They Assumed Too Much: A Star Wars Fanfic

Chapter 15: Through the Rain and Mud We Fight


Under the thick underbrush of the Wroshyr trees, beside a cluster of carnivorous saava plants, a group of battle droids arose from the mud. Emerging were pairs of commando droids, all riding crab droids as they slowly pushed through the inhospitable terrain. All of them were caked with thick layers of mud, leaves, and dirt as they creaked under the cover of foliage and darkness. Only perceivable through their glowing eyes, the commando droids slowly cleaned their weapons, and dismounted from the crab droids, crawling the rest of the way toward their target. Upon reaching a row of bushes, they lie in wait, as a convoy of republic supplies trudged through the forest beyond. The clones, donning the camouflaged armor of the 41st Elite corps trudged forward in a long column. In front of them was a massive machine, which incessantly hacked away at the brush in front of them, carving a path for Imperial supply lines. In the front of the group, clasped in chains, were several Wookies, clearly former warriors now forced to cut their own forest down for the Empire.

As their enemy continued pushing through the forest, large beads of rain began to hit the cold metal of the commando droids. A downpour was incoming. As if on cue, a deafening crack of thunder sounded from overhead, temporarily drawing the attention of the Clone soldiers. The lead commando droid looked toward their arm, where a singular button flashed red, marking the beginning of the operation. They silently nodded to their companions, raised their blasters, and marked their targets—communicating to the others through their wireless connection. Once the targets were marked, they waited for the next crackle of thunder, and began their onslaught.

Caught completely by surprise, the 41st soldiers in front of them did everything biologically possible to respond. They dove for the ground, taking cover in the mud and behind whatever rocks or debris they could find. The clones, always thinking far faster than any ordinary human, fired into the direction of the enemy attack, doing their best to stave off their impossible position with precision and training. To their credit, several commando droids dropped forward from the brush, smoldering from shots to the head. Despite this, it was too little too late. In fact, the fight was about to end. The sudden screams of wookie warriors cascaded throughout the jungle, and dozens of veteran wookies leapt down from their concealed positions in the treetops. Understanding their current predicament, the enslaved wookies at the front of the column began their own rebellion, thrashing against their restraints and grabbing nearby clones. One commando droid threw a thermal detonator at the forest excavator, while several crab droids ominously emerged from the mud beneath the clones. While their position was clearly lost, the clones never showed fear, nor remorse in the face of death. The sergeant of these clones, already fatally wounded but still living, sent out a final message to his superiors before charging at the droids with a primed thermal detonator. He would take several of the enemy down with him.

As the final volley of blaster shots found their mark, the commando droids and wookies surveyed their winnings. The food within the convoy was handed to the wookies, while the electronics and batteries were given to the droid warriors. In this way, a sort of symbiotic relationship had formed between the two groups. Once the winnings had been dispersed, the lead droid and wookie met together to share these events with their leaders. On a holo screen in front of them emerged a scarred and particularly burly wookie, the fearsome chief Tarfful. Beside him stood a super tactical droid, one covered in vines and mud—the elusive specter Droid General Troll.

The lead wookie let out a guttural cry, which was matched by the same energy from the wookie Chieftan. The Droid General nodded at their comments, already fluent in the wookie language. The commando droid had more to report.

"While the victory was indeed decisive, I fear that the rainy season will further damage our electronics storage," commented the commando. "The Empire is incessant. We have heard reports of three more paths being carved on this end of the mountains."

Troll spent a moment pondering these findings, before calculating the ideal response. "BX model. I have prepared further orders for your combat squadron. Report to the location on your mission report and continue your harassment of enemy supply movements. Continue to do so, and the Empire will be forced to retreat from their forward positions east of Kachirho. Then, you may return for repairs at temporary base 4."


From the secret droid camp deep in the equatorial forests of Kashyyyk, Troll observed as the rain constantly eroded the camouflage he had applied on himself. Even in moments such as these, when he had not had a chance to power down in months, he felt what humans may have described as exhilaration. Having fought this long against impossible odds, suffocated by a never-ending blockade, Troll had come to believe that his sole purpose was to thrive in this inhospitable jungle, to conquer the elements and use them to his advantage. He glanced over at one end of the camp, where several crab droids shuffled into the brush with jaw plants fixed to their tops. Even here, he had found some sort of weapons development. He then pulled up a map of the front lines throughout the planet. Less than front lines, they represented a patch-work of holdouts, secret droid caves, wookie settlements, and republic carveouts. One bright red position was the former wookie capital Kachirho city, which the republic had turned into their main spaceport, and military fortress that was simply insurmountable with Troll's current resources. Nevertheless, the Empire could bring as many resources as they wanted onto this planet, he would make sure that they all degrade beneath the planets surface. Troll's droids had by this point become the perfect enemies for any clones that ventured into the jungle, with individual squads often trekking for dozens of miles just to appear behind enemy lines. Troll had taught his soldiers to camouflage their metallic bodies with anything they could find from the forest floor, and to move slowly once in range of Imperial forces. Often, oncoming droids were more comparable to an innocent swaying sapling, rather than deadly enemy combatants.

Meanwhile, the rain had indeed turned into nothing short of a monsoon, and many B-1 models rushed to cover to avoid damaging their circuitry. Troll himself was impervious to the water, and instead watched as two more giant Wyyyschokk spiders were dragged into holding pens. Their silk had been surprisingly effective in crafting traps for unsuspecting clone squads. Troll then noticed that he had received several more reports from his recon squads across the planet, and decided that break time was over. In a thought that was processed and dismissed in less than a tenth of a second, he pondered whether the Separatist leadership would ever decide to visit this hopeless planet, and end the fighting here once and for all.


Just one of the many battles during the war being fought on this planet…

Several days after the ambush in the Wroshyr tree forests, the Separatist forces on Kashyyyk, led by the ingenious Droid General Troll, were planning yet another daring strike against the Imperial clone forces. The 41st Elite Battalion had recently set up a communications outpost near a strategic mountain pass, intending to use it to coordinate their movements north of the capital city, and maintain a tight grip on the enslaved Wookie population in the area. Troll reasoned that destroying this outpost would not only disrupt the Empire's communication network, but also provide a much-needed morale boost for the Wookie and droid resistance fighters.

Under the cover of darkness, Troll's forces assembled at the base of the mountain pass. The droid army was comprised of camouflaged B-1 droids, crab droids to be used as mounts in the thick mud, super battle droids acting as heavy infantry, and the elite commando droids leading the charge. The Wookie warriors, armed with their traditional bowcasters and melee weapons, stood alongside their droid allies, ready to strike a blow against their oppressors.

The plan was to use the dense foliage and the darkness of the night to their advantage. The droid forces would move in small, dispersed squads, slowly advancing towards the outpost. The Wookies, with their superior knowledge of the terrain, would serve as scouts and provide support from elevated positions. Once the droid squads were in position, they would launch a coordinated surprise attack, overwhelming the clone defenders before they had a chance to respond.

As the first light of dawn began to break, Troll gave the order to move out through encrypted channels. The droid squads silently made their way through the underbrush, utilizing their camouflage to blend seamlessly into the environment. The Wookies climbed the towering Wroshyr trees, moving stealthily from branch to branch as they took up their positions.

The communications outpost was a hastily constructed prefabricated structure, surrounded by a perimeter of clone troopers and several AT-RT walkers on patrol. As the droid squads neared their target, they activated their short-range cloaking devices, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye.

With the element of surprise on their side, the droids and Wookies launched their assault. The camouflaged B-1 droids opened fire from their concealed positions, their blasters cutting through the ranks of the unsuspecting clone troopers. The Super Battle Droids, armed with wrist-mounted rocket launchers, targeted the AT-RT walkers, causing fiery explosions that lit up the early morning sky.

As the initial shock of the attack set in, the commando droids and Wookie warriors sprang into action. The commando droids expertly scaled the walls of the outpost, taking down the clone troopers manning the perimeter defenses. The Wookies, using their incredible strength and agility, swung down from the trees, engaging the enemy in ferocious hand-to-hand combat.

The 41st Elite Battalion, caught off guard by the guerrilla tactics of their adversaries, struggled to mount a cohesive defense. Despite their superior training and discipline, they were unable to regain control of the situation. As the last of the clone troopers fell, the droids and Wookies overran the outpost, seizing valuable intelligence and equipment.

As Troll surveyed the winnings from the capture of this tower, he noticed a report that the clones had left behind, recently received from the capital city. While the droid was unable to be truly surprised by anything, the news he had received from this information went against his most optimistic calculations. It seemed as if the clones were withdrawing from the northern highlands, clearly fearing the kind of attacks that Troll had just unleashed on them now. Moreover, forces in the capital were supposedly on high alert, in fear of the arrival of a certain Separatist leader. While Troll was unable to smile, he mimicked the expression to the best of his ability through only activating some of the lights on his face. He felt obliged to express joy, for the man they feared was none other than the master of malevolence, General Grievous. It seemed as if their best hope for victory on the planet was still alive and kicking.
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OC Character Sheet: Laputa Rhayne

A Pantoran, not Laputa of course. Just Imagine this, with Anakin-esque Jedi robes...

Name: Laputa Rhayne

Rank: Jedi Knight of the Order

Faction: Splintered Jedi Order/Separatist Alliance

Age: 23

Race: Pantoran

Canon: No

Weapons/Starships: Her lightsaber, one with a teal blade, one that emanates the same color of a summer sea. She also has her personal Jedi Interceptor, of the same color. She fights in the Form 2 style, emphasizing her dueling ability over strength.

