The World Turned Upside Down - A 20th Century Nation Game (HIATUS?)

The Background


Nostalgic Time Traveler
The United States of America

The World in the Year of Our Lord 1991.

Credits for the scenario undeniably belong to @The Lone Taco, who poured time and effort into this scenario, so much so that it must not be ignored. I pray I do this scenario justice.
  1. Don't be a dick
  2. After major war results are posted, you wait 24 hours before appealing to me. This allows you to calm down and build up an argument should it be necessary.
  3. We will be using the 3 claims system.
  4. If your nation isn't mentioned or a particular facet of your nation isn't mentioned, then it's up to you.
  5. There will be unplayable nations (The Central American states, states in Central Asia, etc.).
  6. Feel free to use OTL and fictional politicians and leadership as you please, just make sure it makes sense. I don't really mind either way and I'll be using both.

We are using a three-claims system for mods. List the three types of mod you would like to be from most to least. All diplomacy and plans must include the God Mod as well as any other appropriate moderator, otherwise they will be rendered non-canon.

God Mod: @ChaoticGenius
NPC Mod(s): @ChaoticGenius
War Mod(s): @ChaoticGenius
Map Mod: @HumanityDark, @Kerensky, @Ceslas
Espionage and Minor War Mod(s): @ChaoticGenius, @DonFitz, @Kerensky, @HumanityDark


Turns will last approximately three to four days, with each "group" of said days lasting a year. A report will be issued on the state of the world in the middle of each period, highlighting important world events to pay attention to, and describing various events, from military to technological, to social to diplomatic. After all, nation games are not all about war!

Nation Name In Native Language - 1991
National Flag

Nation Name in English
Head of State: Name
Head of Government: Name
Type of Government: Self-explanatory
Population: Use populstat for a basic idea; if you have questions, PM me
Capital: Capital


Internal Events:

-Any internal events to talk about...

Economic Status:
-Great (Example)
-Economic information goes here....

-All military information not dealing with the numbers themselves goes here...

  • Number of Men in total currently in the active military
  • Number of Reserves (State whether or not they are demobilized here, in parentheses)
  • Number of Tanks
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
  • Type of ships...
Air Force:
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:


Espionage Format:
the name of your nation
TARGET: who your espionage is aimed at
MISSION: what you want to do
METHOD: how you plan to do it
MOTIVE: why you want to do this
OTHER: anything else relevant to the mission, ex: a trading company in the same city that could supply your spies with weapons

Warplan Format:
the name of your nation
ALLIES: any allies
COMBINED FORCES: the total number of men you are sending and however many men your allies are contributing
OPPOSING NATION(S): who you are fighting
THEATRE(S): where you are fighting
MILITARY DOCTRINE: the style of war your military is orientated towards, about a paragraph
MILITARY GOALS: what you are fighting for
STRATEGY: how you will fight on a strategic level – don't bother listing battlefield tactics, this should just be about where your men go and what they try to capture

Nation: XYZ
Space Program Name: XYZ
Funding Amount: XYZ
Plans for Program: XYZ
Goals: XYZ

The nation and space program names are self-explanatory by listing the name of your country, and in turn your space program. For funding, I will specify by glorious mod-power currently engaged in the space race what your funding amount is, and depending upon actions you do in your turn posts, along with the RNG gods can determine what your funding can turn into the year after that. Plans for the program are more short-term aspects, and must explain what you do. "Going into space" is not reasonable for plans for program. "Launching a satellite into orbit" or "Studying the Earth's climate" are reasonable aspects for plans. Goals are more long term like "Start a manned space flight program" or "Send a probe to Mars".

Nations and Their Leaders:

The Empire of Mexico - @Ceslas
The Democratic Republic of Russia - @Kerensky
The Kingdom of Two Sicilies -
The Southron Social Republic - @FightinFrenchman
The Kingdom of Finland - @naxhi24
The Japanese Empire- @BritishGrenadier
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - @Maugan Ra
The Kingdom of Portugal - @Demonic Spoon
The Third Republic of the United States of America - @Arthur Frayn
The Kingdom of Savoy - @King Saul
The Kingdom of Ethiopia - @firepelt123
Hashemite Arabia - @DanMan
The Republic of China - @ZealousThoughts
The Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Egypt - @mcclay
The Kingdom of France - @Gamelin
The Union of Cisplatina - @ByzantineCaesar
The Congo Administrative Zone - @Another Amoeba
The Kingdom of Hungary - @Texan
The South German Confederation - @Crilltic
The Republic of Turkey - @Korona
The Commonwealth of Virginia - @DonFitz
The Dominion of Canada - @Harpsichord
The Federation of Benelux - @SuperMissile
The Kingdom of Siam - @RedDragon2000
The Empire of Alyeska - @HumanityDark
The North German Federation - @Cybandeath
The Confederacy of Southron America - @Arrow
The Dominion of Nigeria - @baboushreturns
The Kingdom of Poland - @bigseb31213
The Democratic Republic of West India - @Traveller76
The Second Republic of Texas - @Secretariat
The Dominion of South Africa - @Theravis
The Kingdom of Greece - @EmperorCasey

The World Turned Upside Down - A 20th Century Nation Game - OOC - Alt. History
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First Turn - 1991
It Is the Year of Our Lord, 1991

Parliament meets to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, with most MPs in both the Liberal and Conservative parties supporting intervention following Mesopotamia's invasion of Kuwait.

"Following Mesopotamia's invasion of the former Commonwealth realm of Kuwait, British Parliament has met in an emergency session just in time for a flash poll conducted by the BBC of the British public, conducted in order to gauge the mood for war. Surprisingly, the support for military intervention and "boots on the ground" are resoundingly high, after being inoculated from anti-war views by years of successful British unilateral and multilateral interventions in global hotspots and regional crises. While there are detractors, particularly left-wing university students, who are planning for 'mass demonstrations' against what they view as an imperialist foreign policy carried on by both the major parties that control Parliament, the majority of the country seems to be backing what they hope will be a quick military operation to depose of a tyrant who kills his own people and invades his neighbors. For the first time in a while, there is a general consensus in Parliament, one that avoids the shouts, and the jeers and the insults that seem to characterize Britain's parliamentary culture, and a genuine discussion on how to proceed. Conservatives seem to be the most zealous, arguing for a complete occupation of Mesopotamia in order to defend British interests and promote permanent security, while Liberals prefer an 'in and out' strategy to simply stop the bleeding.

"Still, the clock is ticking, and a decision must be made.

"In other news, Venetian cries for independence in the form of protests against the Austrian nobility's chosen form of comfort, the cruise, and word that the Zionist representatives have entered talks with the government of the Republic of Palestine have brought good tidings to many in the Levant, and in the Congo, a bomb has gone off, causing, at the moment of report, twenty-nine casualties, Portugese and Canadians among them.

"We'll be right back to deliver more news, after the break."
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Name: The Southron Social Republic
Head of State: The Executive Council of the Provisional SSR (A committee of James McIntyre, acting President of the National Black Liberation Party, Joseph Cattaneo, Premier of the Army of the Free South, Mary Taylor, President of the Provisional Progressives, and Abraham Kent, Attorney-General of the Committee for the Preservation of the People's Liberty)
Head of Government: Acting President James McIntyre
Type of Government: Provisional Coalition Junta
Population: 24,000,000 (approximately)
Capital: Augusta (Provisional Capital), Birmingham (location of Constitutional Convention)

Internal Events:

  • The revolution has begun! Well, to be more accurate, a low-scale revolution has been ongoing since 1968, but the collapse of the Confederate government in the 6 states of the new SSR means that, for the first time in history, the south can chart a new course free of the overbearing planter aristocracy. Even with the fractures appearing within the SSR, the jubilation at the culmination of their long struggle, combined with the fear of revanchism from the Confederate Government in Cuba and Florida and the Virginian-North Carolinian government has kept them honest with one another - for now.
  • A Constitutional Convention has been called in Birmingham, hopefully far from ongoing fighting, where delegates from across the Southron Social Republic can gather and create a new path. This convention is set to begin on June 15th, 1991, and substantial details of guards, including forces from the National Black Liberation Party, the Army of the Free South, and the Committee for the Preservation of the People's Liberty, are present. Until then, a provisional government has stepped in. Though executive power is held by a council of four members, the Provisional Progressive Government-in-Exile of the Confederate States of America, a long-standing shadow government of moderate progressives, has stepped in to fill much of the bureaucratic void, maintaining an uneasy peace.
  • Years of conflict have left many people uprooted and many cities badly damaged. One of the few active issues being pressed by the Provisional Government is the establishment of refugee camps and work-labor programs rebuilding cities which faced major destruction. This has done much to strengthen relations with the NBLP, which often provides assistance and security to these camps, which contain an outsized portion of Afro-Southern citizens.
Economic Status:
  • Very Bad. The Confederate economy was never particularly strong to begin with, largely because it was built almost exclusively on short-sighter policies which brutalized workers and shunned technological advantage. Then came 20 years of simmering civil war, revolving coups and counter-coups, and social revolutions, culminating in a total collapse of the government. In short, things are not looking good for the citizens of the SSR at the moment.
  • However, two key glimmers of hope do exist. First, while the nation's economic activity has never really taken off in a big way, it was also not extensively damaged by the fighting; farms, factories, and shops were not the primary target of either side during the revolution, and so most of the nation is not rebuilding from scratch. Second, the diplomatic isolationism cultivated by the old Confederate government has led to a large degree of self-sufficiency within the SSR, giving them options and breathing room for further development.

Active Duty:
350,520 active soldiers (including loyal members of the Confederate Armed Forces and active combatants of the CPPL and NBLP)
Reserves: 410,610 (partially mobilized)
Tanks: 1,014 tanks, armored cars, and armored personnel carriers
Other Vehicles:
  • 49 Attack Helicopters
  • 184 Transport Helicopters
  • 46 Self-Propelled Howitzers

  • 1 Charleston-Class Submarine
  • 3 Laurents-Class Frigates
  • 4 Potomac-Class Corvettes
  • 7 Liberty-Class Gunboats
  • 31 Patrol Vessels of varying classes
  • 17 Service Ships (2 Tank-Landing Ships, 6 Service Ships, 7 Supply Ships, 2 Oceanographic Vessels)

Air Force:
  • 39 Combat Fighters
  • 1 Aerial Refueling Tanker
  • 5 Combat-grade Transport Aircraft
  • 9 Utility/Light Transport Aircraft
  • 11 Combat Helicopters
  • 21 Trainer Aircraft

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:


The World, specifically The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (@Maugan Ra), The Empire of Mexico (@Ceslas), The Japanese Empire (@BritishGrenadier), and the Third Republic of the United States of America (@Arthur Frayn)
The people have spoken, and the illegal government of the Confederacy, having held power in direct contempt to the sovereign will of its citizens since 1968, has been cast down in the heart of it's former power. The Southron Social Republic has formed a provisional coalition government, which has begun the process of establishing a new constitution for legitimate, democratic, peaceful government. We ask the great nations of the world for their recognition of our sovereignty, and further for an end to the recognition of the rump-state of the old, illegal government still existing in Florida, Cuba, and parts of Central America.

