chapter 11
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. I'm using Grammarly to check the Grammar and using Word to write it.
The news of the end of the gang war spread like a wildfire, and within an hour, the entire city was aware of it.
But still took about three days for things to return to normal or at least as normal as it can get in a city like Brockton Bay.
And in those three days, we were very busy.
Medea and Morgan already finished reforming the hotel and are now setting up all kinds of defensive wards and boundfields to protect the place.
One of the first things I did was to summon more servants.
I summoned Moriarty, Paracelsus, Asclepius, Tesla, Edison, Ushiwakamaru, Frankenstein, Thrúd, Hildr and Ortlinde.
Paracelsus and Asclepius went to the hotel to set up their workshops and give a hand in setting up boundfields. Ushiwakamaru went with them to see the hotel and chose her room.
Edison and Tesla went to help Da Vinci in analyzing the tinker tech rifles.
Thrúd, Hildr, and Ortlind immediately headed to Empire territory to hunt down the reaming capes. It was easy to understand why they were so enraged with the Empire. With Fenja and Menja dressed as valkyries, Rune and Othala being used as names, and the original leader dared to call himself the Allfather.
Thrúd, Hilder, and Ortlind want them dead for disrespecting their culture.
I quickly put Moriarty in charge of planning in how to take over the ABB territory. And I made it very clear to him to keep the body count to a minimum.
The rest of the ABB won't let us take over without putting a fight first.
Moriarty also told me that he already has a plan to amass wealth and win the goodwill of the city and the PRT.
Man, he doesn't waste time.
Moriarty was quick to get in contact with a law firm to hire their services to buy the hotel. In particular, he hired Carol Dallon to be our attorney.
She spoke with the mayor, and he agreed to sell the hotel.
Which is a relief as I wasn't sure the city would sell it to us.
Right now, I was with Moriarty and Fran at a restaurant on the Boardwalk, waiting for Carol.
"He-here is your order, sir," The waitress said nevoursly.
"Thanks," I said.
The waitress placed our orders on the table and quickly walked away.
Turns out that a cup of hot chocolate isn't thirty dollars.
"Unbelievable, twenty dollars for a cup of hot chocolate," I complained.
"I agree. This is an outrageous price for this brand of tea," Moriarty took a sip of his tea.
I pointed at the piece of cake that Fran was eating.
"I can go to any bakery and buy the same piece of cake for seven dollars. They're charging fifteen here," I said.
Fran looked at me then back at her cake and offered me a piece, "Hmm?"
"No thanks," I said.
Fran shrugged and returned to eat the cake with gusto.
"On the way here, I saw a place that sells a cappuccino for twenty-three dollars," Moriarty said.
"Twenty-three dollars for a cappuccino? You gotta be kidding me," I said.
"I'm afraid not," Moriarty said.
"Good god, this really is the cheapest restaurant in Boardwalk," I shake my head in disbelief.
"If you think this is expensive, you should check out the clothes they sell around here. Most of them are knock-offs, but they're still going for thousands of dollars," Moriarty said.
"I can't believe people pay these prices," I said.
"These kind of places are known as 'tourist traps' for a reason," Moriarty said.
"Maybe we should open a bakery or a restaurant," I said jokingly.
"Already working on that," Moriarty said.
I blinked in surprise, "Seriously?"
"Of course, it's a simple way to start making money and we possess many talented chefs," Moriarty said.
"You still haven't told me how we're going to make money," I said.
"We're going to sell healing potion to the Protectorate/PRT and any independent heroes out there," Moriarty said.
"So that's why you asked for Paracelsus and Asclepius," I took a sip of the hot chocolate.
"Indeed. And with Medea's assistance, they can easily develop a system to produce basic healing potions in large quantities, Moriarty said.
"What about NEPEA-5?" I asked.
I don't like that bill.
It not only made it almost impossible for rogues to make money legitimately, but it also helped in creating one of the largest parahuman criminal organizations in America.
The Elite.
I'm still deciding if we should do something about them but one thing I know is that Bastard Son has to go. His cell is just as bad as Slaughterhouse Nine.
"We don't have to worry about NEPEA-5 since the public that we will be aiming for are exclusive parahumans," Moriarty said.
I see where this is going.
"So, we will be the equivalent of 'Toybox', but our focus will be on the heroes," I said.
"Precisely," Moriarty takes a sip of his tea.
"What about hospitals?" those potions could help a lot of people.
"I've already planned to sell it to hospitals, but first, we need to present the healing potion to the PRT. That way, they can't later claim that we sold untested tinker tech," Moriarty said.
"What if they notice that it isn't tinker tech?" that's a can of worms that I never want to open.
"Don't worry about that, master. In today's world, everyone will just assume that the healing potions are tinker tech. After all, it's the creation of a parahuman," Moriarty said with a smirk.
That's a good point.
"I take that the healing potions aren't the only thing you want to sell?" I took a sip of hot chocolate.
"Of course not. I already talked with Edison about the production of body armor," Moriarty said.
"You want to sell weapons?" I asked surprised.
"Armor, not weapons. I expect the PRT will purchase it just to study it, but the main target is the independent heroes," Moriarty said.
"Is that really necessary?" I asked.
"Absolutely. This is to safeguard us. By now, the PRT will be monitoring Chaldea closely. I don't want them to get any ideas once they see the number of servants we have. I plan to expand Chaldea's influence in the parahuman world so that the PRT won't be able to interfere without risking their own destruction," Moriarty said.
"How likely is that to happen?" I frowned.
"Very high once they realize how strong is Chaldea. Remember this master, those in power despise anyone that they can't control," Moriarty said.
I pinched my nose in frustration.
"No offensive mystic codes," I said.
Moriarty smiled in response.
"Hmm?" Fran asked.
"It's nothing," I notice that she finished the cake. "Do you want another?"
Fran nodded in response.
Before I could call for a waitress, Carol arrived at the table.
