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SV plays as Sith Jar Jar Binks
Star Wars: A Gungan Hope
There's Always A Bigger Fish

A bombad Sith Lord quest.

You are Jar Jar Binks, and you are a Sith. You are probably the greatest Gungan Force user in history too, for all that is worth. In a few tumultuous days, you have gone from being an exile in the swamps of Naboo to bombad general of the Gungan army. And given that is the only army currently ON Naboo, that also makes you the highest ranked military officer on the planet.

Though the Trade Federation has been driven from the planet, the Force whispers to you that these are dark and chaotic times. Good. A clever Gungan like you can use darkness and chaos and you don't intend to remain merely a bombad general.

Structure of the quest:

Each turn will be one month of Jar Jar's life. In each month you will get one action, all actions will be write-ins, the write-in with the most votes gets done.

An action will require a roll on at least one ability, but may require multiple rolls.

Since you are playing a Sith, you must follow the Sith code. Falling to the Light Side of the Force will end the quest with Jar Jar's redemption. Otherwise this quest ends with Jar Jar's death, his victory in whatever goals the players decide upon or with QM burnout.

The Sith Code:

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.

The abilities:

Intrigue: (your ability to manipulate and act in the shadows)
Diplomacy: (your ability to make friends and broker compromises)
Administration: (your ability to handle paperwork and organizations)
Prowess: (your ability to fight without using the Force)
Strategy: (your ability to make military plans and lead armies and fleets)
Force: (your ability to wield the Force)

Beware, a Sith Lord who is overly dependent upon the Force will not prosper. But also know that most of your power with the Force comes at character gen. Other abilities are more easily increased through learning, but Force talent is mostly inborn. The choices made now will heavily influence the kind of quest this becomes.

Abilities modify rolls on a d100. An ability of 10 is competent (skilled hirelings have abilities of at least 10 in their area of expertise), 20 is formidable (a new-minted Jedi Knight might have a Force ability of 20, an average senator of the Galactic Republic has Diplomacy or Intrigue at 20 or higher), 30 puts you among the best in the Galaxy in that skill (for example, Jango Fett has a Prowess over 30 and Anakin Skywalker has a Force ability over 30 in the Clone Wars), 40 makes you one of the best in the history of the Galaxy (for example, Yoda has a Force ability above 40), 50 and over and you might be the best who has ever lived (Palpatine has a Force ability of at least 50 at the start of the quest).

Your stats start at 1d6 in each stat, plus what you get from your answers to these questions:

How were you trained in the Force?

[] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[] Mesa listen to mesa friend Palpy! (You were the student of Sheev Palpatine, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders, your learning is restricted to what Palpy considers useful)

When you sensed the two Jedi, why did you join them?

[] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[] Mesa helpen mesa good friend Palpy! (You are an agent of Sheev Palpatine, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders)

You seem to be good at diving?

[] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[] Mesa muy muy healthy Gungan! (+10 Prowess)

So about the Opee sea killer and that Colo claw fish?

[] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[] Mesa know when Colo claw maten season comes. (+10 Strategy)

How did you become Bombad general?

[] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[] Mesa have trustworthy face! (+10 Intrigue, you don't need fancy powers to manipulate fools!)

How did you survive the Battle of Naboo?

[] Mesa know Drunken Fist technique! (+10 Prowess)
[] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)

You are now an important Gungan on Naboo, which political faction are you aligned with?

[] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[] Mesa holden da fort for mesa friend Palpy! (You are Palpatine's chief lieutenant on Naboo, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders)

How have you hidden your talent with the Force?

[] Mesa use - heeeey! What's dat behind yousa!? (+10 Intrigue, your Force presence is unmasked, but so long as your Force ability is below 20, mundane methods of misdirecting others should allow you to keep your secret)
[] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)

What fuels your power in the Dark Side?

[] Anger (+5 Prowess, you will strike down all who offend you - starting with Boss Nass for exiling you!)
[] Fear (+5 Intrigue, one day, you will be powerful enough that you will feel safe.)
[] Hate (+5 Force, the Republic stole Naboo from the Gungans. You will make sure they pay for this crime.)
[] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)

Finally, where will you focus your attention?

[] Persuade Senator Amidala to take you on as a Legate (Coruscant start, +10 Diplomacy)
[] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[] You will go where Palpatine needs you and build up your influence and connections within the Sith conspiracy (CIS start, you are an agent of Sheev Palpatine, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders)

Effects of Palpy relation:

1: You are a relatively important part of the Sith conspiracy, but your disposal is only a matter of time.
2: You a truly important part of the Sith conspiracy, on par with an apprentice like Darth Maul, Palpatine will not sacrifice you unless it would result in significant gains.
3: Palpatine has genuine regard for you, you will not be sacrificed unless the alternative would be Palpatine's own death or your sacrifice would save the Sith conspiracy from discovery.
4: You have a Darth title and are Palpatine's newest apprentice, the greatest master of the Dark Side in history is your teacher. He will make you worthy of killing him or destroy you trying. (Much more opportunity to increase your Force ability, greatly increased chances to learn new powers, Palpatine likes you AND is trying to kill you. Be very afraid.)

