In addition to bluefur and veekie's thoughts, I'm hoping the sensei is using the chance to see how Zenza analyzes situations. It would be a bad sign if the sensei already has a specific simple answer in mind, since this is a complex situation with multiple answers.

Also, I'm slightly tempted to go full paranoia and have Zenza evacuate his team back to the chuunin instructors or other recognizable jounin. Do they yet have full confirmation that this sensei is who they think he is? :whistle:

On a side note, even if the sensei is being patronizing, it's kinda cool that he's already calling Zenza "Sage". :)
Also, I'm slightly tempted to go full paranoia and have Zenza evacuate his team back to the chuunin instructors or other recognizable jounin. Do they yet have full confirmation that this sensei is who they think he is?
I am very tempted to back this train of thought. Are we free from the floor now? We need to find a way out of this situation. Not running away and looking for help might be part of the test! We could still be in the test, not having him actually accepted us yet!
No, you and Asa are still trapped in the floor. Hana isn't, at the moment.
[X] First, we did not check the location for any hidden elements before entering. Second, we possessed suspicions, but did not investigate them. Thirdly that each one of us noticed something was amiss, as each of us attempted to dispel the genjutsu, but did not share our suspicions, or coordinate our reactions. Fourthly, we split up without watching each other's backs, allowing us to be surprised without acting. Finally, we were not aware of attacks from above or below.

Not sure if too stiff...but I got the feeling Zenza is a bit of a stiff guy to begin with
[X] You didn't communicate well enough here. If you and Hana had told Asa what you thought was going on, she might have stuck closer to you and we wouldn't have spent as much time fighting each others concepts of what was going on as we did fighting against you.

Poor communication and bad information kill.
[X] You didn't communicate well enough here. If you and Hana had told Asa what you thought was going on, she might have stuck closer to you and we wouldn't have spent as much time fighting each others concepts of what was going on as we did fighting against you.

I suppose if I have to pick one thing, I'd go with this.

I feel where mostly going through the motions with him, as he's already belittling us, but our character isn't the sort to question authority.
[X] First, we did not check the location for any hidden elements before entering. Second, we possessed suspicions, but did not investigate them. Thirdly that each one of us noticed something was amiss, as each of us attempted to dispel the genjutsu, but did not share our suspicions, or coordinate our reactions. Fourthly, we split up without watching each other's backs, allowing us to be surprised without acting. Finally, we were not aware of attacks from above or below.
[X] First, we did not check the location for any hidden elements before entering. Second, we possessed suspicions, but did not investigate them. Thirdly that each one of us noticed something was amiss, as each of us attempted to dispel the genjutsu, but did not share our suspicions, or coordinate our reactions. Fourthly, we split up without watching each other's backs, allowing us to be surprised without acting. Finally, we were not aware of attacks from above or below.
[X] First, we did not check the location for any hidden elements before entering. Second, we possessed suspicions, but did not investigate them. Thirdly that each one of us noticed something was amiss, as each of us attempted to dispel the genjutsu, but did not share our suspicions, or coordinate our reactions. Fourthly, we split up without watching each other's backs, allowing us to be surprised without acting. Finally, we were not aware of attacks from above or below. has it with three votes to the other's two.

Typing an update now.
Zenza: #3
[X] First, we did not check the location for any hidden elements before entering. Second, we possessed suspicions, but did not investigate them. Thirdly that each one of us noticed something was amiss, as each of us attempted to dispel the genjutsu, but did not share our suspicions, or coordinate our reactions. Fourthly, we split up without watching each other's backs, allowing us to be surprised without acting. Finally, we were not aware of attacks from above or below.

"We didn't check the location for hidden elements before entering, sir," you say, unable to meet his eyes for a moment. But you shook your head, and forced yourself to make eye contact as you continued. "But... there was more than that. We possessed suspicions, but we didn't investigate them. Each of us noticed something was amiss-- we all tried to dispel a genjutsu, at least--but we didn't share our suspicious with each other, and we didn't coordinate our reactions. We stopped watching each other's backs, and that let you surprise us before we could really react. Lastly, we weren't aware of attacks from above or below."

