These Matters Most Impersonal (PMMM-MGLN Fusion Quest)

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These Matters Most Impersonal
PMMM/MGLN (Gamesverse) fusion quest


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Tea-Powered Biscuit-Eater Riding A Flamingo
The Land of Many Bregrets
These Matters Most Impersonal
PMMM/MGLN (Gamesverse) fusion quest


Welcome to These Matters Most Impersonal!

People familiar with Ragazza Magica can probably guess the score; it's a Puella Magi Quest set in the MGLN Gamesverse by Aleph and Earthscorpion, the fics of which can be read here and here. Daemon mechanics are straight out of Ragazza as well, if you take that option.

I'm homebrewing mechanics off of New World of Darkness and cribbing off Princess: The Hopeful, for the curious; I'll bring up new mechanics as and when they become relevant. Given, as noted, there are rules hackery and homebrewing involved I reserve the right to go at said mechanics with a hammer and screwdriver if (when) necessary.

I.I - The Contract
I.II - The Majlis
I.III - Sankthaus
I.IV - All Aboard

Character Sheets
Amani Inara, Castings
Dimensional Space. A wide, varied place, filled with the ruins of empires great and small, Lost Logia of times past, with all their scars and all their grudges. Magic is power, after all, and history shows what it can do, from its best to its worst. The Warring States Era is over now, and the TSAB's New Calendar has held for almost 70 years; the peace may be fragile, but it holds all the same.

But there is another force, another magic, hidden in the shadows. The Puella Magi have fought for humanity since time immemorial, their wishes righting wrongs, undoing atrocities and always, always being that last final catch, keeping humanity from slipping past the brink. They are hope, fighting against the personifications of grief and despair itself.

...Not that you know any of that just yet. You're just a brand new contractee with a wish in your heart and a soul on your finger. But what kind of world is it?

[] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)
[] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)
[] A world of open fields and swaying trees. Humanity is spread far and wide, and the world as you know it is quaint and small. You've heard and seen of the world beyond; towering spires, lost ruins and alien worlds all, but your home has a way of making people stay. Safety, food; why ever leave paradise? (Helene)
[] You honestly, honestly cannot say why exactly this place was colonised. Vicious ultraviolet radiation, metallic 'plants', everything being built underwater to keep it cool and you need a specially reconfigured Jacket just to venture outside… really, which idiot Priest King thought this was a good idea? (Natrium-Blüte)
[] A barren moon, shattered and lifeless thanks to the Warring States, but rich with minerals down beneath the regolith. That's where you live; underground, where the temperature and air pressure is easy to maintain. Of course, mineral rich places such as this always have bloodied histories, even with the TSAB now keeping the peace. This world holds plenty of scars… and plenty of things better left forgotten. (Regalia)

By the same token, what kind of universe is it?
[] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)
[] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)

Character Creation
(GM note: I will be taking Planned Voting for this section; put forward a plan for a character, and the plan with the most votes wins.)

Ethnicity / Magical Style:
Think of this more as a flavouring or 'direction' to aim in with regard to Dimensional Magic; the 'ethnicity' part of this distinctly holds more sway than the actual magic focus (though the specific Galean/Belkan/etc descendent cultures are dependent on World choice, for obvious reasons). Any given Magical Style can be set to any given task, but they are specialised towards certain fields.
[] Belkan - You hold the pride of the Saints in your heart, and know that this new age is one of Sankt Sägebrecht's finest works. The other Empires may have fallen just as yours, but only Belka has risen from the ashes and built something anew. You give your thanks and do your best, all in service to this golden age. (Melee Focus)
[] Praovean - There are only ruins, now. Tatters and echoes of a once great Empire that tore itself apart in seconds at the dawn of the Warring States. Or that's what you keep being told. Either way, you must respect your Ancestors, bring glory to your family Tree, blah blah blah. Who even wants to sit on an Ancestor Throne with a Logia up their arse anyway? (Device Focus)
[] Myedoan - A style built around engineering and repetitive tasks; the 'builders style', as it's known. Frankly you find it a little boring, but your parents were really insistent on it 'getting you a job'. And hey, the technicians always need a way into places, right? (Support/Non-Combat Focus)
[] Borderworld (Kabupatenic) - The TSAB? The Dawn States? Lost Logia? You couldn't care less about such things. Scraping by in the present is all anyone's ever managed, let alone getting dragged back down into the past. You just want to live. (Efficiency Focus)
[] Galean - People keep calling you a classist asshole, the miserable plebs. The Sankt Church might be wafting its successes in everyone's faces, but it's not as if Ancient Belka didn't fall hard either. Your lot didn't rake its homeworld into inhospitable slag over a petty succession crisis, no; Galea burned to stop the rampant cyberzombie outbreak, which was far more reasonable. And happened later. And nobody could have seen it coming. Look, it was the Warring States, what else is there to say? (Ranged Focus)
[] TSAB (Mid-Childean) - Times are better now, and you're determined to keep it that way. You've heard everything about the horrors of the past, and you have no desire to see them repeated. This is the modern era; the new generation. The dark ages are over. Let's keep the light lit. (Versatility Focus)
[] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)

