Through the Looking Glass (Spider-Gwen/Spider-Man Noir Crossover)

Chapter 70
Not much reviews/likes last chapter, hopefully this one will do better. Anyway, Defenders has dropped :D I got this out quick before I started my binge and the new Spider-Man cartoon premieres tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't affect my update rate too much.

Anyway, before we start I have a question: We talked about the 'I wanna be special' trope and how it's often perceived in a negative way, especially in Spider-Gwen where 65-Peter and Vulture have this as their main motivation and it ends up making them look like assholes. What about the opposite, however? When a hero desires to be normal? Normally it's portrayed as heroic or relatable, but what do you guys think?

The 'I wanna be normal' trope feels weird to me since it seems nonsensical half the time. Now in some cases it makes sense - Bruce Banner for example desperately wants to not be Hulk and considering how much it's ruined his life I can agree. But other times heroes say they don't want to have their powers because of responsibility, ignoring the perfectly reasonable alternative that having powers doesn't mean they have to be heroes.

I dunno, doesn't it just feel whiny half the time? That's like someone saying 'I wish I wasn't born naturally good looking and intelligent, I just wanna be normal!'; wouldn't this make you come across as being really pretentious and big-headed? Again in some cases like Hulk it makes sense, but a lot of other times it really doesn't. Having powers does not equal having to be a hero/villain, right?

I ask because I'm thinking about exploring this theme outside of 65-Peter with the two protagonists. In the canon Spider-Gwen comic Murdock's comments, the narration and (most damningly) Gwen's fear gas hallucination indicates that Gwen has low-key 'I wanna be special' trope and that she's addicted to her new powers and being Spider-Woman. It's pretty telling that she decided to make herself a celeb with her powers before prom night.

By contrast Noir begin showing signs of the opposite, just to add to the irony given who he may be. While he views his powers neutrally at the start of the story the mounting problems they cause - Murdock's interest, the lizard serum, being hounded by SHIELD and SILK, his growing insanity - eventually cause him to start wishing that he never got bit and that he's normal.

I'm just curious if you guys consider either trope inherently positive/negative and your views on it.

Also, might wanna listen to this song whenever we see from Gwen's POV this chapter. I feel it perfectly encapsulates the cringe.

Chapter 70: Partners

That was...unexpected.

Gwen looked up at the starry sky, bare chest rising and falling with every breath she took. The moon was still high up in the sky with no sign of the morning sun, though that did little to tell her what time it actually was. All she knew was that she didn't feel any of the expected exhaustion or fatigue: quite the opposite, actually. She felt like she could stay awake for the next 2 days non-stop.

Her head tilted to the side so she could look at Peter. He was lying on his back as well, left arm covering the upper half of his face while the right lay at his side. Fingers inched towards it before she stopped, her hand pulling back on the dirt. It felt silly being so shy (was that the right word?) considering what they just did, but she couldn't help the spark of hesitation she suddenly felt.

She definitely hadn't expected this all to happen, and she got the sinking feeling that Peter shared the same feeling. Gwen tried to focus on the feeling of the water lapping at her toes and ignored the bubbling rise of anxiety at her stomach. It wasn't the first time for either of them, but wasn't like they could just dismiss it as meaningless sex, right? They weren't drunk, weren't on drugs or god only knew what else.

"So...was it good for you, too?"

It was meant as a joke - a cliche question only the biggest dork or the cockiest douche would ask - but a part of her couldn't help but feel insecure, stupid as it was. He'd been quiet during the entire thing, his breaths so soft that it was almost drowned out by the sound of splashing water and creaking wood. Last she checked what wasn't exactly a good sign, even if it did rank above constantly chattering during the entire thing like some other one night stands she'd been with.

There was nothing quite like losing track because some guy constantly asked if 'she liked that' like someone out of an old porno even after she made it very clear that yes she most definitely did and would he kindly shut the fuck up please?

The arm shifted and she caught the peek of his right eye opening slightly to look at her, "...No, it was terrible."

She blinked and prepared a snarky reply before she saw the ghost of a smile playing at his mouth. She sat up slightly and adjusted her position. Peter raised an eyebrow when she put an arm at each side and straddled him, their lips almost touching. She was almost tempted to say something, but they both knew she couldn't seduce her way out of a paper bag, though in fairness neither could he.

The next kiss was more fleeting compared to the last, and it wasn't long before she received a tap on her shoulder, "...Not a good idea." He gave her the same hesitant smile from before and made to sit up as well. Gwen watched him put on the discarded pants, her eyes lingering shamelessly on his 'posterior' - she could be polite about her ogling, at least.

"Here." He grabbed his sweatshirt and tossed it at her, the other spider hero catching it blankly, "Don't think you wanna try putting on yours." He gestured to the lump of soggy cloth floating on the riverbank. Technically that was his fault, though given that she tossed her shorts there too she couldn't really complain. In fairness to them both they kinda forgot they were doing it right out at the riverside.

She put on her underwear and breathed a sigh of relief at the slight feeling of warmth that covered her. Now that the rush wore off there was a definite part of her mind that wondered what the fuck she was thinking letting herself get caught up in the moment like that. Her dad would've gotten a heart attack if he ever found out she was outside in her birthday suit with someone he didn't exactly approve off.

Hah...a superhero scared about being (metaphorically) grounded. What a world.

The walk back to the cabin was spent in silence, though it wasn't an uncomfortable one. Gwen let her eyes close and listened to the soft blowing of the wind through the trees and the feeling of her bare feet on the soil. Ever since she'd been bitten things like rocks or stubbing her toe on a chair were reduced to annoying pinpricks, but after the bond with Webster she almost couldn't feel them at all. It was a somewhat bittersweet feeling looking back on it. While she couldn't deny it was helpful considering the the fights she got into, it made her feel detached sometimes.

And she hadn't even bonded onto Webster fully. How much different would she be by the end of it?

Gwen shook off the heavy thoughts and trudged up the steps to the cabin. She doubted she'd be getting any sleep all things considered, but she could at least pretend she did and act like everything was normal. This was supposed to be a vacation, after all: an out from all the insanity New York threw her way.

Any thoughts of normalcy went out the window as soon as she saw MJ and Glory sitting on the living room. The former sipped a mug of what she assumed to be hot chocolate like she didn't have a single fuck to give while Glory was in the patented mom posture: crossed arms, pursed lips, right leg over her left and her eyes narrowed in that special way that made you feel like you fucked up somehow.

"Uh...hey, girls, you're up early." She looked at the clock and saw hands stopped at exactly 5 am. What were the odds? "Uh, well..." She looked at Peter who only gave her a shrug in response. It didn't take a genius to guess something was up considering how they looked, "So...whatcha guys doing?"

"Discussing some changes in the band. I think maybe we need to change our places around." MJ said, her voice casual as could be. Somehow it didn't stop the feeling of dread at the pit of her stomach, "I'm thinking maybe you should be the singer on our next gig."

"O-Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I mean I thought I had a nice pair of lungs, but you got me beat. Heard you all the way from here. Real screamer."

It took only a second for the words to sink in, and as soon as it did she felt a heat rush up her face that she was sure left her looking like a goddamn tomato, "Wh-What?" she choked out, her voice coming out way weaker than she would've liked. At her side Peter pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, though the redness on his cheeks cut through any hint of not giving a crap that he tried to give.

"Hmm? Oh, I mean you should know, right? Granted your lyrics could use some work. Not sure if 'Peter, harder!' is a good opener-"

"God, fuck, just stop talking!" Gwen cried desperately, looking to Glory for help. Sadly she just got another look of parental disapproval and a shake of the head, which didn't help in the fucking least, "Y-You- how much did you guys..."

"I woke up at about the time you were asking him to keep doing something with his webs. Not sure about Glory." MJ replied, finally putting the mug down onto the table, "You know, Gwencent, if I wanted to be woken up before the sun's even up I'd appreciate it if it wasn't because you two were making some kind of superhero sex tape. Really not on my bucket list."

"Just stop. Please..." She covered her face with hands and groaned. This was what they were gonna put on her grave - 'Here lies Spider-Woman. Died of embarrassment cause she couldn't keep her fucking mouth shut.'

"'Thankfully' the others didn't hear," Glory said, speaking up for the first time, "Falcon and Betty are in the soundproof guest room and Randy probably couldn't hear anything through Flash's snoring; at least that's why I assume they haven't called to ask who left A Dance of Fire and Ice on."

"Okay, I admit it, we had sex! Could everyone stop talking about it?!" Gwen said, embarrassment mixing with no small amount of irritation. She really didn't need this right now.

"Well, someone's cranky. Doesn't bode well for you, Tiger." MJ gave Peter a joking smile that he didn't return, "...Actually, cutting back on the jokes for a bit, are you okay? You don't look so hot."

Gwen's attention shifted back to Peter. At first glance he seemed fine, but looking closer she saw his breaths were a tad uneven and his posture was more than a little stiff. For a second she worried that he might pass out again, but he spoke up before she could ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He let out a tired breath, "It's just...could we have this conversation alone, Gwen?"

"Huh? Oh, sure..." She led him to the kitchen and did her best to ignore Glory's eyes burning into her back. She was sure she'd get a lecture later on about how Peter was dangerous and that she should be careful about who she got into bed (or elsewhere in this case...) with, but she really wasn't in the mood for it. She loved Glory, but she really needed to back off sometimes.

The kitchen was thankfully devoid of life apart from Webster and Pugface sleeping in a bundle on one corner while Murderface glared at the odd pair from the top of the fridge. Webster shifted slightly when she pulled the chair back, the part of the goop that was supposed to be its head raising to meet her gaze, "Not yet." All it took was one shake of the head before it covered Pugface like a blanket again and went back to 'sleep'.

She and Peter sat across one another, the latter wincing slightly as he adjusted his position on the chair. Alright, now she was definitely worried. How didn't she notice it before? "Peter, are you-"

"I'm fine.." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "It's just...adrenaline's worn off, so I'm feeling the backlash." His mouth quirked up in a dry smile, "You don't feel anything odd, Gwen?"

"Me? Uh, no, same old same old. Why?"

"Well..." He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "Ah...well, you didn't exactly control your strength." She blinked at the short silence that followed. That was annoyingly vague, "I mean that when we were together your actions were... a bit painful. You know when you hold back your punches?"


"Well, you weren't holding back earlier."

"Wait, what?" She waited for any sign that he was just pulling her leg, but the look of discomfort on his face was all too real, "W-Wait, that's impossible! I hold back my strength to make sure I don't snap people's wrists every time I give them a high five and I-" She shook her head, "Look, I've done this before, and I sure didn't break anyone's hips last I checked."

"You're stronger than before, remember?" He scoffed, "Ever since the symbiote got bolted onto you. You probably haven't adjusted properly."

"Wait, that doesn't make sense, I did it with Kate before we went to visit Janet and she was alright." No, she was not going to mention the tentacles. Her sex life had enough jokes as it was, thanks. The last thing she needed was Merry Mary getting wind of that. She was one Japanese schoolgirl away from the redhead making a hentai joke.

"Let me guess: the suit was on you when it happened?" She opened her mouth to reply before eventually settling on a muted nod, "That's probably it. I'm guessing the symbiote helps you regulate everything and makes sure you don't do anything stupid like trying to webswing while you're drunk." He laughed softly, "Price of privacy, I guess."

"So...that's why you said it was a bad idea earlier?"

"That's not the only reason..." He looked down at the table, lips pursed, "I...look, I'm sorry for what I did."

"You mean the thing with the webs? Don't worry, I asked and the water got it out-"

"Be serious, Gwen." Despite his words she caught the faint hint of a smile, "This doesn't change anything. I still plan to go back home and I'm guessing that's gonna be a one-way trip."

"Figures." She sighed. It was honestly what she was expecting, but that didn't stop her from feeling disappointed. Still, she wasn't going to beg or plead. She knew when an argument was lost before it began, "Just explain to me one thing: why did you do that? I mean, I asked you to tell if there was nothing there and then you go and do that. How am I supposed to take that?"


"I don't want an apology, Peter. I just..." She took a deep breath, "I wanna know where we stand."

"You think I know?" The words were bitter, though not hateful. An odd mix, "Like I said before I won't deny I feel something for you. I mean I wanna strangle you sometimes, but I-"

"I think I get it. I mean, there are times I wanna punch you in the face too, but I can't deny there's..." Gwen bit her lower lip. She had no idea what to do here. Back in high school she never thought about love confessions and dating; it was something she always considered something she'd be an observer to rather than a participant.

After Peter died she only went out with Randy for a sense of stability, to feel like she could have someone to lean on, but she knew it was a vain hope. Randy didn't know she was Spider-Woman and she had no plans to tell him so there was nothing there for her. When they broke up she'd kept to herself save the occasional night with someone when she thought she could get away with it. She only stopped when her dad found out and she finally had someone she could talk to about the insanity her life had become.

"You did punch me. Remember?" The wry smile returned, "Look, whatever this is, it isn't gonna go anywhere. You know it and I know it."

"So what're you suggesting?"

"Same as before: I help you out while I'm here. Partners."

"Partners. Right." She snorted, "Pretty sure most partners don't make out, fuck or do even half the things we've gone through already." It was hard to believe it'd only been 5 months since she met him. It felt as long as the years she spent being accused as a murderer. And hell, New York's definitely gotten its claws on him already. Not a day went by that she didn't see some reference to him on some blog, newspaper or fanclub (yes, he had those).

"You haven't met my world's Daredevil then. Blind bastard fell in love with a serial killer just cause she had nice perfume." He rolled his eyes, ""

"I guess." This wasn't how she wanted this to go, but again she kept her complaints at bay. Their lives were messed up enough; imploring for a change of heart like some kind of fairytale princess wouldn't do it any favors, "Sure I can't convince you to stay?" she asked, doing her best to make voice sound casual.

"Ha..uh, no. Sorry. I'm homeward bound."

Maybe she was just imagining it, but she could've sworn she heard some hesitation there.


June 4, 2016. New York City(?).

Spider-Man woke up with a muted groan. His back felt sore and the raindrops from the slight drizzle were more than little annoying, but he was still breathing. He'd take what he could get, 'Gotta keep moving...' He grabbed the interlocking metals and pulled himself up into shaky stand. He'd wanted to keep running earlier, but whatever it was those crumbs did to him he wasn't at 100 percent.

He put on the trenchcoat (which he'd been using as a blanket) and looked down the edge of the billboard with a grimace. Sleeping between the gap of a billboard wouldn't have been his first choice, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Up here no one else was around and no one would spot him unless they knew where to look. Perfect place to avoid whoever was hunting him down.

He jumped off the sign onto a nearby building and then down into the alley. His limbs felt stiff and his body heavy. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, though self-preservation kept him walking down the length of the alleyway. If that crazy broad could find him then who the hell else could? He didn't like his chances if this kept up.

His feet stopped on their own once he reached the relatively abandoned street and he craned his neck back up at the billboard. Stop the Spider-Woman was plastered on top with a number: 1-555-FOR-PETER. Spider-Man found himself smiling sardonically. The thing had been vandalized, mostly with giant pink paint of the dame herself along with asking 'who's responsible?'. There were other smaller tags, but the face stuck out like a sore thumb.

This place's Peter Parker had some connection to the Spider-Dame, but what it was he didn't know or care to find out. He'd lost enough time under that Slant's 'care'.

The afternoon sun dipped over the horizon to quickly make way for night. Spider-Man wandered around aimlessly, going from one place to the next and never lingering for more than a few minutes at a time. He had no idea what to do. Octavius was back with that Slant's cabal and he'd lost his only lead with Drew. And how long could he keep running from that bounty hunter? It was only a day and he already felt exhausted.

The coming rush of nighttime brought no small amount of relief for him, silly as it may have been. Just because the sun was out didn't mean things changed in any way, but he always felt more at home when the switch was flipped. Crime and depravities happened ever hour of the day, but when the lights were off the criminals suddenly felt a lot braver. It was familiar, if not exactly pleasant.

He kept to the small streets and avoided the crowds. Hide in plain sight might have sounded good on paper, but if push came to shove he would've preferred not having to worry about the person next to him trying to stab a knife in his neck or trying to push through a sea of bodies. He had no idea how much clout the people hunting him had, after all.

His eyes scanned the scattered packets of people on the street. Most of them were content to mind their own business, though he caught a few stragglers in heavy coats and jackets playing with the barely hidden guns in their pockets. Muggers, purse snatchers and desperate crooks of all kind; at least something was consistent from this place and back home.