The jounin pauses at that, then shakes his head. He straightens his back and glances at each of you for a moment, before speaking: "What our Sage described could be shortened into a few words: you all lacked in teamwork. You each attempted to operate as individuals, rather than as a single unit. You wasted time on redundancies, failed to protect one another and spent more energy on being clever than on your fundamentals." He raised up his flask again, and took a drink from it.

Hana scowled at him, while Asa looked defeated. She had stopped trying to pull herself out of the ground now. You closed your eyes, but continued to listen to him.

"You, Inuzaka. You focused too much on your ability to smell intruders; the whiff you caught of me from earlier today when I was removing the desks convinced you that I was here in this room. It was good of you to notice that, but you became content with this and never seeked to figure out where in the room I actually was--until the breeze had washed my smell completely out of the room. Besides that, I am certain your mother had warned you of this common game-- otherwise, you wouldn't have been so calm. Your calmness unnerved Asa, and while you form a valuable connection with her from it, it must be painful for her to hear that you didn't trust her enough to tell her what was going on. In the end, however, you did demonstrate the taijutsu, ninjutsu and complete lack of originality needed to become Rookie of the Year these days. If we can work past your arrogance, little Inuzaka, perhaps you will be a good tool of Konoha one day. Not as a medical nin, nor a jounin, but perhaps as an example of what not to be."

Hana's face went white after that, and she shook in place. She opened her mouth to speak, but the jounin turned his head and started speaking to Asa before she could.

"You, Ari. You were too worried that you were the only one who didn't know what was going on, and you didn't contest the Inuzaka's initial actions. You were the first to attempt to break a genjutsu, but you didn't voice the subject with your team mates. Other than that, however, your only flaws were in... confidence, and in your luck. These are things that we will have to work on, but you will have no trouble finding a team once you have."

The jounin smiled at Asa, which pushed her chalk-white face almost to tears. You seethed where you were, but you didn't have time to say anything before he turned his look to you.

"You, Raion. I expect you know your flaws, from your analysis earlier. Make sure that you fix them by the time I see you next."

You forced yourself to nod. The jounin let out a sigh, glancing at each of you. It almost seemed like he was trying to bait you into a response?

"...Good," he said, after a long pause. "I am your jounin instructor. You may call me Kanden-sensei, Sensei, teacher or master. It doesn't matter to me. For all your other faults, you seem to have somewhat less subpar skills in planning than I was led to believe. Make use of that in the time you have until you see me next." He took another drink of his flask, then crushed his now empty flask in one hand. Hana winced at the sight. "You have one month of time together to become a unit I can work with. If you have a special problem, head to the ninja library and look it up. If that fails to help you, come to me."

He shook his head after speaking, and looked at all of you. He dropped the crushed flask onto the ground. "Uroko said that you three were the most determined students he had. Make use of that determination. I don't care if you think that you hate me, so long as you use that hatred to become stronger. If you can't, well, Sunagakure is always accepting missing nin."

He lingered for a moment. He made eye contact with Hana, then with Asa, then with you.

"I'll be leaving, unless you're so helpless as to need me already."

How do you respond?
[ ] Don't. Rotate to Tatsuma's perspective.
[ ] Ask for his help getting out of the ground. Rotate to Tatsuma's perspective.
[ ] Confront him!
[ ] Let him leave, then make plans with the others. (If not chosen, Zenza will still make plans with them, but they might not be the exact ones you would like.)
[ ] Write in?

Bit shorter than the other ones, apologies for that. Stayed home sick today, still not feeling the best. Kanden's a bit of an asshole, huh.
If we make plans will we still have to do the other's intros?

Either way I'm up for making actual plans.

So what do we need to do? Familiarize ourselves with each other is a good start, so spending a lot of time together. Another would be getting up to each other's most basic abilities so we don't hit some stupid wall of 'one person has to sneak alone because the others are so bad at it by comparison.' I suppose that means some general 'basic' training. After that we should probably figure out if we do full on basic training or start focusing on one part.