To: The Kingdom of Haiti (@ChaoticGenius)
From: The Provisional Government of the Southron Social Republic


Fellow inhabitants of the Americas and our inspirations in victory over the white, imperial oppressors who help us down, we hope that the future between our two nations can be one of cooperation and concord. However, for that to happen, we must first rid ourselves of the remnants of the old order in Florida and Cuba. We are hoping to ring them in and hang them from a noose of freedom and liberty; can we count on your assistance in this endeavor?

The Banner of the Provisional Government - creative, isn't it?

The Four Pillars
The Constituent Parts of the Southron Social Republic

While the collapse of the Confederacy and the creation of the Southron Social Republic is frequently seen as a rapid collapse following decades of simmering conflict, it is perhaps better described as the conclusion of a decade-long, multi-sided civil war waged in the streets of southern cities and the mountains, plains, and forests of the southern backcountry. While no fewer than fourteen insurrectionary groups were identified as active by the JCOS of the Confederacy in the year before it's fall, four major organizations have come to make up the core of the Southron Social Republic. A cursory examination of these fronts makes the cause of the SSR's instability quite clear, as few seem ideologically aligned beyond their shared distaste for the old Confederate government.

The divisions between these groups can be easily broken down into four categories of ideology. The first, and most easily identifiable, is economic policy; while truly libertarian capitalists are not among the major groups (only the bizarre and relatively small Sons of Liberty, a bushwhacker group in Appalachia who want to abandon all the nation's cities to create a "Jeffersonian Paradise" of agrarian, self-sufficient citizens, could truly be described as such), but the economic ideals of the various groups range from the fairly unchanged market capitalism of the old Confederacy to out-and-out communism. The second issue is race relations, ranging from racial integration and the elimination of some old anti-African laws, to reparation payments to Afro-Southrons, to the creation of a pro-African Apartheid state (like the Sons of Liberty, a position espoused by only small, fringe groups). A subset of that are other social issues, such as women's rights, rights for non-heterosexual citizens, and the status of the large hispanic population of the SSR. The third issue is that of religion, again stretching from the radical extremes of state atheism to state-sanctioned evangelical christianity. The final, and least immediately visible issue, is that of identity. Each organization has its own idea of what exactly the Southron Social Republic, and by extent the people of the south, are, and what that means.

The Organizations

Provisional Progressive Government-in-Exile of the Confederate States of America
The oldest, most organized, and in some ways most conservative of the factions, the PPGCSA (commonly known as the Provisional Progressives) are the remnants of the Confederate Progressive Party and the widespread progressive movement of the 1960s and 1970s. It espouses an ideology known as "Democratic Capitalism," in which companies are chartered by their employees, and each employee is given votes in a sort of sub-legal democratic system. The idea is that this will help keep wages fair and abuses of power in check. They also advocate for racial integration and the "Universal Citizenship" model, in which rights are not determined by racial identity, to be adopted. They also tend to have progressive views towards the rights of women and other marginalized groups. However, the social aspects of the Provisional Progressives tend to be laissez-faire, shying away from any form of reparations (driving much of the Afro-Southern community away) as well as isolating themselves by condemning many of the more violent methods of other factions. Their worst sin, however, has been on the identity issue - they effectively see themselves as reformers of the old Confederate state, and thus have had no unifying vision for the future or sweeping change to make to the people of the SSR.

Committee for the Preservation of the People's Liberty
Once companions, then rivals, to the Provisional Progressives, the CPPL were the more radical arm of the Confederate Progressive Party, who took to using car bombs, assassination attempts, bank robberies, and the like to destabilize the old Confederate government. Their distaste for the Provisional Progressives is mostly not ideological; they see the Provisional Progressives as fair weathered friends, who espoused the progressive ideology but failed to live up to it, while the CPPL put their lives on the line to fight for a new future. Their composition is largely the more radical members of the old Confederate establishment; college students, liberal military men, urban wives and mothers in secret clubs, and poor urban workers. The CPPL is primarily a more extreme version of the Provisional Progressives in ideology; their economic plans call for greater reform, their policy calls for reparations to Afro-Southerners for their years of slavery and disenfranchisement, they are by far the most progressive organization for women's rights, and they have what the Provisional Progressives lack: a vision of a "New South," built on progressive ideals and shunning the past.

National Black Liberation Party
It should come as no surprise that the National Black Liberation Party - born from the third major Afro-Southern uprising in less than a century - is one of the major players in the SSR. Southerners of African descent are approximately 45% of the population - equal to the European-descended population if Hispanic and Latino citizens are not counted - and have been enslaved, lynched, disenfranchised, locked out of any sense of self-determination for the better part of four hundred years. The NBLP is the foremost organization of the Afro-Southern cause, and while theoretically aligned to the other three major factions, has a history of distrusting their predominately white counterparts. The NBLP generally agrees with the CPPL on many issues, namely the balancing of a capitalist market with heavy controls and worker protections, and while the NBLP is less progressive on women's rights than the CPPL, the CPPL's position is not so odious to the NBLP to drive them apart. However, many key demands of the NBLP, in particular the distribution of confiscated land to Afro-Southerners in particular, and the creation of a sub-national "Black Congress" and "Black Guard" to defend Afro-Southern rights, property, and communities. This has been the splitting point between them and the CPPL; the CPPL wants to create a progressive New South without any trappings of race, while the NBLP and its people have been brutalized a few to many times to be so idealistic about the "New South."

Army of the Free South
The most radical of the "four pillars" (though some might disagree and put the NBLP in that position), the Army of the Free South is a strange alliance of Bushwhackers, poor white farmers in the vast fields of the south who rose up after centuries of economic strangulation by the aristocracy of the old Confederacy, and urban socialists, largely low-level professionals like barbers, reporters, cooks, and the like, who share a firm belief in radical change for the South. The petty regional squabbles of the old Confederacy, engendered by a weak federal government, will be replaced by a strong central government - some would say autocracy. The predatory capitalism of the old will be replaced by harmonious communism of the new. Old evangelical trappings will be washed away, and a state bathed in atheistical rationality will rise. And so on, and so on. The Army of the Free South has run into problems with the rest of the factions, especially with the NBLP - the Army of the Free South believes than any "special treatment" afforded to Afro-Southerners comes at the expense of poor Euro-Southerners, who contend they deserve new wealth just as much. Hence, the full communist angle. Still, they would be the most difficult to dislodge from their rural roots, given their proficiency with guerrilla warfare.

Other, Minor Factions:

The Liberating Army of the Mississippi - An Afro-Southern Evangelical movement espousing the creation of a theocratic evangelical state, now that the "Satanic Babylon" (old Confederate government) has been overthrown. Largely confined to a few towns along the Mississippi river, and unlikely to gain many followers after they picked a fight with the NBLP for "siding with the unholy apostates."

The Sons of Liberty - Described above, a radical agrarian-libertarian group who wants the whole of the nation divided into equal (by productivity) plots of land and distributed evenly, to create a whole nation of farmer-citizens. Worship the idea of Thomas Jefferson. Carried out a few successful bombings in northern Appalachia.

The Brothers of New Africa - A radical splinter group from the NBLP, the Brothers of New Africa want to create a, well, New Africa in the South. This means they effectively want to set up an Apartheid state run by Afro-Southerners. They've gone around giving everything fancy new names (Charleston is "New Carthage," the Mississippi River is the "Western Nile River," and so on). They've actually stood down thanks to talks with the NBLP, but are wary of any problems they might encounter.

The Fifth Column

And what of the supporters of the old Confederate regime? Where is their place in this new Southron order? Well, there are surprisingly few loyalists to the old order. There are two primary causes for this: the first is that the Confederacy was remarkably bad at administering itself; it was, after all, a democracy which denied its own election results just before a series of coups, counter-coups, uprisings, and economic disasters eroded internal support for a whole 20 years. There are very few who are sad to see the old government go. The second reason is that the few who were sad to see it go were mainly the hyper-wealthy aristocrats of the Confederacy, who were more than able to pack up and leave with the Confederacy. The result is that the main "loyalist" camp within the SSR is a scarce thing, smaller than any of the four pillars.

Nevertheless, the Confederate Restoration Alliance remains a part of SSR politics. The CRA is divided into two camps. The first camp is more conciliatory, and represents a larger fraction of the hispanic population than any other faction. These more conservative citizens are willing to work with the SSR so long as their voice is heard, and their position as migrant or immigrant workers means that they tend to be more conservative on religious and social issues than on economic ones. The radical camp, meanwhile, are those nationalists who have yet to give up the dream of a white, confederate America, despite the grievous defeat that has been dealt to that dream.
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União da Cisplatina
Unión de Cisplatina - 1991

Name: Union of Cisplatina
President: Pedro Jorge Simon
Prime Minister: Julio María Sanguinetti
Type of Government: Federal Semi-Presidential Republic
Official Languages: Portuguese and Spanish
Population: ca. 16,750,000

  • Former Oriental Republic of Uruguay: ca. 3,450,000
  • Former Riograndense Republic: ca. 13,300,000
Capital: Seival
Largest City: Porto Alegre
Other Major Cities: Montevideo, Campo dos Bugres, Canoas, Pelotas, Santa Maria, Rio Grande

Union of Cisplatina:
A union between Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, both Brazilian breakaway territories that gained independence in the 1830s and 40s respectively. While initially beating back an Argentine invasion in the 1850s that sought to "retake" the region, the intervention of the British to bring about a negotiated settlement essentially made the Union a neutral (yet openly British-leaning state) entity recognized by Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay with the Treaty of Montevideo. Being a major shipping route and tax haven, Cisplatina has a robust economy and high standards of living like most countries on the Southern Cone.
The Union of Cisplatina is a billingual federative state composed of one Federal District (the capital of Seival, on the Rio Negro) and twenty autonomous departments, ten each in the former Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the former Riograndense Republic. Originally born as a confederation between those two independent republics in 1847 out of security concerns and shared agrarian interests, the Confederation federalized following the victory over Argentina in the Grande Guerra, which had allowed a common national identity to emerge. The Union of Cisplatina was formalized in 1866 with the extinction of the former sovereign states of Uruguay and Rio Grande under the presidency of revolutionary leader and war hero Giuseppe Garibaldi and his First-Lady Anita; his ideology of garibaldismo became the founding stone of the Union. Garibaldismo, in short, rested on the principles of political liberalism, representative democracy, federalism and most of all gaucho nationalism. Gauchos were henceforth defined as the billingual native speakers of Portuguese and Spanish, and that is how the gaucho citizens of Cisplatina would define themselves against the Portuguese-speakers to the north and the Spanish-speakers to the south and west. To this day, garibaldismo remains the cornerstone of Cisplatina, which has against all odds lived as a thriving liberal democracy since Garibaldi's term in office.

