These Matters Most Impersonal (PMMM-MGLN Fusion Quest)

His lance has rockets built-in, some of which are facing sidewards. He occasionally uses them to spin very fast and then slam the side of his spear into an enemy. At other times he uses them to fly, since he doesn't have the raw power to pull off normal flying spells.

Yes. He's somehow found a rocket-spear fighting technique that's even crazier than Croix's.
Croix being the sane Lance fighter... welp. His spirit was reincarnated/taught the kid and went "Need more Dakka" didn't it?

Also what kind of write-in would Military Brat have, beyond "has unusual expectations and ideas of what fighting and battle are like" or something like that.
Maybe this is too much. Tell me, oh @Guessmyname, and I'll write something more thematic. :)

It is, I'm afraid. I... am flying completely blind on Ar Tonelico here. I don't know anything about it and hadn't even heard of it until now. Asking me to run with it as Quest GM is probably going to be a disaster. If you want a Quest with an Ar Tonelico character as MC I cannot provide that.

Secondly, grief manipulation is... eeh, that's going to be difficult. Grief is a major mechanic, Adfligo will do it better anyway and in general... well, like I said. Grief is a major mechanic I spent a fair amount of time working on. I'd rather not then sweep it off the rug.
Erio unfortunately, being the only boy(aside from the wolf) in a military division consisting of magical girls, tends to get shot down a lot. He's basically equipment for Caro's dragon.

Oh right, voting before I go to bed.

[X] Cocona
Croix being the sane Lance fighter... welp. His spirit was reincarnated/taught the kid and went "Need more Dakka" didn't it?

Also what kind of write-in would Military Brat have, beyond "has unusual expectations and ideas of what fighting and battle are like" or something like that.
I've been thinking. It amounts to describing Cocona, but it could work for other people as well, so perhaps something like this?

[X] Starting experience: Tutored... in physical combat. Your tutor had no aptitude for magic, and neither did you—or so you believed. You spent years training in high-risk styles meant to let flatlines combat mages, only to find that you are not as flatline as you believed. Perhaps you have found power in a moment of crisis, or perhaps you were simply too young; either way, you have chosen to integrate your magic with the style you already know.

[X] Social Status: Government (military). You are a junior member of the state's militarised police force, but you've already seen live combat in situations where your tutor believed it was safe.
It is, I'm afraid. I... am flying completely blind on Ar Tonelico here. I don't know anything about it and hadn't even heard of it until now. Asking me to run with it as Quest GM is probably going to be a disaster. If you want a Quest with an Ar Tonelico character as MC I cannot provide that.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, since pretty much everything that matters would be on the character vote.

We're running an expy not the original after all :)
It is, I'm afraid. I... am flying completely blind on Ar Tonelico here. I don't know anything about it and hadn't even heard of it until now. Asking me to run with it as Quest GM is probably going to be a disaster. If you want a Quest with an Ar Tonelico character as MC I cannot provide that.

Secondly, grief manipulation is... eeh, that's going to be difficult. Grief is a major mechanic, Adfligo will do it better anyway and in general... well, like I said. Grief is a major mechanic I spent a fair amount of time working on. I'd rather not then sweep it off the rug.
Want one, yes. Expect one? No, not here. I'll probably start one myself at some point.

I've been trying to moderate it. What Cocona does also isn't grief manipulation, but rather emotional stability; she's simply calmer than normal, harder to panic or push into any extreme emotional states at all, not necessarily to a degree outside of normal human variability. The mechanics would otherwise be precisely the same.

