was coming, and if these notes were any indication then millions of lives were gonna be lost in that meatgrinder. Cleaning up the streets, putting down the crime bosses and thugs...he had to do this first for that to mean anything.

Shadowcat picked up one of the scattered notes and laughed under her breath, "Hey, I'm not above a little spring cleaning, partner, but you seriously think you can take down the Nazi regime?" She threw it on top of the closest pile, "The Facility didn't teach me much, but they did teach me how power vacuums work. If it ain't Hitler there's always gonna be someone trying to fuck things up for everyone else."

"Then I'll kill them too." He wrote down another name without looking up. World War II wasn't the end: there was Stalin's reign, one of the Koreas turning into a dictatorship, the bloodbath at Vietnam, the riots after Martin Luther King's death...human history was long and bloody; only difference now was that he had advanced warning. He doubted he could fix it all on his own by snapping a few well-placed necks and the government back home sure wouldn't take his word for it, but he had to try. He knew who to protect and who to kill.

"How are you even sure all this is gonna happen? From what you told me about your place Blacks don't exactly have the best reputation so I doubt Captain America's gonna be the same. Maybe World War II's not gonna happen."

"I already dealt with Nazis..." And lost one of his best friends to them. Damn bigots, "Besides, it can't hurt to be prepared. I'm not gonna sit back and wait for these guys to send millions of people to their deaths."

It wasn't just that. Technology advanced in 82 years and he was definitely not gonna ignore that. He wasn't dumb enough to think that throwing all these blueprints and advancements all at once was a good idea, but the changes in medicine, basic comforts and everything else, well, he could definitely see the appeal of those. A few things here and there coming earlier would be a definite Godsend.

He was about to circle off Mengele's picture - he'd definitely be one of the first targets next to Hitler and Heydrich - when Shadowcat suddenly grabbed the book and held it up with a grin, "You, partner, are going to go stir-crazy just staying here."

Spider-Man tried to reach for the thick textbook and she hid it behind her back, her grin widening in amusement, "Give it back."

"Nope," she said, popping of the P with a quick step back at his next grab, "You need to get out of this place. I mean you're going back to the 30's; don't you wanna spend at least a few hours seeing what the 21st century has to offer?"

"Not particularly." He tried to reach for the book again and she jumped on a nearby chair, bare feet balancing on the wood with surprising ease, "Give it back, Cat." He let out a frustrated breath, though it came out as less annoyed than he would've liked. He wanted to be annoyed with her, he really did, but after 5 years of being tormented by the Slant her teasing felt downright friendly to him.

"You're obsessed." She flipped through the book carelessly and made a face, "Look, I'm bored. Let's do a quick job. I heard about this visiting crimelord that dabbled in chemical weapons; quick snatch and grab and we get 200 grand easy, and a bonus if we manage to do it without causing a ruckus. You can stick to the shadows better than I can so it should be a cakewalk for us."

"Not interested..."

The chair tilted back when she put her weight on it. Spider-Man smiled (deviously, as she constantly called it whenever he did anything other than frown) and kicked it. Shadowcat's face didn't so much as twitch and she landed with a practiced crouch, which he used as a chance to grab the book from her hands, "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?" She laughed, "Alright, you started it."

The punch barely even registered as a blip to his spider-sense. Peter ducked under the blow and tried to kick her legs, which she dodged with a quick step back, "Cat, I'm done playing." She flipped over his head and grabbed the book as she went, "Give it back!"

"Come and take it if you can, Spider!"

Spider-Man could've sworn that he laughed at that, but if Shadowcat said anything about it later then he'd tell her she was crazy. Peter tried to snatch for the book again only for his hand to phase through the worn leather and subsequently the rest of the arm. The momentum made him stumble past her and crash against the table, papers and books falling from the impact, "...Phasing? Really?"

"All's fair, Petey boy."

"Don't call me that." It almost scared him how little he actually cared about her calling him anything other than Spider-Man or partner. He didn't want anyone to know who he was just two weeks ago and now he was fighting over a damn book with a girl who was a ghost half the time. Shaking his head, he tried to grab for it again only for her to once again phase through him; and then kick his rear-end for good measure.

"...You're really damn frustrating. You know that, right?"

She rolled her eyes and shook the book mockingly, "You love it."

Spider-Man ejected a burst of webbing near her. Her brief moment of surprise was enough for him to tackle her, the book flying from her grasp and smacking against the wall while the two of them managed to fall on the rightmost bed. Both Shadowcat and Peter grunted at the sudden impact before quickly regaining their bearings. Peter looked down at his 'opponent' and blinked slowly when he realized where they were.

Shadowcat for her part continued to grin up at him, her eyes amused, "Guess you win." She held up both hands in mock surrender, "I said I wanted to go out, but I guess this'll do."

She grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in to a rough kiss. Spider-Man briefly tried to reach for the history book before her continued actions eventually caused his hand to fall, '...To hell with it.' His hands rested at her sides to feel the still-damp skin through the thin fabric of her undershirt and he grinded against her, wincing at the growing tightness of his pants.

Shadowcat responded by deepening the kiss, her tongue darting past his loose lips. The two of them trashed against one another for what felt like hours before she pulled back, a 'bridge' of saliva hanging in the air between them before she licked her lips, "My turn."

She phased through the bed out of sight. Spider-Man didn't even get a chance to look around before a pair of hands pushed him down the bed and a pair of legs straddled his waist.

"So much for that spider-sense, huh?" Shadowcat said, her lips lingering next to his ear. He wanted to say something back at her - probably in the vein of her phasing being similarly disjointed - but the sudden bite at his earlobe caused him to let out a soft grunt instead. She was going to be the (second) death of him-


Any sense of lust and need disappeared, only to be replaced with a cold chill that ran down his spine. Shadowcat was the same given the way her eyes narrowed and how quickly she jumped off him, "...You feel hear that too, right?" she asked, her head angled up at the air. Smelling or trying to hear?

"Yeah..." He got up and put the most important notes in a messenger bag before grabbing his revolver, "Someone's coming...I give us a minute, maybe two if we're lucky." His spider-sense was consistent, but it wasn't always specific.

"I hear em. Parked cars...big vans; three of them, at least." She sniffed the air and smiled, the gesture almost coming across as feral, "Gunpowder and the clicks of reloading...they came for war. Vans are parked on both sides, they're gonna try to surround us I'm guessing."

"What's the play here, Cat?" He grabbed his mask and put it on in a rush. No doubt it was pointless, but it was comforting all the same.

"I'm not averse to going in there claws blazing, but I don't wanna get in trouble with Peggy if my ward gets shot so..." She picked up a remote from under the bed and and clicked one of the buttons. A chunk of the back wall immediately retracted and opened a way to the next room, "Peggy thought this would happen. Always prepare an escape plan and a way to burn everything left behind."


He loaded the gun and ran to the next room with Shadowcat following after. He could hear them now: stomping boots and muffled orders to search their designated room, "I'll cover the exit." He aimed his gun at the other entrance.

" we go."

Shadowcat pressed another button as soon as the first two of the goon squad kicked through the door. Spider-Man winced and pressed one hand against the wall to steady himself as the blast ripped through the rest of the group clustered outside, "Damn..." He coughed and waved his hands in front of his face at the rush of smoke filtering into the room, "Cat, you alright?"

"Just dandy." She winked back at him, "Come on-"

His spider-sense rang again just in time to warn him of the two stooges who ran through the front door. Spider-Man aimed the revolver and fired, two shots running through their forehead and nose before they fell on the ground, "Shit..." He examined them quickly and grimaced. The Slant's agents...they found him.

Spider-Man rushed through the door and fired at another three making their way up the stairs before he was forced down by the sudden torrent of machinegun fire that came from the parking lot below. He turned back to shout a warning at Shadowcat before she ran past him and jumped over the low wall.

