Disclaimer: English is not my first language. I'm using Grammarly to check the Grammar and using Word to write it.
"I'm home," I said opening the front door.
Mom, Dad, and Daisy were all sitting on the couch, attentively watching TV.
"Welcome back," Nora didn't look away from the TV.
I raised an eyebrow and walked closer to them.
"What're you guys watching?" I looked at the TV.
It was a report about the safehouses Cú Chulainn and I attacked.
After leaving Krieg with Armsmaster, we were able to attack four more before Hassan warned me that it was time to go home.
It was surprisingly uneventful. I was kinda hoping that we would come across Hookwolf or any other cape from the Empire.
But no such luck.
I sent Cú Chulainn back to the warehouse to ask Da Vinci to make me a burner phone and Hassan continued to look for more safehouses.
I asked her to focus more on Coil territory. I want to know what he's been up to in this gang war.
"Someone attacked Empire safehouses," Isaac kept watching the news.
"Really?" news sure travels fast. "Who did it? New Wave or the Protectorate?"
"It wasn't them. They're saying it was two new capes. What were their names?" Nora places a finger on her chin in thought.
"Magus and Lancer, Mom. And Magus isn't new, he and Berserker helped New Wave before. But where's she?" Daisy crossed her arms confused.
Yeah, Daisy was always more into cape news than I was.
"What're they saying about them?" I asked.
"Only that they would attack the place and leave the moment cops arrived," Isaac said.
Well, there was no point in staying since all the Empire members in those safe houses were un-powered ones. The cops could handle them but maybe I should have stayed and talked with them.
It's not a bad idea to have some friends on the inside.
"Krieg was also detained and is already being transported to the PRT," Nora added
I hummed at what Mom said.
"Anything else?" I asked.
This time it was Daisy who answered me.
"Oh! The Undersiders robbed a jewelry store," Daisy said.
"Who?" I never heard of them.
"They're small-time thieves who specialize in quick heists. They carry out robberies all over the city, so it's hard to anticipate their next move," Daisy explained.
Mom, Dad, and I looked at Daisy in confusion.
"How do you know so much?" Isaac asked.
"PHO," Daisy shrugged.
Ah, that makes sense. I also used that site to introduce Morgan to the world of parahumans.
That reminds me, I need to create an account for 'Magus'.
"There doesn't seem to be anything about our discussion with Armsmaster. He must have returned immediately to the PRT to report about us," I scratched my chin in thought.
It might not be that bad since he, somehow, was able to confirm that I was telling the truth. That should deter the Protectorate from attacking me on sight.
At least I hope so.
"I will be in my room. Call me when the food's ready," I said.
Entering the room, I went straight to the computer and started to research everything that was cape related.
It never crossed my mind that it might be a problem if the servants called me 'master' in public.
I never delved too deeply into the whole cape business before, only knowing what was common knowledge.
The research I did with Morgan was too shallow. And because of it, Cú Chulainn was forced to reveal information to bail me out.
It's nowhere near the worst information that Armsmaster could have learned, but it didn't need to have happened.
I wonder how bad their reaction will be to noble phantasm.
I'm going to collect everything and give it to Da Vinci later. That way she will be able to distribute the information to all of Chaldea.
After saving everything inside a flash drive, I shifted my attention to all the information that the internet had on Coil and couldn't help but frown.
He operates in the Commercial District, had some skirmishes with the Empire, mostly sticks to his territory and it is uncertain if he's parahuman.
That is it.
I'm going to talk with Holmes about this. Just to make sure that I'm making a big deal of nothing. Coil may be just a small-time gang leader.
While browsing through PHO I came across the Empire's response to the attacks. The comments section was inundated with death threats and racist slurs, directed at me and Cú Chulain.
There was one comment that caught my attention, and it was about Kaiser calling us a coward and saying that we will soon face 'justice'.
I'm going to destroy this son of a bitch.
After closing PHO, I decided to tackle one of the most tedious tasks of all time.
Better to start already, there's so much and not a lot of time. I grabbed the first sheet and started to look over the question.
About an hour and a half later, there was a knock on the door.
"Food's ready," Nora said.
"Coming," I put away the homework.
"How's the search going?" I went to the dining table.
"In progress," Hassan said.