It didn't take long for them to find their first victim.

A younger guy dressed in fancy duds cut through an alley. He didn't know if the stupid bastard didn't realize where he was going or he thought it was a shortcut, and in the end it didn't matter. Poor half portion barely took a few steps into the place before two guys with hoods over their heads grabbed him and shoved him to a wall, throwing out a threat about giving everything he had while pressing a gun to his jaw.

Spider-Man's gaze lingered on the scene longer than he wanted to admit. Most people passed the scene by without notice and the few that did see it turned away and fast-walked on outta there. His fists shook slightly before he turned away and let out a frustrated breath. No sense in getting involved and drawing attention to himself.

Not that it mattered in the end. He only managed two steps to the opposite direction before he heard something - someone - swing overhead, "Come on, guys? Really?" A dame dressed in black and white swung through the air with webs attached to her fingertips. Before the muggers could process the absurdity of it they were snatched up in the air and stuck to the wall with a large blanket of white netting.

Well...that was new.

"You guys heard that crime doesn't pay, right?" The broad quipped. Her expression was hard to make out considering the red scarf that covered half her face, but she definitely sounded cheery at least. The stupid crumb who was getting mugged thanked her profusely, though Spider-Man just blocked him out. Now that it was over people actually stopped to look, many of them pointing the small rectangles at the dame in the dumb costume.

Spider-Man shook his head and trudged down the street. This place had freaks too, because of course it did. Back home it was him, Daredevil, Punisher, Charlie Xavier's sociopaths, Osborn's freakshows and God only knew who else. The only difference now was that he wasn't the biggest freak in town...well, that and everyone around here dressed like it was mardi gras.

He waited till the donnybrook was far behind him before he opened the wallet and counted the bills. He couldn't tell what counted as being a lot of money in a place like this, but considering there were a few Benjamins stuck in there he had to guess he was set for at least a while. Still, the problem persisted. He had no clue where he was and walking around blind and dumb wasn't going to solve his problem.

Spider-Man sighed and made his way to a corner store. He needed to get something to eat and get his mind off this insanity.

"Three of a kind. I win."

Betty gave each of them a shit-eating grin and smacked her cards on the table, exposing the three 7's lined up mockingly. A few of them threw her dirty glances, though she paid them no mind. The rules of the game were simple: you lose a hand and you lose a chunk of your clothes. You couldn't even pretend you didn't understand it.

Yes, they were playing strip poker. She had no idea how everyone agreed, but this was where they were. Gwen sighed and tossed her shirt in the pile. She was done being embarrassed and she was sure most of them were getting desensitized to it by now, too. Besides it wasn't like she was the first one to end up in just her bra - that dubious honor went to Glory, much to her very open annoyance.

Her phone started playing 'Heart Shaped Box' by the time Randy (who was down to his pants and a pair of socks) dealt the deck again. Gwen took a sip of the (very much non-alcoholic) drink and let her gaze wander. All of them sans a single person were in varying states of undress; the worst being Flash who was down to his boxers and his left sock. Poor guy had shit hands ever since they started.

At least she could enjoy the show. Flash definitely worked out and Glory had good taste in underwear despite how uptight she usually was. And hey, she didn't even have to feel guilty. They were all grown-ups here who knew what they got into.

Her eyes shifted from the rest of her friends to Peter. After god only knew how many rounds in the only thing he'd taken off was a single glove, and that was from Betty winning the last call. Every other time he won or managed to tie with someone, which was more than a little eyebrow-raising. She was almost tempted to accuse him of cheating if she didn't know he would've considered cheating in poker a waste of time.

"Full house." Peter set the cards down on the table and ignored Glory's wide-eyed look of shock, "Looks like Thompson's near out of the game."

"Well, unless he wants to take off this boxers, that is," Betty teased, getting a worried (and jealous) look from Falcon. For a psychotic clone soldier he was oddly insecure.

"Yeah, yeah..." Flash rolled his eyes good-naturedly and tossed his last remaining sock into the pile behind him.

"Okay, how the fuck do you do that?" Glory asked, throwing a suspicious glare Peter's way, "It's poker, a game of chance. Are rigging the deck? How the fuck do you never lose?"

"Wow, I didn't know you wanted to see Tiger naked that much, Glory." The redhead grinned and held up her hands in mock surrender when her roommate threw a glare her way. All things considered MJ held up pretty well; she still had her undershirt on, at least.

"Really? I didn't realize, Grant," Peter said, his voice dripping with obvious sarcasm, "I mean your feeling are flattering, but-"

"Fuck you, you deranged midget. I'm not losing to you." Glory grabbed the card and dealt it in a rush, a look of pure annoyance on her face. Gwen snickered into her cup when Peter glared at everyone else. Peter was never the tallest kid in class and 3 years did little to change that; something he evidently didn't like being reminded of. It was kind of glaring when he was shorter than MJ and Glory, even if it was only an inch.

Sadly whatever determination Glory had to win (and hopefully not to see him naked) was dashed as soon as Peter set his cards on the deck, "Straight flush." For a second Gwen swore that he smirked, though that could have just been her imagination. Either way Flash called it quits while Glory called him a dwarf. Yeesh, some people could be sore losers...

Peter won the game, which wasn't surprising. Gwen and the rest put their clothes back on - some moreso than others - and sat back down on the table. Tonight was game night, or at least that's what Betty suddenly claimed an hour ago. Tomorrow would be scary stories then the day after that would be embarassing childhood tales. Betts really read through the cliche handbook for the trip.

"Next up is King's Game!" The lead guitarist announced, getting wary looks from everyone else on the table, "I picked this up on a TV show. Alright, rules are simple: there's eight of us here and there are eight cards." She gestured to the thin deck she'd arranged, "Seven of them are numbered correctly, but the eighth one is the King card. Whoever gets the king card can get any number to do what they want."

"So it's basically truth or dare?" Randy asked.

"Kinda-sorta; you're not supposed to tell anyone else what your number is so if I told number 7 to, I dunno, do a handstand on number 5's back both of them have to do it no matter who it is."

"Something tells me I'm gonna regret this..." Peter took a sip of the whiskey he brought and sighed.

"Who knows, Ben, maybe you'll get lucky again." Flash took the bottle Peter set down and took a whiff, "Oh, damn!" His face scrunched up and he coughed, "Damn, dude, how are you still awake? The room's spinning and I didn't even drink it!"

"Maybe you just have a weak stomach, Thompson." He grabbed the bottle back and took another long swig before setting it back down on the table, "Come on, lets get this over with before I change my mind."

'I could have told you what everyone's cards were earlier, Gwen.'

'That would be cheating, Webster.'

'You cheat when fighting bad guys. This was a competition, right?'

'Not everything's the same.'

'I understand that, but it's still confusing on what's okay or not sometimes. I read your old history books. The Americans stole this land from the natives who lived here. Why didn't anyone stop them? Wasn't it wrong? Stealing is wrong. We stop thieves, right?'

'That's...complicated. Look, it was before our time. We can't exactly go back to the 1700's and slap them upside the head, you know?'

'I know, Gwen, it's just odd. How can someone say they stand for equality and justice when they stole something to get it? You said it happened a long time ago. Does that mean it's okay to steal if you don't get caught right away? Does it stop being bad when the criminal dies but they still didn't give it back?'

'Rain check, okay? This is something that we really shouldn't be talking about right now...' She loved Webster, she really did, but it was like a sponge sometimes. She dreaded the day she'd have to explain the birds and the bees and why boys had different parts compared to girls.

She picked up a card and grimaced at the 2 of hearts that greeted her. That wasn't a good start. She looked to the rest and sighed when Flash...well, flashed the king card with a wide smile on his face. She didn't know whether to be relieved or worried, especially since Flash 'dem shorty shorts' Thompson (Betty's nickname, not hers) had a few drinks already.

"Alright, uh...number 5 kiss the person to your right."

The words were barely out of his mouth before MJ suddenly grabbed Glory's shoulder and kissed her right on the lips. The contact last for only a second or two before they separated with a pop and MJ tossed her card back into the pile, "...What?" She laughed at the incredulous looks Flash, Glory and Randy gave her, "I did the dare, right? Why're you all staring?"

"Uh...yeah, MJ's right." Glory shook her head and subtly wiped her mouth, "Let's just keep going."

Betty was the next King, and they never got the chance to dread their luck before she suddenly said, "Number 3 and Number 6, do a striptease."

The silence that followed was deafening. Each of them looked at one another, all of them (literally) keeping their cards close to their chest. Most of them already showed off worse in the last game, but the thought of dancing in front of everyone was definitely above and beyond. Gwen took a deep breath and set her number 1 card down, "Uh, Betts...maybe you wanna-"

"Nope." She interrupted immediately, a smug smile on her face, "King's word is law. Chop chop whoever it is!"

Whatever she was about to say was drowned out when both Peter and Falcon suddenly stood up, throwing a 6 and a 3 respectively down on the table with a mutual grimace. If the thought of her boyfriend doing a dance in front of everyone bothered her Betty definitely didn't show it, and apparently MJ and Flash found it funny too considering the snickers they barely managed to hide behind their hands.

"Laugh it up you two..." Peter muttered, throwing the pair a half-hearted glare.

"Alright, first we need music." Betty tapped her phone. 'I'm too sexy' immediately played out, easily drowning out the weak song Gwen's own phone was playing. Something told her Betty had planned for this, "Dance for our amusement, 3 and 6! The King commands it so!"

The next few minutes were burned into her mind. She tried to look away and spare their dignity, she really did, but she couldn't help herself: Spider-Man and Falcon were doing a striptease, how the fuck could she just ignore that? Gwen clamped her hands over her mouth and held back her guffaws with all her willpower.

Falcon was so robotic it almost made her sorry and Peter wasn't much better. Granted he seemed to know the routine a bit more - spider agility really helped - but that didn't mean he knew how to dance. His face being a red as a tomato definitely didn't help, though she found it was a nice change of pace from his usual scowls and frowns.

"Do the lift! Carry Sam like an angel!" MJ called out in-between her laughter.

She didn't expect them to do it, but once again she was proven wrong. Peter and Falcon shared a grimace before they both nodded and Falcon jumped, Peter catching him mid-fall and holding him steady. This time Gwen did laugh, and she didn't care if Peter glared at her. It was worth it.

Mercifully (for them) the song ended and they both put their clothes on in a rush. Falcon's scowl only lasted till Betty kissed him in the cheek as a congratulations, which was about what she expected really, "Cheer up, Pete. I thought you looked pretty good up there," Gwen said, bumping her left shoulder to his right, "It's all fun, right?"

"Fun...right." He scoffed.

"Come on, I bet you were smiling on the inside."

"You're delusional, Stacy." He scoffed again and looked down at his card. Gwen just hummed and grinned when she pulled the King card. The rest of the night was gonna be fun.

June 4, 2016. New York City(?).

Two hours later and he was on a roof looking down at the near abandoned streets below. Spider-Man bit into the cheap sandwich and ignored the taste of dry bread in his mouth. It was nearly a day since that fracas at the diner and he hadn't caught either hide or hair of that crazy bounty hunter or any of the other jumpsuits from that mad science lab.

His mind wandered back to everything that happened so far. He still remembered everything the slant did to him: every cut, stab and poison she injected into his system. Time lost all meaning inside that hellhole. The only way he even realized how much of it passed was because that Slant 'commemorated' the months and years that passed.

"You've lasted longer than everyone else, 5! That's a real accomplishment!"

Spider-Man growled and shut his eyes tightly. Specimen 5, one of the earliest 'test subjects' she had after he and Octavius were dragged through that lightshow machine underneath the asylum. She was obsessed with trying to figure out how his powers worked. Not because she couldn't do it herself - she bragged about creating Spider-Dame constantly - but because it bothered her that there was something she couldn't manipulate.

If he ever got his hands on her he'd make sure she died slow.

He saw his reflection in a mirror earlier. The Slant made sure he was halfway 'presentable' whenever she did her tests on him, but her experiments left their mark. His face was gaunt and his skin had an unhealthy pallor, which was only emphasized by the messy dark hair and rough stubble he was sporting. He almost didn't recognize himself when he caught that first glimpse.

There was also a gap in his memory. The last thing he remembered was the Slant latching some dark blob onto him for another test and then he just woke up in that slab with another kook who had a scalpel in his hand. Drew was there too, so he had to guess that wherever he was it wasn't under that cabal's 'care'.

Granted it didn't seem to do him any good, but it was something.

His deliberation didn't last long before he heard the soft patter of footsteps behind him. Half a dozen at least and each of them moved at the exact same tempo, 'Can't even let me finish my food...' He threw the half-eaten sandwich down the alley and turned around.

He had to admit, despite all the craziness he'd been witness to ever since he woke up the sight of half a dozen ninjas dressed head to toe in red was still enough to surprise him. Spider-Man raised an eyebrow and stood up properly, "This is new..." He subtly reached for his revolver an gripped the handle firmly. He got the feeling that whatever they wanted it wasn't good for him.

"Spider-Man," The closest one said, his voice low and deep. He was almost jealous of him, "Our leader has sent us to summon you. You've been decreed worthy of an audience."

"An audience? Huh, didn't know New York turned to a monarchy." The ninja's eyes narrowed, though for anyone else it would've been impossible to see, "So...who's this leader of yours?"

"It is not my place to answer, outsider. If you wish your questions answered then you will have to meet our leader yourself."

"Right, like that's the first time I've heard that rub before." He sneered. His spider-sense was blaring like a damn siren, and considering the last time it did something like that was just before Moon stabbed him in the eye it didn't spell good things, "You're not really convincing me here, pal. I'll think about it-"

He barely managed to turn around before - and he couldn't believe he was saying this - a damned shuriken rushed past his leg and embedded itself on the wall covering the edge of the rooftop, "We've been sent here to take you to our leader. Failure is not an option." The ninja drew a katana and held it firm with both hands, "Come peacefully. This is your last warning."

Spider-Man responded by shooting a bullet through his gut. The ninjas didn't even wait for the head honcho's body to hit the ground before they were on him, blades drawn stance ready. He dodged the first few slashes and webbed two of down, smashing their heads against the roof before they could try and fight back. He was still sluggish, but it was enough for these bozos.

Two more charged at him, screaming something in Japanese that he didn't understand, 'I ain't getting fitted for a wooden kimono.' He threw one off the roof and punched the other one in the throat, the poor bastard crumpling to the ground and holding his neck with both hands.

'One left.'

He picked up a katana and stabbed it through the leg of the last ninja, "Not too late to back off." His advice was met with an attempt to slash through his right hand. Spider-Man jumped away and grimaced when the ninja pulled the sword out of his leg, letting the bloodstained blade clatter to the roof with a dull thud. Well, they were definitely devoted.

Devoted didn't mean they were bulletproof, though.

One bullet between the eyes and he was on his back, a pool of blood forming from the back of his head. Spider-Man knelt by the still-warm corpse and frowned. Something told him that this wasn't the end of it.

He was proven all too right when his spider-sense flared and more footsteps rushed from all sides, "God damn it..." He looked around and tightened his grip on the gun. Ninjas on the surrounding rooftops; he counted at least two dozen, though he was sure there were more of them around somewhere.

He managed to take out over a dozen of the red clowns before they managed to grab his arms and legs and pin him down, "Let me go, you bastards!" His struggling was painfully brief. Before he could get a foothold three ninjas stood in front of him and aimed their swords down, the tips of the blades almost cutting through the flesh of his neck.

"Our orders were to take you alive. Cease your struggles," A ninja said, glaring down at him through the mask, "If you prove wholly uncooperative, however, then we were also told to eliminate you. Make your choice, Spider-Man."

He spat at him. He wasn't going to be anyone's prisoner again.

Spider-Man grit his teeth and braced himself for the blades, but nothing came. Before any of the bastards could say anything he heard the sound of tearing cloth and skin and his face was covered in a sudden torrent of blood, "What the-"

"You just gonna keep lying there, bub?" A petite hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up. He got up into a shaky stand and glared at Shadowcat's bloodstained, smirking face, "You don't look happy to see me."

"The hell are you doing here?"

"Saving your hide, looks like." She gestured to the ninjas on the other rooftops rushing towards them, "You wanna take your chances with them? Cause if not pick your gun up and get ready. Ninjas aren't very good but they're damn tenacious."

She rushed to the closest cluster with her claws drawn and tore through them like a hot knife through butter. Spider-Man picked up the gun and, for a tantalizing second, considered shooting her in the back of the head or even just running away entirely. She definitely wasn't a friend and he didn't have a guarantee that her paymasters were any worse than the ninjas.

