The Wishing Well



"Long enough for you to ask that question." - 4
"Precisely five (5) years, and twelve (12) days." - 1
"Maybe? I really don't remember." - 1​
The Flower Crest (2)
"Long enough for you to ask that question."

The blind man laughed softly. "It is good to know that you have not changed since we last met.", he said as he gently placed the watering can he once held onto the grass-covered soil.

"Why did you call me out here?"

"Do you still remember when we first met?"

"Of course.", Raquel said with a firm tone. Her eyes focused onto the blind man's closed eyes for a short moment, which she quickly averted onto the small growing sapling between the two. "You were bleeding so badly back then from the wounds you received. If I had not seen you walking out there, you would have fallen to a cliff."

"And I am truly grateful for that.", he took a short, but deep breath. "After you tended to my wounds and nursed me back to health, I said something to you. Do you still remember it?"

Raquel paused for a short moment. It was a bit difficult to remember, but enough fragments of such a memory was retained to recall the necessary details. "...Somewhat."

"Back then, I vowed that I, Kenzo of the Hanamaru clan, will be of service to you as payment for your kindness. And I intend to see that promise until the end.", he said as his smile slowly turned into a stern look. "And even though you have turned down all of my previous offers, I will continue to do so."

Kenzo took a step back. Though he was blind and his eyes were closed, Raquel could his sincere gaze. "I have heard that you were looking for someone to accompany you to the Wishing Well. Word has it that people were talking all kinds of fighters with them to there, expecting danger within the trials that they would face. Of course, you have also expected such a thing - that is why you went to the mercenaries first, right? To look for someone capable of taking on the dangers that you cannot face?"

"That is true."

"I see. I was not mistaken.", he nodded. "Then, I have an offer that I believe you might want to accept."

"How will you give me someone who can fight? You are a florist, Kenzo.", Raquel said in genuine curiousity. "Flowers and plants will not save me from danger."

Kenzo smiled for a few seconds, before his face reverted back into a stern look. Although he still had that gentle appearance, he just seemed more serious with such a look. "I might be just a florist, Raquel, but the Hanamaru clan holds something greater behind its gentle facade."

"Do tell."

Kenzo nodded. It seemed like he had been waiting for a long time to tell Raquel about this. With evident enthusiasm, he began to tell the story of his clan - the Hanamaru clan.

The Hanamaru clan has existed since the time of the Magi. They were a proud bloodline who, along with other prominent clans, led the eastern nations to glory. Greatly respected and honored the same as nobles of the land, the clan had a prosperous life until their eventual collapse - caused by the same thing that they excelled in.

The Hanamaru clan, who bore the crest of a flower, was nothing but a house that ran numerous flower shop all around the eastern regions to the common folk. However, those who get a deeper perception of the clan know them to specialize in creating the strongest warriors in all of the eastern's forces. If a clan wanted powerful forces to add to their armies, the Hanamaru clan was the first name to pop up in their minds.

But among these warriors they have trained, there were the elite - the strongest of the strongest. They were called "The Dancing Flowers", due to them employing the use of fighting techniques that they refer to as dances. Although they were made to protect the clan, they were the ones who cause its downfall - lesser clans who were jealous of such plotted despicable acts that tainted the Hanamaru clan's reputation. From simple rumors, to framing the clan for massacres, and even reaching the point of killing their youngest clan members.

It did not take long for the Magi to intervene, and without any evidence to back up their innocence, the Hanamaru clan was given a sentence and a curse. All of the clan's firstborn shall be blinded, either by force or by natural causes, and the soldiers they have made will be drawn to battle and die until nothing is left - and that if they are found with the Hanamaru clan, they are to be executed. The glorious clan crumbled, with a large number of its members fleeing to other clans who would take them in, and the rest simply left to survive using only the remnants of what was once a proud bloodline.

Although it was difficult, the clan has managed to survive up to this day. Even if they are considered as one of the lowest in the lesser clans of the east. Even though they are but lowly florists now.

And now, only one bears the burden of carrying the flower crest, and the sins of his ancestors - the man known as Kenzo Hanamaru.

"So what you're saying is that your clan still makes these powerful warriors?"

"No. The clan has gone past that age." Kenzo smiled softly. "I have managed to secure three of "The Dancing Flowers."

"And you'll let them all accompany me?"

"As much as I would want to, I cannot.", he looked down on the grass for a short moment. "I have struck a deal with other clans, once they found out I was allowing them to take refuge in my household. I can only give you one of them, and the other two shall be sent away to the other clans."

