Ok, so if I'm reading this article right, as our Minister of Internal affairs she is the one that keeps the nobles in line (paying their taxes, actually overseeing the peasants and their issues instead of kicking back and leaving their subjects to starve, enforcing the King's Law in their lands, et cetera), ensures that laws are enforced - unlike a Minister of Justice, that deals with the judicial system itself - and she may or may not be the one our local equivalent to CIA/MI6 answers to.
Basically, Selene Peake is our political advisor. She advises us on internal affairs, foreign diplomacy, fiscal policies etc. She is also a highborn Lyonessian noblewoman, so she serves as a representative of the native aristocratic class, while Elicia Imrryr represents the army. We might have someone advising us on religious matters on behalf of the clergy as well.
Ok, so if I'm reading this article right, as our Minister of Internal affairs she is the one that keeps the nobles in line (paying their taxes, actually overseeing the peasants and their issues instead of kicking back and leaving their subjects to starve, enforcing the King's Law in their lands, et cetera), ensures that laws are enforced - unlike a Minister of Justice, that deals with the judicial system itself - and she may or may not be the one our local equivalent to CIA/MI6 answers to.
Pretty much, but Selene herself is the heir to one of the most powerful noble houses (probably a duchess or a countess), so her loyalty will not always be aligned with the crown.
So, do we have something akin to a House of Lords where Nobles gather and vote? Or is this a more direct monarchy with a King's Council that advises directly?
If the former is true, a way to gather funds and troops for the upcoming war would be to take the Nobles and dangle something they want in front of their noses. Say, in the Council of Peers a Count gets one vote, a Marquis has two, a Duke gets three (maybe four) and so on, and Noblemen that show the greatest compromise with the defense of their country (i.e, those who put big money towards funding the army) win the title of Protector of the Realm, a non-hereditable title that translates into an extra vote. Of course, sneaking in a clause that ensures The King having ultimate vetting power to put down laws and decrees they judge "detrimental to the greater good of Lyonesse and her people" is only wise.
If there is no such system yet, creating one could ensure Noble houses are too busy one-upping one another and demonstrating how more powerful and useful than everyone else they are. That way they won't get underfoot, and may even become actively useful to the betterment of Lyoness. Such titles could be appointed on merits. Things like " Brave House of Bolton, the Claws of the Lion" for excellence in the battlefield, "the Steadfast House Luxinger of the Golden Goblet" for those with the most productive fiefdom, or stuff like that. Things that look useful, desirable, and worthy of bragging rights, which can only be attained by being useful and worth bragging about. By doing things like raising banners and coffers to defend Lyoness from a horde of raging barbarians.
So, do we have something akin to a House of Lords where Nobles gather and vote? Or is this a more direct monarchy with a King's Council that advises directly?
If the former is true, a way to gather funds and troops for the upcoming war would be to take the Nobles and dangle something they want in front of their noses. Say, in the Council of Peers a Count gets one vote, a Marquis has two, a Duke gets three (maybe four) and so on, and Noblemen that show the greatest compromise with the defense of their country (i.e, those who put big money towards funding the army) win the title of Protector of the Realm, a non-hereditable title that translates into an extra vote. Of course, sneaking in a clause that ensures The King having ultimate vetting power to put down laws and decrees they judge "detrimental to the greater good of Lyonesse and her people" is only wise.
If there is no such system yet, creating one could ensure Noble houses are too busy one-upping one another and demonstrating how more powerful and useful than everyone else they are. That way they won't get underfoot, and may even become actively useful to the betterment of Lyoness. Such titles could be appointed on merits. Things like " Brave House of Bolton, the Claws of the Lion" for excellence in the battlefield, "the Steadfast House Luxinger of the Golden Goblet" for those with the most productive fiefdom, or stuff like that. Things that look useful, desirable, and worthy of bragging rights, which can only be attained by being useful and worth bragging about. By doing things like raising banners and coffers to defend Lyoness from a horde of raging barbarians.
I'm thinking it's more like an absolute monarchy than a constitutional monarchy. We have some very powerful noble houses (e.g. The House of Peake) who rule over large duchies and can influence crown policies directly. But there are also many small noble houses (as of yet unnamed), who are likely to have far less influence than the greater houses.
I have plans to expand on the political system of Lyonesse later. Maybe brief descriptions on the major nobles (e.g. dukes and archdukes), and how we can ensure their loyalty to the crown in the future.
[X] Sit with the Nobles and ask them to contribute to the war.
-[X] Also prepare to have the Royal Treasury fund any remaining wartime costs-split like this it should at least leave you with some coin.
-[X] If Lady Peake is willing to discuss matter of finances, including concerns of war funding, hear her out.
"I will ask Lady Peake for her advice on how to fund this campaign." You told Lady Imrryr. "I know that the two of you don't exactly like each other... but Lady Peake is more knowledgeable about financial matters than either of us. If we are to win this war, if we are to better this kingdom, we must learn to work together as allies."
"I don't exactly dislike her, your majesty." Lady Imrryr grimaced. "I doubt Lady Peake and I would ever be friends, but I have no particular reason to hate her either. She is the one who insists on us being... antagonistic."
"My cousin can be wary of foreigners." You said as diplomatically as you could. When Lord Marshal Marten passed, Selene had repeatedly advised your father to put 'Lyonesse first' and promote a native Lyonessian general instead of 'a foreign-born witch'. "But I am sure that she only wants the best for this kingdom, the same as us."
You have known Selene all your life. When you were younger, you looked up to your cousin like a big sister. But as you grew older, you started noticing her flaws. She was not the wise elder sister you wanted, but realizing that those you looked up to were not so perfect as you once thought them to be was an inevitable part of growing up.
You were only seventeen years old, yet you were no stranger to disappointment and failure. While Lady Imrryr explained more military matters, your mind wandered back to one of your most painful memories.
[] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her.
[] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[] When you were younger, your favorite guard had been a jolly old man with a kind smile. You trusted him with your life, until the day he took money from an enemy kingdom, and tried to slit your throat.
[] Write In
[X] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her
[x] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her.
[X] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her
[X] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her.
No matter how hard you try… You can't always save everyone.
But if we can pick only one - it is meant to be a brief sidetrack, so having two would be weird - this time, then...
[x] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[x] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
Adhoc vote count started by Celedrok on Aug 9, 2020 at 9:57 AM, finished with 12 posts and 11 votes.
[x] When you were younger, you had attended a public hanging with your father. Peasants who had rebelled against their lord and were being executed as traitors. One of those being hanged was a girl little older than you are now.
[X] When you were younger, you had come across an injured bird with a broken wing. You fed her by hand, and tried desperately to save her life. But no matter how hard you tried, you could not save her