Shadowcat flew through the air briefly, the bullets passing by her without harm, before she landed on top of two clustered agents, "You picked the wrong day, assholes!" She sliced through both their skulls with her claws and kicked at the closest agent, another singular claw extending from the tip of her foot and slicing open his neck before he could even raise his gun.

He had to get down there.

Spider-Man jumped over the low wall as well and landed in a crouch behind a parked car. He didn't like his chances going head-to-head like she was, "Damn..." He winced at the next wave of gunfire that greeted him and ducked deeper under the car while he reloaded. He could almost make out their feet through the gap.

His hand stretched out and fired from under the car, catching at least three of the five clustered group in their legs, 'That's a chance.' Spider-Man took a deep breath and jumped over the car, catching one of the two remaining shooters in the neck and the others in the chest with the remaining bullets. He ignored their screams and curses and ducked under another car.

He didn't have to wait long before Shadowcat jumped to the groaning group and sliced through anyone who was still breathing. That done she phased through the car he was squatting behind and wiped the blood from her knuckles, "These guys really want you bad, Petey."

"Tell me something I don't know." He shot down the last three attackers rushing towards them and growled under his breath at the sight of more vans speeding down the road, "We can't keep doing this."

"Well, you can't, I'm still golden." She ignored his scowl and grabbed his arm, "I get your point, though. Hold your breath."


A feeling of complete weightlessness rushed over him and before he knew it he and Shadowcat passed through the concrete ground down into the depths below. Peter just barely made out dirt and pipes tightly bound together before they both landed on a metal walkway just inches away from mucky water filled with raw sewage. He gagged slightly at the smell and covered his nose.

"Where are we?"

"A sewer. What, you never read samurai tadpoles?" She let go of his arm and looked up at the stained roof, "They're scrambling...we should get out of here before they realize where we went...and before I step into something I really don't want to think about." She wiggled the toes of her still-bare feet and nudged her head to the end of the hall, "Let's find a far enough place and get topside."

"And then what?"

"Then we go to my place."

It didn't take long for them to find a suitable manhole to escape from and after that it was only a matter of stealing a car and letting Shadowcat drive it to where she lived. Spider-man took off his mask and kept his eyes focused on the window outside, his grip on his gun never waning. Those bastards - Silk, they called themselves - found them. He thought waiting would be simple enough...guess he was an idiot for thinking luck would turn the other cheek for once.

"Hey." Shadowcat tapped his left shoulder and looked at him in the closest approximate to worried she could muster, "What's with the silent treatment?"

"We just got attacked, Cat..."

"So? We've been getting attacked for a couple of weeks now; and we even attacked each other, if you remember." He didn't reply. It was only a couple of weeks ago that happened, but it felt way longer than that, "...Hey, it could be worse; you could have that asshole Murdock after you, then you'd be really screwed. We can call S.H.I.E.L.D when we make it to my place and they can deal with this. You've been doing good work so they aren't gonna leave you to dry."

"If you say so..."

The rest of the short trip was spent in silence. Shadowcat stopped the car in front of a small house; it actually looked more like a one-floor apartment than any suburban home this madhouse offered, "Guess you weren't lying when you told me your place was small..." He stepped out of the car and closed the door behind him with a loud slam. Maybe now they could-


Not an attack, but the same itch from when Chameleon lied to his face. Spider-Man turned to the source of the disturbance and narrowed his eyes when he caught sight of the short Japanese man stooped in a crouch on the roof. It was hard to make out all of his features from his position, but the wide-brimmed brown cowboy hat stuck like a sore thumb over everything else.

Judging by Shadowcat's sneer she definitely recognized him.

The man jumped down from the roof and stood to his full height...which was maybe only a couple of inches above Shadowcat, and she barely cleared past 5 feet as it was. Still, the thick stubble and cocky grin made sure that youth was the last thing from his mind.

"Well now, Kit Kat, who's this you brought with you?" The man looked him up and down, sizing him up. Spider-Man crossed his arms and kept his face passive, "Big guy, ain't he? How long you have him? 2 days? That's how long your last partner lasted before he cut and run."

"Fuck off, old man." Shadowcat snarled. The only other time he'd seen her nearly that frustrated was after she got that magic bullet stuck in her shoulder, "We just got attacked and I ain't in the fucking mood to pick a fight with you...speaking of which, ain't you supposed to be in Yemen?"

"I caught up with my old friend earlier than I thought so I decided to come back." He shrugged and stepped closer, allowing Spider-Man a better look at his features. Definitely Japanese, though the dark-red shirt, leather jacket, dark pants and combat boots seemed 'American' to him, "Back up a bit, though. Who attacked you?"

"A terrorist organization calling themselves S.I.L.K, nothing you need to worry about." Her glare only worsened when his lips curled up in a smug smile, "The hell are you smiling at?"

"A terrorist group, darlin'? You just can't stop gettin' into trouble, can you?" There was a certain fondness in his voice mixed in-between the amusement.

"Says the guy picking a fight with the Hellfire Club." She rolled her eyes, "Look, if you're here to be an asshole then go dunk your head. I gotta call this into S.H.I.E.L.D before they start asking questions and wonderin' why we blew up that motel room."

"Motel? Guess that little hellion the news really was you then. I almost didn't believe you'd get a partner again after what happened the last time-"

"You're still here?" she said, her voice taking on a dangerous edge.

"Heh, you ain't changed at all." He laughed at that, "Tell you what, I'll go back to that mess you left behind and see if I can't clean up the stragglers you left behind. Who knows, maybe I can get you two something you can use. Think of it as my souvenir gift."

"Tch, do what you want..."

"You're welcome." The old man - Logan, he quickly remembered - stepped past her and stopped only when he and Spider-Man were side-by-side, "I dunno who you are, kid, but you watch yourself now, you hear? She bites."

"...I can take of myself."

"Heh, yeah, that's what they all thought."

He clapped him on the shoulder and walked down the street without a second look back. Spider-Man watched him go briefly before turning his attention back to his partner. She still looked ticked off, but it was less of the murderous rage a week prior and more the same look he got when Aunt May kept trying to tell him that he and Gwen Stacy were ' so good for each other'; more annoyed than anything else.

"So...that was Logan?"

" 'dad'." She clicked her tongue and let out a frustrated breath, "Fuck, I wasn't expecting him back so soon. And here I was getting used to not having to look over my shoulder."

"Sounds like history there...what did he mean by your last partner?"

"Nothing you need to worry about, Spider." Well...that wasn't relieving at all, "Come on, we still gotta call it in to Peggy and then we gotta lay low for a bit..." She mussed up her hair in frustration, "Ugh, I need a bath. This was a real shitshow, huh?"

"You don't gotta tell me, Kat..." He opened the messenger bag and looked down at the notes. At least he managed to save the important parts, though he'd have to start over...he shook his head. He just hoped that even half of the things Shadowcat told him about 'the old man' was accurate. He didn't need someone else dying on his conscience.

This was a pretty meh chapter: Noir and MJ just kinda put off dealing with Carnage for later while Shadowcat and Spider-Man have a sudden moving day. Originally the second segment was supposed to be a Jack-o-Lantern POV to foreshadow the next Noir solo arc, but people frowned on usage of villain POV's in the past so I replaced it with that instead. Who knows, maybe I can put it in the next chapter if it's short enough.

Other things were changed as well: originally Noir was much more hostile to MJ, even threatening to shoot her in the head to force Carnage out, but I changed it to that he's (relatively) warmer apart from a brief bit at the beginning. This makes more sense considering he's (trying) to move on and established a relationship (sorta) with Gwen. Likewise Spider-Man is more receptive to Shadowcat's teasing given that getting Octavius is now set.

The lack of romance for this chapter helped in writing, at least. No need for awkwardness :p

Anyway, next chapter is a Gwen one focused on the not-so glamorous part of being in the Avengers: making connections, playing nice with the politicians and the knowledge that every action she has is now under a microscope. Oh and the obligatory twist, but I'm sure it won't surprise anyone given how absurd this story's gotten.


