Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Zarya: That's you. A (former) debt-peon now once possessed by a demon an alien.
-"Demon": Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles. (An alien in truth!) (Freed!)
-Spiritual Aptitude: Zarya gains access to the following spells after praying to the Water-bearer statue in Antioch, which is permanently infused with a Spiritual Aptitude of 60.
--Spell: Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
--Spell: Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
--Spell: Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and alien)
--Spell: Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
--Spell: Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
--Cautious I:
requires 75+% voter approval to interact with any HM or MP without a (+) mark
--Cautious II: requires 75+% voter approval to reveal demon-possessed status on purpose
--Disciplined I: gain (+) with any HM or MP after following a direct order from her
--Disciplined II: gain (-) with any HM or MP after disobeying a direct order from her
--Water I: the more water you are near, the easier it is to use your magic
--Water II: must be near a body of water (or another source) to use your magic
--Water-bearer: Zarya has constructed a statue in Antioch and poured all of the spiritual essence she's acquired over the past few months into it. She must pray to this statue to use spells as of The Moon.
-Additional notes: One of your black eyes has turned blue, as have the tips of your black hair. Currently resolved to control her Demon. Has made progress in suppressing it. Has not yet attempted to manifest it. Currently traveling with Linza, Philippos, Libra Venus, Theodora, and Capricorn Saturn, with the aim of helping Theodora take revenge against the cultists who sacrificed her, and their allies inside the military and the church. Now able to manifest her "Demon" for a up to ten minutes at a time after meditating on JOY or BEAUTY while being around WATER for a few minutes. If in the ocean, the manifestation is immediate and can be held indefinitely. Has agreed to join the church, though it may be was temporary. Currently residing in Antioch. Has learned that her "Demon" is actually an alien being from another world, and is aiming for an amicable separation. Can sculpt ice with her powers, and will learn to work with other materials. Has traveled to Sardis on behalf of the Antiochian Church... and with her mission done, it's time to go! She's returned to Antioch with a warning... a rogue Angel is on the attack! While in Antioch, waiting for the attack, she constructed the WATER-BEARER statue and transferred her spiritual power to it. Not long afterwards, she was separated from The Being, and the two defeated the Angel by working together. Later, she would be instrumental in defeating the Demon known as BELIAL.

Martin Aurelius of Sardis (-): Your former master, who resides in Sardis. He is a wealthy businessman and landowner. He owns several workshops that provide various goods, such as agricultural equipment, weapons, industrial and mining tools, and so on. He's dead, murdered by cultists and sacrificed to a Demon.
-Cornelia Prima (+): His wife, and your former mistress. Despite Martin owning your debt, Cornelia had roped you into her service and not his. She treated you well enough and kept you close. Now the captive of Dione. Was traveling with your group, and left in Ephesus.
-Lucian Aurelius: Their young son. Travelling with his mother.
-Aurelia Prima: Their young daughter. Travelling with her mother.
-Julian Aurelius: Martin's brother, and an artisan. Status unknown.
-Aurelia Prima: Martin's sister, seeking marriage and now possessed by the same Demon that once possessed Theodora. Looks like she wants to escape, so maybe there's an opportunity to work together. Was traveling with your group, having been denied an opportunity to sacrifice avenge herself, and left in Ephesus.
-Mettia Prima: Martin's elderly mother, a widow. Status unknow.
-Fellow former slaves: Linza (+) (she); Eusebius (+; in Ephesus) (he); Philippos (+) (he); Anacletus (he); Hypatos (he); Lucretia (she; in Sardis); Theokleia (she; in Sardis); and many others...
-- Linza and Philippos are currently accompanying Zarya travelling with Capricorn Saturn.

The Holy Maidens:
Seven powerful and virtuous women based on in specific major cities.
-Humility (+): Resides in Sardis. Can detect lies, among other abilities. Was in Antioch / Ephesus, aiming to crush cultists. Now resides in Ephesus, having gained firm control over the city and its politics. Has retaken her hometown.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 84
-Kindness (+): Resides in Pergamum. Can heal any injury, among other abilities. Was sent to Sardis on Humility's order. Fled to Ephesus after Dione tried to capture her. Joined up with you temporarily to fight the rogue Angel, and now heading out to Pergamum once more. Has now taken charge of her home.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 57
---Spell: Healing I → Healing II → Healing III (cures wounds)
---Spell: Understanding I → Understanding II → Understanding III (connect minds)
---Spell: Reciprocating I → Reciprocating II → Reciprocating III (shares feelings)
-Charity: Resides in Thyatira. Can grant powers to the Mystic Priestesses. Traitor. Defeated and sent to Antioch, where she lives outside the city in a villa.
-Diligence: Formerly resided in Ephesus. Status unknown. Dead.
-Patience: Resides in Philadelphia.
-Chastity: Resides in Smyrna. Can block magic (?). Murdered by invaders from Antioch.
-Temperance: Resides in Laodicea. Status unknown, probably either heading to Sardis or already there. Found in Sardis, and rescued! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea, having just retaken the former.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Spell: Balanced Mind: Emotion (reduces emotional fluctuations)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Attack (strengthens body when attacking)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Defense (strengthens body when defending)
---Spell: Balanced Soul: Flow (occasionally slips around enemy attacks)