"I apologize for arriving late. The traffic at this hour can be very annoying," Carol said.
She's late?
I checked the time to see that she was indeed five minutes late. I didn't even notice it.
"Don't worry about it, my dear. Would you like something to eat or drink?" Moriarty asked.
"Black coffee, please," Carol said.
I called over a waitress.
"Another piece of strawberry pie and black coffee please," I said.
The waitress nodded and left to get our order.
"I hope that you didn't have too much trouble at city hall," Moriarty said.
"Not at all. It was easier than I was expecting," Carol smiled politely.
"That's good," Moriarty nodded. "Where're my manners? You already know me but let me present you, Magus and Berserker."
"It's a pleasure to meet you two," Carol said politely.
I smiled in response and Fran looked at Carol boredly.
Carol glanced at Fran with a raised brow.
"I thought Berserker was a different woman," Carol commented.
Well, this was bound to come up at some point.
"Here's the deal: each servant goes by a title, such as Berserker, to keep their true name concealed," I explained.
Carol stared at me for a few moments, her face completely expressionless.
"...I see," Carol said.
I will say this: she knows how to be professional.
I was expecting her to ask all kinds of questions.
I wonder how confusing my power must look to everyone else.
The waitress arrived with our order.
Moriarty coughed, "Let's focus on business. On the phone, you said that some paper needs to be signed."
Carol opens her briefcase and grabs the contract.
"All that's left is your signature. And tomorrow I can give you the deed of the hotel," Carol said.
"Do you mind if I check the contract?" Moriarty asked.
"By all means," Carol gave the contract to Moriarty.
"I'm going to be honest. I wasn't sure that the city would be willing to sell the hotel to us," I said.
"And they weren't expecting you to want to buy it," Carol took a sip of her coffee.
"I take that never happens," I said.
"Capes usually just take over a spot in the city, whether it's a building or a warehouse, and make it their secret Lair. It's pretty rare for a cape to buy property. In fact, I think the last one to do that was Faultline," Carol said with a frown.
Faultline's Crew.
A mercenary group that resides in Brockton Bay.
They're a target of interest since two of their members are Case 53. But how the hell am I supposed to convince Faultline to let us analyze their anatomy?
I also don't want to give them false hope as I don't know if we are going to be able to help them.
"How come the PRT never made a move against Faultline?" I asked curiously.
Moriarty spoke before Carol could.
"With the threat of the Empire and ABB, the PRT couldn't afford to make more enemies when there was no point. Faultline may be a villain but she only operates outside the city. And, most importantly, they're a formidable mercenary group that could push the Protectorate back," Moriarty said without looking away from the contract. "But, of course, that's just a theory of mine."
"You're indeed correct in the reason," Carol said, lightly surprised.
I hide my smile by taking another sip of the hot chocolate.
Yeah, Moriarty's deduction has that effect on people.
"Everything checks out," Moriarty nodded and handed me the contract.
I signed the papers and gave them to Carol.
"Mr Archer, you mentioned over the phone that there's another matter you'd like to discuss," Carol takes a sip of her coffee.
"None of this mister thing. I'm still in the prime of my youth!" Moriarty said.
"Hmm?" Fran tilted her head.
Moriarty gasped in an over-exaggerated way and looked at Fran.
"How could you say that? Of course I-hugh!" Moriarty froze. "My back," Moriarty groaned, his voice strained with pain.
Fran jumped a little in surprise and started to check Moriarty.
Carol let out a giggle at the scene.
Oh, he's good.
"We can talk another time if you want?" Carol offered.
Moriarty waved off the offer, "There's no need for that. Now, what I want to talk about is a product that we wish to sell to the PRT."
"Don't you want to go to somewhere more private?" Carol glanced at the people around us.
Moriarty smirked, "There's no need."
That's my cue.
I created a bound field that covered our table.
"What's this?" Carol asked tensely as she looked at the bound field.
"Something that will give us some privacy," I said.
Moriarty took a bottle from his jacket and set it on the table.
"What's that?" Carol looked intently at the bottle.
"A healing potion," Moriarty said.
Carol looked at Moriarty with a raised eyebrow.
"How potent is it?" Carol asked.
"It can easily heal: broken bones, first and second-degree burns, concussion, bruising, bullet wounds, internal bleeding, and a few more things," Moriarty scratched his chin. "I should have made a list to show you."
And that is a basic healing potion.
Medea can create one that can grant limited immortality.
"Have you tested it?" Carol asked seriously.
Moriarty nodded, "Extensively."
That is not even a lie. Healing potions were one of the most used items during our adventures.
"I'm aware that the PRT will want to conduct their tests first before deciding if they wish to buy it. So, I need you to reach out to them," Moriarty said.
Carol hummed thoughtfully.
"If this potion does what you're claiming then the PRT will be interested in buying it," Carol said.
"The PRT is just the beginning. I want to make it available to every hero out there. Just imagine how many lives this potion could save," Moriarty said.
Carol looked very interested in the idea.
"And if I have the permission, I'd also like to sell healing potions to the hospitals," Moriarty said.
"For this idea to work, you would have to be able to mass produce these healing potions," Carol said.
"We can do that easily," I said.
"What you are claiming is something that no one was able to do before. Even Dragon isn't capable of mass-producing tinker tech," Carol said seriously.
Oh yeah, this's going to be a big deal.
"We have a way that I can't disclose," I said.
"Then please be careful. Chaldea will gain even more attention, both good and bad," Carol warned us.
"Thank you for the warning. I assure you that we will be very careful," Moriarty said.
"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Carol asked.
Moriarty hummed, "Let's first see what's going to be the PRT's opinion about the healing potions. Oh, and before you leave please take the potion with you."
"I couldn't-" Moriarty interrupted Carol.
"I insist," Moriarty said firmly. "As I mentioned earlier, I want all the heroes to have a potion, and that includes you. If you have any concerns, you can have Panacea test it. I guarantee she will confirm that it's safe."
