Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

I generally give the writer the benefit of the doubt, unless it's a character I have reasons to believe is underage.

Spider-Man noted in an earlier chapter that despite her behavior she didn't look old enough to buy cigarettes and alcohol, which does lead one to think she's extremely young; or at least noticeably younger than the 23 year old Spider-Man.

No actually, I simply hadn't noticed the "all central character romance has to be homosexual" thing until this update made me think about Marvel relationships, which made your Peter the odd man out and I though that was funny for some reason.

Also the "Iceman going against 60 years of character development" thing doesn't come across as weird if you frame it in the right manner, check it like this "Jean Grey accidentally rewrote reality so that it became a thing" bam problem solved, the comic is still pretty bad but that's one less issue.

Again, I don't really see the whole 'all central romance has to be gay' thing. I mean they were selling Spider-Gwen and Miles for a few months...granted it fucking failed miserably, but at least they tried. Also last I checked 616 Peter was dating girls; his newest love interest is Mockingbird.

She does come across as a bit cartoonish, but personally I like her like that.
Hmm, it feels kinda cartoonish, but seeing through her POV could help show her thinking process and give her a bit more humanity.

But overall she is a fun character, seeing her makes me want to see bullseye again he is fun in a somewhat similar way to her.

We do see a bit of this mindset in the canon Spider-Gwen comics, but she's pretty cartoony there as well. One thing that comes to mind is that she claims she's doing what she does to help Logan and mitigate th damage. When Gwen points out that she killed a lot of people while trying to keep things from going worse her response is a snippy 'Ninjas aren't fucking people!'. Um...wat? This argument, or at least the way she phrased it, comes across as goddamn laughable. I mean what the hell? It's like Punisher stamping his foot in a tempter tantrum.

Later on it's then shown that she considers violence the only thing she and Logan are good at and that it's the only thing that can give Wolverine relief. Okay makes slightly more sense, and Gwen did get her to listen by noting the civilian casualties of the Lizard vs Wolverine fight, but this still gives the impression of a character whose first default to anything is just killing it and justifying by saying they're not really people, which is weirdly dehumanizing from someone who was raised in Weapon X. You'd think she wouldn't do this given her experiences...

We do see her act friendly to Spider-Man however slightly by the end of the chapter when he's fishing the bullets out, but then she kinda derails that by suddenly deciding to sleep with him. Still, the two do establish a certain rapport, even if it's not as intimate/fucked up as Gwen and Noir's
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hehe 'Ninjas aren't people!', this feels so much like the 90's comics, I can't help but feel nostalgic...

Things were dumber and simpler back then...

Also, Poor Spider-Man involving himself with the crazy stuff Shadowcat gets involved will not help to diminish the growing headache from the craziness from this dimension :rofl:
The 90's were a dark time; everyone was an anti-hero to one degree or another due to the popularity of gritty leather wearing killers. Spider-Man also meets Logan later, which is an...odd turn of events. Logan is the closest thing Shadowcat has to a father figure and so Logan takes upon himself to give Spider-Man the, not the 'overprotective dad' talk. The 'dear god I can't tell if you're suicidal or crazy for staying here so long but run while you still have legs' talk.

Apparently he gives these out a lot...her partners don't last long.
Writing the next chapter after today so I'm curious about something. I have two segments for Noir and to avoid bloating the chapter too much I have to take one out. Which one would you guys prefer to see - The Moon family visit and a talk at the park on how Cindy's adjusting to being an Earth-65 hero or going with Lana to visit her recently awoken mother and possibly meeting her dad's side of the family.
Writing the next chapter after today so I'm curious about something. I have two segments for Noir and to avoid bloating the chapter too much I have to take one out. Which one would you guys prefer to see - The Moon family visit and a talk at the park on how Cindy's adjusting to being an Earth-65 hero or going with Lana to visit her recently awoken mother and possibly meeting her dad's side of the family.

I prefer to see Lana part
Chapter 75 - Fractured but Whole
Sorry I'm late, I've been on a bit off a gaming binge: Tyranny, Ghost Recon: Wildlands and even older games like Boiling Point. That and I'm reading up on comics again, particularly some indie titles that deconstruct superheroes and vigilantes such as the latest Kill or be Killed or Insane Jane. Being a hero when you don't have comic logic working for you is a real bitch :X

Anyway, I glanced through the Marvel Multiverse again and...alright, I know I said it before, but this bears repeating: Gwen Stacy's character is inconsistent as all hell. Ultimate Gwen is a tomboy with a delinquent streak, Spectacular Gwen is a nerdy girl next door, ASM movie one is basically a blond and smarter Mary Jane Watson and of course there's Spider-Gwen who acts like a genderbent 616 Spidey. When people think of 'Gwen Stacy' I wonder which characterization they think of.

Peter has this going for him as well to a certain degree. Granted he's more consistent - shy and awkward nerd - but there are a few that stick out: there's Noir himself who even pre-Spidey was a bitter young man, Spider-Assassin who's basically Wolverine with spider powers and a few others. I have to wonder how they even count as 'Peter Parkers' any more than say Miguel O'Hara, who's a Spider-Man with his own distinct personality and is evidently not another Peter despite how easy it would've been to make him so like with Noir.

Also, go check out the fic 'And it Talks in my Sleep'on ao3. It's apparently an Earth-65 Frank Castle and Matt Murdock pairing...that alone would warrant a cursory glance given what we know. That and from what I gathered it has Spider-Gwen and Elektra as Daredevil being pals, which is definitely interesting.

Chapter 75: Fractured but Whole

June 11 2016. Blue Swallow Motel.

"Fuck..." Spider-Man brought a hand through his face and sucked in a short breath through his nose. He'd done it again - he followed along when someone offered sex and he bit down (quite literally in this case) like a dog that had a bone dangled in front of it. First Felicia and now his 'partner'...he really needed to control himself better. Back then he was just a hormonal teenager caught flat-footed, but now he didn't have an excuse.

He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the ceiling. The clock ticked just a few minutes before 5 AM and the sun hadn't risen but he already felt wide awake. It was like someone dumped a bucket full of water on him. Scowling slightly, he sat up on the bed and tried to ignore the light cuts on his shoulders. Evidently Shadowcat had a slight problem with her claws popping out at the worst times; though a part of him doubted it was unintentional considering the way she laughed at his pained hisses.

Speaking of his 'partner'...

His gaze shifted from the wall to Shadowcat. The young woman(?) sat next to the windowsill, one leg raised while other dangled through the air freely as she looked through to the dark street outside. He didn't know how long she'd been awake and it was pretty likely that she hadn't slept at all. Anyone who could heal from bullets as fast as she could probably didn't have to worry about a lot of things.

Sighing, he stood up from the bed and tried to ignore the fact that he was in his birthday suit. Shadowcat shifted her head slightly to look at him and their gazes met. The two of them shared a silent look before her eyes shifted downwards and she smirked, "Looking for an encore, Petey?" Her smile turned almost predatory at the sudden flush on his cheeks, "Aww, getting shy now? Ain't it a bit late for that?"

"Shut it..." He pointedly ignored the heat on his face and groped for the discarded pants and boxers, too distracted to correct her on the name calling. She'd shredded his shirt before so he got the wise idea to take the rest of his clothes off before she could shred them, too. Last thing he needed was for her to put her claws anywhere near his pecker; he wasn't sure he could heal from that...

Clothes freshly put on, he opened the miniature fridge and pulled out two bottles of beer. This was where most of his share of the money went, "Here." She raised an eyebrow at the offered alcohol before she accepted and popped the top off with a flick of her claws, "Showoff." He rolled his eyes and sat at the remaining space next to the window. He doubted he'd get drunk for long, but it wouldn't stop him from trying.

His nerves calmed at the first taste of the beer. It was unhealthy to wrap himself in a vice so tightly - particularly considering prohibition just ended last he remembered - but he'd long since stopped caring. Now he knew why those veterans from the great war (not so great and singular according to what happened...was going to happen?) threw themselves into the bottle, damn the law. It was a miracle Uncle Ben didn't look twice at a bottle of whiskey.

He downed half the bottle in one gulp and shook his head slightly. Next to him Shadowcat drank the cheap beer down lazily, her attention once again focused on the slightly rainsoaked streets outside.

Spider-Man wished he could say the same.

He clenched his free hand as his eyes shifted to the side. Despite her teasing earlier she was similarly under-dressed, wearing nothing more than a loose gray shirt she no doubt took from the closet, 'Get a grip...' He sucked in another strained breath. The fabric reached halfway down her thighs due to her small figure and yet despite that it was painfully obvious she wasn't wearing underneath. It wasn't deliberately seductive like with Felicia, but it drew attention all the same.

"You're staring again, Petey," she said, her voice taunting and almost sing-song.

"Don't call me that." He looked down the bottle with a scowl. The soft patter of rain against the window calmed him somewhat, though not by much.

"Ah, there's the bite I was expecting." She leaned back against the wall and gave him a lopsided smile, poking at his leg playfully with her toes. It was oddly comforting, bizarre as that may have been, "What's wrong, partner? Did I take your first time? That why you're acting like a schoolboy who just got his cherry popped?"

"This isn't the first time I've slept with someone, Shadowcat." It was the second time, but she didn't need to know that. In his defense being the prisoner of some mad scientist left little time looking for prospects, "...Why did you do that?"

"Why not?" She shrugged casually. Someone else might have figured she was being elusive or hiding something, but as far as he could see the gesture was genuine, "We nearly got killed back there; not something that happens to me every day considering..." She flicked two of her claws out and waved them through the air, "All that blood pumping, that fight or flight response...had to do something with all that adrenaline, right?"

"Your solution to that was to sleep with me?"

"Well, either you or that receptionist who leers at me every time I go here. You seemed like the better option." She took another sip of the beer and gave him an open-toothed smile, "You think I'm fucked up, don't you?"

"I've seen worse." He was well-aware he didn't really answer her question and so was she given the way she scoffed, "Look, you got issues, but I ain't exactly an angel either. And right now you're one of the few lifelines I have in this place, so like it or not I can deal. Just make sure you don't start offing people walking down the street minding their own business."

"Trust me, if I started doing that you'd be the least of my problems. I turn into a maniac and S.H.I.E.L.D's gonna come down on me hard." She clicked her tongue, "'Sides, I'm not that bitch Kimura; I do have some standards."

"Kimura? That another name I should know?" She talked about 'the old man' a lot. Logan was his name, if he remembered correctly. Judging from what he managed to glean between the lines she seemed to resent the guy almost as much as she clung to him.

"Nah, you'll be long gone by the time she ever catches up to me. She's just one of the reasons I'm my charming self."

"You mean your claws?"

Shadowcat willed the tranluscent blades away and smirked, "Well, that and my winning personality." She finished off the beer and tossed the bottle into a nearby bin, "She was my 'handler' back at Weapon X - those are the guys that made me. They wanted a weapon, the perfect assassin to do all their nasty wetwork while leaving their hands clean. Untraceable, deniable and expendable. Instead they got me."

"You seem to have no problem killing people." He was no stranger to death-dealing himself, but she definitely took it to a whole new level.

"Yeah, but that's what I do for me. I wasn't as obedient as they wanted," she said, "If they had their way I'd be a drooling moron, a dog that they point at some unlucky bastard and then they'd watch as I tore him limb from limb. And if I got caught? They'd just make another from scratch with that bitch Kinney's research."

"Where are these illustrious gentlemen now?" It seemed absurd, creating human weapons, but then he remembered the atom bomb. In a few years Einstein's theory would help create a weapon that could wipe thousands in the blink of an eye.

"Most of em are dead. Me and the old man were pretty...thorough." Her smile was relaxed, fond almost. It scared him somewhat, "But I'm sure a few of em are still running around; cockroaches are real hard to stomp out. Peggy told me she saw Kimura somewhere in Germany a few weeks ago. My guess? She's probably got ties to those S.I.L.K fuckers. Would explain why she partnered us up."

"Two birds one stone..." He finished off his drink and let it join its brother on the bin, "...You said they made you to be a weapon. How long you been working for the agents? You don't seem old are you?"

"What, scared you fucked someone that'll get you on 'To Catch a Predator'?" She laughed under her breath and shifted her arms, the sleeve almost falling down her right shoulder and exposing more of the tanned skin, "Don't worry, I'm clean. Besides, are you really worried about that? Considering everything else you've seen me do I think we're past asking whether I'm 'ready' to do it."

"Didn't answer my other question..."

"I've been working for S.H.I.E.L.D for a few years now." She rolled her eyes, "Trust me, they put up a front of being protectors of all things good but they're willing to play damn dirty if it gets them an edge, and that includes using kids if it gets em a leg up. I don't hold it against em; least they gave me a choice. Weapon X, HYDRA and god only knew who else would've just put a collar on me and called it a day."

"And this is fine with you? Never thought about getting a normal life?"

"Normal?" She snorted, "Look at me: I got claws coming out of my hands and feet, I can go through damn near anything like a ghost and if Logan's any indication 60 years down the line I'm not gonna age. I'm not gonna bitch and whine that being near immortal is a bad thing like those whinging assholes on the net who pretend to be Vampires, but 'normal' went out the window a long time ago."

"Guess you're happy with being a mercenary for hire, then." He didn't hold it against her. Calling being Spider-Man 'happiness' was a pretty big mistake, but there was definitely something that kept pulling him back even after all this time. Once he made it back he doubted he'd be retiring; and he didn't even have the excuse of being long lived like she did...least not as far as he knew.

"It works for me and the old man. I got it through my skull a long time ago that Logan wasn't getting a 9-5 job, that I wasn't gonna be his daughter and we wouldn't have a picket fence house in the suburbs. Same way Captain America parades around as S.H.I.E.L.D's top agent and Spider-Woman pretends she's actually doing something that matters putting the Supervillains in their little penalty boxes. Least I'm doing something I enjoy; more than a lot of people get nowadays, right?

"I guess..." He sighed and brought a hand through his hair. It almost sounded idealistic coming from her, "...Hey, one more question: you worked with other partners before?"

"Not really. I mean there were a few people I worked together with for a mission or two, but they either died - sometimes cause of me when they tried to switch to the other side - or they wanted nothing to do with me after the mission was done. Guess they couldn't handle my charming personality like you could."

"Guess I'm a real tolerant guy."

"Yeah, lucky you." She let out a snorting laugh. He raised an eyebrow; it sounded weird coming from her, "Long-term I really only worked with a couple of people. There's the old man, but he's out skewering his way through the Hellfire Club ever since he found out they were the ones who sold him to Weapon X; think he's in Malaysia now. Other one was this girl who could talk to squirrels. Squirrel Girl, if I'm remembering right? Apparently she had history with the old man, but every time I ask the two of them suddenly go quiet. It's kinda freaky."

"...You're joking, right?"

"What, you think it's stupid? You came back from the dead and have a clone; sane went out the window a long time ago, bub," she replied, "Trust me, she could hold her own. It was the only partnership I ended myself: waking up hearing squirrels chirping and smelling their crap would be hell for normal people, but for someone who can hear and smell better it was like my own personal hell. I couldn't take it."

"Hah, guess I found the great Shadowcat's weakness. Maybe I should go find some squirrels next time I go to central park."

"You do that and I'm making squirrel stew. I ain't kidding." The two of them shared a small smile. It was silly, but so what? Like she said sane went out the window a long time ago. Even if they weren't friends he was glad to be able to talk to someone who didn't follow up a joke with another syringe to the neck, "Hey, for what it's worth you're...less terrible than most of the people I have to deal with. Most times people think I'm gonna stab em in the back the second they turn around."

"Yeah, well, you ain't the first madman I've dealt with." He wondered how Daredevil and Castelione were doing. Were the two of them even still alive? "...Hey, you wanna get something to eat? Diner should be open by now."

"You asking me out, partner? Cause I'm warning you now you got the wrong idea from last night-"

"Don't flatter yourself, Pryde." He scoffed lightly. She was joking, of course, but he couldn't help but remember Felicia's blunt rejection back then, "I'm starving, but if you wanna go make that stew then be my guest."

"Wow, looks like I touched a nerve there." She held up her hands in mock surrender briefly before she stood and made her way to the closet. Spider-Man looked away as she bent over and exposed more skin on her rear-end. Whether it was on purpose or not he really didn't need another thing for her to taunt him over, "Hey, heads up."

Shaking his head, he caught the turtleneck she tossed his way and put it on quickly as he made his way to the discarded trenchcoat. He picked up the worn material and blinked when he saw the card that fell off one of the pockets, "...Rand Enterprises?" He flipped the card around and frowned. That was definitely new; he hadn't seen it before when he searched through the thing.

"Hey, you okay?"

"...Yeah." He tossed the card on top of the side table and put the coat on quickly. Best he just ignored it.


Peter looked down at the chessboard with a frown. His king was stuck between a rock and a hard place; or, to be more precise, a bishop and a knight. The only way he could save himself was to move the queen, but that would leave it open to being taken by the rook.

He never really liked chess...

Sighing, he moved the Queen and looked up at his competitor, "Hmm, I suppose I should've expected that..." Connors mumbled to himself and took the queen as expected, "I suggest you move your king diagonally to the right next time."

"You want to beat me or not, Connors?"

If someone told him a few months ago that he would be playing chess with Curt Connors in his prison cell he would've laughed in their face, but this madhouse was determined to prove him wrong. Ever since he...the Lizard gutted his wife he'd been stuck in this prison. 'It's for his own protection', the spooks said, 'he'd be a danger to himself and others if we let him run amok with the serum in his system'.

They were right, of course, but Hill using it as a way to up his treatments soured him on that argument.

"I do, of course, but I don't mind prolonging the game. It's one of the few luxuries I'm afforded here."

Few was right. The prison cell was small and barren, consisting of only a bed, the singular table they were sitting on and a few books that were properly deemed appropriate enough for prisoner reading stacked at a nearby shelf in a disjointed pile. Next to the books were a few simple games like a Sudoku book, some crossword puzzles and an already solved Rubik's Cube - again, some of the sparse things he'd been allowed to keep.

Most of those were from him, as was the chess game. Every time he went for his treatment they played a game, though Peter almost always lost. He wasn't much for the thing, "We could just start a new game, if you want." His eyes flicked to the camera at the opposite wall. Everything they said and did was recorded. It was about what he expected, though it did leave conversations stilted as a result.

"And keep you from your requirements? I'd rather not burn out what little goodwill I have left from both you and my keepers."

"Trust me, you ain't burning anything from me." He smiled wryly, "Heard there was a breakout in this place about a week ago. I'm surprised you didn't try to make a run for it."

"What would that accomplish? There's nothing waiting for me outside, Spider-Man. My wife is dead and my son is..." He took a deep breath and shook his head softly, "I stay here of my own free will. It's the least I could do to try and make up for what I've done to everyone, yourself included."

"...I don't blame you for what happened, Connors." He moved his pawn and left his king defenseless. The game was over, "Osborn was the one who turned you into a monster. Far as I'm concerned he should be the one in this cell, not you." He heard about what happened - a few deals made and Osborn was a free man. The rich used money and connections to escape what they were due...what else was new?

"It's kind of you to say, but the facts speak for themselves. I'm here and he's not, and even in the slim chance they manage to gain a permanent cure from your blood it doesn't change anything for me. My actions are still my responsibility and I suspect I'll stay in this cell for the rest of my life."

Despite the smile on his face Peter heard the fatigue in his voice clear as day. As far as Connors was concerned he'd murdered his wife and destroyed the life of his was a miracle he wasn't an empty shell despite it all, "...You heard from your son?" he asked softly. Usually they avoided talking about things like this, but a part of him couldn't help but hope that just maybe things changed.

"Of course not..." Connors let out a soft breath. Right at that moment Peter saw the weight of everything fall on him - he'd only been here a few weeks, but his skin had turned sickly and his face was gaunt from lack of sleep and (what he guessed) from barely eating the slop they had for food in this place, "Last I heard he was under the care of relatives far away from New York. It's...the best I can wish for him, really. I can only hope that Billy can move past what happened."

"You should, too. It wasn't your fault." Hollow words, but it was the best he could give him. A cure would've been the next best thing.

They ended with another game which the former vigilante (surprisingly) won. Peter tossed him another book - this one a fictional novel about some tower that Connors was apparently fond of - and said his goodbyes. They'd see each other next week after he went for another one of Hill's treatments.

He tried not to think about what would happen once he finally left this madhouse behind him. Far as the guard told him he was the only visitor the poor bastard had, and a few chess games and conversations with cameras recording everything weren't exactly what a good rapport made.

Peter stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket and lowered his gaze downward. With the mask on no one knew who he was, but it still felt odd being back in this place on a weekly basis. Most of the agents were used to his presence now, though a few still stopped to stare like they couldn't believe their eyes. Him being 'Peter Parker' wasn't common knowledge, but Spider-Man had a reputation all on his own.

He found himself walking to the infirmary. The aforementioned breakout apparently left Smythe, Gargan (giant scorpion man) and Johnson laid up. He didn't really care for the first two, but Johnson was still his handler as far as the others were concerned. Wouldn't have hurt to check in and see if she was alright - she was his lifeline, after all.

He opened the door and stepped to the side to avoid the- "God damn it..." A squirrel...a damn squirrel flew through the air and nearly bit his head off. He watched the oversized rodent crash into a wall before landing on its feet. It looked up at him with its beady little eyes before it quickly rushed down the hallway without so much as a cursory glance from the rest of the agents.

Steeling himself, Peter entered the infirmary and grimaced when he saw the absolute mess of rodents hanging around the place, cluttering up the tables, walls and beds and making the place smell like a nut factory. He sighed and trudged towards Johnson's bed. He wasn't going to ask questions and he wasn't going to think about it. Sooner he got out of this place the better.