The Mystic Priestesses: Twelve powerful and virtuous women who wander the land.
-Libra Venus / Melina (+): First encountered outside Philadelphia. Skilled with the cithara. Very friendly. Now travelling with Zarya. Now travelling to Laodicea with Scorpio Mars, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has rejoined your group and evaded capture! Lived with you in Antioch until her encounter with the rogue Angel, at which point she abandoned her old identity and renamed herself Melina. She's also put down her blessed cithara and now lives in a small commune.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Spell: Song of Roaring Flames (encourages and emboldens)
---Spell: Song of Calm Waters (relaxes and subdues)
---Spell: Song of Magnetism (attracts to a specific target)
---Spell: Song of the Sunshine (inspires warmth and joy)
---Spell: Song of Growth (draws out hidden powers)
---Spell: Song of Affection (draws out tender memories)
-Leo Sun: Deceased. (see also Theodora) Restored!
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Block! (grow furred armor)
--Spell: Slash! (grow fire claws)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Strike! (gain super-strength)
--Spell: Roar! (intimidate)
--Spell: Burn! (gain fire breath)
--Spell: Transform! (lion aura coat)
-Sagittarius Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command lightning. Now located in Ephesus and without her powers, aiding Humility. Has her powers once more.
-Taurus Venus: First encountered outside Philadelphia. Resides there.
-??? Pisces Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command emotions. (see Dione)
-Virgo Mercury I / Virginia (-): First encountered in Ephesus. Can command demons and influence people. Searched for the Holy Maiden of Diligence on the orders of the Sovereign Priest of Antioch. Encountered again outside Antioch, and formed a temporary alliance. But the alliance is now broken, and it seems like she can only see Zarya as an enemy over circumstances that were not Zarya's fault. After having betrayed the Church and sided with the cultists in Ephesus, she was captured, brought back to Antioch, and stripped of her position. Is now called Virginia. Possessed by BELIAL (formerly).
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50 0 !?!?!? 0
-Gemini Mercury: Resided in Thyatira. Has some sort of magical hearing ability. Now in custody in Antioch.
-Capricorn Saturn (+): First encountered in Smyrna. Can predict events. Now travelling with Zarya. Heading back to Smyrna. Aiding the attack on Thyatira. Currently helping to restore Church control in Thyatira. Status unknown. Recovered from the rogue Angel's grasp and heading back to Smyrna, but not before warning you of a future disaster! Now on the way to Thyatira to restore that city, having restored Smyrna to a functional state.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50
---Spell: Forewarn (predicts one upcoming disaster per day)
----Capricorn Saturn does not learn more spells. Instead, the quality of her warnings is improved.
-Aries Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Former friend of Theodora. Was in Antioch, now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Aries Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Sword of Savage Strength increases.
-Scorpio Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Now travelling to Laodicea with Libra Venus, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has joined your group and evaded capture! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Scorpio Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Shield of Sturdy Strength increases.
-Cancer Moon (+):
Resides in Antioch. Status is unknown. Searching for her. Found her and joined forces to take down the Advocates. Convinced Zarya to join the Church and exorcised the Demon from Theodora. Planning to exorcise the Demon from Zarya as well. Having been made aware that The Being was an alien and not a Demon, she would successfully exorcise it from Zarya. Has been kidnapped by BELIAL, and is now free and restored.
-Aquarius Saturn (+): Was found in a dungeon in Thyatira after having been presumed dead. Was helping to restore Church control in Thyatira, now in Antioch. Can witness the past. Gave you a kind warning.
-Virgo Mercury II: Virginia's replacement. Seems to be loyal to the church. Resides in Antioch and helps the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.

Gaius Helvius of Philadelphia: The son and heir of a wealthy farmer of the same name from the Philadelphia area.
-Ennia Segunda: His wife.

Theodora (+): The former Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Was used as a human sacrifice to summon a Demon that now possesses her. NO LONGER IN CONTROL. Back in control, and no longer possessed... though her eyes have been permanently changed. Has a small grudge towards Zarya, but is mostly over it. Restored as the Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Crusher of a Demon of Darkness (with help from her friend and ally Zarya).
-Demon: What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85 0 (see Leo Sun)
--Spell: Block! (grow scale armor)
--Spell: Crunch! (grow fangs)
--Spell: Slash! (grow claws)
--Spell: Swipe! (grow a tail)
--Spell: Seek! (improve eyesight; gain night vision)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Rampage! (gain strength; lose control)
-Allies: Eugenios, Thais, Daniel (three heretics that Theodora met in a small town near the desert)

The Sovereign Priest of Antioch: A virtuous (?) man in charge of the Church of the Followers of the Way. Currently residing in Smyrna after being chased out of Antioch by an Advocate-led rebellion. Was critically injured and recovered in Smyrna before returning to Antioch. His return has been controversial amongst the people of the city.

