The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Honestly, even as interesting a naval Napoleon quest would be, it would be the equivalent of being the being a single tank in the dark ages. Sure we'd probably do really well combat wise until we just start getting whittled down by the British navy and Nelson. The time and money it would take to raise a navy that could contest the north sea or Mediterranean would be enormous.

Plus, the odds of a naval admiral/captain gaining enough influence to declare themselves emperor would be crazy.

Not to mention whatever government is in Paris, convention or otherwise, probably wouldn't fund us and our pursuits as much as they would the army, as they are arguably much more important for the continued existence of the nation. If they do through us being friends with some of them or blackmail then the army will suffer and do worse. Of course this particular point only matters depending on how the QM wants to go about it. Will there be rolls for how good the armies and navies outside of us do during the 3-4 month turns? If we do navy then what's going to happen for places like Toulon or the Italian campaign early on where napoleons was the main piece of what happened?

Much easier and better to at least be on the land based military so we could keep on the timeline for a while and to make sure that one bad loss wont take out our entire campaign and army wealth for multiple turns
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Honestly, even as interesting a naval Napoleon quest would be, it would be the equivalent of being the being a single tank in the dark ages. Sure we'd probably do really well combat wise until we just start getting whittled down by the British navy and Nelson. The time and money it would take to raise a navy that could contest the north sea or Mediterranean would be enormous.

Plus, the odds of a naval admiral/captain gaining enough influence to declare themselves emperor would be crazy.

Not to mention whatever government is in Paris, convention or otherwise, probably wouldn't fund us and our pursuits as much as they would the army, as they are arguably much more important for the continued existence of the nation. If they do through us being friends with some of them or blackmail then the army will suffer and do worse. Of course this particular point only matters depending on how the QM wants to go about it. Will there be rolls for how good the armies and navies outside of us do during the 3-4 month turns? If we do navy then what's going to happen for places like Toulon or the Italian campaign early on where napoleons was the main piece of what happened?

Much easier and better to at least be on the land based military so we could keep on the timeline for a while and to make sure that one bad loss wont take out our entire campaign and army wealth for multiple turns
I won't opine on the naval/land debate for the sake of impartiality, but on the subject of external events: Events will mostly follow history, but when things change because of Napoleon's actions, there will be rolls. For example, if Napoleon isn't at Toulon, I'll roll to see how well the French do there.
Ok that makes sense then. So would it be a roll to see if the army just sits there and does nothing like what would've probably happened in OTL without Napoleon, or would there not be one at all and just rolls for the fighting in Germany at the time? How do you think you'd determine early events like that before we get farther along and start jumping off the rails?
[X] Plan: Ocean Bounty

Sea Napoleon is a go! :D Let's see if we can turn him into French Thomas Cochrane.
[X] Plan: Ocean Bounty

Considering that our main rival will be Britain, let's see if we can at least challenge the idea of Britania rules the waves.
Guys I garenty you we will do nothing as a admiral like afrer the 7 years war france is way behind in navy only its alience with Spain did they have a chance and you saw how that ended.
Guys I garenty you we will do nothing as a admiral like afrer the 7 years war france is way behind in navy only its alience with Spain did they have a chance and you saw how that ended.
Right, but this a quest, meaning we'll have the chance to change that. It'll be horrendously difficult, to be sure, but pulling it off would be amazing.
And to put it bluntly the Italian campaign is a thing of beauty.

To take that away would be like smashing a stained glass window.
In case anyone was wondering why I picked Turkish as the additional language in Ocean Bounty, it's because just about any ambitions within the Mediterranean would likely end up involving interactions with the Barbary States, and through them, the Ottoman Empire. Whether it be diplomacy or war, knowing the official language should prove beneficial, was my thinking.

Funny thing, wasn't Napoleon slated to be sent to the Ottoman Empire during 1795 or thereabouts? If I recall, that's about the time Selim III was trying to make his new army to replace the Janissaries and Napoleon would be working on the artillery. The only reason he didn't go was because he put down a mob in Paris just days before he was sent to leave.

Would've been an interesting avenue to explore, though you've already made your plans, and the butterflies would probably make it impossible anyway.
[X] Plan: Man Against All the Odds
-[X]As a Corsican, through and through - Try as they might to beat the 'backwards, almost pagan' Corsican manners out of you, the monks have failed to subdue the love you hold for your homeland. You'll learn French, and you'll live in France, if that's what fate has in store, but deep in your heart you think of yourself as Corsican, with an accent to match.
-[X] Languages - As a soldier, and a nobleman, there's no telling where the winds of war and marriage might take you. You've poured your energy and time into perfecting the French you learned at Autun, and speak it with perfect grammar and no accent. With French down, you've also learned another language. (+5 Intelligence, +3 Charm, Gain Trait - Linguist, Choose one extra language besides French and Italian to be fluent in)
--[X] Extra Fluent Language - German
-[X] Became the target of bullies - Determined not to let them victimise you, you learned how to brawl, and how to fight off your enemies even when they gang up on you. Hell, you kind of prefer when they come in a group, now - the more the merrier, you say as you crack your knuckles. (+5 Valor, Gain Trait - We happy few!)
-[X] Le Regiment De Saxe Hussars - A Hussar regiment, eh? Good luck commanding those Germans, they're a rowdy bunch. (Gain Trait - Cavalier)
-[X] Find your gaze drifting more towards the men. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with male characters - though political marriages with women are still available)