He pulled back the curtain and was immediately met with the sight of a...well, calling her a young woman seemed accurate enough, but the markings around her eyes and the giant, bushy tail on her rear end made it seem wrong somehow. Her expression shifted from surprise at the sudden arrival to an open grin, "A visitor!" She stood up from the chair and shook his hand before he could pull back, "Nice to meet you! I'm Dor- er, I mean Squirrel Girl! You're Spider-Man, right?"

"...Right." He untangled his hand from hers and turned his attention to Johnson. She rested on the bed with most of her body covered in a thick swath of bandages, though she somehow managed to smile up at him despite half her face being weighed down in gauze. Whoever attacked her really did a number on her, "Surprised you're awake, Johnson. From what I heard you sounded like you'd be in a coma."

"Heh, you wish." She blinked slowly with her remaining eye and sat up slightly, "What brings you here, Spidey? I mean Doreen I can kinda get-"

"Woah, Daisy, secret identity, remember?!" The squirrel hybrid said, her eyes wide with clear panic. Considering she didn't wear a mask of any sort Peter had to wonder why she even bothered to worry, "Gotta keep my identity hidden from the bad guys and all, you know that!"

"Right, right." Johnson laughed softly, "Well, Squirrel Girl came to visit, but I wasn't expecting you."

"Just wanted to make sure you were still breathing. Apparently you're still my owner as far as Hill's concerned." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The smell of nuts was giving him a headache, and 'Squirrel Girl' staring at him like he was a painting at a museum didn't help his mood any, "Hill tell you anything that needs doing? You guys've been quiet for a while now."

"Hey, I wasn't the one who went out on a romantic retreat with Spider-Woman with barely any warning." He clenched his hands and ignored the urge to snap something back. That joke was getting old, "Anyway, we got some new agents so there's not much for you to do. I could send you a list of some of the escaped prisoners if you want; I'm sure it'll butter up Agent Hill, if nothing else."

"I guess..." he muttered, "Hey, the second you hear anything about where Octavius is you'll tell me, right?"

"Of course. That was the deal, yeah?"

Nothing, his spider-sense was completely silent. Peter's mouth twitched slightly and he left without another word, ignoring the squirrel tamer's suggestion that they exchange numbers. He'd always been paranoid when dealing with the agents, wary that they'd hold the information back, but apparently his sixth sense didn't share that sentiment. For some reason he didn't find it comforting.

He was almost out of the bunker before he heard Lana's telltale ringtone, the bizarre rock song causing a few of the agents to turn his way. She'd insisted on it for whatever reason, "Yeah, kid? Something-"

"Pete, you gotta get to the hospital!"

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"'s awake, Pete! She's awake!"

Gwen yawned and trudged down the stairs of her (she was paying half the expenses, so it was partly hers) house, the smell of coffee and bacon hanging in the air. That meant her dad and Jessica were home, which was a rare sight considering how many 'cases' they had. Honestly at this point she figured it was a codename for their dates or something. Next thing she knew their wedding would be excused as an investigation and the honeymoon would be a prolonged stakeout.

Oh well, she'd take it if it meant the two of them actually lightening up. Her dad and Jess were way too wound up.

She was only slightly surprised to find Webster sitting on the table across from Jessica while her dad fried some eggs on a pan. Jess looked up slightly from the newspaper she was reading and flicked her eyes towards Webster without saying a word. Well, she was taking its presence rather well. She would've thought that finding a palette swap of Spider-Woman would freak more people out.

"Morning, dad."

"Morning, honey." His mouth twitched up in a small smile when she kissed his cheek and he gestured to the table, "Go sit at the table, I should be finished up with this in a bit."

"Great." She gave him a smile back and took a seat at the table to Webster's right and Jessica's left. The dining table was never the largest, something that was the source of many an accident when her mom was still alive due to her insistence on large family dinners. Now with all 4 of them having breakfast the crowded feeling returned full force.

She liked it, though. There was something comforting about the overcrowding.

"So your friend introduced herself earlier." Jessica said, gesturing to Webster. It looked up from the book it was reading and tilted its head at her, "You didn't think to tell George about the little tag-along before?"

"It didn't come up." Gwen shrugged defensively, "I mean what was I supposed to say? 'Hey dad, did I mention I got bonded with a super cool symbiote cause I raided a terrorist base? No? Cause I did'."

"Hold on, you raided a terrorist base?" Her dad asked. To his credit he sounded far less worried than she thought he would have.

"Peter got kidnapped and I had to work with his friends, which apparently include Frank Castle...long story." She hadn't seen any of them since she got back sans a few glimpses of Lana hanging around the Parker house. She didn't mind; the last thing she needed was to be reminded that she couldn't arrest any of them, even if a certain few (Castle and that creepy bald guy) definitely deserved some time in a padded cell.

"Of course." He sighed and turned the stove off, "Set some plates, would you? And Jess go fix up the coffee please."

It was still odd how routine discussions on her double life had become. It wasn't too long ago that her dad was going on full dad mode lectures telling her why being Spider-Woman was risky and that she should at least consider giving it up at some point. If she had to guess sleeping with a Superpowered P.I probably loosened up on what her dad considered 'normal behavior'.

It wasn't long before they all sat around the table and dug into the food. Jess and Dad were talking about some case - another cheating wife looking for some excitement - while she pitched in occasionally. It was still early in the morning and she had a full day of patrolling ahead of her (along with a full day of ignoring reporters asking why she suddenly decided to take a week-long break).

"Webster, something wrong?" Her other partner continued to stare at the plate of food in front of it, making no move to pick up the offered utensils.

"No, it's simply..." It paused and turned to her dad, "I do not need nourishment the same way as Gwen and other human beings do."

"If you didn't like my cooking you just had to say so, young lady. No need to make excuses."

"Ah, that isn't-"

"Relax, Webster, he's just pulling your tail...that's an expression. I know you don't actually have a tail." She rolled her eyes when it titled its head back to look at its ass...which was technically her ass since it copied her costume down exactly, "I really need to teach you about sarcasm one of these days. It's kinda my shtick."

"I'm still a tad annoyed you didn't tell me about your little friend, Gwen," her dad chided, "Trust your old man a bit more, alright?"

"Sorry, dad." Gwen picked at the eggs with a fork, a small pout on her face. It wasn't a real lecture, but it was edging there, "Like I said I didn't know to bring it up. I mean I didn't want you to have a heart attack or anything."

"Yes, because I'm sure you having a tag-along is far more surprising than you having powers, Peter ostensibly coming back from the dead or the fact that I'm going to be a father again. Silly me."

"Alright, alright! You win! Yeesh..." You hide having superpowers for five years one time and they never let it go, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Webster sooner. Next time I do something noteworthy I'll be sure to get an airhorn." Well, anything except what happened during the week long retreat. She was pretty damn sure that would literally give him a heart attack.

"That's better." He gave her the patented dad smile and turned his attention back to Webster, "Listen, Webster?" It nodded, "Just make sure you look out for Gwen, alright? I can't help but worry every time I see her on the news."

"Or the net. Trust me, some of the things people write about you put the worst stalkers I've busted to shame," Jessica said, "For your own sanity stay away from any shrines or poetry groups. It sounds flattering but it really isn't."

"Point made." She heard about it from Jess before: a husband who cheated on his wife because he was having sex with a bunch of prostitutes. Simple enough...if it wasn't for the fact that said prostitutes were dressed up in poor imitations of her, Captain America and Cindy. She knew being a public face (kinda, secret identity and all) would be problematic, but the thought of being treated as wank material still caused her to shudder.

"Don't worry. Gwen will be safe."

The conversation lulled into a soft quiet before she suddenly spoke up again, "You guys think about names for my new little bro or sis?"

Her dad choked lightly on his eggs while Jessica coughed into her coffee. Not intentional, but she'd take it, "Ahem...what?" He forced out, his voice soft.

"Just curious. I mean Jess still doesn't have a baby bump, but time flies. So, any ideas?"

"I'm letting George decide." He gave Jess a slight glare at the obvious deflection, "I figure I'm gonna be the one screaming my head off a year from now so he can do all the brainstorming."

"Hey if we get a girl I'm calling dibs on Sarah, but if it's a boy I'm thinking Gabriel." Gwen chirped, grinning openly when her dad sighed and muttered something under his breath. She'd still remembered the awkward onset of puberty a few years back, though she was pretty sure he was exaggerating on how terrible it was for him to be the single parent. He made way too much of a big deal about periods considering she got all her info on the net and not him.

"Babies..." Webster stared down at the plate again, "I've read about these on books. Through intercourse a man and a woman create life, starting from the sperm up to-"

"Alright, first rule of the dinner table: we don't talk about my dad and Jess having sex. Or sex period. Ever." Gwen gave it a pointed look, "You wanna read up on the birds and the bees you do that on your own time."

"I understand. I was simply curious on whether your and Peter's child will come soon as well given you've participated in intercourse with him."

The silence that followed was so deafening you could hear a fucking pin drop. Her dad's eyes bulged out of his head and for a second she was scared they would jump out entirely. Jessica wisely (traitorously) decided to stay the fuck out of the impending meltdown and raised the newspaper to her face again, blocking Gwen's pleading look with a rumor about Spider-Woman's secret love affair-

You know what, Jess could fuck right off. Now way she didn't do that on purpose.

"Ahem...I'm sorry, I think my hearing's getting shot in my old age." Her dad said, his voice sickeningly pleasant and friendly. That was the same tone of voice he used when interogatting hardened criminals, "What did you say my daughter did again?" he asked Webster.

"She participated in sexual-"

"Well, this was fun, but I really gotta go!" Gwen stood up quickly and turned around for the door, "Got places to go, Supervillains to beat up! Thanks for the-"

"Gwendoline Maxine Stacy." She stopped mid-walk and cringed. Full name? Really? He knew she had no defense against that, "Sit down and finish your breakfast. I just with your friend." He clapped Webster's shoulder and the symbiote looked down at his hand with another tilt of the head, "Because apparently my daughter's been hiding more than terrorist raids behind my back."

"Dad, daddy, c'mon...!" Yes, here she was: Spider-Woman, New York's premier hero, defender of the innocent and the bane of Supervillains everywhere...and she was on the hotseat for having sex behind her dad's back. Nevermind the fact that she was a grown woman or anything...

"Gwendolyne, I'm just asking questions. Don't worry."

Yeah, and she was just supposed to completely ignore the not-so-subtle way he looked at his gun cabinet. It was the unplanned sleepover all over again.

Peter had to admit that he wasn't overtly fond of hospitals. Maybe it was Uncle Ben's stories of the meatgrinders in the trenches, maybe it was because the idea of being trapped in a bed while doctors prodded and poked didn't appeal to him, but regardless he hated staying for more than a few minutes. That was the excuse he gave Lana whenever she invited him to visit Lori while she was still out, at least.

The other reason was, of course, that people asked questions, and he doubted 'I'm Spider-Man' or 'she slept with me for money once' would've been a good reason for the hospital to admit him.

Lana was outside of the hospital by the time he'd arrived. She looked up with an excited grin from the hood of her jacket as soon as she saw him, her feet tapping against the asphalt in a quick rhythm, "Pete, thank god. I was tempted to go in without you." She gave him a quick embrace (which was more than a little surprising considering her normal behavior) before she grabbed his arm and tugged him inside, "I'll tell the receptionist you're my cousin. Just play along, alright?"

"You're calling the shots here, kid."

Peter nodded along silently to Lana's tall tale and followed her up to the third floor. Again he felt a sense of paranoia when a few of the nurses and other visitors turned to look at them. It was normal - a place like this was so quiet that any disturbance would draw attention - but his nerves still shot up, his mind delving into the worst case scenarios. For all he knew he could round the corner and run into Jack throwing a bomb right at him.

He didn't meet Jack, but the hall that led to another ward was enough to make him pause.

"Powers Ward?" He stopped following Lana and peeked through the closest room. Many patients were segregated based on the severity and type of injuries they had, but the few he managed to see were a mixed bunch: one of them was covered from head to toe in burns and bandages while another had her right arm puffed up so much that it looked to be twice the width of her head.

And those were the pleasant ones. Some of them were missing limbs entirely while an even smaller number frothed at the mouth and mumbled something about how the full moon would doom them.

His observation was cut off when Lana suddenly clapped him on the shoulder, "Hey, Pete, you alright?" she looked up at him worriedly, though a trace of the infectious smile still remained, "You blanked out all of a sudden."

"Sorry, it's just..." He gestured to the aforementioned ward, "What is this place? Did some disaster happen while I wasn't looking?"

"What?" Her gaze shifted from him to the ward and she quickly snorted, rolling her eyes exasperatedly as she crossed her arms, "Oh, that place? That's the hero wannabe dumping pit."


"It's where they put in all the stupid assholes who try to give themselves superpowers. You know the drill: they see She-Hulk or Spider-Woman or fuck knows who else on TV and they think they can be heroes too if someone just gave em a chance; like Justin Bieber getting his big break on the youwebs. So they douse themselves in radiation, jump into vats of toxic waste or shit knows what else and they hope that it gives em superpowers...mostly just gives em super cancer and hospital bills."

"And people are willing to risk their lives just for that?"

"What, to get superpowers, fame and fortune? No, I'm sure that's not tempting at all." She rolled her eyes again, "Trust me I know guys who'd stab you for the 5 bucks in your wallet, you think people wouldn't do stupider shit for all of that? Just look at how many stupid fuckers are on the youwebs singing indie songs thinking they're just waiting to get discovered and get their big break. Superheroes are celebrities on steroids, so it's no big shock."

"Point taken..." He sighed. He shouldn't have been surprised, really, "How many of these guys actually make it out?"

"Depends on the kind of thing they do." She continued walking and he followed after her, "Some guys who try taming wild dogs or mail order serums are fine after a few weeks, but the ones who jump into a vat of toxic waste or start chugging wolf blood and cocaine are heading six feet under. It's only gotten worse since now everyone thinks if they irradiate spiders and have it bite em they think they can be like Spider-Woman." She scoffed, "Most of the time they just end up losing a limb, and I don't even fucking know why they they think an irradiated bug is how she got her powers."

"Yeah, sounds stupid..." Better she didn't know it was the truth. Bad enough that she got her 'gifts' after seeing her mom nearly shot to death.

Peter stuffed his hands into his pockets as Lana knocked on the door with a sudden hesitation in her step. Again he found it at odds with her usual behavior, "Come in." Lori's voice resounded from inside. The two of them shared a short look before she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Lori's room was small and cozy, which was helped by the fact that she didn't have to share it with any unwanted roommates - considering how much her room and board cost it was the least they could give her. Lori herself looked decent enough. Granted she was laid up on the bed with with wires stuck to her left arm, but considering her state when they managed to drag her to Banner's place she was positively immaculate.

Mother and daughter's eyes met and Lana paused, her mouth parting open in shock. No words came, but the expression of shock and relief on her face said it all.

"Hey, kiddo." Lori quirked her lips up in a slight smile, "What took you-"

That was as far as she got before Lana practically tackled her in a sudden embrace. The older woman gave a surprised 'oof' and laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around her daughter's back, "Ease up, Lana. I do have a gaping hole in my stomach." Despite her words she made no effort to push the smaller girl off and continued to pat her back as she sniffled.

"Deal with it." Lana tightened her embrace and sniffed, a few tears escaping despite her best efforts, "Oh god, I thought that you'd never...after that fucker-"

"Shh, it's alright. I'm alright...I'm just glad you are, too."

Peter had to admit that he found himself smiling at the reunion. He'd been cynical of Lori's chances of survival, and Dr. Banner was as well considering some of his comments. Apparently it was a small miracle that she hadn't died from the shock and blood loss alone, not even mentioning the fact that they had to drag her bleeding hide to that alley while bits were falling out of her.

It took a minute but eventually the two separated and Lori's attention shifted from her daughter to him, "Lana, who's your friend?"

"He's..." Lana trailed off and bit her lip. They hadn't actually decided on how to explain his presence to her due to her rush, "Um, well-"

"Don't recognize me, Baumgartner? I'm disappointed." He gave her a wry smile and stepped closer, "Would it help if I put on a mask and made my voice lower?"

It took her a few seconds to understand what he meant. Her eyes widened slightly and her mouth parted, her gaze shifting between him and Lana in a rapid tempo, "You mean you're..." At his nod she let out a single, soft laugh, " know, you're younger than I thought you'd be."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Too many times, really. Was it that hard to believe that he wasn't pushing 50? Nobody had a problem believing Gwen was 25 (granted she was younger than that, but still), "Well, you don't have to worry about your stalker. He's 6 feet under and so is your boss."

"Dave? Damn..." She let out a tired breath and sat up straighter on the bed, the IV shifting slightly at the movement, "I ain't shedding tears, but-"

"That asshole deserved it!" Lana said hotly, her face morphed into a deep scowl, "He was the one who gave you and you friend up, mom! It's because of him that you nearly..." She took a deep, shuddering breath and said her next words softly, "He deserved to die...I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"Wait, what?" Lori tried to stand, but she didn't get far before she was forced back on the bed with a grimace, "Lana, what do you mean do it again? Did you-"

"She didn't," Peter said quickly, "I was the one who-"

"You don't have to cover for me, Pete!" Lana snapped, giving him a slight glare, "I...look, I felt guilty about it, but I'll deal. Least now I know that asshole isn't sending some other innocent person to their death for a few hundred bucks."

"I...I still don't believe this." Lori shook her head, " You're telling me you just killed a pimp who's surrounded by goons with guns? I'd buy Spider-Man, but you? You would've gotten killed!"

"That's...actually one thing I wanted to talk to you about." Lana looked back at him and he gave her a small nod. He didn't see any cameras in the room so they should've been safe, "Uh...alright, just..." She paced back and forth and placed both hands on her face, her breaths frantic, "Alright, alright. So...I can..." She brought a hand through her hair and shut her eyes tightly, "I'll- you know what? Fuck it, I'll just show you."

Before Lori could even open her mouth Lana raised her right hand and summoned the telltale ring of light. Lori's eyes widened and she stared at the raised appendage slack-jawed. An uncomfortable moment of silence passed before she finally manage to speak up, "Lana...what is that?"

"I was hoping you'd know, actually." Lana dismissed the ring of light and let out a soft breath, "I just...when that son of a bitch shot you I wanted to make him pay and then...and then everything fucking exploded." She pressed her lips into a thin line.


"Your daughter has powers, Baumgartner," Peter answered for her, "It's probably the only reason both of you are still breathing and Carter didn't escape to hunt again." At least not for long...

"This...fuck, this is too much." Lori rubbed her temples and sighed, "I wake up and I find out my daughter's hanging around the Spider-Man and apparently she has superpowers." Lori didn't seem too broken up about her killing a man, either. Then again she'd probably seen more horrific things considering her career.

" don't know why I have powers?" Lana asked, her voice laced with no small amount of disappointment. She'd been convinced ever since they took down Carter that her mom would have the explanations to all that, that if anyone had any clue on why she could blow things up with the point of a finger it'd be her. If she didn't know then they'd be right back to where they started.

" me, kiddo, if I knew you had powers I'd have given you that talk long before I said anything about your period." The rueful smile wasn't comforting for either Lana or her mom, but it was a start, "Look, I'm not gonna give you shit about what happened to Dave. He was an asshole and if what you told me is true then he deserved it. Just make sure you don't go nuts, alright? I'd like to think I raised you better than that."

"Yeah, well, Pete keeps my head on straight. Don't worry."

Conversation died down to something resembling normalcy at that point - or as normal as things could be considering Lana just confessed to having powers and killing someone. Peter kept his head down and let the two converse on their own, chipping in only when he was asked. Either Lana really wasn't exaggerating about her grandmother being distant or she was too busy with something else to visit her daughter after she'd just woken up from a coma.

The first hour passed and he almost fell asleep until he heard the clack of heels reaching for the door, "Someone else is visiting." Both Baumgartners turned to him in surprise just before the door suddenly opened.

The young woman who stepped into the room looked like she just came from some kind of fashion runway: blond hair styled in meticulous curls, a gray designer jacket of some kind, pants made out of shiny leather and heeled boots that looked like they were made out crocodiles. She definitely looked out of place in the sterile room.

A sentiment Lana didn't share given the dumfounded smile she had plastered all over her face, "Lily?"

"Hey, sis." The new arrival - Lily - smiled down at the shorter girl and accepted the sudden embrace with a high pitched laugh. Peter shut one eye and tried to ignore the ringing in his ears; that was something he never wanted to hear ever again, "Oh, it's good to see you again!" She tucked a handful Lana's hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek, "God, you look so different now."

"Wh-What are you doing here?"

Before she could answer another new arrival came. It was a man this time, and unlike before Lana's face quickly went from a smile to a deep scowl. He was dressed just as fancy as the previous arrival, his charcoal suit finely pressed and his gray hair slicked back. "She insisted we visit your mother," he said, his voice dripping with barely veiled annoyance. He tapped the platinum watch on his left wrist, "We only have a few minutes, Lily. Make your peace with these..."

"'These' what, asshole?" Lana almost yelled, glaring up at the old man defiantly.

Lily looked between the two worriedly, "Lana, please-"

"Still as rude as ever, I see." The old man frowned down at her and clicked his tongue, "I came here at Lily's insistence and the first thing you do when I arrive is insult me? I understand you have your issues, but I'm owed some respect."

