The World Turned Upside Down - World Congress RP


Nostalgic Time Traveler
The United States of America

The General Assembly of the World Congress meets for session in the year 1989 at Amsterdam of the Benelux Federation, as the Russian Empire collapsed. An organization with a long history as a front for "old-school diplomacy", it is now taking its own as an independent forum for international issues to be discussed.



"Elections for the Council of the World Congress will be held in the Year of Our Lord 1992, all nations of the General Assembly are encouraged to submit their bids to their fellow representatives on the floor. A reminder that elected members of the Council are disallowed to repeat terms twice consecutively."


"An Emergency Session of the Council has been called to discuss the worsening situations in the Republic of Mesopotamia, the Congo, the Gulf Coast, the Nicaraguan Canal, and various other flashpoints of a world contracting at the end of the Great Game. How these nations, with their conflicting missions, resolve them, is a different matter. However, they must deliberate and present their resolution to a vote amongst the General Assembly by the end of the year, otherwise their reputation, especially that of the electable members, is seriously harmed."


1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia
2) The Congo Administrative Zone
3) The Gulf of Mexico Refugee Crisis
4) The Rise in Radical Islamism
5) The Status of International Nuclear Arms

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2) The Congo Administrative Zone
While I believe the Congolese representative can better cover the details at the general assembly, Warlords continue to cause a humanitarian crisis within the Congo, with our current efforts not being able to remove them. We once again thank all the nations that are co-operating on returning stability to the region, and believe that with some of the new measures we are planning to take, we will see some more success beyond merely securing the cities and major town from raids and attacks from insurgents.
1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia needs to be stopped. Portugal is open to suggestions from other members of the Council as to how this is to be done. @Gamelin
4) The Rise in Radical Islamism
What is Turkey's (@Korona) thoughts on this matter?
1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia

Russia believes that Mesopotamia should be allowed to commit to expansionist policy, as surely, British hegemony is outdated and antique, and we must, as the representatives of this world, allow for natural growth? War is as eventual as a stream flowing down the mountain.

4) The Rise in Radical Islamism

It is in the belief of Russia that radicalism is a byproduct of self-expression, and must be protected as a human right of liberty. One cannot be as pigheaded as to suppress the belief of the few in brutal policing actions such as seen in Europe. Russia argues that we must be inclusive, and spiritually guide our Molem kindred into a more enlightened age.

5) The Status of International Nuclear Arms

Russia strongly insists that nuclear weapons --- while British supremacy is in place --- should be maintained at a national level. There is no need for an overarrching organization to be overloaded and neglected.

Furthermore, Russia wishes to put forth the notion of the creation of a 'Representative of the United States', to be elected similar to regional elections in North America to represent American interests on the world stage.
Along with wether or not Japan (@BritishGrenadier) has any input on the matters in Europe in the wake of the Emperor's tour.

Yours faithfully,
Loyal to our allies,

Boris Nikolaivech
Russian Representative in Amsterdam
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The Commonwealths of Greater Virginia formally petitions for admission into the General Assembly of the World Congress.

Secretary of State for the Commonwealths of Greater Virginia
1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia
The Republic of Turkey shall do everything within it's power to ensure the safety and livelihood of the Turkish population of the Republic of Mesopotamia, and as such, shall continue with it's current military action. However, the Republic of Turkey is open to World Congress intervention in Mesopotamia, and could be persuaded to withdraw if the sanctity of the Turkish population of Mesopotamia is ensured.
4) The Rise in Radical Islamism
The rise of Radical Islam is cause for concern, but the Republic of Turkey has not seen fit to take any international action yet.
The Russian delegate is lactose intolerant and requests something non-dairy.

The Commonwealths of Greater Virginia formally petitions for admission into the General Assembly of the World Congress.

Secretary of State for the Commonwealths of Greater Virginia
The Empire Of Japan Asks for a vote to be made in a later session for this we feel needs to decided in a more appropriate time. For the Empire Of Japan feels that there are other things to discuss that are more important and urgent.
The Statement of the Imperial Government regrading the situation in Republic of the Mesopotamia

His Imperial Majesty's Government suggests a independent Multinational peacekeeping force be sent to Mesopotamia to prevent any state from taking any territory for themselves and to maintain peace and liberate the people in its oppressive regime. Then it after that we suggest a Admintrating it under the temporary control of the Congress (OOC Like U.N. Trust Territories)
The United Kingdom extends an invitation for concerned nations to attach observers and other specialists to our humanitarian mission in the Republic of Mesopotamia, that the people of the World Congress might satisfy themselves regarding the conduct of all parties involved.
The United States government accepts the offer of the United Kingdom, and will prepare a special detachment of observers and humanitarian specialists to accompany the British mission.