If you have a Palpy relation of 4, write in your Darth title:

[] Darth [insert here]

Author's note: Sooooo. I got inspired and now this happened. I don't know where this will go, but let's find out together, eh? Most of you are probably going to know more about Star Wars than I do, so rather than writing options each turn I'm just gonna let you folks debate amongst each other using your creativity and knowledge of canon to guide Jar Jar to his rightful place in the Galaxy. Inspirations for this quest include Lumpawarroo's "Jar Jar a Sith agent" theory; Robot Chicken; Teron and Dr. Snark's opus here on SV: part 1, part 2, part 3; Noxlux013's Skywalker For Senator; and TirelessTraveler's Kote, Vode An. I will be well pleased if this quest is half as good as its inspirations. Like Lady Ciaran's adventures, this quest will be mostly based on the pre-Disney era canon. The Clone Wars TV show and the prequel movies taking precidence over any other sources and word of QM taking precidence over them. This quest starts immediately after the end of The Phantom Menace.
Character sheet
Bombad General of Naboo, Jar Jar Binks


Intrigue: 15 (Jar Jar is one of the best minds for skullduggery on the planet)
Diplomacy: 1 (A B1 battle droid is more persuasive than Jar Jar is)
Administration: 16 (Jar Jar has one of the best minds for organization on the planet)
Prowess: 4 (+17 for a total of 21 when Force enhanced) (Jar Jar can just about beat up a B1 battle droid without the Force, with the Force, an experienced Mandalorian would need to take him seriously)
Strategy: 21 (Jar Jar has one of the finest military minds in the sector)
Force: 34 (Jar Jar is one of the great Force prodigies of the Galaxy and certainly the greatest Gungan Force user to ever live - if he lives as long as Yoda or sacrifices as much for power as Palpatine this raw talent could be molded into something truly fearsome)


Your current title is: Bombad General of Naboo.

You are of Planetary fame (people on Naboo and who have local knowledge of Naboo know who you are).

You are considered to be Harmless and Benevolent. (Enemies and allies will underestimate you, those who value good moral character will start off trusting you if they know your reputation.)

You are famous for Winning the Battle of Naboo.

Your political positions are perceived as being pro-Republic and a Gungan advocate.

Known force powers:

Beast lord: you have a special way with all kinds of animals and monstrous nonsapients twisted by the Dark Side. +half Force ability to all rolls against animals and monsters.
Force boost: you are adept at boosting your physical abilities beyond their normal limits. +half Force ability to Prowess rolls.
Force Persuade (prodigy): you automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20.
Precognition: you listen to your feelings. Gain one re-roll per month.
A shadow in the Force: your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt.


Ambitious: you have a hunger for greatness that will never be satisfied. You are the ever-thirsting void. The conqueror who will never be able to rest. The predatory truth of the Dark Side made flesh.
Gungan hero: your ambition extends to the rest of your people too, your genuine desire to lift them up and make them great in the Galaxy means you have many Gungan friends and allies who will help you with their skills and resources.

Relics and notable items:

The Telos Holocron: The glowy rock whispers to you, it speaks of the joys of battle, of how to conquer, of how to build and care for an army; of the Force and the secrets of the Sith. (Can increase Strategy, Prowess and Administration abilities as if you had a teacher; you learn common Sith techniques as if you had a teacher; you may learn the uncommon technique of Life Drain as if you had a teacher; you may learn the rare techniques of Sith Alchemy, Thought Bomb and Holocron imprinting as if you had a teacher; you may learn common, uncommon and rare Sith lore as if you had a teacher; imprinted with the personality of Ajunta Pall, first of the Sith Lords, with additional, shallower impressions by Naga Sadow, Zelashiel the Blasphemer, Darth Revan, Qordis and Darth Bane.)
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[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
It's a good thing that we don't have to be evil 😂. We wouldn't be the first strange sith lord

[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Hate (+5 Force, the Republic stole Naboo from the Gungans. You will make sure they pay for this crime.)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa muy muy healthy Gungan! (+10 Prowess)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa have trustworthy face! (+10 Intrigue, you don't need fancy powers to manipulate fools!)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Hate (+5 Force, the Republic stole Naboo from the Gungans. You will make sure they pay for this crime.)
[X] Persuade Senator Amidala to take you on as a Legate (Coruscant start, +10 Diplomacy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)

love how we all agree that pulpy can F right off and that there is only going to be room for one Sith lord
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What happens if we end up with a force of 1 (1 on a 1d6 and no bonuses)?

Then Jar Jar will be an extremely weak Force user who overcomes his arrogant foes through superior wit and guile.