"Lana, it's alright, you don't need to-"

"We don't owe you shit!" Lana spat, ignoring her mother's call for her to stop, "You never gave us anything and we never fucking asked! You don't get to come here and act like we should fucking owe you for letting my sister-"

"Lily is not your sister." Whatever facade of calm disappeared, making way for a barely restrained scowl that contrasted with his immaculate appearance, "She's the daughter of the woman I love while you are a mistake Lori decided to keep for a reason I can't even begin to guess."

"You son of a bitch! I'm gonna-"

"Going to what? Claim to be an illegitimate child? Try to discredit the Hollister name? No one would believe the daughter of a whore-"

That was as far as he got before Peter punched him right in the face and made him stumble back, his expression going from a scowl to a look of slack-jawed surprise. It was probably the first time he realized he was there, "Calm down, Lana..." He grabbed her right shoulder and squeezed. She looked like she was a hair's breadth away from blowing the bastard up with her powers and the last thing she needed was a homicide on her head.

Even if he deserved it.

Whatever biting remark or threat of repercussions the old man wanted to say was drowned out by the sudden blaring of his spider-sense. Peter ignored Lana's 'father' screaming behind him and looked out the window, "What the..." There was a crashed police car across the street. That by itself would've been a cause of alarm for a lot of people, but his spider-sense's continued warnings made him peer closer.

He was nearly forced down by the sudden intensity that came after. Through pained eyes he saw red tendrils emerge from the car and impale anyone unlucky enough to be close to the crashed car. Their struggles were brief and it took only seconds for their bodies to thin unnaturally, their skin turning into a disturbing shade of gray. Their blood was gone...

The loud roar that came afterwards only worsened the sickness he felt. A pulsating red thing jumped out of the burning wreckage, its body hunched over and its mouth split open to expose the full row of sharp teeth.

He'd seen that before...

"Pete, what's-"

"Lana, stay here." He stumbled out of the room, one hand holding onto his beating head and the other frantically calling for Gwen or Cindy or anyone else. He couldn't fight that thing on his own...

Kinda ended on an odd note there, but whatever I wanted to get to the arc itself after a long chapter of basically nothing happening. Don't worry: unlike with Crime Master, Carnage won't be stopped by the next chapter with no one caring too much. Next chapter is the beginning of the Carnage arc proper along with a short intro to Cletus' transformation.

Anyway, this chapter was basically filler, but we did find out that Venom's a snitch (little bastard), Lana's dad is an asshole, Squirrel Girl exists and both Spider-Man and Shadowcat somehow have a better relationship compared to Gwen and Peter despite them being exponentially more messed up; Shadowcat especially. That and the title's nonsensical, but considering this is a break chapter no harm no foul.

I'll try to see if I can do a Venom POV next chapter, but I have my doubts. Its thought processes would be hard to put into narration :/


1. Alright, time for that question again: how sympathetic do you find the lead characters? I don't mean just Noir and Gwen - though those two are the mains - but also other characters like Shadowcat and Spider-Man who come across as far more callous and uncaring of damages so long as they accomplish their objectives.

It makes scenes like the beginning of the chapter seem laughable if you don't care about the two given how much damage and violence they inflict without looking back. Noir's getting there as well since he's had moments of needless brutality and he's getting a few more in upcoming story arcs.

2. This question's just for the thread. Sorry if I asked this before, but I'm still curious: I've gotten a noticeable downturn of likes/comments as of the recent chapters, and while a downturn is expected for even the best fics there's a pretty noticeable drop in some chapters. Am I doing something specifically wrong? Sorry if this sounds whiny, but I am genuinely worried that I did something and the quality of the fic tanked in the eyes of readers

I'm willing to change things when I can such as with the side-story that focused on ending the story after complaints of the chapters dragging out, so...yeah. Again, sorry for coming across as whinging.
Nice family scenes, it felt good reading them, also Peter is awesome for punching that asshole.

About your first question, I like Anti-Heroes a lot when they are written well and they get reality checks once in a while to avoid getting status of creator pet, but my favorites still are the Ideal Hard Working Hero types like Spider-Man as they literally are what draw me toward the genre of super-heroes, so Spider-Woman is the second best character of this fic(My favorite is Noir).

Shadowcat, for now, feels unstoppable but well written in my book, if you can find a good situation to put some show of determination and fierceness I think she will look even cooler.

Your second question I dunno exactly why you aren't getting more views, but my suspicion is that people tend to overlook Spider-Man fanfics because they aren't what is popular on this forum like Worm or Mainstream Anime.

About readers from the past stopping reading...have you tried giving them a PM? I remember once that SV stopped giving updates for a lot of stuff for me, maybe it is the same for them? Or they can give the reasons to why they stopped following in a more private way.
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1. Alright, time for that question again: how sympathetic do you find the lead characters? I don't mean just Noir and Gwen - though those two are the mains - but also other characters like Shadowcat and Spider-Man who come across as far more callous and uncaring of damages so long as they accomplish their objectives.

It makes scenes like the beginning of the chapter seem laughable if you don't care about the two given how much damage and violence they inflict without looking back. Noir's getting there as well since he's had moments of needless brutality and he's getting a few more in upcoming story arcs.

2. This question's just for the thread. Sorry if I asked this before, but I'm still curious: I've gotten a noticeable downturn of likes/comments as of the recent chapters, and while a downturn is expected for even the best fics there's a pretty noticeable drop in some chapters. Am I doing something specifically wrong? Sorry if this sounds whiny, but I am genuinely worried that I did something and the quality of the fic tanked in the eyes of readers

I'm willing to change things when I can such as with the side-story that focused on ending the story after complaints of the chapters dragging out, so...yeah. Again, sorry for coming across as whinging.

1) I find Gwen much more sympathetic than Peter. He seems determined to embed himself in as much filth and darkness as he can find. He also has a speak one way, act another problem. Gwen's noble hero thing works for her.

Shadowcat is coming off as a spree killer. Real-Pete seems to be more effective than Pete, but only because he hasn't been meeting people and taking on causes for 6? months. With regards to sympathy. Nup. Neither of them.

2) The story is long and fatigue sets in. Make a hard close and continue as Volume 2 in a new thread.

3) More fanart please :)
Nice family scenes, it felt good reading them, also Peter is awesome for punching that asshole.

That was more for Lana to calm down than anything; note he doesn't even pay attention to William Hollister and immediately tells her to cool it. Granted it's pretty unlikely to matter given Carnage's sudden appearance.

About your first question, I like Anti-Heroes a lot when they are written well and they get reality checks once in a while to avoid getting status of creator pet, but my favorites still are the Ideal Hard Working Hero types like Spider-Man as they literally are what draw me toward the genre of super-heroes, so Spider-Woman is the second best character of this fic(My favorite is Noir).

Comics exist in this odd contradiction. Now I love ideal heroes normally - and in games with karma meters I always hammer the good option - but because comics run on comic book logic they seem ineffective. I mean in Infamous, Dishonored or Mass Effect choosing good karma doesn't mean bad guys get sent to a 2 week penalty box with no ultimate change. Likewise vigilante justice like Punisher seem insane in real life, but in a world where mass murderers get a slap on the wrist he comes across as the one sane man. That's why Punisher MAX is so effective; since it runs on more grounded logic with no heroes Castle does come across as insane, even if his baddies deserve it.

This is also why attempts to play characters like Punisher, Red Hood or Moon Knight as 'wrong' fail: when their main arguments are 'kill this guy before he escapes prison again and kills 2 dozen more people' you will agree with them even if you find them normally repulsive. Noir goes for the same arguments a lot, though him allying with the Defenders tends to undercut his point...

Shadowcat, for now, feels unstoppable but well written in my book, if you can find a good situation to put some show of determination and fierceness I think she will look even cooler.

Thing is, can you honestly imagine someone/something that can stop her? Even in canon when they want X-23 to be beaten they do so in nonsensical ways such as her thundering around like a dumbass (despite her canonically being a strategist and assassin) or her healing factor suddenly loses 90% effectiveness. Kimura stopping Laura made sense since the former's durability made physical attacks ineffective - and Shadowcat does mention Kimura, so that's a trump card I can use if need be - but most people shouldn't be able to fight her. This goes double since the author gave her 616 Kitty's phasing powers, which just means she can now phase her hands inside your skull and crush it like a grape; and she will do that given her lack of care about killing people.

Your second question I dunno exactly why you aren't getting more views, but my suspicion is that people tend to overlook Spider-Man fanfics because they aren't what is popular on this forum like Worm or Mainstream Anime.

About readers from the past stopping reading...have you tried giving them a PM? I remember once that SV stopped giving updates for a lot of stuff for me, maybe it is the same for them? Or they can give the reasons to why they stopped following in a more private way.

Yeah I considered that as well, but I meant the sudden downturn of likes from earlier chapters to later ones. My guess is it's like everyone says and they got burned out from the constant updates that do little to nothing to actually advance the story.

1) I find Gwen much more sympathetic than Peter. He seems determined to embed himself in as much filth and darkness as he can find. He also has a speak one way, act another problem. Gwen's noble hero thing works for her.

Point taken on Peter embedding himself into filth and darkness, but what do you mean speak one way and act another? Also, Noir's arguments to Gwen boil down to that - Gwen's ideal hero act works for her, but the people who are constantly victimized by villains who escape bi-weekly aren't her and they can't just ignore getting a grenade to the face like she can. That and a few villains just can't be jailed due to connections or power such as Murdock, Hobgoblin, so her insistence on not killing them comes across to him as insanity.

That and like 616 Spidey she can be really preachy about it, to the point that when he argued he needed the gun for self-defense she still refused to give it to him until her later development. That and at their worst they come across as twats: I mentioned Gwen before when she ragged on Noir shooting Carnage, but there was also the time 616 guilt tripped Jackpot because she had powers and, le gasp, she didn't want to put on tights and risk her life. So he gave her this big responsibility spiel for not using her powers correctly and...her husband gets killed because of her hero work. Nice, Spidey :wtf:

Shadowcat is coming off as a spree killer. Real-Pete seems to be more effective than Pete, but only because he hasn't been meeting people and taking on causes for 6? months. With regards to sympathy. Nup. Neither of them.

Spree killer? Shadowcat said in this chapter that she doesn't kill people minding their own business and that she did have standards. So far all the people she's killed are from SHIELD missions; not much better, but at least you know she's not being sent after civilians. As for sympathy...yup, about what I expected. Though is it because of their killing or something else?

2) The story is long and fatigue sets in. Make a hard close and continue as Volume 2 in a new thread.

How would I go about doing that? I actually considered this when Spider-Man was introduced to the story, but I held off.

3) More fanart please :)

Eh...I'm kinda running out of good ones. Here's one I found a couple of days ago:

I just feel that your Shadowcat is a little to eager to kill. And that Real-Pete hasn't been around long Hough for me to develop feelings.

Clone-Pete spends a lot of time anguishing how his ties to ppl cause him nothing but pain, and then turns around to make friendly acquaintances with Bullseye and Frank Castle, basically adopts Lana and spider pug. He's also hooking up with everyone. Gwen is pushy and trying to force her moral structure on him, but she's also the only one who's motivations are clear and transparent. And he keeps going back, despite her not being the boss of him. The cognitive dissonance he must be experiencing would be unreal. Extremely stressful.

I would retcon the fic. Everything after the deaths in the square, followed by the I retire speeches. Move all chapters after that into a new thread.
I just feel that your Shadowcat is a little to eager to kill. And that Real-Pete hasn't been around long Hough for me to develop feelings.

Thing is Shadowcat is that eager in canon: when Gwen told her that attacking Harry did nothing she basically rolled her eyes and made it clear that she didn't care about her pleading until she inadverdently triggered a Weapon X flashback. It's also rather notable that Wolverine is considered the lesser evil between the two and she's basically what SHIELD calls when they really need someone taken down. That and being raised in Weapon X would very likely twist her morals around.

Clone-Pete spends a lot of time anguishing how his ties to ppl cause him nothing but pain, and then turns around to make friendly acquaintances with Bullseye and Frank Castle, basically adopts Lana and spider pug. He's also hooking up with everyone. Gwen is pushy and trying to force her moral structure on him, but she's also the only one who's motivations are clear and transparent. And he keeps going back, despite her not being the boss of him. The cognitive dissonance he must be experiencing would be unreal. Extremely stressful.

Could be a case of double consciousness: Niko Bellic, for example, will bitch about how crime has done nothing but harm him but doesn't hesitate at all to involve himself with criminals. Likewise Aiden Pearce will consider himself a vigilante and crime-stopper, ignoring the fact that he makes most of his money by theft and Fixer (hired mercenary) work; this was actually intentional and not a sign of gameplay dissonance. Noir will bitch and whine, but ultimately he can't stop himself from doing the very thing he complains about; it's a hypocrisy, but an acknowledged one. Could also be related to his patchwork personality due to the aforementioned cloning since Spider-Man shows no signs of said hypocrisy.

That and Gwen has her own share of hypocrisies, some of which she shares with others of the genre: the most notable one being that she disapproves of certain methods such as hard interrogation because it's wrong and criminal, ignoring the fact that up until she got sanctioned she was also a vigilante who dismissed the law and ran away from/webbed down the police. And of course her treatment of Harry and Castle: both attempted to harm her, both put innocents at risk (in Harry's case successfully) and both used her as an excuse for their own psychosis - despite this she treats Harry like he's redeemable while Castle gets nothing but scorn, purely cause she was friends with the former. Understandable, but definitely eyebrow-raising; and something Noir called her out on when he found out since it made her look extremely two-faced.

As for hooking up with everyone - Lori was paid under a moment of stress, and in Felicia's case she initiated and he followed along. The only ones he really started are with Gwen and Norah, and in both cases it was during the heat/stress of the moment and he talked it out afterwards.

I would retcon the fic. Everything after the deaths in the square, followed by the I retire speeches. Move all chapters after that into a new thread.

Hmm, retcon? So just delete every chapter after the retirement?
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Chapter 76 - Carnage Rules
Question before we start: is the word count too big? I've gotten some comments that lead me to believe that the update rate and word count ratio is why people might hold off on reading or reviewing and that I might want to lower it to 4-5k maximum. What do you guys think?

Speaking of the story - in case it wasn't clear before, this story has shifted from being a more focused tale of 'find a way back home' to...well, random comic arcs. If anyone's not cool with this then I apologize and suggest you wait out the 'Road Back' side-story since at this rate this story isn't ending for a while...

Anyway, this chapter's...alright, I'll just say it - it's pretty hyperviolent by this story's standards. I mean I toned it down to an extent for the purposes of cross-posting, but...well, you've been warned. There's a reason that title is what it is.

Oh, and Punisher trailer dropped. Yuss! Makes me wanna involve Frank Castle in the story again.

Side note - I've been getting a lot of likes/follows on and kudos on ao3 ever since I tagged Peter and Gwen as a pairing. No surprise, I guess...

Chapter 76: Carnage Rules
It was supposed to be a routine call. A few complaints from some nearby residents about a bad smell and noises that scared them enough that they had to cover their windows or turn up their headphones to block it out.

It was a call he'd heard too many times before. He and his partner - who incidentally was in the car nursing a hangover from a night of partying - had one of the crappier beats on the station, and that included a homeless encampment that had the bad luck of being relatively close to a dorm of college students. That combination didn't spell good things and he felt more like a glorified babysitter than a police officer sometimes.

Of course, what he saw made him wish it really was just a few teenagers being entitled.

"God fucking damn it..." Wilson turned away and plugged his nose to try and keep himself from retching. He'd expected the usual drill: a couple of bums that got into a fight and then a warning that if they acted up again he'd get a couple of the boys from the station and evict all of them. They both knew it was an empty threat - no one really cared enough to get all the paperwork done - but it got em 3 days of good behavior before the cycle started all over again.

What he got instead was a bloodbath. Three bodies were piled up on the entrance, each of them covered in gaping wounds that looked like someone went to town with a machete. Going deeper inside, he was met with more piles of bodies with similar wounds. How the hell were there so many dead? Did everyone just line up and let whoever did this gut them? Last he checked this place was a homeless encampment, not a death cult.

Wilson took out his handkerchief and pressed it against his nose. It smelled like cheap whiskey and sweat, but right now it might well have been one of those expensive perfumes his daughter liked, "God damn..." He tied it around his face and held onto his gun tightly. He might have looked like a low-rent Yancy street hood, but it was a small price to pay. Last thing he wanted was to get cut up while his partner was dozing off.

It didn't take him long to find the culprit; he just had to follow the trail of bodies and the rotting stink, "Holy..." He raised the pistol higher and took another cautious step. Another pile of corpses - half a dozen easily - and at the center was a mug that'd been making news the past couple of days.

Cletus Kasady, or the 'Carnage Killer' as he dubbed himself. A serial killer with a dozen life sentences, though he'd often brag that it was only because the police hadn't found the other bodies. In a town like this he didn't really stick out over the guy with the quilt, but he had his five minutes of fame when Spider-Woman handed him over to the police after he and his girlfriend massacred some people at a hospital.

That should've been the end of it, but he'd broken out of prison a day ago and they'd been searching for him since. Everyone was still scrambling to figure how he did it, though right now that was the least of his concerns.

Wilson paused an aimed his gun down at his prone figure. The sick bastard was on the ground, looking up at the sky with a carefree smile on his face with his eyes half-closed. His body and the ground underneath him was covered in a thick blanket of blood and the imprints looked like a fucked up snow angel.

"Get up, now!" He yelled, gun pointed right at Kasady's chest. The serial killer's eyes flicked slightly in his direction before his mouth curled up in an open smile, "I'm not gonna say it again! Off the ground and put your hands up! Now!"

For a couple of seconds he said nothing and Wilson almost wished that he'd give him an excuse to put him in the ground. Instead he got up with a slight grunt, his eyes never leaving his, "Well, top of the mornin' to you, officer." He wiped his bloodstained hands on the orange fabric of his prison trousers. His chest was bare - probably ditched it - which only made the lack of wounds despite all the blood all the more noticeable, "Was wonderin' when you'd guys catch on!"

He didn't answer. Wilson belted out another warning and cuffed Kasady's hands behind his back, "Ooh, being a bit rough there!"

"Shut up." He stepped back and aimed the gun at his back, "No sudden moves or I will shoot. We clear?"

"Clear as day, five-o."

The trip back was short but painful all the same. Despite the gun pointed at his back Kasady practically skipped back to the car with a jaunty whistle and a pep in his step. Wilson desperately tried to ignore the off-key tune or the fact that Kasady somehow managed to kill the entire encampment practically overnight. He'd just take the sick fuck back to the prison then try to forget this ever happened.

The inside of the car quickly reeked of blood, though his partner was still out of it apart from a couple of groans. He should've just stayed at home, "Ho, looks like I'm not the only one who had a wild night!" Wilson pressed his mouth into a thin line and started up the engine. The smell of blood was giving him a headache and he was pretty damn sure he'd need a week off after the day was done.

He rolled down the windows and let the fresh air calm him somewhat, 'Fuck...' He removed his cap and scratched at the bare scalp and licked his lips, his tongue scraping over the thick brown mustache. Nearly 30 years on the force and here he was acting like a class act rookie again. He thought he'd seen it all with the mobs and desperate criminals, but this was another thing altogether. Most criminals did things for profit, not...this.

He wasn't like George Stacy or Frank Castle - he wasn't friends with a Superhero and he sure as hell didn't break bad and go vigilante himself; and he didn't want to. He could've gone through the rest of his career without seeing that crap.

They'd rounded the corner onto a nearby road before Kasady spoke up again, "Nice day, isn't it?" He pressed his head against the window and smeared the clear glass with blood, "Nice people back there. Found me on the outskirts and a couple of em took me in. Thought I was just another one of em lost souls looking for a handout...heh, no good deed goes unpunished, right?"

His grip on the steering wheel tightened and he pressed his lips into a thin line. He didn't know much about Kasady except that he was one of those Jack the Ripper types, someone who did what he did without a single hint of guilt and for no other reason than because he wanted it. Most criminals he could at least understand or reason with; it was all about the payday with them.

"So, aren't you curious? How I got out, I mean?" Kasady asked. Wilson pointedly looked ahead and refused to give him the satisfaction of opening his mouth, "What's with the silent treatment, bud? Cat got your tongue?"

"Shut the hell up..."

"Ha, you can talk! Good to know." He adjusted his place on the seat and grinned up at the rear-view mirror, "So you ain't? Curious, I mean. Spider-Woman herself caught me and the police made a big show of it, so you'd think they'd want me to stay at the ol' hotel for more than a day. Shit, law enforcement's in this city's already a joke. No wonder there are so many people going' vigilante."

Again he refused to say anything.

"Ah, you're no fun." He huffed and pouted, "...Hey, buddy, tell me; ya ever been in love? And I don't mean you feel that annoyin' urge to fuck someone's brains out, I mean that 'world-stopping except for the two of you' stuff. I gotta figure you have, right? You don't look like you got that many years left, so if you're thinkin' of settin' down roots you might wanna try speed datin'."

"Shut up."

"Aww, strike a nerve there?" He laughed under his breath, "Me, I just met my soulmate. I mean I thought that I had it with Shriek, but this is...words can't even describe it. What can you say when you find someone who just gets everything about you, good and bad? Not even my mama was that accepting. Damn, this is embarassin'. But you get what I mean, right?"

"...You killed those people." He knew he shouldn't have said anything, but his blase attitude infuriated him to no end. Over two dozen people dead and the only thing this bastard talked about was his imaginary love life.