1. I've been reading some Hawkeye fics over in Ao3 and I'm wondering something: would you guys be interested in a 'non-canon' chapter focused on Lana and Noir? I'm thinking an alternative event where Lana refuses to leave when Noir tells her to leave him alone during the end of the 'Peter and Gwen' chapter. It'd be focused on the (mostly platonic, considering Lana's light crush) relationship between the two, particularly as they both age - being an omake means I can move the timeline forward faster.

2. Do you guys consider changing the character's personality/beliefs in a fanfic's story due to events character development or derailment? Other reviewers posted that I should lean more towards making Gwen more accepting of gray methods, but given how canonically stubborn she is I'm not sure if this is a good idea since other readers might complain that this is not true to her character's reactions to tragedy in canon. Noir at least is canonically gray.
Nice chapter!

The way of dealing with MJ!Carnage felt a bit anticlimax, but it is okay, I really like how Noir is becoming 'nicer', and a reminder for him(and the readers) that he really needs to use more his web the poison effect is good, but Noir is really in love with using his gun. :p

About the questions:

1: Could work, kinda like a breather chapter, also I am curious about what you would write.

2: This one is a bit challenging, I think you are aware of people picking 'Shounen' shows and making fanfics out of them and trying to make the MCs 'Pragmatic' while mocking the feel of the show, and making things Edgier and Darker basically a bad habit in fanfics...well I am glad you are not like that, as you are very faithful to the personalities of your characters, but enough of that lets go for your question.

Gwen is an Ideal Heroine so I can only see her agreeing to kill people like Noir if she became an entirely different character, so if we are leaning on Gray aspect of morality, only if it is the only choice necessary like she already wasted all possibilities, even the ones where she comes closer to sacrifice herself, she should stick to her Ideals, even if it is selfish, as they are the ray of light in a world filled with crime, so kinda like a symbol, of course she would not be aware of it(pretty narcitistic after all)

The same could be said for Noir he can change, but he will always be willing to take the kill if it is for the best of everyone, he could show some leniency, but if a Villain persists in doing bad shit he will kill them, like if by some miracle he allowed the Joker from DC to live, then later he runs away from prison and begins shit again, then Noir would kill him no questions asked.
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Nice chapter!

The way of dealing with MJ!Carnage felt a bit anticlimax, but it is okay, I really like how Noir is becoming 'nicer', and a reminder for him(and the readers) that he really needs to use more his web the poison effect is good, but Noir is really in love with using his gun. :p

The Web poison isn't really useful: most people are already incapable of breaking out of his webbing and those that can tend to be wearing armor or other things that negate it since it needs skin contact to work. Besides, when villains have assault rifles a gun makes more sense than webbing that can't go more than 10 feet.

About the questions:

1: Could work, kinda like a breather chapter, also I am curious about what you would write.

Mostly just a slice of life thing on how their relationship goes. I could probably extend it to end when Lana's 25 and Noir's 28, which would leave a decade for them to see how they change and stay the same.

2: This one is a bit challenging, I think you are aware of people picking 'Shounen' shows and making fanfics out of them and trying to make the MCs 'Pragmatic' while mocking the feel of the show, and making things Edgier and Darker basically a bad habit in fanfics...well I am glad you are not like that, as you are very faithful to the personalities of your characters, but enough of that lets go for your question.

Eh...half and half. I do often indirectly mock it by Noir pointing out that criminals keep managing to escape prison and Gwen's solution is to keep putting them back no matter how many times they escape. That and Noir's solutions seem to work more than Gwen's: killing of Vulture, Electro, Tyhpoid Mary and the like definitely stopped them from being threats, at least.

Gwen is an Ideal Heroine so I can only see her agreeing to kill people like Noir if she became an entirely different character, so if we are leaning on Gray aspect of morality, only if it is the only choice necessary like she already wasted all possibilities, even the ones where she comes closer to sacrifice herself, she should stick to her Ideals, even if it is selfish, as they are the ray of light in a world filled with crime, so kinda like a symbol, of course she would not be aware of it(pretty narcitistic after all)

I'm just looking at the romance so far and it's kinda hard to ignore that Gwen doesn't really answer when Peter asks her about her dating him while simultaneously disapproving of his alliance with Castle an Bullseye; she just makes some reference to 'wanting to try' and so far dodges the question. Peter's so far shown to be more willing to compromise so it's not a problem for him like it is for her. If like you said she's an ideal heroine then wouldn't this be too large a gap for her to ignore?

The same could be said for Noir he can change, but he will always be willing to take the kill if it is for the best of everyone, he could show some leniency, but if a Villain persists in doing bad shit he will kill them, like if by some miracle he allowed the Joker from DC to live, then later he runs away from prison and begins shit again, then Noir would kill him no questions asked.

Noir being nice when it comes to Gwen or her friends but then suddenly shifting gears and not blinking when Bullseye's cut's a rapist's dick off and feeds it to him might make him come across as disjointed since one would think being nicer in general would affect his demeanor with the Defenders and vice-versa; if he's a callous asshole when 'Defending' then it stands to reason that he would be likewise affected in his day to day, right? Completely compartmentalizing would be damn near impossible, even for someone whose mind is as fractured as his is

Cause I'm not talking about his morals - Gwen doesn't argue that anymore - I'm talking his general behavior. I always have this disconnect when dealing with some characters: Kate Bishop, for example, is a quirky and zany superheroine who refuses to watch her shoot an arrow through both a mook's eyes and then justify it with a shrug and saying he's not dead, just blinded for life. Yea...looks really damn psychotic, don't it? I mean that shit is canon. Others even make fun of it:

Chapter 87 - To be a Hero
Next chapter. Nothing much to write since the next Spider-Gwen is still 3 days away, though I gotta say the new issue covers are really hyping up Gwenom's confrontation with Matt Murdock. Hopefully Latour lives up to the hype.

Also, DC's Doomsday Clock just released not too long ago and it comes with more Rorschach appearances :D Which is good news for me since I like the character and need more inspiration for Noir's anti-hero moments.

Here's a question before the chapter starts: I've gotten some reviews indicating that they want Peter and Gwen set as a permanent pairing regardless of what happens. Fine, we've been through that song and dance before, I get it. But honestly which makes more sense from what we've read so far - Gwen decides she's okay with Punisher and Bullseye being Peter's allies or Peter decides to ditch the two to not aggravate Gwen.

There might be a third option, but these two seem the most prominent all things considered. Cause they still haven't really discussed this apart from Gwen making oblique references 'wanting to try'.

Chapter 87: To be a Hero

The next three days were some of the most hectic Gwen had ever been through, and considering how fucked up her life was nowadays that was saying something.

The first day was simple enough. Training with the rest of the Avengers (still felt weird to say) in an upstate facility followed by a couple of hours of patrolling and hanging out with Glory and Betty. Apart from the one time Kate nearly shot Cindy in the ass (total accident, as Kate kept telling her in-between her apologies) and MJ still being MIA (along with Peter, annoyingly enough) the rest of the day was as relaxing as she could make it.

Which of course meant that Kate woke her up the next day about some idiots trying to blow up the freaking UN Embassy.

Gwen swung through the air and clung to the wall to avoid the barrage of laser fire headed her way. Eyes narrowed, she did a quick scan of the chaotic batteground below and grimaced slightly. She counted at least two dozen fanatics dressed in sleek white stormtrooper armor. Easy enough to deal with - especially considering the entire team was mobilized - but the civilians hiding under tables weren't as durable as most of them were.

They didn't have much time for a recap, but Gwen got enough. According to Cap the group called themselves U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M, which apparently stood for 'Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind'. From how Kate told it they were an extremist terrorist group against the government...actually, scratch that; they were against the very idea of government at all. Something about how abolishing any and all government would lead to unity for all of mankind in total freedom.

Which made blowing the up the UN Embassy the next 'logical' step, apparently...

