Interlude- A Nobles Daughter
Current vote, (i was planning on having it be more separate while counting the talking votes a a whole, but it works easier counting them as chunks) next part will probably be up eventually.
[X] Black Hair
[X] Green Eyes
[X]Follow them
[X] Introduce yourself formally and thank them.
[X] Where are we?
[X] Whose Serdroan?
[X] Check up on Flint.
[X] Ask them to help look for any other survivors before leaving
Number of voters: 4

veekie, edboy49, wingstrike96, Jeboboid

[x] Brown
[x] Blue
[x] Go back down the beach, see if you can find anymore survivors
--[x] When it is guaranteed that there is no more survivors in sight, we come along with them
----[x] Introduce yourself formally and thank them.
----[x] Where are we?
----[x] Walk around the village, gather information and look into continuing your trip.
----[x] Check up on Flint.
Number of voters: 1

[X] Black Hair
[X] Green Eyes
[X] Follow Them
-[X] Introduce yourself formally and thank them.
--[X] (Write In) Have any other survivors been discovered?
--[X] Where are we?
-[X] At the Village:
--[X] Check up on Flint.
--[X] Walk around the village, gather information and look into continuing your trip.
---[X] (Write In) Help where you can, use your healing capabilities to treat both villagers and other survivors.
Number of voters: 1

You certainly have a much more negative view of Subaru than I do. I will concede that his level of competence goes up and down like a fucking yo-yo (as I had a desire to strangle him with his own trachea for the entire middle arc of the show), but when he's at his best, he is incredibly effective, even taking into consideration the advantages that Return By Death (ugh please change that stupid name) granted him. While he is surprisingly good at physical combat and does possess some minor magical ability, he is completely outmatched by the forces against him, and networking with others and gaining allies who actually can accomplish something is exactly what he should be doing. If he was a trained warrior or battle-mage on top of that, it would be stacking the deck in his favor way too much.

As a final point, I would like to put in a good word for Plan Voting, as I prefer unified plans of action over a mishmash of several people's votes. I didn't include anything about the blue eyes or Serdroan because I would rather not ask about them, at least for now. I might just be unclear as to how these votes are counted though.

-Ninja editting this into the post-

I agree I do think Subaru is fairly solid at the end, even the start he wasn't terrible just completely lost as to whats happening. By the end and even early middle, I feel like he'd gained some combat experience and started to know what was going on enough to be decent in how he handled everything. The only difference I want with Amelia is possibly less oversight, Amelia will get stronger as the story progresses but it will never be to the level where she's not atleast somewhat struggling.

I didn't mean to sound like this quest wouldn't have a heavy focus on other characters, yes this is Amelia's story. But she'll be gaining allies through the story, ones that she'll care about, that her and hopefully we will be pained to see them die. over and over and over again <3

I agree with planned voting, but for this vote I think it was ok not to. Conversation votes and similar ones are counted where, every vote not for the vote counts against it. Although for this vote since its pretty unanimous i'm just doing the blocks as if its plan format.

Here's Amelia's backstory

Amelia was born on the 23rd day of the 3rd month of fall, in the year 979'pt. To Lord Gaidel of House Seyrunn and Lady Elayne of Londerwin, a political marriage to formally ally the two houses which in the past had a good deal of issues.

Amelia spent her younger years brought up by nannies, that's not to say her mother was never around. Her mother tried to give Amelia as much time as she could, but the life of a Lady of a Great House is busy.

As Amelia got older her parents began taking her to the castle, as well as court so she could start learning how to be a lady. While she was at the castle Amelia would often sneak away from her maids and go watch the knights train. In particular she would always go in search of her older brother Ander, so she could watch him training. He was usually the one forced to bring her back to her maids after he'd find her wandering around. She always looked up to her older brother, and just being a child, she always imagined a future where she was a knight.

It was during one of those incursions that she met a young girl named Siuan watching the knights spar up in Amelia's favorite spot. Siuan had similar dreams, but she also had to crush Amelia's by telling her that girls can't be knights. Amelia didn't believe her and thought that was dumb, so she convinced Siuan that they could train just like the knights.

After that whenever Amelia was in the castle she'd run off to go play with Siuan, pretending to be knights or playing hero. Siuan turned out to be Siuan Paendrag, second daughter and fourth child to Uther Paendrag the King of Herindal. That didn't stop them from playing of course, there fathers always got along. They thought it was good that there daughters had a friend, although both were fairly baffled at their preference towards toy swords instead of dolls. Siuans older brother would often make fun of them and berate them for it. Constantly reminding them of how they couldn't become knights and that there weren't any women heroes that used swords. As the two of of them grew up they learned to not like the sword, Siuan enjoyed using the bow and would often go hunting with her siblings. While Amelia found it more reliable to use her hands and would often attempt to wrestle with the servant children, along with a not so enthusiastic Siuan.

When Amelia's brother was thirteen he left to go train at a temple dedicated to the aspect of Justice, which trained knights into paladins. It was thought highly of and was something that most if not all nobles did with there sons. Around that time her father started taking her with him to oversee his lands. She'd watch him talk to people about their problems, see some people be angry with him and watch him talk them down. He'd handle issues, while enforcing things that he thought were the best for his realm. It was a very sobering experience for her at a young age, the contrast between her life of luxury in her mansion and the city. To seeing how people actually lived, working for their income and earning the food on their table. That wasn't to say she didn't think her father worked for everything they had, she knew he did and knew he had little free time. But those visits really helped Amelia grow as a person, and prepared her for the future.

A little after Amelia's twelfth birthday her mother passed away attempting to give birth to there third child. Amelia had been beyond excited to have another sibling, and had spent months preparing herself to be an older sister. Her only sibling had been Ander at that point who'd been away training with her uncle for the past six years. He visited every so often, but never as long as Amelia wanted. The passing of Elayne Seyrunn reverberated throughout the kingdom. Her being the daughter of the head of House Londerwin, and the wife to the head of House Seyrunn. That was the first and only time in her life that she'd seen her father cry. The first time she thought of her father as just a man. Till that point he may as well have been a hero out of legend. She looked up to him, respected his ability to lead and thought of him as an untouchable wall. It was at that moment when that image cracked. When she held her father as he cried over the body of his wife and unborn child. It was then, when that image of heroes and great warriors, crumbled for her. She realized that behind all those great deeds, lay regular men, who felt loss and heartbreak like anyone else. Ander visited for the funeral but he wasn't able to stay very long, he spent the majority of his time there with Amelia though. Showing her cool magic and sword techniques that he'd learnt. He was obviously hurting under the surface but he really tried to hide it from Amelia.

Siuan started visiting more after that, sometimes her father the King would come along so he could visit with Amelia's father. Who also paid more attention to her, going as far as to actually teach her some of the things she'd remembered him showing Ander before he left. A few months after the death of her mother. Amelia's father asked if she'd like to go off and train at a monastery or temple, like most noble men did once they reached 13. She said no at first not wanting to leave her father alone. But changed her mind when he told her that the king was asking Siuan the same thing and that Ander would be returning as a full fledged Paladin before she left.

A year later, a bit after her thirteenth birthday Amelia left Herindal with Siuan to the continent of Sygewyn. After landing in Dragonshore, Amelia went to the Monastery of Wisdom on the coast of the kingdom of Valoria. While Siuan went to the Monastery of Sacrifice in the Howling Mountains, which lay in no kingdom at the edge of the Bloostained Wilds.

Life at the monastery was a good deal different from Amelia's life back at home. Once she arrived and her guards left, she was forced to strip down completely. Handing over all of her possessions, which they then burned to ash. She was then given cloth and thread, then was told that she must make her own robes. It was apparently what they did with all new initiates, shedding material possessions and all they had been beforehand. Being 'reborn' and brought into a world where possessions were more than just items. It was a lesson to remind you of all you'd taken for granted. Well, Amelia had definitely taken modesty for granted, that week was one of the worst in her life. She could only work on the robes in her free time. Which were three one hour intervals a day and she was so exhausted at the end of the day that working on the robe wasn't a concern. No one cared about her nudity, they were used to it and it was a mixed monastery. But she wasn't used to it, once she'd actually finished with a robe someone mentioned how they'd thought her face was just naturally pink.

She slowly became accustomed to living there, they awakened her to magic and taught her the basics. They pounded lessons on the goddess, lessons of temperance and of wisdom into her head. She was forced to go over every thing she knew through her headspace and organize all her thoughts. All the happy memories, all the embarrassing ones and all the depressing ones, it was an exercise on knowledge. Once done, with everything completely organised in her head she was able to find any and all that she knew, at least with a little searching. Afterwards it was just upkeep, she visualized memories as documents, shards of knowledge within her headspace. So once a week she'd sort through those papers, and organize them. Instructors would often quiz initiates to make sure there mental studies where in order. She actually saw someone get kicked out for not caring about organizing there headspace. He was called slothful and uncaring about the wisdom of the goddess and banished with nothing but enough rations to reach the nearest town.

At the Monastery the monks encouraged Amelia's fighting prowess, kicking her ass in combat and forcing her to go over techniques. It was some of the most fun she had there, she loved wrestling on the ground with recruits. She was fast, much faster than anyone else there, instructors included. Now that didn't make up for her lack of skill however, she was to forward to ambitious in attacks, even now she has issues with over extending or going for incredibly risky moves.

After close to seven years at the monastery, (about 6 and a half) she received a letter from her father. Telling her that he'd sent a group of guards to come and get her and bring her back to court. She didn't wait for the guards to fetch her, a few days after she received the letter she'd set out by herself to go back to Herindal. It was a three week journey to Dragonshore from the monastery, Amelia managed the best she could. The monks gave her gold before she left, so she didn't starve on her way, although she did indulge. In Dragonshore, even though she was essentially broke she somehow managed to convince a merchant's captain to give her passage. "It would be an honour, to give passage to a lady of a Great House." He'd said, it probably helped that he was heading to her uncle's port. With that Amelia set out to Herindal, heading east towards the continent and country that she used to call home.
Last edited:
1.4 A Paladin and A Mage Walk into a Bar...
Amelia Seyrunn
Black Hair / Green Eyes
Amelia was born in the 3rd month of fall, in the year 979'pt. To Lord Gaidel of House Seyrunn and Lady Elayne of Londerwin, a political marriage to formally ally the two houses which in the past had a good deal of issues.