Homeworld: The Moon Pantora

Appearance: 5'10 Pantoran Woman, with blue skin, long black hair usually kept in braids. Found to be beautiful by many. She wears black Jedi robes and combat boots, likely a signal of her more martial spirit.

Bio: She, like most Jedi, was taken from her home world at an extremely young age, and spent her early years in the temple. As she grew, she became interested in the form 2 style, and became obsessed with dueling the other children at the temple. She failed to make many close friends in the temple, and fell under the guidance of a female Jedi Master, one who also enjoyed the art of dueling. Enjoying the duel and fighting in a war, however, were two different things. When the war began following the events on Geonosis, Laputa was stunned to hear that her master had perished in the chaos of the arena. She was then unceremoniously promoted to Jedi Knight and General, and was given an inexperienced Padawan--her first--to accompany her to far-off battlefronts. She fought on many drawn-out campaigns, even serving during the battle for her home world, Pantora. Through these battles, she would go on to lose 3 Padawans in total, and would reject the idea of a fourth. The war had left her obsessed with military matters, and disillusioned as to the point of the fighting. In fact, when she was assigned to the worst of the fighting on Felucia, she had a true change of heart. The clones that she had been assigned were killed one by one through the brutal fighting, exhausting the group she had been given at the beginning of the war. As her role was always supplementary and clone resources were always limited, she had only received a single stock of clones, and now they were all gone. She was lost in the jungle for days following, growing weaker with every passing day. It was then that Laputa was saved by droids when she was about to succumb to one of the many monsters on the planet. The Tactical Droid in charge took her prisoner, yet treated her with a kindness that not only showed a form of intelligence from the droid, but also that their enemy was not entirely evil. This is, at least, all that she told her rescuers. In reality, she spoke to a member of the Separatist Parliament who was surveying the battle, an individual who taught her of the Separatist perspective on the war. That they only wanted independence, and sought fair representation, resonated with her. When she eventually was rescued by Aayla Secura's forces, she personally moved to take a leave to the Temple, ostensibly to clear her mind after being captured. In reality, she was about to consider resigning as a jedi, and possibly join the separatist cause. It was on route to Coruscant that she received the disturbing news from the surviving Jedi. They were now fleeing to Naboo, where they had been promised hope and shelter. There she rested and recuperated, and felt duty bound to remain by the side of her estranged brethren. When she saw the Separatist delegation arrive, and discussions regarding an alliance begin, she found her purpose for the rest of her life. She could not give up fighting, it was all she knew. But she could not bring herself to continue fighting alongside the Jedi, who she thought had aimlessly put themselves in this position. Instead, she would try and find common ground with the Separatists, and fight with them to bring liberty to the Galaxy.
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Chapter 16: The Grand Summit (Part 3)

As the sun dipped below the horizon, marking the end of the first day of the summit, the delegates began to file out of the conference room. Their minds were heavy with the weight of the day's discussions, but they knew that it was time to retreat to their respective suites and prepare for the evening banquet.

Padmé's suite was a hive of activity as her handmaidens darted about with an air of efficiency. They carefully applied her makeup, enhancing her natural beauty, and intricately styled her hair, framing her face with elegance. As she sat at the vanity, Padmé found her thoughts drifting back to the passionate debates and diverse opinions that had been expressed throughout the day. She knew that the path forward was fraught with difficulty, and it would take all of their combined strength to navigate the treacherous landscape of galactic politics.

The evening banquet was an extravagant affair, a showcase of the finest culinary delights from across the galaxy. Tables adorned with sparkling silverware and crystal glassware were laden with a dizzying array of dishes. The aroma of exotic spices and enticing flavors filled the air as the delegates engaged in lively conversation, discussing everything from the intricacies of politics to the richness of their cultures.

Padmé found herself seated at the head table, surrounded by esteemed company. To her left was the regal Queen Apailana of Naboo, her serene countenance a testament to her strength and wisdom. To her right, the fierce Regent Bo Katan Kryze of Mandalore, her proud bearing a testament to her warrior heritage. The Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi completed the esteemed group, their presence a calming force amidst the swirling currents of ambition and strife.

Despite the joyous atmosphere, the undercurrent of tension from the day's discussions could still be felt. Laughter and merriment rang out, but beneath the veneer of festivity, the delegates were acutely aware of the challenges that lay ahead. As the evening progressed, they knew that their resolve would be tested, and the fate of the galaxy hung in the balance.

As Padmé glanced around the room, she caught glimpses of determination and hope in the eyes of her fellow delegates. It was a subtle reminder that, despite the challenges they faced, they were all united in their desire to forge a better future for the galaxy. With that thought in her heart, she raised her glass in a toast, symbolizing the collective resolve of those gathered to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead.

As the first light of dawn crept through the windows, the delegates gathered once more in the grand conference room for breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed caf and a variety of exotic dishes from across the galaxy filled the air. They resumed their discussions from the previous day, but progress remained slow. Nute Gunray, unable to shake his apprehensions, continued to express his fears regarding the Empire's tightening grip on the galaxy. Grievous, on the other hand, spoke passionately about the challenges he faced in maintaining unity among the Separatist forces.

Meanwhile, the Jedi Masters – Yoda and Obi Wan – shared their concerns about the uncertain future of the Force and the Jedi's place in the galaxy. They contemplated the role the Jedi should play in this changing landscape and emphasized the need for wisdom and balance, while seriously entertaining the idea of working with the Separatists. Obi Wan specifically advocated for this shift in Jedi doctrine, seemingly determined to find a place for the Jedi to be safe and united amidst the chaos.

As the morning session concluded, the delegates were given a break to rest and explore the enchanting city of Theebs. Some delegates wandered through local markets, marveling at the unique wares and artisanal crafts, while others sought quiet corners to meditate or rest. Padmé, eager to experience the city's charm for the first time in a while, strolled through the streets, taking in the intricate architecture and the vibrancy of the bustling crowds.

Just imagine crowds being present...


The afternoon session resumed with a renewed vigor, as each delegate shared their thoughts and opinions on the state of the galaxy. Animated debates filled the conference room, with passionate voices echoing off the walls. Despite the lack of substantial progress, Padmé's hope remained unshaken; she believed that finding common ground was the key to building a better future together.

As the sun slowly drifted toward the horizon, the delegates retreated to their suites to rest and prepare for this evening's banquet. The elegant event promised an opportunity for further dialogue and connection. Padmé's optimism persisted, as she knew that there were still two more days ahead, and that every conversation, every debate, brought them closer to their ultimate goal.

As day two of the Summit came to a close, General Grievous made his way back to his quarters. The slow nature of diplomacy weighed heavily on him; he always preferred the efficiency of brute force to the tedious process of negotiation. Every banquet, every break, betrayed the efficiencies of a military camp. He knew for a fact that the majority of those present were better at eating food than they were holding a blaster. Each step echoed through the halls, betraying his frustration.

Just before Grievous could enter his room, he noticed a blue-skinned Jedi standing in front of his door. He recognized her as a Pantoran and, with a hint of annoyance, asked, "What is your business here?"

The Pantoran Jedi smiled at Grievous and replied, "My name is Laputa Rhayne, Jedi Knight. I have heard many stories of your prowess during the war, General. I must admit, I'm impressed by your abilities."

Grievous raised an eyebrow, curious about her lack of fear. "And does that not scare you, Jedi?"

Laputa dismissed his question with a wave of her hand. "Fear has no place here. War is war, and you were doing what you thought necessary to win. I can respect that."

Intrigued, Grievous asked, "What do you want from me, then?"

Laputa's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I wish to challenge you to a duel, General. I want to see if you truly live up to your reputation."

Grievous considered her request for a moment before a sinister grin spread across his face. "Very well, Jedi. I accept your challenge. It's been a while since I've had a worthy opponent."

The two of them made their way to the palace's practice chambers, engaging in conversation as they walked.

Laputa asked, "So, General, how did you become such a skilled warrior?"

Grievous scoffed, "Years of practice and countless battles. And, of course, being trained by a Sith Lord didn't hurt."

Laputa nodded, intrigued. "Dooku, was it? I've heard stories about him as well."

"Yes, Count Dooku," Grievous confirmed, his tone darkening. "He was a formidable teacher, though our alliance was merely one of convenience."

As they reached the practice chambers, Grievous and Laputa prepared themselves for the duel, their conversation shifting to a more serious tone. They both knew that the coming fight would test their skills and reveal much about their true characters.

As they stood facing each other in the practice chamber, Laputa made a request. "General, might I ask you to begin with only a single saber for this duel?"

Grievous chuckled, a metallic sound that echoed through the room. "If you think a handicap will help you, Jedi, then so be it." With that, he activated a single green lightsaber, its hum filling the air.

Laputa ignited her teal-bladed lightsaber, her expression focused and determined. They began to circle each other, each carefully studying the other's stance and movements.

The duel began with a clash of lightsabers as Grievous lunged forward, testing Laputa's defenses. She parried his strike with grace, countering with a series of swift, precise attacks. Grievous was forced to step back, impressed by her skill.

Their duel continued, an intricate dance of lights and shadows as they moved around the room. Both combatants tried different styles and tactics to gain the upper hand. Grievous switched between aggressive and defensive forms, his mechanical limbs granting him an advantage in speed and unpredictability.