Social Status:
[] Outcast - Congratulations, you're the daughter of a wanted criminal. You'd better hope it was worth it, whatever it was your parents did, yet as some doors slam shut, others can be found that open...
[] Homeless - No money, no status, no home. You eek your life out on the streets, but at least no-one will remember you. Nothing ties you down; your life will contain only those whom you see fit.
[] Poor - You don't really see your mother. Each day, every day, gone by sunrise, dragging herself home by sunset. Exhaustion and weariness are her greatest lessons, but also resilience. Work is life and life is work; you know the score.
[] Average - What's to say? You don't think you have it easy, but it's not like you get everything you want in life. You're just an ordinary person from an ordinary family, middling by.
[] Aristocracy - You have riches and you have pearls, but with it comes attention, evaluation and expectations. You have been moulded and you have been crafted, until you're not even sure what's "you" any more. You're not even sure you want to find out.
[] Clergy - You hold the Faith and you spread the Word. Secure in your place in the universe, you must step forward to spread the light unto others. (Which 'Clergy' defaults based on Ethnicity unless specifically written in)
[] Government - Sweet mercy can people be idiots. Every day, it seems, your parents come back with another crazier, stupider story that leaves you shaking your head and wondering how the worlds all keep turning. Still, better than leaving everyone to their own devices, right?

Starting Experience:
[] Mage-Cadet: Formal training, but nothing too strenuous. A place in the Enforcers someday, maybe, or maybe it just looked interesting. Either way, you know a bit of magic and just what the hell you're doing. Sort of. Hopefully.
[] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it?
[] Streetwise: An ear to ground and a nose in the wind; trust no-one and keep a sharp eye; it's your wits and your reaction time that keeps your heart beating. Knowing when to fold 'em's the best skill to a long life…
[] Civilian: No training, no experience; a pure blank slate. You never expected this. W-Well… maybe you'll have luck on your side? Everyone starts somewhere, right?
[] Library: Books and information have always been your life. The old stories, the tales, the Logia - and even bloodier, the real historical truths behind them all - have always been your study. You don't make mistakes in this field… or at least, you think you don't make mistakes…
[] Veteran: You're already a Puella Magi, and have been for quite some time. You keep the Daemon/Witch population down and have kept yourself alive through all the trials and tribulations; nothing the Incubators say or do can surprise you now. Other Magi come and other Magi go; sometimes you work together, sometimes you fight, but always, eventually, they fall. You're the only one that's lasted any real length of time. You try to remember their names, still, but… it all just gets so tiring after a while…

Signature Weapon:

Every Magi has their signature weapon; their expression of their will to fight in defence of their souls and wishes. An instinctive knowledge of how to wield them also included. These may also combine or interact with the Puella Ability (below), depending.
[] The Bow. Primitive, but with swift, accurate and highly efficient ranged attacks. May lack in power unless you stop to charge your shots.
[] The Polearm. A form that has always lended itself well to Device design; it's a weapon familiar to anyone in Dimensional Space. Good reach, reliable, sharp pointy bits, what's more to ask for?
[] The Sword. An ancient classic, and always reliable.
[] The Axe. Throwable, disposable and a remarkably versatile tool all told, a small hand-axe will always prove itself a useful thing.
[] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[] The Greatshield. Nothing gets past this, and nothing stands up afterwards after being smashed with what amounts to a giant iron door. In a Puella's hands, a greatshield can be a weapon as much as a defence.
[] The Revolver. Actually a cartridge-powered Armed Device emblematic of the Dawn State eras, its design may be old but don't believe it isn't still deadly.
[] The Rifle. Larger cousin to the above. Casting range and accuracy are its major selling points, if not its efficiency and rate of fire.
[] The Violin. May lack any offensive power without some creativity, but a great boon in casting magic, both Dimensional and not. The sounds it plays always put the mind at ease.
[] Other (Write in. Modern weaponry / Devices are veto'd; a cultural history behind the weapon is required)

Puella Ability:
Whilst lacking the sheer versatility and documentation of Dimensional Magic, the power of the Puella Magi is literally hardwired into the wielder's soul, granting immense advantages in efficiency and ease-of-use in their particular field. And then, of course, there are those things Dimensional Magic can not do…
[] Elemental (Fire / Ice / Water / Earth / Metal / Electricity) (Pick one; an elemental Magi will be far, faaar more in-tune with their element than a Dimensional Mage with an affinity for that kind of thing; remember Puella abilities are much more 'metaphorical' than 'does this make at least some sense under the laws of physics'. Combines well with Weapons, as above; a burning Bow or a lightning Sword etc.)
[] Healing (regen, healing others, possibly even 'raising the dead' with no strings attached under the right circumstances. Other Magi will have an interest in you.)
[] Light / Shadow Manipulation (so, illusions, hard light, shadow manipulation etc etc. If it's something you think you can do with this power, the answer is 'probably', and Dimensional Space has a lot of stuff on this field from Jackets and mana constructs and so on. Though because of that people are well versed in catching illusions, so be careful with this one.)
[] Weather Control (Essentially large-scale multi-element manipulation, albeit lacking somewhat in fine control. Think the Puella equivalent of a Bombardment Mage.)
[] Sound / Shockwave Manipulation (false sounds, shockwaves and earthquakes, silence etc)
[] Teleportation (actually instantaneous / FTL as compared to Dimensional teleportation. Think Ryouko from To The Stars and you'd have the right idea; no teleport interdiction system can catch you and you can jump around all over the place like a crazy bastard without losing your stride. Other Magi will have an interest in you.)
[] Time (Time manipulation; making it flow faster or slower relative to you. You need to keep it balanced in the end, but it can make all the difference)
[] Shields and Barriers (of all kinds; from the creation of unique spaces - the Barriers - to the deployment of protective shields, all falls under your purview)
[] Precognition (Exactly as it sounds; you may view the future to inform your decisions, and your reflexes truly are precognitive. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)
[] Telepathy (Mind reading; you can easily detect lies and falsehoods and view what makes others tick. Whether this is a blessing or a curse is up to you.)
[] Telepathy (Mind control; also includes reading as above but be wary of social backlashes, hence the separate option. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)
[] Summoning (Automata and minions; what the minions are is dependent on Ethnicity etc but they're functionally all more-or-less the same)
[] Rare Skills (Everyone's heard of Rare Skills, those relics of times past hidden away in people's genes. You didn't have any… or at least, you didn't, until you made your wish... I'll be wanting a Write-In on what Rare Skill you're after here)
[] Telekinesis (the ability to manipulate objects at a distance. Yes, this can include people but be careful about experimenting with that...)
[] Invisibility (If you don't want to be found, you won't be; you can vanish yourself from all spectrums; heat, visible light… of course, stealth magic does exist in the Dimensional Sea; even with full invisibility, there are known tactics that can be employed against you.)
[] Write in (just specify a powerset if there's one I missed here, though please keep it reasonable and bear in mind I'll need to write mechanics for it.)