So, yeah; expy of the same name, not expected to be the same person.
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Characters from Ar tonelico are all well and good, but my vote still goes for Dygengaur, but as a little girl to constrast Fate, who is basically Thrudgelmir as a little girl, complete with liquid metal sword. Not that I'm opposed to Ar Tonelico mind you, just that like Guessmyname, I've never played any of those games, so I'd be flying blind.
Guys, rather than going for expies everywhere, it might be better to figure out a theme (perhaps inspired by another series, perhaps not) to build a character around and then make sure that theme actually works with Gamesverse and PMMM magic and fits together into a solid playstyle. Trying to just plonk a roughly adapted character from Ar Tonelico down because you like Ar Tonelico is liable to a) not get you what you want, since Guessmyname doesn't know Ar Tonelico and it thus won't be a very good expy, and b) not get a coherent play experience and risk landing us with an inefficient or badly-thought-out powerset that's hard to use.
Want one, yes. Expect one? No, not here. I'll probably start one myself at some point.

I would advise it; please, I cannot write an Ar Tonelico character I have no familiarity with it at all. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to veto Cocone. It'd just be a complete mess.

I've been trying to moderate it. What Cocona does also isn't grief manipulation, but rather emotional stability; she's simply calmer than normal, harder to panic or push into any extreme emotional states at all, not necessarily to a degree outside of normal human variability. The mechanics would otherwise be precisely the same.

Emotions and Grief are linked together, the mechanics would emphatically not be the same. Please trust me on this, as the person who has been writing them for the past week.
[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Homeless - No money, no status, no home. You eek your life out on the streets, but at least no-one will remember you. Nothing ties you down; your life will contain only those whom you see fit. (Former Aristocracy)
[X] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it? (Tutoring has decidedly ended)
[X] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[X] Weather Control (Essentially large-scale multi-element manipulation, albeit lacking somewhat in fine control. Think the Puella equivalent of a Bombardment Mage.)
[X] Yellow - the heart of a blaze; you are warm, but take care not to lose your head. Overconfidence may prove the death of you.

[X] Name - Katherina Moneta Orlov
[X] Wish - "I w-w-w-wish it w-wasn't so cold out h-here."

[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

MAX PUNCH is good. Horrifying witches....less so.
[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here.
[X] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)
[X] Borderworld (Kabupatenic) - The TSAB? The Dawn States? Lost Logia? You couldn't care less about such things. Scraping by in the present is all anyone's ever managed, let alone getting dragged back down into the past. You just want to live. (Efficiency Focus)
[X] Clergy - You hold the Faith and you spread the Word. Secure in your place in the universe, you must step forward to spread the light unto others. (Which 'Clergy' defaults based on Ethnicity unless specifically written in)
[X] Streetwise: An ear to ground and a nose in the wind; trust no-one and keep a sharp eye; it's your wits and your reaction time that keeps your heart beating. Knowing when to fold 'em's the best skill to a long life…
Every Magi has their signature weapon; their expression of their will to fight in defence of their souls and wishes. An instinctive knowledge of how to wield them also included. These may also combine or interact with the Puella Ability (below), depending.
[X] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[X] Teleportation (actually instantaneous / FTL as compared to Dimensional teleportation. Think Ryouko from To The Stars and you'd have the right idea; no teleport interdiction system can catch you and you can jump around all over the place like a crazy bastard without losing your stride. Other Magi will have an interest in you.)
[X] Green - vivid with life, and blossoming with dreams and ideals, you have confidence and you have heart. Fear betrayal.

[X] Sieglinde

[X] I wish that the cold here would go away, forever.

Will add reasoning later, although given that I'm unfamiliar with Game Theoery, it will be based entirely on what I find thematically appealing.
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Voting Aleph's vote because Precogs are fun.

[X] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[X] Local (Yeventine Royalty) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Aristocracy - You have riches and you have pearls, but with it comes attention, evaluation and expectations. You have been moulded and you have been crafted, until you're not even sure what's "you" any more. You're not even sure you want to find out.
[X] Library: Books and information have always been your life. The old stories, the tales, the Logia - and even bloodier, the real historical truths behind them all - have always been your study. You don't make mistakes in this field… or at least, you think you don't make mistakes…
[X] The Revolvers. Actually a cartridge-powered Armed Device emblematic of the Dawn State eras, its design may be old but don't believe it isn't still deadly. (Paired guns)
[X] Precognition (Exactly as it sounds; you may view the future to inform your decisions, and your reflexes truly are precognitive. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)
[X] Silver - rich with royalty, with all its pride… and all its expectations. Fear failure, but embrace your own successes.