Laputa's duelist style, with its emphasis on finesse and elegance, reminded Grievous of his old master, Count Dooku. She moved fluidly, anticipating Grievous' strikes and responding with her own calculated attacks.

However, keeping up with Grievous' speed and power required her to focus intensely, drawing on every ounce of her skill and the Force. Sweat beaded on her forehead as the duel wore on, her breaths coming in short, controlled gasps.

Grievous continued to press his advantage, his cybernetic enhancements allowing him to attack from multiple angles simultaneously. He was relentless, forcing Laputa to constantly adapt her approach.

In turn, Laputa displayed an incredible level of adaptability, her knowledge of the various lightsaber forms allowing her to respond to each of Grievous' moves with the appropriate counter. She seemed to dance around his attacks, her teal blade a blur as it clashed with his green one.

As the duel continued, it became evident that both warriors were evenly matched, each drawing on their respective strengths and experiences to counter the other's moves. The clash of their lightsabers echoed throughout the chamber, a testament to their skill and determination.

The duel reached a crescendo as Grievous launched a flurry of aggressive strikes, pushing Laputa to the limits of her agility and endurance. However, she remained cunning and patient, using her intimate knowledge of the Form 2 style to deftly evade his relentless attacks.

Laputa's keen instincts told her that an opportunity would present itself if she waited for the right moment. And so it did. Grievous, in his overconfidence, overextended himself with a powerful downward strike, leaving a brief opening in his defense.

Seizing the moment, Laputa closed the distance between them with the most subtle of movements. Her teal lightsaber flicked through the air, and with a deft twist of her wrist, she disarmed the Droid General. Grievous' green lightsaber deactivated and clattered to the floor, leaving him momentarily stunned.

The room was silent for a moment, both combatants catching their breath. Laputa's victory was a testament to her skill, strategy, and patience, even in the face of such a formidable opponent.

Grievous, still catching his breath, commented with a hint of pride, "It would have gone differently with two sabers."

Laputa, offering him a hand to help him up, agreed with a smile, "Perhaps, General. But today was about testing our skills, not settling old scores. After all, maybe I will have to wield two sabers next time as well."

As Grievous regained his footing, the two turned to notice Master Obi Wan standing in the doorway. Laputa instinctively stepped back, unsure if her actions would turn the Jedi Master against her.

Before she could find the words to apologize for fraternizing with a Separatist, Obi Wan smiled warmly and said jokingly, "Ah, General Grievous, were you practicing for our rematch?"

Grievous let out a raspy laugh and replied, "Master Kenobi, one does not need to practice for a fight they have already won before."

"Oh, I wouldn't say you won," Obi Wan countered with a smirk. "Kicking me off the platform was merely pausing our duel, not winning it."

Grievous seemed to grin, the tension between them dissipating. "Well, if it was paused, perhaps we should continue it now."

The two stared at each other for a moment, before both erupting into laughter. Laputa, still confused by their unexpected camaraderie, simply watched their conversation in silence, unsure of how to react.

Obi Wan, sensing her confusion, turned to her and said, "Laputa, there's no need to worry. Sometimes, even old adversaries can find common ground." He then extended an invitation to both of them. "Would you two care to join me for a walk? I think we could all use some fresh air."

Laputa and Grievous exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement. Together, the unlikely trio set off for a walk, finding solace in the idea that perhaps their shared past could help them build a better future.

As they walked through the beautiful palace interior, the trio found themselves sharing stories from the war. Intricate tapestries and stunning frescoes adorned the walls, while the soft light of the fading Naboo sun filtered through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the marble floors.

Grievous, gesturing at Laputa and Obi Wan, noted with a chuckle, "You two would have made excellent generals in the Separatist army."

The Jedi laughed at the thought, and Obi Wan responded, "I think we were better suited where we were, General."

As they continued their walk, they passed by a grand fountain, the gentle sound of flowing water creating a peaceful atmosphere. Obi Wan couldn't help but note how the Separatists always seemed to have the short end of the stick when it came to the quality of their soldiers.

"Do you remember the Battle of Christophsis?" Obi Wan asked, reminiscing about a particular moment during the Clone Wars. "The Separatist forces had us pinned down, but we managed to outmaneuver them thanks to a daring plan by Captain Rex and Commander Cody. We used the enemy's own shield against them, turning the tide of the battle."

Grievous nodded, recalling the battle from his perspective. "Ah, yes. I remember. Our droids were no match for your clones and their ingenuity. And that was just one instance. Your forces always seemed to have an edge."

Laputa chimed in, sharing her own story from the war. "During the Battle of Pantora, we were heavily outnumbered, but our forces managed to hold off the enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive. It was a hard-fought victory, and many lives were lost, but it demonstrated the resilience and determination of the Republic and the Jedi."

The trio continued their walk, exploring lush gardens filled with exotic plants and blooming flowers, as they shared more stories from the Clone Wars. It was a rare moment of camaraderie between former enemies, as they bonded over their shared experiences. They marveled at the intricacies of war and acknowledged the skill and bravery of their opponents.

As they walked, it became apparent that these shared stories were not just a way to reminisce about the past but also a reminder that they had all played a part in shaping the galaxy.

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Some edits
Hi all! Just spent the last few hours obsessing over the first 8 entries or so, and made some edits that I felt were necessary/gave more context. If you feel like it, give em' a read! I think the Grievous/Anakin fight is a bit more dramatic now, and my least favorite chapter... the dinner break... received at least a little love

Note: Specifically the Grievous fight, first Palpatine monologue, Grievous monologue/his great swing of glory, and dinner break got a decent overhaul
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Chapter 17: The End of the Summit (Part 4)
Hello all who made it this far! Thank you for suffering through my writing thus far, as we reach the end of the Summit and move onward to the Kashyyyk crisis. I'm sorry for the sheer length of this arc, but I do love some good old Prequels politics and planning sequences!


As the final day of the summit dawned, a palpable mixture of hope and nervousness filled the air. The delegates, aware of the gravity of their decisions, gathered in the meeting room, foregoing the usual pleasantries. Each faction took their seats, ready to commit to a united plan to challenge the Empire. Obi Wan eyed both Grievous and Laputa with a friendly expression, now feeling much more secure following the prior night's walk.

As they all sat around the large planning table, the groups prepared to form the final plan on their next operation—the liberation of Kashyyyk. While news of the Wookie tragedy inspired leadership on this issue from the first day, it took a further two to muster the necessary assets and agreements for this operation. Now, they were ready to bring everything they had to bear on the Empire, liberate the Separatist leadership from this side of the Galaxy, and bring self-determination back to the Wookie population. Seated around the large table were:

The Entire Separatist Delegation. Represented here is Viceroy Nute Gunray with his Aide Rune Haako, Presidente Shu Mai, Admiral Auro Praxis with his droid 42, and General Grievous. Of course, they are joined by Nute's protocol droid TC-14, who focused on serving those present at the table in her usual gracious style. They all sat together, with looks of determination, ready to continue the war they had been fighting for the previous four years. Grievous felt far more confident now that he was able to spend time with the Jedi, while Nute had long past the idea of running away from everything entirely. He would be a hunted man for the rest of his life, and the Empire would come for him eventually. Mustafar taught him that. Shu Mai, meanwhile, felt completely lost. She actively did want to run away, sure that she has slipped past the ire of the Empire. Now, she focused on believing in her allies for the time being, and getting back to her own people's strongholds past the stellar fortress that was Kashyyyk.

Representatives from the Imperial Senate. Leading this group are Bail Organa of Alderaan and Mon Mothma of Chandrila, alongside several other sympathetic senators. Their delegation had long gone into hiding following the declaration of the Empire, as purges swept those senators away who lacked the proper political backing. While their positions were entrenched, many of their allies were not, and so they could only provide secretive funds, and mercenary forces to supplement their ally's attack. Their strong morals would not let them rest without giving everything they had toward this cause.

The Exiled Mandalorians. Regent Bo Katan Kryze leads this group, alongside her nephew Administrator Korkie Kryze and bodyguard Ahsoka Tano. While Ahsoka had spent the early days fuming at her proximity to the vile Separatists, she had cooled by the final day. Spending time with her good friend and mentor Yoda, as well as the ever-optimistic Padmé and Obi Wan, had tempered her spirit. Moreover, she was ready to help Bo Katan and the Jedi, and fully acknowledged that this mission was going to be the way forward.

The Naboo. This group consists of the instigator of this entire event Padmé Amidala, Queen of the Naboo Apailana, and Padmé's former friend and bodyguard Sabé. They are also joined by Padmé's bodyguard Gregar, as well as head of the Naboo military Captain Quarsh Panaka. Senator of the Naboo Jar Jar Binks also joins them. Padmé of course has her droids R2-D2 and C-3PO in tow. The Naboo had long given up the idea of oblivious neutrality, and had honestly been prepared to fully rebel under the leadership of Queen Apailana. Fortunately for them, the Separatists have offered them a different path, and they would support it wholeheartedly. Either way, their assistance to the escaping Jedi would not go unnoticed for long, and the day would come that the Naboo would have to fight against the Empire. Having allies in this struggle would be essential for their survival, regardless of if those allies were once their oppressors. Captain Panaka maintained a steely gaze, ready to fight once more with his Royal Naboo guard. They were some of the best soldiers in the galaxy, with the best equipment money could buy. They would prove their worth in whatever conditions, of that he was sure.

