The Ways of Fate: A Primarch Quest

I forgot one option in my copy paste advantures, added it now.

[]Once more into the fire
Alekandros still has the rank of a Platoon commander and he knows how to make use of it. He spent some of his time commanding units in the Intervention to bring it to a fast conclusion.
[x]Tell her some of the truth

[x]Geopolitical turn

[x]Once more into the fire

[x]Councilman at Last
[X]Tell her some of the truth

[X]Favours comes to haunt the trader

[X]Atomic Energy Bill
[X]Councilman at Last

We are a perfectionist, if we go for a relationship we go all the way.
[X]Tell her some of the truth
We can't keep her in the dark, and Alek seems to have very good interactions with her.

[X]Disruption despite all efforts
Promethium market crash, lets us not owe favors or get people killed, and can make further investigations into alternative energy production more of a immediate need that can be taken advantage of.

[X]Atomic Energy Bill
To gain energy independence from foreign promethium.

[X]Cooperative Space Program
Joint ventures should get people cooperating, or at least be less backstabby.
[X]Tell her some of the truth
[X]Disruption despite all efforts
[X]Atomic Energy Bill
[X]Cooperative Space Program
[X]Tell her some of the truth

[X]Disruption despite all efforts

[X]Master of the Guilds
[X]Atomic Energy Bill

>collapses your economy only to make you less dependant on fosil fuels

Dare i say.....based
[X]Corruption No More
Apparently, the Coalition has certain corruption issues. While Alek has little experience in administrative matters, his status should allow for the removal of some red tape.

[X]Councilman at Last
Alekandros Bourgh is a well known figure in Council circles, but those who know his true nature also fear him and fear him in any position of power. Regardless, he will try to become an official on the Coalition Council.
[X]Tell her some of the truth

[X]Favours comes to haunt the trader

[X]Corruption No More

[X]Atomic Energy Bill

[X]Cooperative Space Program
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[X]Keep things as they were
[X]Favours comes to haunt the trader
[X]A Runic Start
[X]Once more into the fire
[X]Tell her some of the truth
[X]Disruption despite all efforts
[X]Atomic Energy Bill
[X]Cooperative Space Program
[X]Tell her some of the truth
[X]Disruption despite all efforts
[X]Atomic Energy Bill
[X]Corruption No More

The Truth shall set you free. Switching over to an Atomic economy will help out a lot with the prometheum issues, and take care of a longstanding issue, but I chose disruption because it is useful to learn the lesson that sometimes, despite your best efforts, plans still fail. And even if you have already learned that lesson, a helpful reminder when it is not as potent is good for a man. Anti-corruption is obvious, the longer you let it fester the harder it is to rip it out.
[X]Tell her some of the truth
She deserved a little of the truth, enough so she would know what was in store for her.

[X]A war more brutal than thought
The military intervention was supposed to take a few months at best, but for one reason or another it turned into an attritional slog that cost countless lives on both sides.

[X]A Runic Start
Discovering the knowledge behind runic symbols and words is a time consuming and work intensive progress, to make some headway with it Alek needs to dedicate some time towards it.

[X]Master of the Guilds
Alexandros spent some time perfecting all the skills the Free Guilds of Sangrell could teach him.
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