Gwen propelled herself to a group of four clustered gunmen, "Here, catch!" She webbed down the first two and punched the third as she landed. The fourth raised his gun and she released another line of webbing to yank it up, the laser firing through the air harmlessly.

"What the fu-"

"Ah, ah! Language!" She pulled the gun away from him and broke it in two. The terrorist's eyes widened through his clear goggles before she kicked him in the stomach and knocked him on the ground. She still had worries on controlling herself ever since 'The Incident', but she'd gotten decent enough that she was sure she wouldn't accidentally kick out someone's intestines by accident.

She webbed down two more terrorists who took aim for her before she rushed to the politicians shivering under their desks, "This is gonna be a bit rough, sorry!" She picked two of them up and turned her head to the hole Flag Smasher...well, smashed through, "Go limp, alright?"

Gwen waited for all of them to nod before she created a wide net of webbing and tossed them at it. Most of them screamed, though thankfully they all managed to follow her instructions and avoided flailing through the air. She waited till the last hostage was caught safely in the net before she webbed the hole shut to block them from view. Hopefully it would keep them from getting caught up in this mess again.

Speaking of which...

Her attention drew to Kate. The archer was handling things well enough, though another barrage of laser fire forced her to hide behind one of the upturned desks, "Hold on, Hawkeye!" Gwen jumped into the clustered group and knocked out two of the firing stormtroopers. The remaining two tried to take aim at her only fall when they each got an arrow through their legs. She almost felt bad webbing them down afterwards.

Kate gave her a thumbs up and a wink before rushing off to fight another group. Gwen gave a nod in return and swung to where Cindy was fighting off half a dozen of the ultimate terrorist guys holding (and she was definitely not shitting here) freaking maces. Because apparently it wasn't just their ideology that was ass-backwards.

"Need some help?"

"Not really, but I wouldn't mind it." Cindy ducked under the wide sweep and kicked the offending stormtrooper into the closest wall before webbing him to the surface, "So, is this like a common thing? Do terrorists usually try to blow up the UN?"

"We aren't terrorists!"

One of said terrorists tried to charge at her only for Gwen to web his leg and pull, the mace flying out of his hand and hitting one of his buddies in the back, "Yeah, cause blowing up the UN's totally not what a terrorist would do." Cindy scoffed and webbed another of the stormtroopers to join his buddy on the wall, "I mean, what do you guys even want here? Cause I don't see how bombing places make the government go away."

"Don't feed the terrorists, Spinerette." Gwen said, completely ignoring the next indignant cry of 'We aren't terrorists!' that came afterwards.

They finished off the rest of the group quickly enough and Gwen spent the next minute or so jumping to the rest of her teammates to help where she could. Not that she could do much; between She-Hulk, Cap, and Janet she managed maybe 4 punches in-between them before they took care of them on their own. She had to remind herself that they'd been at the hero business longer than her or the other two 'youngsters'.

Precisely one and a half minutes later only the leader remained. Flag Smasher charged at Captain America, his teeth bared open in a snarl. Cap raised her shield and blocked the mace aimed for her head, "You ruined everything! Fascist! Dictator! We would have freed this country! We would have-"

That was far as he got before Cap knocked the mace away and clocked him right in the face with the shield. Flag Smasher stumbled back slightly and fell on his back, "I can tell you honestly believe that, but what you're doing is terrorism, plain and simple." Next to Gwen Janet clenched her fists and scowled, muttering something she couldn't make out; Gwen could swear she heard 'S.H.I.E.L.D' uttered somewhere there.

" doesn't matter." He looked up at Cap defiantly, seemingly unbothered by the blood dribbling down his nose, "I may die here, but my death will be a rallying cry!"

Cap never got a chance to say anything back before Kate called out to them, "Uh...guys? We got a problem." Gwen ran to her side and froze when she saw the blinking countdown of what was unmistakably a bomb hidden under one of the desks. The red LED timer was at 7 seconds and counting.


Gwen did the first thing she could think of. Shoving Kate aside, she grabbed the bomb and jumped through the window, glass ripping through her costume before it quickly repaired itself. She had no idea how much range this thing had, but if they were gonna use it to blow up an embassy then she doubted it was a firecracker. The next few miles were filled with crowded buildings and she didn't have time to dunk it in the river.

She did the next best thing. Gwen propelled herself up as high as she could and threw the bomb upwarss. She barely saw the timer blink zero before it exploded.

Even through its place high up in the air Gwen felt the force and heat rush over her, the explosive easily large enough to engulf not just the embassy but the next few city blocks. Gwen raised her hands and winced at the overbearing warmth that rushed over her before she quickly remembered that she was falling through the air. Symbiote or not she really didn't want to test if she could land safely from this height.

Before she could eject another line of webbing, however, a black and white blur swing to her side and she was practically tackled out of the air. Her first instinct was to push the personal space invader off before she heard Cindy's unmistakable voice, "Hold on!" The other spider pressed her closer with one hand and released five strings of webbing from her fingertips (which still freaked Gwen out somewhat) and swung them down to the hectic streets below.

Cindy skidded to a stop on the asphalt and adjusted her hands till one of them supported her legs and the other propped up her back: classic Disney princess position. A few of the camping reporters stared at the two of them wide-eyed before one of them snapped a pic before Gwen could get off.

Great, that wouldn't be on the papers or anything...

"My hero," Gwen said, her voice sickly sweet and teasing. Cindy rolled her eyes and smiled under her scarf before she set Gwen down on the ground with an overdramatic huff.

"Be more careful next time, alright? I don't think the rest of them would be happy if you turned into a Spider-Pancake."

"I totally had that handled." Okay so maybe she'd lost attention for a second there, but she just saved the UN embassy the next six blocks or something. That entitled her to skipping the post-fight lectures, right?

"Sure you did." Cindy crossed her arms in a pseudo-lecturing stance, "Hey, I'm just saying I don't wanna be the one to give Spider-Man the news if his girlfriend bites it. You think he can be grouchy now you haven't seen anything yet."

"Point." Gwen turned her attention to the entrance and smiled when she saw Cap and the rest of the team leading Flag Smasher and the rest of his crew that could still walk towards the gathered law enforcement officers. The reporters were already crowding around asking questions, which didn't surprise her; this was, technically, their first ever official mansion outside of that clusterfuck with the Carnage Killer...and as far as she could tell S.H.I.E.L.D wasn't secretly responsible for this, so that was a plus.

Alright she was still bitter, so sue her. She was pretty sure even Cap didn't like that they had to keep mum about it.

"Don't look now but I think someone wants an interview." Cindy gestured to the reporter with her cameraman in tow rushing after her. It only took her a few seconds to recognize them as the pair who tried to trick her a few months ago by staging a mugging.

"Ugh...any chance you can sub for me?"

"Hah, fat chance. If I get any more questions asking if I'm your clone I'm gonna lose it." She clapped her on the shoulder and winked, "Good luck. I'll tell Osborn you said hi; should put him in a good mood."

Before Gwen could say anything else Cindy swung away, leaving her alone to fend off the sharks circling her waters. She wanted to follow after her, she really did, but She-Hulk made it clear that 'a good relationship with the reporters is key' now that she wasn't just a solo vigilante/Superhero. Any fuck-up she had would reflect on the rest of the team and so and so forth.

Gwen found it kinda hard to agree after the amazon not-so-subtly broached the idea that her 'whatever that is' with Peter was one of said fuck-ups, but she swallowed it down. If she made nice with the reporters then maybe She-Hulk would get off her back about it. She was pretty sure Peter had to deal with crap from the rest of his 'team' about it, too.

With a heavy sigh, Gwen prepared herself for the worst part of her day.

Which of course led to the most bizarre part of her week so far: attending a party in their honor.

Granted after the announcement Cap warned them that they'd have to make the occasional public appearance, but an out and out party was definitely not what she was expecting. A charity show? Sure. Standing in the background when Cap made a PSA? Fine. Being surrounded by bigwigs with expensive suits and even more expensive trophy wives and husbands in full costume? That was pushing it a bit far.