!?!?!? Kavouras / Celso Longinus (-): A man formerly possessed by a Crab-shaped Demon. Fought Theodora outside Smyrna and was defeated. However, his soldiers managed to recover his body. Is likely licking his wounds and heading to Antioch. His abilities include growing shell armor, turning his arms into pincers, and transforming into a big crab. He was chased out of Antioch and is likely recovering in fled to Ephesus. Goal: defeat him for good! He was burned alive by Humility in Ephesus and is either dead or close to it. Regardless, he is no longer possessed by the Demon Crab!
-Demon: An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Protect. (grow shell armor)
--Spell: Pincer. (grow pincers)
--Spell: Molt. (shed shell armor healing)
--Spell: Carcinize. (full body transformation)
--Spell: Tidal. (control water)
--Spell: Swell. (increase size)
--Spell: Shrink. (reduce size)

???: A man possessed by a demonic serpent, who is likely near Sardis... if he's still alive. (He's not.)

Silvina (+) and Silas (+): Two house slaves, currently under the command of the Livius estate in Ephesus. They're brother and sister. Currently Were last seen working with spies loyal to the Antiochian church to break cultist control over the city and end slavery there. They have succeeded.

Dione (-): The former Mystic Priestess Pisces Jupiter. A holy woman who is also a snake, as she's the possessor of a Demon Serpent. However, she seems to be the one in control of the snake... and also in control of Sardis, having wrested spiritual control away from the Followers of the Way. Wants you to be her ally... is not doing a good job of it. Alerted you to a vision of death and despair... could it be true? (You made it false!) Has lost Sardis and fled from this world... to another place, not death.

Apollonia (+): A cultist woman who is knowledgeable about spirits and curious about the Being. Once the Being is free from you, she wants to study it for herself. Hopes that you'll come back to Sardis soon. Instead came down to Antioch to visit you. Now travelling the land with The Being for company.
-"Demon": ZIZ, King of the Birds
-Spiritual Aptitude: 55
--Spell: RAVEN (send messages of bad fortune)
--Spell: CHICKEN (send messages of good fortune)
--Spell: GOOSE (defend self from wickedness)
--Spell: CALADRIUS (treat sickness and wounds)

BELIAL (-): A demon of living darkness and the shadow of the angels. Uses cultists like puppets, and now possessing Virginia. Looking to possess the Trinity. Has kidnapped Cancer Moon. Has been defeated!

There are other characters, of course, but they'll be added over time.

Other Notes:
(+) = favored towards you
(-) = biased against you
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vote's closed~!

for the curious, I would have cast a tie-breaker vote for Zarya suffering the consequence
Death (IV)
Winning vote:
[X]...but even though you slip, the Crab-Man manages to finish the job.
-[X] But something is wrong... it's Theodora... she's not calming down, even when Libra Venus uses her songs! Has she lost control of herself entirely?

Death (IV)

...and you do your best to keep your grip on it. Really, you do.

But you can't keep this up.

Your body is reverting back to normal, your blobby appendages turning back into arms and legs. A small part of you knows that if you push yourself, you can stop this and maintain control. A larger part of you knows that if you do that, there's no telling what could happen to you. Maybe you'd be stuck with this Demon forever, and you're not yet committed to that (if you ever will). Maybe it would swallow you whole or maybe the ocean itself would swallow you up. You could be lost forever.

You're too exhausted to even try.

You fall to the ground, barely able to stay awake. "Ugh... sorry..."

"Zarya!?" shouts Libra Venus, stopping her song and rushing to your side. "Zarya!?"

She flips you over so that you can look up at the sky, and then starts dragging you away from the battle. Glancing over, you can see that the Crab-Man and Theodora are still able to handle the great beast by themselves. Theodora takes advantage of the dragon's distress to cut off another one of its heads, and its weakened enough by this point that the Crab-Man can smother the rest in the ocean's embrace. That Demon tries to stomp on him or otherwise take him out, but he deploys a strange ability in response – he changes the size of his body to avoid any blows he judges that his shell cannot withstand.

After a few minutes, the struggling of the massive dragon ceases, and it falls to the ground, dead.

What you had planned from here was to have the ocean swallow the corpse up. It looks like the Crab-Man had the same idea, as he bids the water under his control to take the dragon with it when as it returns to the sea. For a brief moment, you relaxed, thinking that it was all over.

Luckily for you, Libra Venus did not, so she noticed the problem first.

"T-Theodora!? W-what are you-!? STOP!!"