The Jedi. Many Jedi have successfully found refuge on Naboo, spearheaded by the leadership of Grand Master Yoda and Masters Obi Wan Kenobi and Jocasta Nu. Also with them is Jedi Master Kelleran Beq, who brought surviving younglings with him (Including Grogu). Several Knights also survived, including Laputa Rhayne. Padawans Dume and Ferren Barr were also with them. Overall, the number of surviving Jedi includes three masters, seven knights, and ten padawans. They also have ten younglings with them. Their future had once seemed impossibly bleak, but now a hope had emerged. They all felt as if they were not alone, and that they would have allies in the fight to come. That it coincided with the Separatist war effort was quite the surprise, but under the guidance of Obi Wan and Laputa, the majority agreed that this was the way forward. Jocasta Nu would focus on protecting the surviving younglings and Padawans, while the seasoned veterans of the clone wars would fight on Kashyyyk, against soldiers they once knew as friends.

Masterful photo of the event taking place...

As the delegates finished taking their seats, Obi Wan Kenobi addressed the room. "We have gathered here today with a common purpose—to fight against the Empire and free the Wookiees on Kashyyyk. We must unite our forces and work together to achieve our goal. While many of us were once former enemies," Obi Wan then briefly glanced at the Separatist delegation, "we are now nothing less than close allies, whose very survival depends on the other. Our enemy has enveloped us in a plan that likely spanned generations, one ultimately meant to subjugate the galaxy under the iron rule of the Sith. I believe you all agree when I say we cannot let this happen. If we join together today, and win this first victory, then the path can only be opened for victories more."

Following Obi Wan's introductory speech, many at the table clapped, burst into tears, or simply maintained hopeful expressions. This was indeed a fight for their very right to exist, and almost all of those present were being hunted by the Empire.

Viceroy Nute Gunray nodded, and decided to begin by declaring his factions support, "Our Separatist forces are at your disposal, Jedi. We have ships and droids ready for this campaign, which will eventuate in nothing less than the fate our great Confederacy."

Admiral Auro Praxis chimed in, "At the moment, we can muster 4 Providence-class dreadnaughts, 10 Munificent-class, and 20 Recusant-class ships for the battle, along with their fighter complements. With support from you all, I bet we can push those Imperial dogs back to high hell."

Padmé Amidala spoke up, "Naboo's security forces and fighter squadrons are also prepared to contribute to this effort. We cannot stand idly by while the Empire oppresses the innocent. I hope those fighters, and pilots alongside them, bring needed support to your naval forces. On the ground, I turn your attention to Captain Panaka."

The Captain then gave his report, "Thank you, Senator. Our very best will join you on the ground, that being two hundred of the Naboo Royal guard. They will not let you all down."

Bail Organa, representing the Imperial Senate, added to the discussion, "We have several mercenary groups loyal to our cause, ready to fight alongside us. These groups were originally based in sectors and systems that have joined the delegation of 2000. They will be funded by us, and were hand-picked in their loyalty to those who hire them. They should be able to offer several thousand ground fighter for when they are needed, as well as transport craft and fighter compliments."

Bo Katan Kryze then offered up her own resources, "The Nite Owls will join this fight, both to support this mission and to maintain our claim as leaders of Mandalore. While I cannot ask you all to press my claim against the vile Gar Saxon yet, I will show you how valuable we are as fighters. We are worth one thousand men, the jungles of Kashyyyk will be no challenge for us. Expect some Mandalorian fighters alongside your fleet, as well."

Master Yoda, in his wise and measured tone, added, "The Jedi, we shall join as well. Our warriors, they will fight for justice."

With the combined forces established, General Grievous outlined the proposed plan. "We will execute a surgical strike on Kachirho city, targeting the Imperial leadership, including Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck. We aim to use the planet's ground-based cannons to fire at the Imperial fleet above, with the hope of scattering them back towards the core, when the time comes."

Mon Mothma then raised a concern, "We must consider the possibility of the Empire becoming aware of our plan. How do we ensure our forces remain undetected?"

Ahsoka Tano offered up her own suggestion, taking inspiration from some of her many battles during the clone wars. "We'll infiltrate the dense jungles surrounding the capital city and coordinate with the Wookiees and Separatist forces on the ground. This way, we can enter undetected and maintain the element of surprise, right until the moment we launch a devastating united assault."

Captain Panaka agreed, "Our space-based forces will have to wait for a set time and a signal before moving into the system. Timing is crucial to catch the Imperial fleet without their united leadership."

As the conversation continued, the delegates shifted their focus towards their allies on the ground and the potential forces they would face.

General Grievous spoke up, "Once we make contact with Tactical Droid Troll and Chief Tarfful on the ground, we can coordinate our attack more effectively. However, we must be prepared for the Empire's response. They have made themselves known for their ruthless tactics. I also suspect they will have sizable numbers of vehicles, air support, and land based fortifications around the city.

Regent Bo Katan Kryze added, "We can expect to face AT-TEs, AT-APs, and perhaps even Imperial Turbo Tanks. Additionally, there will likely be legions of clones defending the city."

Padmé Amidala furrowed her brow, "We must also be prepared for any surprises the Empire may have in store. It is likely that they know an attack is coming. We will have to be prepared for every eventuality."

General Grievous pondered something, and added, "I also do not think the Separatist leadership on Raxus will let things go on without difficulty. They want my head, and likely know I need to get past Kashyyyk before I can reach them. We will have to keep our guard up for unexpected forces." The group agreed with his sentiment, and moved onward with the discussion.

Obi Wan then addressed the room, "In addition to our primary mission on Kashyyyk, the Jedi have a secondary objective. Once the blockade is broken, we will continue with General Grievous to the Spire on Stygeon Prime to rescue Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Her survival is crucial to the rebuilding of the Jedi Order."

Presidente Shu Mai inquired, "What kind of resistance do you expect to face at the Spire? It is one of our best prisons, after all."

Grievous responded, "I can assure you that once the situation on Kashyyyk is resolved, we will release Master Unduli. The Spire is heavily fortified, but they should yield to my authority once we arrive. If they do not, I will enforce those droid's shutdown order myself."

Master Yoda nodded in agreement, "A difficult task, it will be. But together, succeed we can. Trust in the Force, and each other, we must."

The conversation covered many other smaller details, but the energy of the group only increased with time. The reason for this was clear when the meeting adjourned. All present immediately rushed out from the room, and called forth all of the resources at their disposal. Among the chaos within the palace, summit members gathered their belongings and resolve, and set off for their private ships. Above the planet, the leveraged resources arrived throughout the day, and by nightfall, everyone was ready to set out.

As the Jedi made their way to their own shuttle, Grievous called for Kenobi to join him for a second. Obi Wan smiled at the cyborg, and approached.

"Kenobi," General Grievous began. "When everything is said and done, no matter what happens, I hope that we show these fools what it means to trifle with true warriors."

Obi Wan laughed at his newfound ally's way of viewing things, and decided to not give a quippy remark this one time. "Yes General, what the Empire has done, will do, is inexcusable. For my friends that I have lost, I cannot ask for revenge… but perhaps some feelings are best for you to handle for me."

Grievous knew well the limitations of the Jedi, and promised to himself that he would make those who dare sully their reputations as warriors pay. "Worry not, Kenobi, if my actions happen to make this galaxy better for those living in it, then so be it. That is our promise to each other."

Grievous caught himself after he made that promise, almost surprised at his willingness to work with a Jedi, even more so to fight alongside one. It was not that Grievous had come to love the Jedi, nor did his anger towards them go away. It was the news of order 66, the betrayal of their own soldiers and government, that had left him a changed Kaleesh. It reminded him too much of how he was cast aside on his own home, on that feeling of betrayal that left him without anything. When the Jedi were proud and in the hundreds across the galaxy, hunting them almost seemed like a way of balancing the fate he had suffered at their hands. Now, as he looked at the pitiful remnants of the once renowned order, he could not wish upon their destruction. In fact, if all of the Jedi were to die, then he would no longer have any left to hunt. Or so he told himself, in order to shirk away from the true feelings that confused him.

And with that, they broke off toward where they were needed, as the sight of the Naboo Nubian fighters graced the sky with their beauty and serenity. That they were tools of war was hardly viewable from the naked eye.


Aboard the Striking Star, the elite team meant to infiltrate the planet had been assembled. Utilizing unmarked mercenary shuttles, they would land blindly into the jungle, set up camp, and work to find the rogue droid army that lurked in the shadows around Kachirho. Gathered were the Nite Owls, Ahsoka, the Jedi Masters and Knights, Grievous, his MagnaGuards, and several hand-picked b-1 and super battle droids. Also with them were several notable mercenary warriors, the best of the Naboo Royal Guard, and Captain Panaka. For the space forces, Auro, 42, other mercenaries and Naboo pilots, and other droid ship captains were present. They would wait for the order, and join when they were needed. All was now ready for their ultimate trial on Kashyyyk.
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Chapter 18: Into the Jungle
"When we arrived on Kashyyyk, things were just as bad as we'd feared. The droids had us outgunned, outmaneuvered, and outmanned by a five-to-one margin. What none of us had counted on was the Wookiees. We'd all heard the stories, of course, but we'd never fought next to them, never seen them rip apart a droid with their bare hands. They were magnificent. Even so it was still a suicide mission, at least it was until Master Yoda arrived. Then it became a battle; a winnable battle."