"You got a talent for statin' the obvious, buddy," he replied back casually, "Yeah, my darlin' and I needed a test drive of sorts. You saw the results; obviously a big success, right? I mean those guys tried to run, but whoo-wee it was like chasing after those kids at the orphanage. Lots of screamin', cryin' and beggin'; give me the fuzzies just thinkin' about it. Sad to say I couldn't vary it up. I was still new, you know?"

He was tempted to bite back another curse, but Kasady's attention was quickly drawn to the building a short distance away, "Hey, that a hospital?" He didn't wait for an answer. As soon as the light turned green his mouth split open in a wide grin and he laughed, "Aww, buddy, you shouldn't have! Here I am still reelin' from my first buffet and you're already takin' me to another restaurant! I'll be sure to pay the bill, scout's honor!"

"Shut the fuck-" Wilson's rebuttal was cut off when he looked up at the rear-view mirror. Kasady was still grinning maniacally, but it was quickly overshadowed by the pulsating red growth than ran from his chest and quickly covered the rest of his body. Wilson could only gape in shock when the red matter converged on the right half of his face and his mouth widened unnaturally, the sharpened teeth dripping with a mix of blood and spit.

"Aww, what's wrong, buddy? Don't tell me you're scared of the missus!"

Wilson didn't even time to scream before Kasady grabbed the wheel with a tentacled hand and crashed them against the nearest wall.

What the hell was that thing?

Peter looked down at the monster that climbed out of the wreckage and scowled. His spider-sense blared in a constant tempo and he was almost forced to the ground from the intensity of it. Last time he'd gotten it this bad was when Cindy's evil twin tortured him, "Come on, come on..." He dialed on the phone on Cindy's number again. The damn thing was bulldozing its way through the cars and rushing to the hospital, skewering anyone unlucky enough to get in its way.

It was killing everyone. He had to stop it before they had a repeat of Times Square.

"The number you have dialed is unavailable."

"Fuck." He shut the phone off and looked back at Lana. She stood near the doorway, her eyes wide and mouth parted in shock, "Shit..." He dialed Cindy's cellphone again and stepped past Lana's little extended family. The people outside were panicking, either barricading themselves in their rooms or rushing towards the elavators to escape the psychotic monster coming for the hospital.

"The number you have dialed-"

"Damn it, Cin..." He growled and looked back at the rest of them, "You need to leave. Now."

"Wh-What?" Lana blinked and stared up at him numbly, "Pete, what the hell are you-"

"That thing is coming. You can either stay here and hope it doesn't try to kill you or you can leave." He rushed to Lori's side and pulled the wire from her hands as carefully as he could, "Come on, go. Take the stairs and go to the back entrance. With any luck that thing won't find you." It was a longshot, but staying here would've been a death sentence. At least not without someone like Gwen or Cindy to help.

"Y-You're the expert..." Lori said. Lana helped her mother up and circled her arm side to keep her balanced. Lori held onto the smaller girl's shoulder tightly before looking back at him, "We're gonna have to-"

"This is insanity!" The old man interrupted, his face red. Whether it was out of fear or agitation or something else he didn't know, "You're placing your trust in Lana's friend!? That...That monster is downstairs; why would we go down there?! It's far safer to stay here in the upper floors!"

"You really think that thing won't come up here? It's killing anything that moves and this place is packed like a sardine." He shut his eyes and and hissed in pain when his spider-sense blared even worse than before. That thing was coming for them, he knew it, "Look, you can stay here if you want, I don't care. Lana, we have to go before that thing gets any closer."

"Hey, I'm not leaving either of them!" She hissed back, "Look, 'dad', we don't have to get along but you gotta fucking listen just this once! Pete knows what he's talking about, alright? You wanna live then we follow his lead."

"And what makes him such an expert? He-"

They didn't have time for this. Before the old bastard could finish his argument Peter webbed a chair and tossed it against the wall, "That answer your question?" He didn't answer, though considering it meant he didn't argue Peter took it as a good sign, "Right, listen up. That thing's making its way over here and I'm guessing it'll go to the lobby. I'll go down there and try to distract it while the four of you get the hell outta here."

"What?! That's fucking insane!" Lana cried, "No, no- you're coming with us! I'm not leaving you, either-"

"I'm not arguing, Lana! You're leaving!" He nearly stumbled at another painful burst of feedback. That thing was coming and his spider-sense was practically screaming now, "I'll distract that thing. You get your family and everyone else you can out the back."

She wanted to say something else, but he never gave her the chance. Without another word exchanged he charged out of the door and put on his mask. He crashed through the door to the stairway and nearly tripped down the stairs, "I get it, shut up already..." It never hurt this much before, "Ah..." It was in front of the lobby, his spider-sense said. It was going to kill everyone...

"Come on..." He pulled out his phone and dialed Gwen's number again, "Come on, come on, come on!" A crash resounded from below followed by panicked screams. It was here.

The phone rang twice before Gwen finally answered, "Hey, Pete, sorry I didn't answer. I was-"

"No time." He was near the bottom exit now, "There's some kind of monster attacking, get over here! Mercy Cross Hospital, you know where it is?!"

"Wh-What? I-I mean yeah, but-"

"Just get here!"

He shut the phone off and stopped in front of the exit. The screams were almost deafening now, though he heard what sounded like crazed laughter in-between them. Peter clenched his hands and took a deep breath. Now was a bad time to be unarmed, but he just had to distract that thing till Gwen got here and Lana got her family and anyone else she could outside.

Well, nothing for it...

The sight that greeted him on the other side reminded him of the incident a few weeks back. He only took two steps past the entrance before the stench of blood wafted up his nostrils, which was quickly followed by the sight of a sea of bodies strewn around the lobby, all of them mutilated and sporting gaping wounds. Doctors, patients, visitors...dead and dying to the last man.

And the monster who did it was at the center.

"Come on now, fight back! Ain't no fun if you just lie there and take it!" The voice that emerged from the ravenous maw was loud and distorted, though he made out the barest traces of a southern accent through the distortions. In its hands it held a struggling nurse, the young woman's eyes wide and panicked as she beat and kick against the tentacled appendage, "Aw, come on, you can do better than that! You-"

He knew he should have hung back and made a plan, but all the plans in the world would'v been cold comfort to the woman who had her life flashing in front of her eyes. Before he could think better of it Peter ran towards the monstrosity and jumped, kicking the side of its head as hard as he could before grabbing the orderly from its grip. The monster stumbled back and the both of them flew through the air briefly before they landed with a heavy crash.


"Get out of here!" He shoved the nurse towards the exit and narrowed his posture as the monster turned back to look at him. The blank white eyes and jagged teeth that met his gaze were eerily familiar...

"Whoo, looks like we get ourselves a hero!" It retracted its hand, the digit shifting from a tentacle to five clawed fingers, "So who are you supposed to be, huh? You an actual Superhero or just another stupid kid wearing a mask? Cause I've killed a lot of those. The kids, not the heroes."

He didn't answer. Gritting his teeth, Peter rushed towards the body of a dead guard and dodged the crimson projectiles, "You're a fast little bugger, ain't ya?!" He flipped to avoid another smattering of 'knives' and grabbed the gun from the gun from the guard's still-warm hand. He landed on a crouch and fired until the trigger was empty. All of the bullets hit their mark, metal sinking into the pulsating red flesh and then...

Nothing. It just laughed.

"Aww, that's cute! You got a little peashooter there!" It charged towards him. Peter jumped and stomped on its head, putting some distance between the two, "Least you're puttin' up a fight! Better than the rest of these sad sacks!" He dodged three more projectiles and scrambled towards the body of another guard to grab the gun at his side. Fighting that thing head-on would've been suicide.

More bullets and they all had the same results. Peter cursed under his breath and grabbed the nearby ammo belt, though he knew it was futile. Right now he could only hope to keep this thing busy, "What the hell are you?" He used the wall to jump over its charge and grit his teeth the tips of its claws almost grazed his shoulder. Damn thing was fast, almost like how Gwen and Cindy were.

"Just a guy lookin' for a good time!" It grabbed a glass table and tossed it at him. Peter forced himself onto the ground and webbed its legs when it tried to charge at him again before he unloaded the rest of the bullets on its face, "Really, pal? Ain't it obvious that ain't workin'?" It cut through the webs with distressing ease and laughed, "Webs, huh? Ain't you Spider-Man?"

Peter fired another burst of webbing at him and reloaded the gun. Two magazines left, "Heck it is you! I thought your retired?" The distorted voice grew higher and the mouth widened till the ends reached near its eyes, "Whoo-wee, I ain't never killed a genuine hero 'fore! You're gonna be popping that cherry!"

It sounded like a kid in a candy store, "Sick fuck..." First Jack and now this bastard; was this place just crawling with deranged psychopaths who wanted nothing more than to kill? Peter lowered his posture more and concentrated. Gwen would be here soon, he just had to keep the monster busy for a little while longer.

The world slowed as the monster swiped at his face. Peter ducked under the clawed fingers and fired two bullets point-blank at his gut before he disappeared in a wisp of smoke, "Hey, how you doin' that?!" He rolled to his back and re-appeared briefly, firing off the rest of the magazine at the back of his head before disappearing again, "Slippery, ain't ya? You're like a damn ant!"

Peter flipped back close to the wall and appeared in another wisp of smoke. Already he felt a cold chill run down his body and the headache from his spider-sense only worsened, 'Wonder if I can get a damn refund on these new 'gifts'...' He reloaded the second to the last magazine and tightened his grip on the gun. He couldn't do this much longer.

He charged at it again and disappeared just before he got close enough to make contact, "This again?! This is getting old, buddy!" It swiped at where he just stood and Peter jumped, stomping on its foot as he landed, "What's the point of this, huh?! You can't kill me with that peashooter of yours!" He flipped back and shot twice at its gaping mouth," I thought you'd fight like a man, at least! What's with the disappearing act?!"

The bullets came and went and he grabbed for the last magazine before his spider-sense almost overwhelmed him again, "I'm gettin' tired of this!" The monstrosity growled and Peter didn't get a chance to scramble back before dozens of spikes suddenly burst from all over its body.

Time slowed again and he jumped through the air, twisting his body to avoid the projectiles. Miraculously he managed to avoid all but a a few that grazed his legs and mid-section, though his relief was short-lived. He'd barely landed before its mouth split open in a wide grin, "Found you!" It lashed out with a sharpened tentacle and impaled him right in the shoulder.

Peter screamed, though it was quickly drowned out by the monster's laughter as the invisibility wore off, "Oooh, that look like it hurt!" It cackled and sliced at his legs, cutting off a huge chunk of flesh from his right thigh, "I smelled the blood on you, hero! Thought it'd be blue considering you's a spider and all, but apparently not!" It grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, "Lets go for a skewer!"

It threw him against the far wall and he impacted against the concrete painfully, his already wounded shoulder getting impaled on a piece of rebar, 'Rrrgh, son of a-' Before he could even think of trying to escape the monster grabbed a broken car door and threw it at him. His eyes widened and he screamed when the metal crashed against his shoulder and embedded itself on the wall.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt!" Its maniacal laughter easily cut through his screams and cries, "Aww, what's wrong, hero? Don't you spiders have eight legs? Losing one shouldn't be a big deal, right?" It sharpened its hands into claws again, "Ah, you're such a baby! Might as well finish this, huh?"

Peter looked up at the monster and glared. He couldn't get out of this - none of his abilities would turn the tide and the pain was enough to make him nearly faint, but he refused to give in to the temptation of that way out, "Go to hell..." He wasn't going to scream again; he wasn't going to give it the satisfaction of getting what it wanted.

He hated to admit it, but the next step it took caused him to nearly wet his trousers. Peter looked around frantically and felt his heart sink into his stomach when he saw the pistol out of reach near a puddle of blood. It wouldn't have done anything, but at least he would've gone out fighting, "Ah..." He moved his right arm and whimpered when a white-hot pain ran down the limb. He wasn't getting out like this.

The sick bastard was nearly on him before he heard a yell, "Get the fuck away from him!"

The exclamation was followed by a bright flash and an explosion so loud he was deafened for a few seconds. Peter shut his eyes tightly and raised his remaining hand to cover his eyes, "Wha-"

"Fuck! God damn it!" He just barely heard another explosion through the ringing in his ears before a pair of small hands grabbed his left shoulder, "Pete, we gotta- oh, fuck!"

"L-Lana...?" His eyes parted open and he saw Lana's face, her expression a cross between pure anger and panic, "Wh-What...are you..." There were flecks of blood and soot on her cheeks, but apart from that she was unharmed. A small comfort, "I-I told you to get out-"

"And I said I wasn't leaving you!" she snapped, her gaze shifting between his face to the impaled shoulder. He saw bits of crimson flesh scattered along the ground behind her, "W-We gotta get you out before that thing-"

That was as far as she managed before three tentacles wrapped themselves around her waist and she was pulled back. Lana's eyes widened for a split second before she was smashed against the opposite wall head-first, "That wasn't nice, girly!" It quickly reformed from the bits of flesh quickly, "I'm gettin' a two-fer-one special on heroes, huh? Alright then, lets play whack-a-mole!"

"No!" He reached a hand out frantically, though he knew it was hopeless. The monster cackled before it smashed her against another wall, leaving a bloody imprint on the concrete before he did it again and again, "Damn it, let her go! Please!"

It ignored him.

Peter looked to the discarded pistol before focusing on his arm again. It was pointless - even if he could get to the damn thing it would've just been throwing spitballs - but he had to do something. He wasn't going to let Lana die, "Come on..." He took a deep breath and reached towards the gun. The pain on his arm worsened and it took everything he had not to break down in tears from it all.

The sound of tearing flesh and cloth was practically unheard in-between the cackling and screams, but the results were the same either way. Peter gave one last scream before his right arm was torn off and left behind on the wall. Ignoring the severed limb he frantically crawled towards the pistol, pulling himself forward with the remaining hand.

It took only a few seconds to grab the pistol and empty what remained of the magazine into the monster's back. It stopped and turned to look at him, its head tilted to the side, "Huh, you're still alive? Hardy guy, ain't ya?" It tossed Lana aside like a ragdoll and she remained on the ground, unmoving, "You know I always hated someone who was too clingy! We had our moment, but you gotta move on!" It morphed its right hand into blade, "Matter of fact, let me do it!"

Peter could only crawl back futilely to try and put some distance between the two of them, a trail of blood following after him. This was it; he'd done the best he could and it ended with him dead and Lana soon to follow...


Gwen swung through the destroyed entrance and kicked the red monstrosity straight through the wall. Without another word she webbed a car from the street closer before she picked it up and tossed it at its prone form, "Stay down, you son of a bitch!" No quips, no jokes; it was hard enough to restrain herself from beating the fucker's face into the ground till there was nothing left but mush.

"G-Gwen...?" Peter mumbled next to her.

"I'm here." She picked him up as gently as she could and did the same to Lana. They were both still breathing, thank god, though his missing arm and her completely bloody face didn't give her much relief, "It's gonna be alright..." She held them closer to her, jumped through the wrecked entrance and swung until she saw ambulances. It was a risk, but right now secret identities were the last thing on her mind.

"Here..." She gave them both to the closest EMT's and tried to ignore the coppery smell of blood that lingered on her, "Make sure they're alright!" The closest doctor nodded nervously and she swung back to the hospital, her thoughts going a mile a minute. She had to stop that thing before it killed anyone else.

'Gwen, that was a symbiote.'

'What? What the fuck do you mean it's a symbiote?! I thought you were the only one!'

'That's what I thought as well...' She was nearly to the hospital before it spoke again, 'Gwen, give me control and let me talk with it. I may be able to stop its rampage.'

'A little late for that, isn't it?' She saw the bodies besides Peter and Lana. How many were there? A dozen? Even more than that? He didn't know why that fucker did it and she didn't care; he was going to prison for the rest of his life for it, 'No dice, Webster. I'm and going in and I'm making sure this son of a bitch isn't hurting anyone else.'


She drowned out the rest of her other partner's complaints and swung through the entrance again. A part of her (Webster) urged her to not lose her temper, but right now all she could think of were the victims he'd killed, of Peter missing an arm and lying on a pool of his own blood while Lana was almost lifeless next to him. They were past peace talks now.

Whatever was coming next he deserved it.

It only took a couple of seconds from her landing for the other symbiote to burst out of the wreckage, its skin pulsating and shifting quickly, "Damn, that actually hurt kinda!" He cracked its neck and sneered at her, "Real rude of you just-"

He was cut off when Gwen attached a thick line of webbing to his neck and pulled him towards her. A normal person would've had their heads snap from the force, but he wasn't normal. She waited until he was close before she delivered a punch right at his mangled jaw.

The red symbiote stumbled back and she pressed the attack, kicking his mid-section hard enough to force him onto the ground, "Bastard!" She kicked him in the jaw and forced him on his back, "Murderer!" She mounted him and punshed his face repeatedly, uncaring of the blood and symbiote flesh that spilled against her face, "Monster!" She smashed his face against the floor until it cracked.

He just laughed.

"Still holdin' back, huh?" He intercepted her next punch and tossed her to the closest wall, "You sound mighty peeved, darlin', but yer still givin' love taps." The injured flesh immediately healed and he stood up again, "Or maybe it's just cause me and the missus are better than you two? Yeah, I see that there little buddy o' yers. Light breeze could knock him off ya. What's wrong, ain't said yer weddin' vows yet?"

"Shut up!" Her next punch sent his jaw flying off. It grew back before the last one even hit the ground.

"Heh, my turn."

She jumped back and hissed when clawed hands rushed through her stomach, 'Fuck, he's fast!' Faster than her, at least. She punched through the hands he held up and her fist went through his torso.

"Whoo, big mistake!" Her arm was trapped. Gwen grit her teeth and tried to pry it off before he grabbed her neck in a chokehold, the claws digging into her neck, "You see? Me and the missus ain't got no secrets, but you two? I'm sensin' some trouble in paradise. Here, lemme help you through it!"

The claws dug deeper into the skin of her suit. Gwen struggled and fought, there was little she could to stop him from tugging the suit back and peeling it from her skin.


She screamed. It felt like he was ripping the skin from her bones, 'Gwen, he's...we need to...' Webster's words faded until she heard nothing but her own screams and his laughter. Her remaining hand tried in vain to push him off, but her strikes were weak, ' need...Gwen!' A rush of tears went down her face and they didn't stop until he finally finished.

"All done!" He cackled and crushed the black blob with his free hand before focusing all his attention back on her. She was practically naked now, held up by her neck wearing only her underwear, but any sense of shame was overridden by fear. She didn't know how much of her powers she had left, but no matter what it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough with Webster and it wouldn't be enough without it.

She still punched him in the face. If this was the end then she wasn't going to just give it to him.

His lips split open into a wide grin before he grabbed her waist by the other hand and pulled.

She didn't know what she should have felt when he did what he did, but all she remembered was a feeling of numbness and being disconnected from her own body even when she saw the other half of her severed body lying a few feet away. She was blearily aware that he said something, probably another taunt, but she didn't hear him. All she could focus on was her fading vision and the slight feeling of warmth that ran down her stomach.

He'd turned his attention away from her, probably to look for more victims. Gwen tried to crawl, though where she intended to go she had no idea. In the end she only managed a few inches before her strength left her and she lied still at her side. Just barely she made out the last vestiges of Webster crawling to reach her and the black blob touched her cold fingers.

There were no final words exchanged, no cries for her mother like a soldier on a battlefield. All she could do was savor her remaining breaths as her eyesight faded completely and she was covered in darkness.


Everything came back at once. Gwen screamed as the pain at her mid-section finally registered, though it was quickly replaced by a feeling of extreme heat. She forced herself to look down and breathed deeply when she saw dark tentacles re-attach her lower half back to her, the bleeding stopping soon after. It was agonizing, but she was alive.


'Hold on, Gwen!' She was quickly covered in her dark costume again and she stood up, an animalistic growl emanating from her now-wide jaw. Before she could get a grasp on what was happening she (Webster?) charged ahead and delivered a punch that split the upper half of the fucker's head right open.

"What the- what is with you heroes?! You guys seriously don't know when to die!"

His next attack severed her left arm at the shoulder. It didn't do him much good: the broken limb was quickly replaced by sharpened spike which impaled him right where his head was split.

The next few seconds were utter chaos. She distinctly remembered the other host screaming and pushing her back with a barrage of spikes and tentacles, but everything after that was a blur. In the end she found herself kneeling on the ground, her body weak and the urge to go unconscious rising while the red symbioe fled to god only knew where. She still felt traces of pain at her mid-section and her eyesight was still hazy.

But she was alive, so she wasn't going to complain.

'...Gwen.' Webster's voice was weak, barely heard over the sound of approaching sirens and panicked cries, 'I've given you full control over everything that's left. You will be weakened due to the damage, but you shall recover in due time.'

'I..I can barely hear you.'

' order to save your from your injuries I had to transfer everything." The black suit shifted and she felt another comforting warmth at her stomach, 'The other symbiote damaged our bond extensively. I...I had to give you everything to ensure your survival. All of it is now yours. No symbiosis, just the host.'

'No symbiosis...what about you?'

'My consciousness is fading, Gwen. Disseminating; you needed it all. I...goodbye.'

'Wait, what...?' She tried to stand, but her legs refused to cooperate, 'What do you-'

'I...our time together was brief, but thank you. Being heroes, seeing your friends, being treated like family...I never expected to find acceptance to such an extent. It'

'W-Wait, Webster!' Feeling returned to her body, but it was too late. Gwen stood up shakily and touched the surface of the suit, but there was no response, "Webster...?" she called out, hoping that just maybe this was a cruel joke and it'd answer back.

She met with only silence.

