You float closer to the big white bird woman. She still doesn't react, so you continue to stare at her and float even closer to her.
When you're in arms reach, you materialize your control rod, raise it, and point it at her.
Still no reaction.
So you do the one thing that you could think of: You floated closer and poked her nose with it.
Poke the Endbringer. +2 XP.
Though you feel that someone somewhere is watching and screaming, the bird person remains still.
Hmmm… Well, she's real. One thing left to do, then~
"Hi!" You float back a few feet and wave at her. "I'm Okuu. Do you wanna be friends?"
That got a reaction out of her. Singing means yes, right?
Made 'friends' with an Endbringer. +4 XP.
"Hurray! We're friends, now!" You pump your fist in the air. Yes! A new friend, and one that isn't imaginary! Rin and Satori would be so proud…
Rin and Satori… Man, why'd you have to think of them? Now you're sad when you should be happy…
No! You shake your head. They'll find you. They always have whenever you got lost before. You can't let a little homesickness get to you!
With a smile on your face again, you turn to the white bird lady. "Hmmm… Do you have a name?"
She continues singing. Apparently that's a 'no,' then. Your head is starting to hurt, though.
"Okay then! I'm gonna call you…" Hmm… She's big, she's white, and she's covered in wings. "Oshiro!"
Name an Endbringer. +2 XP.
While you're proud of the name you've given your new friend, this headache is really starting to bother you…
[ ] Wave goodbye, and start heading back.
[ ] Stay for a while. A little headache won't stop you!
-[ ] And do what?
[ ] ???
XP Gained: 6
Trait Gained - ??? - ? ? ?
Trait Gained - Observed - Some important people are keeping an eye on you…
In other news, I'm testing rolling for XP gains for now…