Amelia spent her younger years brought up by nannies, that's not to say her mother was never around. Her mother tried to give Amelia as much time as she could, but the life of a Lady of a Great House is busy.

As Amelia got older her parents began taking her to the castle, as well as court so she could start learning how to be a lady. While she was at the castle Amelia would often sneak away from her maids and go watch the knights train. In particular she would always go in search of her older brother Ander, so she could watch him training. He was usually the one forced to bring her back to her maids after he'd find her wandering around. She always looked up to her older brother, and just being a child, she always imagined a future where she was a knight.

It was during one of those incursions that she met a young girl named Siuan watching the knights spar up in Amelia's favorite spot. Siuan had similar dreams, but she also had to crush Amelia's by telling her that girls can't be knights. Amelia didn't believe her and thought that was dumb, so she convinced Siuan that they could train just like the knights.

After that whenever Amelia was in the castle she'd run off to go play with Siuan, pretending to be knights or playing hero. Siuan turned out to be Siuan Paendrag, second daughter and fourth child to Uther Paendrag the King of Herindal. That didn't stop them from playing of course, there fathers always got along. They thought it was good that there daughters had a friend, although both were fairly baffled at their preference towards toy swords instead of dolls. Siuans older brother would often make fun of them and berate them for it. Constantly reminding them of how they couldn't become knights and that there weren't any women heroes that used swords. As the two of of them grew up they learned to not like the sword, Siuan enjoyed using the bow and would often go hunting with her siblings. While Amelia found it more reliable to use her hands and would often attempt to wrestle with the servant children, along with a not so enthusiastic Siuan.

When Amelia's brother was thirteen he left to go train at a temple dedicated to the aspect of Justice, which trained knights into paladins. It was thought highly of and was something that most if not all nobles did with there sons. Around that time her father started taking her with him to oversee his lands. She'd watch him talk to people about their problems, see some people be angry with him and watch him talk them down. He'd handle issues, while enforcing things that he thought were the best for his realm. It was a very sobering experience for her at a young age, the contrast between her life of luxury in her mansion and the city. To seeing how people actually lived, working for their income and earning the food on their table. That wasn't to say she didn't think her father worked for everything they had, she knew he did and knew he had little free time. But those visits really helped Amelia grow as a person, and prepared her for the future.

A little after Amelia's twelfth birthday her mother passed away attempting to give birth to there third child. Amelia had been beyond excited to have another sibling, and had spent months preparing herself to be an older sister. Her only sibling had been Ander at that point who'd been away training with her uncle for the past six years. He visited every so often, but never as long as Amelia wanted. The passing of Elayne Seyrunn reverberated throughout the kingdom. Her being the daughter of the head of House Londerwin, and the wife to the head of House Seyrunn. That was the first and only time in her life that she'd seen her father cry. The first time she thought of her father as just a man. Till that point he may as well have been a hero out of legend. She looked up to him, respected his ability to lead and thought of him as an untouchable wall. It was at that moment when that image cracked. When she held her father as he cried over the body of his wife and unborn child. It was then, when that image of heroes and great warriors, crumbled for her. She realized that behind all those great deeds, lay regular men, who felt loss and heartbreak like anyone else. Ander visited for the funeral but he wasn't able to stay very long, he spent the majority of his time there with Amelia though. Showing her cool magic and sword techniques that he'd learnt. He was obviously hurting under the surface but he really tried to hide it from Amelia.

Siuan started visiting more after that, sometimes her father the King would come along so he could visit with Amelia's father. Who also paid more attention to her, going as far as to actually teach her some of the things she'd remembered him showing Ander before he left. A few months after the death of her mother. Amelia's father asked if she'd like to go off and train at a monastery or temple, like most noble men did once they reached 13. She said no at first not wanting to leave her father alone. But changed her mind when he told her that the king was asking Siuan the same thing and that Ander would be returning as a full fledged Paladin before she left.

A year later, a bit after her thirteenth birthday Amelia left Herindal with Siuan to the continent of Sygewyn. After landing in Dragonshore, Amelia went to the Monastery of Wisdom on the coast of the kingdom of Valoria. While Siuan went to the Monastery of Sacrifice in the Howling Mountains, which lay in no kingdom at the edge of the Bloostained Wilds.

Life at the monastery was a good deal different from Amelia's life back at home. Once she arrived and her guards left, she was forced to strip down completely. Handing over all of her possessions, which they then burned to ash. She was then given cloth and thread, then was told that she must make her own robes. It was apparently what they did with all new initiates, shedding material possessions and all they had been beforehand. Being 'reborn' and brought into a world where possessions were more than just items. It was a lesson to remind you of all you'd taken for granted. Well, Amelia had definitely taken modesty for granted, that week was one of the worst in her life. She could only work on the robes in her free time. Which were three one hour intervals a day and she was so exhausted at the end of the day that working on the robe wasn't a concern. No one cared about her nudity, they were used to it and it was a mixed monastery. But she wasn't used to it, once she'd actually finished with a robe someone mentioned how they'd thought her face was just naturally pink.

She slowly became accustomed to living there, they awakened her to magic and taught her the basics. They pounded lessons on the goddess, lessons of temperance and of wisdom into her head. She was forced to go over every thing she knew through her headspace and organize all her thoughts. All the happy memories, all the embarrassing ones and all the depressing ones, it was an exercise on knowledge. Once done, with everything completely organised in her head she was able to find any and all that she knew, at least with a little searching. Afterwards it was just upkeep, she visualized memories as documents, shards of knowledge within her headspace. So once a week she'd sort through those papers, and organize them. Instructors would often quiz initiates to make sure there mental studies where in order. She actually saw someone get kicked out for not caring about organizing there headspace. He was called slothful and uncaring about the wisdom of the goddess and banished with nothing but enough rations to reach the nearest town.

At the Monastery the monks encouraged Amelia's fighting prowess, kicking her ass in combat and forcing her to go over techniques. It was some of the most fun she had there, she loved wrestling on the ground with recruits. She was fast, much faster than anyone else there, instructors included. Now that didn't make up for her lack of skill however, she was to forward to ambitious in attacks, even now she has issues with over extending or going for incredibly risky moves.

After close to seven years at the monastery, (about 6 and a half) she received a letter from her father. Telling her that he'd sent a group of guards to come and get her and bring her back to court. She didn't wait for the guards to fetch her, a few days after she received the letter she'd set out by herself to go back to Herindal. It was a three week journey to Dragonshore from the monastery, Amelia managed the best she could. The monks gave her gold before she left, so she didn't starve on her way, although she did indulge. In Dragonshore, even though she was essentially broke she somehow managed to convince a merchant's captain to give her passage. "It would be an honour, to give passage to a lady of a Great House." He'd said, it probably helped that he was heading to her uncle's port. With that Amelia set out to Herindal, heading east towards the continent and country that she used to call home.

Adept Hand to Hand
You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

Focused Finesse
You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.


Basic Mending
A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.

Eye of Magus
You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.

Basic Banishment
You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practice spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practice spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

Touch of Knowledge
By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

Spell Saver
Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.

You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

You're fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of you while your in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.

You tend to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for your to lose sanity.

You tend to get distracted fairly easily and do things without thinking of the consequences. If your interested or want something, you have a tendency to do whatever you can to get or learn about it.

Socially Tactless
You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.


An early life at court has taught you that fair deals and encounters usually end off serving both parties the best. At a young age you discovered that a one sided deal only benefits the person who's getting a better deal. Which usually ends up biting them in the ass down the road anyways.

Knowledge / Misc
Outdated Political Knowledge
You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight great houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

Basic Geological Knowledge
You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

Advanced Religious Knowledge
You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about the Goddess.

Basic Court Etiquette
Even after seven years without using cutlery or talking "properly". You still remember which spoon to use for soup and which to use for dessert. Although the proper customs for balls and other formal gatherings have slipped your mind. You were never one to care much about that thing, it's amazing that you can still use a fork.

Spell Saver
Nature Net- The old woman caste a net over Flint
Ball of Healing- A ball of mana that she used to cure wounds.

Checkpoint Inventory
Leather Pants
Slightly Torn Cloth Shirt

Current Inventory
Leather Pants
Slightly Torn Cloth Shirt
Leather Bag
Carving Knife
5 Chips
[X] Black Hair
[X] Green Eyes
[X]Follow them
[X] Introduce yourself formally and thank them.
[X] Where are we?
[X] Whose Serdroan?
[X] Check up on Flint.
[X] Ask them to help look for any other survivors before leaving
| A Paladin and A Mage Walk into a Bar... |

"I'm Amelia by the way, thanks for the help." You bowed a bit, reaching out a hand to the woman. She took your hand and shook it with a firm grip, holding the plant under her arm.

"I go by Ellel, no need to thank me dear. I could only come out because of Rida here." She pointed at the man who called you a witch. You were still a bit ticked off by that but Flint would have probably died without his help. He nodded at you a bit sheepishly, his hands occupied with the stretcher. You noticed he still had his spear strapped to his back.

An idea fluttered through your head, thinking about what Flint said. "Before we leave, could we go and look for anymore survivors. Flint said he thought the majority of the crew made it to shore." They all paused at your comment, Ellel set down the plant and waved the men to set down the stretcher.

"That would save us a trip." She said looking back down the beach. "Rida, Tery, go with Amelia here. I'll wait here with this young man." They just nodded, they didn't seem to have anything to say against going. Tery picked up the plant while Rida started unsheathed his spear.

The men followed you down the beach, both of them looking around and poking through the debris. Both of them were a bit to alert for your comfort, maybe it was just a precaution but it didn't come off as that. You drew your knife, holding it sheathed in one hand as you walked.

"Where are we?" You asked trying to break the tension, up ahead you could see the broken dresser that you dug your bag out from underneath. You could faintly see the place you'd woken up by up ahead.