Thoughts on what we should do? How we should go about becoming a team?
I had planned that after this intro, you'd do the other intros, but if you would prefer you can do a write in for a time after the intros. As long as that time is still close, and not, say, fifteen years in the future.
I am thinking we should get familiar with each other's abilities. I'm also thinking we should make Kanden work with us. He says we need more teamwork, and he's technically part of the team. Maybe bringing up how he'd need to know how we're progressing to know if we're ready? Not so urgent as to do that if it looks like he's adamant about leaving us hanging. But mostly the team should get to know each other.
So should we call him out on that now, before he leaves? Claim that he's shirking his responsibilities as both a sensei and a team mate, and that if he's really serious about us training as a team he should train with us?
[X] Ask for his help getting out of the ground. Rotate to Tatsuma's perspective.

Unless we have Earth Release skills sufficient to liberate ourselves from the ground within a short study, or the brute force AND defense needed to crack it without injury, he is both the most effective and certain means of establishing escape. Determination does not mean beating your head against rock.
[X] Let him leave, then make plans with the others. (If not chosen, Zenza will still make plans with them, but they might not be the exact ones you would like.)
-[X] Make sure he frees you before he leaves, otherwise we'll tell the school that the broken floor was his fault and he'll have to pay to repair the damage.
-[X] Plan Team Building Project Sleepover
--[X] Hana seems knowledgeable about ninja careers coming from a ninja clan, see if she is aware of any little surprises that we should know about, like what just happened.
--[X] Morning, noon, night, spend as much time in each other's company as possible. While this will exclude some things, such as bathroom time, we are going to possibly be putting our well being in the other's hands in the future, especially since our sensei comes from the school of hard knocks. We need to be close enough to trust the others to that degree when he gets around to teaching us.
--[X] Create a completely original communication method for our team, no need to make it complex, but able to pass on some basic info and create a sense of comradery.
--[X] Make sure that no one is so far behind the other(s) in terms of ability as to slow them down at a crucial moment. If someone is, then those ahead teach that person.
--[X] Find out what we're supposed to learn during the first six months of genin training, and then cram it all into not only learning it within our next month, but becoming uncontested masters that would make people believe we are chuunin. We're team determination, we are all willing to put in the effort for this.

Sensei is from school of hard knocks, it's best to brush up on our stuff before we get taught by him. The learning plan can basically be boiled down to 'get to know each other, build on basics, excel at early genin training without skipping to the flashy stuff.' Do notice that with Hana knowing some fire jutsu, there is a real chance that we may learn it too in order to round out everyone's skills.
Last edited:
You should probably add something to your plan about how we're supposed to get out of the ground, but other than that, it sounds good.

Zenza #4/Tatsuma #1
[X] Let him leave, then make plans with the others. (If not chosen, Zenza will still make plans with them, but they might not be the exact ones you would like.)

You close your eyes and look down at the ground, shaking your head. It. . . he wished he had a different sensei than his asshole, but at least he seemed like he knew what he was doing in combat. Maybe when they spent more time together, the man would soften up.

-[X] Make sure he frees you before he leaves, otherwise we'll tell the school that the broken floor was his fault and he'll have to pay to repair the damage.

The jounin lets out a long sigh, and he begins to exit the classroom. Your eyes flash open, and you call out quickly before you miss your chance:

"Wait! You need to help us out of the ground before you go!" Your concerns are quickly echoed by a "Yeah!" from Asa, who had returned to her struggles to get out of the ground.

He lets out a cough, then turns back from the door. "It's a shame that all of you would be genin these days are unable to get themselves out of even the most basic of situations." He lingers after he speaks, seeming to consider between leaving and helping you out of the ground.

You open your mouth to call out again, but before you can he is at Asa's side helping her out of the ground. You let out a light sigh of relief, happy that you didn't have to try and threaten your sensei. A moment passes after he helps get Asa out of the ground, before he approaches you and pulls you out of the ground.

"Thank you," Asa says to your sensei. You wait a moment, before saying the same: "Thank you, sensei."

He gives the pair of you an annoyed look, before turning and heading out of the room. Well. . . it wasn't the worst that could have went.