The US government has some...reservations regarding the Russian @Kerensky proposal for a single representative for both the United States and the former Confederate states, but is open to further discussion.
North Germany agrees with the general idea of expanding the Council to 8 members with a new 4th elected member, such aside we accept UK's offer and will be sending military observers to and humanitarian observers to the peacekeeping mission.
@ChaoticGenius Portugal requests a dossier on the Gulf Refugee crisis. Who are the refugees, where are they going, and why is it a crisis?

A short, stout man with a long mustache appearing to be an aide rushes to the side of the Portuguese delegation to the World Congress carrying a print out of the various statistics on the crisis, so much so that the words seem to blend together: "hundreds of thousands departing from the former Confederacy...lack of infrastructure to provide for mass influx...sustenance, shelter, and jobs seem to be top priority".
The Yankee ambassador notices the Portuguese delegation and uses this as their opening.

Ambassadors, we may debate proper procedure for the British intervention in Mesopotamia all the live long day, but there is a very real crisis happening right on our doorstep that requires immediate attention. The Confederacy is a failed state and we all know it; the only question now is how to deal with the fallout. Direct and speedy action must be taken to secure the safety of the region.
1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia
2) The Congo Administrative Zone
3) The Gulf of Mexico Refugee Crisis
4) The Rise in Radical Islamism
5) The Status of International Nuclear Arms

1. The Empire of Mexico accepts Britain's offer to attach observers.
2. The Empire of Mexico has no interest in the area and defers to the judgment of others.
3. The Empire of Mexico is pleased to offer safe haven to refugees for the duration.
4. We trust others can curtail the rise of Islam.
5. Under no circumstances will Mexico surrender its Nuclear arms to an international body.
Thaddeus Romulus Armstrong, the Confederate representative at the World Congress, speaks up after the comments made by the Yankee representative.

"These comments made by my fellow Yankee representative are but poor attempts at masking the United States' eternal imperialist desires to conquer the freedom-loving peoples of the South. It has been nearly a century and a half since we secured our independence from those northern tyrants, and we will be hard-pressed to preserve our independence regardless of the current domestic situation within the Confederacy. Any attempts at breaching the sovereignty of the Confederacy by the United States, or any foreign power for that matter, will be met with complete retaliation by any and all forces at the Confederacy's disposal."
"Canada offers any aid it can to resolve the crisis affecting the Caribbean. We are open to settling a reasonable number of refugees, and can take more on a temporary basis.

I also move that the Congress considers the question of the region formerly known as Russian America, which exists currently without responsible or recognisable government."
The Second Republic of Texas has applied to join the World Congress as a full and sovereign state.

We are prepared to accept refugees from the rest of the Confederacy, provided that they are a good match for Texas culture.
Thaddeus Romulus Armstrong, the Confederate representative at the World Congress, speaks up after the comments made by the Yankee representative.

"These comments made by my fellow Yankee representative are but poor attempts at masking the United States' eternal imperialist desires to conquer the freedom-loving peoples of the South. It has been nearly a century and a half since we secured our independence from those northern tyrants, and we will be hard-pressed to preserve our independence regardless of the current domestic situation within the Confederacy. Any attempts at breaching the sovereignty of the Confederacy by the United States, or any foreign power for that matter, will be met with complete retaliation by any and all forces at the Confederacy's disposal."

The United Kingdom invites the representative of the Confederacy to elaborate on what might constitute 'breaching their sovereignty', particularly in relation to those nations and territories which no longer recognize the authority of the government-in-exile in Havana.
(And now for some more IC responses)

Britain's chief representative to the World Council is Sir Robert Doyle, a rather large man who clearly enjoys the finer things in life. He sports a glorious set of grey muttonchops and a sonorously deep voice.

(Political cartoons tend to portray him as a walrus.)

1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia

"Well, then, that appears to be that. Are there any voices who object to the present measure of attaching international observers to the Task Force as a means of ensuring compliance with extant treaties and arrangements?"

2) The Congo Administrative Zone

"The United Kingdom remains steadfast in its support of our ally Portugal, and looks forwards to the day when the Congo can take its place among the brotherhood of nations, a free and sovereign state. We wish to register our appreciation for the humanitarian aid provided by numerous countries in this action."

3) The Gulf of Mexico Refugee Crisis

"It is the opinion of the United Kingdom that this refugee crisis is liable to endure until some measure of safety and stability returns to the lands from which these dispossessed individuals fled. We are committed to working with our local partners in the region to ensure such a state of affairs transpires as swiftly as possible, and are committed to providing humanitarian aid to the refugees in the meantime. We urge all nations to contribute to this most compassionate and noble of causes."