[] Red - fiery with passion and a fierce sense of loyalty. Beware burning out.
[] Blue - cool, but avoidant; like water on rock, you flow. But avoidance lacks resolution; keep your head above the waves.
[] Yellow - the heart of a blaze; you are warm, but take care not to lose your head. Overconfidence may prove the death of you.
[] White - cold and pure; whilst some would call you empty, you balance your decisions on an even mind. Beware instability.
[] Black - dark, but solid. You have a certainty to your actions, but there can be a value in second guessing yourself. Cold can kill more than fire, under the right circumstances.
[] Silver - rich with royalty, with all its pride… and all its expectations. Fear failure, but embrace your own successes.
[] Green - vivid with life, and blossoming with dreams and ideals, you have confidence and you have heart. Fear betrayal.
[] Pink - lighthearted and honest, but innocence can be a danger just as much a virtue.

Come up with a name for your character; preferably one in line with their Ethnicity.
[] (Write in)

A basic run-down of their Wish and what lead to it, bearing in mind the chosen abilities and such above. This is your chance to really set the direction of their character arc as well as their pre-Contract situation; what did they wish for, and with what intentions? What was it aimed to achieve? Is the Wish such that it undoes the chain of events leading to their Contract, making them an Irregular Magi? And so on.
Obviously this should tie in with the choices made above. Don't worry about wording; I'll likely have to adapt things to the World Choice anyway.

[] (Write in)

Voting for character creation / world choice will close Wednesday evening (GMT).
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Holy shit that is a lot to choose. Just give me a few minutes till my vote.
[X] You honestly, honestly cannot say why exactly this place was colonised. Vicious ultraviolet radiation, metallic 'plants', everything being built underwater to keep it cool and you need a specially reconfigured Jacket just to venture outside… really, which idiot Priest King thought this was a good idea? (Natrium-Blüte)

Deathworld, mmm.

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)

What magic comes from the local deathworld? Good stuff.

[X] Clergy - You hold the Faith and you spread the Word. Secure in your place in the universe, you must step forward to spread the light unto others. (Which 'Clergy' defaults based on Ethnicity unless specifically written in)

Doubling down further on deathworld focus.

[X] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it?

Classic mentor start.

[X] The Polearm. A form that has always lended itself well to Device design; it's a weapon familiar to anyone in Dimensional Space. Good reach, reliable, sharp pointy bits, what's more to ask for?

It's classic for a reason.

[X] Summoning (Automata and minions; what the minions are is dependent on Ethnicity etc but they're functionally all more-or-less the same)

So...deathworld. Summon giant native wildlife.

[X] Green - vivid with life, and blossoming with dreams and ideals, you have confidence and you have heart. Fear betrayal.

[X] Rina Leaf

[X] Wish - For protection, to shelter you from the world.
holy crap that is a lot of choices. at least you're keeping the vote open a while.

I'm not going to bother filling all this out, but a streetwise clergy of whatever ethnicity inhabits the space station lost logia sounds amazing. Maybe make her pink so the streetwise balances out the innocence, that'd be cool.
[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)
[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)
[X] Borderworld (Kabupatenic) - The TSAB? The Dawn States? Lost Logia? You couldn't care less about such things. Scraping by in the present is all anyone's ever managed, let alone getting dragged back down into the past. You just want to live. (Efficiency Focus)

