[X] Plan King of Persia
Iran. What is Iran? A vast kingdom of such size that its rulers ruled over mere kings, a state of such magnificence that the names of its roads became popular idioms, not one nation but hundreds all subjected to the Great King, the King of Kings. The Haxamanishiya or Achaemenid dynasty is over, ended at the hands of a treacherous satrap, but its memory is fresh and despite the recent mastery of Hellas over the Persian east, its royal names will remain in memory for centuries yet. What Hellene does not know the names of Kyros? Dareios? Atarxerxes? None. This glory was such that Alexandros ho Megas himself became more like the Persians upon his conquest of them. All that glory and infinitely more shall be ours.
Persia was the world's greatest empire literally four years ago, it ruled over so many peoples that to most Greeks it would simply be incomprehensible and its aristocracy was so prestigious and powerful that Alexander still favoured them even after conquering them, their court customs will be influencing the Diadokhoi even now. The King of Persia plan will allow us to leverage this to have immense prestige through our participation in the hetairoi, the single most prestigious part of the Alexandrian army and our understanding of Persian court culture which will come to be massively influential. Through our Gift of Zeus we will also be a highly capable commander, which will be massively important. Remember, the Diadokhoi states quickly forgot the combined arms warfare that had made Alexander himself successful, by marrying Iranian horseback traditions with Greek infantry, ruled by a Greco-Persian ruler, we could create a state truly emblematic of the syncretism that the Hellenistic period is famous for and back it up as well. Imagine how cool it could be to be Shapur the Great some 700 years before the actual Shapur and syncretize Perso-Zoroastrian beliefs with Hellenic religion. Imagine how cool it would be to truly blend Persian and Greek cultures rather than simply becoming another pseudo-colonialist Diadokhoi state.