Three Thousand Four Hundred And Eighteen (MGLN/Hellsing)

Mmmmm, delicious delicious crack.

It's almost like I'm back in Hollywood...
EarthScorpion said:
Nanoha stared at her blankly in confusion. "Fate-chan," she said, sounding worried, "have you hit yourself in the head? It's not like you to be like this. Oooh! I know! You're sick and I'm going to have to dress up as a nurse and make you all better! Raising Heart, prepare the surgery kit!"

"ąĐčĔ÷ç❹ⱤⱢⱣffiṁ ϯϰϭϠϣƔ ƝƯƫƇḴḲḄḸḿǿdz," blasphemed her device. Subaru screamed at the sound, her earwax melting, and all around them the rats in the walls sang until their breath gave out.

There was the sound of a crack and a large explosion, and Fate was mysteriously gone, along with most of the ceiling.
Wise girl. :p
EarthScorpion said:
"We'll just pin her actions on terrorists, or possibly UFOs. Depends if she decides to burn target markers into crop fields so she can practice again."
Signs (of Nanoha)

Now that's a proper horror movie. Wooden doors (or doors of any other material... or walls... or ceilings... or floors...) will not save you this time, Mel Gibson.
Over in Ireland, it was late evening. The last traces of bloody hued light had faded from the sky, and now inky blackness consumed all light.

Some might have questioned how there was this strange temporal disparity between two locations in the same time zone. And indeed, it was most peculiar. And the fault of the Nazis.
Nazi mad science experiments with Nazi particle accelerators. that I mean particle accelerators owned by mad Nazi scientists, not particle accelerators used to experiment with Nazi particles.

Because there are obviously no Nazi bosons or stuff, not even this story is crazy enough to...

It was pretty surprising how no one else had noticed that the papal states had reformed in the aftermath of the Second World War, honestly.
Not really. I think the Italians at least were too confused by how their numbers suddenly switched places to notice.

...fallout from Nazi occult mathematics experiments, right? Occult mathematics sounds just so inherently evil enough.
Yes, some of you may be wondering how the Catholic Church has female bishops, when it has always stood firmly against the ordination of female clergy, claiming that it would break the apostolic succession. Well, yes. However, in the dark days of WW2, one thing led to another, and… well, ta-da! Female clergy!

Fucking Nazis.
Is the pope female too? I mean it would make sense, because of Nazis.
Academia Nut said:
I'm actually going to admit that this chapter felt rather flat. Oh, there were funny pieces, but the overall structure seemed to be lacking something. I dunno what exactly, but it just felt like there was some sort of ineffable structural element lacking.
Because Nazis ninja looted that ineffable structural element. We will get it back with the rest of the loot after their Lewt Zeppelin explodes and sprinkles rare loot like a cute exploding loot pinata.

...Or at least that's what Nanoha thinks. Hayate is not so sure about that and is reaching for a bottle again.