Having Panacea seal of approval will expedite the whole process.
Carol looked at the potion for a few seconds and put it inside her briefcase.
I dispelled the bound field.
"It was a pleasure to meet all of you. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to city hall," Carol walked away from the table.
"Was Panacea the reason you hired her?" I asked.
"One of the main reasons. The fact that she is also a good attorney is a nice bonus," Moriarty said.
"What're the others?" I asked curiously.
"Honestly, this whole endeavor is just a performance for the PRT. When they learn that we purchased the hotel, they will focus on how we adhered to the law and are collaborating with a respected hero," Moriarty smirked.
The PRT will perceive us as a responsible and law-abiding group, leading them to believe that they don't need to keep a close eye on us.
"What happens if they realize that we manipulated them?" I asked.
"It will matter very little. By the time they realize anything, Chaldea will be one of the most powerful organizations in the world," Moriarty said.
Go big or go home.
"All right, we're done here. I'm going to pay the bill, I meet you guys outside," I got up from the table.
Fran nodded and got up but Moriarty didn't move.
"I'm going to need a minute," Moriarty said.
Why would he-oh, don't tell me.
"You really hurt your back, didn't you?" I asked.
"...yes," Moriarty said.
I let out a sigh as Fran and I help Moriarty to move.
We are back at the hotel.
"All I'm saying is that if I'm going to pay for overpriced food then I better get my money's worth," I said.
"I know what you mean. I never liked dining in such restaurants, I only did that to give an image of how powerful I was," Moriarty said.
"What about you Fran?" I asked.
Fran places her finger on her chin and tilts her head.
"Hmm," Fran points at me.
"See. Even Fran agrees," I said.
"I assure you, master, that if we do open a restaurant, it will not be anything like that," Moriarty said.
I know that, otherwise, I would have every version of Artoria demanding an explanation.
I started to chuckle when I thought of her in one of those restaurants.
Moriarty and Fran looked at me curious.
"What's so funny?" Moriarty asked.
"Can you imagine Artoria in one of those places? She would threaten the chef for serving so little food," I chuckled.
Fran giggled at the mental image.
"Hm, I can only see her alter variants do that. But she would still have a few things to say to the chef," Moriarty said with an amused smile.
"That reminds me. We need to quickly set up the Artoria budget," I said.
We had to create an entire budget solely dedicated to feeding all the different versions of Artoria.
I started to hear a lot of grumbling coming from behind.
I turned to see Ortlinde, Hildr, Thrúd walking inside the room.
And they have a bit of blood on their clothes.
"They have been busy," Moriarty raised an eyebrow.
Oh boy.
"I'm going to deal with that," I let out a sigh.
"Good luck. Come along Fran, let's find a spot to plant some flowers," Moriarty said.
Fran's eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically.
"I take that you girls had a successful hunt," I said.
"We couldn't find them," Hildr pouted.
I blinked in surprise, "So whose blood is that?"
"From some grunts that we intimidated," Ortlinde said.
"Are any of them dead?" I asked.
"No. Although, some of them are going to be eating through a straw," Thrúd said.
That's more than fine.
"They are all cowards! Running away from their deserved punishment!" Hildr said.
"You can't kill them," I said.
"Why can't we do that again? The Empire is despised by everyone," Thrúd said.
"Two reasons. First, I'm not entirely certain, but I believe that the PRT is worried about a slippery slope scenario. If we kill the Empire, what is preventing us from doing the same to every other criminal in the city, even minor ones like a purse snatcher?" I said.
"The second is the Endbringer fights. The PRT needs as many people as possible to fight those monsters," I said grimly.
There's a list of every cape that lost their lives fighting the Endbringers.
It's a very long list.
Thrúd hummed thoughtfully.
"Can we still maim them?" Ortlind asked.
I shrugged, "As long as you don't kill them, do whatever the hell you want."
Ortlind, Hildr, and Thrúd shared a grin.
It's so weird to see them being so bloodthirsty.
"Excuse us, master. We're going to take a break before our next patrol tonight," Thrúd said.
"Don't forget to clean the blood from your clothes," I said as they left the room.
Suddenly a tiny furball landed on my shoulder.
"Fou!" Fou rubbed his head against my cheek.
"Hey buddy," I scratched Fou's chin.
It was a surprise when Fou appeared with everyone else.
"What do you think of this place?" I asked.
"Fou," Fou tilted his head.
"Yeah, I know. I still miss the original Chaldea base and the Wandering Sea but soon enough this hotel will feel like home," I said.
"Fou," Fou said.
I let out a chuckle.
My cell phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Magus," Dauntless said.
"Oh, hey man. What's up?" I asked.
"I'm calling to see if you want to do a joint patrol?" Dauntless asked.
Huh, Piggot approved Barghest's idea. I'm kind of surprised by that.
"I'm ok with that. What day?" I asked.
"How about tomorrow?" Dauntless asked.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so it's perfect.
"Sure. What time?" I asked.
"How about the evening? I'm going to bring two wards with me and the plan is to patrol the Boardwalk," Dauntless said.
Right, the wards mainly patrol the safer areas of the city.
"Sounds good," I scratched Fou's chin.
"One more thing. I got a report of three unknown capes flying over Empire territory. Are they with guys?" Dauntless asked.
"Yeah, they're with us," I said.
Dauntless sighed in relief, "All right then, I will see you tomorrow."
I ended the call.
Tomorrow is going to be my first official patrol as a hero.
God, this's still so weird.
"Fou?" Fou put his paw on my cheek.
"It's nothing. Hey, let's go find my room," I said.
"Fou!" Fou said.
Fou and I started to look for my room.
Thrúd POV:
It was night time and we still couldn't find any trace of the remaining capes of the Empire.
So, we decided to patrol another part of the city.
"Where could they be hiding?" Hildr growled.
"Probably in their civilian identities," Ortlinde said.
How infuriating.