~501st Journal describing the beginning of the battle of Kashyyyk. Little did the clones know, that this initial victory would not be the end of the war for the planet, and Master Yoda was arriving once more...


As the Striking Star silently slipped into the Kashyyyk system, the tension aboard the unmarked mercenary transports was palpable. The elite team, comprised of a diverse group of warriors, knew that the success of this mission would determine the fate of the Wookiees and the Separatist alliance. While those within the transports were confident that they were among some of the best fighters in the entire galaxy, their goal of toppling the Imperial stranglehold on Kashyyyk was one meant for an organized army, not this rag-tag group of fighters. It would take everything they had to claim victory here.

Inside one of the transports, Ahsoka Tano, some Jedi Knights, and Grievous sat alongside Captain Panaka, the best of the Naboo Royal Guard, and other notable mercenaries. The dimly lit interior cast eerie shadows on their faces as they exchanged anxious glances.

Ahsoka tried to lighten the mood, speaking softly to her fellow Jedi, "Remember, we are doing this for the greater good. We will find our allies and bring justice to those who have oppressed the Wookiees."

Grievous, sitting in a corner, seemed to be focused on the mission ahead. "Our enemies underestimate us," he growled. "Their fleet coordination suggests that they are expecting a head-on attack. We'll show them the true power of our tactics."

Captain Panaka, ever the professional, checked his equipment one last time. "Make sure you have everything you need," he advised his subordinates. "Once we're on the surface, there won't be time to fix mistakes."

The transport's pilot, an experienced mercenary, came on the intercom, his voice filled with cautious optimism. "We're approaching the planet now. The Imperial blockade seems to be focused on a frontal assault. We might just make it through." At this news, Grievous chuckled at his own brilliance.

In another shuttle, the Nite Owls exchanged confident smirks, their Mandalorian armor reflecting the low light in the cabin. "We've faced worse odds," one of them commented. "Let's hope the Empire keeps underestimating us." For them, it was Kashyyyk today, and Mandalore tomorrow. They had not yet lost faith in their leader, and were ready to show what they could offer to this group, this select few of the Nite Owls.

As the three transports inched closer to Kashyyyk's surface, the team members exchanged nods of solidarity. They knew the stakes were high and that they would need to rely on each other more than ever.

The transports, expertly guided by their pilots, managed to slip past the Imperial blockade undetected. The fleet, indeed, had been prepared for a classic Grievous frontal assault, not expecting a stealth infiltration. Perhaps it was the fact that they were still accustomed to the previous battles of the Clone Wars, but things had indeed taken a different turn. Gone were the days of grand Separatist invasions, and glorious Republic interventions. No longer would the war be a push and pull, but rather a conflict determined by the individual brilliance of its leaders, and effective solutions that preserved the bulk of one side's forces. The Empire, in its current wave of hubris and adolescent naiveté, had not yet adapted to these changing times. That left the window open for victories.

As the team prepared to disembark on the jungle-covered planet, they knew they were embarking on a dangerous and unpredictable mission. But they were determined to succeed, for the Wookiees, the Separatist alliance, and the galaxy at large.

The three shuttles descended through Kashyyyk's thick canopy, maneuvering expertly between the colossal wroshyr trees. As the various groups observed the infinitely sprawling equatorial jungles below, they saw a wall of life, one that left little room for maneuver. Indeed, this had been the perfect terrain for Troll's guerilla war. After some difficulty, the pilots found a small clearing, just big enough to accommodate their landing. One by one, the shuttles touched down on the soft, mossy ground, sending a cloud of spores and foliage into the air. They had touched down safe, and Imperial comms chatter was calm and oblivious.

As the shuttles' hatches opened, the elite team members sprung into action. Ahsoka Tano, Grievous, and the Jedi fanned out, their weapons at the ready, keeping a sharp eye on the surrounding jungle. After a thorough search and an extension of the force's perceptiveness, the landing area was determined to be clear. Meanwhile, the Nite Owls and Captain Panaka supervised the unloading of the cargo, their practiced hands moving quickly to extract the necessary supplies and equipment. This included days of rations, packs for the night, and top of the line galactic technology for protecting their camps come nightfall.

Meanwhile, the battle droids were systematically activated by the accompanying Tactical Droid and B-1 Commander droid, their mechanical limbs whirring to life as they were assigned to perimeter security and standby duty. The Naboo Royal Guards and several mercenaries began setting up communication equipment, trying to establish contact with their allies on the ground.

One of the Jedi Knights, an expert in communications technology, worked tirelessly to break through the jamming that enveloped the planet. He furrowed his brow as he tried one frequency after another, searching for the one Troll was using to stay in touch with their guerrilla forces.

As the team continued to unpack, the Jedi Knight finally looked up, concern etched on his face. "I can't establish contact with our allies," he informed the group. "The entire planet is being jammed. We need to figure out the frequency Troll is using to circumvent the jamming. Once we have that, we should be able to communicate with them."

Grievous pondered this report from the Jedi. Indeed, it was very much like a Super Tactical Droid to find a way to cancel out the Imperial jamming, however this called for a manual search. Once one group managed to find the elusive droid General, they would be able to use Troll's circumvention of the comms jamming to contact the rest of the insertion team. They would have to walk it.

Ahsoka nodded at the Jedi's report, seemingly coming to the same understanding as Grievous. "We'll need to split up into smaller groups," she suggested. "Each group will search for any signs of Troll's forces and try to identify their frequency. Once we find it, we can contact the others, regroup and plan our next move." Both Grievous and Ahsoka relayed these findings to the rest of the group.

With this in mind, the group finished unloading their weapons, powering on, and gathered into the center of the three transports, all ready for the next course of action. It was Grievous, the de facto leader of this group, that conveyed their next orders. "Everyone," The Droid General began, "we will now split into two groups, one heading east and one west of Kachirho city. With this landing site in the jungles to the south of the city, it is only a matter of time before we come into contact with our allies. One group will also have to stay behind, this will be the mercenaries." Grievous then turned to the mercenaries specifically. "You all will maintain this camp as our communications center, but may not contact us unless contacted first. If we do not immediately mention that we have located Troll when contacting you, assume that the Empire knows of our presence here. Some of you should rendezvous with our allies in space at the edge of the Kashyyyk system periodically, and relay the current situation once a day. If you feel like the blockade is too difficult to slip by on one day, then so be it, but do not compromise our position. Am I clear?"

With this understanding, a resounding "Yes, General!" rang out from the crowd, and they began to set up the central base camp. Meanwhile, the elite team broke into the two major groups, and steeled themselves for the long journey ahead.

With their landing site established south of Kachirho city, the team decided to split into two groups to search for Troll and their Wookie allies. The first group, led by General Grievous, would head east, while the second group, led by Ahsoka Tano, would venture west. The mercenaries would remain behind to set up camp and establish a makeshift communications center, with Grand Master Yoda overseeing their progress.


The specific breakdown of the groups was as follows:

Group 1 (Eastward):
  • General Grievous
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • 20 B-1 and 10 Super Battle Droids, all painted green
  • Jedi Knight Laputa and 3 other Jedi Knights: Jedi Knight Darras Venn (Zabrak, green lightsaber), Jedi Knight Thalos Oron (Twi'lek, blue lightsaber), and Jedi Knight Joren Kell (Human, blue lightsaber)
  • 30 members of the Naboo Security Forces (20 with ELG-3A blaster pistols, 10 with heavy weaponry)
  • Captain Panaka with a hand-crafted S-5 blaster pistol
Group 2 (Westward):
  • Ahsoka Tano
  • Bo-Katan Kryze and 10 Nite Owls, all wielding dual Westar-35 blaster pistols, wrist lasers, dart launchers, gauntlet blades, whipcord launchers, and combat shields.
  • Jedi Master Kelleran "The Sabered Hand" Beq (one green and one blue lightsaber) and 3 other Jedi Knights: Jedi Knight Saela Voss (Mirialan, blue lightsaber), Jedi Knight Quorin Tal (Human, yellow lightsaber), and Jedi Knight Rennix Onar (Human, green lightsaber)
  • 20 B-1 and 10 Super Battle Droids, all painted green
  • 30 members of the Naboo Security Forces (20 with ELG-3A blaster pistols, 10 with heavy weaponry)
  • An ordinary Tactical Droid to coordinate the droid soldiers

Staying Behind:
  • 50 Mercenaries with a random assortment of weapons and abilities
  • Grand Master Yoda
  • One Commander B-1 Droid to relay information to Grievous

With their groups assembled and their mission clear, the elite team ventured into the dense jungles of Kashyyyk, determined to find Troll and unite with the Wookie and rogue droid forces fighting against the Empire. The fate of the Separatist alliance and the freedom of the Wookie people hung in the balance, all at the whim of the incredible jungles of Kashyyyk.


This is a short chapter, because I am about to mix things up and go a little crazy with the next section. It will take a few days to trek through the jungle, and within this jungle will be unique challenges and dangers for both Ahsoka and Grievous' party. With their groups now well documented, we shall see what adversities they will have to progress through, and who they will lose, along the way. While the battle of Kachirho city is their ultimate objective, its defense will prove to be the inhospitable jungle as well. With Jedi, droid and elite human soldiers, and Grievous at the helm, they seem up to the task ahead. But time will tell...