Giuseppe Garibaldi
Father and 1st President of Cisplatina


Economically, the Union of Cisplatina has long ago abandoned its slaveholding past, having embraced immigration and free labor with the abolition of slavery in 1866, when the Union was created (Uruguay had abolished slavery in 1842, but Rio Grande had still been a slaveholding country; the politicization of slaves during the Grande Guerra made slavery unsustainable). Nowadays Cisplatina boasts of a diverse and robust economy, both as a noteworthy shipping route and as a financial center as a tax haven and preferred destination of foreign investment and capital flux. The country's agrarian past is present in the interior, where the estancias of the beef industry rule supreme (rice, wool, milk and other dairy goods are also produced). In the former Riograndense Republic, viticulture and grain and soybean production also make for an important share of the agricultural sector. The northern half of the country quickly industrialized in the first half of the twentieth century, owing to British investment as well as local comparative advantages and coal deposits. Today the former Riograndense Republic is widely known for its chemical, food, textile, construction, automobile and naval industries, centered around the former capital of Porto Alegre. Due to the well-educated workforce, software engineering and the technology industry are increasingly significant contributors to the Cisplatine GDP. The state also plays a large role in the Cisplatine economy, both for its regulatory framework and its social spending and public investment - the Cisplatine welfare state, inaugurated by President José Batlle (1890-1898 and 1904-1912) and strengthened over the following decades, is particularly renowned worldwide. Banking makes for a large part of the economy. The state-owned Union Bank and the Cisplatine Development Bank offer services both domestically and internationally, and Cisplatina has been described as "the Switzerland of the Americas". Finally, tourism makes for a non-neglectable part of the economy, particularly in seaside resorts like Punta del Este and the idyllic countryside.

Politically, the Union of Cisplatina was ruled for almost a century by the National Federalist Party, which Garibaldi had founded in the aftermath of the Grande Guerra. The national party finally splintered in the early 1960's, under the controversial presidency of Ildo Meneghetti (1960-1964), forming the conservative and liberal-oriented Liberal Federalist Party and the progressive and developmental New Federalist Party. For the past thirty years, the presidency has been rotated between both parties:
  • 1960-1964: Ildo Meneghetti (Liberal Federalist Party), whose administration was notable for assaulting labor legislation and workers' rights and caused the National Federalist Party to splinter. Meneghetti was handed a landslide defeat in his re-election attempt
  • 1964-1972: João Goulart (New Federalist Party), whose administration re-introduced legislation revoked by his predecessor and maintained the welfare state, presiding over a period of notable economic growth and industrialization
  • 1972-1976: Leonel Brizola (New Federalist Party), a charismatic and explosive man known for his nationalist rhetoric and policy, which even called for general decolonization and made for tense relations with Great Britain and neighboring Brazil, which accused him of supporting subversive actors across the border. His administration's high inflation cost him his re-election
  • 1976-1980: Jorge Pacheco Areco (Liberal Federalist Party): an authoritarian figure who oppressed the social movements and implemented a policy of austerity, which helped keep the inflation in check in the long term. However, his price and wage freezes were unpopular with the general populace, costing him re-election
  • 1980-1984: Leonel Brizola (New Federalist Party): a popular president while in office, he protected the welfare state although he scaled back his excessively belligerent foreign policy. Having served two terms, he could not stand for re-election
  • 1984-1988: Ivete Dornelles (Liberal Federalist Party): the country's first and only female president, a cousin of President Ernesto Dornelles, who held office from 1936 to 1944. She became known for her austerity measures and deregulation policy, which helped Cisplatina become the financial center it is today, but her unpopular privatization program cost her her re-election
Beyond the Liberal and New Federalist Parties, there are several fringe parties in Congress, the most important of which is the conservative Christian Democracy, led by the Riograndense politician José Maria Eymael, widely known for his popular campaign slogan and jingle "Ey Ey Ey-mael, a Christian democrat". He currently serves in the Senate, alongisde Luis Alberto Lacalle, foremost leader of the opposition and chairman of the Liberal Federalists.

The current President of Cisplatina is Pedro Jorge Simon, a Riograndense-born politician and academic, former law professor of the Federal University of Porto Alegre, and a lifelong member of the National Federalist Party and then the New Federalist Party. He has halted President Dornelles' unpopular privatization program and has protected the Cisplatine welfare state from further attack. President Simon has cracked down on corruption and has promoted several social policies to reduce income inequality and poverty, consequences of the past austerity. Simon's foreign policy has proved itself more moderate than Brizola's. Under his presidency, Cisplatina is an ally of Britain, although not a puppet, and is devoted to the same liberal values as Her Majesty's government, although with less emphasis on trade liberalization and more on financial liberalization. President Simon made Cisplatina a founding member of the World Congress and is a strong advocate of the human rights and environmental regimes, also making forays into regional integration with the other republics of the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Paraguay). Although he maintains cordial relations with Brazil due to economic interdependence, Simon has joined Britain and the World Congress in general to pressure the neighboring country into democratization.


President Simon

History of Cisplatina

The difficult and herculean history of the Cisplatine Union begins in the fourth decade of the nineteenth century, when the former Oriental Republic of Uruguay won its hard-fought independence against the Brazilian Republic in 1835. The border region of the La Plata basin had always been only loosely in Portuguese control, and perpetually disputed between the Spanish and Portuguese crowns despite the various treaties that attempted to end the disputes. When the authority of the colonial state, and its successor state centered at Rio de Janeiro in the form of the Brazilian Republic, wavered, separatism became endemic. The Uruguayans, led by their president José Gervasio Artigas, had been one of the first to go. The self-proclaimed Riograndense Republic followed in 1845, after ten years of incessant warfare against the Brazilian Republic. The reasons for the wars of independence were diverse. For Uruguay itself, Rio de Janeiro had been only a new master, as the province had only been annexed to the Portuguese crown in the 1810's and sought to break free. For their northern neighbors, the Riograndenses, the overlordship of Lisbon had been acceptable - Rio de Janeiro's was not. Both the Spanish-speaking Uruguayans and the Portuguese-speaking Riograndenses had risen up against the tyranny of Rio de Janeiro, whose government desired a strong and centralized state run by themselves rather than the provinces. The heavy taxation of leather and charque (salted beef), the region's main products, only added insult to injury. The gauchos had risen up against tryranny and taxation, demanding local autonomy and economic incentive, and would not rest until they were free.

Uruguayan President José Artigas and Riograndense President Bento Gonçalves, revolutionary leaders and generals in their respective wars of independence, and the first two Presidents of the Cisplatine Confederation


The Cisplatine Confederation was born in 1847 at the Treaty of Bagé, which established the union of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Riograndense Republic. In spite of the language barrier (although not as pronounced there, as both dialects shared regional similarities), there was more convergence than divergence of interests. The shared interests of the economic land-holding elites were not the only reason for the birth of the Confederation; both newly independent states had severe security concerns. Uruguay feared an invasion from neighboring Argentina, whereas Rio Grande had only just won its independence from Brazil. The Cisplatine Confederation was born as a loose union of those two states in order to maintain and enforce their sovereignty in their mutual territory and against their ambitious neighbors.

For the governance of the Confederation, a unique system of dual presidency was inaugurated, inspired by the ancient Roman Republic and even the dual monarchy of Sparta. The respective presidents of Uruguay and Rio Grande would serve as co-presidents of the Confederation and set foreign policy and a common defense policy, while the internal governments of each constituent state handled internal economic policy and political organization, although a customs union was established. The confederated union, rather than a federated one, had been necessary due to the one single greatest difference between the elite interests of both states: Rio Grande relied on slavery and slave labor to sustain its economy, while Uruguay had abolished slavery as early as 1842. The so-called "black question" would remain a point of controversy between the two republics for the decades to come.


General Antônio de Sousa Neto (1801-1866) was an important military leader of the independence war and served as President of the Riograndense Republic from 1854 to 1862. He was elected to succeed President José Gomes Jardins, himself the late Bento Gonçalves' successor, as the Riograndense faced imminent invasion from Argentina. Sousa Neto served as sole President of the Cisplatine Confederation from 1856 to the end of his term, imbued with emergency powers to counter-act the foreign invasion and secure both Uruguayan and Riograndense independence


The Cisplatine Confederation had been born out of war, and would only be consolidated with war. The conflict against Argentina raged from 1854 to 1860 and was known to the Cisplatines at the time as the Grande Guerra, i.e. the Great War. Even with the combined strength of Rio Grande and Uruguay, the Cisplatine Confederation could not hope to match the strength of the Argentinian forces. Although a good idea in theory, the dual presidency had proved itself too unstable to effectively counter the foreign invasion (one of the reasons for Sousa Neto's granting of emergency powers as sole president in 1856). The Cisplatines were simply too disunited. President Sousa Neto rose to the challenge and sought to defend his countries and the Confederation, and so he did for six years. The Argentinians were plagued by incessant guerilla warfare coordinated by both President Sousa Neto and by another veteran of the independence wars, the Savoyard-born revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, who had immigrated to Rio Grande in the 1830's and taken a Riograndense wife, Anita. Finally, the war came to an end with British mediation; the Confederation stood victorious, and its independence and sovereignty was recognized by both Argentina and Brazil, and guaranteed by the British Empire itself.

Giuseppe Garibaldi
7th President of Uruguay and 4th President of the Riograndense Republic (1862-1866)
1st President of Cisplatina (1866-1874)
Father of Modern Cisplatina


Where war destroyed, however, war created. Something that had distinctly lacked the Cisplatine Confederation in the past emerged in the six years of their collective struggle against the Argentine invasion: a common sense of a shared political community, or, in other words, the embryo of a true national identity. The Grande Guerra bound Uruguay and Rio Grande closer together than never before; not only in identical terms, but also in very real infrastructure, government and logistics, under President Sousa Neto's centralized war effort and command structure, which had demanded unifying both armies and government apparatuses to oppose the foreign invasion and occupation. By the time the Grande Guerra's ended with the Treaty of Montevideo, there were many voices calling for the effective and permanent unification of Cisplatine into one single sovereign state under a federal government. Chief among those voices was that of the general, revolutionary and war hero Giuseppe Garibaldi. He founded and became the principal leader of the National Federalist Party, the first political party to encompass both constituent states of the Confederation, at the helm of a popular movement grounded on its core values of unification: gaucho nationalism, federalism and abolitionism. Garibaldi stood in the 1862 elections and received the endorsement of outgoing president Sousa Neto himself. In an unprecedented event, Garibaldi was elected, at the same time, president of both the Uruguayan and Riograndense republics, having received enough ballots to claim the presidency of both. Naturally, he was opposed by both countries' elites (especially Rio Grande's slaveholders), but Garibaldi was too popular with both the common people and the army to try and topple. He was inaugurated within a week the President of Rio Grande at Porto Alegre and President of Uruguay at Montevideo, by necessity also becoming the sole president of the Cisplatine Confederation.

The unification of Cisplatine would take all of President Garibaldi's term in office to prepare and conclude. Early into his presidency, Garibaldi held referendums at both countries to legitimate his pro-union views, which he succeeded in doing with nearly 90% of the votes. The President convoked an elected constituent assembly and worked alongside the elected representatives to draft a Constitution for the future single state. By 1866, all was ready for the unification. The republics of Uruguay and Rio Grande were suppressed as the Union of Cisplatine was born: an independent and sovereign state, composed of federalized departments, counting with a single Executive, a single bicameral Congress and one Judiciary. With the unification, abolition followed. President Garibaldi himself was a noted abolitionist, but the roots of Cisplatine abolitionism ran deeper. Since independence, slave revolts in Rio Grande had become increasingly common occurrences, as the end of the slave trade caused a harsher oppression of the existent Riograndense slaves at the time. The Grande Guerra came as the turning point: slaves were drafted into the army by Garibaldi and Sousa Neto. Those who were not often joined the Argentine invaders to win their freedom. By the end of the war it was clear that not only slavery represented a serious threat to national security and sovereignty, but was also morally unjustified, as the thousands of former slaves who had fought for Cisplatina in the war proved. The Riograndense elites protested, but Cisplatina was born as a slavery-free country.