"Be patient, Hildr. Once Chaldea takes control of the ABB territory, master turns his focus on the Empire," I said.
And then, they shall face the consequences for dishonoring the Allfather's name.
Ortlind and Hildr nodded.
"Where're we?" Hildr asked, glancing around.
"Above the Trainsyard," I said.
"Look!" Ortlinde exclaimed, pointing towards the street.
Hildr and I turned to where Ortlind was pointing.
A woman was running from a group of men.
We swiftly positioned ourselves between the woman and the group of men.
I easily dealt with them before they had a chance to react.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
The woman was breathing heavily and holding her side.
"I, oh my god, just need to catch my breath," The woman said.
The woman took a few deep breaths before calming down.
"You girls just saved my ass," The woman said, wiping sweat from her head.
"It's nothing. Are you sure you're fine? You're sweating quite a lot," Ortlinde said.
"I'm sure. It has just been a while since my last jog," The woman said.
"When was the last time?" I asked.
"Let me see. Today is friday...about fifteen years, give or take," The woman said.
Ortlinde, Hildr, and I looked at the woman with raised eyebrows.
"What can I say? I don't like to exercise," The woman shrugged. "But that's going to have to change. By the way, I'm Sherrel."
"Lancer," Ortlinde, Hildr, and I said at the same time.
"Doesn't that get confusing?" Sherrel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No," Hildr said.
"All right then. You girl are with the new guy, right? What was his name again?" Sherrel rubs her head in thought.
"Magus," I said.
"That's him," Sherrel nodded.
"Since you're fine, we will be heading out," I said.
"Hold on a minute please," Sherrel said.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Okay, here is the thing. I'm in a bit of a predicament, and I could really use some help," Sherrel said, nervously rubbing her neck.
"What kind of predicament?" I asked with narrowed eyes.
Did she steal from these men?
" see I'm a-"
Sherrel was interrupted by the arrival of four cars.
A group of men got out of the vehicles, with one of them dressed in a costume.
Is he a cape?
"Get the fuck away from my tinker you bitches!" A masked man shouted.
By the Allfather, he smells worse than a rotting corpse.
"Fuck you, Skidmark! I'm not your anything!" Sherrel flipped him off.
"We will see about that!" Skidmark said laughing. "What the fuck are you idiots waiting for! Kill those whores!"
What a foul mouth.
We positioned ourselves in front of Sherrel and raised our shields as the men began firing at us.
Our shields are absorbing most of the bullets; although a few have hit us, they haven't caused any harm.
"Shit, are you girls okay?" Sherrel asked worried.
"Their weapons can't hurt us," Ortlinde said.
"You fuckers are useless!" Skidmark screamed.
Skidmark waved his hand and created a field that appeared in front of his men.
My eyes widen at the sight of the strange field, and I quickly move to scoop Sherrel up into a bridal carry.
With her safely in my arms, Ortlinde, Hildr, and I shoot up into the sky, dodging a barrage of bullets.
"The field made the bullets faster," Hildr noted.
"Up there, you assholes!" Skidmark pointed at us.
Ortlinde charged forward and positioned herself behind the field. She landed on the ground and struck Skidmark's face with her shield. His head jerked sideways, and several of his teeth flew out. He was hurled against a wall and didn't get up.
She continues her attack by swinging her lance in a wide arc, taking out all the other men in one swift move.
The fight was over in a few seconds.
"Damm," Sherrel said in awe.
"Don't be so surprised. Something like this is easy for her," I said, smiling proudly at Ortlinde.
Suddenly, a massive figure composed of thrash emerged and began attacking Ortlinde.
"Is that a golem made of thrash?!" Hildr exclaimed in surprise.
"That's Mush," Sherrel said.
"What do you know of his powers?" I asked.
Hildr joined Ortlinde in attacking the trash golem.
"He can gather trash or junk and surround himself in it," Sherrel said.
"...are you saying that he is in the center of that thing?" I shuddered in disgust.
"Yes," Sherrel said with a disgusted face.
"There is a person in the center!" I shouted.
Ortlinde and Hildr relentlessly attack Mush, their every strike causing more of his body to crumble with each swing of their lances.
They continued their assault until Mush's real body was revealed. Hildr seized him and tore him out. causing the rest of the garbage body to collapse.
I looked with wide eyes, not believing what I was seeing.
"Why are you naked?!" Hildr exclaimed.
Mush isn't wearing any clothes.
"Oh, that's just wrong," Sherrel whispered in horror.
Ortlinde and I shared Sherrel's sentiment.
I landed and put Sherrel down.
"I need a shower," Hildr complained.
"I could use one too," Ortlinde said.
"Man, you girls can kick some ass," Sherrel said.
"Yes, but that isn't important right now. You're a tinker," I said.
Da Vinci would be interested in meeting her.
"Yep," Sherrel shrugged.
"What did you want to say before?" I asked.
"Look, I'm going to be honest. I'm not really into this fighting stuff. All I want to do is build some kickass cars. If I join the Protectorate, I will end up doing patrol and attending PR stuff. It's just not what I'm interested in," Sherrel said, shaking her head.
So, her specialization has something do to with vehicles.
"And what does this have to do with us?" Ortlinde asked.
"Do you need a tinker?" Sherrel asked, nervously scratching her cheek.
This is perfect.
"Are you certain of that?" just to make sure.
"Well, yeah. You guys are kicking asses and taking names!" Sherrel said.
"Okay," I said.
"...just like that?" Sherrel asked surprised. "Even with what I said?"
"Do you have anything against tinkering with others?" I asked.
"" Sherrel said.
"Then it dosen't matter that you do not wish to fight. The life of a warrior isn't for everyone," I said.
"Cool," Sherrel said.
I pointed at Skidmark and Mush.
"Take them to the PRT. I will take Sherrel to the hotel," I said to Ortlinde and Hildr.
Ortlinde and Hildr nodded.
"You guys have a hotel?" Sherrel asked.
"We bought it today," I said.