But her shouts are for nothing.

Theodora, still possessed by her own Demon, has rushed at the Crab-Man!

To his credit, he also notices it quickly, and bids the waters to shield him. The possessed Theodora uses her great speed to try and get around the barrier, but he in response simply surrounds his whole being. Theodora's claw attacks and tail swipes are as ineffective on his barrier as they would have been on the ocean itself, but she didn't care and kept up the attack anyway.

"..." Libra Venus looks down at you. "I... I should sing to her, right?" She clutches her instrument tightly. "That should work, right? She's still in there, right?"

All you can say in response is that you certainly hope so.

But... when she plays, nothing happens. Theodora is unfazed by Libra Venus' calming song!

"Tch! I'll deal with her then," declares the Crab-Man once he realizes it for himself. He drops his watery shields, readies his combat pincers, and starts meeting her attacks with his own.

Theodora roars in fury, and doesn't back down.

In the distance, you and Libra Venus are not sure what to do from here. Abandoning Theodora and going to find Cancer Moon and the others sure sounds like a bad idea. Even in the best-case scenario where she takes him down, what happens then? She'll be a killer on the loose, and you have no idea if you'll be able to stop her while she's like this. Besides, it's also possible that the Crab-Man wins, and you don't want to think about what he might do with her. But... maybe if you hurry, you'll be able to get reinforcements and come back. Or, at the very least, start warning people about what's happening here.

Besides, there's nothing that either of you can do for her here anyway.

Libra Venus helps you up, and you lean on her as the two of you try to make your escape!


"...Halt! Where do you think you're going?" run into the Crab-Man's men instead.

You both freeze up as the large group of around 80 armed men in armor approach you. Their commander was among those who the Crab-Man was giving orders to earlier. He has his sword ready, and leads from the front. He eyes both of you with suspicion before focusing his gaze on Libra Venus while speaking in an accusing tone.

"Hmph! I bet you thought you could escape and link up with that other Mystic Priestess!" he declares.

"I-I have no idea what you could be talking about..." Libra Venus says, tense. "Honest! We're just trying to leave the city like we promised!"

"Oh?" he says. "Well, if that's true, then you'll have no problem with us escorting you out of the city."

"N-not at all!" blurts out Libra Venus. "R-right, Zarya!?"

"Yes... that's fine..." you mutter. You try to call forth your Demon, but your head is foggy. You need to rest...

...and so, the commander and a few of his men went on in the direction where you both came from, while the bulk of them lead you out of the city. Libra Venus clings to you, tightly, while praying to herself – for the safety of you, herself, Theodora, and everyone else.

You, despite not being among the faithful, do the same.




Thankfully, the soldiers show you a small amount of mercy, and direct you towards an inn not far from the city gates. It's crowded, but there's enough space and food for you both, so you spend the night there. You're fully rested once morning comes, despite everything, though Libra Venus still looks shaken up. Looks like this is taking a toll on her after all, despite all her smiles and warmth.

She lays in bed all morning, so you decide to bring a meal to her and eat with her.

"Zarya... what are we going to do now?" she asks, softly.

You shake your head. "I was hoping you would have an idea. I guess I could sneak back into Antioch... but I don't want to leave you here like this."

She laughs, bitterly. "Looks like I'm the burden this time..." She then shakes her head, and turns to you. "If you see an opportunity, go on without me."

"...are you sure?" you ask.

She nods.

"...okay then."

And after eating, you leave the inn and Libra Venus behind.

You're rewarded with a familiar sight on the way back to Antioch.


It's Linza and Philippos! They're accompanied by soldiers, but given that they don't look hostile, it looks like they're loyal to Cancer Moon. Linza runs up to you and gives you a big hug.

"Oh, I'm so glad that you're okay!!" she declares. "But what happened!? Why are you and Libra Venus all the way out here!? And what happened with Theodora? She's not with you, right?"

You blink. How did... oh, right, Capricorn Saturn can see the future. She would be able to find out that the three of you were separated. But since you and Libra Venus are safe, then Theodora must be the one who is facing disaster!

"Zarya?" asks Philippos. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm worried about Theodora. She... she lost control. Libra Venus and I had to leave her behind."

Linza gasps in shock. Philippos' eyes widen, and he asks how that happened. You lead the two of them and the soldiers down to the inn where you left Libra Venus as you explain what happened yesterday.

"...Zarya," says Philippos, after you've explained everything to him and brought him to Libra Venus. "I need to tell you something important. Capricorn Saturn has predicted that Theodora will be taken from the city to either Ephesus or Pergamum, alive. However, Virgo Mercury wants to abandon her to her fate. After all, she appeared to still be Demon-possessed and hostile."

"Not just that! She also tried to talk us out of coming to find you! The nerve she has!" adds Linza.

"If the two of you want to save her, we'll help you, but we might be on our own," concludes Philippos.