Garibaldismo presented the core values of the newly founded state: gaucho nationalism, grounded on their common struggle for independence, billingualism, federalism and political liberalism, in the form of a functional representative democracy. Cisplatine national identity rested not only on their shared struggle, but also on their billingualism: what defined the citizens of Cisplatine from their neighbors was the fact that they spoke neither Spanish nor Portuguese, but both, at the same time, as mother tongues. Although Portuguese is by far the dominat language of the Union today, this arrangement still remains true. To symbolize the new union (and to pick a safer location to host the government), President Garibaldi founded the city of Campo do Seival, honoring the famous Battle of Seival which had occured nearby, on the banks of the Rio Negro. Seival would become the capital of Cisplatina in 1870, once the government buildings had been erected and solid communications and transporation established. Garibaldi was elected the first President of Cisplatine and re-elected for a second term of four years each. Financed by British capital, the President linked the country together with railroads, built the new capital and instituted universal elementary education to raise the new class of billingual citizens of the republic. Whereas Garibaldi retired from politics in 1874 (he would die eight years later at age 74, with his wife Anita at his side), garibaldismo was carried on by his illustrious successors in the presidency such as Júlio de Castilhos, Pinheiro Machado and Borges de Medeiros, and remains to date the foundation of Cisplatina.


Anita Garibaldi, the President's Riograndense-born wife, served as First-Lady of Cisplatina from 1862 to 1874. She was her husband's comrade-in-arms and principal confidante. Highly regarded by Cisplatine society, Anita Garibaldi remained a leading voice in gaucho nationalism and one of the most popular political figures of Cisplatina until her death in 1905, at age eighty-four. She had eleven children by Giuseppe Garibaldi.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of H.M. Government @Maugan Ra

Mr. Secretary,

I write to you on behalf of the Republic of Turkey and her President, Doğan Güreş. The situation in the Republic of Mesopotamia has become increasingly unstable, and in order to ensure stability and safety for the Mespotamian citizens, the Republic of Turkey and her armed forces are prepared to intervene in the Republic of Mesopotamia. As I am certain that His Majesty's Government is aware of, there is a significant Turkish minority around Lake Van, and the Republic of Turkey is fully prepared to protect the Turkish people of the Republic of Mesopotamia. I would like to reach out a hand in cooperation regarding an intervention in Mesopotamia, for the sake of peace, safety, and prosperity.

Lt. General Hüseyin Kıvrıkoğlu
Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Turkey
Jumhuriat Misr al-Iislamiat Althawria
جمهورية مصر الإسلامية الثورية

Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Egypt
Head of State: Supreme Cleric Muhammad Hamid Abu al-Nasr (محمد حامد أبو النصر‎)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Youssef ibn Salmān al-Qāhirah (يوسف بن سالمان القاهره)
Type of Government: Revolutionary Islamic Socialist Republic
Population: ca. 58,667,000
Capital: Cairo
Other Major Cities: Alexandria, Giza, Port Said


Internal Events:

  • Debate Heats Up As Fourth Revolutionary Congress Approaches
    • The many mosques and coffee shops of Cairo have been locked in fierce discourse and discussion as the Revolutionary Republic prepares for the Fourth Congress of the Islamic Revolution in 1992. The main topics to be put up include the rights of women, foreign affairs and reaction to Anglo imperialism in the Dar al-Islam. That first topic is slated to take up most of the conference, as radical and conservative clerics within the party have been battling around it nonstop since the clash last year between members of the Muslim Sisterhood and a group of armed men led by a cleric over immodesty by the women in question. While not officially on the docket pressure for the Brotherhood to release autocratic control of the government and allow some sort of popular vote has been growing, and its likely that too will be discussed at the Congress.
  • Sectarian Violence Claims 12 Lives in Port Said
    • Last week 8 Coptic Christians and 4 Muslims were killed in a street brawl in Port Said. The fight was said to have been set off when a large posse of armed Muslims accosted a group of Ethiopian immigrants at a market. What started out as a fight fight quickly spiraled into a running battle involving pistols and knives. This is the latest in a wave of sectarian violence against Ethiopians and Coptic Christians in Egypt. With current Ethiopian interference in South Sudan, many pious Muslims have taken it on themselves to punish those they deem responsible. Prime Minister al-Qāhirah has praised the revolutionary spirit and fervor of the attackers, but chastised them for breaking the peace, attacking other People of the Book and misdirecting their anger.
  • Aid Mission to Sudan Saves Lives
    • Ever since Sudan was made a province of the Islamic Republic, Egypt has strove to aid and help its younger brother. As bloodthirsty counterrevolutionaries, aided by perfidious Ethiopia to strangle Allah's will in the cradle, continue to grow bolder and bolder in attacking the pious, Egypt has come in support of its sibling. Yesterday marks the high point of this aid, as hundreds of tons of food, water and medical supply found its way to small villages in South Sudan, including some of the ones hardest hit by the vile infidels. Supreme Cleric Muhammad Hamid Abu al-Nasr has called a fatwa for all Egyptians to provide for Sudan and has stated that half of all Zakat money collected will go to the region.

Economic Status:

Egypt's economy is primarily based on a mixture of industrial agriculture and fuel production, most notably that of petroleum and natural gas. It is because of the nation's fuel reserves that they are able to have ties with the outside world at all, rather than being a total pariah state. Egyptian oil and gas finds its way to Britain, America and much of Europe, with Italy being another major buyer. The government is currently engaged in the process of majorly building up its own manufacturing base, with arms and tools factories springing up in Cairo and a major car factory finishing in Alexandria.


Egypt is a regional power, yes, but one that holds immense weight in said region. While its industrial base is only so-so the nation has an immense 3.5% of its population under arms, with another 2% able to be called up in reserve. If truly needed a grand fatwa by the Head Cleric can call a majority of the population to arms as gurrellia and untrained religious fighters, though it is in everyone's best interests that they don't do that. Because of the decrees laid down in the 2nd Congress of the Islamic Revolution a great many frigates and other smaller captial ships, mostly bought from old Imperial Russian stock, protect Egyptian interests in the Mediterranian and patrol the Suez Canal's enterance.

  • 2,053,345 Active Military
  • 1,173,340 (demobilized)
  • ca. 1,800 Tanks, ca. 1,300 Armored Cars and Infantry Fighting vehicles
  • ca. 1,200 pieces of Self Propelled Artillery, ca. 300 pieces of Rocket Artillery
  • ca. 40 Air Interceptor Fighters
  • ca. 100 Multi role Fighters
  • ca. 250 Attack and Transport Helicopters
  • 35 Submarines (Half Locally Built)
  • 5 Frigates
  • 2 Corvettes
  • 30 Missile Boats
  • 95 Patrol Craft
  • 25 Landing Craft
  • 15 Support Craft
Air Force:
  • 100 Air Superiority Fighters
  • 175 Multirole Fighters
  • 55 Ground Attack Aircraft
  • 147 Transport Helicopters
  • 2 AWACS Aircraft
  • 43 Transport and Utility Aircraft
  • 25 Air to Ground Support Airships
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Confederacy of Southern America - 1991

Head of State and Government: General Cornelius Zebulon Anderson
Type of Government: Federal Republic (de-jure), Military Junta (de-facto)
Population: 24.861m in Core Territory (Florida, New Orleans, Cuba), 7.413m in Costa Rica and Guatemala
Capital: Montgomery (de-jure), Havana (de-facto)

Internal Events:

- After arguments from both sides regarding the Central American question, the Confederate Junta has reached a compromise; the CSA has officially disbanded the Confederation of Central America, with Costa Rica and Nicaragua being annexed into the Confederacy. In addition, it has decided to withdraw from the northern Central American state of Guatemala while Honduras and El Salvador remain under military occupation, with the question of annexation or withdrawal having yet to be settled for those two Central American states. Work has begun into integrating Costa Rica and Nicaragua into the Confederacy, with citizenship being granted to white (Castizo) citizens of the two states.
- Troops freed up from Central America are redirected to Florida, where a crackdown occurs against leftist agitators.
- Confederate businesses fleeing the SSR relocate to Cuba, which find its local economy bolstered by the influx of capital.

Economic Status:
- Stagnant
- The secession of the Southern Social Republic and the other breakaway states gutted the economy of the formerly prospering* Confederate economy. The strong economy of relatively untouched Cuba as well as the peaceful exploitation* of Central American workers has kept the overall economy from going into free-fall, however.

*(heavily disputed by foreign observers)

  • 723,000 active military
  • 565,000 reserves (partially mobilized)
  • ~1200 Tanks, Armored Cars, and APCs
  • 1 Robert E. Lee-class Light Aircraft Carrier
  • 1 Judah P. Benjamin-class Battlecruiser
  • 3 Charleston-class Submarines
  • 7 Laurents-class Frigates
  • 9 Potomac-class Corvettes
  • 9 States Rights-class Gunboats
  • 43 patrol vessels
  • 31 service ships
Air Force:
  • Reasonable, if slightly disproportionate, amount of Fighters, Bombers, and Helicopters
  • CLASSIFIED number of Achilles IRBM's
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and in the Congo, a bomb has gone off, causing, at the moment of report, twenty-nine casualties, Portugese and Canadians among them.
The Portuguese government condemns these terror attacks in the strongest possible terms. They are a symptom of the problem we have entered the Congo to fix, and it is clear there is still a lot of work left for us to do.


A missive is sent to the French Royal Court from Portugal.

To his esteemed majesty Henri VI de Bourbon

We hope this message finds our Royal Cousin in Paris well.

We of Portugal have enjoyed a period of peace and friendship with France, and indeed my own grandmother Maria Amélia de Orleães. And now I, Dom Afonso VII seek a bride for my son. Are there any who are suitable within your current Dynasty, so that we might join our houses together once more?

His Royal Majesty Afonso VII, by the Grace of God, King of Portugal, the Algarves, Amazonas, Angola, Mozambique
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Suomen kuningaskunta
The Kingdom of Finland
The Grand Duchy of Finland was a period of great development for the Finnish culture and the Finnish country. The Tsar's hand's off approach to managing the Finnish people allowed the Fins to experience a large degree of autonomy during the Imperial years. They had their own Parliament, elected their own government with a very large degree of universal suffrage (being the first nation in Europe to give women the right to vote), and had a large degree of rights. As the Great Game progressed into the 20th century, the Russian government, seeing the rise of relations between the British Empire and the Sweden-Norway Union, invested heavily into the military of Finland, bringing it up to a high standard. The idea was to have Finland be the first-respondents to an attack from the north, whether that be a defense against a Swedish-British attack to protect St. Petersburg, or an offensive into northern Sweden-Norway to counter British aggression. Either way, the Great Game transformed Finland's military into one of the finest military units in all of Europe (though one of the smaller ones).