I took Sherrel into my arms and flew to the hotel.
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The news of the end of the gang war spread like a wildfire, and within an hour, the entire city was aware of it.
But still took about three days for things to return to normal or at least as normal as it can get in a city like Brockton Bay.
And in those three days, we were very busy.
Medea and Morgan already finished reforming the hotel and are now setting up all kinds of defensive wards and boundfields to protect the place.
One of the first things I did was to summon more servants.
I summoned Moriarty, Paracelsus, Asclepius, Tesla, Edison, Ushiwakamaru, Frankenstein, Thrúd, Hildr and Ortlinde.
Paracelsus and Asclepius went to the hotel to set up their workshops and give a hand in setting up boundfields. Ushiwakamaru went with them to see the hotel and chose her room.
Edison and Tesla went to help Da Vinci in analyzing the tinker tech rifles.
Thrúd, Hildr, and Ortlind immediately headed to Empire territory to hunt down the reaming capes. It was easy to understand why they were so enraged with the Empire. With Fenja and Menja dressed as valkyries, Rune and Othala being used as names, and the original leader dared to call himself the Allfather.
Thrúd, Hilder, and Ortlind want them dead for disrespecting their culture.
I quickly put Moriarty in charge of planning in how to take over the ABB territory. And I made it very clear to him to keep the body count to a minimum.
The rest of the ABB won't let us take over without putting a fight first.
Moriarty also told me that he already has a plan to amass wealth and win the goodwill of the city and the PRT.
Man, he doesn't waste time.
Moriarty was quick to get in contact with a law firm to hire their services to buy the hotel. In particular, he hired Carol Dallon to be our attorney.
She spoke with the mayor, and he agreed to sell the hotel.
Which is a relief as I wasn't sure the city would sell it to us.
Right now, I was with Moriarty and Fran at a restaurant on the Boardwalk, waiting for Carol.
"He-here is your order, sir," The waitress said nevoursly.
"Thanks," I said.
The waitress placed our orders on the table and quickly walked away.
Turns out that a cup of hot chocolate isn't thirty dollars.
"Unbelievable, twenty dollars for a cup of hot chocolate," I complained.
"I agree. This is an outrageous price for this brand of tea," Moriarty took a sip of his tea.
I pointed at the piece of cake that Fran was eating.
"I can go to any bakery and buy the same piece of cake for seven dollars. They're charging fifteen here," I said.
Fran looked at me then back at her cake and offered me a piece, "Hmm?"
"No thanks," I said.
Fran shrugged and returned to eat the cake with gusto.
"On the way here, I saw a place that sells a cappuccino for twenty-three dollars," Moriarty said.
"Twenty-three dollars for a cappuccino? You gotta be kidding me," I said.
"I'm afraid not," Moriarty said.
"Good god, this really is the cheapest restaurant in Boardwalk," I shake my head in disbelief.
"If you think this is expensive, you should check out the clothes they sell around here. Most of them are knock-offs, but they're still going for thousands of dollars," Moriarty said.
"I can't believe people pay these prices," I said.
"These kind of places are known as 'tourist traps' for a reason," Moriarty said.
"Maybe we should open a bakery or a restaurant," I said jokingly.
"Already working on that," Moriarty said.
I blinked in surprise, "Seriously?"
"Of course, it's a simple way to start making money and we possess many talented chefs," Moriarty said.
"You still haven't told me how we're going to make money," I said.
"We're going to sell healing potion to the Protectorate/PRT and any independent heroes out there," Moriarty said.
"So that's why you asked for Paracelsus and Asclepius," I took a sip of the hot chocolate.
"Indeed. And with Medea's assistance, they can easily develop a system to produce basic healing potions in large quantities, Moriarty said.
"What about NEPEA-5?" I asked.
I don't like that bill.
It not only made it almost impossible for rogues to make money legitimately, but it also helped in creating one of the largest parahuman criminal organizations in America.
The Elite.
I'm still deciding if we should do something about them but one thing I know is that Bastard Son has to go. His cell is just as bad as Slaughterhouse Nine.
"We don't have to worry about NEPEA-5 since the public that we will be aiming for are exclusive parahumans," Moriarty said.
I see where this is going.
"So, we will be the equivalent of 'Toybox', but our focus will be on the heroes," I said.
"Precisely," Moriarty takes a sip of his tea.
"What about hospitals?" those potions could help a lot of people.
"I've already planned to sell it to hospitals, but first, we need to present the healing potion to the PRT. That way, they can't later claim that we sold untested tinker tech," Moriarty said.
"What if they notice that it isn't tinker tech?" that's a can of worms that I never want to open.
"Don't worry about that, master. In today's world, everyone will just assume that the healing potions are tinker tech. After all, it's the creation of a parahuman," Moriarty said with a smirk.
That's a good point.
"I take that the healing potions aren't the only thing you want to sell?" I took a sip of hot chocolate.
"Of course not. I already talked with Edison about the production of body armor," Moriarty said.
"You want to sell weapons?" I asked surprised.
"Armor, not weapons. I expect the PRT will purchase it just to study it, but the main target is the independent heroes," Moriarty said.
"Is that really necessary?" I asked.
"Absolutely. This is to safeguard us. By now, the PRT will be monitoring Chaldea closely. I don't want them to get any ideas once they see the number of servants we have. I plan to expand Chaldea's influence in the parahuman world so that the PRT won't be able to interfere without risking their own destruction," Moriarty said.
"How likely is that to happen?" I frowned.
"Very high once they realize how strong is Chaldea. Remember this master, those in power despise anyone that they can't control," Moriarty said.
I pinched my nose in frustration.
"No offensive mystic codes," I said.
Moriarty smiled in response.
"Hmm?" Fran asked.
"It's nothing," I notice that she finished the cake. "Do you want another?"
Fran nodded in response.
Before I could call for a waitress, Carol arrived at the table.
"I apologize for arriving late. The traffic at this hour can be very annoying," Carol said.