[X] Average - What's to say? You don't think you have it easy, but it's not like you get everything you want in life. You're just an ordinary person from an ordinary family, middling by.
[X] Veteran: You're already a Puella Magi, and have been for quite some time. You keep the Daemon/Witch population down and have kept yourself alive through all the trials and tribulations; nothing the Incubators say or do can surprise you now. Other Magi come and other Magi go; sometimes you work together, sometimes you fight, but always, eventually, they fall. You're the only one that's lasted any real length of time. You try to remember their names, still, but… it all just gets so tiring after a while…
[X] The Rifle. Larger cousin to the above. Casting range and accuracy are its major selling points, if not its efficiency and rate of fire.
[X] Time (Time manipulation; making it flow faster or slower relative to you. You need to keep it balanced in the end, but it can make all the difference)
[X] White - cold and pure; whilst some would call you empty, you balance your decisions on an even mind. Beware instability.
I can't think of the rest. I feel like a failure, Probably cause I never read Gametheory:(. I feel like I made a Kiritsugu Emiya.
[X] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)
[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Clergy - You hold the Faith and you spread the Word. Secure in your place in the universe, you must step forward to spread the light unto others. (Which 'Clergy' defaults based on Ethnicity unless specifically written in)
[X] Streetwise: An ear to ground and a nose in the wind; trust no-one and keep a sharp eye; it's your wits and your reaction time that keeps your heart beating. Knowing when to fold 'em's the best skill to a long life…
[X] The Violin. May lack any offensive power without some creativity, but a great boon in casting magic, both Dimensional and not. The sounds it plays always put the mind at ease.
[X] Summoning (Automata and minions; what the minions are is dependent on Ethnicity etc but they're functionally all more-or-less the same)
[X] Pink - lighthearted and honest, but innocence can be a danger just as much a virtue.

[X] Luca
[X] Wish - For friends
...Downside of having to go afk immediately after posting: you forget to reserve an index post. Oops. (I'll... er, add it into the OP once it's needed...)

What magic comes from the local deathworld? Good stuff.

Adapted Belkan variant, as it happens, which is good, because Belkan is melee and the Natrium hometown is underwater. Natrium Blute is from one of ES's worldbuilding infodumps as it happens: you can read about it in all it's hilariously not-meant-for-humans glory here.

Probably cause I never read Gametheory:(.
How much can you read in two days? :V

holy crap that is a lot of choices.
Fun fact: the original draft involved picking from one of seven pre-made characters on Kurtsk. Tried to weigh in more on player choice instead (and because Gamesverse has so many entertaining environments...)
[X] A barren moon, shattered and lifeless thanks to the Warring States, but rich with minerals down beneath the regolith. That's where you live; underground, where the temperature and air pressure is easy to maintain. Of course, mineral rich places such as this always have bloodied histories, even with the TSAB now keeping the peace. This world holds plenty of scars… and plenty of things better left forgotten. (Regalia)

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

[X] Belkan - You hold the pride of the Saints in your heart, and know that this new age is one of Sankt Sägebrecht's finest works. The other Empires may have fallen just as yours, but only Belka has risen from the ashes and built something anew. You give your thanks and do your best, all in service to this golden age. (Melee Focus)

[X] Outcast - Congratulations, you're the daughter of a wanted criminal. You'd better hope it was worth it, whatever it was your parents did, yet as some doors slam shut, others can be found that open...

[X] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it?

[X] The Colossal Blade. The weapon of a true defender of justice, easily twice or even three times your size, but more than capable of crushing anything that stands in your way.

[X] Red - fiery with passion and a fierce sense of loyalty. Beware burning out.

[X] Metal Elemental

[X] Wish - To be able go back and save the people most precious to you when you could not...

Yeah, here's my vote. I looked over the options and this just... resonated with me. A time traveler who wants to undo the mistakes of her family that caused their untimely fall. I couldn't think of a good name though...


Disregard this, I changed my vote.
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Fun fact: the original draft involved picking from one of seven pre-made characters on Kurtsk. Tried to weigh in more on player choice instead (and because Gamesverse has so many entertaining environments...)
A bit too much choice IMO. It's hard to pick a good wish before we've even decided our character, only voting for the non-Puella stuff now and having a few updates to get to know them and the setting we picked first makes more sense to me.

but that'd be slow and quests generally have enough pacing problems without slowing down
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[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)

Urban environments? Ice? Being outside the TSAB and thus much more variable in local laws - and from the implications, totally an oligarchic corporate world?

Hell yeah.

[X] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)



When the oligarchs of Kurtsk play their games, they play for keeps. The pawns don't get to vote.

You've probably heard this story before. The pure-hearted daughter of a rich, influential, and rather corrupt family gets caught in between as another faction moves against her family. Oh, it's wrapped up in legality, with bought judges and actual evidence of legitimate crimes, but the intent was that it would never get to court. And we must accept that, yes, the owners of Orlov Industries did shoot back when they came for them, and magical warfare illuminated the snow-filled streets.

They tried to get Katherina out. She hadn't started the evening as the heir to the fortune, but once the bombardment started against the primary house compound, she very quickly moved up the inheritance ranks. The car got away clean, and in a feat of irony it crashed, sliding off a cliff. Miraculously, she survived. Less miraculously, no one else in the vehicle did. And then when you're kilometres away from the nearest civilisation, it's twenty degrees below freezing, and you have a concussion so can't focus on keeping your Jacket up... well, it's usually going to end one way.

Incubators don't normally show up, but it might have been kinder for her if it hadn't. Not for the rest of the world, though. Unknowingly, she has set something in motion that even the highest elites of the world will not anticipate. Her wish is working away at the weather patterns of Kurtsk, shifting things on a continental scale. A thousand butterflies flap their wings and volcanic eruptions on the other side of the planet are more severe than predicted. The soot they release reduces the planet's albedo so more heat is absorbed, and the carbon dioxide warms things further. A full, gradual terraforming process has sprung to life, and though it will take decades to reach completion its effects are already being felt.