Still, she was the only person his spider-sense hadn't screamed about just yet tonight, so he took his chances.

Shadowcat (bizarre name) did most of the heavy lifting, though he plugged more than a few before he finally ran out of bullets. He lost count of how many ninjas they killed or knocked out before the seemingly unending wave finally stopped, leaving just the two of them standing.

Spider-Man panted and leaned on the closest wall. The air stank of blood and he'd taken a few cuts from their blades, but all things considered it could've been worse. This was definitely something he wouldn't forget for a while.

"Tired already?" Shadowcat called, a cocky smile on her face. She was covered head to toe in patches of blood, none of them hers, and he couldn't see a single scratch on her otherwise. He guessed being able to turn into a damn ghost was really useful, "S.H.I.E.L.D's really worried about you, ya know? Considered armed and extremely dangerous."

"What do you want?" he bit out.

"Same thing as before: you to come with me." She made the claws disappear and stuffed her hands into her pockets, "Willingly, this time. Little bit less threats, more handholding feelgood stuff."

"Yeah, why's that? Doubt you had a change of heart."

"I just follow orders. Apparently they got new info and they wanna make a deal." She laughed at the look of utter disbelief he gave her, "Hey, I'm just saying what they told me to. I got no clue why they changed their minds, but if it gets me paid then I'm all ears."

"A deal on what? Not to cut me up like I'm an animal?"

"Well, that and information on some guy called Otto Octavius. Ring any bells?"

"Octavius..." It could've been a lie, she might've said anything just to try and lure him back to her employers, but his spider-sense was completely silent. She could've been lying without realizing it - just parroting what her paymasters told her - but wasn't the risk worth it? He couldn't fight in his condition and both of them knew it. Agree or refuse he didn't like his odds either way.

"I'll take that shocked mumble as a yes, then." She smirked, "They gave me a neutral location for a rendezvous, but something tells me the Hand and whoever else is interested in you is gonna be gunning for us. If you agree to meet with S.H.I.E.L.D then we're gonna have to work together to make sure neither of us end with our heads mounted on a wall."

"Work together? With you?" He gave her a sardonic smile, "A night ago you threatened to chop my pecker off."

"And now I'm offering you an out from being captured by ninjas and terrorists. Life works in mysterious ways, bub," she replied coolly, "Trust me, I've worked with worse before."

"I can see definitely see that..." Trapped between a rock, a hard place and a bottomless pit with his only out being a psychotic teenager who had claws in her hands. He knew the spider bite changed things, but this was insane even for him, "...Fine, I don't have much choice." He pushed himself off the wall and stood up properly, "Let's get out of here."

"Hm, alright. Until I can dump you off on S.H.I.E.L.D we're partners. This is gonna be interesting."

Yeah, I know; nothing much happened this chapter :/ Sorry, but I can't write lighthearted slice of life to save my life and I already feel like I rushed Spider-Man's segments given that he agrees to work with Shadowcat at the end of the chapter remarkably fast considering she hunted him down in the last chapter. It was between that and Spider-Man running away for about 2 more chapters and accomplishing nothing, so I picked the lesser evil.

Anyway, Spider-Man's now partnered up with Shadowcat. The two are gonna be working together for the entirety of his time in Earth-65, continuing the theme of dysfunctional partnerships established by Noir and Spider-Gwen. Ironically enough they struggle less despite their rocky start, mostly cause they don't really disagree on how to handle a lot of situations. That and I'm damn sure no one's gonna pair these two together given that they aren't Peter and Gwen, so it'll be easier to write :D

Also gotta respect Spider-Man upping Noir's ante of not giving a single fuck on how weird Earth-65 is. Dimensional counterpart tied to Spider-Woman? Meh. Ninjas? Weird, but eh. Sudden appearance by Silk? At least he's not the biggest freak in town anymore. In his case it's at least more justified compared to Noir given he remembers the 5 year interim.

Question: It's not gonna be the next chapter, but which arc do you guys wanna focus on after we finish the awkward lakeside getaway? I have 2 choices, so pick your poison.

1. Carnage and Shriek arc with Noir and Gwen - Spider-Man's escape was only possible because the Carnage symbiote got loose, attacked the base and cut the power. Now the symbiote's out and, after bonding with Kasady by chance, ready for a slaughter. This arc will focus on stopping two deranged psychopaths more dangerous than everyone else they've fought so far.

Taking a cue from Venom vs Carnage comic, there'll also be focus on Venom's POV and its character. While Gwen won't be absent a part of the story will have Venom on the driver's seat, the same way the Carnage suit will be.

2. Crime Master arc with Spider-Man and Shadowcat - Remember when Jack took the Lizard serum? Remember how Noir stopped caring about it ever since Jameson yelled at him for being a menace? Well, SHIELD hasn't forgotten and they're all to willing to use their two newest assets for damage control. This arc focuses on trying to stop CM and Jack before they weaponize the serum into a WMD.

And before anyone says anything: yes, there'll be a reason why SHIELD sends two mercs over their own men. It might be cliche, but there is a justification. Not sure I can say the same for the first arc since there's little in-universe sense why Noir and Gwen go after Carnage as a pair rather than asking everyone - She-Hulk comes to mind - for backup and mobbing the depraved bastard. Just roll with it, I guess. Rule of drama and all that.
It doesn't stop being bad, but that doesn't justify punishing someone because someone else stole something.

Morality's a hard sell for a lot of people the deeper you look, which goes double for sentient weapons which weren't meant to have a sense of right and wrong. Carnage shows just what happens when they don't get bonded to someone with the morality of a saint.
Nice Chap as always, nothing to complain about as far as I can tell, the Gwen scenes were a ray of light after so much angsty, and Spider-Man is already building the hype for his adventures.

Carnage arc plis I get the feeling it will be awesome!
Nice Chap as always, nothing to complain about as far as I can tell, the Gwen scenes were a ray of light after so much angst, and Spider-Man is already building the hype for his adventures.

Carnage arc plis I get the feeling it will be awesome!

Anything that stuck out for you then? Always nice to know what caught attention so I could improve it. Anyway, 1 for Carnage.
Anything that stuck out for you then? Always nice to know what caught attention so I could improve it. Anyway, 1 for Carnage.

Well I think you did really well, but the fighting scene of Spider-Man could have been a bit more dynamic as he could use his splatter web to blind the ninjas, demonstrate his dodging skills more(I mean he has a better Spider-Sense and overall agility) and take advantage of taking one of the blades of the ninjas to make his chances better.

But the fighting scene felt very organic, so I think I am just fanboying too much about Spider-Man (Noir) He is my favorite Spider-Man after all :)
Well I think you did really well, but the fighting scene of Spider-Man could have been a bit more dynamic as he could use his splatter web to blind the ninjas, demonstrate his dodging skills more(I mean he has a better Spider-Sense and overall agility) and take advantage of taking one of the blades of the ninjas to make his chances better.

But the fighting scene felt very organic, so I think I am just fanboying too much about Spider-Man (Noir) He is my favorite Spider-Man after all :)

He did use his webbing to bind two of the ninjas, and it's mentioned he got overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. That and as he notes multiple times he's sluggish from just coming back from the dead and fighting his way through a SHIELD base.

Did his truce with Shadowcat seem rushed to you or was it justified enough as being the least terrible choice he had?
He did use his webbing to bind two of the ninjas, and it's mentioned he got overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. That and as he notes multiple times he's sluggish from just coming back from the dead and fighting his way through a SHIELD base.

Did his truce with Shadowcat seem rushed to you or was it justified enough as being the least terrible choice he had?
His Truce felt justified, as he already has been shown that this universe is very strange(In other words he is totally lost) and she has given to him a chance to get Ock and possibly go home.

Also, fits the Noir theme of the character as well of working with people you don't fully trust.
Hmm, alright. What about Gwen's segments? Oddly enough they felt even more difficult to write compared to chapters like Trick-or-Treat that have really messed up resolutions. Slice of life is not my thing...

1. Carnage and Shriek arc with Noir and Gwen - Spider-Man's escape was only possible because the Carnage symbiote got loose, attacked the base and cut the power. Now the symbiote's out and, after bonding with Kasady by chance, ready for a slaughter. This arc will focus on stopping two deranged psychopaths more dangerous than everyone else they've fought so far.
Chapter 71
Same disclaimer as before: end of this chapter might annoy a few people but please keep reading and bla bla bla.

Before we get started I have to ask something. Does Gwen feel Mary Sue-ish to you guys? It wasn't notable at first, but as of the recent chapters a lot of things seems to be going her way: she's been exonerated for 65-Peter's murder, she no longer has money troubles due to SHIELD paycheck, she's a famous celebrity, her friends love and support her and with Venom (who's way friendlier than normal) she's one of the strongest metahumans in Earth-65.

I've tried to mitigate this to varying degrees, but I'm not sure if it works. So far her main counterpoints are that villains still run circles around her (Murdock, Hobgoblin and 65-Cindy in particular) and because of her morals she's impotent in a lot of ways where Noir, Shadowcat, Spider-Man and Silk aren't. Not sure if it's enough, though, so what do you guys think?

I also balanced it out by showing her fame as shallow and skin-deep while her friends still give her shit no matter how big she gets, particularly MJ and Noir who love taking the piss out of her and refuse to buy into the Spider-Woman hype.

If it helps I did base this on the Ultimate comics where Spider-Man, despite only being at it for one year, managed to turn public opinion around, earned Jameson's trust and generally got a lot of the perks Gwen has in this fic such as adoration, fans etc etc while dealing with villains above his league due to his youth and inexperience.

Side note - Watched through Defenders and new Spidey cartoon. Latter was average, former was great; though they made Luke Cage weirdly vulnerable to punches and hits considering he's bulletproof. Oh, and watch the trailer The Tick. Superhero greatness right there :p

Chapter 71: Insanity

"You're tearing me apart, Lisa!"

...What the hell was he watching?

Peter adjusted his place on the couch and tried to keep his gaze focused on the deranged alien on the screen. He didn't know what the film was supposed to be about, though judging by the 'minimalist' title and the cover of the box being said deranged alien glaring at the viewer he had to assume it was some kind of horror film. It was the only way he could explain how bizarre everyone was acting and their absurd views on what constituted an admirable guy.

It was movie night; or, to be more accurate, movie day and night. They were supposed to tell each other scary stories in the campfire, but a sudden bout of rain and a suggestion by Roberson to watch a movie to let the time pass by ended with everyone more or less agreeing that binging through the library of movies that he brought was a better use of their time compared to hoping the rain would pass any time soon.

"I did not hit her! It's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her, I did not! ...Oh, hi, Mark!"

Something he was just now beginning to regret given the fact that he was very likely losing brain cells with every second he spent watching the trainwreck on the television. Peter's gaze shifted from the screen to everyone else around him. Gwen had a slight smile on her face, which he took to mean she was debating on whether she was amused or as horrified as he was. Everyone else's expressions varied from amused grins (Brant) to sharing his disbelief (Grant and the Bird).

It was meant to be relaxing, Mary told him earlier. Just a way for friends to hang out by watching a film that's 'so bad it turned right around to being good again in its sheer badness'. He wasn't sure he agreed; he distinctly remembered cheap puppet shows on the street with stick figures covered in rags that had more understandable flow and caused less of his sanity to erode the longer he watched it.

Finally (mercifully) the film ended when the alien shot himself in the face and everyone bizarrely started mourning him, which contradicted their behavior just a few minutes ago. Peter didn't even try to suppress the sigh of relief, which was a sentiment shared by Grant and Falcon given the way they cried out when the DVD player spat out the CD. It was probably as sick of the whole thing as they were.

"That was beautiful," Brant said, standing up and putting the disc back in its container. Peter was sorely tempted to throw it down a trash compactor, "Now, as great as that was, that was only the appetizer." She pointedly ignored the groans everyone had and picked up two more cases, "Let's be fair, though: everyone gets a vote." She raised both cases like they were prizes to be fought over, "The Moonlight series or Sharknado. Which one do you guys want?"

He thought everyone else wouldn't care like he did, but he was quickly proven wrong when everyone immediately started squabbling and arguing with the guys arguing for the latter while the girls backed the former.

"They're both terrible!" Thompson said, "At least with Sharknado we can see celebrities turn into shark chow!"

"Yeah, but least we get to see Taylor Lautner shirtless in Moonlight!" Mary argued back. It was frankly bizarre hearing that from him considering her usual behavior.

"I read up on Sharknado. The actors and the directors didn't take it seriously, so you know it's gonna be funnier."

"Trust me, dude, you can't beat sparkling Vampires. Tornado sharks have nothing on that," Gwen replied, "Besides, it's like MJ said: shirtless Taylor Lautner. I'm a woman, I have needs."

Peter was distinctly thankful that he didn't have a drink on him since he was sure he would've sputtered it out. People were more frank about making crude jokes - another change 82 years had changed - but it still surprised him sometimes how casually people could drop it into conversation. Lana and Bullseye were the same, and he definitely didn't want to hear that a 15 year old girl considered that Cat themed hero in Paris 'really fuckable'.

In the end the Werewolf romance won out - mostly cause he and the Bird abstained from joining the argument - and he spent the next few hours watching a so-called Werewolf take his shirt off for the flimsiest of reasons. Robertson and Thompson spent the entire time pouting, though Peter was just glad that the lead character didn't look like Dracula...ironic considering it had a Vampire in it, but apparently the definition of Vampirism changed since Bram Stroker popularized it.

Peter found himself falling asleep by the seventh time the werewolf took his shirt off. He didn't know how much time passed, but by the time he woke up the screen was still playing through yet another scene where the pasty girl talked to a sparkling Vampire while everyone else was fast asleep, "Mmm..." He stood up slightly and looked down when he felt a the weight on his right shoulder.

Gwen was lying against his arm, her eyes shut and her breaths soft. Peter allowed himself a small smile before standing up, doing his best not to disturb anyone. Thompson and Robertson were gone, though that wasn't much of a surprise. They probably went to sleep since they couldn't take watching two cardboard guys fighting over an emotionally stunted girl.

He made his way to the kitchen and raised an eyebrow when he saw the suit sitting upright on the table with a large history book placed in front of it. He'd gotten used to seeing it even when it wasn't bolted onto Gwen, but did it have to appear as Spider-Woman with different coloration? Even the blob Dog used as a blanket was easier on the eyes.

Shaking his head, he opened the cabinet and took out his last bottle of whiskey. In hindsight he should have brought more of the stuff, but Mary didn't exactly give him a lot of time to prepare before she sprung the invite on him. He was lucky enough with the half dozen he got after the Hellhouse burned down. Just another reason Bullseye hated Gwen, he supposed.

Peter filled the shot glass with whiskey before he turned his attention back to the symbiote. It was still reading, seemingly undisturbed by his sudden appearance or the fact that Dog was sleeping on its lap. Occasionally it petted the small (how he hadn't grown at all in the weeks was still a mystery) pug, but beyond that it was determined to pore through the book.

"Getting some reading done?"

The symbiote 'blinked', tilting its head to look up at him. The lack of a mouth and eyebrows on the mask made it hard to tell what it was thinking, "Yes. History. I wish to understand." Peter still found it weird that it sounded almost like Gwen. Still, it didn't have her energy or obvious emotion.

"Anything specific?" He couldn't believe he was making conversation with a symbiotic suit, but he'd long since learned to stop trying make sense of the insanity his life had become. It made it easier to sleep at night, at least.

"American history. Gwen fights for New York, I wish to understand the people she hopes to protect." It turned the page, its eyes shifting slightly in what looked like a frown, "History is confusing. Humans are capable of cruelty for illogical reasons, but there are also those who sacrifice their lives for a cause or for the betterment of strangers."

"It's a mixed bag. Things aren't black and white all the time, despite what people tell you. There saints and sinners, but most people are just a bundle of flaws and blessings. No one's perfect; thought that'd be obvious considering your bond with Gwen."

"I...don't know. There are no others - symbiotes - like me. I don't have a way to compare myself to others since I'm not human. You and Gwen are different from one another. Gwen is different from her friends. Villains are different from Heroes. Humans are different and I can separate them, but I know of no one else like me. The Creator didn't make any more."

"If it helps, I doubt most people would look at Gwen or me and think we're completely human. Last I checked humans couldn't cling to walls or disappear in wisps of smoke." He down the whiskey in one go and smiled bitterly. His 'humanity' wasn't something he liked to think about a lot, especially not after what happened at that butcher shop, "You'll live, kid."