She's late?
I checked the time to see that she was indeed five minutes late. I didn't even notice it.
"Don't worry about it, my dear. Would you like something to eat or drink?" Moriarty asked.
"Black coffee, please," Carol said.
I called over a waitress.
"Another piece of strawberry pie and black coffee please," I said.
The waitress nodded and left to get our order.
"I hope that you didn't have too much trouble at city hall," Moriarty said.
"Not at all. It was easier than I was expecting," Carol smiled politely.
"That's good," Moriarty nodded. "Where're my manners? You already know me but let me present you, Magus and Berserker."
"It's a pleasure to meet you two," Carol said politely.
I smiled in response and Fran looked at Carol boredly.
Carol glanced at Fran with a raised brow.
"I thought Berserker was a different woman," Carol commented.
Well, this was bound to come up at some point.
"Here's the deal: each servant goes by a title, such as Berserker, to keep their true name concealed," I explained.
Carol stared at me for a few moments, her face completely expressionless.
"...I see," Carol said.
I will say this: she knows how to be professional.
I was expecting her to ask all kinds of questions.
I wonder how confusing my power must look to everyone else.
The waitress arrived with our order.
Moriarty coughed, "Let's focus on business. On the phone, you said that some paper needs to be signed."
Carol opens her briefcase and grabs the contract.
"All that's left is your signature. And tomorrow I can give you the deed of the hotel," Carol said.
"Do you mind if I check the contract?" Moriarty asked.
"By all means," Carol gave the contract to Moriarty.
"I'm going to be honest. I wasn't sure that the city would be willing to sell the hotel to us," I said.
"And they weren't expecting you to want to buy it," Carol took a sip of her coffee.
"I take that never happens," I said.
"Capes usually just take over a spot in the city, whether it's a building or a warehouse, and make it their secret Lair. It's pretty rare for a cape to buy property. In fact, I think the last one to do that was Faultline," Carol said with a frown.
Faultline's Crew.
A mercenary group that resides in Brockton Bay.
They're a target of interest since two of their members are Case 53. But how the hell am I supposed to convince Faultline to let us analyze their anatomy?
I also don't want to give them false hope as I don't know if we are going to be able to help them.
"How come the PRT never made a move against Faultline?" I asked curiously.
Moriarty spoke before Carol could.
"With the threat of the Empire and ABB, the PRT couldn't afford to make more enemies when there was no point. Faultline may be a villain but she only operates outside the city. And, most importantly, they're a formidable mercenary group that could push the Protectorate back," Moriarty said without looking away from the contract. "But, of course, that's just a theory of mine."
"You're indeed correct in the reason," Carol said, lightly surprised.
I hide my smile by taking another sip of the hot chocolate.
Yeah, Moriarty's deduction has that effect on people.
"Everything checks out," Moriarty nodded and handed me the contract.
I signed the papers and gave them to Carol.
"Mr Archer, you mentioned over the phone that there's another matter you'd like to discuss," Carol takes a sip of her coffee.
"None of this mister thing. I'm still in the prime of my youth!" Moriarty said.
"Hmm?" Fran tilted her head.
Moriarty gasped in an over-exaggerated way and looked at Fran.
"How could you say that? Of course I-hugh!" Moriarty froze. "My back," Moriarty groaned, his voice strained with pain.
Fran jumped a little in surprise and started to check Moriarty.
Carol let out a giggle at the scene.
Oh, he's good.
"We can talk another time if you want?" Carol offered.
Moriarty waved off the offer, "There's no need for that. Now, what I want to talk about is a product that we wish to sell to the PRT."
"Don't you want to go to somewhere more private?" Carol glanced at the people around us.
Moriarty smirked, "There's no need."
That's my cue.
I created a bound field that covered our table.
"What's this?" Carol asked tensely as she looked at the bound field.
"Something that will give us some privacy," I said.
Moriarty took a bottle from his jacket and set it on the table.
"What's that?" Carol looked intently at the bottle.
"A healing potion," Moriarty said.
Carol looked at Moriarty with a raised eyebrow.
"How potent is it?" Carol asked.
"It can easily heal: broken bones, first and second-degree burns, concussion, bruising, bullet wounds, internal bleeding, and a few more things," Moriarty scratched his chin. "I should have made a list to show you."
And that is a basic healing potion.
Medea can create one that can grant limited immortality.
"Have you tested it?" Carol asked seriously.
Moriarty nodded, "Extensively."
That is not even a lie. Healing potions were one of the most used items during our adventures.
"I'm aware that the PRT will want to conduct their tests first before deciding if they wish to buy it. So, I need you to reach out to them," Moriarty said.
Carol hummed thoughtfully.
"If this potion does what you're claiming then the PRT will be interested in buying it," Carol said.
"The PRT is just the beginning. I want to make it available to every hero out there. Just imagine how many lives this potion could save," Moriarty said.
Carol looked very interested in the idea.
"And if I have the permission, I'd also like to sell healing potions to the hospitals," Moriarty said.
"For this idea to work, you would have to be able to mass produce these healing potions," Carol said.
"We can do that easily," I said.
"What you are claiming is something that no one was able to do before. Even Dragon isn't capable of mass-producing tinker tech," Carol said seriously.
Oh yeah, this's going to be a big deal.
"We have a way that I can't disclose," I said.
"Then please be careful. Chaldea will gain even more attention, both good and bad," Carol warned us.
"Thank you for the warning. I assure you that we will be very careful," Moriarty said.
"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Carol asked.
Moriarty hummed, "Let's first see what's going to be the PRT's opinion about the healing potions. Oh, and before you leave please take the potion with you."
"I couldn't-" Moriarty interrupted Carol.
"I insist," Moriarty said firmly. "As I mentioned earlier, I want all the heroes to have a potion, and that includes you. If you have any concerns, you can have Panacea test it. I guarantee she will confirm that it's safe."
Having Panacea seal of approval will expedite the whole process.