[X] Amani Inara

[X] To forestall the doom of her home.
[x] You honestly, honestly cannot say why exactly this place was colonised. Vicious ultraviolet radiation, metallic 'plants', everything being built underwater to keep it cool and you need a specially reconfigured Jacket just to venture outside… really, which idiot Priest King thought this was a good idea? (Natrium-Blüte)
[x] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal.

[x] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[x] Poor - You don't really see your mother. Each day, every day, gone by sunrise, dragging herself home by sunset. Exhaustion and weariness are her greatest lessons, but also resilience. Work is life and life is work; you know the score.
[x] Civilian: No training, no experience; a pure blank slate. You never expected this. W-Well… maybe you'll have luck on your side? Everyone starts somewhere, right?
[x] The Sword. An ancient classic, and always reliable.
[x] Elemental (Fire / Ice / Water / Earth / Metal / Electricity)
[x] Blue - cool, but avoidant; like water on rock, you flow. But avoidance lacks resolution; keep your head above the waves.

[x] Hana Schwarz

[x] To be able to breathe again

There has to be something down here, down under all the water, to make this place worth living in. To make the endless rumble and heat of furnaces and recyclers worthwhile. For you, it's because it's home.

School in the morning, home in the evening, a sleepy kiss from Mama when she makes it home, then to sleep in the heat. Rinse sparingly, save water. Repeat until well dried.

The shortness of breath had crept up on you, a little bit at a time. At first it was performing the exercises with the other children. You had never been the fastest or the strongest, but you slowly slid back until you were at the very bottom.

The run to the shuttle became arduous after that. Then climbing the stairs throughout the school building sent spots through your vision.

You just didn't want to leave Mama alone.
[x] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)
[x] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[x] Borderworld (Kabupatenic) - The TSAB? The Dawn States? Lost Logia? You couldn't care less about such things. Scraping by in the present is all anyone's ever managed, let alone getting dragged back down into the past. You just want to live. (Efficiency Focus)

[x] Outcast - Congratulations, you're the daughter of a wanted criminal. You'd better hope it was worth it, whatever it was your parents did, yet as some doors slam shut, others can be found that open...
[x] Streetwise: An ear to ground and a nose in the wind; trust no-one and keep a sharp eye; it's your wits and your reaction time that keeps your heart beating. Knowing when to fold 'em's the best skill to a long life…
[x] The Dagger: Trades Power throughput for faster processing.

[x] Light / Shadow Manipulation (so, illusions, hard light, shadow manipulation etc etc. If it's something you think you can do with this power, the answer is 'probably', and Dimensional Space has a lot of stuff on this field from Jackets and mana constructs and so on. Though because of that people are well versed in catching illusions, so be careful with this one.)
[x] Black - dark, but solid. You have a certainty to your actions, but there can be a value in second guessing yourself. Cold can kill more than fire, under the right circumstances.

[x] Azhaar bint ʿUzair al-Nader
[x] kill them all.
Your parents made a great deal of enemies running their organization, both of the lawful and criminal persuasion. A major deal going bad left two thirds of your fighting force wounded or dead , and it was just the type of opening those scum were waiting for. They killed most of your people and family, and scattered the rest. By the time they reached your rooms, an opportunistic Incubator managed to contract you.


