How to cancel your show in the span of a couple of hours. VJ is Valerie Jarret, a woman of color, who served in the Obama administration. And that isn't the only thing Roseanne twitted in her early morning rant. Referred to Chelsea Clinton, as Chelsea Soros Clinton(Because the Alt-Right's Soros Boogieman conspiracy). And, when Chelsea Clinton corrected her, Roseanne decided to call George Soros a Nazi who turned in his fellow jews and stole their wealth.

It's fucking astounding ABC even thought to get her back on the air.
Soros was(as I was told) NINE YEARS OLD at the time.
Because Ambien makes you racist.

Are you feeling too tolerant? Do you find yourself looking at other ethnic groups and thinking they aren't so bad after all? Afraid you'll lose your KKK membership?

Have no fear! With our new Ambien intolerance pills, you'll soon find yourself hating just like the old days! Just a pill a day makes the empathy go away! With Ambien: Racism in a bottle you'll never need fear the creeping cancer of tolerance again!

Warning: may cause drowsiness, do not use while operating heavy machinery.
In case anyone is looking to shut down future 4th of July arguments with right-wing relatives:

I mean, the right has mostly been condemning Roseanne too? Even Fox was supporting her being canned. Shepherd Smith said outright that she deserved it.
In case anyone is looking to shut down future 4th of July arguments with right-wing relatives:

Most of what I've heard is more of the thing where it's a situation where she didn't do it on the job where the entire kneeling thing is more of a situation where they specifically are doing it on the job. As long as you aren't doing it on company time and doesn't end up massively creating issues for the company (Get yourself tossed in prison for some crap, that effects the company because you can't work then).

People tend not to really give that much of a shit about most celebrities personal views and actions as long as they're entertaining. Sure, punish them for breaking the law, but I see no reason not to enjoy things even if the people behind it have views I find abhorant.

If enough people liked the show, well, I can see it going on streaming or, perhaps, Fox...
OP literally gave her a tv show when everyone knew she was a racist acorn but go off I guess
I think the plan was to portray her as the equivalent of that one elderly relative we all have who's shockingly bigoted by our standards but not actually malicious about it, they just haven't had a new idea since the Unix Epoch.
I think the plan was to portray her as the equivalent of that one elderly relative we all have who's shockingly bigoted by our standards but not actually malicious about it, they just haven't had a new idea since the Unix Epoch.
I mean that's not a bad plan, but it might be smart to not have an actor who is actively malicious in her racism and has a long recorded history of being a horrifically awful person in public.