To avoid any bonuses to Jar Jar's Force stat, you'd need to make Jar Jar an extremely formidable fighter and plotter and make him part of the True Sith conspiracy, meaning he'd have access to more pawns and resources. So the quest would look more like a Star Wars Littlefinger quest or a Mandalorian-style quest, only you'd also have a little Force sensitivity that would help leverage Jar Jar's excellent mundane skills.

And if Jar Jar only has a Force ability of 1, he's pretty much never going to need to worry about Dark Side corruption.

It's a good thing that we don't have to be evil 😂. We wouldn't be the first strange sith lord

My head-canon is that the Dark Side isn't innately evil, it is just that the flows in the galactic life-force of destruction and decay are going to be harder on the brains of Force users than the flows of growth and creation...

'Course, Jar Jar does have a brain, so the negative impacts of the Dark Side on his health is something you'll need to worry about. Channeling too much destructive juju comes with side effects such as turning into a wrinkly prune and hoarding Death Stars.

love how we all agree that pulpy can F right off and that there is only going to be room for one Sith lord

There does seem to be a bandwagon to make the Robot Chicken version of Darth Binks a reality...

I can totally work with this.
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
yea l like the plan and idea of quest a lot but I'm sad there not more options to customs our character as the plan gives us so far

Intrigue: 10+1d6
Diplomacy: 0+1d6
Administration: 10+1d6
Prowess: 0+(30+1d6÷2)+1d6
Strategy: 15+1d6
Force 30+1d6

force prodigy - bonus to learning new Force powers
Enhance Attribute- half force power total goes into prowess
beast tamer-half force power goes into animal interaction at the end off a roll
Force Persuade prodigy- auto success on weak minded in diplo and Intrigue depends on species as some are immune
force luck- one free re-roll per month
Gungan friend- Gungan start as allies and have access to there resources
Force presence suppression- mastery in internal force control for stealth
Naboo patriot - will not abandon home world or its people easily
Ambition- will do what he/she can to be remmber for all time be that good or bad
Dark side leaning- will find that dark side force powers are easier to use and learn but at the cost of long term mental health

is there more stufe to come for character flavour and stats if not that's ok we most likely get chance to improve later

ps l made the traits list just to add some flavour while l was thinking how to comment here lol
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[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy
[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa used "summon bigger fish"! (+5 Force, animals and "monsters" are especially responsive to your Force abilities - add half of your Force ability to any roll - including Force rolls - against such creatures)
[X] Mesa know ability "Force Persuade". (+5 Force, you are a prodigy when it comes to manipulating weak minds with the Force - automatically succeed in any Diplomacy or Intrigue roll against a target with any non-Force ability under 10 and a Force ability under 20)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa helpen make Naboo better for all Gungans! (+10 Administration, access to Gungan allies and resources)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will oversee the transformation of the Gungan army into the Naboo Self Defense Forces (Naboo start, +10 Strategy)
yea l like the plan and idea of quest a lot but I'm sad there not more options to customs our character as the plan gives us so far

Oh, you'll love the half written quest intros I have! Pages and pages of options. So many options in fact that I've not finished even the character gen posts of any of them. :p

is there more stufe to come for character flavour and stats if not that's ok we most likely get chance to improve later

This is the only character gen stage. Keep in mind Jar Jar is a young Gungan, so there's not much backstory to fill. (Given that, the current plan has Jar Jar being a Force prodigy on par with Anakin Skywalker btw... I'm gonna have to consider the implications of that for the story.)

Now, I fully expect you guys to rack up more character traits in play.
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[X] Mesa listen to glowy chrystal! (You discovered a Sith Holocron, +5 Force, new Force powers will be easier to learn but you walk the Dark Side path alone)
[X] Mesa know da Jedi follow chaos, and chaos issa ladder. (+10 Intrigue)
[X] Mesa learn ability "Force Jump". (+5 Force, you know how to use the Force to enhance your physical abilities - add half of your Force ability to any Prowess roll)
[X] Mesa know when Colo claw maten season comes. (+10 Strategy)
[X] Mesa have trustworthy face! (+10 Intrigue, you don't need fancy powers to manipulate fools!)
[X] Mesa one with da Force. (+5 Force, you are skilled at precognition, gain one re-roll per month)
[X] Mesa holden da fort for mesa friend Palpy! (You are Palpatine's chief lieutenant on Naboo, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders)
[X] Mesa suppressen mesa Force presence. (+5 Force, your Force presence can only be felt if you want it felt)
[X] Ambition (+5 Strategy, one way or another, the history books will remember your greatness!)
[X] You will go where Palpatine needs you and build up your influence and connections within the Sith conspiracy (CIS start, you are an agent of Sheev Palpatine, +1 Palpy relation, access to the resources and agents of the True Sith conspiracy, must follow Palpy's orders)