She was sure that if Peter was here now he'd make some overdramatic noir narration about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer due to the political and corporate dynasties or something.

Gwen sipped the apple cider tentatively, her mask pulled up to her nose like it was before she got the suit. Cap told her to keep her new suit on the down-low; as far as everyone was aware she just decided to go through a bit of a goth phase with all the black and red (she still didn't know how to change the damn colors).

Honestly she had no idea what they were doing here. Cap, She-Hulk and Janet did most of the talking when it came down to it, which left her, Kate and Cindy to just kinda float around for the past hour. She didn't feel too bad about it - public speaking was still kinda new to her considering the past 3 years - but it did make her feel like a prop. If she knew she was just here to look kickass then she would've called in sick and caught up on Dad Cops.

Her eyes scanned over the crowd lazily. She-Hulk was talking to Janet about something while Cindy was regaling a few of the younger guests with some story she couldn't make out. Meanwhile Cap was talking to a couple of stern-faced politicians. She couldn't see Kate, but she was probably around here somewhere. If she had to suffer through this then they all had to.

There were a few more familiar faces in the crowd. She caught Tony Stark and his famous goatee chatting up a pair of blonde twins in strapless black dresses (no surprise there) and Norman Osborn was caught in a conversation with a white-haired man in a gray suit; though she didn't miss the subtle way he threw glances in Cindy's direction. Probably had something to do with the fact that she and Harry were apparently partnering up, which she was being annoyingly tight-lipped about.

Apart from those two the rest of the rest of the guests ran the gamut from being vaguely familiar to complete strangers. The old man parading around a trophy wife maybe a quarter of his age came to mind. Roderick Kingsley, famous fashion designer and a bit of a dandy. A few steps away from him was a curly haired blonde man who she vaguely recalled being in some magazine. Daniel Rand? Something about a long-lost heir or whatever.

She also spotted Jameson sitting alone in a corner table, glaring at his drink like it'd somehow personally offended him. Now and then he threw a look her way that one would give a piece of dog turd that got stuck in your shoe, but Gwen ignored him. He could fuck right off as far as she was concerned.

Her self-imposed, non-alcoholic exile was interrupted when the Storms strolled over to where she was sitting.

Gwen was the first to speak, setting her glass down on a nearby table and pulling her mask down before standing up to greet them, "Mrs. Storm, a pleasure to see you again." She smiled, even though she knew none of them could see. She-Hulk gave her a quick etiquette lesson before she was metaphorically thrown to the wolves.

"Yes, a pleasure to see you as well." Gwen shook the offered hand. The older woman was dressed in a fashionable red dress and the pearl necklace around her neck was expensive yet subtle. Johnny and Susan weren't far behind, the former dressed in a mini-tuxedo while the latter sported a more casual blue dress to contrast her mother. She suddenly felt underdressed in her symbiotic hero suit.

"Glad to see you're doing well. I trust you don't have any more problems?"

"Not something that requires a Superhero, no." Mary Storm let out a practiced laugh and gestured to her kids, "You remember Johnny and Susan, yes?'

"Hard to forget." She shook their hands too, though she rolled her eyes at the way Johnny's hand lingered on hers. Lana was right about him having the libido of a perverted old man, "I'm kind of surprised you're not a fashion shoot elsewhere, to be honest."

"And miss this party? Not a chance. Though my husband sadly couldn't make it." She sighed softly before her smile quickly returned, "Is there any chance that Spider-Man is here? I was hoping to thank him for his rescue during that terrible incident."

" He's...places like these aren't usually his scene, you know?" And that wasn't even mentioning the fact that he and MJ were still MIA. She doubted it was related, but one of her best friends and her sorta-boyfriend suddenly going phone silent was more than a little worrying. She'd definitely call them again after the show and tell was finished.

"Really? That's a shame. Oh well, we won't bother you further. Come along, children."

Mary Storm left as regally as she came with Johnny following after her. Susan looked at their retreating forms for a brief second before she turned back to Gwen, "Um...I know it might be a secret, but have you heard from, um, Lana?" She said the last word in a whisper, "I've been trying to call her for the past week but she hasn't responded at all. I'm getting kind of worried."

"Oh, We aren't really friends." Gwen shook her head softly, "I can call Spider-Man later, alright?"

"Yes, thank you." Susan gave her a grateful nod and rushed to join her family. Gwen couldn't help the bubbling worry in her stomach get worse. First MJ and Peter and now Lana? What the heck was going on? "Ugh...need to stop worrying. They're probably just busy..." Lord knew she'd been guilty of it in the past. Granted she had her doubts MJ was caught up in hero business, but it was only three days. She didn't need to worry so much.

She made her way to the buffet table and stuffed a marshmallow into the chocolate fountain, 'Webster would've loved this place...' Gwen watched the chocolate coat the puffy square before she forcefully shook her head and pulled it back. She wasn't going to mope around, damn it. That wasn't what it would have wanted. It didn't save her life just so she could cry.

She wasn't going to repeat what happened with Peter. Not again.

Thankfully she didn't have to spend too long in her own thoughts. She'd barely started nibbling on the chocolate confection before Kate was suddenly at her side, her eyes hidden under the lenses of her purple shades.

"Hey, Spidey. Having fun?"

"Yeah...not really." Gwen smiled slightly and shrugged, "Places like these aren't really my thing. I kinda prefer loud rock songs in abandoned warehouses to..."

"Palling around with snobs?" Kate snorted loudly and ignored her alarmed look, "Relax, a few bad words aren't gonna traumatize these guys. Trust me, I know." She took a sip of the wine she held in her right hand and hummed, "Not like they care what I think. I'm not the one with fancy superpowers."

"You sure? Cause the way you use that bow makes me think otherwise."

"Flatterer." Kate gave her a playful wink and leaned against the table, her arms crossed, "But realtalk, they could give a futz what I think. You and the others are the main stars of this show. I'm kinda just the tagalong far as they're concerned."

"Anyone thinks that they're a moron," Gwen shot back.

"Don't worry, I don't really care what they think. Stopped doing that years ago."

"Years sound like you've been to places like these before."

"That obvious?" Kate's smile had a hint of bitterness in it, "My dad's a pretty well-off guy. I mean I can't give details here, but let's just say he's one of those personal yacht types of guys. I had etiquette crammed into my skull before I learned how to walk." She stirred the wine lightly and let out a soft breath, "I know my way around events like this, but it's not my scene either. Gimme a pizza place with broken animatronics any day of the week."

"You're girl after my own heart, Hawkeye."

"Could say the same, Spidey." She finished off the rest of her wine and set it on the table, "I'm actually surprised my dad and sister aren't here. Guess they're attending some wedding in Mumbai or something. Ah well, makes this crud less awkward, at least."

She was about to say something snarky back in reply before Kate's head suddenly turned to the left to greet a pair of new arrivals. Gwen recognized Kingsley instantly, though the younger man trailing after him wasn't someone she recognized. She-Hulk pointed him out earlier, Donald something or other, but apart from some rough details on him being yet another young CEO heir she couldn't recall anything about him.

"Afternoon, ladies, hope you don't mind us cutting in," Kingsley started, offering them both a hand that they took with practiced ease. His voice was deeper than she expected considering all she heard about him.

"Of course not, Mr. Kingsley, we were simply partaking in a little friendly correspondence," Kate replied smoothly, her voice taking on a more posh affect. It was both impressive and creepy considering her behavior just a few seconds ago, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

"The others were rather boring and I just had to talk to you both." Gwen resisted the urge to shoot something sarcastic back at him. Good relations, she reminded herself.

"Oh, what for?" Kate asked back.

"Your costumes," he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "The designs are rather intriguing. I mean I can see the archery gloves and I understand their use, but the rest of the costume is that perfect blend of sleek yet unique. Most uniforms are rather bland, you see." He turned to Gwen now, "And might I say, Spider-Woman, that your new choice in coloration is rather striking. If I'm correct you donned those colors a few months prior before switching back, yes?"