Right, the wish may be a bit grimderp, but that's the best I can think of at this hour.
I want to play a relatively underpowered, but adaptable character. The station is old, and quite dangerous - people learn to conserve their strength for emergency situations and tend to go with the efficiency-focused systems. As for the background, you come from a privileged family, just not a very lawful one. You weren't heir to the organization, but the various family members and hangers-on taught you a great deal of how the underbelly thinks and lives. Plus a mountain of dirty tricks, magical and mundane.
Yeah, changing my vote to Aleph's as well. Better than anything I could have thought of myself anyways.

[X] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[X] Local (Yeventine Royalty) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area.(Unknown Focus)
[X] Aristocracy - You have riches and you have pearls, but with it comes attention, evaluation and expectations. You have been moulded and you have been crafted, until you're not even sure what's "you" any more. You're not even sure you want to find out.
[X] Library: Books and information have always been your life. The old stories, the tales, the Logia - and even bloodier, the real historical truths behind them all - have always been your study. You don't make mistakes in this field… or at least, you think you don't make mistakes…
[X] The Revolvers. Actually a cartridge-powered Armed Device emblematic of the Dawn State eras, its design may be old but don't believe it isn't still deadly. (Paired guns)
[X] Precognition (Exactly as it sounds; you may view the future to inform your decisions, and your reflexes truly are precognitive. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)
[X] Silver - rich with royalty, with all its pride… and all its expectations. Fear failure, but embrace your own successes.

[X] Amani Inara

[X] To forestall the doom of her home.
Crap, ES and Aleph have already gone up to bat.

[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here.(Kurtsk)

Yesss oligarchy...

[X] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)

No filthy casuals here!

[X] Aristocracy - You have riches and you have pearls, but with it comes attention, evaluation and expectations. You will be moulded and you will be crafted, until you're not even sure what's "you" any more. You're not even sure you want to find out.

[X] Streetwise: An ear to ground and a nose in the wind; trust no-one and keep a sharp eye; it's your wits and your reaction time that keeps your heart beating. Knowing when to fold 'em's the best skill to a long life…

[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area.(Unknown Focus)

[X] The Revolver. Actually a cartridge-powered Armed Device emblematic of the Dawn State eras, its design may be old but don't believe it isn't still deadly.

Pretty Gun - Shoot!

[X] Precognition (Exactly as it sounds; you may view the future to inform your decisions, and your reflexes truly are precognitive. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)

[X] Silver - rich with royalty, with all its pride… and all its expectations. Fear failure, but embrace your own successes.

[X] Asya Alkaev

Asya had always been possessed of a certain air. She walked through life like she owned everything she saw, as if nothing was truly beyond her reach. From the powerful such presumption might be expected, even encouraged.

From a small girl in thread bare clothes who returned each evening to a small and empty apartment, her father working long hours simply to pay for what schooling she had, it was quite a bit less welcome. Still, there was pride in her, and conviction - or perhaps simply pigheadedness - and she continued on her chosen path.

Even as it lead to her refusing to apologize to the son of a major businessman. Of course, her being merely a child, there were no legal consequences. And certainly her father, when he heard, apologized profusely.

He lost his job less than a week later. Downsizing, you see. Unneeded expenses. You know how it is.

He did.

Days spent searching for even the most meager of employment stretched into despairing months. What little luxuries they shared quickly vanished. What savings they had did likewise.

It was then that the Incubator appeared.

It was then that Asya made her wish.

[X] She wished to beat them at their own game.

It started small. Minor coincidences, little bits of fortune.

It grew fast. Investments soared, business expanded.

It hit the top. A hidden cache of ancient technology containing, among other things, a gun. Her father - a new man, bright eyed and confident in his new success. Victory.

But Aysa now sees darkness in the future. She goes out at night to fight monsters hidden from the eyes of men, relying on the powers and instincts both old and new. During the day she finds herself in a tangled web of obligation, wealth and hidden violence, spread across the future and revealed to a mind no longer cleanly attached to linear time.

She'll need all the help she can get. The meteoric rise of her little family has brought its own share of dangers, and her lack of experience may prove to be her downfall - whether to monsters or men, even she doesn't know.