Carol looked at the potion for a few seconds and put it inside her briefcase.
I dispelled the bound field.
"It was a pleasure to meet all of you. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to city hall," Carol walked away from the table.
"Was Panacea the reason you hired her?" I asked.
"One of the main reasons. The fact that she is also a good attorney is a nice bonus," Moriarty said.
"What're the others?" I asked curiously.
"Honestly, this whole endeavor is just a performance for the PRT. When they learn that we purchased the hotel, they will focus on how we adhered to the law and are collaborating with a respected hero," Moriarty smirked.
The PRT will perceive us as a responsible and law-abiding group, leading them to believe that they don't need to keep a close eye on us.
"What happens if they realize that we manipulated them?" I asked.
"It will matter very little. By the time they realize anything, Chaldea will be one of the most powerful organizations in the world," Moriarty said.
Go big or go home.
"All right, we're done here. I'm going to pay the bill, I meet you guys outside," I got up from the table.
Fran nodded and got up but Moriarty didn't move.
"I'm going to need a minute," Moriarty said.
Why would he-oh, don't tell me.
"You really hurt your back, didn't you?" I asked.
"...yes," Moriarty said.
I let out a sigh as Fran and I help Moriarty to move.
We are back at the hotel.
"All I'm saying is that if I'm going to pay for overpriced food then I better get my money's worth," I said.
"I know what you mean. I never liked dining in such restaurants, I only did that to give an image of how powerful I was," Moriarty said.
"What about you Fran?" I asked.
Fran places her finger on her chin and tilts her head.
"Hmm," Fran points at me.
"See. Even Fran agrees," I said.
"I assure you, master, that if we do open a restaurant, it will not be anything like that," Moriarty said.
I know that, otherwise, I would have every version of Artoria demanding an explanation.
I started to chuckle when I thought of her in one of those restaurants.
Moriarty and Fran looked at me curious.
"What's so funny?" Moriarty asked.
"Can you imagine Artoria in one of those places? She would threaten the chef for serving so little food," I chuckled.
Fran giggled at the mental image.
"Hm, I can only see her alter variants do that. But she would still have a few things to say to the chef," Moriarty said with an amused smile.
"That reminds me. We need to quickly set up the Artoria budget," I said.
We had to create an entire budget solely dedicated to feeding all the different versions of Artoria.
I started to hear a lot of grumbling coming from behind.
I turned to see Ortlinde, Hildr, Thrúd walking inside the room.
And they have a bit of blood on their clothes.
"They have been busy," Moriarty raised an eyebrow.
Oh boy.
"I'm going to deal with that," I let out a sigh.
"Good luck. Come along Fran, let's find a spot to plant some flowers," Moriarty said.
Fran's eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically.
"I take that you girls had a successful hunt," I said.
"We couldn't find them," Hildr pouted.
I blinked in surprise, "So whose blood is that?"
"From some grunts that we intimidated," Ortlinde said.
"Are any of them dead?" I asked.
"No. Although, some of them are going to be eating through a straw," Thrúd said.
That's more than fine.
"They are all cowards! Running away from their deserved punishment!" Hildr said.
"You can't kill them," I said.
"Why can't we do that again? The Empire is despised by everyone," Thrúd said.
"Two reasons. First, I'm not entirely certain, but I believe that the PRT is worried about a slippery slope scenario. If we kill the Empire, what is preventing us from doing the same to every other criminal in the city, even minor ones like a purse snatcher?" I said.
"The second is the Endbringer fights. The PRT needs as many people as possible to fight those monsters," I said grimly.
There's a list of every cape that lost their lives fighting the Endbringers.
It's a very long list.
Thrúd hummed thoughtfully.
"Can we still maim them?" Ortlind asked.
I shrugged, "As long as you don't kill them, do whatever the hell you want."
Ortlind, Hildr, and Thrúd shared a grin.
It's so weird to see them being so bloodthirsty.
"Excuse us, master. We're going to take a break before our next patrol tonight," Thrúd said.
"Don't forget to clean the blood from your clothes," I said as they left the room.
Suddenly a tiny furball landed on my shoulder.
"Fou!" Fou rubbed his head against my cheek.
"Hey buddy," I scratched Fou's chin.
It was a surprise when Fou appeared with everyone else.
"What do you think of this place?" I asked.
"Fou," Fou tilted his head.
"Yeah, I know. I still miss the original Chaldea base and the Wandering Sea but soon enough this hotel will feel like home," I said.
"Fou," Fou said.
I let out a chuckle.
My cell phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Magus," Dauntless said.
"Oh, hey man. What's up?" I asked.
"I'm calling to see if you want to do a joint patrol?" Dauntless asked.
Huh, Piggot approved Barghest's idea. I'm kind of surprised by that.
"I'm ok with that. What day?" I asked.
"How about tomorrow?" Dauntless asked.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so it's perfect.
"Sure. What time?" I asked.
"How about the evening? I'm going to bring two wards with me and the plan is to patrol the Boardwalk," Dauntless said.
Right, the wards mainly patrol the safer areas of the city.
"Sounds good," I scratched Fou's chin.
"One more thing. I got a report of three unknown capes flying over Empire territory. Are they with guys?" Dauntless asked.
"Yeah, they're with us," I said.
Dauntless sighed in relief, "All right then, I will see you tomorrow."
I ended the call.
Tomorrow is going to be my first official patrol as a hero.
God, this's still so weird.
"Fou?" Fou put his paw on my cheek.
"It's nothing. Hey, let's go find my room," I said.
"Fou!" Fou said.
Fou and I started to look for my room.
Thrúd POV:
It was night time and we still couldn't find any trace of the remaining capes of the Empire.
So, we decided to patrol another part of the city.
"Where could they be hiding?" Hildr growled.
"Probably in their civilian identities," Ortlinde said.
How infuriating.
"Be patient, Hildr. Once Chaldea takes control of the ABB territory, master turns his focus on the Empire," I said.