"I see."

"Before you meet them and choose who shall accompany you, I have one favor to ask of you."

"And what would that favor be?"

"I wish to come with. To the Wishing Well.", he said with a firm voice. "Much like everyone else, I also seek a wish of mine to be granted."

How does Raquel respond?

[] Allow him to come with her.
[] Do not allow him to come with her.


[] Raquel asks Kenzo to reveal his wish to her.
[] Raquel lets Kenzo to keep his wish to himself.
We are a nosy old lady

[X] Allow him to come with her.
[X] Raquel lets Kenzo to keep his wish to himself.


Allow him to come with her. - 4

Raquel asks Kenzo to reveal his wish to her. - 3
Raquel lets Kenzo to keep his wish to himself. - 1​
Dancing Flowers
"Sure. You can come with."

The blind man's face lightened up.

"On one condition."

Kenzo waited for a second. He seemed anxious, after all, he didn't know what was on Raquel's mind - what specific condition would she place onto him. Would he be forced to go against the deal he made with the other clans? Would he be made to do something that might put his life to danger?

He did not expect the following words that came from Raquel.

"Tell me why you want to go to the Wishing Well.", she said. "What is your wish, Kenzo?"

"Hm.", Kenzo huffed with a calmed look on his face. Then, with a voice that radiated with sincerity and hope, he answered. "I want my clan to continue its life. I am the last of my kin. I want it prosper and live in serenity, even if I will never be able to see it. I want the sentence and the curse I have inherited to wither away - let the following generations start fresh, without the past tarnishing their pure souls. I want...the Hanamaru bloodline to be given a second chance. This time, without the shackles that has bound us for crimes we did not commit."

And though he is blind, he raised his head high, and turned to where Raquel stood. An open palm of his was placed the center of his chest.

"That, Raquel, is my wish."

" I see." Raquel smiled. She walked closer and closer towards Kenzo, and eventually, she gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Let's go get our wishes granted."

Kenzo smiled.

After a short while, both Raquel and Kenzo, accompanied by the same man whose clothes were stained with dirt and soil, headed onto a different section within this enormous garden-like household.

This time, it seemed to be an outdoors-training area. A large portion of the area had wooden flooring, with the rest kept as grassy soil. Scattered around the place are different training dummies made of various materials, ranging from simple wood to durable metals. Most of these dummies appeared to be worn-out, with numerous scratches and chips evident around all of the parts. A huge pile of trashed wood and steel, presumable broken dummies, were messily stacked at an isolated section of the area. But most importantly, three figures could be seen training with wooden weapon of varying shapes and sizes, striking the dummies with such refined techniques that it seemed as if they were dancing, and not fighting the dummies.

"The Master and his guest approaches! Present yourselves honorably!", Raquel and Kenzo's escort shouted with a powerful voice, it sounded almost like thunder itself was speaking. He then, bowed to the two before stepping to the side in silence.

Upon hearing this, the three figures turned to gaze at the source of the voice. They rid themselves off of their wooden weapons, storing them in a small crate near the pile of broken dummies. And as the man with the dirt-stained clothes told them, they presented themselves to Kenzo and Raquel - each one with a different look and a different feeling that emanated from them.

But instead of speaking for themselves, Kenzo introduced them one by one to Raquel. Strangely enough, Kenzo was accurate with it, almost as if they were arranged in an order that he has memorized. Though each of the introductions were different for each individual, Kenzo emphasized one thing constantly - that these people preferred to be called by the numbers on their names, rather than their first names.

The first one was a man with a hulking frame and a confident face, seems to be in his late twenties (25+). His black hair was cleanly cut and shaped, leaving only a small portion to be taken care of. He was much taller and much bulkier compared to the other two, especially with regards to the size of his muscles. His exposed upper torso was adorned with various scars, with the same flower crest, with the small roman numeral six (VI) on its edge, marked onto the umbilical region of his abdomen. He was introduced as Gladiolus Six. He is said to utilize a way of fighting that he calls as the "Dance of Stone", which heavily focuses on enduring blows and retaliating with powerful counter-attacks - most of the time using heavy weapons such as a large battleaxe.