"Uh...yeah." Right, she almost forgot: fashion designer. Of course he'd ask heroes about the costumes they put on, "I mean...thought it was a good change of pace and all..."

"Indeed? I assumed it was a show of solidarity towards your other half." The young man behind him threw the designer a light scowl at that. Gwen raised an eyebrow and shrugged it off; probably just embarassed that he was being so blunt to someone he didn't know, "Speaking of, I'd be interested to talk to him on his choice of design. Some pieces of his ensemble seem rather off."

"Yeah, tell me about it..." Why was he so averse to the idea of a proper costume? It wasn't like it could be worse than his tendency to belt everything he picked up on himself regardless of how dumb it looked. She was sure she could persuade Janet to make an extra Dyne particle suit for him.

"Well, if either of you wish to change your costumes then please think of me and my company." He gave her a charming smile and offered her a business card, which she took with only slight reluctance. Something about his demeanor was calming, "If you don't mind I'd like to talk to Hawkeye alone about her suit's aesthetics. Would you sorely mind keeping dear Donald company? He's a big fan, you see."

"Kingsley..." Donald's scowl worsened to an out and out glare, which the older man proceeded to ignore. Without so much as a glance back he and Kate wandered off to another part of the large hall. The young CEO pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something to himself that she couldn't make out before suddenly giving her a practiced smile, "Would you like to talk at the balcony? This place feels overbearing, don't you agree?"

She was almost tempted to refuse - if only because being within eyeshot of the rest of the Avengers was comforting - but she honestly agreed. Between Jameson giving her death glares and the rest of the guests sizing her up like she was a piece of meat she distinctly felt like a sheep in a wolf's den. And no, the fact that she could probably wreck this place if she wasn't paying attention on holding back didn't make her feel better.

The balcony was noticeably less crowded than the hall; Gwen counted only a couple of businessman talking about stock prices and (refreshingly) paid her no attention at all. She walked until the edge of the balcony and leaned across the low hall, letting the rush of wind calm her down. It was so tempting to just jump off right now and swing away, maybe call up Peter or Kate (she could convince her to skip) for a few hours of patrol. Anything compared to staying in a party that she honestly had no place in.

"A beautiful sight, isn't it? Though I expect it's a common sight for someone of your capabilities."

"Yeah..." Gwen let out a wistful breath. She still remembered her first time jumping from roof to roof - the way her heart beat in both excitement and fear, the dawning realization that she was irreversibly superhuman and all of those other things. It only got better when Janet gave her the webshooters. At that point she spent the rest of the day swinging between buildings and cheering like a madman.

"I saw your actions on the news yesterday. Very heroic, if you'll pardon the basic choice of words."

"Oh, that? No big deal. Spinerette and She-Hulk could've done the same thing. I was just the closest one to the bomb." She shrugged. It wasn't like she didn't feel proud - she did - but given how fast Cindy moved to catch her she doubted she was the last line of defense.

"Perhaps, but in the end it was your actions that saved the day." He scooted closer to her and smiled, "Powerful yet humble. A sadly rare combination in today's world."

"Yeah...thanks." There was something familiar about him, but she couldn't place where.

"You seem uncomfortable."

"Hmm?" Gwen titled her head slightly to look at him and blinked in surprise at how intense his gaze was. That definitely wasn't the face of someone making casual conversation, "I mean, not really-"

"Please, you don't have to hide behind a mask when talking to me." He took her right hand in a somewhat firm grip and she raised an eyebrow. Okay, that was pushing way past her personal space.

"Yeah..." Forgoing any subtlety, Gwen yanked her hand away from his and crossed both arms against her chest. Be polite, she reminded herself. Cap and the others were doing the heavy lifting; she just had to avoid fucking things up, "Look, Mr. Donald? I appreciate you trying to make me feel at ease, but trust me, I'm fine. I've dealt with worse than some fancy party."

"Hmm, I suppose you have." He seemed undeterred by her pullback. On the contrary he seemed even more emboldened, if his calm smile was any indication, "Do you remember Mary Storm's ill-fated party?"

"Kind of hard to forget..." Piper apparently escaped a few weeks ago, though S.H.I.E.L.D managed to recapture her...mostly. From the brief glimpse Gwen saw of her in the holding facility she was missing an arm and a leg; and her being nearly flat did little to make that any less grotesque. She still had no clue who did the re-capturing, "What about it? It was a clusterf- uh, a real mess..."

"I was there." His smile faltered slightly, though only for the briefest of moments, "That woman...she would have killed me if you weren't there. I never got to thank you for saving my life."

"'re welcome." Why did she feel so uncomfortable? "Um...I mean I helped save everyone, but it was a team effort. It was both me and Spider-Man." And Webster, though she didn't say that out loud. As far as Cap told her the world should never know that she had a symbiote attached to her.

The annoyed scowl on his face at the mention of Peter's name was brief but completely unmistakable. Gwen's eyes narrowed when he suddenly tried to smile again and laughed, which did a poor job of hiding how fake it looked, "Ahem...of course, a team effort, but it's quite obvious to anyone that you are the more powerful and adept of the two. Compared to you I'd dare say he's almost useless-"

"Don't talk about him like that." The hostility in her voice wasn't completely unexpected, but she was still surprised at how gobsmacked he looked in response, "Without him there Mary Storm would be dead. Hell, I might not have been able to find Piper without him, so don't you dare call him useless!"

"I...I merely meant-"

"Woah, tense."

Gwen's head snapped to the new arrival and she continued her glare when she spotted the world's most famous goatee along with the person attached to it. Tony Stark looked at them both with an easy smile and took a slow sip from the cup the red wine in his left hand, "Hope I'm not interrupting something." Donald opened his mouth but no words came, which Stark chose as a sign to continue, "Someone's looking for you, Donald. Something about your girlfriend calling?"

"Um...of course." Without another word he practically stumbled back to the hall, his steps slow and shaky. Gwen glared after him briefly before she looked back over the city. She shouldn't have lost her cool, she knew that, but having people assume things about them was getting more than a little annoying.

"Yeesh, you really gave it to him." Stark joined her on the low wall, swirling the cup without a care that it might fall down into the street below, "He looks like a kicked know, one of those overfluffed chihuahuas you carry in purses. Whether it looks cute or annoying really depends."

Gwen didn't answer. She didn't trust herself not to say something that would make an even bigger ass of herself.

As if reading her mind Tony spoke up, "You don't gotta worry about offending me, kid. The reason I broke up your rant is cause I She-Hulk asked me to look out for you. Guess she had a feeling that this would happen."

"...How do you know her?"

"Let's just say we're friends outside of work and leave it at that." Gwen gave him an incredulous look and shook her head. Of course they were. Both of them had that reputation so why the heck not? Wasn't like it hurt anyone, "Anywho, she said and I quote 'Spider-Woman's kinda new at these things, so could you make sure she doesn't get into trouble' end quote."

"What about Spinerette? She's just as new to this as I am!" she protested.

"Hey, I'm just the messenger. You wanna know why she didn't ask me to play double-duty then ask her." He finished off the last traces of wine and set the glass down on the side, "My guess? It's cause everyone's looking you, not her."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Webs, you can't be blind." He turned back and propped his shoulders on the barrier before he started pointing lazily at the assorted crowd, "Josh over there is a famous blogger and talkshow host and he wants you for an interview. Next to him is Emily Raymond who's sizing you up for how much she can bilk you for your likeness. William Hollister and Travis Duvall there are both running for mayor and each of them want a picture of them shaking hands with you. And so on and so forth. Everyone wants something."

"...Why me?" She wanted to deny it, but she wasn't dumb. They'd been sizing her up ever since she showed up.

