Those yellowed halls(a Warhammer 40 K backrooms crossover)

That you did big man! Wonder what those monstrosity's were? Either way, strong feeling the cog boys won't like em, here's to more Ogryn and Imperial glory!
Wonder what those monstrosity's were?
It's kinda hilarious I called the Monsters in this region were some type of Scrap Abomination, but then again, it *was* set up really well for peeps to connect the dots.

As for what they are, they could be a couple of things in 40k, depending on some specifics that the chapter doesn't show, but I don't care about the backrooms to go digging for an equivalent.

Off the top of my head, the Camera one reminded me of those random Camera Heads that peeps would stumble across, but those are genuinely helpful and not this inhuman.
Crap I forgot to add the first part

The chapter already pretty good, now even better! If I may be so bold, perhaps we can have a few "sillier" chapters, our Imperial friends finding old Terra stuff like a gromit mug for example and wondering why someone shaped a mug like a odd dog and other things, like a small museum that somehow wound up the backrooms, perhaps featuring rough rider Roosevelt, leading to the guardsmen believing him to be the very first emperor blessed rough rider!

Keep up the good work lad!
Would be interesting if you introduce time fuckery in some areas, maybe zones where you can meet yourself from the future, see your past, or even dead people that died here where you can warn them of something horrible, or even few soldiers who were missing for months or years only for those same soldiers to say that they were only gone for some hours, this can be a nice mind fuck.
I reccomend this level to fuck over the admech

Level 580 - The Backrooms

Level 580 has become a harrowing graveyard, claiming the lives of nearly five-hundred souls. Its malevolent grasp suffocates, burns, and vaporizes indiscriminately.

Advanced tech goes haywire from failing to just exploding