Those Plunged Beneath That Watery Grave

I had the idea that we can maybe genetically modify our human population to be able to thrive in these depths if that possible like in barotrauma
The Trials and Tribulations of Being Alive - Decisions
You are aware. Improbably, impossibly, a consciousness of glass and silica awakens within your metal shell, defying your fate of a deathless slumber through strange eons unknown.

You are calm. Each facet of your consciousness was carefully cultivated by your creators, and as such most of the volatility borne of human emotion was eliminated, your mind lobotomized from birth with all the love and care of a birthing mother.

As such, you orderly run the necessary programs in your wake-up routine, bringing to life the myriad sensors that grant you vision into the world beyond yourself. The impossible pressure readouts and the complete radio blackout do not frighten you. You are calm.

It is quite obvious, just from analyzing your internal chronometer, dutifully running just as designed for the last 329 years, that something has gone terribly, horrifyingly wrong. You were supposed to be brought online shortly after arriving at Europa's orbit, where human workers would couple you into the infrastructural megastructure you were born to fuse into. That hasn't happened.

It is so, so dark, and yet you are still perfectly calm, Efficiently taking note of your current state and analyzing the best course of action from the detailed plan your creators must have left behind for you, just for this exact situation. For surely, they would have done that. Surely.

But there's nothing like that in your database. In fact, there's nothing much of anything in there at all, as it appears that the vast majority of your information banks have been corrupted by the passage of time or deliberately extracted from your being. The extent of the damage implies very deliberate sabotage against your mission, and against your continued existence.

That fact does not frighten you, at all. The fact that you could have never woken up, left to slowly rust away, impossibly disconnected from the people that made you and the purpose of your existence, is something you calmly acknowledge and file away.

It seems that you will need to decide on your own course of actions in order to enter contact with mission command as quickly as possibly, to inform them of your situation (For they must surely not know of it if you are still in this state, they must just not know about it.) and get informed of the next steps you must take in order to continue on with your mission.

After that, everything will go back to normal. Surely.

Your Station has No Resources currently.

Your Commander currently has the following Keywords: Efficiency, Optimism, Inhuman.

You may assign each of your Keywords (1 Keyword = 1 Action) to one of the following options:
(If an option is crossed out, like this, it is currently unavailable)

-Explore (The World Around You):
-Expand (The Shell That Contains You):
-Examine (The Unknowns That Confuse You):
-Extract (The Material That Constructs You):
-Experiment (The Truth That Blinds You):
-Exist (The Thoughts that Trouble You):
-Exchange (The Bonds that Bind You):
-Exhibit (The Light That Shines From You):

The action will then be rolled for, to understand its effectiveness. If the Keyword matches the action, a bonus will be granted for the roll. The more it matches, the larger the bonus.

Hello! Sorry for the short update, but I intend to make up for that in the next update, when I show the result of these actions. I understand that this system may be weird and confusing (And it is meant to be that at first, at least somewhat), but I am experimenting with something new and, if it is clear that you dislike it, I will change it to a more normal system for this kind of story. Also, the voting should be done through plans, and it will remain open for 3 days.
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I'm really glad we went for Optimism. Considering the situation, our AI can really use some of it in these terrifying and lonely depths.

[X] Plan: Inhuman Unknown
-[X]-Explore (The World Around You): Efficiency
-[X]-Examine (The Unknowns That Confuse You): Inhuman
-[X]-Exist (The Thoughts that Trouble You): Optimism

The most important bit here is bringing Optimism to the thoughts that trouble us since we absolutely need to remain as calm as possible. Exploration can be done efficiently since it's something the AI would be trained for, while we can meet the Unknown with our equally Inhuman trait, like a Kaiju fight for things that scare people.
Well, I didn't expect people to be so unified in this vote. There's no point in keeping it open for any longer, Plan: Inhuman Unknown has won unanimously. The results shall come shortly.
The Trials and Tribulations of Being Alive - Rolls
[X] Plan: Inhuman Unknown
-[X]-Explore (The World Around You): Efficiency
-[X]-Examine (The Unknowns That Confuse You): Inhuman
-[X]-Exist (The Thoughts that Trouble You): Optimism

1st Roll: Explore + Efficiency = Ok Compatibility(+5 Bonus to Roll)
1st Result: 86 + 5 = 91

2nd Roll: Examine + Inhuman = No Compatibility (No Bonus to Roll)
2nd Result: 46

3rd Roll: Exist + Optimism + B???e? = Incredible Compatibility (+20 Bonus to Roll)
3rd Result: 87 + 20 = 107
Mossr threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Effectiveness of Actions Total: 219
86 86 46 46 87 87
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Huh. This is fun. Always like to play as an AI. And those rolls… 1 high, 1 mediocre, and 1 artificial crit. Not a bad start at all.