"Huh?" Tery said, giving you an odd look, which quickly changed to a more bashful expression. "Oh, I guess you wouldn't know. This is the island of Kino, the northernmost Pearl Island." He sounded and looked younger than you originally thought he was, maybe fifteen at best. The pearl islands where a string of islands southeast of Herindal. Famous for the pure white pearls that came from the clams in the ocean around the islands.

As you neared the area where you'd woken up at, you made sure to warn them about the corpses. Tery still ended up dry heaving when he saw the caved in skulls, which was better than you had originally.

Rida was a bit more curious, he cringed back at first but then started examining the bodies. It was a bit odd now that your head was clear, or well more clear than before. The two corpses apart from the woman's showed a struggle, one was on its knees still. It's arms limp at its side, resting on the bloody half of its neck. The other looked to be mid crawl, the legs mangled and crushed, The remaining parts of its head resting on an outstretched arm. While the woman, the only real corpse you'd looked at before was at odds with that, it looks like she was dragged up on shore. Obvious drag marks visible in the sand, although she didn't look to have been conscious as she was dragged. She was positioned perfectly straight, with her hands crossed over her chest. The sand by the other bodies were covered in blood smears and splatters everywhere. But the only blood by the woman's body looked to have come from her head.

Rida pushed the kneeling body over, staring intently at its neck. You moved over, trying to figure out what he was looking at, a sick curiosity coming over you. Chunks of its throat where missing seemingly torn out. Complemented by teeth marks running down its left arm left you with little doubt as to what happened.

You sat back for a second, looking at the ocean, breathing deeply trying to calm yourself. Visions of teeth and blue eyes flashing through your head.

"Hey Rida, whose Serdroan?" You asked trying to get your head away from, whatever that was before.

"What? Why... are you asking that." He said taken off guard by your question.

"Earlier when you called me..." You sighed. "Earlier you talked about a Serdroan destroying our ship?" You clarified, Rida wince at a sharp look from Tery.

Tery answered the question sighing "Serdroan is the guardian of this island, he's a long Serpent with blue eyes. Three days ago some travelers managed to anger him, your ship isn't the first to have been destroyed. Although it is the first ship that's not one of ours that he's gone after." You just nodded, Flint mentioned a Serpent and you remember the faint gleam of scales after falling unconscious.

"Alright, let's keep going." You said standing up, brushing off the sand from your pants and reluctantly walked towards what you knew was waiting for you down the beach.

It wasn't there...

You walked up to the scene from your dream. A large crimson stone sat in the sand, looking to have tumbled there. A few feet away partially hidden by debris where more corpses. You drew the knife from the sheath and walked closer looking behind the large debris.

Four corpses lay in the sand, but the scene was a bit different from the one you'd woken up by. One of the corpses lay on its back, its hands sprawled out with a bloody sword in one hand. Its head was lying a few feet away lying in the tide. A second sword stuck out of one of the corpse's eyes, while the other two had their heads caved in like the ones you'd woken up beside. The whole beach was stained crimson, but one of the biggest pools of blood lay a good deal away from the four corpses. Where a blue eye'd form had been sitting over a corpse in your dream, a corpse that was now missing.

Tery threw up again, you joined him but ended up simply dry heaving. Rida didn't take part, but instead started walking towards the treeline. You followed him, but stopped to stare at the scene before you after a few feet.

Three more corpses lay near the treeline, or well you weren't even sure if you could call them corpses anymore. The man from your dream lay partially in the grass, half of his head missing. A few feet away sat his severed arm, as well as a severed leg a bit further behind it. At the treeline was a body that looked completely intact, apart from a chunk of flesh missing from its forearm. It was entangled in branches almost five feet up into a tree. Below it was the torso of a woman her intestines stretched out behind, two severed legs lying almost ten feet back near the man from your dream.

Rida moved closer to the tree and let out a small yell as the woman's torso lurched towards him. Well attempted to, it stretched out its arms and let out a snarl, its eyes showing a light blue. Rida speared it in the head, the body going limp. He swore trying to get his spear back out of the skull but ended up giving up after a few pulls.

-- Sanity

"What was that." You said a bit panic'd, walking up to Rida.

"Serdroans Curse." He said with a grimace, sighing while taking another look at the carnage. You raised an eyebrow at him, waving your hand to tell him to go on. "The past few days, since those travelers angered Serdroan. Anyone that dies on this island gets possessed by... well what you saw." He sighed again, giving the body stuck in the tree a cold look.

You thought you remembered that the body belonged to the Windspeaker on board the merchant vessel you'd came on. He'd tried teaching you a few spells on changing wind direction, but air magic wasn't your thing. You moved a bit closer, trying to get a better look at the wound on his arm and heard a slight wheeze.

"I think he's still alive." You said grabbing the bodies hand, visualizing the symbols for Touch of Wisdom in your head.

His energy reserves were dangerously low to the point that he had to have been using magic fairly recently and a lot of it. The only wound on his body was the bite on his arm which wasn't going to stop bleeding any time soon. If it wasn't closed up in the next half an hour or so he'd bleed out. Personal details floated there as well, you tried blocking it out but it was no use. He loved boasting about his air magic, and thought of himself as one of the best Windspeaker in the realm. To go along with that he was incredibly bitter towards most forms of leadership. There was darkness somewhere in his past, the loss of someone he deeply cared for but it was foggy and it was starting to dissipate.

You shook yourself, shaking the personal details about this man out of your head. You'd never get used to the gross feeling that invading someone's mind left on you.

"Tery we need you over here." You called out, Tery was slowly walking over trying to not look down at the scene. He ran up at your call though, the potted plant bouncing in his arms. "Can you cure this wound." You said pointing towards the Windspeaker's arm.

He nodded and you watched as he lay a small net over the wound like Ellel had earlier with Flint but on a smaller scale. He then moved a ball of mana onto it, the net holding it in place and you watched as the muscle regenerated before your eyes.

Ten minutes later the wound was fully healed and you checked his vitals again to see that he was fine, although now even more depleted. Rida pulled the man off the tree and positioned him on his back a bit strained.

You walked back after Rida secured the man. The remainder of the beach was fairly empty, and not worth exploring. You were surprised to see Flint up when you got back to the stretcher. He looked to be half asleep though but seemed to be able to move if a bit reluctant. You where almost half asleep yourself, while it had been about three hours since you woke up. You felt like you'd been through a lot and almost drowning didn't do much for your reserves. Scrying on Flint and the Windspeaker also did a number on your reserves. Rida put the windspeaker on the stretcher so he could carry him easier with the help of Tery.

The path continued alongside the ocean, the sandy beach transitioning into a short grassy overhang. As you walked you explained the scenes on the beach to Flint and Ellel. They both looked fairly disturbed at the news.

After a few minutes of silence Ellel stopped walking, turning towards you and Flint.

"I should tell you something before we get to the village. I think we owe you that much." She sighed, drumming her fingers on the pot she'd taken from Tery earlier. "The place we're going to isn't much of a village. It was actually once used as a fishing outpost, but we've been forced to take residence."

"Does this have to do with those travelers Rida mentioned." Flint spoke up, crossing his arms

Ellel sighed again, giving Rida a tired look. "Yes, one of them attacked our village a few days ago, a portion of us managed to escape. A hundred people once lived here on Kino, now we're down to less than thirty."

"A single person managed to kill almost seventy people?" You said surprised and a bit more than curious.

"We think it was a curse, silent and painless it completely sapped everyone of their health overnight. The only reason we escaped was because we had warning and where the only ones who cared to listen." Her voice cracked a bit as she talked, an expression of dread going over her face.

"If you were warned, then why didn't you try to stop it." Flint asked, looking curious.

Ellel nodded, not taking offence to the question. "We did. All but two died, and those two only managed to escape by running almost as soon as the fight started. It's how we little managed to survive. We went on ahead while the rest where getting ready. "

"Who are these travelers and what did they do, apart from..." You asked falling off letting the question hang in the air. You were really curious about these travelers.

"There were six of them a Mage, a Paladin, A Ranger and a Warrior. Along with a brother and sister. They didn't mean to stop at our island but ended up having to dock here because of a particularly bad storm. Some of the crew from that ship are with us at the outpost currently. They were lucky enough to arrive only a day before our yearly festival that we hold for Serdroan the guardian of this island. Where after a feast in the village square a maiden brings a large basket full of fish to the ruins and gives it to Serdroan as an offering." She grimaced looking into the dirt of the pot. "The Paladin was a bit over zealous about it, more than a few of the villagers heard him muttering about Blasphemy. In the middle of the night after the feast, him and the Mage snuck out and stole the artifact that lets the maiden enter Serdroan's home. The Warrior warned us of what they did, which let us get people together to retrieve the artifact. It was too late however, the Paladin single handedly killed everyone sent to take it back. The two people who got away were able to gather a small amount of us to leave before he got to the village. Those of us remaining are currently staying at the fishing outpost. Those who stayed in the village died and have now been possessed by spirits caused by Serdroans anger." She finally stopped, a bit out of breath after her rant, the weight of her words resting heavy in the air. You couldn't help but think that everything sounded a bit to coincidental, a handful of events lining up perfectly.

For the remainder of the walk the five of you stayed silent, the only sound being the crunch of dirt underfoot until you reached the outpost. A crude wall stood beside the path, it looked to be made of ship parts and thin planks. Ten or so feet in from both sides stood a simple gate, two men with swords standing at it looking fairly out of place. Ellel waved at them as you went through the opening and they nodded back at her. Inside the walls where three buildings and a few open air tents, it looked like only half the people there were up. Small cots were set up underneath the tents, with people sleeping or resting inside them. Everyone who was up was working, reinforcing the wall or helping people take care of those in the cots. You noticed that there weren't many children and didn't want to think about what may have happened to them.

Ellel left shortly after you guys arrived, going into the fishing shed at the far side of the outpost. Rida and Tery dropped the Windspeaker off into a cot, while Flint threw himself into the cot next to him. You thought taking a nap sounded amazing but you wanted to find something out first.

"Hey, is the Warrior or Ranger that Ellel talked about around?" You said walking up to Tery who was moving towards the building Ellel just vanished inside.