Is that so, huh? Well...

(Choose one.)
[][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.
-[][Theodora] But it's better to grab her from where she'll end up.
[][Theodora] ... there's not much you can do for her, as you are now.
-[][Theodora] But, maybe one day, you'll be able to rescue her.
-[][Theodora] And you don't think that you ever will. Not you.

(Also, choose one of the following. May write-in details if there's something you'd like to discuss.)
[][Meeting] Zarya will sneak into Antioch to meet Cancer Moon, asking Linza and Philippos to stay with Libra Venus.
[][Meeting] Zarya will ask that Linza and Philippos have Cancer Moon leave Antioch and meet with the two of them.

Spiritual Aptitude: 55
[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.
[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.

[X][Meeting] Zarya will ask that Linza and Philippos have Cancer Moon leave Antioch and meet with the two of them.
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[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.

[X][Meeting] Zarya will ask that Linza and Philippos have Cancer Moon leave Antioch and meet with the two of them.
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[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.
[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.
[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.

you still need to pick from the second set of options~!
vote will close in roughly 24 hours or so

edit: vote closed~!
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Death (V)
Winning vote:
[X][Theodora] should still try and save Theodora anyway.
-[X][Theodora] And you'll try and grab her before she leaves Antioch.

[X][Meeting] Zarya will ask that Linza and Philippos have Cancer Moon leave Antioch and meet with the two of them.

Death (V)

...even if you're all on your own, you'd rather not abandon Theodora to her fate at the hands of the Advocates. Who knows what they or the Crab-Man might have in mind for her. If it wasn't for Capricorn Saturn's vision, you would have figured that he would have just killed her. That he hasn't must mean that he thinks he can turn her into a pawn of his, right? You suggest that to Linza, Philippos, and the other soldiers, and they're all in agreement. They also agree when you suggest striking before Theodora is taken from this place. You feel better about your odds in rescuing her while you know roughly where she is.

Besides, if you're lucky, maybe you'll be able to drive the Crab-Man from the city!

Well, you can hope so, right?

Maybe if you pray for a miracle, it'll happen? That's what Cornelia Prima would suggest if she were here, anyway. And so would a pious woman like Libra Venus.

That said, you don't want to enter Antioch just yet. Neither you nor Libra Venus are ready.

"Did she say when Theodora will be taken away?" you ask.

No one can say for sure. But the fact that she believed that there was time to contact the two of you makes Philippos believe that it can't be any earlier than the next morning. Maybe you'll even have a few days to prepare, if you're lucky.

"Then, can you do me a favor? Have Cancer Moon come here to meet with Libra Venus and I."

Linza frowns. "Eh? Why? We're already here at the inn..."

Sure enough, you are. The inn's manager has come out to make sure that there are no problems, and he's being re-assured that the soldiers will be gone soon. You tell Linza that you'd rather have the two of you continue to rest up here. "Will it be too much of an issue for her to come here?"

Philippos thinks it over. "The important thing is making sure that she's not seen by the wrong person. We can scout for a better location and then return tonight."

At that, one of the soldiers points out that he saw a half-destroyed inn not far from here, and he's asked to lead the way. With their group gone, you return to the company of Libra Venus and tell her of who just came by to visit. Instead of raising her mood, she continues to mope, declaring that you should have gone on without her. But you wouldn't do that if you had the choice to stay.

So, while you're here, you decide to try and break her out of her funk!

You pick up her cithara and start playing it!

Well, you try to... you're not very good at it.

But rather, than getting mad, Libra Venus tries to help you and you manage to make some noises that can pass for music. Some of the other people inside the inn even help you out!

Naturally, this prompts one of them to realize that Libra Venus is, in fact, the Mystic Priestess Libra Venus, despite not wearing her holy attire. So much for laying low...

She's immediately swarmed by the faithful, who alternate between begging her for a blessing (which she gives out freely) and demanding to know why the Church has abandoned them (to which she cannot give a proper response). After some wrangling, you and the inn's manager (who has just noticed what's going on) manage to take her away to one of the few private spaces inside the inn – his room.

"...they're right, you know," Libra Venus says while sitting on a blanket on the floor. "Where are Humility, Kindness, and Patience? We know why the others aren't here, but why haven't those three marched in? Humility could likely deal with all these demon summoners by herself..."

The manager, still present, is quite curious as to why the other Holy Maidens wouldn't be able to help, but is convinced to leave when you say that it's a private matter and that his kind favor will be remembered if he goes along with your whims. You then point out that none of you knew of any of this either until you came down from the mountains. News travels slowly.

Libra Venus sighs. "You're right. But I can't help but feel like something's wrong here..."

...well, there's no way that any of those women could be working for the Advocates. So, you tell her that...

