There is Only One Universe: A Prime Quest (Commonwealth Saga/???)

So the current amount of work-units being used for farming is automatic, or do we need to specify that for each turn? Also, if we researched levers this turn, what would that do to the amount of time remaining for the current farm expansion?

Yes, farming is automatic; if more people vote to change it to a particular number than do not vote on it it will be changed but otherwise will not be.
If you completed levers and did no further work on the farm expansion it would drop to 5 required.
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Compulsive Actions:
[x]Spawn soldier motiles 0 Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.

[x]Spawn worker motiles 1 Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.

Optional Actions:
[x]Clear more space for farming 9. The main limit on your growth right now is a lack of food to feed a larger motile herd. While you could simply have extra motiles walk into the uncultivated bush and grab what food crop they can find or even have motiles subsist off base cells in the river, this would be inefficient compared to farming. Cost: 13/15 labour units remain until the next farmland patch is cleared. Reward: +10 farmland capacity. Note that any extra labour units if the number does not divide the remaining number into an even number of turns will go towards the next expansion.

[x]Roads 5 - Your region is fairly hilly, which can make it difficult for motiles to get around your territory. Flattening the terrain in a zig-zag pattern in the worst and most-used areas should provide a small but noticeable effect on the speed they get around your territory. (Requires 5 labour. Reward:+5% to work units)

Research Project:
[x]Simple machines (levers) – When clearing space for farmland, much of the work that needs to be done is occupied with moving boulders and logs from the region, which is difficult except with a group of several motiles. Perhaps there is a way to make this and problems like it easier. (Requirements: 1 work unit per year active, an estimated 50 brain, Reward: knowledge of levers, torques, clearing farmland will cost 66% less labour)

I suggest we wait a bit more until we are more secure to look into the rival problem. The scouting did suggest we had a few decades still until it becomes dangerous...
Compulsory Actions:
[X] Spawn soldier motiles 0
[X] Spawn worker motiles 1
Optional Actions:
[X] Clear more space for farming 13
[X] Basic roads 1
Research Actions:
[X] The wheel
Turn 2 Results
Turn 2 Results:

[]Spawn 1 worker motile
[]Clear more space for farming (9)
[]Roads (5)
[]Simple machines(levers)

Random events: 1d1024=399; You notice nothing of importance.

[]Considering that the food situation, you decide not to send motiles out to gather what food they can find or to mix base cells in to their diet, which is either inefficient when they could be doing other things or potentially unsustainable. As such, you only spawn a single worker motile this year.

[]Clear more space for farming (9) (1 work unit remaining until the next now that levers is finished) – Progress continued with clearing the next area to open it up to farming. When the next phase is complete, you will have a decision to make – you could focus on expanding the size of your motile herd which would be of more direct strategic value or you could dedicate more resources to feeding additional immotile bodies which would expand your brainpower.

[]Basic roads (5) – You directed some motiles to start the process of making the area under your control easier to traverse. They completed work toward the end of the year, and as a result it is now much easier for motiles to move heavy loads up and down the hills, and in general the speed your motiles get around from one end of your domain to the other is noticeably faster.

[]Simple machines(levers)
1d1024=596; progress is as expected.

You spent a great deal of time investigating the use of leverage for various practical tasks, and among other things you discovered that effective weight on a balance is proportional to the distance to the pivot point. There are a number of advantages to the new technology – motiles chopping down trees have had sticks attached to their axes, making them more effective and moving boulders and sunk logs out of depressions in the soft ground has become much simpler thanks to this development.

Food consumption this year: 40 food
Generated: 40 food this year​

Generated: 40 food this year; surplus = 0
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Awesome, just a few things to point out:
[]Clear more space for farming (9) (1 work unit remaining until the next now that levers is finished) – Progress continued with clearing the next area to open it up to farming. When the next phase is complete, you will have a decision to make – you could expand the size of your motile herd which would

This one is missing its end, with the last bit about the research appearing twice at the end. :)
Turn 3
Turn 3:

Current food consumption: (20(immotile)+26(motile))*0.86(stewardship)= 40 food.
Currently generating 40 food
Base cell number this year: 31
Work-units generated: 18 (28(24*1.15(tools,roads))-10(farming))
Current farming capacity: 10

Brain: 100(1 immotile)-25(motiles)*0.86(stewardship)=78

Current collective size and composition:
23 worker motiles
2 soldier motiles
1 immotile

[]Spawn soldier motiles (number) Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.