The upcoming chapters will be decimal points added to this chapter, as chapter 18 will be the long slog through some of the harshest terrain in the galaxy. Entries will focus on one of the two groups, as they go through their grueling days...

The only entry to break this rule will be 18.1 I suspect, as I quickly describe the situation for the Empire on Kashyyyk. 18.2 onwards will be these daily journeys, and Chapter 19 will take the operation to its next stage. For those who are not interested in watching these characters suffer through the jungle, feel free to skip onward once chapter 19 is written. I'm aboutta have a lot of fun writing this! lol ~Despot
Chapter 18.1: The Imperial Grip

Within the remains of Kichirho city, smoldering trees and a somber atmosphere dominated all. Occasional bowcaster shots rang out from the surrounding jungle, and the clones manning the defense were forced to remain on high alert at all times. It was also a city of rushed Imperial construction, as walls, defensive points, and new buildings arose from the recently cleared jungle. In the distance, an overwhelmingly large wroshyr tree leaned and then fell toward the ground, its collapse resulting in a boom that startled all within the city. Soon, this would be little more than an Imperial work-camp, one dedicated to serving the massive labor projects of the Empire, as it began to clasp its hands across the galaxy.

Within the planetary capital, within a recently constructed administrative building, Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck observed the chaos and oppression that had become the new normal under Imperial rule. Wookiees were being herded into pens, their once-proud spirits now broken by the harsh treatment of the Empire. Clones manned the city's defenses, ensuring that any resistance would be swiftly dealt with. He gazed on as one wookie managed to break its chains, and attempted to run for the city perimeter. Those that escaped would seek the assistance of the city's former Chief, and that could not stand. The sound of DC-15 blasters filled the air as the unfortunate wookie was struck down, by clones who a month prior would have died for the protection of the wookies in this city.

In his private quarters, a select few Imperial officers and administrators worked tirelessly to set up the administration of the planet, which they referred to as Imperial territory G5-623, rather than Kashyyyk. Data pads changed hands rapidly, and furniture was assembled, all in order to bring Imperial civilization to this planet. The atmosphere was tense, as they were all too aware of the potential dangers lurking in the surrounding jungles, and their current situation lay far from the core worlds from which they came.

As the Moff surveyed the situation, Admiral Kren Barris, a stern and calculating human, walked into his office. "This is a pitiful state of affairs," he commented, looking around at the makeshift administration hub. "The Wookiees should have never been allowed to govern themselves."

The Grand Moff nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was the Republic's folly. But enough about that, Admiral. What is the situation in space?"

Admiral Barris sighed. "The blockade has been a bore, and Tarkin's guarantee of Grievous' arrival has left much to be desired."

"I hope that despicable cyborg is dead somewhere in the outer rim," the Moff responded, his voice dripping with disdain. He gazed out the window once more, observing the captured Wookiees. "Given enough time, these Wookiees will be made into fine subjects of the Empire. Their spirit will have to be tempered, and that dreaded chieftain Tarfful drawn and quartered."

The Moff then turned back to Admiral Barris and issued a command. "Relay to the 41st that they should put more pressure on that slippery droid out in the jungle. I am confident that the droids are at their breaking point, and the sooner they are shut down, the sooner I will gain the praise of those on Coruscant."

Admiral Barris nodded and took his leave, determined to carry out the Moff's orders and suppress any remaining resistance on Kashyyyk. The Admiral was not one to sit around listlessly, and this lack of action on Kashyyyk left much to be desired. He had served the Republic with distinction, with the battle over Coruscant being among his list of fanciful engagements. Now that the Separatist fleet remained a shadow of its former self, he feared that the end had come for those line battles between Venators and Providences, that he would no longer have to engineer the destruction of a Lucrehulk. This blockade was nothing more than an order to wait, sleep, and rot in the space above a planet, with little possibility of any challenge appearing. He already knew the wookies would be unable to challenge him, so he had taken to spending his time in their pitiful excuse for a capital, attempting to at least add his time here to his long list of experiences. Perhaps the time had come to retire, for unless he had the fortune of taking part in that last battle for Raxus, he feared that the time for adventure had already come to an end.

As the two Imperial leaders continued to try and subjugate their surroundings, a formidable alliance was already forming deep within the jungle, intent on overthrowing the oppressive Imperial rule.


Deep within the heart of the Imperial capital, Coruscant, the night sky was illuminated by countless lights from towering skyscrapers and bustling traffic. The capital was abuzz with life, as a major opera was being performed that night in the Galaxies Opera House. While many of Coruscant's top elite would be there, the Emperor himself would not. For tonight, as most nights, he remained hard at work, this time in dealing with the remains of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

In the Emperor's office, a lavishly furnished room decorated with dark drapes and adorned with artifacts symbolizing the Empire's power, a crucial meeting was taking place. Grand Moff Tarkin, Commander Cody, and Emperor Palpatine sat around a table, discussing the looming threat of Kashyyyk and the enigmatic silence of General Grievous.

Tarkin began, concern etched on his face, "Kashyyyk is sure to become the next heated point of contention in the war against the Separatists. What disturbs me is the fact that Grievous has been so quiet."

Commander Cody chimed in, "Perhaps the Droid General finally succumbed to his injuries. I wounded him on Utapau, and it is very likely that Lord Vader landed a final blow on Mustafar."

Palpatine and Tarkin considered Cody's words. Tarkin replied, "The only evidence of his continued existence is the shifting of a Pirate Lord in the Outer Rim and slight movements of tattered Separatist fleets in the southern arm. Perhaps Separatist leadership in the south has indeed collapsed, and multiple groups are vying for what's left."

The Emperor then stood, his voice commanding attention. "Grievous is likely still alive; we just do not know what he plans on doing next. We cannot assume our enemy has already fallen. We made that mistake on Utapau and on Mustafar."

Tarkin and Cody nodded in agreement. Palpatine turned his gaze to a holographic map of Kashyyyk, projected in the center of the room. The others followed suit, their eyes fixed on the glowing representation of the jungle planet. "The next few weeks will determine the future of the galaxy," the Emperor stated, "and I am absolutely certain that it will concern this planet of wild beasts."

Tarkin agreed and addressed Cody, "Send your best clone assassin to the planet to protect Moff Lozen. What do you call him... Crosshair? Lozen's position remains far too precarious, regardless of the possible arrival of Grievous."

Palpatine interjected, "I will also be sending the administrator of my will, Lord Vader, for his very first mission. He shall bring the severed head of the droid C4V-T70L, and end things on Kashyyyk for good."

As the meeting adjourned, the three Imperial leaders looked out over the sprawling cityscape of Coruscant, their minds focused on the impending conflict on the distant world of Kashyyyk. The fate of the galaxy hung in the balance, and they were determined to emerge victorious at any cost.

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Chapter 18.2: Ahsoka's Group: Day 1

Day one for Ahsoka's group began with an air of anticipation and a sense of determination. As they ventured into the lush and dense jungles of Kashyyyk, they found themselves immersed in a world teeming with life. The towering wroshyr trees, with their massive trunks and twisting branches, dominated the landscape, casting a canopy of shadows that filtered the sunlight into an emerald glow. The air was thick with humidity and filled with the calls of various creatures that inhabited the forest. Many in the group could not help themselves but to gaze at the life around them as they walked, clearly astonished by the density of life on the planet. In the very front of the group, the Jedi acted as makeshift pathfinders, cutting paths through the vines, using the force to move debris out of the way, and keeping on guard for outside threats.

Meanwhile, Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls followed closely behind, their Mandalorian armor offering them some protection against the harsh jungle environment, and their thermal sensors offering another layer of detection. The Jedi Knights, Kelleran Beq, Saela Voss, Quorin Tal, and Rennix Onar, walked among the droids and Naboo Security Forces, their lightsabers at the ready to fend off any threats.

As they trudged through the underbrush, they marveled at the vibrant flora that surrounded them, including luminescent mushrooms, colorful vines, and exotic flowers that emitted intoxicating scents. The local fauna proved to be both fascinating and dangerous, with the group encountering various insects, reptiles, and mammals that called the jungle home. Some of these creatures were docile, while others were more aggressive, forcing the group to stay alert and ready for anything.

Throughout their journey, the group members engaged in quiet conversations, discussing their objectives, sharing stories, and offering words of encouragement. A sense of camaraderie began to develop among them, strengthening their resolve to succeed in their mission.

One such conversation occurred around midday, as Ahsoka fell in step with Jedi Master Kelleran Beq and a young Naboo soldier named Rylen. The mood was light, despite the challenges they faced, and the conversation turned to their experiences in the war.

Ahsoka grinned as she glanced over at the battle droids marching alongside them. "You know, this is the first time I've ever worked with droids instead of fighting against them. It's... different. I will say one thing, they do not help me feel safe."

Kelleran chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I can imagine. It's an unusual alliance, but I believe it's one that will bring us closer to our goal. While I spent most of my time in the temple, I agree that these droids do not seem the type to offer complete protection." Ahsoka laughed at the Jedi master's agreement. Her and her master had individually eliminated hundreds, if not thousands of battle droid battalions such as this one, and without much difficulty for that matter. That these were painted green could hardly be called an upgrade to those past groups.