"Kid...another term for a child. Do you see me as such?"

"Well I sure as hell ain't calling you Webster. No offense, but it drudges up a lot of memories."

"Of the one whose body you inhabit. I understand." It closed the book stiffly, the pages hitting together with a muted smack, "A child...I have a basic understanding on the value of family, but I don't know if it applies to me. I was not born normally and in all the books I read it talked of a certain order. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood. None of these have meaning to me."

"You're not human, kid, but that doesn't mean you have to be. Humans ain't the only one in this place, and many scientists would tell you that we're just a higher kind of animal. You're different, that's all it boils down to."

"That's...acceptable." It looked down at Dog and petted it again, "One of Gwen's friends - the one called Betty - referred to Gwen as my mother as a joke before. I see similarities with how children inherit traits from their mothers and fathers. Could the same apply to me?"

"You're asking me? I don't have a clue how things really work between you and Gwen, kid." Peter found it weird enough that the suit could talk in the first place. The last thing he needed was to think about what it considered a good approximate of a mommy and daddy, "Given the way she treats you I doubt she'd mind if you called her that."

"I understand. Given your relationship with Gwen, you are also the closest approximation of a father. Does that make sense?"

"Not even in the least." He laughed wryly into the cup and poured another full serving for himself, swallowing the bitter alcohol and welcoming the slight buzz that came after, "Your relationship with Gwen is your business, so just leave me out of it. I've already got one kid I'm taking care of, I really don't need another." He shook his head. Lana was way too invested considering how little time they spent together, "Besides, Gwen and I aren't together. You know that."

"Another thing I find difficult to understand. You both care for the other and yet you don't act on these feelings. It's a contradiction."

"You'll figure it out when you're older."

"Doubtful, but perhaps you'll prove correct." It paused, the skin of the suit shifting slightly before it suddenly spoke up again, "Your memories and traits. We are similar in a way."

"How'd you figure that?" He raised an eyebrow. This should be good.

It pointed at the rosary that hung on his neck, "You take things from others. A piece of them you carry with you. The same way I learn from Gwen."

"So we both steal. What's your point?"

"You said once before that you were infected by the Lizard serum, but I wonder if it's not something else. I am made of the serum and what empowers Gwen, so could you not be similar? The one you call a poison is what brought me life, perhaps-"

"You think I'm the serum, don't you? You think I'm like you." Poison given life with memories that didn't belong to it. The kid paused, the edges of its eyes shifting in a chaotic wave before it eventually nodded, "Huh...well, I'll admit that's less offensive than the others thinking I'm that mad scientist."

"You don't believe me."

"Figured that out all on your own, did you?" He scoffed, "Listen, I got no clue what I am at this point, and really I've stopped trying to figure it out. The Spider-God's got its fangs in me and it ain't letting go. Whoever I am, something tells me he doesn't care." At this point he just wanted to go home. Mary Jane and Aunt May would've had a hard time accepting his state, but he had to try, right?

"I understand. I won't speak of it anymore."

An awkward silence settled over the roof, broken only by the slight snoring of Dog on the symbiote's lap. Peter looked down at the bottle of whiskey and gave all his attention to the dark alcohol. It was hard to look at it (Her? Did gender even mean anything to something like that?) considered how it chose to appear as. On the surface it felt like he was talking to Gwen, even if it was only skin deep.

He was about to leave before it suddenly spoke up, "The drink you hold in your hand..."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Alcohol. A vice that's noted in many of the history books. It's the cause of many events, most of them bad." That's another thing that hadn't changed, at least. No matter what world you were in many disasters in history could've been avoided if everyone was sober and kept away from the sauce, "It's not good for you. Why do you drink it?"

"Going out and beating down criminals aren't healthy for Gwen either, and she does it no problem. Healthy isn't exactly what people are into, kid."

"You have a point." It looked at the shot glass again, "May I have a taste? The only matter I've consumed so far is chocolate, and only to ensure that I'm fed. I've never experienced consuming something sorely for pleasure."

"Your first drink, huh? Guess everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?" Christ, he really was starting to feel like the kid's dad. Shaking his head to ward away those thoughts, he filled up another shot glass with what little whiskey he had left (which wasn't much) and offered it to it, "Cheers."


It clinked its glass to his awkwardly before quickly following his lead and downing it in one go with a mouth it suddenly sprouted. The mouth left as quickly as it came, though it was hardly the end of it. The symbiote's eyes widened suddenly, the large white expanse of space shifting in another jumble before it slowly calmed itself down to its usual state.

"...That's a new reaction. Can't tell if you liked it or you wanna throw up."

"Yes. The drink is...odd." It placed the shot glass back down onto the table and tilted its head to the side, "Bitter, lingering taste. Different even from the alcohol that Gwen consumes. I don't understand why you enjoy it so much."

"Sometimes we just wanna try to forget. Not that it works for me, but it won't stop me trying." He poured the last of the bottle (it was a really small one) into the glass and finished it off, "Well, that's the last for me, I guess. Back to losing braincells with those damn movies."

"Why does the Vampire sparkle? Historical legends of Vampirism don't include-"

"Don't ask me...matter of fact, don't ask Gwen either. Pretty sure she's only in it because she wants to see if that other guy'll take his pants off, too." No, he wasn't jealous. He just found it...petty, that's all.

Sighing, he threw the bottle into the trash and made his way back to the living room. Might as well get this over with...

June 5, 2016. Blue Swallow Motel.

The inside of the motel room was bigger than he thought. Spider-Man looked around the surprisingly wide confines with narrowed eyes. The television on the table was bigger than anything he'd seen back home and the two beds seemed comfortable enough from what he saw. He opened a nearby closet and his mouth twitched when he saw the assorted clothes that filled every brim of the inside.

Someone was expecting him.

Shadowcat whistled from behind him, "Huh, fancy digs for a place like this," she said, her voice light and casual. Peter looked back and found her sitting on the right bed, her legs crossed and an easy smile on her face. It looked bizarre considering she was covered in dried flecks of blood, but he should've gotten used to it. Something told him that she was his only lifeline in this madhouse.

Despite her words earlier they weren't attacked by those ninjas or anyone else, though he was still on-guard the entire roundabout trip here. For all he knew he could round the corner and get attacked by a bunch of cultists who wanted to sacrifice him to their god.

Sighing, Spider-Man sat on the bed and let himself relax. The clock's hands pointed at just past 1 am in the morning and despite his usual haunting hours he already felt exhausted. 5 years of being mangled for that Slant's amusement and now he was being dragged along by his balls by a girl who didn't look a day over 17 covered in the blood of the people she'd killed.

What a world...

Without saying another word he stood and made his way to the bathroom, ignoring the way his 'partner's' eyes bore into his back. Spider-Man flicked the lights open and winced at the reflection that greeted him. He didn't look any better from last time and the crimson spots weren't doing him any better. Suppressing a frown, he opened the faucet and washed the blood down the sink. It was a miracle that the motel manager didn't question either of them considering how they looked.

Against his better judgement he threw open the shower curtain and took a quick bath. It was a risk - for all he knew Shadowcat could stab him in the neck as soon as he let his guard down - but he couldn't stop himself. Back in the butcher shop the Slant didn't exactly give them much even in the way of basic necessities. Right now the hot water felt like heaven.

That done he put the (stolen and bloodstained) clothes back on and returned to the sink, "Damn it..." He grabbed the shaving cream, razor and scissors and got to work. There was something relaxing about the monotonous routine - for a second the normalcy of it made him forget all about the mess this entire thing was.

And then Shadowcat quickly reminded him, "Good to know you've got your priorities straight." He looked up and glared at her reflection in the mirror. He looked marginally better without the messy stubble and disjointed hair, but the pale skin and sunken features remained. He'd need a lot more to put it behind him, "Gotta say I think the stubble looked better than the babyface look."

"What do you want?"

"I gotta use the shower. Get the stink of blood off me." She gestured to the open shower curtain and the clothes on her arms, "Oh, and fair warning: if you try to leave I'm gonna hunt you down. We clear on that?"

"Where would I go? It's not like I have anywhere else to be."

He left the restroom and lay on the bed again, staring up at the ceiling blankly as the sound of running water echoed from the restroom. This was all wrong - he was supposed to be back home, studying through College for a science degree and then finding a job to support both himself and Aunt May. Now he was stuck here in this hellhole while everything around him made less and less sense with every second that passed.

His musings were cut short when the water stopped and Shadowcat stepped out soon after wearing a black tanktop and a pair of torn jeans while her feet remained bare, "Huh, halfway expected you to try and run." She smirked at him through the towel that covered her damp hair. Spider-Man rolled his eyes and looked back up at the ceiling. He might have agreed to go with her but that didn't mean he had to play along her games.

She walked back to the other bed and lied down on it, grabbing the TV remote and flipping through the channels casually before eventually stopping at a news report, "Christ, another report on Spider-Woman? These people are obsessed with her." She snorted. Despite his better instincts telling him otherwise he turned his attention to the bizarrely large television and the blaring news report.

Same thing as the one in the diner; another spiel about New York's hero and her ongoing feud with this world's Jameson...though he found it rather weird that she was winning said feud even though she apparenly hadn't shown up for a couple of days.

His attention was drawn more to the report on her 'partner', "It's been over a week since Spider-Man's declaration of abandoning his vigilante crusade and so far New York citizens haven't seen a single trace of him. Some claim otherwise, but have offered no proof when pressed. Could Spider-Woman's sudden absence be related to her partner's declaration? Tune in at-"

That was as far as the reporter got before Shadowcat changed the channel to a movie of some kind. Spider-Man gave her an annoyed look, though she paid him no mind, "Hey, I was watching that."

"What for? It's the same thing every time: Spider-Woman good, Spider-Man bad and then it turns into a rumor mill on when the fucked up hybrid baby's gonna come out." She rolled her eyes and tossed the remote down the bed, "I swear these guys wouldn't be able to wipe their asses if Spider-Woman wasn't there to help them. Its kind of sad."

"What's the deal with her?"

"What, Spider-Woman?" she asked, getting a nod in return, "I'm not really an expert on her, bub. I just know what everyone else does - she was a celebrity for a while, she was accused of murdering Peter Parker and then she overturned that after 3 years and suddenly everyone's acting like she's the second coming of Christ. New Yorkers just follow the train even if it's falling off a cliff from what I've seen."

"Huh..." He sat up on the bed and frowned down at the floor. Murdering Peter Parker? What the hell did this world's version of him do to deserve that? "What about her partner? Spider-Man?"

"What, him? That's a barrel of snakes if I've ever seen one." She grinned, "I got some info on him from the packet S.H.I.E.L.D gave me. Apparently he's your clone."


"Clone? You know, a copy-"

"I-I know what cloning is." It was just a theory back where he came from - a twinkle in eyes of a few scientists who wanted to play God - but he got enough of a gist of it to figure what it meant, "But what do you mean he's my clone?"

"Apparently he was dead until he suddenly wasn't." She shrugged casually at the disbelieving look he gave her, "Hey, I'm just telling you what I heard. Whoever he is he started running around thinking he's you because he got your memories. Even has the same powers, I think. My advice? Probably better if you didn't meet. Something tells me neither of you are gonna like each other."

"This is insane..."

"I've seen worse. Hell, the only reason they told me is cause they know I can keep a secret. Anyone else sent after you probably just got told you were some deranged Mutant."

"Anyone else...those ninjas with the guys paying you?"

"What, the Hand? Nah, they're too self-interested for that," she said, "Dunno why they're after you, but my guess it's nothing good. I've fought those kinds of ninjas before. Best thing I can say is it's not Matt Murdock's faction. Those guys are a real pain in the ass."

"There are 'factions' now?"

"Yeah, thought that'd be obvious. Crime ain't one happy family and secret societies aren't any different. Murdock's ninjas tend to wear gray, those guys were covered in red. So I'm guessin they're from another group trying to make a power play and that's why they wanted you. Figure it's either that old crone Gao or that asshole Bakuto. I've been on both ends of that little civil war and trust me there's no lesser evil in that game."

"Great..." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Just what he needed: secret societies who treated people like pawns on a chessboard. And he thought Crime Master and the friends of New Germany were bad enough back home.

"Hey, look on the bright side. At least with S.H.I.E.L.D here you don't have to worry too much."

"One paymaster for another. So much better..."

He didn't have long to contemplate his situation before the door suddenly opened. Spider-Man's head snapped to the new arrival and he met the gaze of an old dame in uniform who had an eyepatch covering her left eye. She was definitely up there in years, but the way she walked and presented herself made it clear she was anything but feeble and helpless.

"Peggy...long time no see." Shadowcat gave her a lopsided smile before turning back to him, "Guessing she's here to give you the same pitch she gave me and Logan. Don't you feel special?"

"Hmph, still as obstinate as before, Shadowcat." The older woman gave the teenager a subdued smile, the gesture surprisingly quick before it quickly disappeared, "Your payment has been delivered to your account, though I encourage you to stay. There's a little extra in it for you."

"Hey, it's your money." She shrugged and sat up on the bed.

"Very good. Now..." 'Peggy' turned to face him, her gaze keeping him frozen on the bed despite the fact that she had a chunk of her face covered up, "My name is Margaret Carter. You are Peter Parker, this is correct?"

"That an actual question?" he shot back. The dame's remaining eye narrowed and he sighed, "Yeah, last I checked I'm Peter Parker."

"Hmm, very good. How much do you remember of these past five years?"

"All of it. Starting from that lightshow underneath the asylum and all the experiments that mad scientist did to me..." He scowled and clenched both hands tightly. He saw the scars when he took off his clothes earlier. He would've thought his healing would remove them, but there they remained; permanent reminders of his mistake of just not killing Octavius when he had the chance.

"Well, I suppose I should tell you about Spider-Man-"

"Shadowcat already told me about him. My...clone, right?" Carter locked gazes with him for a few seconds before she eventually nodded, "Look, whatever you think he is, I'm the real one. Some idiot dressed like a circus clown isn't gonna take that away from me."

"You seem convinced, child. Did you know you were dead for the past few months and only now just sprung back to life?"

He had no answer to that. Shadowcat looked at him with a raised brow, though her reaction was muted all things considered. Spider-Man scanned the dame's face for any sign that she might have been playing some kind of sick joke, but her expression was serious as could be and his spider-sense didn't flare once. Either she was telling the truth or she was crazy enough to think she wasn't lying.

Neither spelled good things for him.

"I'll take your silence as an answer." She smirked slightly and sat at a nearby chair, crossing one leg over another in a practiced manner, "When we recovered your body you'd been deceased for at least a few months, though your rate of decay had almost stalled. We attributed it to the preservation fluid that Cindy Moon used to store you, but we see now that it's more complicated that."

"You're saying I came back from the dead?" He laughed bitterly, "Can't tell if you're crazy or what."

"Whatever you think of me, Mr. Parker, the truth speaks for itself. You're standing here now months after your heartbeat stopped. Incidentally I do wish to thank you for not killing agents Smyth and Johnson along with many of my other agents during your escape."

"Yeah, don't be. I didn't do it out of the goodness of my heart..." He didn't have time to make sure everyone was down under when he did his escape attempt. Neither did Drew come to think of it, though he wouldn't have been surprised if he killed at least a few with those electric hands of his. Escape mattered more than revenge, damn what that red blob said.

"Well, to get to the meat of the topic. You have abilities, don't you?"

"Wouldn't have gotten out of your bunker if I didn't." Granted he had nothing to some of the freakshows in this place, but he didn't need it back home. Back then he was the biggest freak in town, Daredevil nothwithstanding, "What's it to you?"

"Really? Thought that'd be obvious, Spidey," Shadowcat cut in, "She's gonna offer you a job. Tell you that she can't give you what you want but she can give you something else you can spend a few years wasting your life on. It's the same pitch every time."

"Not quite." Carter laughed under her breath, "Unlike with you and Logan I actually can offer Mr. Parker what he's seeking. When Alistair regained his consciousness he told us what you asked him. You were looking for Otto Octavius, correct?"

"Yeah..." He didn't like the way she said it. She was definitely angling for something, "Why, you know where he is?"

"Yes. Actually, your counterpart has spent months searching for him as well. He believes that Octavius is the key to finding a way back to his home." Spider-Man scowled and she raised both hands slightly, "No need for anger, child. He believes that he's you, and until your sudden revival we had no concrete proof on the extent of the transference. Given your presence here now I think it's fair to say that he isn't the original."