Katherina knows nothing of this. She's not going home. Not that she has a home to go to, because their assets have been confiscated. But they're looking for the 'lost heiress' because they found the car, but didn't find her body. She doubt they have benevolent intent. Her family is dead or arrested, and now she has magic. Not magic like she used to have - which she was no more than passable at best. The kind of magic which only exists in stories of the kind of things that the Alhazredians used to do. And she has a familiar-thing-construct-whatever, who talks to her and tells her how to do things.

And she has witches to hunt. Killing them makes her feel good. Killing them lets her vent all the rage and anger which is coiled up deep inside her in a little ball, trying to get out. Clouds wreathe her and lightning and thunder and wind and snow howl around her as she punches and kicks her way through Familiars. Because she kills witches, she can pretend to be a normal girl who hangs out at the malls and knows lower-class people (who think she's home educated) and can act like she doesn't sleep in a forgotten corner of a sealed-off building, next to the heating pipes. She can pretend that she doesn't break into the companies and properties of the people who did this to her family and take their money - only keeping a little for herself, and handing the rest out,

Because she kills witches, she can allow herself a little bit of space to be the girl she used to be.

[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Homeless - No money, no status, no home. You eek your life out on the streets, but at least no-one will remember you. Nothing ties you down; your life will contain only those whom you see fit. (Former Aristocracy)
[X] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it? (Tutoring has decidedly ended)
[X] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[X] Weather Control (Essentially large-scale multi-element manipulation, albeit lacking somewhat in fine control. Think the Puella equivalent of a Bombardment Mage.)
[X] Yellow - the heart of a blaze; you are warm, but take care not to lose your head. Overconfidence may prove the death of you.

[X] Name - Katherina Moneta Orlov
[X] Wish - "I w-w-w-wish it w-wasn't so cold out h-here."
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[X] It is a city. Locked in ice, carved from the crags and clutched by the colder hands of merchants and businessmen; the TSAB does not hold power here, yet. There will be a reckoning for this city, some day, but hopefully by then you can be far long gone from here. (Kurtsk)

Urban environments? Ice? Being outside the TSAB and thus much more variable in local laws - and from the implications, totally an oligarchic corporate world?

Hell yeah.

[X] A universe of Witches; of grief and despair. There is a solid, final fate awaiting you, even if you don't know it yet, and the point of no return is already past. (There are dark secrets on the road ahead, and Puella have every reason to fight amongst themselves. The game will be harder.)



When the oligarchs of Kurtsk play their games, they play for keeps. The pawns don't get to vote.

You've probably heard this story before. The pure-hearted daughter of a rich, influential, and rather corrupt family gets caught in between as another faction moves against her family. Oh, it's wrapped up in legality, with bought judges and actual evidence of legitimate crimes, but the intent was that it would never get to court. And we must accept that, yes, the owners of Orlov Industries did shoot back when they came for them, and magical warfare illuminated the snow-filled streets.

They tried to get Katherina out. She hadn't started the evening as the heir to the fortune, but once the bombardment started against the primary house compound, she very quickly moved up the inheritance ranks. The car got away clean, and in a feat of irony it crashed, sliding off a cliff. Miraculously, she survived. Less miraculously, no one else in the vehicle did. And then when you're kilometres away from the nearest civilisation, it's twenty degrees below freezing, and you have a concussion so can't focus on keeping your Jacket up... well, it's usually going to end one way.

Incubators don't normally show up, but it might have been kinder for her if it hadn't. Not for the rest of the world, though. Unknowingly, she has set something in motion that even the highest elites of the world will not anticipate. Her wish is working away at the weather patterns of Kurtsk, shifting things on a continental scale. A thousand butterflies flap their winds and volcanic eruptions on the other side of the planet are more severe than predicted. The soot they release reduces the planet's albedo so more heat is absorbed, and the carbon dioxide warms things further. A full, gradual terraforming process has sprung to life, and though it will take decades to reach completion its effects are already being felt.

Katherina knows nothing of this. She's not going home. Not that she has a home to go to, because their assets have been confiscated. But they're looking for the 'lost heiress' because they found the car, but didn't find her body. She doubt they have benevolent intent. Her family is dead or arrested, and now she has magic. Not magic like she used to have - which she was no more than passable at best. The kind of magic which only exists in stories of the kind of things that the Alhazredians used to do. And she has a familiar-thing-construct-whatever, who talks to her and tells her how to do things.

And she has witches to hunt. Killing them makes her feel good. Killing them lets her vent all the rage and anger which is coiled up deep inside her in a little ball, trying to get out. Clouds wreathe her and lightning and thunder and wind and snow how around her as she punches and kicks her way through Familiars. Because she kills witches, she can pretend to be a normal girl who hangs out at the malls and knows lower-class people (who think she's home educated) and can act like she doesn't sleep in a forgotten corner of a sealed-off building, next to the heating pipes. She can pretend that she doesn't break into the companies and properties of the people who did this to her family and take their money - only keeping a little for herself, and handing the rest out,

Because she kills witches, she can allow herself a little bit of space to be the girl she used to be.

