The Winds and the Mage

[X] Plan: Panopticon
[X] Name: Cassandra
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[X] Plan Balanced Expert
-[X] Name: Gabriella von Ernachtfallen
-[X]Tall (-1)
-[X]Thalassophobia (+1)
-[X]Polyglot (-1)
-[X]Gossip expert(-1)
-[X]Messy (+1)
So, after a few PM from a reader who said this, I feel it would be useful to remind you guys that no, noodle arm (and the martial stat) is not a an "easy price to pay". Magic Dart will be your staple distance spell until, at the soonest, the second half of your Journeying, when you'll have access to Lightning Bolt. Until then, your best bet in a fight is a weapon enhanced with Blessed weapons an aehtyric armor, and you'll need the martial stat to use said weapon.

In general, the negative traits are negative because they are a real cost.
[X]Plan: Square Up
-[X]Tall (-1)
-[X]Naturally strong(-2)
-[X]Thalassophobia (+1)
-[X]Brave (-1)
-[X]Obvious eavesdropper (+1)
-[X]Messy (+1)

I'm not saying we should go for battle mage route but a wizard crafting their own weapon and then straight up jumping at enemies does have an appeal.
Was going to make a plan, but panopticon reads like everything I was going to include in the first place, afterall we are a noodly wizard, and who wouldnt want to be smol?

[X] Plan: Panopticon
[X] Name: 兰 ( Lan )

Not entirely sold on the name, will give it some more thought, but going with this for now
I'm proposing Casandora as a name, especially as a alternative to Cassandra on the following grounds
1) fun fantasy spelling
2) references the Azyr battle magic spell Comet of Casandora
I'm proposing Casandora as a name, especially as a alternative to Cassandra on the following grounds
1) fun fantasy spelling
2) references the Azyr battle magic spell Comet of Casandora
might make sense, mages like naming kids after elven archmages when they can get away with it. I'd allow it. (I was about to tell the peoples voting for Cassandra that I might have to germanify it.)
[X] Name: Casandora
[X] Plan: Punch a Ghost in the Face
-[X] Tall (-1)
-[X] Naturally strong (-2)
-[X] The Handmaidens (+3)
-[X] Thalassophobia (+1)
-[X] Brave (-1)
-[X] Photographic memory (-1)
-[X] Obvious eavesdropper (+1)
-[X] Quick (-3)

I want to make the buff-est nerd in the history of the celestial order.
If you haven't noticed, the vote will end in about 6 hours. From now on, I'll start the votes a few hours after the updates to give everyone time to come up with plans (there's been complaints that no plan could get any traction if it wasn't posted in the hour after the update otherwise, and I can see it).
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by barty on Apr 30, 2024 at 6:08 AM, finished with 37 posts and 24 votes.
Alright, i'll need peoples to roll dices.
6d6 learning (keeping the best 3 rolls)(was initially going to do 4d6, but the result were too consistently meh in my simulations)
3d6+3 piety (celestial wizard and superstitious)
3d6-3 martial (small and noodle arms)
3d6+1 stewardship (photographic memory)
3d6+3 intrigue (small and gossip expert)
3d6+1 Diplomacy (polyglot)
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