-[X] Plan Team Building Project Sleepover

You open your mouth to speak again, but Hana has already turned to the two of you and opened hers. Her face is still a clammy white, and her eyes are slightly wet. You. . . aren't really sure how to handle this, so you don't. Asa attempts to smile at Hana, but when it doesn't seem to change her mood, she merely lowers her head.

"We sucked," she says, her voice plain and tight. "Bad. We. . . I don't know what happened here. I thought we were doing the right things--my mom always told me that after the big exam, there'd be a soft exam about finding fellowship and coming to trust your team mates. Heh," she laughs, but the laugh is as fake as the smile she's forcing onto her face. "But. . . I trusted her over my senses, and over you two. I almost lost you two your chance to be all you want to be. Your chance to be a Sage, Zenza, and your chance to help bring out the Will of Fire in all of us. And Asa, I almost. . . I almost lost you your chance to be free. Almost got you stuck as one of the drop-out genins, assigned to doing menial tasks for the rest of your life. I. . . I'm sorry."

Her next breaths are ragged. You still don't know how to react, but Asa steps forward to hug Hana. Hana shakes her head, forcing her eyes shut for a moment. Maybe now, you could try and talk--

Hana keeps speaking. "But. . . I, I want to make it up to you guys. I know that we can be better. I know that. I know that if we put our efforts to it, n-nothing can stop us. And I, I know that you two know that too." She opens her eyes again, and wipes away a tear with the back of her hand. "My family. . . we're not the Uchihas, we're not the Hyuugas, but we're well off. We've got a few spare houses that one of the branches used to own, before they split off, and they're close to the training grounds."

She paused, taking another breath. Her face was clearing up slightly now, her breaths were becoming more controlled. "I, ahh. . . what I mean to say is, do you guys think you'd like to, s-stay over, for a few days? Clear it with your parents, obviously, but. It'd let us get through our routines together, bond as a team and become better ninjas. Or, even if it doesn't make us better ninjas. . ." She pauses, looking down for a moment. She lets out a pained noise--she's choking? You step forward to help her, but she forces it down and opens her mouth again.

"I think that. . . that no matter what he says about how bad we did, we did good. We. . . we learned about eachother, we learned about our dreams, and we started making plans to follow those dreams out. We should follow those plans, we, we should help eachothers dreams come true. So, I, we," she stumbles for a few words, before regaining herself. She forces a wide, almost-real smile for the pair of you. "Do you guys want to try it?"

You nod. Asa gives a large grin to Hana, before saying: "You better believe it! Don't worry, Hana. We'll be the best ninjas in the history of Konoha."

Hana cracks a genuine smile at Asa's enthusiasm, and you grin. Hana waits for a moment, before the trio of you start to make your way towards the Inuzaka houses.

--[X] Hana seems knowledgeable about ninja careers coming from a ninja clan, see if she is aware of any little surprises that we should know about, like what just happened.

As you are walking, you address Hana: "Are things like this common, in the world of clans? Are there other surprises that we should be aware of?"

Hana shrugs. "Obviously, not everyone is as nice as you look. A lot of people are still suspicious about what happened with Lord Orochimaru. But. . . that was a first, even for me. Most ninja I've met, and the few ANBU I've seen, tend to be wonderfully kind people for their profession."

You consider her words carefully. Lord Orochimaru's exile surprised you too, somedays, but it wasn't what you had been hoping to get as a response. . . Hana's parents were probably able to shelter her from the darker elements of ninja life, explaining why she wouldn't have seen darker ninja like the ones you have.

"Thank you," you reply after your moment of consideration.

"No problem, Zenz," she tries, though a moment after the nickname she shakes her head. "Doesn't quite suit you, does it. Huh. I guess Zenza it is."

Asa lets out a light laugh, glancing between the two of you and shaking her head. You frown, for a moment, before shrugging. "Whatever name works for you, works for me."

The conversation slowly fades, and you eventually reach the Inuzaka family's mini-district. It's an early night for you; you go to bed with many things to consider and many things to dream of. Hana and Asa sleep in a different room of the house than you did, due to Hana's mother insisting on 'properity'. It didn't bother you much, though; she was kind enough to let you sleep in her own home, and on a nicer bed then the ones in the orphanage. Complaining about her rules would be more then silly, it'd go against your own beliefs.