[]Spawn worker motiles (number) Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.


[]Food generation (write-in number of work-units assigned to this task; each generates 4 food. Numbers greater than farmland capacity have the extra numbers produce food at the gather rate, 1.5)

[]Clear more space for farming (write-in work units). With your recent technological advancement, you think you could increase your food production by as much as four times what it is currently if you devote most of your motiles to the task in a few years after you increase your herd size to properly take advantage of the space. Cost: 1/5 labour units remain until the next farmland patch is cleared. Reward: +10 farmland capacity per every 5 work units. Note that any extra labour units if the number does not divide the remaining into an even number of turns will go towards the next expansion.

[]Build wooden palisade enclosure(write-in work-units) – Your recent discovery of another immotile in the region is a possible cause for concern. You could build a great wooden barrier around you, your congregation pool and storage room with plenty of space inside to build more buildings that would also be protected, though such protection must work with an adequately sized soldier caste force or it will only be marginally effective against incursions.(Requires: 35 labour. Reward: Small Palisade fort around you)

[]Dam the river (work units) - Just south of you is a v-shaped valley that your river runs through. Blocking it off partially with a structure made from wood would be labour-intensive, but would increase the amount of land available to farm by making it easier for the motiles to bring water to crops where it is too dry by digging irrigation ditches. (Requires 40 labour. Farming capacity of each block increases by 1 for all farming blocks in the immediate area of you, reduces effect of drought on food production)

[]Think hello at them - While in the medium to long term another immotile in the area is a serious threat, they may wish for co-operation at the moment in which case a research swap could be extremely beneficial to you. Establishing contact would require sending out a single motile to the edge of their location, finding a patrol and linking nerve receptors to convey concepts which would then be reviewed by their immotile. Or at least that is the usual way to do this according to your pre-amalgamation memories. To guard against the event that the motile you send out gets attacked, you can order it to run away if it is approached by more than one other motile. You should probably wait until you have a larger herd before doing this option to prevent a particularly unfavourable deal or inviting probing attacks, but you are certain to come in contact with them at some point regardless of whether you initiate it or not.(Opens diplomatic relations with your neighbour to the North-West with an unknown chance of success. Very small possibility of losing a soldier motile, other immotile gains knowledge of you)

[]Spy on them - You need a better idea of your neighbour than the impression you got from viewing their farming area from a far distance away. You could send a soldier motile out to get a better look. (Chance of success: unknown. Chance of alerting other immotile to your presence. Chance of losing a soldier motile on failure. Reward: gain a better understanding of your neighbour's approximate size, capabilities)

[]Exterminate the fauna: Your research into the principle of leverage led to the invention of a new kind of weapon last year - a flexible twine length with a hole that small stones can fit into. A soldier motile using such devices can throw the stones faster and far farther than it can normally, however worker motiles lack the co-ordination necessary to be accurate. This device could be useful in driving off the flying animals and small pests that have been feasting on your crops and fly or run away when your worker motiles try to deal with it. If you started this project, you would not be able to do any kind of scouting for the next year as both soldier caste motiles would be occupied in the attempt. Progress: 0/??(progress and chance depends on soldier caste numbers). Reward: +5% food production.

[]Write-in (requires approval)


Research Projects:
You think you can only consider one novel idea at a time with the current immotile group size. Brain points not used can go to a research project each year.

[]The wheel - One of the things you noticed while experimenting with slopes is that round objects on slopes can roll if the objects are round enough and the ground is even enough, and rolling objects was much easier for motiles to do than dragging them or lifting them in some cases. This may be useful somehow if you can figure out a way of reliably replicating the effect. (requirements: 1 work unit per year active, an estimated 40 brain, Reward: Wheeled carts double bonus from basic roads)
[]Improve Soldier caste equipment - (requirements: 1 work unit per year active, an estimated 40 brain, Reward: Soldier motiles equipped with spears, bows, shields)
[]Fire – On the way to your location, the motile herd observed an area of a rock face approximately 25 km away from your position that emitted a light during the night-time, illuminating the nearby rocks. Perhaps this bears investigation. (Requirements: 2 work units per year active, an estimated 200 brain points. Reward: knowledge of fire; illumination allows motiles to work in the night-time increasing the number of work-units by 20%, allows further options)
[]Agriculture improvement – Perhaps your most pressing need right now is to identify means by which you can increase food generation. Maybe you should spend some time and resources experimenting with the food crops to identify how you can make them grow better(requirements: 3 work units per year active, an estimated 200 brain points. Reward: +20% food production).
[]Base cell cultivation – The rate at which you can increase the size of your collective is dependent on the base cell concentration in the water. Perhaps you could investigate the conditions under which they grow the best.(requirements: 1 work unit per year active, 5 base cells per year, an estimated 150 brain points. Reward: option to build base cell farms)
[]Write-in(requires approval)
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Alrighty, for this round I'm thinking...