[X] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Homeless - No money, no status, no home. You eek your life out on the streets, but at least no-one will remember you. Nothing ties you down; your life will contain only those whom you see fit. (Former Aristocracy)
[X] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it? (Tutoring has decidedly ended)
[X] The Gauntlets. Because nothing quite says 'fuck you' like an armoured fist to the face.
[X] Weather Control (Essentially large-scale multi-element manipulation, albeit lacking somewhat in fine control. Think the Puella equivalent of a Bombardment Mage.)
[X] Yellow - the heart of a blaze; you are warm, but take care not to lose your head. Overconfidence may prove the death of you.

[X] Name - Katherina Moneta Orlov
[X] Wish - "I w-w-w-wish it w-wasn't so cold out h-here."

Can every one just agree with me and say: Holy Shit. caps needed.
[] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end.(Caliphae)

By the same token, what kind of universe is it?
[] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

Character Creation
(GM note: I will be taking Planned Voting for this section; put forward a plan for a character, and the plan with the most votes wins.)

Ethnicity / Magical Style:
Think of this more as a flavouring or 'direction' to aim in with regard to Dimensional Magic; the 'ethnicity' part of this distinctly holds more sway than the actual magic focus (though the specific Galean/Belkan/etc descendent cultures are dependent on World choice, for obvious reasons). Any given Magical Style can be set to any given task, but they are specialised towards certain fields.
[] Belkan - You hold the pride of the Saints in your heart, and know that this new age is one of Sankt Sägebrecht's finest works. The other Empires may have fallen just as yours, but only Belka has risen from the ashes and built something anew. You give your thanks and do your best, all in service to this golden age. (Melee Focus)
[] TSAB (Mid-Childean) - Times are better now, and you're determined to keep it that way. You've heard everything about the horrors of the past, and you have no desire to see them repeated. This is the modern era; the new generation. The dark ages are over. Let's keep the light lit. (Versatility Focus)
[] Local (?) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)

Social Status:
[] Outcast - Congratulations, you're the daughter of a wanted criminal. You'd better hope it was worth it, whatever it was your parents did, yet as some doors slam shut, others can be found that open...
[] Homeless - No money, no status, no home. You eek your life out on the streets, but at least no-one will remember you. Nothing ties you down; your life will contain only those whom you see fit.
[] Poor - You don't really see your mother. Each day, every day, gone by sunrise, dragging herself home by sunset. Exhaustion and weariness are her greatest lessons, but also resilience. Work is life and life is work; you know the score.
[] Average - What's to say? You don't think you have it easy, but it's not like you get everything you want in life. You're just an ordinary person from an ordinary family, middling by.

Starting Experience:
[] Tutored: Not many have your level of fortune, but however the means; you have an Ace on your side, and the luck to be their student. Funny how the world works, isn't it?

Signature Weapon:
Every Magi has their signature weapon; their expression of their will to fight in defence of their souls and wishes. An instinctive knowledge of how to wield them also included. These may also combine or interact with the Puella Ability (below), depending.
[] Other (Write in. Modern weaponry / Devices are veto'd; a cultural history behind the weapon is required)
-[] Limited Multi-Form: Having been only a double-bladed baton so far, this weapon is able to change forms briefly to specific forms associated with the wielder's memories to allow them to use a quick or powerful magic if at a more inefficient rate than Singing it would have.

Puella Ability:
Whilst lacking the sheer versatility and documentation of Dimensional Magic, the power of the Puella Magi is literally hardwired into the wielder's soul, granting immense advantages in efficiency and ease-of-use in their particular field. And then, of course, there are those things Dimensional Magic can not do…
[] Emotional Magic - Only classified separately from Bombardment Magic due to the number of effects it produces, Emotional Magic requires extreme concentration, an emotionally strong memory to craft the effect around, and some sort of physical medium to bring it into existence as well as describe it (Singing works best for this in a pinch, but is still a lengthy process).

[] Red - fiery with passion and a fierce sense of loyalty. Beware burning out.

[] Yellow - the heart of a blaze; you are warm, but take care not to lose your head. Overconfidence may prove the death of you.
[] Green - vivid with life, and blossoming with dreams and ideals, you have confidence and you have heart. Fear betrayal.
[] Pink - lighthearted and honest, but innocence can be a danger just as much a virtue.

Come up with a name for your character; preferably one in line with their Ethnicity.
[] Cocona

[] (Write in)

Alright, for those that recognize the character I'm having some trouble deciding things. I like to think I got the Magic an Weapon nailed down pretty well, while giving them some pretty clear restrictions. But I'm having trouble with some of the other stuff, especially when I should make her. She should still be living with her parent(s)? Out on the streets after they were killed? Or after she met her adopted brother?

And the Magic Style? I mean, if its accepted, Emotional Magic can be fairly diverse, but other than that she'd be almost pure melee and can even use her magic, if somewhat wastefully, through her weapon, again if its accepted at least. So... ?

Edit 1: I just looked over the Worlds and... oh, Caliphea, if only you were in orbit of a dead-world... Hahahaha...

Edit 2: Just looked over the Worlds again and as much as Helene looks like it has some really nasty stuff that could be lurky under the surface, Caliphae fits best for AT2 I think. Still can't decide on whether I want, Civilian/Average or Poor, Streetwise/Homeless, or ???/Tutored or Cadet. Or just throw in vetren somewhere and have it be her AT3 self.