"Right." He was getting distracted. Who cared about some impostor? "Look, just tell me where Octavius is."

"He's currently in Germany right now. If you weren't aware Otto Octavius is embedded deep within the terrorist organization S.I.L.K and getting him isn't as simple as kidnapping some thug off the street-"

"I don't care. I'll find a way."

"Many more than you didn't listen, Mr. Parker, and they all died in the end. Powers or no you're not going to accomplish your goal alone, so be quiet and listen." Spider-Man clenched both hands against his legs and bit his tongue to keep from saying any more. Her tone left little room for argument, "Good, now as I was saying he's embedded into S.I.L.K. Having his location isn't the only thing you need. You need-"

"You're saying I need your help."

"More accurately she's saying she's not giving you the info till you make it worth their while," Shadowcat said, "It's how the world works, bub. You want the Octopus guy you're gonna have to play ball."

"Ms. Pryde is correct. We have a mole inside the cell Otto Octavius is in, and taking their head scientist would compromise our investigations. I promise you that in due time you will get what you want, but until then we can't afford to disrupt our operations on the needs of one man."

"Not unless I make it worth your while, you mean." Blackmail essentially...well, this at least he understood. Good and bad were relative. He didn't know these 'Shield' clowns from Jack, but at least they were upfront about tugging his strings. It was refreshing to an extent, "What do you want me to do?"

"We'll contact you when needed. Until then this room will be your safehouse - the rent's already been paid in advance for the next few months - and Ms. Pryde will be your handler. Work together and the tasks should be manageable."

"So this is why you wanted me to stay, huh? A babysitting gig?" Shadowcat laughed wryly and shook her head, "Been a while since I've had one of these, Peggy. But you know I work better alone, right?"

"Call it a gamble, then. Hopefully your temporary partnership will work better than how your last one with Logan ended."

Carter left after that with nothing more than a promise to contact them soon. Spider-Man didn't say anything. What could he say? This was insane, but it was the hand he was dealt. Did he like the idea of postponing a way back home any longer than he had to? Of course not, but he didn't see many other options here. Between Carter holding the info back and that damn clone of his he couldn't help but feel this was the best deal he could've gotten.

"So, guess we're gonna be partners for a while," Shadowcat said, jolting him out of his thoughts, "Huh, thought this'd be a quick gig. Didn't expect we'd get stuck together. Should be...interesting."

"Yeah, we'll have a gay old time..." He scoffed. Just what he wanted; a crazy teenager who had claws coming out of her hands and feet. Next thing he knew he'd be forced to work together with that damn copy.

"Gay old time? You really aren't from around here, are you?"

"Guess not, 'bub'." He ignored the barb she shot back and made his way out of the door, breathing in the polluted air of the city with a small amount of relief, "This is crazy..." He leaned across the railing and looked down the parking lot and the nearby road. This place was gonna be his 'home' for the coming weeks while those clowns pulled his strings...

The peace and quiet didn't last long before a speeding van ran down the road. Before he could so much as blink he saw a girl jump up after it, white bursts of light coming from her hands and propelling herself forward to catch up to the runaway vehicle, "Hey, slow down you fuckers! Don't make me blow your fucking van to goddamn pieces!"

...This place was insane.

Spider-Man closed his eyes and drowned the noises out, 'Hold on, Aunt May. I'm coming back soon...'

The next few days passed by in a blur. Drinking, games, watching movies, embarassing day blended into another for Peter and before he knew it the week was over and they were on their last day.

And what a last day it was. Apart from Thompson finally bringing out the his only pile of halfway decent booze the band decided to give them all a preview of their latest song...granted he had no idea what it was about and he might as well have been wearing earplugs throughout the entire thing, but it was still nice to see Mary and Gwen 'rocking out' (that was the right term, right?) without having to be piss drunk about it.

Not that they didn't get drunk (or lightly buzzed, in his case) after the song was done. He distinctly remembered a lot of stupidity and Thompson attempting to start an 'eightsome', but beyond that it wasn't anything worse than the first night.

The morning came with a glorious wave of everyone but Peter groaning and wishing that the sun would just go away and let them have some more sleep to nurse off their headaches. Peter opened his eyes and picked himself up off of the floor of the living room. Everyone else was collapsed on the ground in varying degrees of hungover - Gwen definitely had the worst of it given the way she groaned an asked the symbiote if he could flush the alcohol out.

Sometimes life was good to him.

"Alright, everybody, wake up!" He pulled open the blinds and was greeted with a chorus of 'fucks' and 'shits' and at least a few comments about his backside. Peter allowed himself a small smile and picked up his pre-packed bag off the floor, "Don't shoot the messenger, guys. Grant was the one who said we had to leave when the sun was up. Come on, get up!"

"God...fuck off, Peter!" Gwen groaned, hiding her head under an oversized pillow.

Revenge was sweet.

He ignored the curses that came his way and left the door wide open, letting more sunlight stream into the assorted drunkards. Peter didn't stop walking till he was by the riverside again.

His lips quirked up in a small smile and he took a deep, lingering breath. This was a hell of a week, but it was over now. Soon he'd be back in New York and...well, not playing vigilante anymore that was for sure, but this little 'vacation' of his was over. It was nice while it lasted, even if it was just because he wanted to run away and forget about his problems.

Footsteps came from behind and soon Mary was standing at his right side, her expression a mix between irritation and amusement. She was definitely taking the hangover like a champ, "Hey, Tiger. What's with the loner act?"

"Just needed some time alone before I'm trapped in a van with seven hungover people who're probably holding a grudge." He took out a single coffin nail and lit it quickly, "Hey...thanks for inviting me, Mary. This was...nice." It was stupid and crazy and a lot of other things too, but he couldn't deny he had fun. Sometimes it was nice to just be mindless for a while.

"Heh, you're welcome." She smiled at him and tossed a stone through the river, "You know, I'm glad you and Gwencent agreed to come. Her especially. Ever since she became this big celeb it's been..."


"Yeah, definitely." She laughed softly, "I mean I told her that everything was cool and that she's still 'just Gwen Stacy' instead of Spider-Woman in my eyes, but it's just...the way the city treats her is getting insane. I'm seeing fanclubs, invites on the Oprah Winfrey show, she's on cellphone basis with She-Hulk and Wasp and even my sister's making fanfics about her. You have any idea how weird it is reading softcore porn knowing it's about one of your friends?"

"No, can't say I do." He paused, considering his next words, "I'm sensing this is more than just that, though."

"Your spidey-sense tell you that?" she joked back, her smile turning a tad strained, "...Alright, I guess I'm kinda jealous. Gwen never wanted to be famous and now here she is up there with the big names like Captain America and She-Hulk. Even our band is starting to feel like an extension of that. A lot of the people who started offering deals are doing it cause they think we're tight with Spider-Woman...I mean, we are, but I kinda wanted it to be about our music and not cause they think we're Spider-Woman's charity case."


"But I can't say she doesn't deserve it." Mary sighed, "I saw the way people treated her for 3 years. I can bitch and whine about how everything fell on her lap, but that's bullshit. That bite might have been chance but what she did with it was all her. If I got bitten I'd have probably kept doing what she did during high school and just kept having fun. No superheroics for me unless I wanted some publicity."

"That's not a bad thing. Caring for yourself isn't the same thing as being selfish, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. It's just..fuck, I'm not good with these kinds of talks, Tiger." She stuffed her hands into her pockets and took a deep breath, "I'm glad she came with us cause...I dunno, I guess I'm getting paranoid that pretty soon she's gonna let that fame get to her head and suddenly she's too busy hanging out with celebrities and movie stars to spend time with us little people."

"Gwen's not like that."

"Yeah, she isn't like me, I know." She waved away his counter and smiled wryly, "Ah, don't mind me, I'm just being pouty; probably the beer. I'll be fine when we get back to the city."

"You tell Gwen about this?'

"You serious? Only reason I'm telling you is cause I know you won't blab. What happens in the lakehouse stays in the lakehouse, remember?" She bumped her left shoulder to his right and hummed, "I just hope that we can keep doing this. I mean it's a tradition at this point. Who knows, maybe next year Gwen'll be working for S.H.I.E.L.D full-time fighting Red Skull ad M.O.D.A.A.K."

"No one can tell what the future holds, Mary. Just hope for the best, I guess."

"Yeah..." She looked down let out a soft breath, "Hey, that invitation extends to you too. You know that, right?'

"Hah...flattering, but I'm gonna have to pass. I'm planning to go home and with any luck it'll be before the year ends."

"Home? You mean back to the 1930's?" He nodded. Mary blinked twice before she let out a soft whistle, " offense, but why would you wanna go back? I mean I dunno how the history works given this alternate dimension bullshit, but from what I remember from high school it kinda sucked."

"This place ain't a basket or roses either." Peter rolled his eyes, "Still, I've read up on your history books; this place got the easy end of the stick compared to mine. If Captain Stars-and-Stripes tried to sign up for the army back where I came from they'd have lynched her for trying. A Black woman as the symbol of America...Roosevelt would've turned in his grave if he found out."

"Sounds like a shithole."

"Yeah, but it's mine. Home is where the heart is and all that garbage." He threw the cigarette down and stamped it underfoot, "You wouldn't ditch this place either, right?"

"Guess not, but I thought you and Gwencent were...a thing?"

", that's not happening." He ignored her look of disbelief. It was the truth, though he understood how she might've misinterpreted it, "Come on, lets get back to the others before they notice we're gone-"

"Too late." Both their heads snapped to Gwen. She looked remarkably better than when he saw her a few minutes ago; if he had to guess the kid must've actually flushed the alcohol out of her system, "MJ, Glory's calling for you. Said something about one of your CD's being busted?"

"What? Oh for fuck- I'll be right there."

Mary clapped his shoulder as a quick goodbye and rushed past Gwen, screaming something about leaving her vinyl record alone. Peter watched her go and suppressed a smile. He was going to miss this when he left.

"Almost forgot this." Gwen handed him his phone...which had at least over a dozen messages from what he could see. Peter winced; this was gonna be a real trip, "So...what were you and MJ talking about?"

"Nothing you need to know." He stuffed the phone into his jacket pocket and shrugged off her probing look, "You don't need to know everything, Gwen. Trust me if it's something dangerous I'd tell you."

"Right..." She bit her lower lip, obvious unconvinced.

"Hey, come on, you don't have to worry about everything. You're Gwen Stacy to these people, remember? Spider-Woman isn't all who you are so there's no need to play hero this time."

"I guess..." She sighed.

"Come on...lets get to da choppa!" She did a double take and gave him a wide-eyed look of disbelief, "It's, uh...something from one of those movies we watched, remember?" That's what he got for trying to cheer her up... "The guy screamed it when they were being hunted down and...yeah."

"...You're such a dork, Pete." Before he could say anything back she suddenly stopped closer and pressed her lips against his in a soft kiss. Peter was torn between pulling her closer or pushing her away before she suddenly stepped back, looking up at him with a mischievous smile, "Just getting one for the road before things become crazy again. What happens in the lakehouse stays in the lakehouse, right?"


The trip back was spent looking through the messages he'd gotten. He got a couple from Norah (some new scoop she needed help with), some from Cindy (asking him if he wanted to hang out), three from Bullseye (about finding a new bar to replace the Hellhouse) and a few missed calls from Lana followed by a message (most of which was a curse filled rant asking him why he wasn't picking up).

He also saw a few from Hardy and Spector, which he deleted without looking. He'd cut off contact ever since the incident at Times Square and the last thing he needed was a lecture from either of them. Castle at least had the common decency not to ask at all, which he appreciated.

Peter had mixed feelings when he saw New York again, though he couldn't deny there was a certain sense of being at home again when they finally entered the city proper. It wasn't his home, but in some respects it was close enough. Everyone else was talking about college or work...well, it made sense. They had roots here, he didn't. That's the way he liked it.

He went his separate ways with the others and walked back to his apartment with only Dog for company, "Ready to head back, boy?" The pug looked up at him with the same wide smile as before and trotted ahead of him. He never really considered what would happen to the little guy once he went back. Take him with him or just leave him to Lana? It wasn't like he could ask him.

Sighing, he opened up the phone again and dialed Lana's number. She'd probably want a notice that he was back in town.

The phone rang twice before Lana's voice came from the other end, "Pete? That you?"

"Yeah, I'm back in town..." He trudged up the steps of the apartment, "Phone was out the whole week. Where are you?"

"I'm, uh...actually I'm at Ben and May's." Peter stopped. Dog looked back worriedly at his sudden pause, "Hey, Pete, you still there?"

"Uh, yeah, um...just curious why."

"Well they got my number somehow and they invited me over for dinner when you left. I've just been kinda hanging out with them, helping May out with what I can. You...don't mind, do you? I mean it beats hanging out at my grandma's place and since my friends are busy and all-"

"No,'s fine. Just surprised, that's all." He continued walking to his apartment, "Alright, well, just wanted to let you know I was back in town. See ya."

He cut the call before Lana could say anything back. Lana was spending time with the Parkers...sure, why not? It wasn't like it was any of his business, right? "Right..." He unlocked the door put his bag on the dining room table. He was just an idiot. Lana's business was hers and he shouldn't worry about it. Besides, wasn't it a good thing? She'd get less clingy if she had someone else to spend time with.

His spider-sense rang, though it was different from before. Not danger, but it wasn't like the times it called to him when Spector was close. This was new.

"Finally. I've been waiting for a while now."

He unzipped the bag and took out a pistol, aiming it right at the source of the voice. A woman, probably a few years older than him. Peter caught sight of light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, though her eyes were hidden by dark red shades. The rest of her attire was casual enough with a dark leather jacket, a gray undershirt, white slip-on shoes and red pants with a loose scarf matching its color.

Definitely not anyone he recognized, though Dog didn't seem to share his sentiment.

Without any hint of hesitation the small pug trotted over to the stranger and pawed at the patch of skin between pants and the shoes, eliciting soft laughter from the intruder, "Hmm, it's been a while, hasn't it?" She knelt down slightly and petted the top of his head, "How've you been?"

"Who the hell are you?" Peter leveled the gun at her head. He didn't need another Murdock.

"Depends on who you ask. Most people who know me call me Madame Web, but I prefer Teresa-"

"Get out." He didn't know what it was about her but he felt a sudden bout of irritation. The worst part of it was he didn't understand why - all he knew was that he wanted her gone, "Leave, now, before I shoot you."

"Huh, well that's a Parker family reunion for you..."

"...What?" His grip on the gun loosened just slightly before he regained his focus, "What are you talking about?"

"Sorry, I guess this is all confusing to you." She gave him an apologetic smile and raised her hands in calming gesture. He caught sight of a multitude of rings that covered her fingers, "Well, starting over from the beginning: my name's Teresa Parker...nice to see you again, little brother."

...He took it all back. He really hated this place.

Remember when this story was about Noir meeting Spider-Gwen and his antagonists were the relatively grounded Maggia mafia gang? Yeah...those were the days, weren't they? Now it's turned into this clusterfuck with clones, awkward 'romances', more side-characters than I know what to do with and the mystical aspects being cranked into overdrive with the Hand, Anansi and now Madame Web.

Not to mention Noir himself. Originally it was some memory flashes, but now no one has any clue in-universe who he's supposed to be: Gwen and others think he's 65-Peter, Noir thinks he's the original (hahaha- no), Peggy Carter, Spider-Man and Shadowcat assume he's a SOMA-esque memory clone while Venom thinks he's sentient Lizard serum like Blacklight Alex Mercer.

I mean granted one could argue it was inevitable since I doubt I could've stretched 'Noir meets with Gwen and fights mafia' for 71 chapters, but it's still kinda weird where the story went. Now we have Teresa Parker - Peter's kinda-sorta-maybe- sister - as Madame Web. There's gonna be some really mystical bullshittery in the next chapter with the Hand, the Chaste, Anansi, the spider society and the Pariah totem, so...yeah. Should be a trip.

Oh, and Teresa's not an OC; she was introduced in a 2014 story arc and reappeared in the recent Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man comic. Anyway, the votes on Carnage and Crime Master were relatively equal till the later reviewers tilted it towards CM. So the next main arc is going to be about Spider-Man and Shadowcat playing clean-up on the mess Noir, Gwen, Harry and Cindy left behind.