"No they left almost as soon as we'd grouped everyone up. No idea where to but I don't think they went back to the village" You nodded and let him head out, going inside the building. You headed back to the tent full of cots and took the one next to Flint. People stared at you and the people you came here with, but you were too tired to care. You took off your boots and lay your bag on the dirt, falling asleep seconds after your head hit the pillow.


"...could use your sword." You were coaxed out of your sleep by a loud whisper coming from your left. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, propped yourself up and looked around a bit groggily.

"I'm feeling a lot better, what do you need done." Flint said sounding a bit groggy himself. You looked over to see three men that you hadn't seen before, kneeling by Flint's cot.

"We've barely been able to fish the past few days and our food stocks are almost completely gone. The elders want a few of us to go to the village and try to get some of the food from the storehouse there. Elder Ellel said you were up to date on what's going on, so you'd understand why we'd want someone who knows how to use a blade along." An older man with just the faint hint of grey at his temples spoke. There was an old looking long-sword at his waist, and his clothes were lined with hard leather. The other two men only wore cloth but they were both armed, One had two axes strapped to his belt. While the other had a bundle of fishing spears on his back, along with a kettle helmet that seemed a bit overkill.

Flint nodded, sitting up in the cot, he got ready to go with them.

What do you do? [It's about 9pm, you only have time for one of these]
[] Say your going with them.
[] Let them go, stay back and help with what you can, try to gather more information about what's going on.
[] Go into your headspace.
[] (Write in!)

Other options
-[] Convince Flint to stay back
-[] Get them to go in the morning
-[] [You took one of the swords from the beach before leaving] (You don't have to go back for this, just assume that you grabbed it earlyier in the post.)
-[](Write in!)


Sorry for the info dump, it just happened that we learned a lot in this part. Although it might seem like I just went, boom here's everything that's going on. I can tell you that this is just the surface, there is plenty more happening that we don't know anything about.

This part also took me longer then expected, this week was just busyier then I thought it would be which is why its 2 days late.

Also just a reminder this isn't a mechanic heavy quest but it does have 3 notable stats, two of which are hidden and the third isn't currently very prevalent but will become more used once we start resting.
The two hidden stats are Sanity and Energy, which i'll mark when each of them go up or down.
The third stat is Ts, standing for Time Spent. I'll go into it in more depth during our next interlude, but its essentially this quests version of exp kinda. It's time spent training/learning spells or skills, certain spells and skills take more time then others. Like I said ill elaborate on that more later, since it doesn't matter right now.
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[X] Say your going with them.
-[X] Convince Flint to stay back

Somenone injured will cause issues when a fight happens

You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

"Serdroans Curse." He said with a grimaced, and sighed taking another look at the carnage around him. You raised an eyebrow at him, and waved your hand telling him to go on. "The past few days, since those travelers angered Serdroan. Anyone that dies on this island gets possessed by... well what you saw." He sighed again, giving the body stuck in the tree a cold look.

Odds of Amelia having died and been brought back to life have gone up along with the odds the boat was attack because she was on it in my mind.
Flints not currently injured although he should still be fairly tired and not at 100%.

For your speculation, you'll need to wait and see <3
[X] Say your going with them.
-[X] Get them to go in the morning
-[X] [You took one of the swords from the beach before leaving] (You don't have to go back for this, just assume that you grabbed it earlyier in the post.)
[X] Say your going with them.
-[X] Get them to go in the morning
-[X] [You took one of the swords from the beach before leaving] (You don't have to go back for this, just assume that you grabbed it earlyier in the post.)
Interlude- Mechanics
Current vote right now, i'm a bit overwhelmed by all the votes
  1. [X] Say your going with them.
    -[X] Get them to go in the morning
    -[X] [You took one of the swords from the beach before leaving] (You don't have to go back for this, just assume that you grabbed it earlyier in the post.)
    Number of voters: 2

    wingstrike96, veekie
  2. [X] Say your going with them.
    -[X] Convince Flint to stay back
    Number of voters: 1


Hey if ur liking the quest so far drop a vote. It shows me that your interested in the quest and helps me Gage if I'm doing everything alright.

Along with that, criticism is always something I appreciate. I spent my early years on the web in animation forums. Where CnC was brutal and detailed. I always appreciate anything that I can build off of and improve my work.

Heres a bit on learning Skills and a bit more explanation on Sanity and Energy

Sanity is a mechanic in the game which effects our characters mental health, how much shit she can take until she snaps essentially. Messing with dead bodies, murdering someone, watching her friends get murdered or getting killed her self. Will all effect Sanity and change how our character looks at the world. Now as the quest goes on her resilience will increase, she'll probably get better at killing people, get used to dying even maybe. But eventually, inevitably she will snap and how she snaps all depends on the circumstances that she's in. She might just crack a little bit, have an urge to see someone dead no matter what, not caring about her own mortality or others. Or she might snap completely and be thrown useless for a while until she's able to bring herself out of it, for better or worse.

There are things we can do to raise her sanity, organizing our headspace and rationalizing our past experiences are a big one. Simply taking time off and not just focusing on the task ahead is one to, although that could lead to unpredictable repercussions.

Energy is pretty basic, what we do and how much we exert ourselves effects Amelia. Training hard and then going right for the throat really exhausts her, and focusing to much on certain tasks might not just effect energy but also Sanity.

Spells take energy as well, Spirit spells are the easiest for us to cast so they take barely any energy for us to use unless its an advanced spell. Void and Reality magic are our second easiest to use, it takes us more energy but we can still use those spells effectively. For us elemental magic is whats difficult, we can use elemental magic but its exhausting we need to use excess null magic in order to guide it which really taxes our reserves. So technically we can literally do anything as long as we conserve energy and pay attention to how much we're using up. Its a hidden stat, but ill give hints and messages as to how low it is.

Learning Spells/Skills, and creating new spells and skills.
Time spent is the main thing that I wanted to go over here, its something that isn't currently prevalent but will be eventually if not the next post then in a few.

Timespent is, when we have time we can allocate into learning/creating a spell or training/creating new physical techniques. Our headspace helps us a lot with spell based work, and martial training. It gives us a space where we gain extra time to focus on learning and gives a safe area for us to experiment.

Ts to exp conversion is pretty simple, 4 hours of training by ourselves within the headspace is worth 2 point of experience towards that skill. While 1 hour of being taught a skill, outside or within our headspace (by another person or entity) is worth 2 .5 points of experience. A very good teacher might be able to get us 3 points of experience per hour taught.

4 hours of personal training = 2 exp
1 hour of being taught = 2.5 exp

For example, if lets say Flint was to teach us how to use a sword.

Basic Sword Training = 0/5. (Takes five experience to learn)

By ourselves it would take us 12 hours within our head-space, while it would take 2 outside. This is just a basic skill though, which is why it only costs 5 exp.

For martial specializations there are 4 skill levels per, basic, adept, advanced and Master

Basic = 0/5
Adept = 0/10
Advanced = 0/30
Master = 0/60

Pretty basic scale, points do not transfer over so in total it would cost 90 points to reach Master.

Spells are similar although different because of our affinities.

We have a much easier time rationalizing and learning spells of spirit and a bit less of an easier time learning spells of void and reality. While elemental magic takes the most amount of time for us. Being taught a spell still gives us the same amount of experience as being taught a skill would, 2 for training yourself and 2.5 for someone teaching you. 3 if the teacher is very good. Because of our spellsaver spell, we can take any spell we've seen and focus time into it to learn it ourselves, getting an understanding of it without investing in it.

There's another step for spells though since all spells use symbols, it costs a low amount to learn the spell but increased time to learn the spell well enough to be able to use it by visualizing the symbols. A step past that is breaking down the spell and understanding it to the point where you can create new spells off of it. (but ill get into that further below)

For example lets say we're trying to learn a spell. This is what it would be like for learning it with affinity, with a minor affinity and with no affinity, breaking each of those spells apart and understanding a spell. (ill explain what that entails below this example)

Affinity - Understanding = 0/5
Affinity - Drawn Symbols = 0/2
Affinity - Visualization = 0/5
Affinity - Break Apart = 0/10

Minor Affinity - Understanding = 0/10
Minor Affinity - Drawn symbols = 0/5
Minor Affinity - Visualization = 0/10
Minor Affinity - Break apart = 0/25

No Affinity - Understanding = 0/25
No Affinity - Drawn symbols = 0/10
No Affinity - Visualization = 0/25
No Affinity - Break apart = 0/50

Breaking apart spells, to upgrade or learn new ones.
Breaking apart a spell lets Amelia look at the spell more objectively and learn how to improve or add onto it for different results. It's a system for us to learn and develop our spells and create new things that we hadn't thought of. As well as upgrading existing spells. Breaking apart a spell is just a way of analyzing it and doesn't do anything to our knowledge of the spell, apart from adding onto it.

Understanding is a bit more then just learning how to go about using a spell, whenever you break apart a spell. You'll also gain knowledge of that kind of spell (Spiritual Healing, Empowerment,Banishment etc) and be able to invest time into it so you can learn more applications within that field. Essentially by breaking apart a spell, you can then gain the foundation for learning and creating other spells that might use similar applications. (see the example below) Not all spells have direct spells that relate to it and breaking apart some spells will just give knowledge and no upgrade. Investing into something that would give us knowledge of something we already know, just gives bonus exp to that knowledge.

For example-
Lets say we just invested 10 exp into Basic Mending, so we could break it apart.

This leads into a few breakthroughs and gives us a few things that we can try to understand.
We'd then be able to immediately invest 5 exp into 'Adept Mending' to understand it then 2 more to learn how to properly use it. (then 5 more to visualize, etc)

We'd also gain knowledge of 'Faith Healing' which if we invested 5 exp into that, could lead to other healing spells apart from just Mending. (If you invest into an idea, like 'Faith Healing' I'll give you guys a few options to choose from every time you invest into it.)

Here's a list of things that we can invest into currently. (Ill throw this into our character sheet, once the next post is up)
[If theirs anything else that you think i'm forgetting please say]
Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

Break apart
Basic Mending = 0/10
Eye of Magus = 0/10
Basic Banishment = 0/10
Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
SpellSaver = 0/10

Spirit Magic

Nature Net- You watched Ellel cast a net of nature mana over Flint
Ball of Healing- A ball of mana that she used to cure wounds.