Compulsory Actions:
[x]Spawn soldier motiles 0
[x]Spawn worker motiles 0

Optional Actions:
[x]Clear more space for farming 6
[x]Dam the river 16
[x]Exterminate the fauna

[x]Base Cell Cultivation

I think it's time to make sure that we can grow our motiles population quickly now that farms are cheap enough. If we get too much farm with not enough sources for cells, we'll cripple ourselves.
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Compulsory Actions:
[X]Spawn soldier motiles 2
[X]Spawn worker motiles 5

Optional Actions:
[X]Food generation +11
[X]Clear more space for farming 6
[X]Exterminate the fauna

[X]Base Cell Cultivation

My thinking here is that we want more workers as quickly as possible so we can get enough food to create another immotile more quickly, and that we are expanding our farmland so those 11 new work units will be producing +4/work unit next turn. Also Arguemageddon, your plan currently uses 23 work units and we only have 18 left after devoting work units to food generation.
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Turn 3 results
Turn 3 results:

[]Spawn 2 soldier motiles
[]Spawn 5 worker motiles

Random events: 1d1024=165
Notice roll: 1d1024=48
You notice nothing of special importance in the memories of your motiles this year.

[]Food generation (11) – This year you decide to send most of your remaining free motiles out to forage food, to supply 7 additional motile birthings with some left over in case food production suddenly drops for some reason.

[]Clear more space for farming (6) – This year you managed to triple your farmland space in no small way thanks to your recent technological advancement. The extra farmland cleared is enough to feed approximately an additional 93 motiles in your herd, a number that would push your herd size just beyond what you think you can manage with only a single immotile body, given your unusual capability at managing motiles efficiently.

[]Exterminate the fauna – 1d1024=956*1.12 =1070; Greater Success, progress is multiplied by factor of 1.5. This year you had your two soldier motiles hunt down the animals that have been pesting the farms. Over the course of the year, they managed to kill a larger than expected number of the flying creatures with slings, with you regularly reviewing what is effective and transferring the best practices from one motile to the other by copying what works onto each other motile. In the process of directing them to best kill them off the animals plaguing your crops you think you had some ideas about how to organise small units tactically and the best way to attack targets at range. Progress: 3/~240; Martial competency increases by 1%.

[]Base Cell Cultivation
Remaining Brain: 72. 1d1024=609, progress is typical (72*1.04=75). This year you decide to do something about the unacceptably low base cell count in the river. You start the process of trying to work out a way to farm base cells like you do food, using the fact you know that since base cells live in water but in some water better than others there might be something in the water that is causing problems or is lacking in your water for it to be under-saturated. You have started the investigation process by having a motile dig a number of small basins in which water from the river can be picked up and dumped in, then adding various things to the water to see how it affects base cell growth rates. You have a few promising leads, but nothing conclusive this year. (75/150 remaining)

Current food stockpile: 12 (net: 40(cultivation)+16(gathering)-(20+25+7)*0.86)​
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Turn 4
Turn 4:

Current food consumption: (20(immotile)+32(motile))*0.86(stewardship)= ~45 food.
Currently generating 84 food.
Current food stockpile is 12 food.
Base cell number this year: 24
Work-units generated: 12 (33(29*1.15(tools,roads))-21(farming))
Current farming capacity: 30

Brain: 100(1 immotile)-32(motiles)*0.86(stewardship)=72

Current collective size and composition:
28 worker motiles
4 soldier motiles
1 immotile

[]Spawn soldier motiles (number) Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.

[]Spawn worker motiles (number) Cost: 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit, one base cell per unit. Upkeep is 1 brain per unit, 1 food per unit.

