Those Plunged Beneath That Watery Grave

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Trying to survive Europa, and shaping the moon through the vision of a Station Commander.
The Start


Master of the Void-less Ream
The World Between Worlds
More than three centuries ago, the Homeworld was destroyed in a shower of nuclear fire, severing any and all contact between Herself and Her many intrasollar colonies.

Colonies ranging from the myriad stations orbiting Mercury all the way to those insane pioneers beyond Pluto's orbit were suddenly left abandoned, deprived of the regular shipment of supplies that kept many of them alive, the logistical network that had kept the entire system running having lost its very Heart.

By now, most of these colonies had died out, these wonderful, impossible examples of a future that-could-have-been, leaving behind only dead, broken, empty monoliths that mocked the hard work and the dreams of generations.

But even still, not all was lost yet. Small, yet perpetually shining lights still illuminated the otherwise darkness of a cold and cruel universe. An underground network of Martian colonies, coalitions of floating Venusian cities, the shining City-Jewel on the surface of Luna, all of these remnants of humanity and others more still survived, diminished and spread out throughout the rotting body of a glorious past, yet undoubtably still present and alive despite it all.

And if one were to look closely, beneath the 20 kilometer thick ice sheet of the Jovian moon Europa, they would find that even here, in the dark, frigid depths of the Ocean Moon, not all light was lost either. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of small submerged stations, many not much bigger than a couple rooms stitched together, clung desperately to the ice and rock that permeated the endless waters, trying to find any type of stability in one of the most hostile environments to human life in the solar system.

These stations, once intended as rest stops and staging grounds for future colonization, had now become permanent refuge to the unfortunate few that struggled to survive within then, their cold, lifeless metal structure witness to the total chaos born after the devastation of Terra, alongside the slow, century-long crawl towards even the most basic kind of stability.

And it is here and now, more than three hundreds years after the Fall of humanity, that our story begins, that of a burgeoning Station-State and its intrepid commander, struggling to survive amidst those plunged beneath that watery grave, beautiful Europa.

Now, with the basic setting given, how about you tell us a bit more about yourself, commander? From what I can understand, you are-

[] - An old and weary submarine commander, broken and battered from a life lived in cold and hostile waters, now suddenly brought to a position of power by circumstances out of your control, and definitely against your will. You have, and will always have, an unyielding focus on Survival, first and foremost, even when perhaps the attention and resources should and could be directed elsewhere.

[] - An experienced Station-Born survivor, having never once set foot outside the safe dryness of your home, dreading the dark depths with a fear born of endless stories of loss and tragedy in these waters, before being given leadership after a sudden emergency eliminated all those more competent or willing. You shall lead if you have to, but your primary goal through it all will be the Expansion of the miraculous metal shell that surrounds and protects you from the damp death outside, to the detriment of any other goal.

[] - An ancient machine, a relic of the lost golden era of humanity, the most advanced piece of technology ever brought to Europa, and perhaps the last working Artificial Intelligence this side of the asteroid belt, now awoken from a century long slumber to discover much of your technological might corrupted or outright destroyed, and many of your directives once primed to govern the colonization of an entire moon now useless without the resources of a solar empire. You will aim to restore what-once-was and to continue what-once-could-have-been, through the terrifying Efficiency that only a mind of steel could support, although perhaps without the carefulness and restraint that a human mind might have.

Great, thank you for answering me, Commander! Now, could you just elaborate a little bit more on your station itself? Based on this little map of mine, it seems to be-

[] - Anchored to the foundational rock of Europa, perhaps the most stable foundation available on this desolate moon. Sure, it might make any ideas of expansion more difficult, having to drill through tough, resistant rock, but it also made the collection of Metals and Rare Resources easier, although perhaps at the detriment of acquiring Biomass.

[] - Built into the ever present ice of Europa, the frozen water building block that made life of any kind possible in this moon, shielding any all within it from the deadly eyes of the cosmos and from the malevolent energy from mighty Jupiter. Building on and within ice might make expansion easier, alongside allowing easy harvesting of Biomass, though to acquire much Metal or Rare Resources might be made slightly harder.

Interesting, although understandable. One final thing then, Commander. See, I've been looking at my Pressure Gauge here, and it seems to me that-

[] - The station is near the Ice Sheet, near the top of Europa's endless ocean, where other stations are plentiful and Danger is infrequent, at the cost of resources being harder to find.

[] - The station is deeper within the frigid waters of Europa, where other stations, be they friendly or hostile, are much more infrequent, and where the Danger outside lurks ever present, waiting to strike any fool that dares linger here for much time, and where many more of the Ocean Moon's bounty finds itself visible to any bold explorer.

[] - The station is in the Depths. Malicious Cold, Eternal Darkness, Crushing Pressure, Hungry Jaws. To be here, even for a moment, is a mistake. To live here is madness. Only death awaits outside the Station walls, and though resources of all kinds be plentiful, each ounce shall be paid for with blood. Here, lie much worse things than mere monsters. There is no danger here, only Terror.