Meanwhile, one of the Naboo guardsman, a man named Rylen, sped up to walk alongside the two Jedi. The young man was wide-eyed and clearly in awe of the Jedi and the former Padawan, and decided to chime in. "This is my first time away from Naboo. The galaxy is so much bigger and... different than I expected. I never imagined I'd be fighting alongside droids, let alone the Jedi."

Ahsoka smiled warmly at the young soldier. "The galaxy has a way of surprising us, Rylen. But it's important to remember that we're all in this together, no matter where we come from or what side we used to be on." The young man's naivete warmed Ahsoka's heart, reminding her of her days at the temple before the war began. Since then, she had been hardened by a hundred battlefronts, and had grown much through all of the fighting. She silently hoped that a day would come when that adventurous spirit would not be used as a tool for war, but rather as one to travel the Stars, and take in the beauty of the galaxy.

Kelleran nodded sagely, looking at Ahsoka with a gaze that almost made her believe that he read her mind in that moment. "Ahsoka is right. We must set aside our past differences and focus on the task at hand. We're all fighting for the same cause – peace and freedom."

Rylen seemed to gain confidence from their words, standing a little taller as they continued their march. "You're both right. We're all in this together, and we'll see it through to the end."

The three of them continued walking in companionable silence, their shared determination strengthening the bond that was forming between them.


Later in the day, their walk had been cut short, as the jedi at the front suddenly stopped walking and raised their guard. As the rest of the group attempted to make sense of their sudden change in stance, their answer began to be heard through the treetops. Suddenly, as was the nature of the jungle, they had fallen prey to an attack by a swarm of aggressive, winged creatures known as can-cells. The insect-like predators began buzzing around the group, threatening to rush toward them.

Kelleran quickly took charge, instructing the Jedi and the Nite Owls to form a defensive perimeter around the rest of the group. His position as Jedi master was not just for show, as he began barking clear orders. "Jedi, take the front line! Nite Owls, take to the air and scout the area! Everyone else, fall back and prepare to defend yourselves!"

Ahsoka and the other Jedi ignited their lightsabers, using the blades to ward off the can-cells as they closed in. Meanwhile, the Nite Owls, including Bo-Katan, ascended into the air, using their jetpacks to gain a better vantage point. From above, they picked off the creatures with pinpoint accuracy, their westar blaster pistols making quick work of the threat. The sound and smell of blaster fire and burnt soil filled their air as yellow bolts crisscrossed from above, red bolts emerged from the droid formation, and a smattering of green began to dispatch from the Naboo's royal pistols.

The battle droids and Naboo guardsmen took defensive positions, providing covering fire whenever necessary, as the Jedi calmly and methodically dealt with the swarm. Rylen, the young Naboo soldier, stood his ground, firing his ELG-3A blaster pistol with surprising accuracy, its unique sound letting off with every shot.

As the can-cells began to thin out, Kelleran and Ahsoka focused their efforts on using the Force to pacify the remaining creatures, sending calming waves to soothe their agitated minds. One by one, the can-cells retreated, no longer posing a threat to the group.

With the danger averted, the team regrouped and assessed the situation. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, and they had managed to deal with the challenge effectively. The encounter served as a reminder that the jungle was full of unexpected dangers, and that teamwork and cooperation would be essential in overcoming the challenges that lay ahead. That they had worked so effectively from the beginning was testament to the Jedi's experience in leadership, with the knights alongside Ahsoka having served as general for the last several years. While the group represented fighters from many backgrounds, their experience in the art of war showed itself in this initial engagement.


As night fell on the first day, the group set up camp under the shelter of a massive wroshyr tree. They divided themselves into shifts to keep watch through the night, knowing that the darkness brought new dangers. They unloaded the camp's defenses, which were certainly expansive, and the living among them ate supper around a campfire. At night, the jungle came alive with a cacophony of nocturnal sounds, and the air grew cooler, bringing a mist that settled around them.

The group members who were not on watch duty tried to rest, though the unfamiliar sounds and the ever-present threat of danger made sleep difficult for some. Throughout the night, they faced several challenges, including encounters with predators, sudden rainstorms, and the need to treat wounds sustained during their trek. Despite these obstacles, the group persevered, determined to fulfill their mission, and protect one another. For Ahsoka's group, the situation remained calm.
Chapter 18.3: Grievous' Group: Day 1
This chapter may be a bit... rough around the edges...
I've just churned these last two out in a fever pitch as I wanted the story to continue moving forward, as much for my own enjoyment as yours. Since I plan on this trek taking multiple days, with unique obstacles each day for the two groups, it's been quite a lot of writing. Ill look through and fix whatever isn't perfect about these tomorrow, but for now I rest. Thanks for reading!! Let me know what you think about this Chapter 18 saga...


Obi Wan watched as the landing zone faded into the brush behind him, and looked at the group assembled for the trek ahead. Alongside him were his fellow Jedi, all knights whom he had never met during the war, but he felt an unspoken bond to through their shared lives as Jedi. At the battle droids, he felt complete disbelief. He had been an accomplished General for years now, fighting these exact droids on more worlds than he could count. They were always the same—slightly off in terms of their intelligence, and never effective without clear, concise leadership. The Naboo guardsmen, despite including many faces he didn't recognize, brought him back to his final adventure with his master all of those years ago on Naboo. It had felt like an eternity since then, and his promise to Qui Gon had been broken with the loss of Anakin, and yet he didn't feel his heart break. Perhaps it was because of the jedi he still surrounded himself with, perhaps it was because he was able to share a laugh with General Grievous, of all people. No matter the reason, he found the will to keep fighting, to continue moving forward. He doubted that he had the strength to continue fighting this war as he had before, however he also could not allow things to fall into darkness simply due to his own failures. No. For the smile of Padmé, for her children, for master Yoda, he would push on just a bit further. He would fight those clones he called brothers, and free the wookies the Jedi saw as friends. If it took everything he had, he would push one foot after another toward the light that inevitably stood at the end. The Sith would have their due.

As he emerged from his inner thoughts, he realized that they must have already walked for hours from their starting point. Obi Wan almost laughed at how aloof he had been, until he saw the rest of the group rush forward to see something that lay ahead. It was time to return to the present.

Hours into the walk for Grievous' group, they found themselves faced with a daunting obstacle. A massive ravine, its bottom obscured by thick mist, lay before them. The bridge that had once spanned the gap was now broken and twisted, a testament to the destructive force of the jungle. Many in the group looked over the edge of the ravine, hoping to find any indication of its depth. No answer was provided through the mist below.

Grievous, using his incredible processing ability, quickly determined that the most efficient way to cross the ravine would be to have his MagnaGuards and Jedi construct a makeshift bridge. Laputa and the other Jedi Knights, Saela Voss, Quorin Tal, and Rennix Onar, worked together with the MagnaGuards to gather strong vines and sturdy branches, the Jedi using the force to speed the process of construction. It was their ability that allowed vines to begin twisting on the other side of the ravine, slowly securing the bridges opposite side.

Just as they began constructing the bridge, a sudden, guttural roar echoed through the jungle. Moments later, a pack of vicious katarns emerged from the dense foliage. The reptilian predators, known for their relentless aggression and powerful jaws, charged towards the group, their numbers in the hundreds.

Grievous immediately took command, ordering the battle droids and Naboo guardsmen to form a defensive line while the Jedi and MagnaGuards continued working on the bridge. Captain Panaka and his soldiers fired their blasters at the oncoming katarns, while the battle droids provided suppressing fire. However, the sheer ferocity of the katarns' attack took a toll on the group's defenses. Despite well timed wrist rockets from the super battle droids, and one thermal detonator from Captain Panaka himself, the wild charge of the katarns overwhelmed the makeshift perimeter in place, leaving many of the defenders vulnerable.

Despite their best efforts, several battle droids and a handful of Naboo guardsmen fell victim to the katarns during this initial charge. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Grievous charged in to engage the creatures in close combat, using their lightsabers to fend off the fierce predators. Grievous' lightsabers proved to be specifically effective, his four spinning blades proving impossible for the katarns to slip through. With this wall of light forcing a section of the enemy back, the momentum of the initial charge wore off.

While Grievous and the rest of the group held off the katarns, the MagnaGuards and Jedi completed the makeshift bridge, allowing the team to begin crossing the ravine. The team retreated across the bridge, battling the katarns and providing cover for their comrades as they withdrew. Obi Wan personally held the line as long as he could, pushing dozens of the wild animals back through the force in a single move. As the last of the droids managed to run onto the bridge, Obi Wan backed himself onto the unstable structure, and held the katarns back as he made his way across.

Finally, with everyone safely across the ravine, Grievous ordered the MagnaGuards to cut the bridge's support vines, causing it to collapse and sending the remaining pursuers plummeting into the mist below. The group had survived the attack, but at the cost of several droids and brave Naboo soldiers.

The team took a moment to mourn their fallen comrades before continuing their mission. The encounter had demonstrated the deadly nature of Kashyyyk's jungle and served as a harsh reminder that their journey would be fraught with danger.


In the afternoon, as the group pressed on through the jungle, they took the opportunity to engage in conversation, easing the tension that had built up from their recent encounter with the katarns.

Grievous turned to Obi-Wan, a hint of amusement in his mechanical voice. "I must admit, Kenobi, I never thought I'd see the day when we'd fight side by side, and yet there it was."

Obi-Wan smirked, nodding in agreement. "Strange times, General. But it seems we make quite the team when we put our differences aside. At least when against simple minded beasts, that is."