I want this to be an ever scaling system that rewards us for investing time and effort into it, as well as creativity. Everything is organized, and it shouldn't get complicated or get out of hand.
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1.5 Aftermath and Questions
Amelia Seyrunn
Black Hair / Green Eyes

  • Amelia was born in the 3rd month of fall, in the year 979'pt. To Lord Gaidel of House Seyrunn and Lady Elayne of Londerwin, a political marriage to formally ally the two houses which in the past had a good deal of issues.

    Amelia spent her younger years brought up by nannies, that's not to say her mother was never around. Her mother tried to give Amelia as much time as she could, but the life of a Lady of a Great House is busy.

    As Amelia got older her parents began taking her to the castle, as well as court so she could start learning how to be a lady. While she was at the castle Amelia would often sneak away from her maids and go watch the knights train. In particular she would always go in search of her older brother Ander, so she could watch him training. He was usually the one forced to bring her back to her maids after he'd find her wandering around. She always looked up to her older brother, and just being a child, she always imagined a future where she was a knight.

    It was during one of those incursions that she met a young girl named Siuan watching the knights spar up in Amelia's favorite spot. Siuan had similar dreams, but she also had to crush Amelia's by telling her that girls can't be knights. Amelia didn't believe her and thought that was dumb, so she convinced Siuan that they could train just like the knights.

    After that whenever Amelia was in the castle she'd run off to go play with Siuan, pretending to be knights or playing hero. Siuan turned out to be Siuan Paendrag, second daughter and fourth child to Uther Paendrag the King of Herindal. That didn't stop them from playing of course, there fathers always got along. They thought it was good that there daughters had a friend, although both were fairly baffled at their preference towards toy swords instead of dolls. Siuans older brother would often make fun of them and berate them for it. Constantly reminding them of how they couldn't become knights and that there weren't any women heroes that used swords. As the two of of them grew up they learned to not like the sword, Siuan enjoyed using the bow and would often go hunting with her siblings. While Amelia found it more reliable to use her hands and would often attempt to wrestle with the servant children, along with a not so enthusiastic Siuan.

    When Amelia's brother was thirteen he left to go train at a temple dedicated to the aspect of Justice, which trained knights into paladins. It was thought highly of and was something that most if not all nobles did with there sons. Around that time her father started taking her with him to oversee his lands. She'd watch him talk to people about their problems, see some people be angry with him and watch him talk them down. He'd handle issues, while enforcing things that he thought were the best for his realm. It was a very sobering experience for her at a young age, the contrast between her life of luxury in her mansion and the city. To seeing how people actually lived, working for their income and earning the food on their table. That wasn't to say she didn't think her father worked for everything they had, she knew he did and knew he had little free time. But those visits really helped Amelia grow as a person, and prepared her for the future.

    A little after Amelia's twelfth birthday her mother passed away attempting to give birth to there third child. Amelia had been beyond excited to have another sibling, and had spent months preparing herself to be an older sister. Her only sibling had been Ander at that point who'd been away training with her uncle for the past six years. He visited every so often, but never as long as Amelia wanted. The passing of Elayne Seyrunn reverberated throughout the kingdom. Her being the daughter of the head of House Londerwin, and the wife to the head of House Seyrunn. That was the first and only time in her life that she'd seen her father cry. The first time she thought of her father as just a man. Till that point he may as well have been a hero out of legend. She looked up to him, respected his ability to lead and thought of him as an untouchable wall. It was at that moment when that image cracked. When she held her father as he cried over the body of his wife and unborn child. It was then, when that image of heroes and great warriors, crumbled for her. She realized that behind all those great deeds, lay regular men, who felt loss and heartbreak like anyone else. Ander visited for the funeral but he wasn't able to stay very long, he spent the majority of his time there with Amelia though. Showing her cool magic and sword techniques that he'd learnt. He was obviously hurting under the surface but he really tried to hide it from Amelia.

    Siuan started visiting more after that, sometimes her father the King would come along so he could visit with Amelia's father. Who also paid more attention to her, going as far as to actually teach her some of the things she'd remembered him showing Ander before he left. A few months after the death of her mother. Amelia's father asked if she'd like to go off and train at a monastery or temple, like most noble men did once they reached 13. She said no at first not wanting to leave her father alone. But changed her mind when he told her that the king was asking Siuan the same thing and that Ander would be returning as a full fledged Paladin before she left.

    A year later, a bit after her thirteenth birthday Amelia left Herindal with Siuan to the continent of Sygewyn. After landing in Dragonshore, Amelia went to the Monastery of Wisdom on the coast of the kingdom of Valoria. While Siuan went to the Monastery of Sacrifice in the Howling Mountains, which lay in no kingdom at the edge of the Bloostained Wilds.

    Life at the monastery was a good deal different from Amelia's life back at home. Once she arrived and her guards left, she was forced to strip down completely. Handing over all of her possessions, which they then burned to ash. She was then given cloth and thread, then was told that she must make her own robes. It was apparently what they did with all new initiates, shedding material possessions and all they had been beforehand. Being 'reborn' and brought into a world where possessions were more than just items. It was a lesson to remind you of all you'd taken for granted. Well, Amelia had definitely taken modesty for granted, that week was one of the worst in her life. She could only work on the robes in her free time. Which were three one hour intervals a day and she was so exhausted at the end of the day that working on the robe wasn't a concern. No one cared about her nudity, they were used to it and it was a mixed monastery. But she wasn't used to it, once she'd actually finished with a robe someone mentioned how they'd thought her face was just naturally pink.

    She slowly became accustomed to living there, they awakened her to magic and taught her the basics. They pounded lessons on the goddess, lessons of temperance and of wisdom into her head. She was forced to go over every thing she knew through her headspace and organize all her thoughts. All the happy memories, all the embarrassing ones and all the depressing ones, it was an exercise on knowledge. Once done, with everything completely organised in her head she was able to find any and all that she knew, at least with a little searching. Afterwards it was just upkeep, she visualized memories as documents, shards of knowledge within her headspace. So once a week she'd sort through those papers, and organize them. Instructors would often quiz initiates to make sure there mental studies where in order. She actually saw someone get kicked out for not caring about organizing there headspace. He was called slothful and uncaring about the wisdom of the goddess and banished with nothing but enough rations to reach the nearest town.

    At the Monastery the monks encouraged Amelia's fighting prowess, kicking her ass in combat and forcing her to go over techniques. It was some of the most fun she had there, she loved wrestling on the ground with recruits. She was fast, much faster than anyone else there, instructors included. Now that didn't make up for her lack of skill however, she was to forward to ambitious in attacks, even now she has issues with over extending or going for incredibly risky moves.

    After close to seven years at the monastery, (about 6 and a half) she received a letter from her father. Telling her that he'd sent a group of guards to come and get her and bring her back to court. She didn't wait for the guards to fetch her, a few days after she received the letter she'd set out by herself to go back to Herindal. It was a three week journey to Dragonshore from the monastery, Amelia managed the best she could. The monks gave her gold before she left, so she didn't starve on her way, although she did indulge. In Dragonshore, even though she was essentially broke she somehow managed to convince a merchant's captain to give her passage. "It would be an honour, to give passage to a lady of a Great House." He'd said, it probably helped that he was heading to her uncle's port. With that Amelia set out to Herindal, heading east towards the continent and country that she used to call home.

  • Martial
    Adept Hand to Hand
    You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

    Focused Finesse
    You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.


    Basic Mending
    A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.

    Eye of Magus
    You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.

    Basic Banishment
    You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

    A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practice spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practice spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

    Touch of Knowledge
    By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

    Spell Saver
    Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.

    You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

    You're fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of you while your in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.

    You tend to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for your to lose sanity.

    You tend to get distracted fairly easily and do things without thinking of the consequences. If your interested or want something, you have a tendency to do whatever you can to get or learn about it.

    Socially Tactless
    You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.


    An early life at court has taught you that fair deals and encounters usually end off serving both parties the best. At a young age you discovered that a one sided deal only benefits the person who's getting a better deal. Which usually ends up biting them in the ass down the road anyways.

    Knowledge / Misc
    Outdated Political Knowledge
    You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight great houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

    Basic Geological Knowledge
    You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

    Advanced Religious Knowledge
    You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about the Goddess.

    Basic Court Etiquette
    Even after seven years without using cutlery or talking "properly". You still remember which spoon to use for soup and which to use for dessert. Although the proper customs for balls and other formal gatherings have slipped your mind. You were never one to care much about that thing, it's amazing that you can still use a fork.

  • Martial
    Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
    Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

    Break apart
    Basic Mending = 0/10
    Eye of Magus = 0/10
    Basic Banishment = 0/10
    Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
    SpellSaver = 0/10

    Learn [Spell Saver]
    Major Affinity
    Spirit Magic
    Minor Affinity
    Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
    No Affinity
    Summon Servant = 0/25
    Ball of Light = 0/25
    Light Footed = 0/25
    Heavy Hand = 0/25
    Nature Net = 0/25
    Ball of Healing = 0/25

Last Vote
[X] Say your going with them.
-[X] Get them to go in the morning
-[X] [You took one of the swords from the beach before leaving] (You don't have to go back for this, just assume that you grabbed it earlier in the post.)

| Aftermath and Questions |

"I'm going with." You said stretching lazily, all four men turned to stare making you uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry miss... This is going to be dangerous, there's a high chance that you'd get hurt." The older man said awkwardly, wincing at your glare. You knew he was going to say something like that, but it didn't stop your glare.

"I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself." You moved the blanket and put your legs over the cot facing the three men fully. "When are you planning on setting out?" The men were armed so it was probably soon, although you didn't see why they'd leave in the middle of the night.

"We'll be leaving within the hour, but your not coming along." The guy wearing the kettle helm spoke up, you made a point to glare extra hard at him. You got up and started walking towards the three men standing over Flint's cot.

"I don't think you can stop me." You grabbed the man's helmet and danced away as he cursed grabbing the the helmet. You put the helmet on feeling a good deal more energetic than earlier.