"Lots of reasons, really. Could be because you're one of the first actual superheroes outside of Captain America, could be because you've got a real underdog story, could be just cause you've got a cool costume." He shrugged, "Well, that and people think you're Captain America's protege and she hasn't exactly discouraged that idea. Couple that with you punching our 'esteemed mayor' in the face and you're pretty popular all around."

"This is way too fucking complicated..." She brought a hand through her face and let out a frustrated exile, "We're supposed to be heroes, not-"

"Politicians? Celebrities? Believe it or not, Webs, life isn't one rush from one Supervillain to the next. Take a look at your group, for one."

"What about the Avengers?"

"It's a political needle no one and everyone wants to deal with. As far anyone knows the six of you are a privately funded peacekeeping force acknowledged by S.H.I.E.L.D, the U.N and a bunch of other big names. In theory this means that you're apolitical and that borders don't matter, but in practice..." He smiled wryly, "Well, you're led by a woman with the American flag plastered all over her and all of you identify as US citizens, race be damned. Doesn't exactly feel international now, does it?"

"What's your point?"

"My point is that you shouldn't expect to get deployed in Russia or China anytime soon," he replied, "You also gotta play nice with everyone to make sure you don't step on anyone's toes because people complain. A lot. You probably know that better than anyone here: you could save them from an early grave and they'll complain that you weren't there fast enough and their shoes got scuffed. You guys are still new so you really wanna avoid that stuff."

"Fuck..." She pressed both hands against her forehead and groaned. If Cap told her about the fine print she might not have agreed to sign up, "And what about that Donald guy?"

"Roxxon? Eh, he's harmless. I mean his dad gave him the company, but the board does all the actual decision making. If they think he's more trouble than his worth then they'll drop him, but I'd be careful about making him mad. Even chihuahuas can bite."

"Cute." Gwen rolled her eyes. She was signing up for college in a month or two and she already had to worry about losing her job. She thought she had at least a few more years before stuff like this happened, "...Thanks for helping me out, I guess. I'm kind of in over my head here."

"'re welcome." A silence settled over them for a few seconds before he suddenly spoke up, "You don't like me much, do you?"

"...I used to. Not like you, I mean." A quick scan over what little she could get on Castle's dossier showed off his ties to Stark's War Machine PMC. Burning villages down, hiring psychos like Castle or that Kraven dude as employees. Half a year ago she would've considered him just a Supervillain in a suit, but the files S.H.I.E.L.D gave her access to (apparently that village was occupied by violent insurgents) and recent events changed her mind.

"And now?"

"I'm still not sure I like you, but I with you, if that's the right word." Tony Stark wasn't a good man by any means, but he wasn't a bad one. If nothing else he didn't create a rogue symbiote then pass it off as a terrorist attack, "I mean I still think you need to improve your recruitment standards, but I read up on your files. Everything you're doing is on the up and up and last I checked you aren't funding terrorists."

And honestly it was kinda hard to hold Castle against him now considering Peter was hanging around the guy...

"Yeah, last I checked doing that is bad for business on account of the whole treason and crimes against humanity thing," he said cheerily, "Well, I'm glad we had this talk. Just make sure you don't tick off anyone that can actually hurt you, yeah? Can't always be there to babysit and give you the lay of the land."

"Right..." She scanned the crowd again and the next words were out of her mouth before she could help herself, "So...does Jameson count as one of those 'can actually hurt you' people?"

"You kidding? His approval ratings are so low they're sitting at the earth's core. Right now if he complains about you people are probably gonna support you more just cause he's not doing it."

"Why's he even here, anyway?"

"It's a catch-22: Mayor of New York doesn't show up and he looks like a jerk for not congratulating the group that saved the U.N Embassy, he does show up and he looks like a suck-up considering he never actually admitted he was wrong. Guess he thought being a suck-up was less embarrassing than being a jerk."

"Huh...good to know."

Gwen ended the party on the rather high note of refusing to shake Jameson's hand when he made a half-assed apology about his 'slight overreaction'. She had to admit, watching the guy's face turn completely red when she responded with a rather snippy 'come back when you actually wanna apologize' was extremely satisfying. She was sure Cap would give her a lecture next time about being the bigger man, but fuck it. It felt good after 3 years of his bullshit.

Which led to her smiling into her plate of mashed potatoes and steak come dinnertime at the Parker house. Jess and her dad managed to come back a couple of hours before the party ended and she (finally) managed to get a reply from Peter by the time she was swinging back to Queens. It took a lot of prodding, but eventually she managed to persuade him to join them at Ben and May's place for a sort-of reunion dinner.

Her dad and Jess were relaying what happened to Ben and May. Gwen only half paid attention to the details - something about a fundamentalist priest and a girl who claimed to have powers - and instead focused her attention to Peter. He picked at the meat and potatoes on his plate sullenly with one hand, his expression somber. Even without any eyebags she could tell he was exhausted.

She squeezed his left hand with her right under the table, her thumb running across his knuckles gently. Peter gave her a sideways glance and his lips quirked up in a small smile, "...What's wrong?" she whispered.

"Nothing..." he muttered. It only took a few seconds of staring at him before he sighed and squeezed her hand back, "Alright, it's not nothing, but it's nothing to worry about. Just feel like I'm being tugged in five different directions at once. I'm exhausted..."

"You know you can always ask if you need help, right?"

"Yeah, I know." His smile widened and she got a warm feeling at the pit of her stomach. It wasn't that he didn't smile - in fact he did more often than others would have thought - but usually there was always a catch: it was strained, sarcastic, wry or bitter. Seeing him smile openly was rare, "Don't worry, I'm not fragile. I can deal with this...eventually. I don't need sleep anyway."

"Tell me, maybe I can-"

"And what are you two talking about?" her dad said, giving them both (mostly Peter) a look of suspicion.

Gwen internally yelped and separated their hands, "N-Nothing, dad! Just talking about our day!" She gave him the best not-suspicious-at-all smile she could muster. Okay, so maybe she hadn't told them that she and Peter were...something. She was sure Ben and May would've been thrilled, but she got the feeling her dad was still itching for the revolver scare treatment despite Peter no longer being the same D and D nerd from years past.

"Uh-huh?" His gaze leveled on Peter now, "Talking about your day, son?"

"...Actually, I was wondering about the box you had in your pocket." Her dad's eyes widened and Peter looked down at his plate again, "Just curious, Captain."

"A box? What's he talking about?" Jessica asked, "Does it have something to do with the case?"

"Erm...not exactly." Her dad let out a tired breath and looked to Ben and May, both of whom gave him encouraging nods. Gwen suddenly felt like she was part of the joke no one else got, "Well...I was going to do it after dinner proper, but..."

"Dad, what are you talking about? Did something happen?" Gwen asked worriedly.

Any and all worries dissipated when he pulled out a small brown box. It took Gwen a second to realize what it was and as soon as she did she gasped and clamped both hands over her mouth to keep herself from screaming in surprise and excitement. Jessica was the same, her eyes widening in shock before she suddenly stood, the chair clattering to the ground with a loud crash.


"J-Just let me get through this," her dad interrupted, his voice uncharacteristically uncertain. He sat his chair aside and got down on one knee, "Jessica...I'm not one for speeches and neither are you, but I want you to know this. Our relationship can hardly be called normal by anyone, but these few months have been some of the best in my life and it was because of you. So...would you, Jessica Campbell Jones, do me the honor of being my wife?"

She didn't have to say it out loud. Jessica nodded and the ring was barely on her finger before she grabbed her dad by the collar and pulled him into a rough kiss. Gwen stared at the sight with a dopey smile on her face before precisely what she was watching registered in her brain and she turned away. She was still happy, but that didn't mean she had to watch her dad's makeout session.

Gwen waited for the two to separate before rushed to her dad and embraced him, "Congratulations, dad!"

"Thank Ben and May, it was their idea that I do it after the case. If it wasn't for them I would've kept postponing it till the baby came."