I'm sure it's not going to take too long to find them.
It took Hassan the entire night to find three of Coil's safe houses. From what she told me, the way he hides them is completely different from the other two gangs.
I decided to wait until it was night to go out. My research showed that it's more common for capes to go out at night.
Which makes sense when I think about it. It's only a small number of capes that can dedicate their entire time to it.
I spend the afternoon doing more homework and hanging out with Daisy. Mom and Dad went out with their friends to see a movie.
I did receive some upsetting news from Hassan. From what she was able to gather, the ABB was organizing to attack Empire territory.
Lung smelled blood on the water.
She's trying to figure out when this is supposed to happen.
It didn't take long for the night to arrive.
I switched clothes and grabbed the flash drive before calling Hassan to take me to the warehouse.
Entering the place I could easily see how different it was from the last time I was here.
There was a workshop being built in one of the corners, I can't tell if it's Morgan or Medea. In another corner, Cú Chulainn was taking a nap on a makeshift bed.
And in the center, the ruby was surrounded by half-built machines and scattered tools.
I tilted my head sideways in confusion, that doesn't seem to have been done by Morgan or Medea.
I took a closer look and noticed something different about the ruby.
Did the number of wisps increase?
Before I could count them, the door of the warehouse opened.
"Master?" A woman said behind me.
I blinked at the familiar voice and turned around to see-
"Barghest?" I blinked in surprise.
Barghest puts down the wooden crates and approaches me with a smile.
"What're you doing here?" I asked.
"I answered the summon from Her Majesty. She thought that you could use my assistance," Barghest said.
I didn't have an idea of who to summon next, maybe an archer for long-range attacks. But this works too, Barghest is a force to be reckoned with.
"And where's she? Also, where's Medea?" I asked after looking around and not seeing them.
"They're helping Da Vinci in scaving resources from one of the ships," Barghest said.
"Da Vinci is here?" that explains the machines.
"Yes, she appeared shortly after I was summoned," Barghest said.
I shouldn't surprised, of course, she would take the first chance to come here.
"Da Vinci," I said.
"Yeah?" Da Vinci asked.
"I need you to come here," I said.
"Can it wait? I'm dismantling the engine of the ship," Da Vinci said. "By the way, has Barghest arrived yet?"
"Yeah, she's right next to me," I said.
"Tell her to put the crates next to the workshop," Da Vinci said.
So that workshop belongs to Da Vinci.
"Please, put those crates next to the workshop," I said to Barghest.
She grabbed them and walked to the workshop.
"I really need to talk with you," I said.
"Is it about the whole 'Master' thing?" Da Vinci asked.
Good, Cú Chulainn already told her.
"That's part of it," I said.
"All right, I'm coming," Da Vinci said.
It's going to take her a minute or two to get here, so let's take a closer look at the ruby and see if I'm imagining things.
I walked closer to it and counted the wisps connecting to the magical circle. Yeah, I'm not imagining things, there are more wisps.
Da Vinci entered the warehouse and walked to me.
"What's up?" Da Vinci said.
"Is this supposed to happen?" I kept looking at the ruby.
"The increase in numbers of wisps?" I nodded. "Yes, that way the ruby can siphon more magical energy from the ley line. You may think as if the ruby is growing."
"And how much more will it grow?" I turned to Da Vinci.
"I'm still studying it but I believe it will only grow to the size necessary for Goredolf to travel safely," Da Vinci crosses her arms. "I wish Zelretch had said more than just the basics of how to utilize it."
"I hope you're right, the last thing we need is for this thing to grow to the size of a building," I said.
"I doubt that would happen," Da Vinci said. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
I grabbed the flash drive and handed it to her, "Here's all the information on parahumans and anything related to it. Make sure everyone reads it and says it's mandatory if necessary."
"Geez, it doesn't need to go so far. I get that it wasn't an optimal solution but what Cú Chulainn said could work in our favor," Da Vinci puts the flash drive inside her pocket.
"What?" I blinked in confusion.
"Your claim of Chaldea being 'new' was never going to hold. In what world would make sense that we would be able to 'recruit' scores of powerful members, many with backgrounds from different countries, in a short period?" Da Vinci asked.