"Amelia, give the man his hat back." Flint said failing to sound serious, trying to conceal a smile as he sat at the end of his cot.

"If you can get your helmet back, then I won't go with you." You said pointing up at the helmet a mischievous grin on your face.

"Sir..." The now helmetless guy sighed staring at the older man. Who answered by gesturing towards you looking amused and curious. A defeated look crossed your oppositions face as he started moving towards you.

Once he was about an arm's length away he lunged his arms going straight for the hat. You faded left and put out your leg tripping him as he stumbled through the space you'd previously occupied. He cursed the whole way down, catching himself before his head slammed against the packed dirt. He was off the ground in seconds and went straight for a lunge ignoring the helmet just trying to get you down on the ground. You jumped between two cots and he missed again, his hand just grazing your leg as he fell.

You stepped over him to get back in the open, but as you stepped down he grabbed your ankle and tugged sending you to the dirt with him. You yelped grabbing the helmet as you fell and just managed to turn around mid fall air so your butt got bruised instead of your face. He was on you in seconds and tried pinning you the helmet just out of his reach. You slid up out of his grasp easily. His grip loosened the second his forearm came in contact with your butt. Your face heated as you realised why he he had, partially out of embarrassment but mainly because u didn't think he was taking this seriously. You kneed him in the chest pushing him back and letting you get on top. A seconds struggle had him in a hold, one arm stuck under his body your knee on his throat and his free arm at an angle that would break it if he struggled.

"That's enough, we don't need you killing the man." You let go of his arm as the older man spoke up a smile still on his face. Your body was now covered in dirt, your shirt even dirtier than it had been earlier.

"You can come." The still helmetless man said sounding a bit defeated. "Can you use that." He pointed at the sword lying in the dirt next to your cot. You'd grabbed the bare blade from the beach while you were leaving. At the time you didn't want to try and take the sheath from the dead man's belt, but it was a bit inconvenient just carrying it.

"Enough to not kill myself with it." You said a bit evasive, you hadn't practised with a sword since you were eleven and even then they were just wooden. You still remembered enough not to stab yourself or mortally put anyone in danger with it being in your hand. Or at least you didn't think you'd be that bad with it...

"Well that'll have to do. Follow us then, we need to grab the baskets then we'll be on our way." The older man said as he started to walk towards a pile of large fishing baskets.

"Wait." You said getting everyone's attention again.

"What's it now?" He said turning around raising an eyebrow at you.

"We shouldn't leave until the morning."

"And why is that?" He sighed folding his arms, his eyebrow still raised.

"There's no way those things see the same way we do. If I had to bet they see nothing but magical energy, which means going at night won't help us at all. Actually if anything it'll hinder us and make us easier targets." You explained what you thought of the creatures, they brought up possession and spirits see mana not light.

He sighed, nodding his head slowly "I'll go talk to the elders and see if they agree with you." He walked away and vanished into the building you saw Tery and Ellel go into when you arrived.

"I'm Flint and this bossy one here's Amelia." You frowned at his comment and walked over to sit on the edge of your cot facing the two men. The helmetless man had medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. The other man's hair was shaved less than half an inch from his skull, his eyes were blue.

"I'm Eldin." The spear guy responded, frowning up at his helmet that you still wore.

"I'm Raffin." The man with two axes responded "Mason's the one that just left, he's in charge of this expedition." The four of you exchanged names and after a silent minute Mason came back out of the building.

"The Elder's agree, we'll be leaving in the morning so get some rest." Mason called out while walking towards the four of you. They all agreed and started spreading out finding empty cots.

"I can teach you how to use that." Flint said after everyone left, pointing towards the sword on the ground.

"Maybe tomorrow, get some sleep i'm sure your tired." Flint nodding at your response and lay back down in his cot. You took suit, falling to sleep after a good deal of tossing and turning.


You were sharply woken up by the clash of steel against steel, four armed men stood before you. One had his sword drawn a shield in his other hand looking ready to strike. You tumbled onto the other side of the bed, bracing yourself to run when you realised where you where.

"Rise and Shine." Flint said a shit eating grin covering his face. The thing you'd mistaken for a 'Shield' was the helmet you stole from Eldin last night. Which Flint had obviously banged his sword against to wake you up. The three others stood around you, all of them had big baskets strapped to there back while Mason had one tucked under his arm for you. They all had huge smirks on their faces, Eldin looking especially smug.

You got up off your belongings, thankful that you decided to put rest the sword on the other side of the cot. While you put your boots on and got your stuff in order Mason briefed the four of you.
"This isn't going to be overly complicated." Mason started. "We'll follow the path for a mile then go into the forest where Eldin will guide us to the village. Eldin will take us directly behind the storage shed and we'll hopefully be in and out without any trouble." Everyone nodded. You stood up leaving your bag and put your basket on carrying it like a backpack. There were more cots than people so you were probably fine to leave your bag here. There was less than thirty people in the camp if someone did steal it, it wouldn't be hard to find. The five of you walked towards the entrance Mason leading and the rest of you close behind.

As the five of you left Ellel and a young woman came into the camp followed by three men, one of which radiated magical energy. As they neared you noticed that the two men were armed and had their spears pointed towards the third man. Who was being carried by what looked like a ball of water that kept him immobile, sliding across the ground turning the dirt into mud behind it. The woman beside Ellel wore a traditional white dress embroidered down the sleeves with blue serpents. Her hair was a long light blue that matched her sharp blue eyes. You waved at Ellel as they walked by who nodded back and gave you a warm smile. The woman beside her stared at your sword for a few seconds then snorted a condescending smirk playing over her face.

"Is that..." You heard Flint start, followed by the sound of steel on leather. You followed his gaze to the man wrapped in water and froze as your eyes locked with pure blue pits. Water moved up from the blob carrying it, covering its head and keeping it locked in place, its mouth submerged.

You shivered forcing yourself to look away, and continued to follow the other three who hadn't froze at the sight.

"What are they doing bringing that thing into the village?" Flint said as he caught up to the group, his sword back in its scabbard.

"They're attempting to cure it, or atleast find a way to banish the spirit from the corpse." Riffan said seriously.

"Isn't it dangerous bringing it into the middle of the camp." Flint pushed

"No, it's a spiritual disease that only effects the dead. Anyone that dies on this island will get possessed at least that's what happened so far."

"If they're dead then what's the point of trying to cure it?"

"They aren't really trying to cure it, they're dead and we all know that. But everyone here has lost people, even Mason and Riffan here who came on the other ship lost friends. It's more of a nice gesture, to show that they're trying to save the people we lost." Eldin answered somberly. The five of you broke into the treeline walking down a well worn path that was maybe four feet wide.

"You two were on the other ship?" You asked Mason and Riffan curious.

"Yeah I was part of the crew, we hired Mason here at Queensbay after one of our old guards quit. We should have arrived days ago but there was no way the boat would have survived that storm." Riffan answered

"Hey I was a guard onboard our ship to, they picked me up in Dragonshore though." Flint said nudging Mason, who stared at him for a few seconds as if judging Flint.

"I wouldn't have guessed that, most guards were once soldiers. You don't come off like the soldier type."

"I can handle a blade just fine, i've had good teachers." Flint said defensively

"That's not what I meant. I'm sure your fine with a sword, maybe better than me but I doubt it. You're still innocent, I don't think you've ever actually used that blade to kill a man. If you had you wouldn't handle it so freely." Flint broke eye contact with Mason looking forwards not saying anything in response.

"That's not a bad thing" Mason kept staring at Flint as he talked. "Take it from someone who's killed more than his fair share of men. Taking a life is easy, it's quick and rational in the moment. It's afterwards when you have time to think, when you start comparing those lives to your own. Its then when that soul bares on your own and you realize just how delicate a life is. Just how much power you hold in that blade and how easy it is to take it for granted."

"My god, you really know how to kill a conversation Mason." Raffin took a few strides forwards taking the lead and turned around walking backwards staring at the four of you.

"Sorry..." Mason said rubbing the back of his neck a bit embarrassed. The sword in your hand feeling a bit heavier after Mason's speech.

"Don't be." Flint said still fairly somber. You thought it was unfair for Mason to just go off on Flint. But they both seemed to be taking it seriously and Flint looked to be thinking it over.

"Watch ou-." Eldin said a second too late, Raffin tripping over something partially taking up the path. He cursed, landing on his back and then swore again crawling back from what you could now see was a corpse.

A man lay partially in the brush, his legs just sticking out of the treeline. The four of you stopped preparing just encase it was more than just a corpse. Looking into the bush you saw that there was a clean hole through the corpse's head, maybe the diameter of your pinky. To match it was a hole about the size of your head punched straight through the man's chest, the wound as clean as the one on his head. You studied his face and something struck you as familiar? Maybe someone from the ship or someone you'd seen around the village earlier.

"Gerald, I was wondering where he went off to." Mason said thinking outloud.

"The Warrior from the ship? Raffin asked, getting up from the path. Regrouping with the rest of you.

"Yeah, no sign of that girl he was constantly following though." Mason looked around for a second but didn't seem to find anything. "I'll get people to bring him back with the rest of the corpses later." The four of you started walking but Eldin stayed in place looking at the tree line.

"This would be a good spot for us to diverge, we're getting pretty close to the village." Eldin said. You all nodded, letting him take the lead as he went into the forest. No one was up for talking which suited the mood just fine, Mason's scolding followed by the corpse didn't do much to make you all light and cheerful. Eldin paused every so often to orient himself and then continued walking. After what felt like an hour of walking, the outlines of buildings started appearing through the tree's. Mason put a finger to his lips, reminding everyone to be quiet.

Eldin brought all of you to what looked like the back of a fairly large building, the tree's still thick enough that you couldn't see much else. Eldin tried moving into the open but Raffin grabbed the back of his shirt and pointed towards a human like form coming from between the buildings. Raffin moved past Eldin removing both the axes from his belt and moved forwards.

"Wait!" Mason whispered loudly trying to stop Raffin who had already broken the tree line. Raffin waved Mason away with his axe and continued to move up towards the form that had yet to notice him. You felt magic in the air and he moved faster than a man his size should be able to without much of a start.