When the Eastern Bloc came tumbling down, Finland soon found itself in a state shock that their Grand Duke was overthrown by revolutionaries. The Russian Republic that followed though was more concerned about securing Russia as a national state rather than care about the following secession crises that sprang up in former imperial land. This proved to be an intriguing situation to then Prime Minister Harri Holkeri. Holkeri, having been appointed as Prime Minister of the Finnish Parliament two years prior, alongside the Finnish Government, declared the independence of and creation of the Kingdom of Finland. The Russians in return acknowledged the Finnish Kingdom as a state. A King was then needed to be appointed. The Finnish people, having experienced their greatest period of growth under the Romanovs, were supportive of one becoming their King. So, an offer was sent to Prince Paul Romanovsky-Ilyinsky, the son of Grand Duke Dmitri Romanov, grandson of Tsar Alexander II, to continue ruling Finland under Romanov authority and to continue the great growth of the Finnish people. Prince Paul, who was about 53 at the time, accepted the offer, and traveled to Helsinki for the coronation. A provision of his coronation was him revoking any possible claim he had to the Russian Tsardom in order to placate the new Russian Republic. Thus, Prince Paul became King Paul, the first King of Finland

Finland soon found itself front and center of the new World Congress. It also found itself deploying its army on many peacekeeping expeditions dispatched by the Congress, only improving its military further. Its position as a major peacekeeper in the world has allowed Finland to maintain a degree of neutrality in world affairs. But, it still is influenced by its Russian neighbors. Time will tell though the fate of the new Finnish Kingdom.
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Reino de Portugal - 1991

Name: Kingdom of Portugal
Head of State: Afonso VII
Head of Government: Basílio Horta
Type of Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Capital: Lisboa
  • Metropolitan Portugal - 10,120,437 people
  • Guinea - 1,017,000 people
  • Cape Verde - 381,000 people
  • Angola - 10,335,000 people
  • Mozambique - 14,451,900 people
  • Portuguese India - 1,550,000 people
  • Timor - 750,000 people
  • Macao - 455,700 people
Currency: Portuguese Real

Economic Status:
- Thriving
- Portugal is one of Europe's richest states, boasting a high GDP, near total literacy (in Angola and Mozambique as well) and a fairly stable political system that has high confidence amongst its sprawling population. Its heavy ties with its formal colonial empire in South America further allow it to spread its influence and develop its economy with access to cheap manufactured goods and raw materials.

- The Portuguese Armed forces, by virtue of having to put down Eastern Bloc armed and instigated militant groups and uprisings in its far flung colonies, has become exceptionally experienced in counter-insurgency operations, with much of their forces specifically trained in dealing with it and a large portion of their lighter ships being adapted for brown-water navy work, sailing upriver to bombard rebels.

  • 40,000 military, 2,500 civilians
  • Number of Reserves: 60,000 (Demobilized)
  • Number of Tanks
    • 50 Leopard Tanks (Built mostly in North Germany)
    • 150 M60 A3 TTS
    • 60 Challenger Tanks
    • 150 Chaimite II APC's
    • 90 Chaimite I APC's
  • Decent size Artillery
  • 4 Light/Helicopter Carriers (HMS Vasco da Game and HMS Pedro Alvares Cabral and 2 others)
  • 5 Destroyers
  • 20 Frigates (Mostly Vasco da Gama Class) - The far ranging, speedy workhorse of the Portuguese fleet
  • 10 Corvettes - Escorts to the frigates or leader of patrol boats
  • 25 Patrol Boats mostly used for River and Coastal Patrolling - Seeing use in the Congo zone
  • Various Support Ships
  • 8 Albacora Submarines
Air Force:
  • 30 Fighters Planes
  • 36 Carrier Based
  • 60 Fixed Wing Attack Aircraft
  • 120 Transport Copters
  • 150 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Alliance with the United Kingdom
Member of the European Concordant
Member of the World Congress
Member of the Global Investment Bank

Internal Events:

80 years later: A retrospective

It was on the first of February in 1908 that those foul republican assassins robbed away the lives of then reigning monarch Carlos I and his heir Luís Filipe, thrusting our beloved former Dom Manuel Maria Filipe Carlos Amélio Luís Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis Eugénio de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota e Bragança into the mantle of rulership, young and bereft of his father and brother.

Fortunately, fortunately!, the foul assassins were taken into custody, and revealed the edges of a giant republican conspiracy within the very heart and highest ranks of Portugal, whose members were swiftly arrested. Yet, six years later, during Dom Manual II's wedding to the princess Mary of England, they republicans struck once more, rising in open, armed rebellion.

They attempted to capture Lisbon from within, but their paltry few hundred armed forces were defeated by the Portuguese garrisons waiting for them, and their attempts at sabotage stopped with the aid of the British. By now Manuel II had well and truly solidified his rule over Portugal, and the Empire entered a golden age of prosperity and progress.

Even as the Eastern bloc attempted to fund insurgencies within the territories of Portugal, our brave soldiers, both European and African, routed them from our lands, and with the ultimate defeat of Russia, Portugal and her ally England have become truly victorious.

Now Manuel has abdicated in his old age in favour of his son Afonso VII and a new Prime Minister, Basílio Horta of the Partido Socialista Português, has been elected.

The world is our oyster, and the difficulties of the Congo, merely the latest mountain we must climb.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
@Maugan Ra

In the name of God, the most Merciful, Everlasting and Joyous, the Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Egypt must protest the decision by the Anglo to discuss intervention into the Dar al-Islam, the land of the pious and faithful, without consulting the Revolutinary Islamic Republic or any other nations in the region outside of their puppets in the apostate kingdoms of Palestine and Arabia. Miṣr, following with example of Allah the most Beneficent and Powerful, would be more than willing the lend a helping hand to any intervention against the mad dictator of Mesopotamia.

وَقَاتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ وَلَا تَعْتَدُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ
Accursed dogs of Ḥabasha, those who would seek to destroy the Religion and cast down those who only wish to praise Allah and protect the faithful, cease your foolishness. Miṣr allows your transgressions for a moment, because we know that sometimes the unfaithful will attack what they cannot understand in a blind rage. Be warned, if you continue you trouble the people of Allah and strive against the Revolution, we will bring down the sword of Allah on your neck. This is your last and only warning before the lions stalk their prey.
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Imperio de Mexico- 1991

The Empire of Mexico
Head of State: Emperor Maximillian Iturbide (OOC: The first name, ironically, of the current claimant in OTL)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Type of Government: Habsburg Constitutionalism
Population: 117,836,000
Mexico City


Internal Events:

-The Emperor and his Progressive Prime Minister have agreed to meet in a series of closed talks to discuss reform. It is hoped they will be able to create an organized time table for reform but given the Emperor's unwillingness to consider several topics, including the Landowner's Franchise, it remains to be seen if any substantial ground will be gained.

Economic Status:
-Mexico, though possessing rich natural resources, has long suffered developmental problems due to its dependence on heavy taxes on the upper classes to maintain the military. These taxes are tolerated due to the extensive privileges given to the nation's elite. Given that the Emperor needs the support of both the Upper Classes and the Military to maintain his power and benefiting one will likely damage his relations with the other, many fear for the Mexico's long term future...

-The Mexican military, faced with the certain probability of a war in the underdeveloped lands of Northern Mexico, has long favored a strong airforce to harass enemy incursion and to wage strategic strikes against major enemy installations, such as the US Pacific Fleet at Vancouver or Confederate forts across Texas. The Navy and Army have been considered secondary defensive weapons to pin the enemy while logistical strikes wear them down. The sole exception is the Army of Rio Grande, which bears a formidable armored section for proposed rapid advanced into Texas aided by airborne cavalry.

  • Active Duty: 1,178,000
  • Reserves: 4,713,000 (Demobilized)
  • Tanks: 3,930
  • 1 Aircraft Carrier
  • 20 Attack Subs
  • 8 Cruisers
  • 25 Destroyers
Air Force:
  • 40 Strategic Bombers
  • 200 Air Superiority Fighters
  • 300 Multirole Fighters
  • 200 Ground Attack Fighters
  • 500 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

To: All Non-Confederate American States @ByzantineCaesar @Arthur Frayn @ChaoticGenius @Maugan Ra

With the breakdown of the Confederacy, there is a clear and present danger to the security of the Nicaraguan Canal. Any damage to it would sorely compromise the economies of all our nations. Mexico proposes that an international task force, consisting of units from all American states, should help secure the canal, with Britian's consent of course.
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Türkiye Cumhuriyeti - 1991

Name: Republic of Turkey
Head of State: President Doğan Güreş
Head of Government: Prime Minister Çevik Bir
Type of Government: Presidential Constitutional Republic (de jure) Military dictatorship (de facto)
Population: 55,120,000
Capital: Istanbul


Internal Events:

Necmettin Erbakan speaks out!
With Turkey having existed without elections, an under a military dictatorship for decades now, many in Turkey are getting tired of the democratic sham that is the 'Republic' of Turkey. Notable Islamist political leader Necmettin Erbakan has spoken out publicly against the lack of democracy in the nation, and many have listened. However, Erbakan has made it clear that he can tell that President Güreş is different, and says that he is ready to cooperate with the President to establish an electoral commission, and elections for the President any day now.

Socialist League of Turkey facing crackdowns!
President Güreş has sent the Internal Security Bureau to crush a number of Socialist cells in Turkey this month, with the party facing increasingly harsh and unforgiving police crackdowns in recent years. However, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, the reported leader of the Socialist League has not been arrested yet, leaving the organization still somewhat cohesive and organized.

Marches in Solidarity for the Turkish Communities in Mesopotamia occurring throughout Turkey
Although not necessarily a modern culture, the roots of Turkish nationalism laid during the Ottoman Empire were strengthened in the revolution that toppled the House of Osman, and those feelings of national pride are still strong, with a string of marches in solidarity with the Turkish people of Mesopotamia as evidence of the Turkish people's love for their nation. In cities such as Anakara, Istanbul, and Izmir, throngs of people waving the Turkish flag, chanting nationalist anthems, and singing the national anthem have assembled, in protest of the harsh regime in Mesopotamia and in solidarity of the Turkish people in the region of Turkish Kurdistan. "We will not forget the People of Van" is a common statement made by the assembled people, and with the government seemingly ok with these demonstrations, many eyes are now glued to the Turkish military, and what they will do regarding the rogue state on their southeastern border.

Economic Status:
-Slightly Growing
The Turkish economy is currently at an all time high, despite the relatively high amount of people in poverty. With the Arabian states, especially Mesopotamia (although Mesopotamian oil exports have gone down since the current dictator took place) relying upon Turkish pipelines to export to the major port of Yumurtalık. Most of the money made from this pipeline has gone to the military elite in the country, leaving a majority of the population falling into poverty and the lower middle class. There is still an agrarian presence in central Anatolia, and Turkish credit is highly rated as one of the better regional credit scores.

The military, politically represented in the Constitutional Turkish Officer's Party, is the dominant force in the nation, and as such, is highly valued and invested in. Having bought Russian and British arms during the Great Game, playing the two powers off of each other in an attempt to stay neutral in the crossfire. The Turkish military values a strong air force coupled with a well-equipped infantry, and a strong coastal navy. Insofar as doctrine, the military is trained to adapt to the mountainous climate and warfare of Anatolia, and excels in that type of warfare. Nuclear warfare is a pipe dream.