Anyway, after watching through Defenders I'm wondering if it'll be a good idea to write a Daredevil/Jessica Jones romance. I always did consider the possibilities of these two during their individual runs and Defenders added some really good chemistry between the two. Helps that both of them are emotionally troubled cynics, which I prefer writing ;)
Remember when this story was about Noir meeting Spider-Gwen and his antagonists were the relatively grounded Maggia mafia gang? Yeah...those were the days, weren't they? Now it's turned into this clusterfuck with clones, awkward 'romances', more side-characters than I know what to do with and the mystical aspects being cranked into overdrive with the Hand, Anansi and now Madame Web.

Woah just let me say this is such good fic, after looking at everything that happened...I am glad that I let my curiosity won me over when I was looking through Spider-Man fanfics.

Teresa Parker - Peter's kinda-sorta-maybe- sister - as Madame Web. There's gonna be some really mystical bullshittery in the next chapter with the Hand, the Chaste, Anansi, the spider society and the Pariah totem, so...yeah. Should be a trip.

My god, I am really looking forward to the next chapter :D

About this chapter it was good, and the reactions of Spider-Man were amusing, I am looking forward to him to just going deadpan while insanity of Gwen-verse is going around him, but the best scene to me was Webster and Peter talk it really felt sweet in a weird Father and Daughter way, if possible I would love more interactions between those two :)

Webster growing morality and understanding of humanity will be interesting to watch, so I am looking forward to her POV.

Before we get started I have to ask something. Does Gwen feel Mary Sue-ish to you guys?

No, she feels like an OP combatant at the moment, but she does have flaws and several people in the fic do not respect or trust her, so she is not a perfect being that people cannot help themselves admiring that distorts the plot in their favor like Mary-Sue characters are supposed to be.

But yeah I want to see a hard fight/hard time for Spider-Woman, as I do like seeing the protagonists in determination-modes
Woah just let me say this is such good fic, after looking at everything that happened...I am glad that I let my curiosity won me over when I was looking through Spider-Man fanfics

My god, I am really looking forward to the next chapter :D

Sometimes it doesn't feel like a Spider-Man fanfic anymore to be completely honest. Noir in particular is a gaping hole filled with a lot of confused writing.

About this chapter it was good, and the reactions of Spider-Man were amusing, I am looking forward to him to just going deadpan while insanity of Gwen-verse is going around him, but the best scene to me was Webster and Peter talk it really felt sweet in a weird Father and Daughter way, if possible I would love more interactions between those two :)

Spider-Man's case is the opposite of Noir: Peter started off as completely anti-heroic and he lightened up slightly after spending time with more heroic individuals like Gwen and Cindy. By contrast Spider-Man already has loose morals due to the torture experiments and Shadowcat drags him down even lower since she's generally selfish, amoral and violent and encourages a 'fuck you, got mine' mentality for him.

Though she at least doesn't attack innocents, if only out of pragmatism. Shadowcat clearly has no prob working with criminals like the Hand given her comments on the Hand civil war, mostly cause in that case it's just a bad guy sending her against other bad guys. No one's mourning dead ninjas.

Webster growing morality and understanding of humanity will be interesting to watch, so I am looking forward to her POV.

Venom has no gender, first of all :p Second the scene between it and Peter wasn't meant to be too sweet given that Peter seems wary of even talking to it. It's mostly a sign that Noir's so jaded he doesn't even care about how nuts his behavior is in that context, especially since telling a very young symbiote morality is fluid might be a bad idea.

No, she feels like an OP combatant at the moment, but she does have flaws and several people in the fic do not respect or trust her, so she is not a perfect being that people cannot help themselves admiring that distorts the plot in their favor like Mary-Sue characters are supposed to be.

But yeah I want to see a hard fight/hard time for Spider-Woman, as I do like seeing the protagonists in determination-modes

How, though? Unless I have someone just abuse her weaknesses to an absurd degree there's no one except She-Hulk and Shadowcat - both of whom are nominally on her side - that can hope to even damage her. Even inexperience can't justify getting her butt kicked when she can literally spit out bullets.
Sometimes it doesn't feel like a Spider-Man fanfic anymore to be completely honest. Noir in particular is a gaping hole filled with a lot of confused writing.
Do you think so? Maybe I am jaded, comic books usually have crazy stories like this. To me, it feels like a really good Spidey fanfic.

Venom has no gender, first of all :p Second the scene between it and Peter wasn't meant to be too sweet given that Peter seems wary of even talking to it. It's mostly a sign that Noir's so jaded he doesn't even care about how nuts his behavior is in that context, especially since telling a very young symbiote morality is fluid might be a bad idea
Ohh I did not see from this angle, reading again with this context makes the situation really different, but I still want to see more Peter and Webster interaction if possible, I can't help how they feel like a Daughter/Son and Father to me, so it is a strange welcome surprise from a not planned plot point for me :)

How, though? Unless I have someone just abuse her weaknesses to an absurd degree there's no one except She-Hulk and Shadowcat - both of whom are nominally on her side - that can hope to even damage her. Even inexperience can't justify getting her butt kicked when she can literally spit out bullets.
Heroic situations like when Peter from the Spider-Man trilogy needs to stop a train from crashing, or timed events that she needs to stop fast or something horrible will happen, Tinkers(From SILK) giving mooks weapons to make Gwen day more difficult.

Villains abusing Spider-Woman super heroic nature and targeting civilians like crazy while running away.

Just some ideas, I trust you have something planned for the Symbiote arc, so I am not worried.
Do you think so? Maybe I am jaded, comic books usually have crazy stories like this. To me, it feels like a really good Spidey fanfic.

Yeah, but Spidey is (relative to comic standards) pretty grounded all things considered. At the very least when you think Spider-Man this guy is the last thing that comes to mind. Even OG-Noir calls Peter out on looking stupid and over the top in his earlier narration.

Ohh I did not see from this angle, reading again with this context makes the situation really different, but I still want to see more Peter and Webster interaction if possible, I can't help how they feel like a Daughter/Son and Father to me, so it is a strange welcome surprise from a not planned plot point for me :)

Venom does ask if Noir counts as its dad, but he rejects this viewpoint and mostly snarks at the idea of it during the narration of them sharing the last of the whiskey. All things considered Gwen really should keep Venom away from him: next thing you know it's gonna start following Peter's example on gray morality and it'll start stealing food from honest shops to feed the homeless. Good intentions, horrid execution...and just the kind of thing Noir would probably approve off, the jerk.

Heroic situations like when Peter from the Spider-Man trilogy needs to stop a train from crashing, or timed events that she needs to stop fast or something horrible will happen, Tinkers(From SILK) giving mooks weapons to make Gwen day more difficult.

Villains abusing Spider-Woman super heroic nature and targeting civilians like crazy while running away.

Just some ideas, I trust you have something planned for the Symbiote arc, so I am not worried.

The whole 'targeting civilians' thing has already been shown with characters like Vulture, so that's not new. Carnage also provides a very powerful physical barrier since - while Kasady is weaker (no powers to amplify like with Gwen) - he's far more violent and brutal compared to the relatively inexperienced Gwen. It helps that the two underwent immediate molecular symbiosis while Venom and Gwen takes things slower.

The train scene wouldn't work, though, given how stupidly strong Gwen is. She could literally do it without much problems since her general hardcap is 70 tons and Venom has been shown lifting as much as a weakened state. Shadowcat may be the world's best potential assassin, but in terms of brute strength no one but She-Hulk could ever hope to match Gwenom pound for pound.
Yeah, but Spidey is (relative to comic standards) pretty grounded all things considered. At the very least when you think Spider-Man this guy is the last thing that comes to mind. Even OG-Noir calls Peter out on looking stupid and over the top in his earlier narration.
Damn Red Hood in Injustice 2 is awesome, the comparison to Noir of this fic is understandable

Funnily enough the covers are notoriously inaccurate: they depict Noir and Felicia as as a femme fatale romantic couple (not even close), portray him with a fedora and tommy gun(he lost the former immediately and only fired the latter in the air) and the one above shows him dual wielding (which he won't do still Spider-verse 6 years after his original run).

Anyway, Noir emphasizes more gunplay and stealth while Spider-Man is more for brutal melee. Their physical builds also help with this - Noir's 5'7 and relatively lithe with muscle like Ben Reilly and 616. Spider-Man, after regaining weight, easily clears 6 feet and is built like a panzer tank similar to Kaine Parker. Helps distinguish the two at least.

Though I'm curious about one thing: would you mind if Gwen remained famous throughout the whole story rather than Stacy luck kicking in and screwing her over? Some people like adversity, others don't. Not sure with you.
Funnily enough the covers are notoriously inaccurate: they depict Noir and Felicia as as a femme fatale romantic couple (not even close), portray him with a fedora and tommy gun(he lost the former immediately and only fired the latter in the air) and the one above shows him dual wielding (which he won't do still Spider-verse 6 years after his original run).

Anyway, Noir emphasizes more gunplay and stealth while Spider-Man is more for brutal melee. Their physical builds also help with this - Noir's 5'7 and relatively lithe with muscle like Ben Reilly and 616. Spider-Man, after regaining weight, easily clears 6 feet and is built like a panzer tank similar to Kaine Parker. Helps distinguish the two at least.

Though I'm curious about one thing: would you mind if Gwen remained famous throughout the whole story rather than Stacy luck kicking in and screwing her over? Some people like adversity, others don't. Not sure with you.
I like adversity, but it would be a good idea to ask in the next chapter, before making a decision.
Chapter 72
So I just got a PS4 pro, which might affect my update rate depending on whether I can buy time sinks like Persona 5. Also watched episode 3 of the new Spidey cartoon which introduced Gwen Stacy; she definitely takes cues from her ASM movie version along with being slightly condescending and stuck-up like her original characterization before they made her nicer. Let's just hope Jackal being her uncle changes his motivations with her because...yeah, his comic origins don't work here.

Before we start I do have one question: given the events of the lakeside retreat arc, can anyone really buy the 'thing' Gwen and Noir have right now? I dunno, I just read back on it and I can't help but remember the time Noir admitted to shooting her (and only didn't do so because he was out of ammo) and Gwen lying to him for 2 months. Granted the fight was a high stress situation and comic couples have done way worse on average, but it's still glaring for me.

I dunno, I guess I'm just starting to regret putting it in, even if it was meant to be a lighthearted romp before we dive elbow deep back into the insanity with people like Carnage, Hobgoblin, Jack-o-Lantern etc etc.

Anyway, the first segment with Teresa and Peter is just gonna be one giant bunch of exposition that probably won't make sense given how the two converse with one another. Oh well, I think it does a decent enough job of expanding on the Hand beyond Matt Murdock...even if a lot of it is cribbed straight out of the Netflix shows and mixed with the comics to...mixed results.

It doesn't come up in this chapter, but I did some reading on 'Required Secondary Powers' and may start tweaking some people's skillsets. Example: it's noted that Cyclops must have extremely durable neck muscles and/or bones since he doesn't just snap his head from the feedback of the optic blasts. Likewise Sue Storm also has to have a degree of light manipulation since going invisible doesn't render her blind.

For this fic the biggest recipient would be Lana. In canon we've seen her use blasts strong enough to blow apart a plane, use explosions to boost herself in the air, and at one point she's shown using her powers for an explosive punch on a super durable villain; feats like these would need enhanced durability and a degree of fall dampening since otherwise her bones would have been shattered.

Likewise she survived an extended beating from Hammerhead (whose blows have been strong enough to hospitalize Peter and Miles) and in Ultimate End she also took a glancing headshot from Punisher and remained upright. There's definitely something going on there since no normal teenager could pull this off.

Here's some more fanart...along with a really apropo one I found glancing around Deviantart:

Venom Trailer's also out. Also, a (fanmade) Spider-Gwen trailer. We can only dream. Hope this chapter gets more likes/comments compared to before.

Chapter 72: Deeper into the Rabbit Hole

As long as Peter remembered he always wanted a sibling. It wasn't that Aunt May and Uncle Ben were bad parents - it was the exact opposite, actually. Ben treated him like he was his own son and despite them not sharing blood he and May were closer than she ever was to the rest of the Reilly family. He didn't even remember his parent's faces as anything more than blurred caricatures; things he expected his mom and dad to look like rather than how they really were.

Still, there was decades long gap between them that was hard to deny. His parents (apparently) weren't spring chickens when they had him and both May and Ben were even older. Peter did his best to grow up quickly to try and catch up to them, even taking to their socialist beliefs wholeheartedly despite his inititial reservations, but it never felt enough. He always felt like the tagalong, the kid desperately trailing after their coattails. A brother or sister could change that, or at least that's what he thought.

Right now Peter wished he could go back in time and strangle the little bastard who made that wish.

"You've been quiet since we left."

Peter turned his head to the side and glared at his unexpected (and unwanted) companion. Teresa 'invited' (read: forced) him out of the apartment so they could 'have some fresh air', but he couldn't help but feel like he was being led somewhere he didn't want to be. The fact that his spider-sense handn't stopped buzzing at the back of his head like a really annoying fly really didn't help.

As if reading his mind Teresa suddenly spoke up, "I'm not planning to lead into some kind of trap, Petey-"

"Don't call me that," he snapped, voice lowering in an annoyed growl.

"Wow, someone's touchy." The right of her mouth quirked up slightly, "Alright, Peter, can I please continue?"

"I get the feeling you're going to whether I agree or not."

"Hmm, and I thought I was the one who could see the future." He narrowed his eyes at her. Seeing the future...he never placed much stock in fortune tellers or gypsy hearsay, though right now he couldn't help but feel like that was short-sighted. Even back home there were freaks like him and Daredevil, so who was to say that another form of fantasy was impossible? He was pretty sure anyone else would consider the idea of a Spider-God to be insane.

"Well, to continue, the reason your sixth sense is still ringing is because your patron - the one you call the 'Spider-God' - isn't very fond of us. There's a reason it's referred to as The Pariah, after all."

"Pariah? Get that out of a stage show?" He snorted and rolled his eyes, "I didn't have problems with Spider-Woman or Spinnerette." It was the opposite, in fact. Back then he'd been more than a little worried by his spider-sense's absence in dealing with them, especially since it allowed Gwen to pull the wool over his eyes for 2 months. He couldn't deny he'd gotten used to that extra warning every time he dealt with people.

"Don't shoot the messenger, little brother. I didn't exactly choose to call myself Madame Web either." She stuffed her hands in her pockets and laughed under her breath, "Besides, Gwen and Cindy are different."

"How do you-"

"I'm psychic." The amused grin she was sporting reminded him far too much of Murdock's smug smirk, "Being serious for a bit, it's one of the 'perks' that come with being someone in my position." She touched his shoulder reassuringly and quickly pulled back before he could push her off, "Don't worry, I won't expose them. I'm not a fan of shooting myself in the foot, after all."

Peter didn't say anything. Whether she was telling the truth or not he couldn't tell; without his spider-sense he was forced to rely on body language, but even that didn't help. Her every movement was controlled and perfectly measured, showing no signs of the tics he expected.

"Done looking for cracks?" she asked, jolting him out of his impromptu observation and causing him to scowl at her, "Look, Peter, I get that you don't trust me. I get it. But treating everyone like they're about to stab you in the back isn't healthy."

"It's kept me alive so far." He scoffed.

"Hmm...point." She nudged her head to the side towards a nearby park before suddenly changing directions towards it. For a second he was tempted to leave before he thought better of it. Leaving now would leave him with more questions than answers.

"So, 'sis', planning to explain why you're here?"

"Aren't you curious about the 'long lost sister' thing, first of all? If I was in your place that's the first thing I'd ask about."

"Difference is you aren't me. You can claim to be Parker's sister all you want, but I'm not the Lizard. You can be Parker's sister or you could just be some loony who thinks you are; either way it doesn't matter to me."

"Still clinging to that, hmm? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." She sighed softly and brought a hand through her hair, "I'd hoped that...I guess this is what it's like to be completely wrong about your predictions. It's funny, I'd gotten so used to be able to tell the ways things can go that I'm in a bit of a loss on what to do when I'm completely wrong."

"The hell are you babbling about?"

"You, Peter." Her head raised slightly and turned to his general direction, "My gifts allow me a certain sense of precognition; think of your sixth sense, only more specific. Less a warning and more a brief glimpse. Say we were in a fight: I'd be able to tell that there was a good chance that you'd try to punch me in the gut and a lesser chance that you'd aim for my head instead. It allows me to plan beforehand."

"And now?" At this point he didn't care to tell her she was full of manure. Real or not she definitely believed it.