4) The Rise in Radical Islamism

"Her Majesty's government is of the opinion that this issue is somewhat overblown, and wishes to reiterate that no religious bias shall be applied to any citizen or resident of our nation and her dominions."

5) The Status of International Nuclear Arms

"Her Majesty's Government recognizes that, possessed as we are of the largest quantity of such weapons, it is difficult to speak with true neutrality on this topic. We would wish to table for discussion - but no vote - the idea of a Congressional oversight committee dedicated to overseeing the safety of all such facilities around the globe. Accidents involving such a potent technology are in the best interests of no one."
The French representative, a rather besieged-looking, bedraggled man called Patrice Berger, arrived notably late to the meeting of the Congress. Perpetually with bags under his eyes and an intense laxness to his gaze, many doubted whether the man was up to the expected fiery denouncements to come.

He placed a binder filled to the brim on his desk, cleared his throat, adjusted his microphone, and began;

1) The Republic of the Mesopotamia

"The Kingdom must insist this Congress not satisfy itself with token observers. British intervention in the Middle East has already escalated affairs - Egypt's invasion of Syria does not exist in a vacuum, my peers - and threatens to launch the region into a melee of in-fighting. France instead proposes that the Congress commits to a unilateral withdrawal from Mesopotamia and delivers a reprimand to Britain, whose decision to form a coalition of local powers to commit to military action may well have emboldened the Egyptian regime to act in the first place. "

He clears his throat, reaching to take a sip of water. Then the binder comes open.

"In their rebuttal to French warnings and condemnations, the British Foreign Ministry reminded the Kingdom that it controls extensive African territories by right of 'ancestral conquest'. This disingenuous what-about-ism was designed to diffuse valid French criticisms of British foreign adventures, but it does reveal a deeper truth, however; French foreign policy - and the foreign policies of a great many delegates in this chamber - remains in the twentieth century. British foreign policy, and, indeed, it appears the British foreign minister, inhabit the nineteenth. This Congress - with great respect to our new friends in Russia - was formed to confront the problems posed by autocrats intent on subverting the democratic values of the West. Now that it is successful, it seems Britain is aiming to forget that the efforts of our countries - which it so conveniently coalesced against the Tsar - were not spent only to return to a smaller Great Game."

Another sip. Is the man's hand shaking? Who put him up to this?

"We are already beginning to see vindications of our warnings in the situation in Syria, and predict that we will continue to if this intervention is strung on longer than necessary. Or will our friends across the aisle launch another unilateral intervention in Syria, perhaps?"

He forgot to put the glass down. He glances at it, then briefly up, confused. Then, with a gentle shimmy, he places it down and reaches for the binder again.

"We are well aware, colleagues, of the crimes of the present regime in Mesopotamia. But it should be left to a coalition of the region - which Britain has clearly demonstrated has the will to organise - to address the abuses of the despot in Baghdad. The situation in the Middle East is nowhere near as clear-cut as that in the Congo."

France tables a resolution calling for the unilateral withdrawal of British forces in Mesopotamia

2) The Congo Administrative Zone

He managed to stumble seamlessly into the next point of action in the binder. Pausing, briefly, he wet his lips, looking somewhat stunned. Then, blinking those heavy eyes, he adjusted his tie and continued;

"France has already made clear to its Portguese colleagues that it fully intends to support their enterprise in the C.A.Z. The security of the borders of our own Dominions is a strategic priority for the Kingdom, and military measures are being taken to ensure it remains so."

Another sip of water.

"We denounce, however, the use of napalm and similar measures in the rooting out of warlords and insurgents. The Congress is no doubt aware of the shocking footage broadcast only recently. France - with due experience in the managing of similar colonial uprisings - can testify that brute force will only succeed in proliferating atrocities and unifying the Congolese opposition."

He turns a page.

"An embrace of limited self-government and a commitment to local democracy will make better friends of the natives than any amount of new roads or military power. The French Dominions operate on a similar system, and we propose Portugal adopt this model for bringing stability to the region. By functioning as guarantors of democracy, the Portguese government will gain more sympathy from people on the ground than feudal warlords raising levies by means of threats and force."

France proposes a resolution urging Portugal to adopt The Congo as a Dominion and guarantee local self-government
5) The Status of International Nuclear Arms

"France unconditionally supports the nuclear deterrent as a guarantor of peace in the Western world. It moves to dismiss this motion without a resolution passed."

Curt, and clipped, he is seated.