Gwen fell to her knees again and breathed deeply, looking down at her bloodstained hands. Webster was gone, and if she'd been a second later she could Lana and Peter to that list.

She shut her eyes tightly and cried.

Well...that happened. A little melodramatic, but what can you expect from a comic book fanfiction? So yeah; Peter got his arm ripped off, Lana's probably got a major concussion (if she's lucky) and Gwen got bisected. Granted she recovered from that, but Venom's gone. I'm sure a few readers are happy given that the 'innocent suit' shtick wore out its welcome, but still (kinda-sorta) sad to see it go.

At least the Carnage symbiote and its 'asshole suit' thing will be prominent with the new host. Should be fresh(er).

Still, I really dread Gwen's mental state now that she lost someone again in a situation where she's likely to blame herself, especially since both Lana and Peter are likely going to want to go after Carnage again despite the ass-beating they just got and the fact that they're nursing life-threatening wounds.

Oh, and following the word count thing I also took out a couple of smaller segments - one was Lana's POV of the escape before she doubled back and the other was Gwen chatting with Venom about how it perceived Gwen's family before they got the phone call. You can assume they took place off-screen so to say and the results speak for themselves regardless.

Speaking of, I might not be able to include Shriek any more :X Carnage by himself seems more than okay for the arc and I'm actually thinking of turning the story similar to Carnage USA where the symbiote spread itself around and infected people to turn them into Kasady's thralls. It would also shift the story to more of a city-wide arc since the chaos would exceed what the three of them can contain. Hope it's alright with you guys.


1. Given the aftermath, which group seems the most appropriate for story/drama for the three to take shelter with: The Parkers (Ben and May), Jessica's office (George, Jessica and Kate) or Gwen's apartment (Mary Jane, Glory and Betty). Each group will have different interactions, especially since Peter's severed arm means he's likely to take drastic measures to grow it back and Gwen's likely to be unstable.

I might be able to combine elements of all three groups if I stretch it, but if not I'd prefer to know which one you guys prefer.
First, let me say that this was a wonderful chapter, I was able to picture everything like it was a comic book and you were able to avoid the mistake of authors of focusing only on gore and instead, you focused more on the terror and hopelessness aspect of Carnage.

Also, holy crap the Idea of Carnage/zombie apocalypse sounds awesome :D it would force all the supers to work together, it would be incredible.

About your question, it has been a while seeing the Peters would be nice.
First, let me say that this was a wonderful chapter, I was able to picture everything like it was a comic book and you were able to avoid the mistake of authors of focusing only on gore and instead, you focused more on the terror and hopelessness aspect of Carnage.

Also, holy crap the Idea of Carnage/zombie apocalypse sounds awesome :D it would force all the supers to work together, it would be incredible.

About your question, it has been a while seeing the Peters would be nice.

Carnage is overpowered as hell considering he's such a flat character, but them's the breaks. Least Gwen has the full molecular symbiosis now; she even re-grew her arm after Cletus sliced it off. Should make the rematch interesting, especially with Venom dead and her control of her powers being unstable.

So 1 vote for the Parkers. Let's see where the plot goes.
Weird question, but uh...does anyone know why the main hero group call themselves the Avengers? I mean, out-of-universe it's a cool name but in-universe why would they call themselves this? Avengers makes them sound like a bunch of thugs for hire, but apart from Black Widow and Thor none of them seem willing to kill even when they probably really should. Given my nitpicky nature I have to ask since this name is likely going to crop up soon in the fic and having a bunch of superhumans running around calling themselves Avengers is gonna be raising eyebrows.
Weird question, but uh...does anyone know why the main hero group call themselves the Avengers? I mean, out-of-universe it's a cool name but in-universe why would they call themselves this? Avengers makes them sound like a bunch of thugs for hire, but apart from Black Widow and Thor none of them seem willing to kill even when they probably really should. Given my nitpicky nature I have to ask since this name is likely going to crop up soon in the fic and having a bunch of superhumans running around calling themselves Avengers is gonna be raising eyebrows.

Quora - What are the Avengers avenging?

Ah, Quora :p

Speaking of the group, there's also the matter of jurisdiction: just where are they allowed to intervene? I mean in comic plots the Avengers stop doomsday scenarios and supervillains, but what else? Are they allowed to interfere with disputes in different countries? Can they fight mundane terrorists instead of the cartoony HYDRA groups? Are they allowed to operate with impunity outside of US soil? Just how beholden are they to the government, if at all? Considering what we know of Marvel humans I find it kinda hard to tell what they'd allow the group to legally do, especially since MCU - where they're more reasonable - still has them going for Sokovia accords because the heroes cause too much damage...coming from Ross who hunted Hulk down like an animal (and cause too much damage) and the government that tried to nuke New York this is rather hypocritical.
Depends on whether you want the Avengers stopping mundane criminals robbing banks or with their hands proverbably tied while an international terrorist holds nations hostage because he's technically a normal human being in your story.

Generally, when they're not the main characters, writers will opt for the second in order for their own characters to shine.
Depends on whether you want the Avengers stopping mundane criminals robbing banks or with their hands proverbably tied while an international terrorist holds nations hostage because he's technically a normal human being in your story.

Generally, when they're not the main characters, writers will opt for the second in order for their own characters to shine.

I wanted it to be similar to regular comics: Spidey's a part of the Avengers but on his off time he still fights street crime, just not with the group unless Carnage shows up or something. I mean could the Avengers fight, say, middle eastern terrorist groups? What about drug cartels ala Ghost Recon Wildlands? I'm confused on what they're allowed and not allowed to do, particularly if they're just purely a response team or they can do more than just wait for the villain and can make long ops instead.

For example in Jessica Jones' comic Alias there was a plot point where the president got flack for 'cozying up to the Supers and giving them too much'. An org like the Avengers would cause ripples, particularly in the fledgling Earth-65 which apparently never had hero groups and whose super humans are scattered few and far in-between.
Chapter 77 - Maximum Carnage
Slightly late update, but GTA Online has utterly consumed me :X Anyone plays on PC hit me up on social club, my username is DragonAge123.

Anyway, I read the latest Spider-Gwen and it's official: Gwenom has arrived :D Sadly we'll have to wait till next month before we get any actual action, but hey it's something to look forward to. Especially since this chapter indicates that losing Venom has had a bit of a negative effect to Gwen's control of the suit and just how well she can keep it under wraps.

You know, I'm curious if the Gwen/Noir shippers (yes, I see all two of you there) will still pair the two together after their interactions in this chapter. It wasn't wholly intentional, but they really seem toxic to one another even when they're not trying.

Side note - I looked at the Spider-Gwen comic again and Felicia is not as out of place at the Defenders as I thought she'd be. Originally she came across as one of the more moral/least psychotic members, but her actions actually leave a lot to be desired: dialogue between the Mary Janes band indicate that she once strangled MJ with a mic cord during a performance for no reason. Betty also said that MJ was 'dead for like 10 minutes', though I assume this is exaggerating.

Likewise her plan of luring Murdock to an assassination involved attacking him with fire in an open concert full of people after deliberately inviting the Mary Janes, which more-or-less directly put them in danger as well. So...yeah, given this she's about on par with Moon Knight and Frank Castle; and might arguably be worse than the latter since Castle was simply apathetic while Felicia deliberately did it in a crowded area. I feel less bad about Gwen slugging her now.

Chapter 77: Maximum Carnage

This was fucked.

Gwen pressed her hands against her eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath. It was as if everything was still playing out in front of her eyes: Peter's panicked calls about some kind of monster, her frantic swinging to the hospital and then seeing the carnage inside. Dead people by the dozens and the smell of blood on her nostrils. She'd seen some horrible sights ever since she put on the costume, and whoever said that quote about it getting easier was talking out of their ass.

It never got easier, not 5 years ago when she held Peter as he died or when Webster...

Her dad and Kate jumped when she suddenly punched the wall, the cheap wood easily breaking apart from the impact. She'd decided to take Peter and Lana to Jess' office; cause what the hell else was she supposed to do? Leaving them in the ambulance didn't seem like a good idea, especially not after what that fucking murderer did. She needed to take them somewhere safe, somewhere she was sure they wouldn't get gutted in their sleep while she wasn't looking.

Not that they could do much about his missing arm...

"Fuck me..." Kate pored over the bandaged stump and frowned, tongue darting out to lick her lips nervously, "It's not a clean slice, that's for sure. There's uh...there's some bone sticking out." She winced and pressed something against the gaping hole. Peter hissed slightly, though he managed to remain still. Kate shook her head and looked to her head again, "Look, Gwen, I dunno what you want me to do here-"

"Just do something!" Kate flinched back in shock. Gwen grimaced and exhaled deeply, "I...sorry, just..." She waved a hand through the air and sighed again, "Just please do what you can, alright? H-His healing factor means he shouldn't die." He'd had worse, right? Getting electrocuted by Maxine or facing some of that psycho Jack's bombs. As long as Kate stopped the bleeding he could heal from it with enough sleep.

Her gaze shifted to Lana. The younger girl was propped up on the couch, her face equally covered in bandages even through her breath remained stable. Considering how she found her she was in remarkably good shape, at least in the sense that she wasn't coughing out pieces of her own nose.

"God..." She sat on the lone vacant chair and groaned into her hands. She wanted to say she was exhausted, that way she could've at least had a slight excuse, but it was the exact opposite - she felt like she could go non-stop for the next week. Gwen resisted the urge to grip the edge of the plastic chair; she was sure she'd smash it given her current track record. She didn't miss the cracks on the floor from where she stepped or the aforementioned busted wall.

She looked down at her palms and pressed her lips into a thin line, her fists clenched. Her costume changed back to the black, white and red ensemble from when she and Webster first bonded together and for the life of her she didn't know how to change it back. The surface of the dark suit pulsated and shifted, but it refused to change colors. Webster was usually the one who dealt with all the shifting and transformation.

Another bitter thought seeped into her mind. Webster was dead, but so were those dozens of other people in that hospital. Was it selfish of her to worry about it, Peter and Lana while that maniac was still out there? She should've been out there right now searching for that murderer and instead she was here invading Jess' office and dumping two people who really needed to go to a hospital instead of an (admittedly crappy) office.

The sound of footsteps reached her ears quickly followed by a warm touch on her left shoulder. She looked up and forced a smile when she met her dad's gaze, the mask and hood covering her face peeling back instinctively. Seeing her dad's stoic visage was enough to calm her, however slightly. It felt like she was a little girl again, running to her daddy so he could protect her from the bullies and monsters in the world.

They stayed that way in complete silence for a while, the only sounds being Lana's slight snores and Kate muttering to herself. Gwen was thankful for the reprieve; she was sure that at some point something fucking horrible would happen and they'd have to fight for their lives again.

Eventually her father spoke, "Gwen...what happened?" He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly and she leaned into the touch, "This is...worse than the usual problems." He had a general idea - supervillain mass murderer fucked them all up - but she didn't tell him all the details; she wasn't in the proper state for it.

She looked down at the floor, tears escaping despite her best efforts. What could she say? That she failed? That she was so busy chatting with MJ and the others about stupid shit that she ignored Peter's phone call until it was too late? There were a dozen ways she could've explained the clusterfuck at the hospital, but the first words out of her mouth were anything but an explanation.

"Webster's dead..."

Dead...saying it out loud added a certain finality to it. Just a few hours ago they ate breakfast together and she'd chided it on breaking the cardinal rule of 'never snitch to dad about who your partner is sleeping with' and the next...

Gone while she still wore what was left of it.

"Oh..." He looked away and frowned. She didn't expect much of a reaction; he just met Webster this morning, after all. He'd care about her grief, but at the end of the day she couldn't mourn its death, "I'm...sorry to hear that."

"Yeah..." She clasped both hands together and leaned forward on the seat. She needed to process this, she knew that, but right now she couldn't afford to. Lana and Peter were still injured and that maniac was still out there, and without Webster her control of her additional powers was shaky at best. If she wasn't careful she'd rip his head off for real and he'd stay dead.

It scared her just how tempting that thought was.

The door to the hall opened and Jessica stepped in, her gaze lingering briefly on the cracked floor and and the hole in the wall before she shook her head, "Not gonna ask." She closed the door behind her loudly and stepped closer to them, "There's a slight panic outside, but this place is far enough that everyone else thinks it's not their problem. Should be safe here for now."

"Safe?" Peter laughed bitterly, speaking up for the first time since she'd taken them here. Her best friend looked up at Jessica with a sardonic smile, "That thing nearly called all of us. Lana's lucky to be breathing, I lost my arm and Gwen..." A frustrated breath came and went as he looked away, "It's still out there and we're just sitting here licking our wounds. We need get out there now."


"Not for nothing, but you are missing an arm," Kate said, completely ignoring the annoyed glare he gave her in response, "Look, I dunno what this thing is, but you need to calm down. You're not gonna get any heroing done with this." She gestured to said missing arm.

"Still got one good hand..." Despite his attempted bravado she heard his doubt clear as day. They'd never tested how far his healing factor went (and she really hoped that they never had to). The last time he lost an arm...she shook her head. The last thing she needed was to think about what happened before.

Peter stood and (ignoring Kate's calls for him to sit down) made his way to Lana's side. Gwen watched silently as he sat at the edge of the couch and looked down at the sleeping teen, his remaining hand grabbing hers and holding onto it gently, "Peter..." She stood up and stood at his side, a hand placed on top of his right shoulder,"We're not gonna let him get away with it. He's going to pay for this."

"Oh, really?" He gave another bitter laugh and turned to look her in the eye, "How's that, Gwen? You gonna leave him tied up with a funny little note for the police so he can break out of prison again in 2 weeks?"

"He's not going to escape, Peter..." Despite her words she couldn't help the niggling doubts. That monster had a symbiote; was there really anything strong enough to hold someone like that? It wasn't like they could just pry it out of him, after all, "S.H.I.E.L.D will make sure he doesn't escape and that this doesn't happen again."

"That's what you said about everyone else and look where that went." He faced away from her and scowled, "I trust you, Gwen, but not with that. I'd buy you killing someone more than I can believe this place won't just churn him out of the revolving door again." His gaze shifted back to Lana and his expression hardened, "...We go after it next and it's dying. No arguments."

She wanted to say something back, but every moral or justification she thought of was quickly replaced by the memory of Webster being ripped away from her and the bodies that monster left behind. She'd seen villains who killed before, but usually it was in the pursuit of something else like money. It didn't make it better for those who died, but it was easier for her to understand. This was something else.

"You just plan to execute this man, then?" her dad asked for her.

"That thing isn't a man." Peter snarled, "It's a fucking monster. If you'd seen what it did, 'captain'..." He stopped and let out a frustrated breath, "Trust me, I know monsters..."

Her dad looked like he wanted to argue more, but after a shared look with Jess he eventually decided on keeping quiet instead. The private investigator pinched the bridge of her nose and gave them all another sweeping look, "Look, I don't have a clue what happened. The news is blaring something out about some kind of new Supervillain attacking a hospital and I can't tell what's true and what isn't. A little clarification would be nice here."

"It's..." Gwen clenched her hands and took a deep breath. She had to tell them, "It's a symbiote, like Webster."

The silence that followed was mercifully brief, though the looks of shock, suspicion and worry did little to calm her nerves. Jessica was the first to speak, her gaze leveled, " mean that blob we met this morning?" At Gwen's nod the older woman's frown worsened and she muttered was distinctly sounded like 'fucking hell' under her breath, "And that thing's still on you? How-"

"Webster's dead." She sounded like a broken record, but fuck it. She wasn't in the mood for getting paranoid stares again, "The only thing left controlling the suit is me and I'm not going to go off the deep end and kill people."

"No one's accusing you, honey." Her dad squeezed her shoulder gently, "We just need to calm down and understand what's happened."

"What's there to understand?" Peter asked, "That bastard went to the hospital and gutted everyone. Doesn't matter if it's a symbiote or not; it doesn't change what it did."

"Maybe not, but it does lead to questions," Kate chimed in, "I snuck a peek at Janet's reports and she made it pretty clear that if anyone other than Gwen tried to use the symbiote they'd get irradiated and killed; probably the only reason why S.I.L.K aren't using symbiote super soldiers in their 'take over the world' plots. So that means-"

"Either the one behind the mask has the same powers as Gwen or someone made a new one..." Peter muttered.

Another uncomfortable quiet settled over the group. She had no idea who it was behind the suit, but he either had the same resistance she did or the suit itself was something new with all of the 'kinks' ironed out. Either way it didn't spell good things for any of them,"...Peter's right, it doesn't matter," she said eventually, "We...I have to find him and stop him before he starts killing people again."

"Yeah, well, I'm coming with you," Kate said, "I'll give a call to S.H.I.E.L.D, see what they can dig up on this thing. And I'll grab some sonic arrows, too; really put a hurting on that thing."

"Right..." She resisted the urge to refuse the archer's help outright. It was hard not to be paranoid after seeing what happened to Peter and Lana, especially considering both of them had powers. She had no doubt Kate was competent, but if Peter's comments were anything to go by then this maniac didn't have much in the way of a reaction when it came to getting shot at, "Just...Just be careful. And Peter-"

"I have to go."

Gwen blinked. That was...sudden, "What? Go where?"

"Back home."

"Wait, now? You-" It took her a second to realize that it wasn't another declaration of leaving this dimension behind and she paused, " mean your apartment, right?" He gave her a suspicious look quickly followed by a nod, " Uh...right, that's what I thought you meant- no, wait, doesn't matter. Peter, you have to stay here!"

"I do? Why's that?"

"Uh, how about the fact that you have one arm?!" He winced at the sudden reminder and shuffled the stump slightly. The bandage covered most of the wound, though the blood was still noticeable, "Look, you and Lana are fucked up and you aren't in any position to go after that asshole. Just stay here and-"

"What, and let Jones and 'Captain' Stacy babysit us? No thanks." He scoffed. Jessica raised an eyebrow while her dad frowned, "Lana can stay here - I doubt she's fit to move - but I'm leaving. There's something back home that'll help me put that thing into the ground. I'll meet you when I get it."

"Okay, you're not listening." A burst of irritation and anger came and went. She rubbed her temples and took a deep breath to try and calm herself, "You're hurt, and that's me being generous. You go out there right now and you're..." She stopped. Here they were arguing again and she already knew how it was going to end: a lot of screaming, scowling with both of them unable to change the other's mind. It always went the same way.

Peter seemed to realize it as well given the way he turned made his way to the door. A part of Gwen was tempted to simply let him go, but another, louder part screamed at her to do something. She'd lost Webster already and if she hadn't arrived when she did then she could add him and Lana to the list of people decomposing in that hospital.

Before she could think better of it she webbed his uninsured shoulder and pulled him back. His look of surprise was brief and quickly replaced with a scowl when she grabbed his remaining wrist with her left hand in a vice-grip, "Gwen-"

"You're staying here." Her voice took on a harder edge. Her dad took a step closer, his expression worried, while Jessica narrowed her eyes at her, "Peter, you nearly-"

"Died. Yeah, that's been happening ever since I got to this madhouse." He tried to pull his arm back and she tightened her grip, "Let go..." He tried to pull back again and winced when she refused to budge, "God damn it, Gwen-"

"Gwen, calm down." Jessica was at her side immediately with a hand on her shoulder. It took a lot not to just shrug her off, "You're-"

"I'm not going to let you kill yourself, damn it!" She pulled him closer and ignored the tinge of guilt she felt when his face contorted slightly in pain. She'd apologize later when he wasn't feeling so suicidal, "Do you have any idea what would've happened if I didn't get there in time?! You and Lana would've died! For fuck's sake, Peter, you just lost an arm! Doesn't that matter to you at all?!"

"Gwen-" Jessica tried to tug her back and she shrugged the older woman's grip off easily.

"That thing is still out there! I'm not going to sit here after what it did to those people and..." He looked to Lana again and she felt irrational spike of jealousy. It was stupid and nonsensical - she already knew the two were close despite his refusal to admit it - but it was there. He was going to get himself killed just to take revenge for her, "You don't like it, fine, but leave me alone-"

"Don't you fucking get it?!" Everyone around her winced at the sudden loudness of her voice, "You could've died, Peter! Is that what you want?! You wanna try your luck again?!" He flinched back when she drew closer, their faces nearly touching, "You died once already! We lost you once already! And now you're going out there again trying to get yourself killed fighting some fucking maniac!"

His expression shifted again to more noticeable discomfort and Jessica quickly pulled her back, "You're hurting him!"

The words caused her to pause, any and all excuses dying her in throat, "Wh-What?" she choked out weakly. Jessica glared at her and raised the wrist she was holding up to her face. The tips of her fingers had sharpened into claws and blood - Peter's blood - ran down the digits, "I..." She looked away and caught sight of her reflection on a nearby mirror. Her face was covered in the mask again, her 'eyes' shifting and thrumming.

"Holy shit..." Kate whispered.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

"Kid's not here to help you keep control anymore, Gwen..." Peter pressed his bloodstained wrist against his jacket and frowned, "You need to keep that thing under wraps on your own now."

She'd lost control and she didn't even realize. Separating from Jessica weakly, she took a few unstable steps towards the chair and practically collapsed on top of it, "Fuck..." She pressed both hands against her face and took a shaky breath. It was back to that night a few months ago: she lost her cool and she'd tried to brute force her way to get what she wanted.

The silence lasted for a few minutes, none of them willing to say anything. Eventually Kate coughed and stood up, "Uh...alright, listen. I'll go with Spider-Man back to his apartment and see if what he has is on the up and up. I need to go grab my arrows anyway." Gwen didn't reply, "Uh...we'll call you, I promise."