The second one was a woman with a slender figure, but with a fair amount of muscular build as well - she seems to be in her late twenties (25+) as well. She had a calm face, but her eyes seem to show sorrow and longing. Her purple hair was of medium-length and was carefully braided in a singular strand, so that it would avoid swinging too much as she moved. She wore some sort of custom-fitted, long-sleeved attire made of silk and cotton, which had an artistic design that seemed to accent her graceful physique. On the left portion of her neck was the same flower crest, with the small roman numeral three (III) attached to one of its sides. She was introduced as Lotus Three. Her fighting style was known as the "Dance of the Serpent", which heightens the user's flexibility and movement, allowing them to weave through obstacles and openings with speed and precision. She uses a thin, single-edged sword called a katana for this fighting style.

The third one was a young man, seemingly in his early twenties (20+), most likely a year or two older than Kenzo. His physique wasn't as bulky as the Six, and he wasn't slender like Three - it was more of a moderate mix between the two extremes. His seemingly unkempt brown hair was somewhat long, with lengthy partitions to the sides reaching the edge of his cheeks, and the rest of his hair tied in a ponytail. He was wearing some basic eastern garb, but from the looks of it, he most likely would wear an armored attire if he was to go to a battle, compared to the two. Just like the two, a mark akin to the flower crest, with the small roman numeral nine (IX) attached to its top, was on his right forearm. This young man was introduced as Orchid Nine, who uses the "Dance of the Moon" - a fighting style that boasts unmatched offensive capabilities, which heavily relies on the user's ability to match and control the flow of the fight. He uses a similar sword to three, but much large in size and heavier, known as a nodachi.

After introducing each one of them, Kenzo spoke to Raquel.

"I'm certain my words will not satisfy your curiosity,", he smiled. "Feel free to talk to them yourself, before you pick. I believe it would give your more insight for a better judgement,"

"Very well."

Raquel will now converse with the Dancing Flowers. First, declare an order of which one will Raquel talk to.

[] Gladiolus Six - (order number 1st-3rd)
[] Lotus Three - (order number 1st-3rd)
[] Orchid Nine - (order number 1st-3rd)

Once an order has been declared, decide two (2) topics that Raquel would talk with each of the Dancing Flowers.
Remember that there is no guarantee that the Dancing Flowers will answer with complete honesty and trust Raquel with precious information.

Topics for Gladiolus Six:
[] Six's Wish
[] Six's Relation with Kenzo
[] Six's Past
[] Dance of Stone​

Topics for Lotus Three:
[] Three's Wish
[] Three's Relation with Kenzo
[] Three's Past
[] Dance of the Serpent​

Topics for Orchid Nine:
[] Nine's Wish
[] Nine's Relation with Kenzo
[] Nine's Past
[] Dance of the Moon​

The votes for the conversation order will be counted altogether, and the selected topics will be tallied for each Dancing Flower.
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Just to be clear, it's two topics for each Dancing Flower, correct?

And would something like this work for the order vote?

[] Gladiolus Six 1st, Lotus Three 2nd, Orchid Nine 3rd
[X] Lotus Three 1st, Gladiolus Six 2nd, Orchid Nine 3rd

Because three comes before six which comes before nine? *shrugs*

[X] Three's Wish
[X] Six's Wish
[X] Nine's Wish

Asking about their wish is pretty much asking them why the fight, which is what I'd like to know from a companion. So that's a given for each of them.

[X] Three's Past
Because her eyes show sorrow and longing. It's possible that just asking for her wish will reveal this, but better safe than sorry.

[X] Six's Relation with Kenzo
Because he's my most likely vote for coming with us, and I'd like to know how he'd interact with Kenzo on the trip.

[X] Dance of the Moon
Because relying "on the ability to match and control the flow of the fight" is kind of vague and at the same time sounds like it might go well with our Foresight.
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[X] Lotus Three - 1st
[X] Orchid Nine - 2nd
[X] Gladiolus Six -3rd)

[X] Three's Wish
[X] Three's Past

[X] Nine's Wish
[X] Dance of the Moon

[X] Six's Wish
[X] Six's Relation with Kenzo
[X] Lotus Three - 1st
[X] Orchid Nine - 2nd
[X] Gladiolus Six -3rd)

[X] Three's Wish
[X] Three's Past

[X] Nine's Wish
[X] Dance of the Moon

[X] Six's Wish
[X] Six's Relation with Kenzo
Gift Quote Reply
Remember that there is no guarantee that the Dancing Flowers will answer with complete honesty and trust Raquel with precious information.


[X] Lotus Three - 1st
[X] Orchid Nine - 2nd
[X] Gladiolus Six -3rd)

[X] Three's Wish
[X] Three's Past

[X] Nine's Wish
[X] Dance of the Moon

[X] Six's Wish
[X] Six's Relation with Kenzo