[]Amalgamate an additional immotile body - You are actually generating enough food this year to supply the energy required for an immotile metamorphosis. Doing so would expand your brain power considerably but would take food away from possible motile herd expansions. Cost: 40 food, 4 worker motiles, ~5 work units permanently (due to lowered motile numbers). Upkeep is 20 food. Will allow a second research slot on the second immotile (but not a third on the third; non-linear relationship)

[]Food generation (write-in number of work-units assigned to this task; each generates 4 food. Numbers greater than farmland capacity have the extra numbers produce food at the gather rate, 1.5)

[]Clear more space for farming (write-in work units). With your recent technological advancement, you think you could increase your food production by as much as four times what it is currently if you devote most of your motiles to the task in a few years after you increase your herd size to properly take advantage of the space. Cost: 1/5 labour units remain until the next farmland patch is cleared. Reward: +10 farmland capacity per every 5 work units. Note that any extra labour units if the number does not divide the remaining into an even number of turns will go towards the next expansion.

[]Build wooden palisade enclosure(write-in work-units) – Your recent discovery of another immotile in the region is a possible cause for concern. You could build a great wooden barrier around you, your congregation pool and storage room with plenty of space inside to build more buildings that would also be protected, though such protection must work with an adequately sized soldier caste force or it will only be marginally effective against incursions.(Requires: 35 labour. Reward: Small Palisade fort around you)

[]Dam the river (work units) - Just south of you is a v-shaped valley that your river runs through. Blocking it off partially with a structure made from wood would be labour-intensive, but would increase the amount of land available to farm by making it easier for the motiles to bring water to crops where it is too dry by digging irrigation ditches. (Requires 40 labour. Farming capacity of each block increases by 1 for all farming blocks in the immediate area of you, reduces effect of drought on food production)

[]Think hello at them (soldiers assigned) - While in the medium to long term another immotile in the area is a serious threat, they may wish for co-operation at the moment in which case a research swap could be extremely beneficial to you. Establishing contact would require sending out a single motile to the edge of their location, finding a patrol and linking nerve receptors to convey concepts which would then be reviewed by their immotile. Or at least that is the usual way to do this according to your pre-amalgamation memories. To guard against the event that the motile you send out gets attacked, you can order it to run away if it is approached by more than one other motile. You should probably wait until you have a larger herd before doing this option to prevent a particularly unfavourable deal or inviting probing attacks, but you are certain to come in contact with them at some point regardless of whether you initiate it or not.(Opens diplomatic relations with your neighbour to the North-West with an unknown chance of success. Very small possibility of losing a soldier motile, other immotile gains knowledge of you)

[]Spy on them (soldiers assigned) - You need a better idea of your neighbour than the impression you got from viewing their farming area from a far distance away. You could send a soldier motile out to get a better look. (Chance of success: unknown. Chance of alerting other immotile to your presence. Chance of losing a soldier motile on failure. Reward: gain a better understanding of your neighbour's approximate size, capabilities)

[]Exterminate the fauna (soldiers assigned; must be greater than or equal to two): Your research into the principle of leverage led to the invention of a new kind of weapon last year - a flexible twine length with a hole that small stones can fit into. A soldier motile using such devices can throw the stones faster and far farther than it can normally, however worker motiles lack the co-ordination necessary to be accurate. This device could be useful in driving off the flying animals and small pests that have been feasting on your crops and fly or run away when your worker motiles try to deal with it. If you started this project, you would not be able to do any kind of scouting for the next year as both soldier caste motiles would be occupied in the attempt. Progress: 3/~240(progress and chance depends on soldier caste numbers). Reward: +5% food production.

[]Go scouting around again (soldiers assigned)(write-in policy - do your soldier motiles run away, fight, "talk" etc if they see how many other motiles under what conditions, in what general direction do they focus their efforts, etc) - While you are aware of your neighbour to the north-West from the scouting, that was three years ago, and much can change during that time. Maybe you could take a look again at your immediate surroundings more actively.

[]Write-in (requires approval)


Research Projects:
You think you can only consider one novel idea at a time with the current immotile group size. Brain points not used can go to a research project each year.