--[X] Morning, noon, night, spend as much time in each other's company as possible. While this will exclude some things, such as bathroom time, we are going to possibly be putting our well being in the other's hands in the future, especially since our sensei comes from the school of hard knocks. We need to be close enough to trust the others to that degree when he gets around to teaching us.

Early to bed, early to rise. You find yourself awake before Hana and Asa awake, so you head down to the kitchen of the guest house and look around for supplies to make breakfast with. It's easy enough to find them, which surprises you; a pleasant surprise, but a surprise none the less. To be able to stock even their guest houses with such bounties of food. . . the clan must have been richer than you thought it was. You prepared a bowl of food for yourself, as well as for the others, before carefully cleaning up the kitchen and heading up to the room they had spent the night in.

You knocked a few times, but they were still asleep. You sat down outside their door and carefully ate your breakfast, carefully thinking about how you could best make use of the time between now and when you'd next see your sensei. . .

--[X] Create a completely original communication method for our team, no need to make it complex, but able to pass on some basic info and create a sense of comradery.

You don't know how to do this, and you're not sure it's worth investing the time it'd take to learn how to do it. It's something for a later time, however. . . you think you've heard of jutsus allowing for similar things, as well, and you know there are seals for private, long distance communication.

--[X] Make sure that no one is so far behind the other(s) in terms of ability as to slow them down at a crucial moment. If someone is, then those ahead teach that person.

You think about each of your positions, compared to eachother. You and Asa weren't bad, but. . . neither of you are anywhere near the level of Hana or the other clan kids in the class. It'll take a lot of work for you to get to that level. You frown and shake your head.

It's not going to make itself happen, though. You'll need to talk to Hana about her working with the two of you to catch up to her. . . she might not learn as much, but you don't doubt that she'll accept and help you two speed your catch up to her level.

--[X] Find out what we're supposed to learn during the first six months of genin training, and then cram it all into not only learning it within our next month, but becoming uncontested masters that would make people believe we are chuunin. We're team determination, we are all willing to put in the effort for this.

You'd like to do that, and it's a nice thought, but it's simply not possible to get from where you are to chuunin level within a month. Still, you'll certainly work your hardest at it. . . The door beside you creeks, and begins to open. Hana carefully steps out, yawning and looking around; she's still in her pajamas.

You offer her one of the breakfast plates you prepared, and she takes it with a smile. Asa exits soon after her, dressed in just a t-shirt and aaaaaaahh. You blush a little and turn away, but still offer her the plate of food you had prepared for her. She takes it too, before hurriedly heading back into the room.

Hana giggles. You cover your eyes for a moment, before cracking a grin and glancing up at the ceiling. It doesn't take long after that for the three of you to get into the spin of things and start training. . .

You are not Zenza Raion. You are Tatsuma Aburame. You are in the Academy, waiting carefully for Uroko-sensei to issue his statement on who you will be partners with this year.

The kikaichuu bugs you have spread throughout the room are more excited then you are. You are merely annoyed, already having determined that you won't be on a team with any of the students in this class worth being on a team with. More years of suffering for the failures of your classmates surely await you.

The kikaichuu bug you had placed on Naori had stopped reporting to you a while ago, which is annoying, and the kikaichuu bug you had placed on Fuka has never really given you adequate information. Hana was too risky to put a kikaichuu bug on, but you knew her placements well enough that you didn't feel the need to have one monitoring her right now. The rest of the class seemed painfully unaware of the presence of your bugs, carefully monitoring their chakra and their mood for any sudden changes or fluctuations.

That was how it should be. Your confident, never smug, grin spread a little more on your lips, and you leaned back in your chair further. Would you be placed with Maruten and the girl, perhaps? You hoped not; although Maruten was a free thinker, and seemed willing to go against the normal and follow your more cunning plans, he did not have a powerset good for working with you. He would have been an annoyance in the field, something to work around rather then work with. The girl would be slightly better to work with, but that was merely because she was so vanilla that it hurt to look at her; she would almost certainly be hopelessly behind you and Maruten. Though, perhaps being so far behind would help let you convince her to become another storage cell for your kikaichuu. . . You shook your head. No, that was abhorrent; you would not convert another free thinker like Cho to be so little as a power cell for you.