Again she said nothing. The archer and the vigilante shared another look before they eventually left, leaving just the 4 of them in the damaged office. Another minute of quiet passed before the sound of scraping wood resounded next to her and she felt a familiar warmth at her side, "...Everything's fucked, dad." She'd had low points before, but this had to take it all...

"You can fix this, Gwen. I know it." It might have just been her own hope but she could've sworn he actually meant it.

In the end Gwen nodded and hugged her father as gently as she could. This would take some getting used to, but she'd push through it. She had to, for all their sakes.

"No, no, please-"

The secret agent's pleas were cut short when Carnage sliced the organic blade through his neck, "Sorry, what was that?" He picked up the freshly severed head and shook it mockingly. The pathetic bastard's face was still stuck in a scream and he could've swore it blinked, "These are the best the country's got, huh? No wonder this country's so messed up." He threw the head behind him without a care.

He took a deep inhale and let out a satisfied breath. He loved the smell of blood and guts in the morning, "Nothing quite like that aroma, huh?" He looked at the hallway appreciatively. He counted at least 15 agents, all of them in varying states of dead and ready for closed casket funerals. Normally this kind of bodycount would've taken him months, but now it barely took 10 minutes; and that was him dragging it out!

There was something almost disappointing about how easy it was, though he quickly shook that thought away. Least this way he was efficient! No need to pussyfoot around plannin' when he could just get to the meat of it.

'There's one more. I can hear her whimpering.'

"Heh, playin' hide and seek? I'm gonna find you~!" He screamed down the hall. Carnage heard a muffled scream and grinned, his mouth splitting open wider at the sound. This took him back to those first days, "All your friends already lost the game, sweetheart." He stalked down the hall, claws scratching through the walls with an ear-splitting noise. It was always best to relish these, "You wanna come out now? I promise I'll make it quick if ya do, scout's honor!"

Nothing. Carnage's smile turned even more manic as he stopped in front of the storage room. Classing hiding spot.

'She smells nice. Squeeze all the perfume out of her.'

"You read my mind, darlin'."

He kicked down the dooor and was met with a barrage of bullets, though she might as well have been throwing spitballs for all the good it did her, "You about done there?" He morphed his hand into an axe and sliced through her right wrist. The agent gave a satisfying scream and fell on the ground, scrambling back in a panic while one hand held onto the bleeding stump for all she was worth.


"Ah, ah, ah! I gave you a chance and you didn't take it!" Honestly, what was with people? Never played by the rules and then expected not to get the penalty? The nerve of it all. Without another he grabbed her by the neck with a tentacled hand and slammed her against the low roof. Her groan was quickly replaced by a scream when he dragged a blade up through her leg before resting it right between her legs.

"Hmm, wonder what'd happen if I did this?" The blade sliced through the jumpsuit and almost touched the bare skin, He never held much interest in sex - what was the point of it, really? - but he knew everyone had a bizarre obsession with their dicks and cooches. Always a good point to hit, "Never tried it before, guess we'll-"

"No, wait, wait, please!" She screamed, tears running down her eyes. He gave it a 7/10; still no snot or crying for her mommy, "I'll-I'll do anything! I'll give you whatever you want, just-just please let me go!"

"Ah, the old 'stop, please, I'll give you whatever you want' routine. No points for originality there, darlin'."

'Wait, Other, we can use her. Spread panic and death, like you want.'

"Huh? How'd you figure that?"

Instead of answering his hand moved on its own and impaled the struggling piece of meat right between the eyes. Carnage raised an eyebrow when she suddenly started convulsing, her body twisting and bending unnaturally as red flesh spread from the gash to the rest of her body. He let her drop to the floor and watched with a grin as she struggled and writhed on the ground, her screams turning more and more distorted as the seconds passed.

It took only 10 seconds for her to become an unrecognizable mass of flesh and fangs, "Huh, that's new." It looked up at him and snarled, but a flick of his hand sent it reeling back with a slight whimper, "Heh, she's like a little puppy dog."

'We can control her. She's ours now.'

"Huh, how many of these can we make?"

'Dozens, hundreds - we just need to feed. Meat will work.'

"Meat, huh?" He looked back at the hallway full of dead and grinned. He just came here to try and bust out Shriek, but this...oh, this was so much better than getting his girlfriend out of the bighouse for a night out on the town.

This was going to be fun!"

Cindy knew her life would never be normal again once she got bitten by that spider. Her mom and dad tried to pretend things would be okay, that they could find a way to control her 'symptoms', but once Ezekiel showed up any hope for that disappeared entirely. The old prick made it clear that she was given a 'gift' and apparently one of said gifts entailed being trapped inside a hole and never seeing her family again.

Still, the past year was definitely above even her already stupid high standards.

"Alright,'re the original? The one my evil twin killed?"

"For the third time, yeah." Peter...Spider-Man rolled his eyes and raised one leg to the edge of the chair, "I know it's hard to believe, but I've given up on trying to use logic ever since Octavius shunted us to another dimension."

"Yeah, but..." But what? It was a hard sell to say that it was unbelievable after everything she'd seen and done. Ezekiel told her about alternate dimensions before - said that if there was even a chance that she was 'The Bride' then some bastard named Morlun would kill her and everyone she loved - so really she should've seen this coming. It wasn't any worse than finding out her alternate self was a Supervillain of the mad scientist variety.

Her gaze shifted from the original(?) to the two other occupants in the room. Osborn sat the corner without a word, his hands pressed together and his head facing down to the floor. Meanwhile Shadowcat was relaxing on the leftmost bed without a single care given, flipping through the channels on the TV lazily with a muted yawn. Cindy had to wonder what she was even doing here if she didn't care about what they were talking about.

"Your turn." Spider-Man said, jolting her out of her thoughts, "You said she took you from another dimension, too? That she was there when you were taken?"

"Uh...yeah." She rubbed the back of her head and sighed. Having the face of a terrorist leader really wasn't something she liked being reminded of; she felt like Bin Laden's body double, "Why?"

"That means she must have taken you the same way she took Octavius and me. It means there's a definite way back." His lips curled up in a slight smile, "Once we get Octavius there's no more doubts, then."

"Uh, but..." Cindy paused. She needed to broach these carefully, "Peter - uh, the one we thought was you - thinks he is you. This is just-"

"It's gonna be a real mindfuck, that's for sure," Shadowcat said casually. Cindy threw her a slight glare, though the younger girl continued to flip through the channels without looking her way, "Memetic clones are a dime a dozen for a lot of secret programs: get one guy who's loyal and transfer that to every hall-baked clone you can make. These people die for the cause and they don't even know they're just disposable assets."

"Peter's not-"

"Whatever he is, we know one thing: he's not the original," Osborn said, his voice low. In all honesty she thought he would've been happy at the news, but the only thing she could expression was anger mixed with no small amount of irritation.

"What's it matter to you, anyway?" Spider-Man asked.

"Peter told me he planned to go back eventually, but if you're here then..."

"Go back? Please, how long's he been here? From what I gathered it's been about half a year already. If he really wanted to go back he'd have done it by now." Spider-Man waved a hand through the air dismissively, "Either way there's not enough room back home for two freaks with spider powers. He can stay here; I doubt Aunt May or Mary Jane'll understand a long lost cousin."


She stopped and shut her eyes tightly when her sixth sense gave a powerful buzz. Spider-Man quickly followed, one hand raising to press against his forehead just in time for the channel to change to a special bulletin.

She barely heard the frantic words of the news reporter through the pained haze, but the footage was clear as day - some kind of red monster leading even more misshapen monstrosities through a crowded street and tearing apart anyone unlucky enough to get caught in their path, "...eature was spotted earlier in the Mercy Cross hospital where it was driven back by Spider-Woman, but-"

Shadowcat shut the TV off and sighed, "Another freak out in town." She threw the remote away and raised an eyebrow when she caught them all staring at her, "What? You really wanted to watch that?"

"Wha- aren't you worried?" Cindy asked, "That thing-"

"Isn't anything any of us haven't seen before. I'm pretty sure Osborn made the news a few months ago when he fought Spider-Woman and that didn't cause mass panic or anything."

"I didn't start chucking bombs down crowded houses." She resisted the urge to bite something back at that, "Look, that looked like the symbiote S.I.L.K was developing, the same one that Spider-Woman got.'s not going to be like Rhino or Shocker or all those other guys. I've seen what the symbiotes can do without a host to control them. It's going to be a massacre..."

"Fuck..." Cindy stood up quickly and looked to the odd partners, "We gotta stop that thing. You two coming are coming, right?"

"I guess. If it's really one of your evil twin's experiments then I'm sure S.H.I.E.L.D has a bounty up for it." She put on her boots quickly and zipped up the jacket till it covered half her face, "What about you, partner? Sitting out?"

"Someone's gotta make sure you don't get killed." He sighed.

"I-I gotta go to Oscorp; I'm no use without the armor." Harry tossed his phone to Cindy and pulled up his hood, "I'll call that when I get it. Until then make sure to keep your distance; the...the results I saw indicated that if it feels like its in danger it can abandon its current host and overwhelm you. Even contact with that thing's probably gonna be toxic."

"I know. If I'm right then I've met that thing before," Spider-Man said, "...Come on, lets go."

Bullseye sighed down into the cup of alcohol and took a lazy sip. Josie's bar was a nice place to get down for a good time when you just wanted to relax, but it had nothing on the Hellhouse. Now that place was a barrel of laughs; something new happened every day. Sure the drinks tasted like ass and it smelled like sweat, oil and testosterone, but the company was more than worth it.

Now it was gone and all cause of Petey's girlfriend.

"How long are you going to nurse that drink?"

Oh, right, and it was a decent buffer against unwanted company. Bullseye sat up on the seat slightly and eyed the silver-blonde (there was no way that was natural, right?) popstar sitting across from him. He really hadn't seen her coming: one second he was enjoying a halfway decent time and the next she was across him blathering something about wanting to see Petey cause he hadn't taken her calls ever since his retirement.

Yeah, well, she could join the club. Far as he knew Moon Knight got the same treatment; difference was he wasn't bitching at him for it. Still, she was better company than Poole was, at least.

"Long as I want, celebrity." He took another slow sip and grinned when her mouth twitched almost unnoticeably. Now there was a girl who was used to getting her way, "And anyway you're barking up the wrong tree. Benjy boy's not on call for me."

"Cut the games." She snapped, her arms crossed, "I know you and he are friends, though for the life of me I can't figure out why considering your problems."

"Maybe it's cause I don't pretend to be better than I am?" he replied, mouth raised in a toothy grin, "I heard your sob story a while ago: daddy was a thief and he got killed by a ninja lawyer, boo fucking hoo."

Her lips pressed into a thin line and she gave him an icy smile. He'd definitely pushed some buttons there, "...Your point?"

"Your little innocent victim act, it's paper-thin." He finished off the beer and clicked his tongue, "Fact is your dad poked the tiger when he stole from the Kingpin and now you're whining that the tub of lard sent Murdock to scratch back? It doesn't work that way, amiga. You don't get to play innocent and say that your daddy was murdered; he was killed 'cause he didn't case the score good enough, which frankly makes him a shit thief-"

The fist slamming down on the table caused him to laugh under his breath. Pushing people's buttons was always fun, especially when they tried to pretend that having a dead parent somehow justified everything. He'd been on the other end of some revenge sprees in his time. Cause hey, who fucking cared if daddy was a mafia hitman or a human trafficker? Apparently some teddy bears were enough to make him a 'victim' when he came knocking.

"Slamming the table's not gonna summon Benjy over here, just saying."

"I'm not here to argue with you," she said through gritted teeth, "You might think that I'm not justified, but it's not you who I'm trying to convince of that. Fact is 'Benjy' owes me and he still hasn't paid back."

"Well he probably doesn't care that much considering he's screening your calls. Trust me, the clingy ex-girlfriend act's not gonna work, especially since you have to compete with little miss goody-blue shoes for his attention."

"Hmph, of that I think we're similar." The wry smile she gave him was brief but unmistakable, "Either way I know that you have his ear, distant as it may be. So what will it take for you to pass along my message for me? Money isn't an issue."

"Hey, do I look like a prostitute, celebrity? I don't have a price tag on around my neck." He placed the glass down and sneered, "You wanna talk to Benjy? Find him yourself or ask S.H.I.E.L.D; I'm sure they have a tracking chip on his phone or something."

"Big talk considering the only reason you're even free now is because Spider struck a deal." His grip on the cup tightened at the barest traces of a smile on her face, "Don't be so surprised; it wasn't a secret. The agent who 'asked' for our help warned us about you, though I do find it ironic that in the little menagerie he gathered you were considered more unstable than Frank Castle or the man who worships the moon."

"Well, you know, people talk. We're both-"

Bullseye stopped when he heard faint screaming coming from the outside followed by what sounded like growls. No one else heard it - too busy nursing their own drinks or face-down on the tables drunk - but it was clear as day to him. The celebrity caught it too judging by the way her eyes narrowed and her hand inched towards the weird dominatrix whip she had on her belt.

The growling stopped for a split second just before a body crashed through the draped windows followed by the sounds of panicked screams, "Ho boy!" Bullseye jumped on the table and grabbed the spoon and forks, flying over the the red monstrosity that charged after the corpse. He'd seen some ugly things in his life, but the thing right there made it near the top of that list. The red flesh was pulsating and jagged and through the teeth and claws he just barely saw traces of what looked like an old man before it was swallowed up by the red skin again.

Hardy followed his lead and flipped back to easily avoid the fucked up zombie's (?) clumsy slash, "Hmph...unexpected even for this place." She landed with a crouch and grimaced when it followed after her again, "Does this happen often?" She slid under its legs and attached the end of the whip to its left leg. The damn thing barely had time to roar before she pulled and made it fall onto the ground before electrocuting it.

"Only on Wednesdays." He eyed the panicking people. Most of them were gone, though a few were still passed out on the tables. Hopefully they didn't get hit.

He rolled to the side to avoid another monster that charged through the wreckage and sneered, "Dunno how, but I'm guessing this is Spider-Woman's fault." He throw a couple of forks at its eyes and its head snapped back, an ear-splitting screech coming and going as it tried to pull the utensils out of the white blobs that counted for its eyes. Bullseye jumped closer and kicked the utensils deeper into its eyes and forced it to the ground.

It was down.

"Knowing her? Most likely." Hardy dug a heel through its eye and twisted, spinning around in the air briefly before she wrapped her whip around its neck. With a sharp tug another current of electricity ran through its body and it collapsed on the ground, red flesh twitching and twisting before it lay still.

Neither of them had any time to relish their victory or find out what the hell that was all about before Bullseye's phone rang. He picked up the phone and smiled slightly when he saw the familiar number, "Lunar Lad, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Bullseye..." The voice at the other end sounded tired, "Corruption has spread over the city-"

"Lemme guess, it's big, ugly, red and has more teeth than than the Osmond family? Cause if that's it me and popstar over here just ran into a couple of em."

"Felicia Hardy is with you? This is good news, then. I'm on my way to enlist the assistance of Frank Castle. This infection is spreading throughout the entire city and I feel that we cannot afford to sit idly by. Use the same frequency as before, I will contact you again."

"If you say so." He shut the phone off and turned to Hardy, "LL said we gotta saddle up. You coming?"

"I'm not finding much motivation, to be honest. Let the heroes deal with it; it's what they're paid to do."

"Huh? Alright, guess you don't wanna talk to Spidey after all. Cause you know he's gonna be right in the middle of this." He turned to the entrance and walked slowly. 5...4...3-

"Merde..." She looked down with a scowl before following after him. Too easy.

Done. There was supposed to be a segment with Kate and Noir where they get the Lizard serum and suppressant at his apartment, but this chapter reached high enough with 6.8 words that I thought it was better to put it in the thick of the action. It would have also shown the proto-Avengers contacting each other via holographic conference call, just to even things out. Again, next chapter.

Anyway, yeah...this is my first city-wide arc. Defenders (Noir, Bullseye, Punisher, Moon Knight and Black Cat), proto-Avengers (Spider-Gwen, Captain America, She-Hulk, Wasp, Hawkeye and Silk) and the independents (Green Goblin, Jessica, Spider-Man and Shadowcat) all working together (kinda) to stop Carnage's rampage.

I'm very likely not going to be able to write it to its fullest potential, but I'll try my best. Wish me luck :)

Also, I apologize if Gwen acted weird in this chapter, but the Venom suit has been characterized as (to a certain extent) shifting the host's extreme personality traits around. With Venom gone it's likely all those chemicals and stuff the suit has is affecting her more severely until she finally learns how to control her emotions more.


1. Just wondering something. Do you guys think action chapters are skippable/less interesting? I notice that on average I get less likes and posts on fight/climax chapters in comparison to chapters where the cast just talk, even if the talks in question do little to advance the plot in any way. I mean it's either that or my action segments just stink that much.

I'm asking cause I'm wondering if this means that we can skip through/gloss over some of the upcoming action segments and simply show the effects it has along with how it changed the characters. Makes it easier for me, especially since the next chapter affects Gwen very severely.
This is going to be sooooooooo awesome :D

Yeah, symbiotes fuck with their owner emotions, Webster was repressing those problems.

Hohoho the interaction between Peter and Gwen indeed is crazy, but understandable both are in a very bad situation, in a mental way...and physical way as well, and Peter is going to become even more unstable if he uses the Serum to up his regen, with the Lizard screaming blood-murder inside his head, this arc is gonna be rough*Grins* I can't wait.

I love your dialogue, as they really add to the story, and you are able to deal with the character emotions in an entertaining way, sometimes being exaggerated and dramatic really adds to the feeling of a comic book fic.

Hype to see the supers going super in this Arc :)
This is going to be sooooooooo awesome :D

Yeah, symbiotes fuck with their owner emotions, Webster was repressing those problems.

Hohoho the interaction between Peter and Gwen indeed is crazy, but understandable both are in a very bad situation, in a mental way...and physical way as well, and Peter is going to become even more unstable if he uses the Serum to up his regen, with the Lizard screaming blood-murder inside his head, this arc is gonna be rough*Grins* I can't wait.

Gwen's always had problems keeping her emotions in check; something Murdock takes advantage of in canon and why he calls her a bleeding heart. Chances are Noir's going to have an easier time keeping in control, if only because he tends to keep things more clamped down. That and it's easy to justify using the serum: Carnage is attacking the city right freaking now, so he really doesn't have time to take a nap and hope for the best. I mean it's either that or Gwen expects him to fight one-handed, which is suicide.

I love your dialogue, as they really add to the story, and you are able to deal with the character emotions in an entertaining way, sometimes being exaggerated and dramatic really adds to the feeling of a comic book fic.

Hype to see the supers going super in this Arc :)

I'm going to be more interested in seeing the fallout of what happens. Carnage's...well, carnage, is going to lead to a giant 'Power scare' given what we know of the Marvel citizens and their penchant for blaming everything but the individual's own evil; this of the anti-gun laws on steroids. That and it's the first time both groups are shown publicly working as their own cohesive teams - the proto-Avengers is already surprising given the lineup, but seeing Spider-Man working with his 'team' is going to raise some eyebrows given how unhinged even one member is alone let alone with others.
Chapter 78 - Irreversible
Next to no posts from the last chapter, hopefully this one does better :)

Okay, gonna say this right now: I do not even come close to living up to the setup I had in the last chapter, so apologies for that right off the bat. I'm more interested in the aftermath since, while Carnage himself is a flat villain, the effects of his direct and indirect actions means the characters can't just go back to 'business as usual' after the arc ends.

Apologies as well for a certain action at the end if you find it BS, but I do try to justify it in the AN.

On a lighter note, I checked the previews for the new Miles Morales comic and it was confirmed that it's not Lana who joins the Sinister 6 but rather her mother Lori. There's just one problem: Lori looks identical to her daughter barring hair color :/ They even gave her the same freaking costume.

Seriously, just look at the covers which feature Lana and the new one with Lori and tell me they're supposed to be 20 years apart.

Be sure to answer the questions at the lower AN if you can :) It affects the next chapter. I'm actually wondering if you guys want me to to go write for Tangled Webs, Road Back or even Twisted Reflections given that this is the arc end. It's been a while since those got updated.

Chapter 78: Irreversible

Well...this was awkward.

Kate tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and looked to the passenger seat. Spider-Man sat quietly, face pressed against the window without a single word spoken ever since they'd left the apartment. Normally she had to deal with overly chatty passengers rather than the opposite, but right now the stifling quiet made her wish she'd picked up that weirdo in the pink suit and the double katanas again.

She turned the car on the road and clicked her tongue when she she saw the traffic, "Fuck me..." Spider-Man gave her a brief sideways glance before quickly focusing on the light rain outside again. Kate sighed and resisted the urge to slam her head on the horn. The last thing she wanted was to get stuck in a traffic jam with the world's most depressive superhero - and that was before he got his arm cut off.

15 minutes of traffic and mindnumbing silence later and she was ready to tear her hair out, "Come on, what the hell?" She smashed her hand on the horn again; always helped to do her part for the growing noise pollution problem. At this rate it would've been faster if she just walked.

"...Doing that won't help."

"Oh, he speaks! I thought you lost your tongue, too." The joker was in poor taste, but in her experience that got people talking more. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow at her before he quickly pursed his lips and turned away, "Hey, c'mon, no need for the pouty face. I'm just...just say something, would ya? The silent treatment's kinda creepin' me out here." He wasn't talkative even at the best of times, but this was another kind of creepy altogether.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked back, tone clipped, "It's a nice day out? Maybe we should go to the park after the rain lightens up? I'm sure my missing arm, Gwen's breakdown, Lana's head injury and all those people dead in the hospital will be fine. I'm sure we don't have to worry about that crazy murderer still running around probably gutting everyone in a 5 mile radius."