[]The wheel - One of the things you noticed while experimenting with slopes is that round objects on slopes can roll if the objects are round enough and the ground is even enough, and rolling objects was much easier for motiles to do than dragging them or lifting them in some cases. This may be useful somehow if you can figure out a way of reliably replicating the effect. (requirements: 1 work unit per year active, an estimated 40 brain, Reward: Wheeled carts double bonus from basic roads)
[]Improve Soldier caste equipment - (requirements: 1 work unit per year active, an estimated 40 brain, Reward: Soldier motiles equipped with spears, bows, shields)
[]Fire – On the way to your location, the motile herd observed an area of a rock face approximately 25 km away from your position that emitted a light during the night-time, illuminating the nearby rocks. Perhaps this bears investigation. (Requirements: 2 work units per year active, an estimated 200 brain points. Reward: knowledge of fire; illumination allows motiles to work in the night-time increasing the number of work-units by 20%, allows further options)
[]Agriculture improvement – Perhaps your most pressing need right now is to identify means by which you can increase food generation. Maybe you should spend some time and resources experimenting with the food crops to identify how you can make them grow better(requirements: 3 work units per year active, an estimated 200 brain points. Reward: +20% food production).
[]Base cell cultivation (75/150 complete) – The rate at which you can increase the size of your collective is dependent on the base cell concentration in the water. Perhaps you could investigate the conditions under which they grow the best.(requirements: 1 work unit per year active, 5 base cells per year, an estimated 150 brain points. Reward: option to build base cell farms)
[]Write-in(requires approval)
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I want those rival Immotiles gone. Best way I can think of doing so is spawning as many soldiers as we can, exterminating insects, and start raiding.
I want those rival Immotiles gone. Best way I can think of doing so is spawning as many soldiers as we can, exterminating insects, and start raiding.

If killing the rival immotile is what you want, there are a number of stratagems you could try to get to approximate force parity.

Number 1: Build as many farms and soldiers as possible as fast as possible.
Number 2: Make a few new immotile bodies, and rush research into fire and military technologies.
Number 3: Wait for your Base cell cultivation experiments to progress, send out a mission to deploy any baseicides/prime teratogens identified in the process to the rival's water system to slow down their growth.
Number 4: Build forts, which are very useful if you are attacked.
Math is hard. I'm going to need to think about the numbers I can put in votes some more. Just to say I'm still interested, just suck at number crunching.
I'm going to continue peaceful development for the moment, as such here is my plan:
Compulsory Actions:
[X] Spawn soldier motiles 0
[X] Spawn worker motiles 0
Optional Actions:
[X] Amalgamate an additional immotile body
[X] Food production +7
[X] Exterminate the fauna 2
[X] Go scouting 2 - this time spend more effort in the direction away from the other immotile grouping
[X] Base cell cultivation
Urgh, I'm still not sure of what all the variables mean. Could I have a quick rundown, please?

You currently have 28 worker motiles, 4 soldier motiles and one immotile unit.

Each worker motile produces one labour-unit, plus a bonus (15%) due to technology and improvements. So each worker produces 1.15 work units, rounded.

Each motile consumes one food and one brain as upkeep, representing the cost in your management capability and the food requirements. Each immotile unit consumes 20 food as upkeep and generates 100 brain.

Your stewardship rating reduces all stated upkeep requirements by 14%, but not costs for new projects.

Each labour-unit assigned to farming produces four food, unless it is above the farming capacity, in which case the extra ones produce 1.5 food.

Farming capacity advances by ten per farm built.

Each labour unit assigned to other projects that have a labour unit count usually advances their progression by the number of labour units assigned.

Research projects are slightly different; each brain point assigned usually advances the progression of that research by the number of brain points with a bonus for your learning rating; 4%, but this is much more variable than building projects.

The base cell number is a hard limit to the total number of spawns of soldiers and workers you can make this year.

The food stockpile is how many food units you currently have stored due to surplus from previous years.
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Thank you so much!

One last thing, how many workers are in the farms? I understand that the bonuses make the real number a bit less, yes?
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So that leaves four motiles of each types and about 19 of surplus food per year, got it. Thanks again!

40, not 20, Argu, gawds!
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[x]Spawn soldier motiles 4

[x]Spawn worker motiles 6

[x]Amalgamate an additional immotile body

[x]Build wooden palisade enclosure 7

[x]Exterminate the fauna 2

[x]Go scouting around again 2 - Should contact be made, the Motiles must try to disengage and go back to camp in a way that is as difficult to track and follow as possible. Scouting should be thorough and in the region closer to the immotile for now.
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