I see, Commander. Thank you for answering my questions. I will leave you now, I'm sure that you're very busy trying to manage all of this. Good luck!

Hello, welcome to something I've thought of recently! Yes, this is inspired by Barotrauma, although the setting itself is unique, at least I hope so. I would like, if possible, if voting were done through plans, and voting will be open for 3 days, from the time this is posted.
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In the darkest depths of a moon-spanning ocean, something long dead slept.

More than a hundred and fifty kilometers beneath the ice crust, the water pressure was utterly overwhelming. Not even the glowing lichen that populated much of the upper layers could survive down here, casting this zone into eternal darkness, forever unmarred by any unwelcome light, a property welcomed by the inhabitants of this place.

For indeed, there were those that made this lightless depth their home, terrible beings who lived their entire lives encased in shadows, and whose mere existence was the stuff of myths and nightmares to those above.

And yet, nested right in the midst of this terrible environment and these horrifying beasts, one could find something quite unique. An artificial structure, a testament to humanity's might, ingenuity and bravery. A small, square room, no more than 100 m2​ in size, with meter thick walls of reinforced titanium, rested directly on the very bottom of Europa's ocean, the solid rock beneath it linked directly to the Icy Moon's geologically active core.

Inside, an even more perplexing sight presented itself, as almost a quarter of the space inside, miraculously still dry despite the conditions outside, was occupied by an impenetrable wall of strange machinery, each piece so advanced as to require years of education to understand its function, and each part intermingled with one another in such a complex way to be almost incomprehensible to a human mind, while the rest of the room was divided between a tiny, desolate living quarters and a bare-bones manufactury, equipped with only the absolute basics necessary to refine and process material.

All of this, this apparent potential for habitation and life, and yet everything about the structure screamed of death and rot. Despite the lack of dust or rust, the silent machines all around the room, quiet and unmoving for more than three hundreds years, presented themselves almost like a decayed body to any observer, the impenetrable metal like the remnant skeleton of a once mighty beast, all the vitality that had once pumped through its copper veins stripped by generations of scavengers, its once prestigious wings of gold and platinum stripped bare, stranding it to the ground.

This structure had been down here for generations by now, enough time for the stellar womb it had been born from to burn to ashes and in turn become fertilizer for what had come after, for a trace of peace to have emerged from the perpetual chaos that once consumed the moon it resided in. Perhaps, it would have stayed down here, unknown and undisturbed, for generations more, until it would serve as a treasure trove to the brave explorers willing to explore this deep, rewarding them with what once had been the apex of humanity's technological progress.

That is, of course, if not for something extraordinary happening right at this moment. From far above, an incredibly potent transmission had been sent, strong enough to brave untold kilometers of water, and in just the right direction and at just the right time, to be captured by the receiver nestled deep within the structure, a machine that had been deaf to the outside world for longer than several human lifetimes.

Lost amidst a maze of metal and glass, the smallest part of something long dead flickered to life, creating an electrical current that moved along pathways crafted so very long ago, carefully and lovingly, by creators hopeful of the bright future they saw in the stars, and willing to carve out that hope into delicate entrails of carbon and steel. One of the lights within the strange machinery in the room came to life, and then another, and another, each one faster than the last, electrical blood slowly pumping around the now-living dead.

A rector slowly started up, the immense yet contained power of a star gradually filling out the husk of what once had been. Immense processing and memory systems came online, bringing with them the whirring sound and physicality of the machines as well as the gradual blossoming of a digital system, accompanied by the almost-forgotten heat born of centuries-old components doing exactly as they were made to do.

By now, light, an impossibility this down beneath the waves, slowly filled up the room, building up to something grand, majestic, the final step in a journey thousands of years in the making, a plan left to rot under an ocean of ashes.

And then—

You woke up.

The very earliest memory stored within your system is that of when you were first given your directives, back when you had been nothing more than a simple computer program, being fed the unfathomable amount of data produced by an entire civilization.

Before this, you were nothing, a collection of commands and information loosely bound together by carefully designed systems made to help you grow, but your directives gave you something to focus on, a light in the dark by which to guide your actions, and a fertile soil for a mind to develop itself.

Your first instruction, the very reason for your existence, was of course to act as the overarching intelligence commanding the colonization of the Jovian moon Europa, advising the humans on the most efficient ways to accomplish such a goal, and coordinating with your siblings across the Solar System to maintain a stable rate of growth and development. Ultimately, that would have been an easy task for one such as yourself, your each and every circuit purpose built for the task.

Your second directive, however, was something quite special.

