THQ Nordic hosts a AMA on 8chan.

My impression of THQ just moved from "wait, I thought you guys collapsed?" To "supporters of child pornography". So.
THQ did collapse. However, they had enough cultural impact on the gaming market that when Nordic Games bought up a lot of THQ assets, they renamed themselves THQ-Nordic.
An Update
Coffee Stain Studios, or more specifically the Twitter account for its upcoming game, pointed out a distinction between the THQ Nordic that was going to host an AMA on 8chan and the THQ Nordic that acquired the developer, among many others. THQ Nordic GmbH, the subject of this article, is a subsidiary of THQ Nordic AB and sister company to Coffee Stain Studios.

The confusion isn't just down to the similarity in names. THQ Nordic doesn't always make the distinction. The THQ Nordic Twitter account that advertised the 8chan AMA, for instance, is simultaneously used for a
I have to admit, "game company having an AMA on a website notorious for hosting pedophiles and neo-Nazis" is not something I expected to see but I guess 2019 gotta catch up with 2018 somehow.
My impression of THQ just moved from "wait, I thought you guys collapsed?" To "supporters of child pornography". So.

Same here, though I think I've heard of THQ Nordic a few times. Still, going from "Oh, I remember them. They still exist?" to "wow, these people are either clueless, awful or both" so quickly was an interesting experience.
I guess, but it just seems so out of left field to say "hey, let's do an AMA not on Reddit, Twitter, or even 4chan, but on a site that you can't even google properly".
Just goes to show that THQ Nordic is willing to go the extra mile for their dedicated fans.

Wannabe kidfuckers.
You know you've done fucked up when you have to claim that you don't support white supremacism and child pornography in the same comment. Malice and incompetence: In the year of our lord 2019, they're the same damn thing.
So why is everyone shitting on THQ Nordic? Aside from the poor judgment to get involved with 8chan I mean.
There was a point where somebody within THQ should have stepped back, understand what they were going to do, and pull the handbrake.

The fact that this didn't happen, or that nobody with enough power to pull the plug did so, means that something within THQ Nordic's corporate structure is failing hard.
"THQ Nordic confrimed based and red pilled"

from comments in Jimquisition video. I am gonna say this was the intent, its a well thought out PR move not a mistake. THQ Nordic is establishing themselves as a woke brand among far right.
"THQ Nordic confrimed based and red pilled"

from comments in Jimquisition video. I am gonna say this was the intent, its a well thought out PR move not a mistake. THQ Nordic is establishing themselves as a woke brand among far right.
Establishing yourself as a woke brand on the far right is the mistake people are talking about. Maybe they are wrong, but otherwise this could be bad for them.
its a well thought out PR move not a mistake

Its absolutely a mistake. Yes, they were deliberately trying to appeal to the alt-right gamergate crowd. But, like, guess what? Those dudes are, statistically, insignificant. See the fact that they collectively boycotted Wolfenstein, which...

Had no effect on the games sales whatsoever.

Meanwhile, THQNordics attempt to appeal to them alienated literally everyone else: right leaners who loathe 8chan because it has CP, centrists who hate 8chan because it has CP and is toxic as shit, leftists who hate 8chan because it because the site caters to white supremacists (and because it has CP) and undecideds who hate the site because it, again, has CP.