"You're a blank slate." Her laugh was bittersweet, struggling between annoyance and relief, "It's...odd. I've only been at this for about a year and it already feels like I've lived with the visions my whole life. Talking with someone when I have no clue where they can really go is...odd. For all I know in the next minute you could either hug me in tearful reunion or put a bullet in my skull."

"Don't tempt me, 'sis'." It was an empty bluff; he didn't even bring his gun with him. He hardly needed to ever since he quit his 'day job'.

"The former or the latter? I'm partial to the former myself, just so you know."

"Good to know..." He looked down at the ground with a frown, "...Alright, fine. You got any proof that your Parker's sis?"

Instead of answering she pulled out a worn photograph and raised it in his general direction. Pete raised an eyebrow and took it from her grasp without a word exchanged between them. Looking down at the faded picture, his lips pursed tightly at the contents.

Mary Parker sat up on the bed with a smile on her face and a baby in her arms - him...or at least this body. At the side of the bed stood Richard Parker carrying a girl who didn't look a day over 7 on his back in a piggyback ride, both their mouths split open in cheerful grins. The picture was old; could have been doctored, but he had his doubts given the look of it.

"Nice picture." He gave it back to her and smiled wryly, "Still doesn't prove much, though. That could've been anyone on Richard's back."

"We can do a DNA test, if you want. That's assuming of course S.H.I.E.L.D hasn't completely erased every trace of you in every database." She pocketed the photograph and let out a soft breath, "I'll admit I don't have much of a game plan here, Peter. I was kind of banking that you'd be at least a little bit curious what with me suddenly dropping in like this."

"I'm more curious how you know my dog, to be honest."

"What, Lockjaw? I was the one who sent him to you," she replied, casual as could be, "I'll admit that was a bit of a risky move, though. I didn't know what you'd do so it was equally likely that you would've just ignored his whimpering and left him out in the hall. I'm glad that bid worked out, at least."

"Why the hell would you risk that?"

"I wanted to do something to make up for all the birthdays I missed." Again he couldn't tell whether she was being sarcastic or not, "Lockjaw's...special. I'm sure you could tell he hasn't grown at all and that he can find you halfway across town. I knew that a normal dog wouldn't be able to keep up with you, after all. I hope you like him; I didn't really know what to get you considering your...condition."

"Uh-huh..." He didn't know how to deal with her. Moon Knight was bad enough, but Parker's long lost sister who could apparently see into the future? It was bizarre even for this place, "Well, thanks for that, but if you're hoping for anything else you're going to be disappointed. If you wanted to talk to Parker you're a couple of years late."

"I'm not so sure about that." The airy way in which she said it annoyed him to no end, "Truth be told I wanted to come to you earlier, but I couldn't exactly just come in out of the blue."

"I doubt Ben and May would've believed you. Far as they knew Parker was an only child."

"Yeah, you can thank a certain Miss. Romanoff for that. Apparently mom and dad wanted records of us stamped out if anything ever happened to them. You were young enough and your birth was kept pretty secret that it was easy enough to expel you from a lot of records, but me? I was only a kid but I'd already been on the Helicarriers and knew some of the things our parents did. You could be normal, I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to."

"So why now?"

"Well, at this point you're in pretty deep. I've heard about some of the things you've done, the people you've fought against. If mom and dad could see you now..." Her smile turned bittersweet again, "I don't if they'd be proud or sad...they would've wanted at least one of us to have a normal life. I mean I grew up in S.H.I.E.L.D bases surrounded by agents while you grew up in Queens with Ben and May. Now both of us are wrapped around this tangled little web."

"Hate to break it to you, but Parker didn't exactly get off to a happy end. Gwen outed him as the Lizard, remember?"

"Yes, that..." He sighed, "I didn't have my gifts back then, but even now I doubt I could've done anything to stop it. I did check in on you from time to time, but I couldn't do much. Like you said dropping in suddenly wouldn't have ended well."

"Probably would've made things worse. Parker wanted to be special; finding out he had some long lost sister bumping shoulders with those spooks probably would've driven him over the edge faster. 'Specially since Gwen said she was thinking about telling him her little secret."

"You do like to mention her a lot, don't you? I guess your feelings for her are one of the few things that haven't changed." She raised both hands up at the annoyed growl he gave, "I meant no offense, of course. I approve. She's a nice girl, and I can see why Anansi chose her to be his first avatar when this world's Cindy Moon was rejected. She's determined if nothing else."

"What, you saying Moon could've been the one with powers?"

"Why not? Anansi looks for a lot of things but kindness isn't at the top of the list. Her and your other counterparts across the web run the gamut between saints and monsters, but ultimately he looks for other things like determination, anger,'s not always so cut and dry. She was given that power, but it was up to her what she did with it. She could've turned into a serial killer if she wanted, and I've glimpsed at least one world where this is the case."

Another world? Just what he needed... "That's not right. The Spider-God said that-"

"It brings death to the wicked and delivers worse to the others?" she finished, a soft laugh coming and going, "Yes, well...your circumstance is special. The Pariah's called that for a reason, after all. Despite its behavior it doesn't look for hunters, it looks for protectors; someone to defend the innocent and punish the guilty. I could speculate on why, but I'm not an expert on him."

Before he could say anything she suddenly turned in another direction and stopped in front of a churro vendor, "Two please." She opened her wallet and pulled out a folded 5 dollar bill. Before she could close it again Peter caught a glimpse of other folded bills and his eyes widened slightly.

"You're blind."

She nudged her head to his general direction and raised an eyebrow, grabbing the two confections and handing him one, "Was it that obvious?" Her voice held a slight hint of mirth. She took a small bite of the hard pastry and started walking again, "We all have certain prices to pay. Even you and Gwen, as imperceptible as they may be. I'll admit seeing glimpses of the future doesn't feel like a fair trade-off for losing my sight. I don't even know what you look like now..."

"...What the hell happened to you?"

"I was chosen. Same as you and Gwen were, same as the Cindy you call a friend and the man who worships the moon." She took another bite of the churro and frowned slightly, "Being raised by agents there was little for me to do but join up. I became an agent, tried to live up to mom and dad's legacy. They fought Red Skull and me...I guess they expected great things. The way the other agents talked about them apparently they saved the world at least 2 or 3 times. A hard thing to follow up to."

"The spooks give you those 'gifts', then?"

"Hah, hardly. If they could they'd give powers to anyone willing to sacrifice for an advantage. No, it was during a mission. My entire squad got wiped out and I was left near-dead; cliche as could be, I know." She threw the empty wrapper into a nearby trash-can. Pretty accurate for a blind woman, "I was saved by this group. They called themselves the Spider, all I knew about Spiders was Spider-Woman. I never believed she killed you - the facts just didn't add up - but I never thought I'd get involved."

"Involved in what?" This was starting to sound more outlandish by the second.

"They said they were led to me, that I was supposed to be their prophet or oracle. I didn't believe them, of course, but I'd have been dead without their help so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. They said Anansi chose me, that I was meant to see the web of life. I participated in their ritual and then...well, lets just say it was a surprise when everything turned black and I realized what people were going to do before they did it."

"This sounds like a tall tale if I've ever heard it."

"Says the man bitten by a magical spider and came back from the dead." She hummed, "I panicked, of course, but eventually I calmed down and here we are. I saw things I never thought were real; sometimes I still think I'm dreaming. I saw Gwen, saw the things she had to deal with because of her gifts. But then I saw came back and your presence was unmistakable."

"I thought you couldn't read me?" Was he really buying into this hocus pocus? Spider societies and mystical rituals...

"I can't, but I know you're there. Just because I can't perceive your future doesn't mean that you're not there for me to 'see'. I almost wanted to rush over and meet you, but I held back. The others told me that you were the pariah, the castoff...the avatar of a rogue aspect. And your actions were odd; in all the time I saw you you never once showed interest in being a vigilante. It wasn't until later that I realized you'd changed."

"Doesn't answer why you're here now. I've been here for five months, 'sis'."

"Truth be told I was kind of pushed to be here. I didn't know what you planned to do and I kept my distance, Lockjaw aside. So it definitely came as a surprise when I heard Jameson and the crowd during the Times Square massacre." Peter flinched, his hands balling into tight fists, "You gave up your heroics...I didn't mind, but Karen did. She lost one of her best assets against Matthew with your...'retirement'."

"You were the mutual friend she mentioned at the funeral..." He didn't need to see her nod to know he was right. It explained a lot of things, really, "So, what, you're here to convince me that I should save these bastards?"

"Hmhm...kind of. I just wanted an excuse to go see you in all honesty, but I do owe her a favor so..." She stopped and turned to look at him, "Karen wants your help to stop Matthew."

"No." He sneered and tossed away the uneaten churro into the bushes, "I tried the hero gig and I got nothing to show for it except wasted time and a lot of lost blood. If Murdock wants this place he can have it."

"I guess I'm not surprised." She sighed, "I should give you fair warning, however: Matthew's got his sights locked on you and he's not stopping now. He's a man who'll stop at nothing to get what he wants."

"Why's he so interested in a freak like me? Doesn't he have enough of them as it is?" His ninjas were bad enough, but he also had Walker; which made it perfectly clear that Bishop's talks about him being able to bring people back from the dead wasn't a load of hearsay.

"Yes, but from what I've gathered from the man he's obsessed with taking what he wants. He backed off from Gwen since the risks outweigh any possible reward, but you? must look like a fruit ripe for the plucking: young, angry, blessed with gifts...he couldn't find anyone more suitable."

"I'm not the only angry kid in this city..."

She sat at a nearby bench before continuing, "No, but you're one of the few with powers. That's enough." She leaned back on the seat and crossed her arms, "Many people here are obsessed with powers, but there are always side effects. I've seen worlds where Spider-Man or Spider-Woman are just one of many Gifted, but in this place abilities always come with drawbacks or prices not many are willing to pay. I know this world's Cindy Moon is trying to unlock that 'next step', but the results are always...mixed."

"You mean little miss lightning bolt?" One of the first Supervillains he'd fought...and the first one he killed.

"Her and others. Most of them don't survive, and those that do are so insane that they can't even be used as attack dogs. Gifted like you and Gwen who are unburdened by physical or mental handicaps are exceedingly rare...and Matthew's a bit more old fashioned than he'd like to admit. I'm sure he can't resist the idea of being in control of someone like that."

"Old fashioned? What do you mean by that?"

"The hand has existed for Millenia, Peter, and the heads - the Five Fingers - they've been there since the beginning. Having such a long view means they're stuck in their ways, and being raised by them I suspect Matthew's the same. Back during their prime superpowers were a rarity and champions like the Black Sky or the Iron Fist were coveted as the strongest beings in the world. They still cling to that, and I suspect they take people like you and Gwen as extensions of that belief: humans in the next step of evolution above 'mere mortals'."

"I ain't that special, Teresa..." Jack had no powers near as he could tell and he made a fool of him a couple of weeks ago. Bullseye and Castle weren't 'Gifted' either and he was damn sure they could kill him if they wanted.

"Maybe you don't think so, but they don't believe that. It's hard to shake of thousands of years of belief, after all." Her lips twitched in a wry smile, "He may not look like it, but Matthew's less confident than he presents himself as. His hold on the Hand is tenuous - many of the Fingers see him as an upstart, young blood that's overreaching his position."

"And they're scared of what he has inside him."

Peter's head snapped to the new voice. The sudden arrival was a man, older than anyone else he'd seen so far. His hair was completely white, his skin covered in deep wrinkles and his body thin and lanky; a fact only emphasized by the green janitor's uniform he wore. Still, it was nothing compared to his eyes: milky white and unfocused, bare for all the world to see unlike Teresa and Murdock.

Blind...he was starting to feel over-privileged here.

"Stick...didn't expect you to cut in here," Teresa said, her lips pursing in obvious displeasure, "I thought I made it clear this was personal."

"You were circling around, Terri. Rate you were going you were never gonna go anywhere." He turned to face Peter now, his stern expression a stark contrast to the smiles and laughs his 'sister' had, "So, you're the one Mattie's interested in? Don't see the hype, really."

"Friend of yours, 'sis'?" He asked, glaring at the old man slightly. His body movements and voice were the epitome of smug confidence, like he thought he was beneath him.

"More like a necessary evil." She scratched at her forehead and sighed again, "Peter, this is...Stick." Stick? Madame Web? What next, Senior Branch? "He's with a group called the Chaste; the Society's 'friends' with them the same way people who are against a common enemy can be friends. The Chaste have stood against the Hand ever since the Fingers broke off from the group."

"They must not be doing a very good job considering Murdock's the Kingpin."

"We're the only reason he's not higher than that." Despite his words the old man gave him a crooked smile, "But you're right about one thing; we haven't done nearly enough. Not everyone can agree on what has to be done to end them."

"How come I haven't seen any of you guys before?"

"What makes you think you haven't? Karen's part of our group; how else do you think she's survived against Mattie's bunch so long? She ain't like your singer friend; she actually has a chance to kick him out of his pedestal."

"Don't let Hardy hear you say that." He scoffed, "You seem to know a lot about Murdock. What's your deal with him?"

"I was the one who trained him to see the world after he got blind. Before the Hand got their claws into his head."

Peter could've sworn he heard a hint of regret in the old man's voice, but it was gone just as quickly as it came. He looked at the would-be janitor silently, his thoughts running from one stream to another. He'd trained Murdock...he was honestly tempted to punch him the face and break his jaw. It wouldn't have changed anything, but it was the closest thing to payback as he could've gotten.

"That was a long time ago, Peter," Teresa said, as if sensing his intent, "Stick tried to induct Matthew into the Chaste before the Hand stole him away. They nearly killed him, and I think they did assume he died."

"The Hand's pawns are mindless and overconfident. Only reason I'm still kicking." Stick affirmed.

"Fine..." Peter took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, "You said something before, something about what he had inside him..."

"A demon." Peter blinked. It...was less surprising than he liked, actually. After Moon Knight and the symbiote there was little that could phase him when it came to possession, "The Fingers got greedy. Only reason they got to where they were is cause they worshiped a demon, but now they think they can make it on their own. Doubt that thing was happy about it."

"You're saying Murdock's possessed by a devil?"

"The Devil of Hell's appropriate name, really," Teresa said, "You've talked with him before. Surely you've seen signs." Peter wanted to rebuff her, but the memory of the red eyes at the cafe kept his mouth shut. The fear he'd experienced when he saw them was far above anything he ever felt both here and at home.

Still, a demon? He didn't like his odds in that fight...

"Alright...say I believe you, what does it matter? Like I said before, I'm out."

"You ain't out, kid. If you didn't wanna get involved you never should have fallen into Mattie's hands. Now he ain't letting go," Stick muttered, "You can cover your ears and pretend it doesn't concern you, but one day he's going to come knocking and you're gonna be faced with that choice: either you keep pretending you can be normal or you deal with it."

"Oh, and you know what's best for me, right?" Peter clicked his tongue, "Another blind bastard who thinks I'm interested in fighting his battles for him. Why not get Spider-Woman? She's the big hero and 'sis' here seems to know exactly who she is." He turned to Teresa, "Hell, why don't you do it yourself? You can see the future, can't you? Use that and stop Murdock."

"I've seen the future, Peter, and I can't see a single on where I win." She clenched her fists softly, "Gwen's not any different. She's kind...that's both her greatest strength and her weakest point. She wants a reality where everything is black and white, where the good guys and bad guys are obvious and she can punch every problem and put it in jail. She wants to save the world, but she can't even save this city; not even with Klyntar bonded to her."


"She means that suit, kid. The parasite," Stick answered for her, "I've heard about some of the things she's done - all her gifts and she wastes it on stopping idiots in costumes, deluding herself into thinking she's making a difference. You tell her about this and she'd just argue that she can win it with a big fight and a call to the police. Can't tell what Terri's boss sees in an idiot like that."

"Don't talk about her that way..." A few weeks ago he would've been the one saying the old man's argument word-for-word, and now here he was defending her. He really was fickle.

"Klyntar will give everything for her and then she'll be forced to make a choice, but in the end Stick's right. Gwen is powerful, but Matthew isn't an opponent you can defeat by raw power alone. But you...some of the things you've done and the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D and the Hand want your allegiance so much, you could be the lynchpin to this whole thing."

"Not without training he won't," Stick said, "He's got potential, but he's careless. Too young, too headstrong; reminds me of Mattie when he was younger."

"I'm not sure if that's an accurate comparison-"

"Stop talking like I'm not here," he snarled, glaring at them both, "You know more than me, I get it, but I still don't buy into all this."