  • Active Duty: 386.00
  • Number of Reserves: 2,321,000
  • Number of Tanks: 935
  • 7 Frigates
  • 10 Fast Attack Craft
  • 19 Patrol Boats
  • 6 Submarines
Air Force:
  • 170 Multirole Fighters
  • 20 Fighter-bobmers
  • 26 Transports
  • 37 Helicopters
Русский Демократическая Республика - 1991
Name: Democratic Republic of Russia
Head of State: President Boris Nikolaevich Taskahlov
Head of Government: Prime Minister Mikhail Vladimirovich Moskovsky
Type of Government: Liberal One-Party Republic (People's Constitutionalist Movement)
Population: 96,221,441
Capital: Moskva (Moscow)

Internal Events:

  • The 1990 elections, as expected, see the continued reign of the PCM as the supreme party, though this has as a result become increasingly fractured thanks to the blatant corruption within the party. Though Taskahlov, a former agent from the Republican Security Service (RSB) promises to battle the corruption that has deeply seeded itself into the body of state, with his primary focus being on the unlocking of the various civil services. He recently came out with the announcement of putting another 200 million rubles (est. 3 million USD) into the RSPB's anti-corruption agency.
  • In addition the army has issued a new policy of draft, offering volunteer service at increased pay for all adult males ages eighteen to twenty-one, per request of Chief of General Staff Alexey Gahnov. This is to promote the policy of raising the standing army from a limited 500,000 to 1,000,000 by the 1995.
  • The policy of Taskahlovia as based off the president's campaign continues, bringing electricity, a stable water/sewage system, vital services and an end to homelessness to the rest of the country. Large, eight-storey complexes are being built up in dedicated suburbs all across major population centers. This project is estimated to exceed 500% of the estimated budget by 2000, as construction is frequently hampered in Siberian urban centres by mismanagement and weather unsuitable for the thin-walled buildings.

Economic Status:
Stagnant, but slowly unwinding
Lacking any serious support since 1977, the Russian economy has effectively stopped in any serious development for the last twenty years, and only now, with the election of President Taskahlov, has serious development been seen. The promise of an open market for a free people continues to be one of the many priorities of the presidency.

'A strong army for a strong nation!' is the byword of the day, and a order for GENERAL MOBILISATION for the purposes of DRILLING and MODERNIZATION has gone into full effect.
Chief of General Staff Gahnov and Admiral Maxim Medvedev have been reported to have met in Kazan to discuss the fate of a army-naval cooperation and the continuation of a 'Marine Soldier' project.

Republican Russian Army (RRA)
483,000 active Republican Russian Army (RRA) troops
224,000 reserves for the Republican National Guard
15,000 tanks (9,400 in active service, 2,000 being built, 3,000 in repairs/nearly decommissioned)
Republican Navy (RN), prefix none
1 aircraft carrier
188 surface ships (1 battlecruiser, 5 cruisers, 10 frigates, 15 destroyers, 50 corvettes, the rest are anti-mining/patrol boats)
48 submarines (1 Project 098787, 3 SSBN, 6 SSN, 8 SSGN, the rest SSK)
Air Force

Russian Air Force (RAF)
  • 30 x fighter squadrons
  • 20 x attack squadrons
  • 8 x bomber squadrons
  • 18 x attack & recon squadrons
  • 1 x tanker squadron
    (approximately 1,220 planes combat-ready)
  • 17,000 helicopters (12,000 combat/transport viable)
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
No current alliances, trade to continue standard aside from an embargo on Ukraine.
Trade agreements to be conducted with former Eastern bloc nations, including offering a lowering of tariffs in exchange for a likewise response.
Interest expressed in trading with China, and possibly a meeting between representatives of the two nations.
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the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1991

"The roses nowhere bloom so white
As in Virginia;
The sunshine nowhere shines so bright
As in Virginia;
The birds sing nowhere quite so sweet
And nowhere hearts so lightly beat.
For Heaven and Earth both seem to meet
Down in Virginia"

The Commonwealth of Virginia was always the odd duck of the Confederacy. Birthplace of some of the noblest Southern heroes -- especially the beloved 'Marse Robert' of unrivalled fame -- the Commonwealth viewed herself as the natural centre of the Southern project and the linchpin of their young nation. This view was not shared. Although Virginia remained an influential and prosperous state within the Confederacy, the rejection of their proposal to move the capital to Richmond meant that the balance of power would never shift as they desired it to. Over the years Virginia would begin to draw inward as the Confederacy grew increasingly impotent: the planter aristocracy, itself dominated by the ancient First Families who had come over when Virginia was still a colony, observed the troubles of their neighbours with fear and contempt in equal measure. What did the mongrels of Arkansas or Mississippi know about running a civilised society?

By the time the bottom fell out of Southern 'democracy' in the 1960s much had changed in Virginia -- and much stayed the same. Industry had blossomed in Richmond, Norfolk, and Alexandria in the 1940s as poor whites from plantation country flocked to new jobs with better pay and many of the First Families moved with them; transitioning their fabled wealth toward shares, commerce, and factories as plantation life slowly become a pleasant anachronism reserved only for holidays to the family estate. These estates still needed to be maintained, however, and Virginian agriculture remained strong enough to require adequate workers. With the emancipation of Southern slaves in 1932 Virginia's black codes were as harsh as any other, denying freedom of movement and many other rights besides, but tying the Negroes to their old masters could only keep things running so much -- unlike more than a few of her sister states Virginia was a solid white-majority state and had a smaller pool of coloured labour upon which to draw as the always-reliable 'crackers' and sharecroppers deserted their fields.

This lead gradually to a relaxation of black codes unprecedented anywhere in the South. Whites in the cities, especially the youth, became more educated and cosmopolitan as William and Mary, Washington and Lee, and the University of Virginia turned out bright-eyed graduates who looked askance at what was still referred to in some quarters as 'our Peculiar Institution'. Meanwhile it did not escape the ruling elite that the states with the harshest black codes were almost invariably those most troubled by insurrection. They began to wonder if the old adage was true: one could catch more Negroes with watermelon than with the lash. The first loosening of the codes was in 1949 as travel restrictions for black Virginians were made less onerous for those visiting family or looking for work. After this was met receptively and grim predictions of rebellion proved illusory a 1952 law allowed for limited freedom of both speech and assembly, as long as whites were able to screen the speech and had to approve requests to assemble.

As the era of white democracy died with the 'Sham Election' in the 1960s Virginia was something of an outcast from her fellow states. Although blacks in Virginia were by no means free and equal they tended to enjoy a few more rights than their brothers and sisters in Georgia and Alabama and tended to be a little wealthier as well. Those Negroes that could manage it had begun in the early 1950s to trickle into Virginia rather than into the United States (mostly because it was considerably easier to get into, which covered a multitude of sins) and their labour offset much of the hardship suffered by the First Families' luxurious estates and sprawling equestrian stables. Eventually much of the 'old money' economy of agriculture began to depend on reliable black labour (Virginian whites having long outgrown field labour outside the small farms that dotted the countryside) and periodically bones were thrown in the direction of the Negro to keep them from 'uppity' behaviour: limited speech and assembly in '52, the right to wages equal to 4/5ths of white wages in '58, and a select few others. Finally in 1967, perhaps in conscious reaction to the shambolic 'revolving door' government in Montgomery, the House of Delegates voted to extend the franchise to Negroes; albeit not accompanied by the right to run for office.

Although in the sardonic words of a Northern commentator Virginian blacks had won only 'the right to choose whatever white man is the lesser evil' the franchise law caused an explosion in Confederate politics. Furiously decrying Virginian governor William C. Battle as 'opposed to the highest ideals of this Confederacy for which fought Virginia's noblest sons' newspapers and politicians across the nation lambasted the move as Damnyankee evils from a practically Damnyankee state. Virginia remained unmoved. This final act managed to isolate the Commonwealth completely from the other Southern states (excepting impoverished and dependent North Carolina) and Virginians came to have almost no role in the ever-shifting juntas and ad hoc presidencies which by this point seemed to rotate through Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia as the preeminent actors on the Confederate stage. The successful two-term tenure of James Quincy Moorecock, a Southern Progressive, in the 1970s solidified Virginia's status as a liberal pariah state.

It would be a mistake, however, to think of Virginia as an actual bastion of liberalism. Outside the narrow parochialism of Southern politics Virginia could only be described as conservative to the point of reactionaryism. Virginia's lenient black codes -- which remained in force even after 1967 -- were not born out of an abiding belief in the brotherhood of man, merely to maintain a quiet social order and assuage the economic concerns of those aristocrats who still held to a primarily-agrarian lifestyle. Likewise the acceptance of this leniency by white Virginians did not spring from the deep well of equality that Virginia's detractors imagined. Instead, it was maintained mostly through a sense of smug noblesse oblige. The Negro was a savage at heart but shown the path of civilisation he could become something greater -- something almost, but not quite, equal to a man. The good people of Virginia manfully shouldered this duty of the white race and generally thought well of 'their' blacks. And why shouldn't they? A Virginian Negro was a quiet, respectable creature far removed from the 'damn darkies' of less-enlightened states. Self-satisfied paternalism quickly became the bedrock of Virginian race-relations (much to the disappointment of the state's few actual liberals) and although it managed to keep interracial relationships comparatively friendly it remains to be seen whether the bedrock would stand into the 21st century.

Meanwhile the good, honest white citizens of Virginia did not stay in stasis. With the 'white flight' to the cities in the 1940s Virginian politics were forced to reorient themselves to account for the new realities. The Democratic Party had dominated Virginian politics for over a century at every level of government and had done so hand-in-hand with the First Families and assorted constellation of planter aristocracy. Slowly however, their power began to erode. An unexpected consequence of white flight was increasing prosperity for the average Virginian and this prosperity suddenly allowed many of them to afford the poll tax, which had very carefully been calculated to exclude the sharecropper… but not the machinist or factory worker. This did not threaten the Democratic Party per se -- there were no other options to start with -- but forced the aristocracy to begin to cede a modicum of control to the average Johnny Reb.

By the late 1980s much of the House of Delegates was composed of men who had no relation whatsoever to the First Families (although many of them still enjoyed aristocratic patronage) and the Democratic Party continued to predominate, albeit a more 'liberal' bent of Democratic than in the rest of the Confederacy. Surprisingly the Progressive Party also remained a force in Virginian politics. Although the Progressives were ruthlessly suppressed on a Confederate level they hung on in Virginia as a moderately conservative party, supporting the lax black codes and finding support in the universities and elegant coffeehouses of the Commonwealth -- all the while sticking a petulant tongue out at their disapproving countrymen. The fall of the Confederate government changed the equation. The smouldering insurgency that had wracked Dixie for years after the Sham Election had been watched with trepidation in the Old Dominion, but a trepidation mixed with the knowledge that such disorder was for lesser states. Indeed, politically Virginia had remained relatively unscathed throughout it all (with the exception of some, ah, troubles in western Virginia) but she could not escape the enervating effects of inflation and was beginning to fall on immensely difficult times. After the financial collapse of the ruble in 1989 the Confederate dollar tanked like a falling star and the resulting stratospheric inflation rates would go on to tear the nation apart.