Captain Panaka, ever vigilant and concerned for his soldiers, spoke up. "We need to remain cautious. The jungle is unpredictable, and we can't afford to lose any more of our people." The seasoned Naboo veteran was one of the few who said little on this first day, his focus solely on keeping as many of his men alive.

One of the B-1 droids, overhearing Panaka's words, chimed in with its characteristic, clueless tone. "Roger, roger! The jungle is so full of surprises, even we droids are having a hard time processing it!" The droid's comment only enlisted the rolling of several eyes, although the B-1 was completely unable to notice the reaction to its comment.

Laputa, using her connection to the Force to help guide the group at the front, shared her thoughts with her fellow Jedi. "I sense a great disturbance in the Force here on Kashyyyk. It's as if the planet itself is crying out in pain."

Jedi Knight Quorin Tal nodded solemnly. "I feel it too, Laputa. We must stay focused on our mission and do everything in our power to help the Wookiees and droids in need."


As night fell over the jungle, Grievous' group set up their camp, taking every precaution to ensure their safety in the treacherous environment. The encampment was established in a small clearing, providing some visibility around the perimeter. A fire was carefully built in the center, casting a warm glow on the weary travelers and keeping any curious wildlife at bay.

Electronic defenses were put in place, with the help of the B-1 droids and Naboo guardsmen. They set up motion sensors and tripwires at key points around the camp, ensuring that any unwanted guests would trigger an alarm. To further fortify their position, they erected a portable electric fence around the camp's perimeter. The humming energy barrier would deter most creatures and provide the group with a crucial extra layer of protection.

As the group settled in for the night, a few B-1 droids and Naboo guardsmen were assigned to perimeter duty, their keen senses and the droids' advanced sensors working in tandem to detect any potential threats. They moved cautiously through the underbrush, ever vigilant and prepared to respond to any danger.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, food was distributed amongst the group. The Jedi, Naboo security forces, and even Grievous himself partook in the campfire meal, although Grievous only drank the nourishment he brought with him. The fire crackled, casting flickering shadows on the faces of the weary travelers as they refueled their bodies and minds for the challenges that lay ahead.

Around the campfire, a group of Naboo guardsmen began engaging in conversation, sharing stories from their past experiences. The guards, named Nelor, Risa, and Jaxon, spoke of their time on Naboo, as well as their awe at the vastness and variety of the galaxy.

Obi-Wan, feeling the need for some camaraderie, joined their conversation. He listened intently to their stories and shared some of his own experiences as a Jedi, regaling them with tales of adventure and daring from his many missions throughout the galaxy. The group of Naboo guards listened with rapt attention, captivated by Obi-Wan's experiences and wisdom.

Across the camp, Grievous sat silently, lost in thought as he stared into the flickering flames. Sensing his pensive mood, Laputa decided to approach the cyborg general. She sat down beside him, trying to lighten the mood with a jest.

"You know, Grievous, I still remember our duel on Naboo during the summit. If you ever want a rematch, just let me know," she said with a playful smirk.

Grievous looked over at her, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Maybe I will take you up on that offer someday, Laputa," he replied.

Laputa's smile grew warmer, and she decided to ask him a question that had been on her mind. "Grievous, you fought for the Separatists during the war, and I the Republic. To be honest, I have always wanted to hear a story from the other side. Can you share a story from your time as a general, something that stands out to you?"

Grievous took a deep, mechanical breath before beginning his tale. "There was a time, during the height of the Clone Wars, when my forces and I were tasked with capturing a heavily fortified Republic outpost on the planet of Anaxes. It was considered impregnable, but we saw an opportunity to strike."

He paused for a moment, as if visualizing the scene in his mind, then continued. "The outpost was situated on top of a steep cliff, surrounded by dense forests and protected by advanced defensive systems. The Republic believed they had the perfect defense, but they underestimated our determination and cunning."

Grievous's eyes glinted with a hint of pride as he spoke. "We knew a frontal assault would be suicidal, so we devised an unorthodox strategy. Instead of attacking head-on, we sent a small group of commando droids to infiltrate the base and disable their defenses from the inside. Meanwhile, the main force waited in the forest, ready to strike."

Laputa listened, fascinated by the account of the daring operation. Grievous went on, his voice tinged with excitement. "The commando droids succeeded in their mission, but not without losses. They were able to disable the defenses just long enough for us to launch our surprise attack."

"With the outpost's defenses momentarily down, we swarmed up the cliff, utilizing grappling hooks and sheer determination to scale the near-vertical surface. Our droid forces moved with speed and precision, catching the Republic soldiers off guard."

He allowed himself a small chuckle as he reminisced. "In the chaos that followed, we overran the outpost, securing it for the Separatists. It was when I first crossed through the Outpost's outer wall that I knew victory was assured. There were several Arc troopers guarding the center of the base, all of whom were fully prepared to deal with me."

"Of course, the foolish clones fired as many shots as they could in my direction, however they had already made their first mistake. In trying to deal with me, they attempted the impossible, and had deprived their allies in a chance to cause higher casualties to my droid forces. I moved with speed that they could not fire upon, and picked off those elite clones one by one. Their leader was particularly troublesome, even after I had dealt a mortal wound to him, he tried to grab ahold of me, and take the two of us down with a thermal detonator." Grievous looked at Laputa to gauge her reaction, only to see that she was fully enthralled, alongside several Naboo guardsmen and even a curious B-1.

After this short pause, Grievous finished the story. "Of course, I would not be here right now if that detonator took my life. As luck would have it, the clone had passed away shortly after activating the detonator, and released his grip on me. I leapt away as fast as I could, and avoided the brunt of the explosion. Clones are fine warriors, however all they know is how to fight. A true warrior must think of the greater battle, and that includes the very home they left to go to war."

"When I checked in with my forces, the greater battle had already been won. The Republic position on Anaxes had been compromised, and the day was ours. Of course, Anaxes did not stay under our control for long, that is the nature of my incompetent allies. "

As Grievous finished his story, Laputa couldn't help but be impressed by the ingenuity and tenacity he had displayed during the battle. While they had been on opposing sides during the war, she now found herself gaining a newfound respect for the cyborg general and his tactical prowess. She also had never considered what it must have been like to fight against the clones, those soldiers bred for war. She shuddered as she pondered how that must have been the very obstacle her Jedi brethren faced during Order 66, and the same one that they all would face upon reaching Kachirho.


As night fell over Grievous' group's camp, the jungle's eerie sounds and the ever-present sense of danger weighed on everyone's minds. The camp's defenses had been meticulously set up, with droids patrolling the perimeter alongside Naboo guardsmen, an electric fence surrounding the camp, and automatic cannons strategically positioned to cover any possible entry points. These precautions were meant to deter any unwelcome visitors, yet the group couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

In the depths of the night, a sudden rustling in the bushes caught the attention of the patrolling droids and guardsmen. Before they could react, a pack of large, gorilla-like creatures emerged from the darkness, charging towards the camp with alarming speed and intelligence. The beasts, known as Kashyyykian gruuks, were indigenous to the planet and known for their agility and ferocity. Without a second thought, the beasts slaughtered the nearby patrol, their screams being the very sound that alerted the rest of the camp to their presence.

As the gruuks neared the electric fence, the automatic cannons of the camp sprang to life, their targeting systems locking onto the approaching creatures. The red lights of these cannons filled the air with their ominous red light, firing toward the darkness as if they were desperately trying to set it alight. The gruuks, however, seemed to anticipate the camp's defenses and employed surprisingly coordinated tactics, taking cover behind the thick vegetation and using the terrain to their advantage. This unexpected display of intelligence caught the camp's defenders off guard as they scrambled to reach their weapons and take cover.

The gruuks managed to breach the electric fence, after one of them hurled a rock into its side, showering the camp with blue sparks of electricity. This move exploited a brief gap in the automatic cannon fire, and the gruuks poured into the entrance they created. Once inside, the camp erupted into complete chaos, with Grievous, Obi-Wan, Captain Panaka, and the others desperately trying to defend themselves and their comrades. The Jedi, including Laputa, ignited their lightsabers, slicing through the air as they battled the fearsome gruuks.

Grievous, with his four arms wielding lightsabers, fought ferociously, cutting down the attacking creatures with lethal precision. The B-1 droids, although clumsy in their attempts, provided covering fire while the Naboo guardsmen used their training to fend off the gruuks. Obi-Wan, with his trademark calm and focused demeanor, dispatched several of the beasts with his lightsaber and Force abilities.

Despite the intensity of the attack, Grievous' group managed to push back the gruuks, ultimately driving them out of the camp. The camp's defenses had been tested, and although they had managed to survive the onslaught, the group knew that they would have to remain vigilant throughout their journey. This encounter had proven that even the most advanced defenses could be challenged by the cunning and determination of the native wildlife on Kashyyyk. As they all worked to pick up the pieces from the attack, one of the Jedi called out that they found the bodies of the initial patrol group. Things would not be easy for them on their search for Troll, and it seemed like they were truly not welcome in this vast jungle.
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Quick Poll
Hello all, some quick questions for which I need answers:

1. Command of the GAR: Question 1

2. What color lightsabers does Ahsoka currently (and will continue to) wield?
Question 2

3. Should the padawans Cal Kestis and Kanan Jarrus become a part of this movement of survivor Jedi right away? 3. Question 3

If you do vote, thank you so much! These will help me a lot in figuring things out!