(Choose one.)
[][The Balance Tips?]'s just bad timing. For all you know, they're heading here right now.
[][The Balance Tips?] ...they had to deal with a wicked Demon of their own, didn't they?
[][The Balance Tips?] ...maybe she's onto something. It's not like she really knows them...
[][The Balance Tips?] ...(write-in, including combining votes)




The two of you turn back to casual chatter after that, wondering what the others might be doing inside Antioch. It can't be easy, hiding out the way that they are...

Time passes, and night falls. You're summoned by the inn's manager, who directs you to Linza and Philippos and out of his inn. The two of them take you to a nearby wrecked inn, surrounded by soldiers. Inside the sparsely lit building, you find Capricorn Saturn, Virgo Mercury, and the one who came here to meet, Cancer Moon.

The Mystic Priestess Cancer Moon's appearance is striking. She's pale, almost like a ghost, and her hair is almost the same color, having only hints of yellow. Her eyes are a calm, light pink. Despite wearing only a simple tunic and cloak, she has a mystical appearance about her. You briefly wonder if her appearance led to her being abandoned in the Church's care, just as Libra Venus was, before deciding that it doesn't matter right now.

Instead, you greet her warmly, as if she was just another person.

She looks placidly at you and Libra Venus, but her focus is almost always on you. "You must be Zarya. I can tell by your presence. Virgo Mercury didn't quite capture its... odd nature with her description."

Said woman scoffs. "What does it matter? She just needs an exorcism!"

"That may be so. But for now, we need her power. We will pray for forgiveness later."

Virgo Mercury attempts to speak up, but Cancer Moon asks her to remain silent. Virgo Mercury fumes, but agrees, leading to hushed chuckles from Capricorn Saturn, Linza, Philippos, and a few others.

"As for you, Zarya... your friends have told me that you wish to rescue your ally. I agree that simply letting her go is too dangerous. However, I must inform you that I have some conditions to my aid."

You nod. Of course. She is a Mystic Priestess, after all, so she must have concerns about you two Demon-possessed women. "Name them," you say without hesitation.

"We will be exorcising the Demon from Theodora. That part is not negotiable. I ask you to assist with this, and also with rebuilding Antioch. This will keep you here for some time. I also want to study your Demon and eventually exorcise it. Do you have any issues with these terms?"

She then falls silent, waiting for you to reply, as does everyone else.

[][Deal?] You agree to her terms as-is. (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)
[][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
[][Deal?] You agree to her terms... but reject being exorcised yourself. (Gain (-) with Cancer Moon, Capricorn Saturn, and Libra Venus)
[][Deal?] You agree to leave Theodora here to be exorcised, but you cannot stay.
-[][Deal?] Thyatira is in danger from its Holy Maiden. She must be taken down now!
-[][Deal?] A snake is lurking in Sardis and must be killed before it's too late. Option not available.
[][Deal?] No deal. You can't agree to this. (must write-in reason(s) why)

Spiritual Aptitude: 55

QM Note: I will not be able to post an update at the usual time next week, but I will still try to get one out. I'll also do Character Sheet updates later.
[][Deal?] You agree to her terms as-is. (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)
I'm torn.
On the one hand, no demon=no more ability to tilt the scales, one way or another.
On the other… There's apparently a hidden enemy we know nothing about that could very well strike if we don't maintain our power but…
Merging with Bubbles also is concerning.
question, has ours done anything harmful to us ? I mean from what i know so far we never rage out and attack people and Theodora rage out cause people voted for it, also Theodora spiritual aptitude is a lot higher then ours, removing it may kill her
[x][The Balance Tips?] Point out that several of the cities with holy maidens have been under attack with far too much coordination, they are likely unaware or hoping for their own rescue
As far as I am aware our demon has been closer to a nature spirit than what we would see as demonic: extremely powerful, but not interested in human matters, possible blue/orange morality
So ours is not outright harmful to other, and the other is a dragon , I thinking we got to say no to the term as is , i mean they by default don't like demons and atm they don't really know how they work or if they are evil out the gate.
On the other… There's apparently a hidden enemy we know nothing about that could very well strike if we don't maintain our power but…

snakey boi was mentioned earlier, but very briefly, iirc. edit - found it.

question, has ours done anything harmful to us ? I mean from what i know so far we never rage out and attack people and Theodora rage out cause people voted for it, also Theodora spiritual aptitude is a lot higher then ours, removing it may kill her

As far as I am aware our demon has been closer to a nature spirit than what we would see as demonic: extremely powerful, but not interested in human matters, possible blue/orange morality

besides this, i'll add as the QM that the fact that it hasn't harmed you yet doesn't mean that it won't in the future. doesn't mean that it will either, of course. there's some uncertainty here.
Last edited:
[x][The Balance Tips?] ...they had to deal with a wicked Demon of their own, didn't they?