"I mean, when you put it like that it does sound unbelievable," I rubbed my neck.
"We're too used to people accepting what we tell them and not asking too many questions," Da Vinci chuckled. "That's not going to work here."
"That's true," I hummed in agreement.
"It's better in the long run for the Protectorate to believe you're a 'Master', that way we have an excuse as to where all of our members come from. Otherwise, they're going to want to know where we found so many people," Da Vinci said.
The fewer questions made, the better.
"What do you suggest?" I asked.
"Share the information that Hassan gathered on the safehouses. That will show that you are willing to cooperate with them. And keep attacking the gangs, you can't go wrong with that," Da Vinci said.
"Amrsmaster was able to tell that Cú Chulainn and I were telling the truth and that has to count for something," I said.
"It does, from what Cú Chulainn told me that was the only thing stopping him from attacking," Da Vinci said.
Krieg's arrival also helped in distracting him a little.
"Is there any other team that we might be able to work with if things go south with the PRT?" Da Vinci asked.
"There's the Guild and honestly it would be better to work with them," I said.
"What's the difference?" Da Vinci asked.
"They're the ones that deal with international threats," I said.
"International," Da Vinci muttered while rubbing her chin.
"They also have Dragon, who's considered the world's greatest tinker," I added.
That got Da Vinci very interested.
"That is better but let's first see the opinion the PRT has on us before making any more plans," Da Vinci said.
Yeah, the Guild won't listen to us if the PRT says that I'm dangerous.
"Did you finish the burner phone?" she nodded. "Can you also connect it to my other phone, so I don't need to carry both of them?"
Da Vinci nodded again and I gave her my 'personal' cell phone. She went to the workshop and messed up a little with both cell phones.
Da Vinci walked back to me and handed me the phone, "Here you go."
"Thanks," I put it inside my pocket. "Hey, can I summon anyone else?"
"Sorry, Barghest and I used all the magical energy," Da Vinci said.
"What're you even building around the ruby?" I looked at the machines.
"Scanner to see how much magical energy is being drawn from the ley line and a few other things I want to confirm," Da Vinci said.
All right then. Time to talk to Holmes.
I walked to the ruby and a screen appeared. Mash showed on the screen, she was holding a stack of paperwork.
"Yes?" Mash asked.
"Hey there Mash," I said with a smile.
She smiled back, "Senpai. How ca-there you're Da Vinci!" Mash exclaimed.
I blinked confused at her reaction.
"Hey there Mash," Da Vinci walked closer to the screen.
"What did you do?" I asked.
Mash spoke before Da Vinci could give some excuse.
"She left without telling anyone," Mash said.
"Hey, I did warn Goredolf," Da Vinci huffed.
"You said that you were to run more tests on the ruby," Mash deadpanned.
"Which I'm doing by building all these scanners. It's just easier to do that on this side," Da Vinci said.
"You didn't specify that!" Mash glared.
Mash doesn't get paid enough to deal with this crap. Wait, does she even have a salary?
I coughed loudly, "As much as I want to let you berate Da Vinci on her irresponsibility-"
"Hey!" Da Vinci exclaimed.
"-I need to speak with Holmes," I said.
"I'm sorry, but he is busy with paperwork," Mash said.
Goddamn it Da Vinci.
"...what about Moriarty?" it might be better to talk with him.
Mash hums, "He should be free at the moment. Let me call him," she walks away from the screen.
I turned to Da Vinci, "Really?"
"What? I do need to run more tests on the ruby," Da Vinci crossed her arms.
"Sure, you also didn't use this as an excuse to escape from doing any more paperwork," I said sarcastically.
"It's nice when things work out," Da Vinci smiled.
Sometimes I forget how shameless this woman is.
It didn't take long for Mash to return with Moriarty.
"Here he's senpai. Now if you excuse me, I have to help the director," Mash walked away from the screen.
"Hello, master. How may I help you?" Moriarty asked.
"Were you told how things work here?" if not I'm going to give him all the information on the flash drive to read it.
"Of course, Goredolf made sure that all of Chaldea had access to the information that he had about Earth Bet. I'm intrigued about these villains," Moriarty said.
"That's what I want to talk about. There's something about one of the villains here in Brockton that's bothering me," I said.