"Don't listen to her, Gwennie, this was all George. He's a romantic like that," Uncle Ben chuckled and pulled Peter into a one-armed embrace. She saw the other teen stiffen slightly at the sudden contact before he leaned into the gesture.

"Good thing we came prepared." Aunt May opened the fridge and pulled out a large square of chocolate cake, "It's not really fancy, but I thought we could enjoy it." Her eyes landed on Peter, "All of us."

Dessert was a calm but noisy affair. Gwen chattered on whatever popped to mind: plans for the wedding, which guests to invite, who deliberately snub and so and so forth. Jessica was adamant that she didn't want anything involving fancy churches or literal wedding bells, which deflated her somewhat. She was really hoping to see Jess in a wedding dress, for the sheer hilarity of it if nothing else.

Eventually the cake was finished (mostly thanks to her) and she and Peter found themselves milling around the front of the Parker house. Ben and May decided to talk to her dad and Jess about something personal, which left them to their lonesome. Gwen walked back and forth in a circle with a spring in her step and a permanent smile on her face while Peter stood against the wall with his arms in his pockets.

Her dad just proposed...just repeating that to herself still made her feel giddy.

"...I don't see what the big deal is," Peter said eventually, voice soft, "Jones already had his kid and they were planning to raise it as parents. Wasn't their marriage already set? Why the excitement?"

"It's just..." She clenched and unclenched her hands and shook her head, "I can't explain. I mean, yeah, they were gonna get married, I guess, but getting down on one knee with a ring and popping a question...I dunno, it's just different than signing a piece of paper that says you're married now."

"If you say so..." He looked down at the ground and kicked at the grass before he continued, "...Would that make you happy? If someone proposed to you?"

Gwen stopped and stared. He wasn't looking at her so she found it hard to tell whether it was a joke or a legitimate question. Either way she felt a nervous lurch in her gut and she licked her lips, "Well..." Truth be told she never really thought about it too much. Romance wasn't exactly a priority on her list ever since the disaster three years ago, "I guess it'd depend on the one proposing, right?"

"You asking or telling me, Stacy?"

She was about to shoot something back before he threw something towards her. Gwen's hand moved on instinct and she caught with her right hand. She looked down at the object in her palm and blinked when she saw the lightly engraved box, "Isn't this-"

"The Captain's ringbox. They forgot about it in all their excitement." He laughed under his breath and met her gaze, "Figured you'd want it since you were so excited."

"Heh...I guess. I'll give it back to dad when he finishes up his wedding plans with Uncle Ben and Aunt May." They better allow the band to play wherever it was they were planning to have their ceremony. She really wanted to cross 'playing at a wedding' off her bucket list.

"Sure...oh, and here's something else."

The next thing he threw at her was far smaller. Gwen had to jump to get it and when she opened her fist she was stunned into silence at the small silver ring that occupied the center of her palm. Mouth agape, she twisted the dull silver between her thumb and pointer finger and smiled stupidly when she saw the Spider-Woman design across the length of the metal.

"You could've led with this, you know."

"Wanted to surprise you, I guess." He shrugged unapologetically.

"Ho- why do you even have this?" She knew what it was, of course: a cheap ring you could buy from any street corner jewelry stand. Still, that didn't explain why exactly he had one on him.

"I picked it up while Hardy was scouting the place we were supposed to go to. I was going to give it on your birthday for a joke, but this seemed a better time." He gave her another light smile, "I could get on one knee if you-"

Following Jessica's lead, she grabbed Peter's arm and tugged him into a sudden kiss. It didn't take him long to reverse the gesture and she quickly found herself pressed against the cold wall of the Parker house, "Mmmph, Peter..." One leg wrapped around his waist while the other kept her attached to the wall. He was more desperate than usual, biting and sucking at her bottom lip before he turned his attention to her neck.

She only managed out one breathy moan she heard a distinctly offended cough.

Her head tilted to the side and she froze when she caught her dad staring at her through the now-open window with a look of parental disapproval on his face. Behind him Jessica groaned in exasperation while Ben and May could hardly keep the smiles off their faces.

"...We can explain."

Thankfully her dad, Jess and the Parkers decided to postpone asking for actual explanations till tomorrow, which she was extremely thankful for. 10 minutes later they'd said their goodbyes to Ben and May and the four of them made the short walk back to the Stacy house. Gwen doubted her dad would let Peter sleep over after their accidental show, but she could at least enjoy just walking and feeling normal for the next couple of minutes.

She should've known it wouldn't last.

"Someone's in the house," they all stopped at Peter's sudden warning. He knelt on the driveway and gestured to the scattered mud, "Trail leads to the house and the door's ajar...were you expecting vistors?"

Her dad grimaced and shook his head, "No."

That was all the permission Peter needed to pull out a silenced pistol from his jacket holster with her dad quickly following suit. Gwen clenched her hands into tight fists and moved ahead of her dad while Peter crept towards the door. For all she knew it was just a robber who picked the wrong house, but if it wasn't...the list of people who knew about Spider-Woman's identity was a short one and somehow he doubted it was Betty playing a prank.

Peter pushed the door open slowly and turned on the lights. He barely took two steps into the house before he stopped, his grip on the gun loosening. Gwen quickly slipped past him and froze as well when she caught sight of the figure sprawled on the couch.

The first thing she noticed was the eerily familiar black and white dress splotched with blood and dirt. The figure stirred at the interruption and turned to face her. Gwen tilted her head up despite her hesitation and nearly fell on her knees when she saw the unmistakable face looking back at her in an equal amount of shock. Even through the dirt and tangled blond hair she knew who it was.


So...yeah, I got nothing to say; I think the end of that chapter speaks for itself. Gwen's mom is back from the dead and death proves how much of a revolving door it is once again. Granted given what we know of resurrection and who has access to it it's rather doubtful this is gonna end with sunshine and fairy tales. All aboard the clusterfuck train.

Noir's been lacking in POV for the past couple of chapters, something I can hopefully fix in the next chapter given that 'back from the dead' scenarios are more his specialty than Gwen's. Though I won't deny that he feels like a supporting protagonist right now: Gwen's stuff with her mom, Carnage!MJ and Lana's family problems don't concern him specifically so hopefully his involvement is justified in the next chapter.

This chapter underwent some changes. While most of everything remained intact Gwen was originally going to lecture Stark about morals and he essentially counters with the same 'grow the fuck up, kid' spiel others gave her. I changed it instead so that she's more accepting right off the bat to show off her character development; hopefully it works better. She was also supposed to talk with Danny Rand about Teresa, but I couldn't fit it in. Maybe next time.

Anyway, yeah, the next chapters are going to be hectic since we're running from one arc to another due to all the problems bearing down right now. Let's just hope the characters can keep up and don't just give up out of sheer exhaustion and frustration.


1. Does anyone mind too much that Gwen's now popular in-universe? I know it's pretty late to ask, but a review I got indicated that not being the underdog who's disliked is somehow not being true to the Spider character. I will admit that one reason I changed this around is that 616 and Gwen give little reason for people to hate them than people being massively stupid and ungrateful. Noir at least is a killer who hangs around psychopaths, so that makes sense.

Just wanted to know your thoughts is all.

2. More of a joke question, but are people bugged by how sexually diverse the cast is? I mean we have Gwen, MJ, Felicia and Bullseye as bisexual, Kate and Moon Knight (or at least the Steven Grant personality) as gay and so on and so forth. This was originally because Gwen lacked viable love interests in earth-65 canon (hence Kate and MJ) while others like Felicia and Bullseye are canonically bi or give hints to such. Now it kinda feels like a (badly written) Bioware game, so I'm wondering if people care overmuch.
Woah this chapter made me smile from the beginning to the end, then Gwen mom appeared lol :rofl:

About the first question: No need to worry if you want to keep true to the myth of Spidey just make some unlucky things happen to what happened just now with her mother coming back from the dead, after her father proposing to Jess.

The second question: It is okay in my opinion, I don't get the Bioware feeling of doing it for the sake of doing it.