In late 1990 the Commonwealth of Virginia formally seceded from the Confederacy of Southron America, promulgating Articles of Secession only hours after news broke that the Anderson administration had fled Montgomery and left the nation in the hands of radicals. Although there was no lost love between the Virginian government and President Anderson his departure to the Gulf Coast broke the last dam standing between the Confederacy and the savage hordes of the uncivilised. Calling all true sons of Virginia to return home, Governor Curtis (D) quickly signed the Articles into law and assumed his new position as President of Virginia while in Raleigh tough decisions were being made about the future. Eight months later the North Carolinian government and the Virginian government exist alongside each other in a confused purgatory while the collected pre-secession legislatures of Virginia and North Carolina sit in Richmond hammering out the shape of the nation. A host of issues confronted Virginia -- but she would outlast them. The Old Dominion had stood for nearly four centuries. As far as she was concerned, four more lay ahead.
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(posting this now still WIP and will be editing over time but I'm taking a break from research etc comments and anything anyone wants to say is welcome.)

Norddeutsch Föderation - 1991


National Flag:

The North German Federation
Head of State: Crown Prince Heinrich Hohenzollern
Head of Government: Lord Regent and Chancellor Emich Kyrill, Prince of Leiningen, Head of the German Unity Party or Deutsche Einheitspartei
Type of Government: Self-explanatory
Population: 84.8 Million Approximately
Capital: Berlin


Internal Events:

Economic Status:

-German Industrial might is as ever a mighty titan providing various forms of goods military and civilian alike with plentiful but regulated and monitored subsidies to help ensure growth both of quantity and quality alike with subsidies cut off or lowered if a product is not met to Germany's perfectionist standards. None the less existing global trade ties, alongside the collapse of the old economic order has provided ample opportunity for the expansion of Germany's economy and even has opened up future foreign investments abroad.

-Germany's military forces both on land, in the air, and on the sea follow a largely untested theoretical doctrine of mobile warfare called "Blitzkrieg" though this theoretical application has been ruthlessly tested in training exercises to stunning results it has yet to still be truly tested in war. This doctrine revolves around a fast, strong, and relentless but also mobile and adaptable assault of the enemy and is reflected in all manners of Germany's military with a HEAVY focus on mobility, armor, and firepower.

  • 2,120,000 Reichswehr Soldiers
  • 2,240,000 Reservist (demobilized)
  • 23,320 Tanks, APC's etc
Navy: TBD
  • 2 Aircraft Carriers
  • 5 Battleships
  • 8 Heavy Cruisers
  • 12 Light Cruisers
  • 30 Frigates
  • 55 Destroyers
  • 12 Nuclear Submarines
  • 88 Submarines
Air Force: TBD
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
  • Type of planes...
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
-European Concordant


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Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia

Name: The Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia
Head of State: His Royal Majesty, King Hussein II of Arabia, Sharif of Mecca, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
Head of Government: Prime Minister Zaid ibn Shaker
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 22,410,000
Capital: Mecca

Internal Events: Ever since the revolution that toppled the former Hashemite kingdom, feelings of distrust and outright hostility has dominated relations between the Middle Eastern nations. The recent invasion of Kuwait by Mesopotamian forces has the potential to spark the outbreak of war between the two nations according to observes. These feelings of hostility has spread into the general Arabian populace. Recent protests and marches against the Mesopotamian regime have occurred from Amman to Abu Dhabi, with many Kuwaiti exiles participating and organizing these events. "Remember King Faisal II!" is a popular saying among the protesters, calling back to the former Hashemite monarch of Mesopotamia

Economic Status: Prosperous and Growing - Within the borders of Arabia lie the largest oil reserves in the world. For decades, the exploitation of oil resources as driven great economic growth and general prosperity throughout the nation. However, oil is the only major export of the Kingdom and the economy is particularly lacking in diversification.

Military: "Due to the recent rise in regional tensions, the reserves of the Royal Arab Legion is ordered to mobilize and prepare for the possibility of deployment. " - Prime Minister Zeid ibn Shaker, Field Marshal of the Royal Arab Legion.


  • Active Duty: 450,000
  • Reserves: 600,000 (Mobilizing)
  • Tanks: 2,000
  • 10 Submarines
  • 6 Cruisers
  • 6 Destroyers
  • Numerous smaller ships
Air Force:
  • 300 Strategic Bombers
  • 700 Fighters
  • 500 Helicopters
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade: Close Relations with the UK


Private Missive to The United Kingdom (@Maugan Ra ): The Hashemites are certain that the recent incidents regarding Kuwait and Mesopotamia has not gone unnoticed by the British government. Our government sees this attack as a blatent breach of international law and a threat to the secruity of our northern border. Considering these matters, the Hashemite government believes that an intervention of some sort against the unstable and dictatorial regime is the best way to ensure that peace in the Middle East. The Royal Arab Legion is more than ready to conduct such an operation alone, but we would welcome the aid of the British armed forces with open arms should your government choose to do so.

Private Missive to Iran (@ChaoticGenius ): Faithful ally, the recent invasion of Kuwait by Mesopotamian forces is certainly a threat to the independence and security of both of our nations. The threat of the Mesopotamians are clear, especially after your own recent conflict with the nation. Your Hashemite friends ask your nation a simple question: In the event of a war against the corrupt Mesopotamian Republic, could Arabia count on Tehran to aid our nation in such a conflict? Such a course of action is regrettable, but nevertheless a real possibility in times like this.
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Military Forces in the Congo

Portugal thanks all the nations supporting us in keeping the peace and containing the ongoing Congo Crisis. With your help we are sure to stabilize this region.

@Maugan Ra

The Peacekeeping forces within the Congo Administrative zone would like to request that the National Republic of Katanga (@ChaoticGenius ), the Dominion of Nigeria (@baboushreturns ), and the Central African Confederation (@Gamelin , @ChaoticGenius ), and Sudan (@mcclay ) keep their Congolese borders secure as far as possible to prevent rebels and insurgents from basing out of their territories.


If you were interested in helping to suppress the Congolese warlords by giving the support of your milataries, myself and Britain might be interested in supplying you with weapons.

Portuguese diplomats arrive in Katanga, assuring them of Portuguese recognition of their independence, and offering them access to the trade ports of Mozambique and Angola to ship their own goods to the larger world, and asking them if they would be willing to take part in a large Public Works railway and highway project, to connect Mozambique and Angola via a land route, which should be beneficial for all of us.

Diplomats with similar messages and offers are sent to Zambia and Malawi.

Internal event:

With news of a bombing so soon after he was voted into office, Prime Minister Basílio Horta, who had won against incumbent Costa Gomes of the Partido Regenerador in the elections, vows to that there are going to be big changes in how the peacekeeping efforts are run, the first of which is a new commander in chief for the entire region, veteran and war hero Marcelino da Mata.

Basílio Horta
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Royaume de France - 1991

Kingdom of France
Head of State: Henri VI
Head of Government: Jacques Chirac, PM
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 56,565,900
Capital: Paris


Internal Events:

Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister of France

The United Front

Perhaps nobody sensed French apprehension better than Jacques Chirac, the current Prime Minister. Elected on a promise to mend the 'social rift' developing between France's disparate political factions, he has attempted to placate the socialists with limited reform and the Bonapartists with an expansion of the power of the Chamber.

On all counts, however, Chirac has been dismissed as a muddled, establishment figure. Divisions in the governing coalition which propelled the man to power - the
Union des Démocrates (UDD) - has begun to fracture at the seams as Chirac's sudden turn to interventionist economics has drawn criticism from the right.

To complicate matters, the Left - an increasingly resurgent force in French politics - has reared its head to contest elections across the country. Though the
Parti Communiste is banned under several acts passed in the Red Scares of the 30s and 40s, it has gained renewed life under a new direction. François Mitterrand and a coalition of moderate Social Democrats have organised a so called Front Uni - a loose union of discontent leftists in Chirac's own party and out and out anarchist deputies - which seems set to contest 1994's elections.

Mitterrand - a canny, media-friendly operator who delights in controversy - seems in the imagination of the frustrated French youth to be a potential champion. Yet many more on the French right baulk at the prospect of France being on the precipice of electing an out and out Socialist for the first time in the Kingdom's long history.

All the while, the sense that Chirac is yesterday's man is all the more amplified by the abandonment of his youthful base.

Other Internal Developments

UDD rightists said to be discussing splinter party with Bonapartist deputies

Trade unions courted by Mitterrand


Despite public criticism of the man, Chirac's economic policies have managed to reverse the decline of last decade. Through dirigisme, a boom in state-directed investment has allowed a number of developing industries (including the technology sector) to begin an expansion.

However, French debt continues to expand as a result of the aggressive spending; already buoyed by the country's extensive colonial upkeep, it remains to be seen whether Chirac's investments will pay dividends into the next decade.


The fractious social atmosphere has lead the Chamber of Deputies to commission a White Paper examining claims that the Chief of Staff, Eudes Murat, made remarks favourable to Action française (AF), the Chamber's largest Bonapartist bloc, and to examine the 'wider implications of Bonapartist sympathies' in the armed forces.

Outside of political showboating, however, the military has begun a programme of demobilisation following the collapse of the Eastern Bloc. It is hoped by many that this will be an ease on France's strained public finances.

Many former coalition garrisons in the East have been returned to their native countries, as a French policy of consolidation places the focus on the colonies and the borders of the homeland.

  • 250,157 active servicemen
  • 150,000 reservists [Demobilized]
  • 10,000 tanks
  • 30 Destroyers
  • 20 Light Cruisers
  • 35 Attack Submarines
Air Force:
  • 2,000 Helicopters
  • 300 Multirole Fighters
  • 200 Strategic Bombers
  • 250 Ground Support Fighters


A visit of Dauphin Henri, the Crown Prince, is said to be in the works to Vienna. The traditional alliance of the Habsburg realms and France has become a crutch in French foreign policy, though many think the grandeur of a Bourbon royal visit is simply fireworks to the actual discussion between the South German and French foreign ministers concerning preparations for Prussian aggression in wake of peace in the east. @Crilltic

A special mission to the Russian Republic also forms part of the Foreign Minister's tour, as he is said to be exploring the benefits of France functioning as a creditor for the revitalisation of some key industry in the Republic. @Kerensky
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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - 1991

Head of State: HRH Queen Elizabeth II Windsor
Head of Government: Prime Minister Albert West, Liberal Party
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy (The Queen is legally sovereign, but is bound by centuries of tradition and confined to a largely ceremonial and diplomatic role)
Population: 58,000,000 (within the UK proper; estimates vary widely depending on which parts of the Empire and Commonwealth one counts)
Capital: London


Internal Events:

- Following last year's victory over the Conservative party in the elections, the reigning Liberals have begun to implement their domestic agenda; increasing spending is mandated on the National Health Service and various other government-run institutions, aimed primarily at obtaining a full and accurate assessment of the state of the country, that increased wealth from the booming economy might be properly targeted for investment.

- With the collapse of the Russian Empire, a building anti-imperialist sentiment has begun taking root among the Kingdom's youths. Without the looming spectre of a hostile superpower, people have started to question the need for such a vigorous international presence. Time will tell what this new trend will create.

Economic Status:
- Booming
The Great Game is over, and Britain the victor, and as has always been the case it is the victor that claims the spoils. With powerful trade agreements, a cutting-edge technological sector and de facto control over the economic tides of the financial world, Britain's economy is booming like never before.