Edit 3: I'm watching you Dave- I mean Baughn :V And yeah, Red fit her the best I think, but the others were there on some significant level as well I think.

Edit 4: I don't know, GM told Veekie that DeathWorld local style was Belkan-ish so he might already have stuff in mind for each of them.

Edit 5: Thinking about it, Cocona was really something of a Red/Green/Yellow Split in that order with a dash of Pink mostly due to her age, so not sure if anyone wants to chip in arguments for those or not, but I could still be swayed. Officially though its Red right now.

Edit 6: Damn, that would be an awesome world, but I also like the one I already chose as well, so *Shrug* Meh.

Also Baughn, any opinions on which timeline version of her I should choose? As I really like all three in their own ways.

Edit 7: Are you refreshing the page at all @Baughn? *Is bemused/exasperated*
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So.... do I get to vote for other people's characters? I mean, I assume we do, but I would rather not copy the whole thing...

[X] Cocona, pity we won't get her canonical emotional stability. Or will we?

Now, for the fill-out... hold on a minute.

[X] Red, obviously. Cocona's hotheaded at best, and her stubbornness was repeatedly demonstrated.

[X] Magical style: Local. Song magic's a legit style, with everything else we've seen in MGLN. It's mostly very slow-charging bombardment magic; it has the benefit that even a moderately talented user can pull off a Starlight Breaker, except Nanoha will have fired three of her own before they're ready with the first.

It's a pity we can't replicate Ar Ciel wholesale. If I wanted to fit it into the MGLN universe, twisting the former rather than the latter, it'd be...

[X] Metafalls, a broken-down country floating high in the atmosphere of a murdered planet. The nations that once made it their home have experimented with transhumanism, and have made some progress: Most of the population have modifications that calm emotions and soothe trauma, which reduces the frequency of daemons. This is both a gift and a bane, for a magical girl whose very sanity depends on hunting the beasts; the hunting is poor. However, the rate of Grief accrual is reduced, and there is no positive feedback until the very moment she breaks.

[X] Wish: The restoration of her home. The stigma affecting her people, and by extension her, means that TSAB support for Metafalls has been hard to acquire; as a result, the usable living space continually decreases. Cocona's wish was a practical one, designs for a power source capable of reversing their losses by producing more power with less fuel. The Incubators were more than happy to provide.

(She's self-sacrificing like that.)

Maybe this is too much. Tell me, oh @Guessmyname, and I'll write something more thematic. :)

Cocona's Puella Magic should be something more specific to her. Since I'm relegating Song Magic to the local magical system, how about...

[X] Puella Magic: Cocona can emotionally connect to nearby Puella Magi, allowing them to share power. Again, this is both a boon and a curse: At best, it allows them to share the load and reduce the effective cost of magic, but it also blends their emotional states, reducing the benefit of her mental makeup and potentially causing mutual, negative feedback.

EDIT: Preferred Cocona instance? There's something to be said for all of them, but nine-year-old Cocona is hard to write even for someone familiar with her. So it's 11 or 13, and they're wholly different scenarios.

I'd say 11. It's the version we know most about, and you get an extra character for free, Croix. The 13-year-old might actually be a tad overpowered, if you're being even halfway true to the original story.

EDIT 2: No! I'm not used to conversing like this. This kind of thing is what IRC is for, you forum maniacs...
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[X] Not a world at all; a space station, hanging in orbit, and it's your home. It's an old, old station from the days of ancient Yeventine, with places not to be touched, areas never safe to go. But it's kept you warm and it's kept you safe. Some would call it a Lost Logia. You'd defend it to the end. (Caliphae)

An ancient space station, steeped in nooks and crannies and hiding places and non-standard environments that we can display our Puella Magi agility to the fullest? An ancient space station, soaked in bloody history and filled with people cramped together, where roiling emotions manifest as daemons and just one girl is there to fight back the dark? An ancient space station, which may or may not contain a Garden of Time-style deathlaser array forgotten over the thousands of years since it was last used but still potentially functional under all the dust and rust?

Yes please.​

[X] A universe of Daemons; things that stalk the shadows of the worlds, but the Puella stand firm against them. Grief can be fought, but Hope will always be eternal. (Incubators have no direct incentive to sabotage you, and Puella are less intrinsically competitive. The game will be easier.)

Ahahaha I do not want to die horribly and that is what will happen if we go FULL PMMM don't listen to ES he's crazy. Also, the potential for cooperation with any other Puella Magi who pass through sounds both interesting and useful, so yes please to that as well.​

Now, ES has done his own potential character concept which is giant and enormous and huge and not bad, so I am obviously going to raaargh disagree with him and propose my own. Since I have voted to play on sweet kickass space station yo, I am obviously going to go the only route any logical person who'd recently watched a lot of Dr Who clips could go and suggest that we play Queen Liz from The Beast Below.
[X] Local (Yeventine Royalty) - Dependent on World Choice; the local magical style and ethnicity of the area. (Unknown Focus)
[X] Aristocracy - You have riches and you have pearls, but with it comes attention, evaluation and expectations. You have been moulded and you have been crafted, until you're not even sure what's "you" any more. You're not even sure you want to find out.
[X] Library: Books and information have always been your life. The old stories, the tales, the Logia - and even bloodier, the real historical truths behind them all - have always been your study. You don't make mistakes in this field… or at least, you think you don't make mistakes…
[X] The Revolvers. Actually a cartridge-powered Armed Device emblematic of the Dawn State eras, its design may be old but don't believe it isn't still deadly. (Paired guns)
[X] Precognition (Exactly as it sounds; you may view the future to inform your decisions, and your reflexes truly are precognitive. The Incubators will have an interest in you.)
[X] Silver - rich with royalty, with all its pride… and all its expectations. Fear failure, but embrace your own successes.

