[X] Allow Lady Imrryr to send troops farther north to retake the coastal towns. There will be bloody battles where many things can go wrong. However, an overwhelming victory over the northerners will greatly increase your reputation. [Offensive planning]
[X] Insist on a defensive battle plan around the capital and its fortifications. Enough to honor the agreement your father made, but not enough to make the Cyrilans too happy. It will, however, be the safer and less costly option. [Defensive planning]
[X] Allow Lady Imrryr to send troops farther north to retake the coastal towns. There will be bloody battles where many things can go wrong. However, an overwhelming victory over the northerners will greatly increase your reputation. [Offensive planning]
[X] Allow Lady Imrryr to send troops farther north to retake the coastal towns. There will be bloody battles where many things can go wrong. However, an overwhelming victory over the northerners will greatly increase your reputation. [Offensive planning]
Adhoc vote count started by Celedrok on Jul 24, 2020 at 6:07 AM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Allow Lady Imrryr to send troops farther north to retake the coastal towns. There will be bloody battles where many things can go wrong. However, an overwhelming victory over the northerners will greatly increase your reputation. [Offensive planning]
[X] Insist on a defensive battle plan around the capital and its fortifications. Enough to honor the agreement your father made, but not enough to make the Cyrilans too happy. It will, however, be the safer and less costly option. [Defensive planning]
"You have my permission to face the Ashmen where you see fit, Lady Imrryr." You planned to be more involved in military affairs than your father was, but you were not so arrogant as to assume that you are more knowledgeable than your generals when it comes to military planning. Even if you might not always agree with your advisors, you respected their knowledge and experience. "The northerners cannot be allowed a foothold in this continent. If we let them hold the coastal towns now, they will almost surely bring in more raiders and invade the capital of Cyrila in a few years. Once they have Cyrila, they will start raiding farther south. Even Lyonesse might be threatened in a decade or so. That is why I need you to drive back the Ascomanni, and put an end to their southern ambitions."
"I shall not disappoint you, your majesty." Lady Imrryr bowed formally. She had proven herself to be a loyal soldier and brilliant tactician. You admired her quite a lot, even though she was a foreigner who had no blood ties to your kingdom. Hiring her against the wishes of the native Lyonessian nobles might be the best decision your father had made as king.
"One more thing," you grimaced when you remembered, "I have heard dark whispers about northern sorcery. Their seers can supposedly control the weather, see the future, and change into ravens or wolves. Some even claim that the Ascomanni have giants, trolls, and ice demons fighting for them. Is there any truth to those tales?"
"I think the Giants and Trolls might be members of certain primitive tribes from the far north." Lady Imrryr did not laugh at those strange legends, but approached them with a rational mind. "Hairy savages who are considerably taller than southerners but humans nevertheless. They can be killed with fire and steel, the same as any man. As for the Ice Demons, I have heard tales of an unnamed tribe from the farthest corner of the northern continent. A mysterious tribe feared by all others and known only as 'the old ones' or 'those who came from the stars'. What I found odd is that I had heard some very similar legends before, but about a sleeping god worshiped in the islands south of Sarnath."
"I assume that these are all just distant superstitions." You still felt uneasy. "While the northern war chief might have unified the coastal raiding clans and the monstrous primitives from the far north into a single force, I very much doubt that she will have awakened sleeping gods to fight by her side. Nonetheless, we should be prepared for everything. Do you have any safeguards against northern sorcery, Lady Imrryr?"
"Aside from the blood of my ancestors, no." Lady Imrryr admitted. "But I am confident that my soldiers can deal with anything the Ascomanni throws at us, as long as I have enough men."