Moriarty humms in interest, "And that would be?"
I told Moriarty everything I was able to gather on Coil.
Moriarty rubs his chin, "You're correct to assume that there might be more to this man than meets the eye."
I knew it.
"For example, the fact that all of the members of his gang are mercenaries and all of them are outfitted with these 'tinker tech rifles'. From experience, I know how expensive some mercenaries can be, but I'm unsure when it comes to these rifles. How much would it cost to buy one of them?" Moriarty asked.
"Give me a moment," I grabbed the cell phone Da Vinci made.
Searching the internet for how much would cost to buy a tinker tech rifle, I came across a forum that explained that each tinker puts a different price for how much they will sell their inventions.
The forum did contain a few examples of how much tinker tech could go for.
"It depends on who you're buying from but there are some examples of how much it could cost," I said.
"What's the lowest value?" Moriarty asked.
"Ten thousand," I said.
"Quite odd that a small-time gang can afford such expenses, don't you think?" Moriarty asked with a smirk.
It's strange, especially when you notice that the Empire and ABB don't have any kind of tinkertech in their possession.
"The Empire and ABB don't seem to have any kind of tinkertech in their possession. Shouldn't they also buy it too, you know, even the odds?" I asked.
"It would be a terrible waste of money if the other two tried to copy what Coil did," Moriarty said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The majority of their members are street thugs, right?" I nodded. "Would you give them such expensive weaponry?" Moriarty asked.
"God no," I said.
"Indeed, such powerful equipment would be wasted in the hands of the common criminals," Moriarty said.
"Coil on the other hand has trained mercenairies," I frowned.
Moriarty nodded, "I must applaud his decision to only hire such competent forces. Idiots that would do anything for some pocket change are everywhere but finding a capable workforce is much harder."
"Since he doesn't have any capes working for him, all of that must be necessary to keep the Empire and ABB away," I rubbed my chin in thought.
"Allegedly doesn't have any capes on his payroll or that he might not be a parahuman. As you have said there's little information about Coil. Although it can be said that the information that is available to the populace is not complete for security reasons, there's a glaring flaw with that logic. Do you know what that would be?" Moriarty asked.
Of course, I know. That's why we're having this conversation.
"Even the PRT has little information on Coil," I grimaced.
"Exactly. He's using the other two gangs as a smoke screen to hide his operation from the heroes," Moriarty said.
It's moments like this that I hate to be right.
"Okay, so everything is pointing out that Coil might be more dangerous than what everyone believes. What I would like to know is what the hell is his endgame?" I asked.
Moriarty shrugs, "There's still key pieces of information missing so I'm not sure. It could be that he wants to conquer the city but the same could be said for the Empire and ABB."
"My next conversation with Dauntless is going to be an interesting one," I rubbed my temples.
"It's better to attain some proof before you talk with him otherwise he will most likely not believe you," Moriarty said.
"It's a good thing that I'm going to attack one of Coil's safehouses later. Anything specific I should look for?" I asked.
"Look for paperwork if possible," Moriarty said.
I rubbed my neck, "Thanks for the help, Moriarty. This was certainly an enlightening discussion."
"It was nothing, master. Do keep me posted on what you find. I'm interested in seeing what Coil has planned," Moriarty said with a smirk.
I let out a sigh as the screen disappeared.
"Hassan, where's the map you showed me?" I asked.
She appeared next to me with the map on her hands.
"Thanks," I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.
I turned to Barghest but before I could say anything she spoke first.
"There isn't any need to ask, master. Of course, I will help you," Barghest said with a smile.
I smiled in return and turned to Cú Chulainn.
"Hey, Cú!" I said.
"Hm?" Cú Chulainn turned his head in my direction.
"Do you wanna come?" I asked.
"To do what?" Cú Chulainn slowly got off the bed.
"Attack more safehouses," I said.
"...sure, why not," Cú Chulainn stretched his back.
Barghest, Cú Chulainn, and I left the warehouse.
We traversed the commercial district, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, following the direction that Hassan gave me.
We arrived at our destination swiftly. Looking down, a two-story building greeted us from the other side of the street, and on the first floor, there was a mini market. It was surrounded by residential buildings.
"That's different," Cú Chulainn raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, and that's a problem," I frowned.