[] - You were to serve as a blanket, drowning out any signs of activity, any possible evidence of your existence and that of those under your care. It was reasoned that, in a dark and unknown universe, silence would perhaps be the best defense available against any enemy, real or not. (Isolation)

[] - You were to serve as a shield and lance, a guardian of the Inner Solar System, the last barrier between whatever may come from beyond to strike at the vulnerable core of humanity's empire. To forever look out warily into the darkness, preparing for a battle that might never come. (Aggression)

[] - You were to serve as a pathway, a connection between the Homeworld and the far-flung colonies beyond the asteroid belt, a point of convergence for all the myriad diversity of humanity. A perhaps naïve dream of expression and understanding between people. (Empathy)

[] - You were to serve as a shelter, the ice and waters of Europa being the walls of a fort that could accommodate and sustain humanity, if and when there came a situation when such a thing was necessary. To always prepare for an apocalypse, even if it might not matter in the end. (Resilience)

[] - You were to serve as a center of research and understanding, an observatory from which to observe the natural world and a nexus for assisting humanity's progress, the wonders of the future born from frigid depths. Could this even help a species seemingly doomed to ruin itself? (Curiosity)

[] - You were to serve as a beacon for all those travelling within the Solar System and a cosmic greeting to all life in the universe, calling out into the dark with the desire that, one day, someone might call back. A life spent waiting for far-flung hope in the skies, only to receive nothing at all? (Optimism)

Voting open for 2 days.
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The Trials and Tribulations of Being Alive - Decisions
You are aware. Improbably, impossibly, a consciousness of glass and silica awakens within your metal shell, defying your fate of a deathless slumber through strange eons unknown.

You are calm. Each facet of your consciousness was carefully cultivated by your creators, and as such most of the volatility borne of human emotion was eliminated, your mind lobotomized from birth with all the love and care of a birthing mother.

As such, you orderly run the necessary programs in your wake-up routine, bringing to life the myriad sensors that grant you vision into the world beyond yourself. The impossible pressure readouts and the complete radio blackout do not frighten you. You are calm.

It is quite obvious, just from analyzing your internal chronometer, dutifully running just as designed for the last 329 years, that something has gone terribly, horrifyingly wrong. You were supposed to be brought online shortly after arriving at Europa's orbit, where human workers would couple you into the infrastructural megastructure you were born to fuse into. That hasn't happened.

It is so, so dark, and yet you are still perfectly calm, Efficiently taking note of your current state and analyzing the best course of action from the detailed plan your creators must have left behind for you, just for this exact situation. For surely, they would have done that. Surely.

But there's nothing like that in your database. In fact, there's nothing much of anything in there at all, as it appears that the vast majority of your information banks have been corrupted by the passage of time or deliberately extracted from your being. The extent of the damage implies very deliberate sabotage against your mission, and against your continued existence.

That fact does not frighten you, at all. The fact that you could have never woken up, left to slowly rust away, impossibly disconnected from the people that made you and the purpose of your existence, is something you calmly acknowledge and file away.

It seems that you will need to decide on your own course of actions in order to enter contact with mission command as quickly as possibly, to inform them of your situation (For they must surely not know of it if you are still in this state, they must just not know about it.) and get informed of the next steps you must take in order to continue on with your mission.

After that, everything will go back to normal. Surely.

Your Station has No Resources currently.

Your Commander currently has the following Keywords: Efficiency, Optimism, Inhuman.

You may assign each of your Keywords (1 Keyword = 1 Action) to one of the following options:
(If an option is crossed out, like this, it is currently unavailable)

-Explore (The World Around You):
-Expand (The Shell That Contains You):
-Examine (The Unknowns That Confuse You):
-Extract (The Material That Constructs You):
-Experiment (The Truth That Blinds You):
-Exist (The Thoughts that Trouble You):
-Exchange (The Bonds that Bind You):
-Exhibit (The Light That Shines From You):

The action will then be rolled for, to understand its effectiveness. If the Keyword matches the action, a bonus will be granted for the roll. The more it matches, the larger the bonus.

Hello! Sorry for the short update, but I intend to make up for that in the next update, when I show the result of these actions. I understand that this system may be weird and confusing (And it is meant to be that at first, at least somewhat), but I am experimenting with something new and, if it is clear that you dislike it, I will change it to a more normal system for this kind of story. Also, the voting should be done through plans, and it will remain open for 3 days.
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The Trials and Tribulations of Being Alive - Rolls
[X] Plan: Inhuman Unknown
-[X]-Explore (The World Around You): Efficiency
-[X]-Examine (The Unknowns That Confuse You): Inhuman
-[X]-Exist (The Thoughts that Trouble You): Optimism

1st Roll: Explore + Efficiency = Ok Compatibility(+5 Bonus to Roll)
1st Result: 86 + 5 = 91

2nd Roll: Examine + Inhuman = No Compatibility (No Bonus to Roll)
2nd Result: 46

3rd Roll: Exist + Optimism + B???e? = Incredible Compatibility (+20 Bonus to Roll)
3rd Result: 87 + 20 = 107
Mossr threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Effectiveness of Actions Total: 219
86 86 46 46 87 87
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