[] Send 1,000 soldiers to Cyrila. Enough to honor the promise your father had made with King Starrik of Cyrila, but not enough to drive the Ascomanni back, not unless they are very lucky. The other 4,000 soldiers of the King's Own will remain at your capital to secure your rule, defend you from any internal threats, or any conflicts with Thule or Avallon. [25% chance of success]
[] Send 2,000 soldiers to Cyrila. A decent sized force that will help King Starrik and his men drive the Ascomanni back into the sea. But their victory will be far from certain, considering more raiders may yet arrive from the north. The other 3,000 soldiers of the King's Own will remain at your capital to secure your rule, defend you from any internal threats, but might be stretched thin if there is any new conflict with Thule or Avallon. [50% chance of success]
[] Send 3,000 soldiers to Cyrila. A large force that should be able to drive the Ascomanni back into the sea on their own, unless they are very unlucky and a great many raiders arrive from the north. The other 2,000 soldiers of the King's Own will remain at your capital to secure your rule, defend you from any internal threats, but cannot hope to resolve any rising conflicts with Thule or Avallon. [75% chance of success]
[] Send 4,000 soldiers to Cyrila. A massive force that should be able to drive the Ascomanni back into the sea on their own, and deal with any raiders arriving from the north. The other 1,000 soldiers of the King's Own will remain at your capital to secure your rule, thought they will have a hard time dealing with large scale peasant rebellions or traitorous nobles. [99% chance of success]
Several months, depending on weather conditions, roads, supply lines etc. The actual battle will probably be over in a few hours or day, but a lot longer will be spent on marching to meet the enemy.
This is going to be our first real act as king and giving it the best chance to win I think is the best choice for us yes we'll be under maned for a little but with a 99% they should return much quicker then the other options.
So at the very minimum I would go with 3k but even 75% still scares me a little.
[X] Send 3,000 soldiers to Cyrila
We don't HAVE to win, but we do need to do damage, and kind how large our own army is. Hopefully our Advisor knows what she's doing enough to kick butt and take names.
Last thing we need right now is an opportunistic neighbor taking advantage. And less troops should have an easier (and faster) time going North, without straining so much our supply train.
Last thing we need right now is an opportunistic neighbor taking advantage. And less troops should have an easier (and faster) time going North, without straining so much our supply train.
Yes and also a better chance of getting crushed, with 2k were literally leaving it to a coin flip as to how this goes at the very least atleast 75% is in our favor and not just a toss of a coin.
Sending 3000 would be for the best: a decent chance of victory without overcommitting. I would suggest sending them in waves, with the first wave of 2000 departing ASAP and waves of a thousand men rotating in and out, which allows us to keep a garrison of 2000 men on both fronts at all times. Once the first wave settles in, a thousand men split from the homefront garrison (unit now made up of 3000 men) and march north, fresh-faced and well-fed, to support the soldiers already there. Once they make contact with the first wave, an equal thousand march back home to rest - which incidentally gives us up to a thousand war veterans per wave that manages to make the trip back, and having combat veterans is likely to help should any further conflict arise.
1- Send 2000 men north.
2- send a further 1000 men to replace half the men at the front, with half the Vanguard (hopefully still a thousand) marching back while the other half stays at the front both keeping the pressure on the Ashmen and bringing the fresh blood up to snuff.
3. Once the first returning wave arrives, send a second reinforcement wave (the third wave, if we count the 2000 Vanguard) to replace the other half of the vanguard (the guys who stayed behind after the first split) and have this new wave train with the now veteran soldiers that arrived with the second wave.
4- Repeat until the Ashmen are burnt to ashes or we need those men at home more than we want the Cyrilese alive.
That said, sound as it may seem, sending them in waves may not be for the best. A crushing Blitzkrieg leaves a gap in our defenses, true, but so does an extended war our lands are not ready for. Consulting with our tacticians before committing to anything is for the best, and depending on what are our soldiers are armed with I would recommend revising the plan so as to create something more tailored to take advantage of what we have - for example, cavalry is useful in the offense and under the right circumstances can make for terrifying skirmishers, but are far less useful if we have to retake armored positions. Archery may not be able to break well-trained soldiers with decent shields and/or good enough armor, but these barbarians are unlikely to have either. Infantry lacks the striking power of cavalry or the stopping power of archery, true, but they can root through Cyril's unwalled cities and look for raiders far more easily than either.
One way or the other at least two thousand men will march north, but the rotating will hopefully keep war fatigue at bay and allow for all 5000 men to gain valuable combat experience over time. Making "teach the rookies as much as we can" a military tradition at grunt level can only help, especially if are forced to draft levies at some point.