We can't let a fight break out here, too many innocents could get hurt.
I wonder if that's one of the reasons Coil chose this place. To make the heroes more hesitant to attack it.
"How many guards?" Barghest asked.
"Give me a moment," I said. "How is it looking?"
"There're nine guards and they're all on the second-floor playing cards," Hassan said.
"And their weapons?" I asked.
"There's some kind of futurist-looking rifles near them. Is that tinkertech?"Hassan asked.
"Yes," I said.
"There're nine guards and all of them are on the second floor. They have tinkertech rifles," this is a good opportunity to acquire some tinkertech, I know Da Vinci would love a chance to study it.
"And how dangerous are those rifles? Also, what's tinkertech?" Barghest asked.
"To put it simply, it's future tech. Like power armor, robots, laser weapons, and so on" I said.
"We dealt with things like that before," Cú Chulainn said.
"Yes, but those were created using magecraft. Parahumans on the other hand don't use mystics," I know Da Vinci will not rest until she knows how that's possible. "I don't know if they can hurt you guys, so let's be careful until we have more information."
I turned to Barghest, "Jump towards the roof and switch to spirit form before landing. Take them out quickly and don't kill anyone."
Barghest nodded and leaped towards the rooftop across the street. Just before her landing, Barghest switched to spirit form and went through the roof.
I raised an eyebrow when one of the windows was broken by a wooden table, it shattered in pieces when it hit the ground. The noise echoed throughout the street.
From the newly formed hole, I could see for a brief moment some flashes of red before everything went quiet.
"You okay?"I asked.
"Yes," Barghest said.
"We're coming over," I said.
Cú Chulainn helped me get down to the street and we walked to the mini market.
Hassan opened the front door and we entered the building. The interior is what you would expect to find in a mini market, there's nothing that would indicate this place is being used to store drugs and weapons.
Walking the stairs to the second floor, I saw the guards sitting on the ground on one side of the room and Barghest watching them like a hawk.
Looking around there wasn't much besides some weapons crates, wooden crates, a small kitchen, and a bathroom.
"They give you any trouble?" I walked next to Barghest.
"Not at all," Barghest said.
I turned to the guards, "I take that none of you're in the mood for a chat."
They just kept looking at me silently.
I shrugged, "All right then. Lancer."
Cú Chulainn walked in front of them and wrote a rune in the air. The guards glowed for a second and lost consciousness.
Runes sure are handy.
"So, What happened?"I looked at the hole.
Barghest blushed a little, "I used too much force to push the table aside."
"I see an-are those scorch marks?" looking closer I could see nickel-sized scorch marks on Barghest's armor.
Cú Chulainn looked closer and whistled, "Now ain't that something."
"Does it hurt?" I asked.
Barghest shakes her head, "It was only my armor that was hit but I'm surprised that these weapons were able to leave a mark."
Now I know if tinker tech is capable of hurting servants.
"Hassan take the rifles to Da Vinci," I said.
One by one the rifles used by the guards disappeared.
"There's more here," Cú Chulainn opened one of the weapons crates.
I walked to Cú Chulainn and looked at the weapons crate.
Inside there were five tinkertech rifles. There are more six weapons crates.
How much did it cost to buy so many?
"Look around the place. I'm going to call the PRT," I grabbed the cell phone and dialed the number.
"PRT, how may I help you?" A woman asked.
"This's Magus. I've just hit one of Coil's safehouses and need transport for nine gang members. There's also drugs and tinkertech here," I said.
The line was quiet for a moment before I heard the sound of typing on the keyboard.
"Your location please," she asked.
"756 Ridge Glen, in the Commercial District," this time I have the answer.
"We had reports of a possible cape fight there," she said.
"We tried to keep things quiet but it didn't work," I said sheepishly.
"Do you or anyone else require medical attention?" she said.
I looked again at the guards and didn't see any injuries besides some bruising. But then again that is on the outside, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them has some internal bleeding.
Being knocked around by Barghest is no joke.
"It's better to send one ambulance. Just to be safe," I said.
"Can you tell me the type of tinkertech?" she asked.
"Laser weapons, rifles to be specific," I said.
"How many?" she asked immediately.
I did some quick math, "Forty-five."