[X] Amani Inara

[X] To forestall the doom of her home.

Amani was raised in the lap of luxury; a princess whose family line traces all the way back to the Caliphate that once ruled the nearby systems and sat astride the trade routes of the Dawn States like a colossus guarding a road of stars. Though Yevent dissolved as a polity in the fire and cataclysm of the Warring States, her ancestors retained control over a few pieces of their former glory, and though her people were diluted over the years by Belkan settlers, her family still boasts an unbroken lineage straight from the ancient Shahs.

It is said that those Caliphs once saw the future; predicting the ebb and flow of trade and the rise and fall of revolt with the All-Seeing Eyes of the Blessed-By-Starlight. Amani used to think that this was nothing more than overhyped rumour (though she loved the stories nonetheless), but now... now she's not so sure. Not since the little white thing told her that she had potential... and its awakening of that potential opened her own eyes to what was coming. She'd seen the tensions rising on the station; her tutelage in politics was enough for her to know that the surging passions and strange disappearances spelt a terrible end coming for the home she loved so much. But when she wished to fix the problems that were causing it, her eyes opened to what the nature of what was wrong - and what would happen now that whatever force had been keeping the daemons down her whole life was gone.

She will do anything to avoid that fate befalling Caliphae. Anything at all.

(Edited to switch Shahs to Caliphs, since I accidentally forgot Gamesverse worldbuilding because I am a silly.)​
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So.... do I get to vote for other people's characters? I mean, I assume we do, but I would rather not copy the whole thing...

It's Planned Voting, so yes. Otherwise it'd be a hodgepodge of whichever options happened to be the most popular and oh god the chaos-

Also, uh, fair warning but I do not know who Cocona is; whatever series she's from I'm unfamiliar with it.
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It's Planned Voting, so yes. Otherwise it'd be a hodgepodge of whichever options happened to be the most popular and oh god the chaos-

Also, uh, fair warning but I do not know who Cocona is; whatever series she's from I'm unfamiliar with it.
Ar Tonelico. The Luca write-up is also from the same setting.

@Baughn can probably give a better explanation for what you would need to know to write her.

Edit 1: Alright I'll try expanding a bit, give me a minute.

First off though, that's Cocona's ultimate technique, so take it with a grain of salt. Its her version of Mami's Trio Finale.

And the Wiki actually gives a pretty quick run through on her so I can expand on her if you want me to or I can do general stuff?
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First off though, that's Cocona's ultimate technique, so take it with a grain of salt. Its her version of Mami's Trio Finale.
True. As magic goes, it's pretty much on par with Fate's Plasma Zanber—nowhere near as powerful, but she actually knows how to use it so it comes out about the same.

This is with an eleven-year-old Cocona, though. She's moderately overpowered, by the setting's standard, so the thirteen-year-old version would be... well, not precisely a game-breaker, but her abilities with standard magic easily outmatch what we normally see from Puella Magi. That's another reason I didn't pick the older one.
EDIT: Preferred Cocona instance? There's something to be said for all of them, but nine-year-old Cocona is hard to write even for someone familiar with her. So it's 11 or 13, and they're wholly different scenarios.

I'd say 11. It's the version we know most about, and you get an extra character for free, Croix. The 13-year-old might actually be a tad overpowered, if you're being even halfway true to the original story.
Alright I put her as Tutored, but I don't know what Social Background to give her.

Ideas anyone? Adopted, Military brat? I have no clue.

And my D button is being annoying and only working if I press it hard :mad:
Alright I put her as Tutored, but I don't know what Social Background to give her.

Ideas anyone? Adopted, Military brat? I have no clue.

And my D button is being annoying and only working if I press it hard :mad:
Military brat. Very, very military brat. Also adopted. Can't we just use canon here?

(She believes her choice of weapon is sane because her older brother is much worse. Rocket-powered spear any... oh, that's actually perfectly standard in the MGLN universe, I almost forgot. %_%)
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Military Brat. Very, very military brat.

(She believes her choice of weapon is sane because her older brother is much worse. Rocket-powered spear any... oh, that's actually perfectly standard in the MGLN universe, I almost forgot. %_%)
Umm... Kind of? The Aces get a little odd, but even Vita had what mounted to making a wrecking ball go faster. A Rocket powered lance would probably go over better, but would still get some odd looks.

Edit: ... Hold that thought.

*Looks at Wiki page* It only says he uses a Lance, what am I missing?
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*Looks at Wiki page* It only says he uses a Lance, what am I missing?
His lance has rockets built-in, some of which are facing sidewards. He occasionally uses them to spin very fast and then slam the side of his spear into an enemy. At other times he uses them to fly, since he doesn't have the raw power to pull off normal flying spells.

Yes. He's somehow found a rocket-spear fighting technique that's even crazier than Croix's.