"We will be exorcising the Demon from Theodora. That part is not negotiable. I ask you to assist with this, and also with rebuilding Antioch. This will keep you here for some time. I also want to study your Demon and eventually exorcise it. Do you have any issues with these terms?"
If "eventually" means "after the plot arc is done" (our status as a freedwoman depends on taking down the Advocates, after all), then... I suppose? As long as we get a decent living out of it.

I'd like to learn to talk to it before we commit to anything.

Does Zarya have any aspirations for the future? I don't think this ever got mentioned anywhere. What are Linza and Philippos planning once we finish dragging them along?
Would like to point out that my general view on nature spirits is that they view humans the same way humans do ants: ignored unless they make a big enough pest of themselves to warrant being killed
[X][Deal?] You agree to leave Theodora here to be exorcised, but you cannot stay.
-[X][Deal?] Thyatira is in danger from its Holy Maiden. She must be taken down now!
[X][The Balance Tips?] Point out that several of the cities with holy maidens have been under attack with far too much coordination, they are likely unaware or hoping for their own rescue
I'd like to learn to talk to it before we commit to anything.

reneging on the deal is possible, and will have its own consequences later.

you could also add this as part of [][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
she'd be willing to agree to that.

Does Zarya have any aspirations for the future? I don't think this ever got mentioned anywhere. What are Linza and Philippos planning once we finish dragging them along?

great question! zarya doesn't currently have much in the way of goals beyond 'stay a freedwoman' and 'not be killed due to being unwillingly demon-possessed'. perhaps she will reflect on this when she gets some breathing room (so, not right now :V)

linza and philippos are quite happy to continue adventuring with zarya. i'd likely have them return to smyrna when this is done (unless something else comes up, of course :V)
[x][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
-[x] You'd like to know more about the demon before you commit to exorcism. Maybe talk to it? It didn't do anyone any harm yet, and you don't know if it's possible to safely disentangle from it. Soul surgery is not a decision taken lightly.
-[x] You don't have money, work, or a place to call home. You'd been a slave until recently. You'd like to have some assurance of your future before you part with a power that kept you alive and freed you.

That should sound fair. They want their assurances, and we want ours.

[x][The Balance Tips?] ...they had to deal with a wicked Demon of their own, didn't they?
Last edited:
[x][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
-[x] You'd like to know more about the demon before you commit to exorcism. Maybe talk to it? It didn't do anyone any harm yet, and you don't know if it's possible to safely disentangle from it. Soul surgery is not a decision taken lightly.
-[x] You don't have money, work, or a place to call home. You'd been a slave until recently. You'd like to have some assurance of your future before you part with a power that kept you alive and freed you.
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Oct 7, 2022 at 10:28 AM, finished with 13 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x][The Balance Tips?] Point out that several of the cities with holy maidens have been under attack with far too much coordination, they are likely unaware or hoping for their own rescue
    [x][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
    -[x] You'd like to know more about the demon before you commit to exorcism. Maybe talk to it? It didn't do anyone any harm yet, and you don't know if it's possible to safely disentangle from it. Soul surgery is not a decision taken lightly.
    -[x] You don't have money, work, or a place to call home. You'd been a slave until recently. You'd like to have some assurance of your future before you part with a power that kept you alive and freed you.
    [X][Deal?] You agree to leave Theodora here to be exorcised, but you cannot stay.
    -[X][Deal?] Thyatira is in danger from its Holy Maiden. She must be taken down now!

current tally. people need to make sure they've voted for both options.

vote will close at this time:
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Oct 9, 2022 at 4:09 PM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x][The Balance Tips?] Point out that several of the cities with holy maidens have been under attack with far too much coordination, they are likely unaware or hoping for their own rescue
    [x][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
    -[x] You'd like to know more about the demon before you commit to exorcism. Maybe talk to it? It didn't do anyone any harm yet, and you don't know if it's possible to safely disentangle from it. Soul surgery is not a decision taken lightly.
    -[x] You don't have money, work, or a place to call home. You'd been a slave until recently. You'd like to have some assurance of your future before you part with a power that kept you alive and freed you.
    [x][The Balance Tips?] ...they had to deal with a wicked Demon of their own, didn't they?
    [X][Deal?] You agree to leave Theodora here to be exorcised, but you cannot stay.
    -[X][Deal?] Thyatira is in danger from its Holy Maiden. She must be taken down now!

vote closed~!
Death (VI)
Winning vote:
[X][The Balance Tips?] Point out that several of the cities with holy maidens have been under attack with far too much coordination, they are likely unaware or hoping for their own rescue
[X][Deal?] You agree to her terms... and also want something from her. (must write-in what)
-[X] You'd like to know more about the demon before you commit to exorcism. Maybe talk to it? It didn't do anyone any harm yet, and you don't know if it's possible to safely disentangle from it. Soul surgery is not a decision taken lightly.
-[X] You don't have money, work, or a place to call home. You'd been a slave until recently. You'd like to have some assurance of your future before you part with a power that kept you alive and freed you.