The sound of typing intensified for a moment.
"Assault and Battery will be there in three minutes. Can you stay put?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere," I said ending the call.
I turned to Barghest and Cú Chulainn.
"Find anything?" I asked.
"No," Barghest said.
"Nope. How long until they arrive?"Cú Chulainn asked.
"Three minutes," I said.
Cú Chulainn walked to the stairs.
"Where're you going?" I asked.
"To get some beer," I raised an eyebrow. "What? I'm going to grab something before they close this place."
That's a good point.
"Do you want anything, Saber?" I walked after Cú Chulainn.
"No," Barghest kept watching the guards.
Downstairs I grabbed a bag of chips and started to eat it.
"So, how bad is this going to be?" Cú Chulainn took a sip from the beer.
"Don't know. Got to wait for the heroes to get here," I said while eating.
"Hm, this might be a good chance to see what these heroes are made of," Cú Chulainn said.
"...only if they attack first," I hope it doesn't end in a fight.
"They're here," Hassan said.
"Let's go greet them," I crunched the empty bag and tossed it into a trash can.
I waited for Barghest to come down and then the three of us exited the mini market.
Waiting for us was a man dressed in red armor, with a visor, and a woman dressed withe and grey costume with circuit-like blue lines on it.
"Hey there," Assault said with a carefree smile.
"Hi," I said.
Assault turned to Barghest, "I like this knight look you're going for."
Barghest blinked, "Thank you?"
Battery elbowed Assault.
"Where are the tinker tech and the goons?" Battery asked.
"Second floor. Everything is there," I said.
"Can't believe this is a safe house, seem like such a nice place," Assault said.
"If you want to grab anything to eat now is the time since this place is going to be closed anyway," Cú Chulainn said.
Assault hummed in interest.
"No," Battery said.
"Aw, come on puppy," Assault said.
Battery elbowed Assault harder.
This is not how I expect this to go.
"So...what now?" I asked.
Assault shrugged, "Now we wait for the PRT to arrive to transport the goons and tintker tech."
"And?" I asked.
"Is there anything else?" Assault asked.
"Were you guys not told about us?" I asked incredulously.
"Of course we were," Assault said.
...the hell.
"You're awfully calm," Cú Chulainn raised an eyebrow.
"I like to believe I'm a good judge of character," Assault said.
I started to hear the sound of sirens. Trucks of the PRT were starting to arrive.
"Look's like they are here," Assault turned to Battery. "Puppy, do you mind giving them a hand?"
Battery tensed and glanced at us.
Assault smiled, "It's fine," he reassured her.
Battery glanced at us one last time before she went to help the PRT officers.
"So...why're you so calm?" Battery certainly was tense around us.
"I think that the best way to judge the character of a person is to look at their actions. And so far you guys are alright in my book," Assault said.
Well, this's better than a fight breaking out.
"And I take that you're the only exception and everyone else will be hostile towards me," I said.
"Dauntless won't, he's doesn't believe that you're dangerous," Assault said. "Well, not a dangerous master," he clarified.
I'm going to buy him a coffee next time I see him.
You know what, I'm just going to ask.
"Is there something I could do to ease the tensions with the PRT/Protectorate?" I asked.
Assault hummed in thought, "You could do power testing."
That's not an option, it would just reveal more about us.
"Or?" I asked.
"You could come with us to answer some questions," Assault said.
"What kind of questions?" I asked suspiciously.
"Nothing personal, I assure you. My boss is just curious about what Chaldea wants to do in Brockton Bay," Assault said.
"We want to help," I said immediately.
Assault smiled at my answer.
"And those the my only options?" I asked.
Assault snorted, "Course not, you can keep beating the gangs, helping people and stuff like that."
I hummed in thought.
"Can we have a moment?" I asked.
"Sure," Assault went to help Battery and the other troopers.
"Well?"I asked.
"I was prepared for worse," Cú Chulainn admitted.
"So was I," I said.
"This could be a chance to talk with their director," Barghest said.
And a chance to show the map that Hassan made.
I rubbed my neck and sighed.
I walked to Assault.
"All right, take me to the PRT," I said.
If you like my stories and wish to support me, you can find me over at: pa-tre-on (slash) regulareader.