"Hey, I said talk, not forget about everything," she snapped, "I- look, I dunno what you guys saw in that hospital, but you need to-"

"I don't need to do anything, Bishop. I'm-"

"Acting like an asshole." She turned to a less crowded street and sighed. It'd take longer to get there this way but at least the honking traffic was gone, "Look, I get it, things are fucked right now, but snapping at the people who are trying to help you doesn't solve jack. I just wanna make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine. This ain't the first time I lost an arm, remember?"

Yeah...she definitely did. Except last time they just had to deal with a few ninjas, not someone (or something...) that could singlehandedly take out Gwen, Spider-Man and Striker/Bombshell/Whatever her hero name was all by its lonesome, "...Hey, look, not to be a wet blanket here but maybe Gwen's right? I mean you might not give a fuck, but you did lose one of your arms. Maybe sit this one out?"

"Not a chance, Bishop. Not after what it did..." He looked down and scowled.

"You talking about Gwen or that little surrogate sister of yours?" She pointedly ignored the glare he gave her. It just made it more obvious, really, "...Look, they'll be fine. Gwen's alright and your sis is gonna recover...I mean this entire thing's fucked right now, but we can push through it. It's what heroes do."

"I'm not a hero..."

"I heard about your retirement, but that really doesn't change much. I mean you're going after that thing right now when you can just sit on your ass, so that's pretty heroic in my book." She rounded the next corner, "And hey, Bombshell's pretty tough. Remember when we got bombed? She pushed me out of the way when she noticed the damn thing and she took more of it than I did. She'll get through this, too."

"...And Gwen? She just lost the kid."

"That I don't know. I don't really get the whole symbiote thing; Janet's notes weren't very clear on that." She punched his uninjured shoulder lightly, "So come on, cheer up. We'll get whatever it is you're looking for at your apartment, we'll take this guy down and then we'll get some tacos while trying not to go insane. Same old, same old."

He looked like he was halfway to replying before his head suddenly snapped up and his eyes narrowed. Kate never got a chance to ask him what was wrong before something landed on the hood of the car.

The first thing she noticed was the pulsating red skin quickly followed by the long, jagged teeth and the oversized tongue licking its lip sync. It looked humanoid, though that might have just been her mind playing tricks on her, "Hold on!" She slammed her foot on the brakes and the thing flew back, slamming against the closest wall with a dull smack, "Shit, what the fuck is that thing?!"

"Looks like the thing at the hospital." He pulled out his pistol and shot the next two that tried to clamber through the cracked window. Kate winced and pulled her head back at the flecks of blood and flesh that hit her face, "Drive!"

"I got it!" She pulled back the stick and slammed her foot in reverse. She could hear them all around her now; dozens of growls and screams coming out of fucking everywhere and grabbing at anyone they could reach. She counted at least two dozen through her window swarming the streets, each of them looking as grotesque as the last, "Shit, where the fuck did they come from?!"

"Don't feel like stopping to ask!" He slammed the butt of the gun at the next one that tried to climb through the side window before shooting it right between its eyes. Once again they were covered in blood and viscera and Kate gagged, "You got anything here that can get these bastards off?"

"Like what? This is a muscle car, not the Starkmobile!" She put her foot on the pedal and did her utter best to ignore the sound of bones breaking under the wheels when she ran over one of the monstrosities. That'd be in her dreams the next couple of days, "Look, just keep quiet and let me drive, yeah? This ain't my first-"

"Look out!"

Monsters she was expected, but a crashing car was another thing entirely. Kate didn't even have time to brace herself before the burning deathtrap collided with the left side of the car forced it upside-down.

The next few seconds were a mix of shattering glass and crunching metal followed by the smell of blood and smoke. Kate blacked out briefly and by the time she woke up again she came face to face with her bloodstained face looking back at her from a cracked mirror, "Ah..." She sucked in a pained breath and looked around painfully, "...Spider-Man, you okay?"

"Just...peachy..." came his weak reply. He looked just as fucked as she felt, but at least he was still conscious, "We need to get out..."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." She fumbled for the seatbelt and fell down onto the roof with a wince, Spider-Man following after her soon after. Yup, those were definitely cuts on her arms. Last time she decided to skip on ballistic cloth sleeves to save a few pennies, "Come on..." She grabbed his shoulder and nudged her head to the cracked windshield, "We gotta crawl outta here. You should be good at that, right?'

"Do you ever stop the dumb jokes?"

"Not till I'm dead." She gave him a weak smirk and kicked at the window. The glass shattered with a single hit and they crawled out, 'Ah, shit, that smarts!' She hissed at the stinging pain that ran up her forearms and bit her tongue to keep from screaming. After this her next costume was covering her from head to toe.

It took a few seconds but they eventually managed to crawl their way out of the wreckage. They were bruised, beaten and bloody, but they were alive. So all in all it could've been worse, "Fuck me..." She looked back at the firebird and grimaced at the burning heap of scrap metal, "Hope the insurance covers that..."

Spider-Man didn't reply. The superpowered vigilante kept himself from falling on his face with his remaining hand and spat out a bloody wad of saliva. His face was covered in cuts and his hair was matted to his head with blood. She didn't need a mirror to figure that she looked the same way.

His head snapped up just before another couple of the monstrosities stalked towards them, "Shit..." Kate looked back at the trunk of the car and grimaced. Her bow was there, but she didn't have time to get it and make a shot; especially not in the condition she was in. Next to her Spider-Man fumbled for his gun only to find his pocket empty. He must've left it back at the car.

The pair of uglies didn't get far. They barely managed two steps before a dark blur passed through them both and they found their heads rolling on the floor with the rest of their body following soon after.


"You alright?" She blinked up at the figure who offered her a hand. His voice was rough and she couldn't make out his face underneath the patchwork mask, but considering he was talking and not trying to chew her face off she'd take it.

"Yeah, I guess." She accepted the offered hand and looked past him. Their other rescuer - a dark haired teenager with blue streaks in her hair - pulled Spidey up roughly and looked around the area again, "You saved our asses back there, thanks."

"You're not out of the woods yet, girly," the young woman said. Despite the situation she had a faint smile on her face, which was more than a little creepy, "You might wanna get indoors 'fore any more of these bastards decide to continue their buffet plan."

"Wait, we're-"

"We have to go, Bishop." Spider-Man grit his teeth and and pressed a gloved hand to the freshly bleeding stump. It was a miracle he was still conscious given the amount of blood he was losing, "Back to my apartment, remember?"

"Okay, Spidey, I really don't think sticking to plan's the smart play here. Spider-Woman's right - you gotta stay the hell out of this."

"...Spidey?" The masked stranger stared at Spider-Man, his expression unreadable, "...You're Spider-Man? The one on the news?"

"Yeah? What's it to ya?" He spat out another smattering of blood and exhaled deeply.

"...Nothing." He shook his head and turned back to her, "Look, you need to leave. Now."


"If you wanna stop that thing then you need to help me," Spider-Man said again.

"Okay, why? What the hell is at your apartment that you think you can stop this?" she snapped back. She'd seen stubborn before, but he was really getting on her damn nerves with this shit, "Just stop with the freaking pronoun game and spit it out!"

"A suppressant. The one for the Lizard serum." He knelt down and picked up the discarded pistol, "Symbiote's made out of serum, or at least it's supposed to. One injection of that'll hurt more than anything else we throw at it."

"That's it? Dude, S.H.I.E.L.D has cabinets full of suppressant! We don't need to go back to your place for that!"

"How much you wanna bet they can even get close to that thing to inject it? I've seen what that thing can do. I could barely get close and I can turn invisible; I ain't holding my breath and hoping the spooks can do any better." He took out a bloody mask from his jacket pocket and draped it over his face clumsily, "Look, help me or don't but I'm still going. You wanna try your luck fighting these new things then you be my guest!"

"...Fuck, fine!" She shut her eyes briefly and picked up her bow and whatever arrows she could salvage, "Let's just do this before I change my mind!"

"Huh, well good luck to that, you two idiots." The dark haired girl rolled her eyes, "Come on, Partner, let's-"

"We're coming with you." His partner gave him an incredulous look and he shook his head, "Look, if the kid's right then he has a way to put down the clown that's leading this circus. Sooner we do that the sooner people stop dying and the sooner you get paid. Win-win, right?"

"If you say so." She sighed and looked to them both, "Lead the way, then."

The streets were chaos and hard to navigate, which wasn't helped by the fact that they were carrying enough injuries between them to gore someone thrice over, 'God damn it.' Kate pulled back the bowstring and ricocheted an arrow against the wall so it impaled one of the monsters in the head before it could jump towards a frozen mother of two, "Get outta here! Hurry!"

"Nice shot." Shadowcat - or at least that's how she introduced herself - whistled lightly.

"Thanks, I've been practicing-"

"Now isn't the time for holding hands, partner." The masked man - MM for short - said. Between the two he was definitely the biggest enigma - acrobatic without a doubt and a crack shot too, but beyond that she had no clue if he had powers like that partner of his, "...Hey, kid, you alright?"

"I'm fine..." Spider-Man leaned against the wall for a couple for a couple of seconds before he quickly pushed himself off. His injuries were getting worse; suppressant or no he wasn't going to stay conscious much longer if they kept going like this, "Just focus on those monsters."

They made it to the apartment eventually and she actually managed to save some of her arrows thanks to their unplanned bodyguards. Spider-Man crashed through the door and stumbled inside, a tiny pug immediately running towards them and wincing when it saw the puddles of blood coming from his master, "Not now, boy..." He staggered past the dog towards what she assumed was his room.

"...Nice place." MM said, looking around the modest furnishings with a soft whistle.

"If you say so." Spider-Man grabbed a board with what looked like a string theory of Murdock's associates and threw it to the ground without a care. Before Kate could ask what the hell he was doing he punched a hand through the wall and pulled out a small box covered with dust, "...Still here. Some good news, at least." He emptied the contents onto a nearby table. A diary, a single suppressant and-

"Why do you have a syringe of lizard serum?"

Spider-Man looked up at her with narrowed eyes and sneered, "I stole it. Hill's been injecting me every week so I decided to keep one for a rainy day...this is one of those days." He gestured to the stump covered in bloodsoaked bandages, "It's the only way I'm gonna be in fighting shape."

"Fuck, I knew you were hiding something!" Kate hissed, "We already have a thousand monsters running around, we don't need another!"

"I'm immune, remember? You've seen me infected before."

"Yeah, I saw the pile of ninjas you left behind if that's what you mean! You inject that thing and you might lose control!"

"Guess it's a good thing you're here, then. You think I'm going insane then put me down."

Before she could argue more he uncapped the syringe and stabbed the needle into his neck. MM"s posture hardened while Shadowcat raised an eyebrow and materialized her claws on her hands again. Kate couldn't do anything but nock and arrow, the tip aimed right between his eyes. She really hoped it wouldn't come to that, but she couldn't afford to be soft here.

Seeing his arm grow back was grotesque, to say the least. Kate pursed her lips and resisted the urge to turn away when the new limb punched through the bandages, the flesh a mix of pale skin and green scales. The rest of his wounds healed just as quickly with the cuts, bruises and gashes disappearing and leaving nothing behind save a few traces of dried blood.

He didn't scream at all. She wondered if that was a good or bad thing.

Kate nearly let the arrow loose when she caught sight of a reptilian right eye through the lens of his mask, but when she blinked his irises were normal again. She could only hope that was just a paranoid delusion on her part.

"...You still alive in there?" Shadowcat asked.

"Rrghh...yeah." His voice sounded rough, but hell he was speaking with actual words so she took that as a good sign, "...Fine." He stood up shakily and grabbed an extra glove from a nearby cabinet, "...Thanks for helping us. We're-"

Whatever heartfelt thank you he planned was interrupted by a sudden beep. Kate pulled out her PDA from her tapped the cracked screen. They really built these things to last, "...Group call?" Almost no one contacted her this way; not since she left S.H.I.E.L.D, at least. She shared a brief look with the three other occupants of the room and quickly accepted the invite.

The holograms took up most of the room. Seeing Gwen on one end was alright enough, but having Director Carter and Captain America on the 2nd line while She-Hulk and Janet shared the 3rd comm was a bit of a surprise.

"Good, you replied." Director Carter's gaze lingered at them, "I expected to see you with Mr. Parker, Bishop, but Shadowcat and our newest operative are a surprise. Not an unpleasant one, though, considering the circumstances."

"Yeah, I'll bet." Shadowcat crossed her arms, "Hell's going on here, Peggy? I thought we stopped Crime Master to prevent this kinda thing?"

"It's a symbiote," Janet answered for her, "It has to be given what we've seen of it. From what I could gather the host somehow managed to spread pieces of it around, create thralls from people and control them like puppets."

"It doesn't matter what made it; no matter what people are dying out there! We need to get out there now!" She-Hulk said.

"I still don't get where it came from..." Gwen muttered, "Jan said that if anyone else tried to use a symbiote they'd die because of the radiation. Someone had to make this thing, right?"

"Presumably so," Director Carter replied, "Right now, however, we have no inkling on who that might be-"

"You're lying."

All eyes with the exception of MM turned to Spider-Man. Even through the mask Kate could practically feel the death glare he was throwing at S.H.I.E.L.D's leader, "...You know where that thing came from. Spill it."

"What are you-"

"...Spider-Man's right." Gwen said, her voice soft, "He...He can tell when someone's lying because of his spider-sense. So that means-"

"Peggy." Captain America gave the other soldier a piercing stare, "Are they right? You know where this monster came from?"

A moment of stifling silence passed before she eventually nodded, "Yes." She took a deep breath and frowned, "A branch of S.H.I.E.L.D used Professor van Dyne's research notes to create a replica of the suit, one that didn't fall under the same weakness of killing the host such as the one Spider-Woman currently has. A few days ago it got loose and it must've found this host now."

The silence that followed was painfully brief. Hearing Gwen's scream that came soon after made her wish it lasted longer, "What the- you made that thing!?" She heard something crack followed by a muffled voice in the background, "What the fuck?! Do you have any idea how people died?! Webster..." She sucked in a strained breath and shook her head, "Fuck..."

"You had no right to use my research like this!" Janet said, her voice equally loud and angry, "I gave you that research as a failsafe, not so you could use it to create living weapons like S.I.L.K planned to do! You-"

"Enough!" Captain America's shout caused all the dissenting voices to stop, "I'm just as shocked as you both, but we need to focus! She-Hulk is right - right now people are dying out there while we argue and point fingers! Once this is all said and done we can pass blame and what we have to do, but at this moment we can't afford to! Everyone shelve your resentment until after this is finished!"


"I understand you have no reason to trust me or S.H.I.E.L.D, Spider-Woman, but we honestly didn't intend for the suit to lose all sense and bond with this mass murderer." Director Carter said, "You can condemn me afterwards, but right now you need to listen-"

"Go to hell." Spider-Man scoffed and pocketed his still-lit phone, "You want us to clean up your mess, right? I'm going after that thing but I ain't playing along to your tune, 'Director'. I'm going to make sure there's nothing for you to recover."


That was as far as she got before Spider-Man disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

This was fucked.

Those three words ran through Gwen's mind on repeat as she swung over the city, her movements sluggish and automatic. S.H.I.E.L.D made the symbiote...all those people dead, Peter and Lana nearly joining the pile and losing Webster - their fault. The director tried to distance themselves, claimed that they planned to use the symbiote for the greater good and all that, but right now it just felt like an excuse.

On one hand she could see it, but on the other hand it just felt like a load of crap. The Director claimed that it was all the host's fault, but some of comments she heard from that 'new operative' she referred to kinda put a damper on the suit being docile like Webster (mostly) was. If this thing was bloodthirsty from the word go then all her excuses were a pile of bullshit.

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard a panicked scream from below. Two of the thralls were inching their way towards a couple of teens, a boy and girl who didn't look a day over 14. Gwen felt a burst of anger and she swung down, smashing the first one through the concrete with her foot, "Get away from them." The tongue-like scarf wrapped itself around the second one's neck and threw it through the wall of the closest building.


She ignored their panicked cries and picked them both up, "Hold on!" She swung them to a nearby high rooftop. It wasn't the best solution, but it was the best she could do to buy them some time, "Stay here and try not to gather attention! Someone will come get you!"


The young man's protest was interrupted by another scream. Gwen gave them another warning before she swung to the source. She heard them: dozens of screams in all directions and she couldn't save them all no matter how fast she was. For every young mother with a baby or grandfather with his grandkids she saved she there were two others that she couldn't get to in time.

'Faster, have to be faster!' She dumped the the family of four on the gathering group. She was running out of roof, "Come on, come on..." she tapped the headset she was given and did a mental cheer when someone answered, "This is Spider-Woman, there's a crowd of people gathered in the Beta Hardware building in downtown. They need a pick-up, now!"

"Spider-Woman?" the S.H.I.E.L.D agent asked back, "Uh...orders from Director Carter were to search for the prime symbiote host-"

"And I'm telling you to save these people! Ask Captain America, she'll back me up!" It was a gamble, but fuck it she wasn't going to just let them slide by considering they were at least partly responsible for this entire clusterfuck. Without letting the agent get another word in she cut off the connection and went back to saving as many as she could. She just had to focus on the people she could actually save...

She didn't know how much time passed, but by the time the agents arrived to extract them people had to stick to together to make sure they didn't accidentally fall off the roof. It was uncomfortable, but the web covering she made at the very least ensured that no one would go splat on the ground and none of the thralls could punch through without a fight.

She was about to swing to another part of town before she received another call, "Who is this?"

"Spider-Woman." Captain America...well, she could still trust her, at least. She was definitely as surprised as the rest of them were at this whole symbiote copy thing, "We need to regroup; I'll send the coordinates to your phone."

"What? But there's still people-"

"I understand, but we've found the main spawning point. It's where most of the corruption is spreading from. Don't worry about the people - from what I gathered Spider-Man's group along with a few others are placing them as a priority. We need to-" There was a brief sound of a scuffle before she continued, "Damn it, get over here now! Hurry!"

Gwen took one last glance at the people being gathered into the hovercrafts before she nodded and swung in the direction of the given coordinates, saving anyone along the way. This was a nightmare, but they had to push past it. They didn't and New York was going to turn into that psychotic bastard's playground.

The 'spawning point', such as it was, turned out to be a S.H.I.E.L.D facility that looked like it was overgrown with symbiote biomass. Gwen felt her own suit shifting uncomfortably across her skin and grit her teeth. Being here felt like she was constantly being bombarded by nails on a chalkboard, 'Pull it together, Gwen...' She took one last glance at her PDA and swung over again.

The rest of the group were already there by the time she arrived. She-Hulk picked up one of the bigger thralls and slammed it headfirst through the concrete while Janet shrunk and weaved in-between the groups, shooting electricity at the base of their necks.

Gwen jumped into the middle of the brawl and webbed a charging group of thralls that nearly attacked Kate, "Watch your back, Hawkeye!" She threw the assorted symbiote spawns against the wall and winced slightly at the cracking sound. They were already dead, Janet confirmed it before they even left, but it was still uncomfortable to think about. These were just innocent people who had the misfortune of being turned into these...things.

"Thanks!" Kate nocked another sonic arrow and aimed it at a cluster of thralls. Gwen grimaced when the high pitched noise reached her ears, though it was a small evil compared to having the symbiotes dissipate and leaving the damaged corpses behind, "I'm running out of arrows here, guys...gonna have to start recycling soon."

Cap threw her shield and knocked out three of the thralls in one go, "Focus, everyone!" She recovered the shield and pointed to the facility entrance, "According to the scans the source of the corruption's inside."

"Why don't we just bomb the building?" Kate asked, "Think we're a bit past collateral damage at this point!"

"Scan's show the thing is moving. Bombing the building won't work since the source is underground: we're gonna have to lure it out." The look Cap gave her didn't give her much relief, "This is where you come in, Spider-Woman."

"Wanna be more specific, Cap?"

"Your symbiote, it's responding to the the biomass, isn't it?" Janet asked. Gwen could only give a quick 'yeah' in-between all the thralls charging at her, "It's trying to assimilate you, the same way it absorbs everything else to create these thralls. You're gonna have to go to the entrance and lure it out. From where we can destroy it and cease the production."

Gwen webbed another one to the floor and turned to Janet, "Uh, okay, any idea how I'm supposed to do that?"

"That's going to be up to you, Gwen..." She enlarged herself to her normal height and panted, "We'll try to buy you as much time as we can, just go!"

'Oh...fuck.' Gwen took a deep breath and swung towards the entrance, the shaking and writhing of the suit growing worse the closer she got. It felt like she was being ripped away again back at that hospital, "Come on..." She smashed half a dozen thralls together and tried to ignore the feeling of abject disgust coursing through her, "Come on, you fucking asshole, get out here!"

A roar came from beneath. She got its attention.

The shaking was subtle at first, but it didn't take long for the earthquake to reach them all. The thralls stopped their attacks and roared, each of them trying to scream over the other. Gwen didn't have much time to contemplate on how horrible the ungodly cacophony was before her spider-sense rang and the ground split open.

The...thing that came out of the underground could best be described as a blob covered by jagged teeth with fat tentacles that served as limbs. Each of the thralls charged towards it and with each of them it assimilated it grew larger and larger, "Wha..." She looked down at her hands and her eyes widened when she saw the suit being drawn to it as well.