"Doesn't matter if you buy it or not, facts don't change," Stick replied, "You need training and people you can actually trust watching your back or you're not gonna survive going up against Matt. That group you're with, they aren't gonna be enough to save you when the Hand comes knocking."

"I have friends you could talk to, Peter," Teresa said, "My friend Colleen Wing has a dojo not far from where you live. You can get some actual training and you can meet her and Danny. They've been fighting the Hand for the past year and-"

"No." Peter took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, "You know what, enough. I'm done here." He shook his head, "You can rant about your secret societies, demon possessed lawyers and invisible wars as much as you want, but leave me out of it. I said I was done with this insanity and I meant it."


"Good luck." He ignored them both and walked away quickly, pulling his hood over his head and doing his best to drown out his 'sister's' calls. All this madness about secret societies and thousand year conspiracies and a long lost was all above his head. Felicia would've been a better bet because as far as he was concerned Murdock or Jack or God only knew who else could have this damn place.

He just wanted to go home...

She missed this.

Gwen swung through the air in a wide arc and gave a mental cheer as she felt the air rush past her. She enjoyed the week long break from the insanity of New York, but she couldn't deny that the rush that came from a day full of web-swinging and crime-stopping beat anything some beer or weed could give her. Up here she felt alive, like she was with the rest of the band at the biggest concert in the world.

The cheering was pretty accurate, at least.

Down below crowds of people stopped what they were doing to look up at her, many of them pointing with a near-equal number whipping out their phones and either taking pictures or recording. Was it wrong for her to feel good about it? Being with the others in the lakehouse grounded her and suddenly the cheering crowds and looks of adoration felt new and awesome again.

For a second she almost forgot those same people treated her like shit for 3 years and did the same to Peter just a couple of weeks ago.

She missed the next spray of webbing and she fell briefly before her right hand move on its own and ejected another line of webbing, 'Pay attention, Gwen.'

'Right, Webster.' She swung onto a nearby building and ran along the side, no doubt scaring the fuck out of anyone near who saw her, 'Sorry, it just feels kinda weird being back here. Last time I went to the cabin...' Harry tried to kill her and they cut that vacation short. This last one was definitely more fun...though it also had something she'd definitely never tell her dad unless she wanted him to have a fucking heart attack.

'Have you talked to Peter since we arrived?'

'Nope.' She had no idea why it was asking since they'd been together since they got back to the city, but if she had to guess it was probably trying to make conversation - another tic it picked up, 'He needs a break...that and I'm not sure what to say considered I planted one on him after our 'let's be partners' talk. Thanks for that, by the way. Real sound advice.'

'Your body chemicals indicated that it was what you wanted to do. I simply vocalized this.'

'Yeah, yeah...' She rolled her eyes and stopped at the top of a nearby skyscraper, sticking to the side with one hand while her other held her phone. Normally she didn't like searching for herself online, but Betty convinced her to right before she suited up since apparently a lot of people took her small break as a sign that she'd retired for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which being that Peter's retirement caused her to join him on escaping on some uncharted island somewhere.

Well, it was kinda accurate...

She searched through the cape-watch and herostalker forums and frowned. A lot of the messages were shitposts towards Peter, though a few seemed to take a page out of Jameson's book and called her a fraud; apparently the past 3 years counted for nothing, she guessed. Others talked about the ongoing 'feud' she had with Jameson...which she was bizarrely winning despite the aforementioned break and her stubborn refusal to even acknowledge it.

Still, there wasn't much actual news. Some of the Sinister Several were out of prison again, though Shocker and Beetle were still in jail. A bunch of other Supervillains like White Rabbit or Screwball (who?) were also online claiming that they were the reason Spider-Woman retired and that if she wanted otherwise she was free to try and fight them to prove them wrong.

And of course there were a few people on the youwebs doing reaction vids either to Peter's declaration of his retirement or her letting out 3 years of pent up rage towards Jameson. Again she couldn't help but feel annoyed; it'd barely been 2 weeks and already people were using their problems to try and net views with exaggerated acting and claims that they 'understood' what she and Peter had gone through, some of them even claiming close friendships with them.

Gwen promptly closed the tab. At this point she was tempted to ignore them completely; even Bodega bandit had seniority if nothing else. Now everyone and their grandma was trying to claim they were either her best friend or her arch enemy. It was both sad and pitiable, like King claiming he 'beat the Lizard' just because he bullied Peter during high school.

Before she could do anything else she heard the distant call of police sirens and quickly followed, slightly thankful that she was distracted before she could wax poetic again about how shallow her fame was and that she felt more like a mascot than a Superhero sometimes.

The police stopped at a hospital. Gwen landed on a building across the place and lowered into a crouch, her eyes narrowed. Hospital crime scenes were the worst; it was bad enough that people were already injured, but chances are it was either a gang hit looking to assassinate some laid up mob boss or a desperate junkie looking for their next fix and figuring a hospital was easier to rob than a drug store.

'Well, here goes nothing...'

Shelving any hesitation, she swung around the back of the hospital out of sight from the police and jumped through an open window, "Hello? Anybody here?" she called out, getting only silence in response. Gwen pursed her lips and stepped forward slowly, focusing on her spider-sense. The entire place was deathly quiet, which didn't help in the least. She was expecting something to jump at out her any second now.

'I saw many people being evacuated by the police downstairs.'

'Not nearly enough, though.' She stepped deeper into the halls and grimaced as the stench of blood in the air grew stronger, easily cutting through the normal smell of antispetic, 'Webster, you smell that, right?' It hummed back in affirmative, 'Could you lead me to the source?'

'Yes. Partial control as before, correct?'

'You know it.' There was a slight airiness that ran down her body before she suddenly found herself quickly walking down the winding hallways. It still felt odd giving Webster a degree of control like she did, but she was getting used to it. It was a part of their symbiosis, it said, and it would never do more than nudge a hand or tap her head without her permission.

Still freaky, but she'd take it over sprouting a mouth and claws.


They stopped at a room on the floor below and Webster quickly relinquished control. Gwen felt a weight settle back onto her limbs and she nodded - it was her show now, 'Great, lets hope that it's not as bad as it smells...' The stench of blood was almost overpowering now, though that might have just been because of her enhanced senses. Taking a deep breath, Gwen braced herself and pushed the door open.

What she saw on the other side nearly made her retch in disgust. A doctor and two nurses dead, each of them strung up by thick strings of IV wires, "What the fuck..." She stepped closer and raised a hand, pulling back just when her fingertips nearly grazed the bloodstained corpses. Judging by the wounds she had to assume that they were stabbed to death with syringes.

The sound of dripping blood on the floor was interrupted by a sudden, low chuckle. Looking to the source, she caught sight of the shadow behind the curtain at the far edge of the room. It was probably the one who committed the murders. Steeling herself, she strode towards the chuckling madman and pulled the curtain back.

The smiling face that met her almost caused her to step back at the sheer absurdity of it. The man was tall and lanky, his red hair messy and covered in flecks of blood. Judging by his features he was probably in his 30's or 40's, though right now all she could focus on was the scalpel he held in his hands and the the bloodstained Spider-Woman hoodie he wore.

"Huh, fancy seein' you here, darlin'," His mouth split open in a wide-toothed grin and he gestured to the dead patient lying on the bloody bed, "Was hopin' to make my signature 'fore ya found my work, but I 'spose I can't complain too much-"

She didn't let him finish. Before he could go any further on his mad ranting she webbed the scalpel away before punching him across the face and laying him flat on his back. The crazy bastard coughed and looked up at her with the same grin as before, ignoring the blood that rushed down his crooked nose, "Heh, ain't exactly the welcome I was hopin' for-"

"Why did you do this?!" She pulled him up by the neck of his hoodie, a feeling of warmth rushing to the lower half of her mouth, "You killed these people! The doctors, why would-"

"Just doin' what you're doin', darlin'. Killin' criminals, makin' sure they don' escape justice. Real big fan of you, honest."

"What are you- Criminals?!"

"Yep. Guy on the bed's a real piece a' work; saw him park on the handicap spot at work 'fore he got into a car crash. Figured I'd help finish the job."

"And the doctor?! The nurses?!"

"They were helpin' him - in my book they're just as guilty."

He was insane. She balled her hand into a fist and smacked him in the face hard, his head bouncing back against the floor before he quickly fell unconscious, 'God damn it...' She looked down at the depraved fucker in disgust and quickly webbed him down to the floor, the warmth finally receding from the lower half of her face. Keep in was her anger; she couldn't blame Webster if she lost control.

It wasn't long before she caught another set of footsteps, however, "Cletus, honey, you about done here?" She turned around and caught sight of a pale, dark haired woman with an arrow tattoo on her face dressed wearing a mismatched leather ensemble, "Cletus, what's-" She stopped, her eyes widening when she caught sight of her 'honey' webbed to the floor.

Gwen wanted to jump over and kick her across the face, but she never got the chance, "Heads up." A new voice called out. Before the leather ghost could turn around another girl phased through the wall and slashed her across her left leg with two translucent claws and forced her on her knees, "Ooh, that looked like it hurt."

"You son of a-"

Her attempt at a curse was cut off when she was suddenly kicked at the back of the head by another new arrival. A guy this time, and he was wearing a mask unlike the other girl. The bleeding woman barely had a chance to turn around before he delivered another kick across her jaw and knocked her unconscious.

Well...that happened.

"You shouldn't play around," The guy said, his voice coming out in a low rasp. It felt oddly familiar.

"Lighten up, would you? I'm being nice enough and giving you cut of the bounty, so you could be a little cheerful." The girl waved off his scoff and quickly cuffed the leather-clad woman before tying a gag around her mouth, "Come on, lets get outta here and call Morse-"

"Uh, hey, I'm over here," Gwen called. The two of them turned to look at her with the smaller of the pair raising an eyebrow like she just realized they weren't alone, "Um...yeah, any explanation on what the fuck that was about?" Were they new heroes? The girl clearly had powers, at least, and considering the woman seemed like an accomplice to that murderer they seemed benevolent enough.

"Huh, Spider-Woman. Surprises every day." The unmasked girl crossed her arms and looked her up and down, "You here for the bounty, too? Cause I hate to break it to ya, but we were here first. And there's no way I'm sharing it three ways."

"Bounty? What are you talking about? I'm here because this fucker started killing people." She desperately tried to ignore the strung up doctor and nurses not too far away from them. The last thing she needed was to lose her temper again.

"Oh yeah, the superhero gig." She looked down at the crazed 'fan's' unconscious body and whistled, "Almost forgot. Well, don't mind us then. This chick's an escaped S.H.I.E.L.D prisoner and they had a reward for anyone who could catch her, which means me and my partner here." She nudged her head to the quiet guy with the trenchcoat, "So yeah, don't let us bother you."

"Wait, S.H.I.E.L.D? You work for S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Depends on if the money's good," she replied. They were mercenaries, Gwen realized quickly. Peter had the same deal, though instead of money he got information, "Name's Shadowcat and this is my partner...actually, he's still thinking up a new name. Anyway, you seem like you got this handled, so..." She picked up the taller woman and slung her over her shoulder effortlessly, "We'll get outta your hair."

"Wait, what about him?" She pointed at...whatever the sick bastard's name was.

"Doesn't seem like he has powers, so our bosses aren't interested. Leave him to the police, I guess." Shadowcat shrugged, "That's your job, hero."

"We're wasting time..." Shadowcat's partner said.

"Wait, before you go," Gwen cut in, "Were there any other people hurt?" Or killed, though she didn't like thinking about that. All her power and she was too late to stop a normal, human serial killer from gutting a hospital.

"Yeah, the screamer here drove a few people downstairs insane and made them start beating each other to death. They should be fine now that she's napping, but you might wanna check in on them if you care so much."

"Right, thanks..." She seemed to be handling this way better than Gwen herself was, "We should go help them, then-"

"Wait, we? That's not happening," Shadowcat replied quickly, "You're the Superhero; two of us are just here to do a job and we'd rather avoid the police since we aren't exactly licensed. So thanks, but no thanks. You have fun with that."

Before she could say anything in response the young mercenary strolled out of the room with a jaunty whistle. Gwen stared after her retreating form for a few seconds before her gaze shifted to Shadowcat's near-silent partner. Despite his earlier words he stayed behind, his attention focused on the dead bodies strung up against the wall.

"...This place is insane," he muttered.

"It's normally nicer than this." The joke felt forced even to her, but it was the best way she could deal with it: make light, deflect and pretend that everything would be okay now that the bad guy was caught. It was better than breaking down on what she could have done better, right? "So, you work for S.H.I.E.L.D?" He nodded, "What do they want with that leather fashion reject?"

"Hell if I know, I didn't ask." He shrugged, "I should probably go. Shadowcat's right; we can't let the coppers catch onto us. I'd rather not spend some time in the bighouse with a buncha loonies."

She didn't know what possessed her to ask, but the words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself, "Hey, you seem familiar. We met somewhere before?"

His expression was unseen underneath the mask, but she could practically feel the glare he was giving her, "I doubt it. Trust me, I think I'd remember running into someone like you." He shook his head, "Good luck, Spider-Woman. Something tells me you're gonna need it."

And just like that she was alone...well, mostly; Webster was just quiet. Gwen sighed and looked down at the unconscious serial killer. First day back in town and she'd already run into a sadistic murderer - then again, what else was new? Sighing, she took one last glance at the hung up corpses before hauling the serial killer up. She'd give the guy over to the police and then try to forget this ever happened.

Well, she was sure about one thing, at least - New York never changed.

Well, this chapter was...something. There were some things that were actually cut: I was supposed to show the family visit with Cindy along with Gwen talking with her dad and Jess and properly introducing Venom to its 'grandparents', but the exposition track with Teresa went on far longer than I intended (over 5.1k words) so I had to chunk it out. I'll just show them during the Carnage arc proper.

Anyway, Noir continues to not give a shit about the insanity that surrounds him and both Teresa and Stick make it more or less blatant that they really want Peter to replace Daredevil now that Matt's corrupted and (apparently) possessed by TEH DEVIL (typo intended). Thankfully(?) he doesn't play along and tells them to shove it...lets just see how long this can actually last.

Speaking of arcs, next chapter will be the Crime Master one with Shadowcat and Spider-Man. Fair warning right now: there's no way I can make it seem even remotely fair. 65-Shadowcat's powers are a combination of 616 Shadowcat and X-23, meaning that while she's not invulnerable there's very little Crime Master or Jack can do to harm her - anything she can't dodge she can presumably heal from unless they somehow have access to adamantium blades or Judas bullets.

This pretty much means that at best they can slow the two down, so...yeah. Just throwing that out there, this is not gonna be a high tension conflict since it breaks the suspension of disbelief that Catverine is in any danger from these guys. She'll fight more appropriate level baddies later along with Spider-Man, but so far this arc is more a showcase on how the partnership between the two works and cleaning up the loose end of the serum.


1. In addition to the one in the AN above, I have another thing to ask: between Cindy or Lana as a possible arc ally for Carnage arc, who would you guys pick between the two? I might be able to add both, but I think I'm already pushing it since I meant for the arc to focus on Gwen, Venom and Peter. So yeah...which of the two if it came down to it?
Awesome update as always, about the question my vote goes for Lana because I want to see her in action again.
Well, I do have a bias for my ship(GwenxNoir), but IMO there is no denying that both parties have undergone some character development, so it is all good for me.

Alright, lets hope that others don't see it as being absurd. Still, given that Noir's basically a darker take on Daredevil at this point I doubt he's going to commit to anyone; Matt's notorious for being really indecisive.
Follow up post for anyone - I don't really know how to dress this up, so I'll just say it straight out: I need help. More specifically, I need assistance on the summary. I've always been crap at writing summaries and this hasn't changed at all. While it's not affected here on SV since this is a thread, I'd be interested in help re-writing my current one since I feel like it doesn't do anything to summarize the story at all. So...yeah, any suggestions? I'll take tips or new pre-made summaries if anyone can manage it.

1934, one year since he'd become Spider-Man. He'd dealt with brutal gangsters, the most depraved scientists and whatever else New York could throw him and he was still standing. Freaks dressed like clowns calling themselves Supervillains and a dame in white calling herself Spider-Woman? Then things became problematic. (Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Gwen crossover)

I dunno what could function as decent reward/incentive. How about a chapter/oneshot of anything the most helpful poster wants? I'm not exactly a world-class writer, but I can make decent time with writing and provided the request isn't too outlandish it should be good. Also leaves me with a new story to post, so win-win :)