The silver is tarnished.

EDIT: Did this without reading either ES's or Aleph's vote. Pure coincidence.
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After reading Renza, I'll admit I'm a little curious what hard mode is like. Poor Renza managed to get utterly screwed over on easy mode.
After reading Renza, I'll admit I'm a little curious what hard mode is like. Poor Renza managed to get utterly screwed over on easy mode.

Honestly the Witches are actually easier to fight than the Daemons. There's only one, you have to actively track it down and breach your entry and for the most part they'll ignore or avoid you unless you kick down the door ribbons blazing. A large part of a Witch's psyche and hostility is that they used to be Magical Girls, remember; they'd naturally avoid Puella normally if they could get away with it (which they can't); they naturally tend towards isolated places of suicide and despair, where no-one will look for them. Witches you can play divide-and-conquer, the danger in letting them build up is that that's how things like Walpurgisnacht happen (and also, y'know, social instability due to suicide cults and disappearances and such). They're maddened by despair, in their own private, 'safe' little worlds. Putting down a Witch is an act of mercy.

Daemons, by contrast? They're spawned from the grief and despair of Humanity as whole. They posses a malevolently animistic sentience in the same way Witches do, but without the 'fallen Magical Girl' part that gave them human weaknesses. They might be weaker individually but their spawn rate is a lot higher (as in 'by total human population', not 'dependent on Puella Contract rate + Familiars'). This means they have numbers on their side, fight sensibly, recognise the Magi as their natural enemy and will totally gank the shit out of you given half the chance. Daemons fight smart, set ambushes and traps, abuse their ability to phase through walls to cheat and reposition like bastards, and there are always more of them than you. It is perfectly possible to wind up in a situation where they're spawning faster than you can kill them and one day, suddenly there's a horde on your hands. One on one, a Puella will kill a Daemon every time (which is ironically why they don't hide in Labyrinths/Barriers; they're too weak to put one up individually), but it's the one you miss, the one you lose track of whilst being hounded by the others that gets you.

Daemons hunt the Puella as much as the Puella hunt the Daemons; they're a very different foe to face compared to Witches, which are more like one-on-one duels you can approach carefully. Really what makes Witch-mode harder is 99% 'fucking Incubators' more than anything else.

Doesn't do Renza much good because she is/was stuck in the unfortunate situation of being the sole Puella Magi in a big, angry city, but the the answer to 'Daemons' is generally 'teamwork' and 'have someone watching your back', which is a concept Witch-verse leaves crippled with an arrow to the knee.
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Soooo.. exactly the situation Aleph's write-in seems to put Amani in. That's going to be fun.
Not necessarily. Amani is open to the potential for other Puella to show up, and whoever had the city before her was apparently handling things.

... but yeah, there may be a certain leaning in that direction. : 3
[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)
[X] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)
[X] Belkan - You hold the pride of the Saints in your heart, and know that this new age is one of Sankt Sägebrecht's finest works. The other Empires may have fallen just as yours, but only Belka has risen from the ashes and built something anew. You give your thanks and do your best, all in service to this golden age. (Melee Focus)
[X] Average - What's to say? You don't think you have it easy, but it's not like you get everything you want in life. You're just an ordinary person from an ordinary family, middling by.
[X] Civilian: No training, no experience; a pure blank slate. You never expected this. W-Well… maybe you'll have luck on your side? Everyone starts somewhere, right?
[X] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[X] Write in (You're pretty much a failure of a Puella since your "power" is that you have the twice the strength and toughness of the average Puella guess you better learn how to use magic quick then.)
[X] Red - fiery with passion and a fierce sense of loyalty. Beware burning out.
[X] Muir Angschlatt
[X] You always loved mages ever since you were little unfortunately your linker core has a ranking of D so you could never be one. That is until this cute rabbit thing showed up and you wished you had a Linker core that was more powerful then a Saint King's.
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