On that note, bringing our minister of interior (I think that would be that Selene Peake girl?) will be necessary. War is expensive, and armies marching on their stomach is a maxim that holds true here and in China, so keeping an eye on the local problems is always a good and sensible thing. How influential are our Noble Houses? How many NH do we have? What is the state of our economy? our infrastructure?
Write in: Assess the kingdom's economy.
[X] Peake did not like the idea of war. On the one hand, it is an understandable reaction: war is costly in so many ways, and the price will be felt by all Lyonesse one way or another. On the other hand, however, you cannot help but wonder whether there are deeper reasons for this. We should check the current economical and social status of Lyonesse.
Edit: Write in: Investigate magic
[X] Our lack of knowledge on the existence and usage of magic is concerning. Either this world - or this part of the world - has no magicians to speak of or that said magicians - supposing they exist - want nothing to do with us. Assigning someone to look into it may be wise.
That said, assessing our economy and ensuring our production is up to snuff comes first. Ensuring our country's economy is not dependant on foreign money - and thus open to foreign influence - should cheer Selene up, at least. Make her feel we share her concerns, at the very least.
[X] Our lack of knowledge on the existence and usage of magic is concerning. Either this world - or this part of the world - has no magicians to speak of or that said magicians - supposing they exist - want nothing to do with us. Assigning someone to look into it may be wise.
"I can give you three thousand men from the King's Own." You weighed your options and made your decision. "That should be a large enough force to drive the Ascomanni back to the sea. The rest of the King's Own shall remain at the capital to defend the crown from any internal threat, whether it is from unruly peasants or disloyal nobles."
"Understood." Lady Imrryr nodded. "Three thousand of the King's Own should be more than enough to crush any number of savages. Our soldiers are better trained, better equipped, and far better disciplined. A good number of them have combat experience from past border conflicts with Thule and Avallon. The Ascomanni may make for savage raiders, but they will break before a well trained regiment."
"I have no doubts about their combat prowess, Lady Imrryr." Your grimaced. "I am more worried about logistics, and how to secure the funds for this campaign. Armies march on their bellies, after all. It would not do to go in aid of our Cyrilan allies if our own soldiers have to ravage their land looking for food. As Lady Peake said, this will be a costly war, but our economy is currently on the decline."
"I apologize, your majesty, but I am only a soldier." Lady Imrryr said. "I cannot advise you on economic affairs. The nobles of this land are not too fond of me, and I am not all that familiar with the trading guilds either. I can lead your armies and oversee the supply lines, but you will need someone else to advise you on financial matters."
"Of course." You nodded. Lady Imrryr was a brilliant military strategist, but finance was a different sort of battlefield. Just as ruthless, and considerably more complex and frustrating. If you use your own funds, the royal treasury will be empty by the end of the war. You can ask the nobles to contribute, but the wealthiest of them were notoriously stingy.
You can always raise taxes, but that might just be asking for yet another bloody peasant rebellion. The trading guilds may agree to contribute, but they always have more and more demands. You also did not know how far you could trust them, considering most guilds also have branches in Avallon and Thule. The Sarnathi Bank was another possible source of funding , but borrowing from them rarely turned out well.
[] Use your own funds from the royal treasury for the war
[] Sit with the nobles and ask them to contribute to the war
[] Sit with the trading guilds and ask them to contribute to the war
[] Request Lady Peake to intercede on your behalf
[] Tke a loan from the Sarnathi Bank
[] Raise taxes to fund the war
[] Write In
[X] See if Selene Peake has any advice on this issue.
I think we really could use more information and some advice from someone more aware of such matters.
Though if there is an adviser with more relevant knowledge, we should probably ask him/her instead at the moment.
[X] Sit with the Nobles and ask them to contribute to the war.
-[X] Also prepare to have the Royal Treasury fund any remaining wartime costs-split like this it should at least leave you with some coin.
-[X] If Lady Peake is willing to discuss matter of finances, including concerns of war funding, hear her out.
Might as well give that lady an in.
[X] Sit with the Nobles and ask them to contribute to the war.
-[X] Also prepare to have the Royal Treasury fund any remaining wartime costs-split like this it should at least leave you with some coin.
-[X] If Lady Peake is willing to discuss matter of finances, including concerns of war funding, hear her out.