Janet zipped past her and fired, causing the blob to scream in its distorted 'voice. Kate followed her lead and fired as many of her arrows as she could at whatever she could aim at, "Missile strike's on the way, but we have to keep it from burrowing again!" Cap shouted.

Ignoring every voice inside her heard telling her otherwise, she jumped high and kicked the thing as hard as she could. She didn't know if the thing could hurt, but it wouldn't stop her from trying, "It's not yours!" She kicked again and forced it back, the blob colliding with the building and cracking the already damaged surface, "You hear me?! It's not yours to take!"

She ripped away chunks of the flesh with her bare hands and crushed them between her fingers. The creature screamed again and again, which only served to make her angrier. He had no idea if this thing was alive but it was killing everyone around it to turn them into monsters. Either way she was going to make it pay.

She was so engrossed in it that she almost missed Cap's next shout.

"Spider-Woman, get back!"

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her mid-section and she was pulled away from the monstrous blob just before she saw missiles in the air, "Hold on, everyone!" She just barely saw Cap and Kate on the amazon's other arm before she jumped, Janet flying after her just as quickly. Gwen's eyes remained trained on the missiles and they stayed there until the rockets made impact.

The explosion that followed was deafening, but the heat that came after was what really drew her attention. Gwen shut her eyes tightly and bit her tongue to keep from screaming. It was just the aftereffects, but it felt like she was being baked inside an oven. Her eyes remained shut until a few more jumps and she felt the cool air hitting her skin again.

When she opened her eyes she was on solid ground again and there was nothing left of where they were fighting but a small crater in the middle of the street, "...Holy shit," Kate mumbled next to her. Gwen could only nod dumbly. She'd seen stuff like that on videogames and internet videos before, but being at ground zero was something else entirely.

"Did...Did we win...?" she choked out.

"...Not quite." Janet wiped her forehead and put her hands on her knees, "There won't be any more thralls made, but the ones loose on the rest of the city are still being controlled by whoever has the symbiote." She shook her head, "If my theory is right then the thralls will only be stopped when the prime symbiote host is destroyed."

As if on cue their PDA's and phones started beeping again. Gwen took it out of the 'pocket' and was immediately met with Cindy's face on the other side, "Okay, I dunno what you guys did, but these guys are going fucking berserk! I mean even more than usual!" An explosion came from behind the other spider hero and she cursed, "I need help right now! They're going to overrun the safezones the police set up!"

"We have our orders, then." Cap looked at each of them in turn. It was clear by her voice that she was exhausted, "Everyone go to the safezones and try to keep them from being overwhelmed. Now that we don't have to deal with a production line we might actually be able to survive their attrition attacks."


"Except you, Spider-Woman." The older woman looked her in the eye, "I want you to find the symbiote host. It's clear by what happened down there that the other symbiote is drawn to you somehow so it's possible that this could work the other way around. Find the host and put and end to his connection to the rest of the thralls. We'll defend the safezones to the best of our abilities till then."

"...You're asking me to kill him, aren't you?"

Cap's eyes narrowed and she nodded, "I know you don't want to, but you've seen the carnage he's done already. If you can find a way to disrupt the thralls without killing him then by all means, but if not then don't hesitate. You know what's at stake. End his life if you have to, Spider-Woman..or else this city's going to crumble."

"God damn it..."

Peter tightened his grip on the motorcycle's handlebars and weaved through the chaotic streets. At the rear-view mirror he caught at least a dozen of the monstrosities, all of them slobbering and eager to get their hands on him. The damn things were idiots; a few bullets thrown their way and they chased after him like dogs to a bone.

Which made it easy to lead them into traps like this.

The white drone flew overhead and bombarded the entirety of the street. Peter grit his teeth and tried to keep the bike balanced, "All of them were caught in the blast," Moon Knight's voice rang in his ear. He allowed himself a small smile and looked back. The streets were on fire and wrecked beyond reasonable repair, but at least those monsters were gone. He'd consider that a win.

"This is too slow!"

"Rrgh..." His right arm spasmed and he slowed the motorcycle down. He knew there'd be consequences for injecting himself with the serum without the suppressant, but knowing didn't make dealing with it any easier. Even now he saw the scales that dotted his arm and the voice at his head grew more and more frequent. Goading him to attack, to maim, to kill.

"Hey, kid, we're regrouping a couple of blocks away," Bullseye said.

"Y-Yeah, I'm coming." He clenched his hand and started up the bike again. This was the best they could do - saving pockets of people and luring away the monsters by turning themselves into bigger targets. It wasn't ideal, but it was the best they could do considering they didn't have the spooks on their side.

The street was mercifully deserted, though that didn't give him much relief, "Hey, kid." Bullseye gave him a mock salute, his smile obviously forced. They'd barely been at this for an hour and it was obvious they were all flagging: Bullseye was favoring one leg, Felica had cuts all over her arms and legs, Castle was covered in blood and viscera and Moon Knight's costume was in absolute tatters.

They couldn't last much longer.

"...What happened to the people?" He dismounted from the bike and a burst of pain ran up his right leg. Lizard serum or no he was starting to feel the pressure.

"They're with DeWolff's squad 5 blocks down..." Castle muttered. The oldest vigilante sat with his back against the wall, his carbine held close in a vice-grip. Considering his injuries he would've have been surprised if he couldn't actually stand up anymore, "I'm not sure how much longer they can last. We're killing as many of them as we can but more keep coming."

"This is a fool's errand." Felicia growled, "We can't save these people. For every one of those monsters we kill a dozen more rise up to take their place. If we keep going like this then we're all going to die."

"Leave if you want to, kitty cat, but we're stayin'." Bullseye crossed his arms and laughed.

"Can it, Bullseye. There's no point in arguing." Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to Moon Knight, "Moon Knight, any luck finding the the one who started all this?"

"I've had sightings, but it's difficult to tell one of these creatures from the other. The thralls are extensions of the host's will..." The moon worshiper tapped something else on his gauntlet just before Peter's phone rang, "I've reduced the number to three locations, but they're far apart from one another that you need another way to narrow the area to a singular one."

"Fuck..." Peter looked down at the addresses and scowled. These things weren't even close to being within spitting distance of each other, "Alright, we need to-"


He was almost forced on his knees from the intensity of the blare. Turning to the source, a chill ran down his spine when he saw the the horde charging down the street towards them. He counted tens and dozens of them easily, each of them even more manic than they were before. Peter forced himself up and reloaded his guns. Not much ammo left, but he'd make it count.

"We're the last thing between those things and the cops and civs...this gonna be our last stand, kid?"

"Guess we'll see." He tossed one of the pistols towards Bullseye and pulled Castle into a shaky stand. The sharpshooter was a better shot than he could ever hope to be, but he always had a distaste for guns. Hopefully this one time would be the exception, "Everybody either stay here or go to the rooftops. Fight or don't fight...your choice."

He didn't wait for their answer. Instead he took aim and shot as many of the damn things as he could, 'Heads and eyes only.' He reloaded the gun and shot again. Felicia and Moon Knight moved to the rooftops to try and divert some attention, which left him, Bullseye and Castle on the ground. Still, he knew it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed.

The horde was on them in a heartbeat. Peter dodged the clumsy swipe of the first monstrosity and shot it point blank. At his side Bullseye and Castle did the same, though in the latter's case the claws swiped through the surface of his body armor instead of missing entirely.

His spider-sense was getting overwhelmed. Peter let out a pained cry when one of the monsters cut through his back, 'God damn it!' He slammed it to the ground with his right hand and crushed its skull like a grape. It was getting harder and harder to keep the Lizard's voice out, 'Die, damn you! Die!' He ripped the jaw off another and ignored the scratch it made to his face. They'd all pay for that.

The horde showed no signs of stopped. Peter was forced on his knees and Bullseye and Castle weren't much better, "Let me out! I can kill them all!" He clenched his right hand and growled as the scales began to spread, "You'll die if you don't! You-"

"Get down!"

The bright light that came from overhead was unexpected, but at that very second he embraced it. As soon as the light hit the ground scores of the creatures were blown back. The lightshow was quickly followed by an orange sphere that fell into another thick crowd of the monsters and blew them apart, giving them a much-needed reprieve from the onslaught.

"What the-"

His head tilted up and he was torn between anger, worry and fear when Lana landed next to him with Osborn not far behind. The ex-terrorist was dressed in an all-covering set of high-tech armor and he stood atop a glider, which contrasted rather heavily to Lana who wore a thick jacket and a leather mask that did little to hide the purple bruises on her face or her bloodshot eyes.

"W-What the hell are you doing here...?"

"Saving your ass, looks like!" Lana tried to smile, but she couldn't manage it for more than a second before her face knotted in pain again, "Oh, God, face still feels like I got hit with a sledgehammer."

"You shouldn't be here! You should be-"

"Spider-Man, I don't think now's the time for lectures," Osborn interrupted, "Peter threw a glare his way and the armored prick gestured to the scattered horde, "I met your friend on the way over here. Look, Shadowcat filled me in. You wanna stop this guy? Shadowcat and his partner are trying to lure him to a smelting factory on Carson avenue. Tell Gwen to come with you if you want, but if you really think that suppressant can work then go for it. S.H.I.E.L.D tried to inject him and they failed; maybe you'll have better luck."

He didn't know what to say. A thank you? A curse? In the end he made do with a nod followed by a report to the rest of his teammates, "None of you better get yourselves killed..." His gaze lingered on each them and went to Lana last, "...Lana-"

"Just go, okay? We'll have time for the mushy crap later."


The factory was thankfully abandoned by the time he got there, though it didn't help his nerves any. Gwen crouched at one of the opposite rooftops, the 'scarf' moving to and fro in a disjointed tune while her eyes shifted from calm to jagged every few seconds. Peter took a deep breath and jumped to the same roof, landing on the hard concrete with an obvious thud. No need to surprise her.

Gwen's head snapped up immediately. At first when their gazes met her eyes calmed, though that was short-lived. Her attention shifted to his right arm and her eyes widened again, the tips of her fingers turning into claws again, "What the...Peter, did you-"

"Surprised you didn't notice it during our conference call." He clenched both hands and kept his gaze leveled. This wasn't the time for making excuses, "We can get into an argument if we live through this."


His spider-sense was both a relief and an annoyance, "They're here." He took out the suppressant from his pocket and nodded, "Distract the host and expose any part of his skin. I'll sneak up behind him and stab him with the suppressant. With that down you should be able to to take him down, alright?"

"I...alright. Just be careful, Peter."

"You too, Gwen."

The inside of the factory was overwhelmingly hot, though right now that was a blessing. Peter crouched close to a vat of molten metal and let it slow the temperature build-up that came with his invisibility. It was less than he'd hoped, but he'd make do, 'Come on...' He rolled the syringe between his fingers and kept an eye on the entrance. He only had one shot at this.

He didn't have to wait long. Gwen already stood at the center of the factory and soon enough Shadowcat and her partner phased through the upper walls, "Hope you're ready, Spider-Woman!" she cried.

As soon as she said that warning the metaphorical floodgates opened. The host charged through the gate with a pack of its 'babies' behind it. Peter caught sight of a pale woman dressed in leather who stuck out like a sore thumb in the group, though he didn't pay too much attention to her. The host was the priority.

It wasted no time. With a mad cackle it charged towards Gwen, teeth and claws and tongue bared for all to see, "Hah, I knew this was a party!" She dodged his attack and attached herself to a wall, "I gotta wonder, though, what's with the choice of venue? I mean there's a wide open city out there for us to play around with! What's the point of gettin' all stuck in a hotseat like this?"

Peter tightened his grip on the syringe and let himself fall, weaving in-between the monstrosities as soon as he was stable. Shadowcat and her partner seemed to be handling themselves well enough, though he couldn't help the sudden feeling of suspicion he had when he saw the guy in the trenchcoat fighting. It was way too familiar.

His thoughts were interrupted when Gwen suddenly scratched through the host's mid-back. Shelving any hesitation he ran towards the monster and stabbed the syringe right at what little exposed skin he could get to.

The pained yell that followed was practically music to his ears, "Wh-What the hell did you do?!" The monster's jaw slackened and he looked down at his hands, the red flesh shifting in a chaotic rhythm. Gwen, noticing his momentary distraction, immediately grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the other side of the factory away from his 'children'. It was up to her now.


Any thoughts of the next part being easy were quickly dashed when the dame he was with screamed. At first it was just loud, but it quickly turned deafening and the three of them that remained on the lower floor were forced onto the ground. She was either unaware or uncaring that her scream destroyed all the remaining monstrosities around her.

It wasn't just the pain from the loud sound that disoriented him but rather what came afterwards: anger, resentment, hate, spite and whatever negative thing he could think of. Tears ran down his face and it took all his willpower not to scream until his voice grew hoarse.

Everything came to the surface all at once. Memories of being tortured by Cindy's monstrous counterpart, all the abuse he'd taken ever since he got dropped into this madhouse, the futility of putting people in prison when they just escaped...he'd tried his best to keep the negative feelings suppressed, but right now he found it almost impossible to ignore them. It wasn't fair; did he do anything to deserve any of it? Hadn't he tried his best to help people despite everything?

Peter almost managed a stand before Shadowcat's partner tackled him to the ground, hands wrapped around his neck hard enough to choke him, "You don't deserve it!" He raised a hand weakly and tried to say something, but all that came out were strangled gasps, "I lost 5 years! You didn't lose anything and you get to play hero! Do you even care about Aunt May and others?!"


"You're no hero!" He ripped away his mask and Peter saw a faint reflection of his bare face on the other's goggles. His face was bloody and bruised, but that paled in comparison to the scales that ran up the right side of his face and and the yellow slit that made up his right eye, "Look at you! Nothing but a monster! What makes you think you can just put on a mask and steal my life?!"

He finally managed to reach a hand out and he ripped off the other man's mask in turn...and he immediately wished that he'd done anything but.

The face that greeted him was crazed, his eyes bloodshot and his mouth practically frothing in a rage. Still, all the insanity and rage in the world couldn't mask who he was - Spider-Man, the real one, the one who lost his life after 5 years of torture.

The one whose life and memories he stole.

He was 'saved' when Shadowcat slashed his...Spider-Man's back. Peter choked and held his sore throat with a grimace. The dame was the source of it, 'Don't die yet...' The two partners were scuffling on the ground, clawing, beating and doing their utter damndest to hurt the other. A bitter, resentful part of him almost wished they did. Then he'd be the only one left between them...

No, not like this...

It took all his willpower to charge the madwoman and tackle her to the ground. Her expression of surprise was brief and it was quickly replaced by a shriek of pain when he brought his fists down her face, "Shut up!" He covered her mouth and nose in a thick net of webbing and continued punching, ignoring the feeble scratches and kicks she gave in response. If he killed her then it'd be all over.

By the time he was finished his gloves were stained completely red and her head barely resembled something that resembled life. Peter scrambled back from the corpse and looked down at his bloodstained hands. He'd killed before: knives, guns...but beating someone to death with his bare hands was something else entirely. He could have blamed it on the serum like that time in the alley, but he would've been lying to himself.


A hand touched his right shoulder, but it was anything but comforting. Peter looked up and was again face-to-face with...with him. His cheek and jaws were sporting deep gashes and one eye was swollen shut, though he was recognizable all the same, "...Who are you?"

"I think you know that already..."

He did, but hearing it from the man himself was something else entirely. His partner was still kneeling on the ground, though he couldn't muster in it to worry too much since (somehow) her wounds were either already gone or nearly so, "I guess so..." His head tilted up when he heard Gwen's voice, "...We're not out of danger yet. I...I gotta go see Gwen-"

"It's suicide to follow her-"

"Leave if you want, I'm staying here."

Without waiting for a reply he stood and made his way to the upper levels.

"Don't make me do this!"

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. When she put on the mask she promised herself that she'd never let anyone die, not as long as she had the power to stop it. After what happened with Peter, after she'd gotten careless, she couldn't cross that line again. Dealing with bastards like Murdock had pushed her to her limits but even then she'd kept true to her morals.

Now she wasn't so sure.

"I ain't makin' you do anythin', darlin'! This is all you!" The host chuckled and charged at her again, his momentary lapse in confidence completely forgotten. Gwen leaped back and eyed the morphed handaxe, "Admit it, you wanna be just like me! Killin' whoever you think deserves it and hell, they can't even stop ya! Your a freak like me; ya want to kill and no one can say otherwise!"

"Shut up!" She charged and stabbed him right in the gut with a sharpened tentacle, which earned her a muffle scream of pain, "I'm nothing like you! You're a fucking murderer! I'm a-"

"A hero? Heh, keep tellin' yourself that!" He sliced off the embedded tentacle and grinned, "I see it in yer eyes, girly. You love the power the ol' suit gives ya, you love lording it over everyone that you can do things they can only dream of! Ain't no shame in admittin' it!"

She didn't scream this time. Her hands morphed into claws and she sliced his right arm away, earning another scream of pain that he tried to muffle before she slammed him to the ground. He was playing it tough, but the suppressant was giving him hell and he was getting weaker by the second, "I'm giving you one last chance. Give up and I'll make sure you go to prison..." She placed the claws near his eyesockets, "Or else I'll do something I don't want to."

His response was to try and slice her neck open. Gwen dodged the clumsy strike and, before he could stand fully, kicked him hard in his mid-section.

The host fell over the railing and barely managed to hold on with his remaining hand to avoid falling into the vat of molten metal below. Gwen looked down at him and, through his peeling mask, saw the face underneath. The spark of recognition was brief, but it was there.

The serial killer at the hospital. The one who smiled at her and told her he was a fan even while he was butchering an innocent doctor, "You...?" She was too late to stop him from killing then and she was too late now...and yet despite it all, despite Captain America's words and what he did and would continue to do, she was still tempted to pull him up. Spider-Woman - Gwen Stacy - didn't kill.

...Not until today.

Before she could change her mind she sharpened her hand into a blade and sliced through his wrist. The bastard's eyes widened like he couldn't believe she actually did what she did, but his shock was short. He landed on the molten metal with a loud crash and the screams that followed were louder than everything else she'd ever heard in her life. She wanted to turn away, to cover her ears and pretend it wasn't happening, but she knew she had to finish the job.

She grabbed the cover of the vat and slammed it on top of the container. The mass murderer's screams worsened and he tried in vain to punch through the metal, but she made sure to hold it down. Eventually his screams faded and there was nothing left but the sound of the machinery around her.

It was done. He was only took seconds.

Gwen stumbled down the walkway briefly before she fell on her knees and cried, her voice coming out in choked sobs. She'd killed someone...a part of her still couldn't accept it and stubbornly pretended it was a dream, that this entire thing was all an entire nightmare. Another part of her couldn't believe how easy it was; a minute ago that bastard was alive and the next there weren't any traces of him or the symbiote.


A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders tightly and pulled her close. She smelled blood and ash, but right now she didn't care. His presence was far better than dealing with it alone, "I...I killed him...I killed him..." This shouldn't have felt so wrong. She didn't have a choice - even Captain America told her it was the the right option - but it did little to sooth her nerves.

"I know...I know..." Peter tightened the embrace and nodded, " saved saved the's alright."

She saved the city - all those people alive because that monster was why did it feel so bitter? She took a deep breath and reached for his right hand hesitantly, "Stay with me...please."

He held onto her hand and didn't answer. It was good enough for her.

Yeah...warning right now: the next chapter is gonna be angsty as shit. I mean Gwen just killed someone and Peter just found out what the deal was with Spider-Man, so they've got very little to be cheerful about. I'm still deciding on who's going to be the primary POV character (I'll switch around, but I want a main), especially since both of their problems are rather glaring.

Anyway, sorry if Gwen's decision seems massively OOC, but honestly Carnage is a no-win situation - this dude is too strong to be properly contained and heroes always sparing him never fails as them coming across as weak-willed, 2-dimensional moralists who care more about their own values than the people they try to protect. Here Gwen chose to kill to protect all the people she saved since the life of even one innocent person is not worth sparing Kasady.

The ending with Noir was also a tad different. Originally he wasn't supposed to find out that Spider-Man was the original and he assumed that he was just one of Teresa's spider society friends. Here Shriek's madness scream caused them to expose their innermost negative feelings and so he was outed pretty easily. This changes things pretty massively since he wasn't supposed to find out till way later.

Oh, and a last apology for the lacking 'oomph' of the city-wide arc. It was still pretty Gwen and Noir focused. Like I said I care more about the aftermath of this, especially since Carnage's killing spree is going to breed a lot of problems for metahumans unless SHIELD does damage control. That and Gwen's idealism and faith in SHIELD is massively shaken because of what they did with Carnage.


1. I have three people who Noir can talk to apart from Gwen in the next chapter and I want you guys to decide which one: Teresa Parker, George Stacy or Harry Osborn. Each person has a different focus - Teresa talks about the mystical BS and Noir asking if she knows who he really is; George Stacy focuses on the aftermath trauma of Gwen killing someone along with George directly asking just what exactly is between Noir and Gwen and if he wants to stay in Earth-65; and Harry's is about the whole 65-Peter thing and just how separate Noir and he are.

Pick your poison, I guess.

2. Are the character relationships easy enough to buy? I don't mean characters like Felicia or Moon Knight who don't care about Noir and just wanna use him, but rather the actual intimate relationships. The timeframe of the story is extremely short - For example Noir only knew Gwen for 4 months, he knew Lana for 2 etc etc and yet the story portrays them as weirdly close despite such a short timeframe. Is this reasonable for everyone?
Captain Stacy. Gwen's fallout should be interesting, and I'm kinda over Harry. Noir getting pissed if he tries to have another meaningful talk would be funny.