With the back of one axe he swung low at it's knee's, bone breaking with an audible crack. As it fell he raised his other axe and with another surge of magic swung it down right at the things head. It made contact and continued down with increasing speed. It's head hit the ground but the axe kept going the head exploding as the axe thunked into the grass underneath. Raffin cursed under his breath shaking his axe free of what remained of the things head, his arm covered in crimson ichor.

Mason glared at Raffin as the rest of you cleared the treeline, "We have no idea how many of those things are crawling around here, don't rush out like that." Mason scolded

"They're not things... They were and may still be people." Eldin spoke up the last to leave the tree's and looked down at the body "The man you just killed was named Perrin our only blacksmith here on Nino. His daughter's back at the outpost and still doesn't understand what happened to her parents." Eldin glared, Raffin responded with a look mixed between chagrined and annoyance.

"How are we supposed to get in?" You asked looking at the bare walls of the building, hoping to move everyone away from the topic at hand.

"The only entrance is in the front, there aren't any windows or other doors." Eldin responded visibly shaking his head to clear it.

"Let's be quiet and quick, hopefully we can get in and out." Mason responded with a glance towards Raffin who just smiled at him. Mason moved forwards taking the lead and watching his step. Everyone waited for Mason to reach the end of the ally and then followed when he waved for the all clear.

You where the third to make it out and see a disturbing kind of scene that had started to become commonplace since you'd woken up. Four corpses lay splattered on the road which seemed to wind up into what you could faintly make out as a village center. The forms of people moved around just barely in sight. But there was no activity to be seen around the storage house.


Apart from the remnants of what look like two men a woman and to your dismay a child. Holes just like you'd seen on Gerald's corpse earlier where prominent, whole chunks of flesh missing. No one stayed outside for long, Mason quickly opened the large door to the storage house and the five of you hurried inside.

The building was dark, the only light coming from the partially open door that no one wanted to leave open. A surge of magic came from Mason and a bright ball of fire appeared in front of him and floated up above all of your heads illuminating the open area within.

The building was cold but not overly so, the wall was lined with grain bins that looked partially full. The majority of the food looked to be down a set of stairs in a cold storage.

Flint and Raffin removed there basket's and grabbing cloths from a pile near the door. Then lined their baskets with the cloth so they could start filling them with grain. The rest of you went down the stairs. After a few steps it suddenly became incredibly cold and you could feel the workings of an enchantment. Mason produced a smaller ball of fire and had it explore the room for a second before you all got to the bottom. Bags of fish where suspended from the ceiling in what looked like fishing nets, the wall covered in shelves filled with all kinds of jars. Some looked to be honey while others were bigger bottles of milk and other substances. Casks of ale and rum sat on stands around the room as well, pushed up against the wall underneath the shelves.

The three of you took your baskets from your backs and got to filling them with fish. Eldin cursed behind you, followed by the sound of him drawing a spear. You turned around and almost jumped back yourself seeing yet another corpse resting against the stairs. You hadn't seen it earlier, since it was in the dark. A blonde woman sat slumped against the wall, her head completely untouched. A hole about the size of a fist punched through the right side of her chest.

"Thats Marie isn't it. I thought she was at the outpost." Eldin asked walking carefully towards the corpse and poked it with his spear. "She's not re animated..." He said sounding thoughtful "I thought they always reanimated unless you messed with there head."

Mason shrugged grabbing some of the jars from the shelf, throwing them into the basket on top of some fish. You went back to filling your basket, filling it with fish and then throwing some jars in like Mason had done.

The basket was heavy, really heavy. But nothing you couldn't manage, the monks had made you carry dead animals on your back after hunts. This was similar and actually a thousand times more comfortable to boot. The three of you went back upstairs with your now full baskets, Eldin looked to be struggling a bit with the weight of his.

"Problem? We heard you cursing." Raffin asked, him and Flint already ready to go.

"Marie from the outpost is down there dead." Eldin responded looking troubled.

Raffin grunted matching Eldin's expression "I think I saw her last evening at dinner. Maybe she was looking for her brother. He was left behind in the village and she was pretty attached to him on the ship." Raffin answered curious, "I'll make sure to tell the Elders so they don't put out a search for her." Mason and Eldin nodded, Flint going on ahead peeking his head outside the door then waving that it was still clear. As everyone left you noticed figures at the end of the path a bit closer. But it didn't look like they were actually watching you or anything.

The group of you returned to the forest quickly, Eldin taking the lead to bring you all back to the path and outpost.

"Why do you use axes instead of a sword?" You asked Raffin genuinely curious the silence becoming unbearable.

"I'm a Relyri." He answered. "We guard the southern mountains in Valoria from the savage wild tribes." He said with a smirk making defencive movements with his hands "It's one of the main weapon styles we use to defend the border, a sword is great and all. But the tribes mainly use spears and javelins. An axe is just as good thrown as it is close quaters. I was actually taught to always use a shield, but I didn't think a shield would do me much good against these creatures." Raffin did look a bit different from the four of you now that you actually looked at him, his hair was a light red which wasn't that different. But his skin was darker than the lighter skin that people from Herindal and eastern Valoria mainly had.

The five of you broke into a clearing and Eldin paused looking around "I think I went a bit to far east, the path should be due south from here." He said moving out into the clearing a bit more, a small half collapsed cabin sat in the clearing. Curious you walked past everyone and walked towards the cabin peaking your head inside. You yelped jumping back at the sight inside. A body lay in pieces inside the cabin the walls splattered with crimson blood. The body was so mangled you couldn't pull much information about it. You thought they were probably female, with blonde hair that looked so light that it was almost white. It was a little comforting knowing that you were still disgusted by such a horrific scene. You'd seen so much death the past day you were worried that you'd start becoming desensitized.

"What is it." Flint said hurrying over to your side and looking into the shed. He cursed and put a hand on your back moving you away from the cabin. You shook him off and moved on your own, you appreciated the gesture but you weren't some lady that needed comforting.

"Another body?" Mason asked with a frown, the two of you nodded and he just sighed. You all left the clearing quickly no one wanting to stay too long. It was as if everywhere you looked there lay a corpse just waiting to be found. Eldin found the path after a few minutes of leaving the clearing and then it was only ten or so minutes from there back to the outpost.

There was a single man standing guard outside who waved you all in. Everyone seemed pleased to see you guys return, the majority of the people looking bored. As you moved through the camp you noticed that the Windspeaker was up. He looked to be active, at steep contrast with how he'd been when you found him in that tree.

Mason led everyone to the smaller of the three buildings which was enchanted to be cold similar to the basement of the storage house. The enchantment was obviously new, mana still thick in the air. The new storehouse was barren except for a few empty barrels. Everyone put down their baskets and left without saying anything. Mason disappearing into the large building while everyone else dispersed going to different places around the outpost. You went to go grab your bag, or at least see if it was still there.

Your bag was still there sitting on the cot, you put the sword down to rest on the post and slung your bag over your shoulder. Turning around you surveyed the camp a bit, not really sure what to do with your free time.

"Excuse me miss..." You heard a small voice speak up, turning you saw a child. Maybe 8? With brown hair tied in a braid behind her back, she had a guilty expression on her face and held a familiar looking item in her hand.

"You can call me Amelia, what's wrong?" You bent down a bit so you were at eye level with her, you made sure to keep a smile on your face.

"We..., I... took this from your bag, i'm sorry I was just curious an-" She proffered the knife looking genuinely scared.

You reached out and took the knife, grabbing her hand in the process. "It's alright, as long as you gave it back and know that it was wrong to take it." You said fairly horrified that you could make a little girl so scared, you squeezed her hand softly and tried to give her your best non threatening smile.

"Really..." She said looking over at your sword, her big child like eyes stared into yours and you could see that she was on the edge of tears. Oh god...

"Yes, Really." You said softly and a bit urgently. Letting go of her hand. "Now go along and play." You said putting your hand on her shoulder and gently pushing her towards the few other kids. You watched as she ran towards them, one of them stopping her and talking to her for a bit before they ran off with each other.

"Oh, Amelia." You turned to see Tery standing a few feet away, he seemed to be in the middle of something. His arms full of dry looking branches and kindling.

You stood up and nodded for him to continue, "We're going to be holding a funeral for everyone who didn't make it from your ship later this evening. Ellel wanted to make sure that you knew i've already told Flint and Darius." Tery said almost dropping his bundle while talking. Whose Darius, you thought to yourself for a few seconds. The Windspeaker probably, the name sounded familiar and it fit with what the three of you had in common. You thanked Tery and he went on his way walking out of the outpost's entrance sticks in tow.

What do you do with the rest of the day [You have 8 Hours, disperse them between tasks. Example- [2] Do...] (plan format please)
[] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3]
[] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3]
[] Play with the children
[] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1]
[] Help around the village
[] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure
[] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1]
[] (Write in!)[Assume it takes an hour if it's something beyond a menial task. If it should take longer then run it by me first]

Few quick notes-
Training with Flint is a 1 hour to 2.5 exp ratio towards swords training.
Training spells in your headspace is a 1 hour to 2 exp ratio.
There is more to do in your headspace apart from just learning spells.
If you guys are curious about how exp works and all that just check the last Thread.

Things that we can invest in-
Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

Break apart
Basic Mending = 0/10
Eye of Magus = 0/10
Basic Banishment = 0/10
Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
SpellSaver = 0/10

Learn [Spell Saver]
Major Affinity
Spirit Magic
Minor Affinity
Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
No Affinity
Summon Servant = 0/25
Ball of Light = 0/25
Light Footed = 0/25
Heavy Hand = 0/25
Nature Net = 0/25
Ball of Healing = 0/25


This part took a while for me to write, and on top of that I waited quite a while to actually start writing it which is why it took so long. Probably the longest part of anything that i've written so far for a quest.

From here on out the posts should be shorter, not because there will be less content but it's going to get more mechanic heavy from here on out.

There is still plenty of stuff left undiscovered (like the majority of this arc's story) plus there are a few things that I'm not even sure if you guys will stumble across at all.
Last edited:
[X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] 1
[X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] 1
[X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] 2
[X] Help around the village 1
[X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] 1
[X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure 2
Last edited:
Will do a deeper analysis later, but my immediate thought are to train at least some swordsmanship, get at least 2 hours of headspace, and spend most of the rest on using our talents to help the village. My main focus is on using our healing abilities.