Perhaps you'd be placed with Korigestu and Fuka? That would be an interesting pair, and not one particularly bad for you. Your kikaichuu were inadequate for tracking Fuka, however as a team mate you might be able to get her to agree on a seal to track her via. . . Korigestu was easy enough to track, and although you knew he had noticed the bug he had never acted against it. That alone was reason to respect the boy; if you were on a team with him, you don't think you would mind it at all. But. . . such a team would be bad for you, you knew. Korigetsu had no motivation to be a ninja, and Fuka's motivation to be a ninja was more flimsy than the girls who had joined the program hoping to seduce the eight-year old Itachi Uchiha. You frowned. Hopefully not either of them, then. . .

You were interrupted by your thoughts when Uroko-sensei finally spoke.

"Team Five. Tatsuma Aburame, Fuka Kurage and Moruka Neiru under Hoheto Hyuuga."

You had your kikaichuu on Moruka bite him at once, then hide back into the folds of his shirt. Her reports on his chakra data were par for the course--minor, controlled moderately well. In line with what you knew of him. You closed your eyes to think of what you knew about him, but nothing much came up. . . Infilitration specalist, maybe. He had. . .

Oh. You remember now--he killed a couple dozen of your bugs one day in a fit of rage, and had broken a table in the process. It. . . you had had the urge to break a couple dozen bones in his body on that day, but you had restrained yourself. Perhaps he would prove himself to be a free thinker, like yourself, Maruten and Maruten's girl friend.

He hadn't. . . working with him was going to be less than pleasurable. Holding in a sigh, you saw Uroko-sensei ending his speech and stood up to make your way to your first meeting with your sensei.

It didn't take very long for you to reach the room you would meet your sensei in. You had recalled your kikaichuu from your other classmates, bar Moruka and Fuka, but it would take a while for them to find a suitable opportunity to report back to you unnoticed.

You recognize your sensei almost immediately once you enter the room. Hoheto Hyuuga, a leader of one of the many Hyuuga branch families, one of the former guards of Lord Orochimaru, one of Konoha's most loyal nin--your dad had spoken to you once about how Hoheto was on track to becoming the captain of the guard, if he played his cards right. He smiled, seeming to recognize you as well when you walked into the room.

"Having a nice day, Tatsuma? It's been a while since I've seen your brother--would you tell Muta I said hello?" His voice was soft and genial, and you gave him a nod.

"Yes, sensei. I'll try to tell him that you said hi, sir, but he's on mission out of town right now."

"Ahhh, is he?" Hoheto smiled, then shrugged. "When you see him next, then. Would you like some tea, Tatsuma?" You nodded and carefully reached out for the tea Hoheto offered you. Although he was young, Hoheto had an aura about him similar to that of your grandfather. . . you didn't particularly mind that, though, given you liked the free thinker that was your grandfather.

He continues to smile at you, and sips a few time at his own tea, until abrubtly Fuka and Moruka arrive together. He turns his attention to them, then, and raises an eyebrow, before letting out a soft chortle. "Ahhh! I'm glad that you could make it, miss Kurage, mister Neiru. Please, all of you, have a seat--would you like a drink?"

Fuka smiles at him and nods, accepting a drink. Moruka is more testy, shaking his head and refusing the drink. "Apologies for my lateness, sensei," Moruka quickly says, bowing his head before Hoheto; Hoheto merely chuckles and shakes his head.

"Ah, no, no worries, Moruka. You were not late. . . I was merely asking Tatsuma here about his brother, my old friend Muta." Hoheto continues to smile genialy at the trio for a moment, and Moruka and Fuka seem to relax a bit.

Fuka sips at her tea, for a moment, quite happy with the situation; before she sets down her tea and looks over to Hoheto. "Uroko-sensei mentioned something about a test, Hyuuga-sensei. Could we get any advice from you on what we need to do to pass it?"

"Ahhh, of course. It's a simple test. Just remember to ask eachother questions and to trust eachother, and I am sure that you will all manage to pass within minutes. But. . . you needn't worry about the test just yet, Fuka, we still have introductions to take care of."