-The British Military is either the stalwart protector of civilisation or the iron grip on the throat of the world, depending on who you ask. Fresh from the battlefields of the Great Game, backed by the world's sole remaining superpower and drawing on recruits and other resources from much of the Imperial Commonwealth (many nations contribute regiments or other forces to the Army, most famously the Gurkhas), the Royal Armed Forces are vast, well trained, highly experienced troops with the best equipment in the world. The Royal Navy is the backbone and foundation of the military, boasting enough ships to make a reasonable go of patrolling every ocean at once, while the Royal Army and Royal Air Force maintain a supporting role.

Army: The Royal Army is a powerful multi-national force, with regiments and brigades drawn from all the Commonwealth nations (though British troops are still the majority). It holds approximately a quarter of a million troops, with a heavy emphasis on mobile infantry and heavy armour units.

The Royal Navy is the oldest and most prestigious of the Royal Armed Services. Operationally, it is traditionally divided into six 'Fleets', which are generally assigned specific areas of the globe to patrol and operate in.
  • 6 Command Ships
  • 2 Battleships
  • 10 Aircraft Carriers
  • 30 Cruisers
  • 40 Destroyers
  • 70 Frigates
  • 80 Submarines (Approximately a quarter are missile-launching variants which form the backbone of the UK's nuclear arsenal)
  • Appropriate number of auxiliaries and other support craft
Air Force: The Royal Air Force consists of approximately two hundred squadrons of multi-role fighters, bombers and support craft, which the powers that be have generally considered 'enough'.

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:

  • Imperial Commonwealth. Britain no longer rules as colonial overlord of these lands, but they still recognise the Windsors as their monarch, and maintain powerful bonds of mutual defence and economic self-interest. Consists of Canada, the West Indies, Nigeria, Malaysia, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Rhodesia, Pakistan.
  • World Congress. A recent creation, founded in Geneva in hopes of creating a forum where all the nations of the world might meet and negotiate on neutral ground. Time will tell how much of a success this initiative will be.
  • Global Investment Bank; international financial institution that provides a way for developing countries to receive loans and investment, exerts a massive influence on the markets and makes Britain the financial hegemon of the globe. Currently includes virtually everyone with a stable economy except Russia itself.
  • European Concordat; Alliance of European nations forged as a counter to the Russian states, technically obsolete now, still a potential framework for turning to new purposes. What those purposes might be has yet to be determined.


  1. A Declaration of War
    1. This announcement is made via the World Congress, and as such is probably known to damn near everyone relatively quickly, but is of particular relevance to Hashemite Arabia (@DanMan), the Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Egypt (@mcclay), the Republic of Turkey (@Korona) and let's just say everyone in the Middle East (@ChaoticGenius)
    2. Let it be known that, in response to the manifold and grievous violations of human rights and national sovereignty committed by the Republic of Mesapotamia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland hereby declares that a state of war now exists between our two countries. It is the intent of Parliament to see the current administration dissolved and a new, more stable institution created in its place. We call upon our regional allies to assist us in stabilising and healing this ill-treated land.
    3. (Not part of the official declaration, but a rapid series of backroom meetings confirms that the British do not intend to occupy the nation in the long-term, and would likely be interested in carving the territory up between those local powers with an interest in such territorial acquisitions)
(Also a whole bunch of other stuff but I work weekends and need to go to sleep. Formal war plans and such will be forthcoming as well. I just wanted to get this noted down now.)
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To: The Kingdom of Haiti (@ChaoticGenius)
From: The Provisional Government of the Southron Social Republic


Fellow inhabitants of the Americas and our inspirations in victory over the white, imperial oppressors who help us down, we hope that the future between our two nations can be one of cooperation and concord. However, for that to happen, we must first rid ourselves of the remnants of the old order in Florida and Cuba. We are hoping to ring them in and hang them from a noose of freedom and liberty; can we count on your assistance in this endeavor?

TO: The Foreign Office of the Provisional Government of the Southron Social Republic
FROM: The Foreign Office of the Haitian Empire


On behalf of the Government of the Empire of Haiti, I declare our interest in such an effort albeit not without the caveat that the Government of the Empire of Haiti has conditions.

Condition one is our need for an investment in a planned operation in the Confederacy, which can include land, trading rights, or et cetera. Condition two is that your penchant for anti-imperialism is not attempted to be exported to within the borders of the Empire of Haiti. Our Government is headed by a rightfully crowned monarch, and efforts to make that situation otherwise will be a prevention from our Government supporting this proposed action against white imperialists.

To: All Non-Confederate American States @ByzantineCaesar @Arthur Frayn @ChaoticGenius @Maugan Ra
With the breakdown of the Confederacy, there is a clear and present danger to the security of the Nicaraguan Canal. Any damage to it would sorely compromise the economies of all our nations. Mexico proposes that an international task force, consisting of units from all American states, should help secure the canal, with Britian's consent of course.

TO: The Foreign Office of the Empire of Mexico
FROM: The Foreign Office of the Republic of Argentina and the Foreign Office of the Republic of Chile
CC: The Foreign Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @Maugan Ra

The Foreign Offices of the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Chile offer a joint public statement that they are willing to assist British operations in securing the trade route of the Nicaraguan Canal, vital to trade in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and key in upholding the principle of free trade among nations that is enjoyed by peoples globally.

Private Missive to Iran (@ChaoticGenius ): Faithful ally, the recent invasion of Kuwait by Mesopotamian forces is certainly a threat to the independence and security of both of our nations. The threat of the Mesopotamians are clear, especially after your own recent conflict with the nation. Your Hashemite friends ask your nation a simple question: In the event of a war against the corrupt Mesopotamian Republic, could Arabia count on Tehran to aid our nation in such a conflict? Such a course of action is regrettable, but nevertheless a real possibility in times like this.

TO: The Foreign Office of the Government of Hashemite Arabia
FROM: The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Iran


On behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Iran, I declare our interest in preserving peace in the Republic of Mesopotamia.

We are willing to commit forces in the removal of the leader of the Republic of Mesopotamia, who has squandered his rule of the people of Mesopotamia and our fellow Moslem brethren. However, while our interests come with a prioritization of the well-being of those under the corrupt regime of the Republic of Mesopotamia, we would like to see the lands lost in our war of 1987, particularly the lost province of Khuzestan, returned to the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Iran.

The Peacekeeping forces within the Congo Administrative zone would like to request that the National Republic of Katanga (@ChaoticGenius ), the Dominion of Nigeria (@baboushreturns ), and the Central African Confederation (@Gamelin , @ChaoticGenius ), and Sudan (@mcclay ) keep their Congolese borders secure as far as possible to prevent rebels and insurgents from basing out of their territories.


If you were interested in helping to suppress the Congolese warlords by giving the support of your milataries, myself and Britain might be interested in supplying you with weapons.

Portuguese diplomats arrive in Katanga, assuring them of Portuguese recognition of their independence, and offering them access to the trade ports of Mozambique and Angola to ship their own goods to the larger world, and asking them if they would be willing to take part in a large Public Works railway and highway project, to connect Mozambique and Angola via a land route, which should be beneficial for all of us.

Diplomats with similar messages and offers are sent to Zambia and Malawi.

TO: The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Portugal
FROM: The Foreign Office of the National Republic of Katanga

On behalf of the Government of the National Republic of Katanga, I accept these efforts of supporting the economic development of the National Republic of Katanga as a legitimate state not afflicted with the current issues that plague the Congo Administrative Zone.

Our Government will begin negotiations regarding the details of these proposed developments as soon as a date and location is requested by the benevolent Government of the Kingdom of Portugal.


Again on the behalf of the Government of the National Republic of Katanga, I recognize the need for the security and peace in the Congo Administrative Zone. However the state of our military is barely enough to ensure that Congolese warlords do not penetrate our borders and ruin the sanctity of sovereignty of our nation.

With those facts, I will have to respectfully refuse to contribute soldiers to this effort, however, will offer to base peacekeeping forces within limited areas within our borders to use in engaging the Congolese warlords that threaten our independence consistently, and once that danger has been dealt with, perhaps the situation can be renegotiated.


TO: The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Portugal
FROM: The Foreign Office of the State of Zamibia

Acting on the behalf of the Government of the State of Zamibia, I accept this offer of economic development and anticipate participation in this land road.

Our Government will begin negotiations regarding the details of these proposed developments as soon as a date and location is requested by the benevolent Government of the Kingdom of Portugal.


TO: The Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Portugal
FROM: The Foreign Office of the State of Malawi

Acting on the behalf of the Government of the State of Malawi, I accept this offer of economic development and anticipate participation in this land road.

Our Government will begin negotiations regarding the details of these proposed developments as soon as a date and location is requested by the benevolent Government of the Kingdom of Portugal.
Special Reports - 1991

A rare photograph of British troops boarding in mobilization for operations in the Republic of Mesopotamia. It is soldiers like these that will fight alongside allies of the United Kingdom to "restore order and humanity", in the words of the Prime Minister, to the Mesopotamian people.
"The Prime Minister announced a declaration of war against the Republic of Mesopotamia today, to the relief of some and the fear of others. At this declaration, young academics marched outside of Parliament declaring their opposition to war in the Near Eastern nation, declaring it an act of imperialism among other claims.

"In response to this declaration, other states closely aligned with the United Kingdom took their own action, including the Kingdom of Iran, whose government made their own declaration of war against the Republic of Mesopotamia, likely in part due to the loss of the Khuzestan province in 1987 to the Mesopotamian Republic.

"The debate that surrounds the beginning of the first major military action against a nation since the end of the Great Game mainly surrounds the length of the action. No public statement has been made by Prime Minister West as to the plans for post-war Mesopotamia, and some among the student-led 'Movement for Worldwide Peace' have speculated this to be little more than a gambit to expand the borders of the British Empire.

"We have brought our foreign policy analyst, Mr. John Bailey, to discuss the ramifications of this declaration of war, and how it might affect the local geopolitical schema of the region..."









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The Empire of Mexico formally recognizes the Republic of Guatemala. An ambassador is dispatched to discuss humanitarian aid to provide for Mexico's returned southern neighbor.

The Manifesto is permitted to be discussed in the Legislature to determine the precise terms demanded and thus whether they would violate the protections awarded to all subjects by the Imperial system.
(OOC: More details please.)

Name: Empire Of Japan
Head of State: Emperor Akihito
Head of Government: Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 123 Million
Capital: Tokyo


Internal Events:

A new Prime Minster has been elected after very contested 1991 elections
Prime Minster Kiichi Miyazawa has promised many thing including a decrease of taxes to stimulate economic growth Better unity with the Co-Prosperity Sphere and the prospect of inducting new members
Economic Status:

-All military information not dealing with the numbers themselves goes here...

  • 250000 Regulars​
  • 120000 Reservists (Demobilized)​
  • 1000 Type 74 MBTs​
  • Navy:TBD
  • Type of ships...​
  • Type of ships...​
  • Type of ships...​
Air Force:TBD
  • Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere Member
Alliance (Sorta) with Great Britain
From: Japanese Government
To: Philippine Government
His Imperial Majesty's Government is horrified of this loss of life and will assist the Philippine Government. 5000 Troops and some military advisers will be sent to protect the Filipino People. Does the Philippine Government have any objections?
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