Death (VI)

After thinking it over for a moment, you take a deep breath and give your answer. "I do not have any issues with those terms. However, I would ask something of you as well. Two things, actually."

While Virgo Mercury looks offended that you think you have the right to demand anything, Cancer Moon ignores her, continuing to focus on you. She nods. "Please, go ahead. If you ask for is within my power to give you, I shall grant it to you."

Again, Virgo Mercury is incredulous that Cancer Moon would deign to give anything to you, but she is ignored once more.

So, you speak freely.

"First, I would like to join you in studying the strange Demon possessing me. I believe it can speak, though its native tongue is neither Latin nor Greek. I also know that it has yet to harm me, despite having had many opportunities to do so."

"Hmm..." Cancer Moon cuts in. "But, could that not be a trick? It may be luring you into a false sense of security. That way, when it does harm you, you wouldn't see it coming."

You nod. "That may be true. And I'd like to find that out for myself. I would especially like to make sure that it doesn't lash out during the exorcism itself. I want to make sure that it can safely be removed from my body."

"And, of course, I also want this," she says, and you note that she didn't include Virgo Mercury in that declaration, "so that can be done without issue. Rest assured that the exorcism will be conducted with the highest regard for the integrity of your body and soul. Now, I believe you also wanted a second thing?"

"Ah, yes. I was recently freed, and have no money and no shelter, and neither do I have ways to get them other than begging or... less savory acts."

Cancer Moon interjects before you can actually ask for anything. "Money will not be as useful to you given the current conditions, but shelter and work can be easily found across Antioch. There will certainly only be more and more of both as we rebuild."

"Mhmm... well, that is good, but what about when this is all over...?" you suggest.

She pauses for a moment, considering your words, before nodding. "Yes, I believe that once the exorcism is done, there can be a place for you inside our Church. Even Virgo Mercury wouldn't complain if you had been purified first."

Sure enough, said woman grudgingly admits that she would be willing to accept that state of affairs. Both Libra Venus and Capricorn Saturn look pleased over the idea of you joining them. Linza and Philippos are more neutral about it, but you suspect that they'll support you regardless.

As for you, you're not quite sure how you feel about being freed into Church service.

[][Church?] But maybe you'd learn to like it, and so should accept this. (Locks this in.) (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)
[][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)
[][Church?] In fact, you'd rather not join this organization! (write-in what you'd rather do instead... the setting is based on Ancient Rome, so anything that would be possible in those times works)

But with this settled, you're secure for the first time in a long time.

All that's left now is to do the same for Theodora.

"What is our plan for rescuing Theodora?" you ask.

Cancer Moon gestures to Capricorn Saturn, who speaks up. "That demon-possessed Man will take Theodora out of Antioch in the morning, not long after sunrise. I have refined my vision and can confirm that they're travelling on land, so they must be headed for Ephesus. We will strike just as they're about to leave the city, and sneak Theodora away. She's been weakened, and so won't try to struggle away."

You frown. "Weakened?"

Capricorn Saturn shakes her head. "She appeared to be starved and was chained up." She then sighs and admits that until they can break her Demon's power over her through the exorcism, they wouldn't be able to do much better. You then ask how long the exorcism will take.

"It should only be a few hours, since we're using the emergency procedures. We don't have time to do things the long way," says Virgo Mercury. assume that the long way is also the safe way (meaning what you'll get) and so you hope this all works out for Theodora.

As for the attack itself, you will lead the way, accompanied by soldiers (so including Linza and Philippos) and Libra Venus. Cancer Moon, Capricorn Saturn, and Virgo Mercury will hang back. You are being charged with confronting the Crab-Man, as will the bulk of the soldiers supporting you. This will distract him. Meanwhile, the rest will deal with his soldiers and extract Theodora. While killing the Crab-Man would be nice, if you can't do so safely then just drive him away and make you can return safely.

The Crab-Man will be travelling lightly, having only one squad of ten soldiers with him. Cancer Moon will thus direct a full century of eighty soldiers to take your side. You also have the advantage of knowing his abilities, and you don't think he has a good grasp on yours.

With those factors in mind, you, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Saturn, and several commanders start crafting a plan. And in the end, you came up with the following for your role:

[][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[][Attack!] You'll lead a direct attack on the Crab-Man, using your full offensive capabilities.
-[][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.
[][Attack!] You came up with an idea of your own... (must write-in details)

Spiritual Aptitude: 55
Biggest issue I see is we're not a fighter like the crab-man is. But, the way I see it…
1.We both have water powers, but we have a lot more dudes. Don't expect much out of the water attacks in terms of effect since he can probably contest that.
2. We have a super-speed spell. I figure going for disarming Crab's soldiers should be a nice surprise trick, and a general battle-plan for fighting the crab- the bubble-form seems like it'd fail against the crab's defenses., meaning he can go big and we probably can't match that.