Fuka and Moruka mull over these words carefully. Moruka itches at the back of his neck, before asking: "Sorry for refusing earlier, sensei. May I have a cup of tea?"

Hoheto reaches out and gives Moruka his own cup, before standing up. "Of course, Moruka. Now. . . please, give me a moment to introduce myself."

Moruka and Fuka give him their full attention. You focus on him as well, but continue to listen in to the signals of your kikaichuu that had begun to spread throughout the room.

"I am Hoheto Hyuuga. You may call me Hyuuga-sensei or Hoheto-sensei, or merely sensei if you would prefer. I come from the Hyuuga Clan, as you may have guessed, and I have been declared a master in taijutsu and genjutsu. Iryojutsu is not my strongpoint, but I will do what I can to teach you all of it. I believe very much in transparency--something that becomes very hard not to do when your eyes allow you to see through walls, I suppose--and I hope that you will all be as truthful with me as I am with you. When you pass your test today, the first thing I will do is the first thing my masters did for me: help you find your elemental affinities, and help you find a summon that can serve as a companion and support for you if you are ever separated from the team. In addition, I will be providing each of you with seal-papers that can be used as emergency communication signals." He paused for a moment and smiled at each of you. "Despite your prior histories, I honestly believe that each of you has the potential to become the very best of what Konoha has to offer. If you ever feel the need, or if you are ever worried or alone. . . please, come find me in the Hyuuga district, or signal me and I will come find you."

You frowned at prior histories, as did Moruka. Fuka simply nodded to it, though, and after Hoheto finished Moruka gave him a nod as well. Hoheto's eyes twinkled at you (which must have been some jutsu, eyes don't just twinkle at people, and who has enough chakra to waste it making their eyes twinkle. . .) and he gestured towards you. "Perhaps you'd like to introduce yourself next, Tatsuma? You needn't droan on for as long as I did. Just tell us your name, your favorite thing, your least favorite thing and what you hope to be when you grow up."

. . . it made sense for him to pick you first, given you were the best. Still, you hadn't thought on what to say. How do you introduce yourself?

[ ] Tatsuma Aburame. My favorite thing to do is. . . hn. My least favorite thing to do is. . . hn. My dream is that one day. . . hn.
[ ] Tatsuma. Train, waste my time, protect the free-thinkers of this world.
[ ] Write in?

Sorry about how long that took. Got distracted a few days, didn't know what to write a few days, binge-watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, binge-watched Yuki Yuuna is a Hero. . . just, uh, generally got off track.

Also, apologies about how the plan was interpreted. I know it's probably not how you guys meant/wanted it to be interpreted, but rest assured that the little blurbs I gave aren't all that the plan is doing. Zenza will still be spending most of his time following the plans, and he'll ask Hana about suspicious things again, but I hadn't meant for the entire month to be covered in one update (and, as you can see, it really isn't.)

First meeting with Tatsuma as a POV, and Fuka and Moruka's first real moments of note. He's not the nicest guy, at the start at least, but if you want to make him into a nice guy it won't be very difficult. Hoheto is a bit nicer of a guy than the other sensei as well.
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[X] Tatsuma. The rest In order: Doing things, Not doing things, person who helps people do their own things.
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This was a fantastic story post, by the way.
when your eyes allow you to see through laws
Typo? Or can he see through laws? Which would be pretty cool.
the first thing I will do is the first thing my masters did for me: help you find your elemental affinities, and help you find a summon that can serve as a companion and support for you if you are ever seperated from the team.
typo: separated

But anyway, is getting a summon for each genin normal? That sounds quite awesome.
In addition, I will be providing each of you with seal-papers that can be used as emergency communication signals.
Aww yeah, sensei's competence is leaking through. This guy actually may be able to bring out the potential of these genin, while also helping them survive long enough to reach those heights. :)

I'm not sure yet what to do for the intro yet, but I think he ought to mention at least something about free-thinkers. It seems to be a central part of his philosophy, and his teammates will need to understand it to understand him.

[X] Tatsuma. Train, waste my time, protect the free-thinkers of this world.
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