And then, they shall face the consequences for dishonoring the Allfather's name.
Ortlind and Hildr nodded.
"Where're we?" Hildr asked, glancing around.
"Above the Trainsyard," I said.
"Look!" Ortlinde exclaimed, pointing towards the street.
Hildr and I turned to where Ortlind was pointing.
A woman was running from a group of men.
We swiftly positioned ourselves between the woman and the group of men.
I easily dealt with them before they had a chance to react.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
The woman was breathing heavily and holding her side.
"I, oh my god, just need to catch my breath," The woman said.
The woman took a few deep breaths before calming down.
"You girls just saved my ass," The woman said, wiping sweat from her head.
"It's nothing. Are you sure you're fine? You're sweating quite a lot," Ortlinde said.
"I'm sure. It has just been a while since my last jog," The woman said.
"When was the last time?" I asked.
"Let me see. Today is friday...about fifteen years, give or take," The woman said.
Ortlinde, Hildr, and I looked at the woman with raised eyebrows.
"What can I say? I don't like to exercise," The woman shrugged. "But that's going to have to change. By the way, I'm Sherrel."
"Lancer," Ortlinde, Hildr, and I said at the same time.
"Doesn't that get confusing?" Sherrel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No," Hildr said.
"All right then. You girl are with the new guy, right? What was his name again?" Sherrel rubs her head in thought.
"Magus," I said.
"That's him," Sherrel nodded.
"Since you're fine, we will be heading out," I said.
"Hold on a minute please," Sherrel said.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Okay, here is the thing. I'm in a bit of a predicament, and I could really use some help," Sherrel said, nervously rubbing her neck.
"What kind of predicament?" I asked with narrowed eyes.
Did she steal from these men?
" see I'm a-"
Sherrel was interrupted by the arrival of four cars.
A group of men got out of the vehicles, with one of them dressed in a costume.
Is he a cape?
"Get the fuck away from my tinker you bitches!" A masked man shouted.
By the Allfather, he smells worse than a rotting corpse.
"Fuck you, Skidmark! I'm not your anything!" Sherrel flipped him off.
"We will see about that!" Skidmark said laughing. "What the fuck are you idiots waiting for! Kill those whores!"
What a foul mouth.
We positioned ourselves in front of Sherrel and raised our shields as the men began firing at us.
Our shields are absorbing most of the bullets; although a few have hit us, they haven't caused any harm.
"Shit, are you girls okay?" Sherrel asked worried.
"Their weapons can't hurt us," Ortlinde said.
"You fuckers are useless!" Skidmark screamed.
Skidmark waved his hand and created a field that appeared in front of his men.
My eyes widen at the sight of the strange field, and I quickly move to scoop Sherrel up into a bridal carry.
With her safely in my arms, Ortlinde, Hildr, and I shoot up into the sky, dodging a barrage of bullets.
"The field made the bullets faster," Hildr noted.
"Up there, you assholes!" Skidmark pointed at us.
Ortlinde charged forward and positioned herself behind the field. She landed on the ground and struck Skidmark's face with her shield. His head jerked sideways, and several of his teeth flew out. He was hurled against a wall and didn't get up.
She continues her attack by swinging her lance in a wide arc, taking out all the other men in one swift move.
The fight was over in a few seconds.
"Damm," Sherrel said in awe.
"Don't be so surprised. Something like this is easy for her," I said, smiling proudly at Ortlinde.
Suddenly, a massive figure composed of thrash emerged and began attacking Ortlinde.
"Is that a golem made of thrash?!" Hildr exclaimed in surprise.
"That's Mush," Sherrel said.
"What do you know of his powers?" I asked.
Hildr joined Ortlinde in attacking the trash golem.
"He can gather trash or junk and surround himself in it," Sherrel said.
"...are you saying that he is in the center of that thing?" I shuddered in disgust.
"Yes," Sherrel said with a disgusted face.
"There is a person in the center!" I shouted.
Ortlinde and Hildr relentlessly attack Mush, their every strike causing more of his body to crumble with each swing of their lances.
They continued their assault until Mush's real body was revealed. Hildr seized him and tore him out. causing the rest of the garbage body to collapse.
I looked with wide eyes, not believing what I was seeing.
"Why are you naked?!" Hildr exclaimed.
Mush isn't wearing any clothes.
"Oh, that's just wrong," Sherrel whispered in horror.
Ortlinde and I shared Sherrel's sentiment.
I landed and put Sherrel down.
"I need a shower," Hildr complained.
"I could use one too," Ortlinde said.
"Man, you girls can kick some ass," Sherrel said.
"Yes, but that isn't important right now. You're a tinker," I said.
Da Vinci would be interested in meeting her.
"Yep," Sherrel shrugged.
"What did you want to say before?" I asked.
"Look, I'm going to be honest. I'm not really into this fighting stuff. All I want to do is build some kickass cars. If I join the Protectorate, I will end up doing patrol and attending PR stuff. It's just not what I'm interested in," Sherrel said, shaking her head.
So, her specialization has something do to with vehicles.
"And what does this have to do with us?" Ortlinde asked.
"Do you need a tinker?" Sherrel asked, nervously scratching her cheek.
This is perfect.
"Are you certain of that?" just to make sure.
"Well, yeah. You guys are kicking asses and taking names!" Sherrel said.
"Okay," I said.
"...just like that?" Sherrel asked surprised. "Even with what I said?"
"Do you have anything against tinkering with others?" I asked.
"" Sherrel said.
"Then it dosen't matter that you do not wish to fight. The life of a warrior isn't for everyone," I said.
"Cool," Sherrel said.
I pointed at Skidmark and Mush.
"Take them to the PRT. I will take Sherrel to the hotel," I said to Ortlinde and Hildr.
Ortlinde and Hildr nodded.
"You guys have a hotel?" Sherrel asked.
"We bought it today," I said.
I took Sherrel into my arms and flew to the hotel.
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