Also maybe do a little discussion before jumping on a vote. Aaaand put things in Plan Format for the sake of our day plan being a complete and coherent strategy.
[X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] x3
[X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] x1
[X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] x1
[X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] x1
[X] Play with the children x1
[X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure x1

You need to keep the X'ed []s if you want the vote counter to help.
Anyway, priority to learning swordwork while we have a trainer open, explore the headspace without committing too much. Headspace will always be open, so unless we urgently need to grind a spell, we don't need to rush it

Kids, clothes and funerals are hopefully working on our Sanity through some normalcy and win trust.
Then apply some Wisdom to the cure and see if it helps
[X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] x3
[X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] x1
[X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] x1
[X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] x1
[X] Play with the children x1
[X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure x1
Will do a deeper analysis later, but my immediate thought are to train at least some swordsmanship, get at least 2 hours of headspace, and spend most of the rest on using our talents to help the village. My main focus is on using our healing abilities.

Also maybe do a little discussion before jumping on a vote. Aaaand put things in Plan Format for the sake of our day plan being a complete and coherent strategy.

You need to keep the X'ed []s if you want the vote counter to help.
Anyway, priority to learning swordwork while we have a trainer open, explore the headspace without committing too much. Headspace will always be open, so unless we urgently need to grind a spell, we don't need to rush it

Kids, clothes and funerals are hopefully working on our Sanity through some normalcy and win trust.
Then apply some Wisdom to the cure and see if it helps

Yeah that's why I was pushing for a plan format then I can just count the [] Plan 'This person'
and have it more clear where the hours are going. This ways fine though if you guys want to have it like that it'll just be counted as a block instead.

It should be pretty safe to say that some normalcy will definitely help Amelia with her sanity.

Also just a small thing that I haven't really squeezed in anywhere yet but have faintly alluded too. Amelia is not a tall person, she has a small build and is fairly short which helps a lot for her speed. Amelia is currently standing at about 4'9 - 5' feet.
Adhoc vote count started by BetaM on Apr 15, 2017 at 12:35 AM, finished with 64 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] x3
    [X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] x1
    [X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] x1
    [X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] x1
    [X] Play with the children x1
    [X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure x1
    [X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] 1
    [X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] 1
    [X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] 2
    [X] Help around the village 1
    [X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] 1
    [X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure 2
Interlude- Maps!
Current Vote Count-
  1. [X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] x3
    [X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] x1
    [X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] x1
    [X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] x1
    [X] Play with the children x1
    [X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure x1
    Number of voters: 2

    veekie, boo600
  2. [X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] 1
    [X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] 1
    [X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] 2
    [X] Help around the village 1
    [X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] 1
    [X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure 2
    Number of voters: 1


Maps and A little bit of Lore?
Both Maps are missing a few islands, plus the rest of the known world which i'll show eventually.

The Eight Great Houses of Herindal

Herindal is a collection of Princedom's ruled by a King that works together with the heads of each House for the better of the kingdom. Each House rules over a portion of Herindal and for the most part individually rules there realms without much intervention from the monarchy. The heads of each house are called Prince's. Who act as political leaders, that stay in the capital and make sure there provinces voices are heard. There respective provinces are ran by other high ranking members of their House appointed by their Prince. Herindal is not just a country but also a continent that holds a variety of cultures and people within.

House Paendrag
The Divine Dragons of Herindal
Head- King Uther Paendrag

House Charin
The Defenders of the Vast Sea
Head- Prince Evin Gardel

House Anora
The Servants of the White Sands
Head- Prince Davar Anora

House Seyrunn
The Wardens of the Great Forest
Head- Prince Gaidel Seyrunn

House Vangul
The Watchers of the Shenai Mountains
Head- Prince Lamrak Vangul

House Fael
The Custodians of the Great Lakes
Head- Prince Ector Fael

House Londerwin
The Keepers of the Golden Plains
Head- Prince Elyas Londerwin

House Rein
The Sentinel's of the Far Marches
Head- Prince Otarin Rein

bleh this has been ready for a day and a half but I had a pretty important test, next part should be up sunday or monday.
Also just a small thing that I haven't really squeezed in anywhere yet but have faintly alluded too. Amelia is not a tall person, she has a small build and is fairly short which helps a lot for her speed. Amelia is currently standing at about 4'9 - 5' feet.
It does help with buffs I think? More power in a smaller frame means lots of ass kicking.
1.6 A Clean Edge
Amelia Seyrunn
Black Hair / Green Eyes

  • Amelia was born in the 3rd month of fall, in the year 979'pt. To Lord Gaidel of House Seyrunn and Lady Elayne of Londerwin, a political marriage to formally ally the two houses which in the past had a good deal of issues.

    Amelia spent her younger years brought up by nannies, that's not to say her mother was never around. Her mother tried to give Amelia as much time as she could, but the life of a Lady of a Great House is busy.

    As Amelia got older her parents began taking her to the castle, as well as court so she could start learning how to be a lady. While she was at the castle Amelia would often sneak away from her maids and go watch the knights train. In particular she would always go in search of her older brother Ander, so she could watch him training. He was usually the one forced to bring her back to her maids after he'd find her wandering around. She always looked up to her older brother, and just being a child, she always imagined a future where she was a knight.

    It was during one of those incursions that she met a young girl named Siuan watching the knights spar up in Amelia's favorite spot. Siuan had similar dreams, but she also had to crush Amelia's by telling her that girls can't be knights. Amelia didn't believe her and thought that was dumb, so she convinced Siuan that they could train just like the knights.

    After that whenever Amelia was in the castle she'd run off to go play with Siuan, pretending to be knights or playing hero. Siuan turned out to be Siuan Paendrag, second daughter and fourth child to Uther Paendrag the King of Herindal. That didn't stop them from playing of course, there fathers always got along. They thought it was good that there daughters had a friend, although both were fairly baffled at their preference towards toy swords instead of dolls. Siuans older brother would often make fun of them and berate them for it. Constantly reminding them of how they couldn't become knights and that there weren't any women heroes that used swords. As the two of of them grew up they learned to not like the sword, Siuan enjoyed using the bow and would often go hunting with her siblings. While Amelia found it more reliable to use her hands and would often attempt to wrestle with the servant children, along with a not so enthusiastic Siuan.

    When Amelia's brother was thirteen he left to go train at a temple dedicated to the aspect of Justice, which trained knights into paladins. It was thought highly of and was something that most if not all nobles did with there sons. Around that time her father started taking her with him to oversee his lands. She'd watch him talk to people about their problems, see some people be angry with him and watch him talk them down. He'd handle issues, while enforcing things that he thought were the best for his realm. It was a very sobering experience for her at a young age, the contrast between her life of luxury in her mansion and the city. To seeing how people actually lived, working for their income and earning the food on their table. That wasn't to say she didn't think her father worked for everything they had, she knew he did and knew he had little free time. But those visits really helped Amelia grow as a person, and prepared her for the future.

    A little after Amelia's twelfth birthday her mother passed away attempting to give birth to there third child. Amelia had been beyond excited to have another sibling, and had spent months preparing herself to be an older sister. Her only sibling had been Ander at that point who'd been away training with her uncle for the past six years. He visited every so often, but never as long as Amelia wanted. The passing of Elayne Seyrunn reverberated throughout the kingdom. Her being the daughter of the head of House Londerwin, and the wife to the head of House Seyrunn. That was the first and only time in her life that she'd seen her father cry. The first time she thought of her father as just a man. Till that point he may as well have been a hero out of legend. She looked up to him, respected his ability to lead and thought of him as an untouchable wall. It was at that moment when that image cracked. When she held her father as he cried over the body of his wife and unborn child. It was then, when that image of heroes and great warriors, crumbled for her. She realized that behind all those great deeds, lay regular men, who felt loss and heartbreak like anyone else. Ander visited for the funeral but he wasn't able to stay very long, he spent the majority of his time there with Amelia though. Showing her cool magic and sword techniques that he'd learnt. He was obviously hurting under the surface but he really tried to hide it from Amelia.

    Siuan started visiting more after that, sometimes her father the King would come along so he could visit with Amelia's father. Who also paid more attention to her, going as far as to actually teach her some of the things she'd remembered him showing Ander before he left. A few months after the death of her mother. Amelia's father asked if she'd like to go off and train at a monastery or temple, like most noble men did once they reached 13. She said no at first not wanting to leave her father alone. But changed her mind when he told her that the king was asking Siuan the same thing and that Ander would be returning as a full fledged Paladin before she left.

    A year later, a bit after her thirteenth birthday Amelia left Herindal with Siuan to the continent of Sygewyn. After landing in Dragonshore, Amelia went to the Monastery of Wisdom on the coast of the kingdom of Valoria. While Siuan went to the Monastery of Sacrifice in the Howling Mountains, which lay in no kingdom at the edge of the Bloostained Wilds.

    Life at the monastery was a good deal different from Amelia's life back at home. Once she arrived and her guards left, she was forced to strip down completely. Handing over all of her possessions, which they then burned to ash. She was then given cloth and thread, then was told that she must make her own robes. It was apparently what they did with all new initiates, shedding material possessions and all they had been beforehand. Being 'reborn' and brought into a world where possessions were more than just items. It was a lesson to remind you of all you'd taken for granted. Well, Amelia had definitely taken modesty for granted, that week was one of the worst in her life. She could only work on the robes in her free time. Which were three one hour intervals a day and she was so exhausted at the end of the day that working on the robe wasn't a concern. No one cared about her nudity, they were used to it and it was a mixed monastery. But she wasn't used to it, once she'd actually finished with a robe someone mentioned how they'd thought her face was just naturally pink.

    She slowly became accustomed to living there, they awakened her to magic and taught her the basics. They pounded lessons on the goddess, lessons of temperance and of wisdom into her head. She was forced to go over every thing she knew through her headspace and organize all her thoughts. All the happy memories, all the embarrassing ones and all the depressing ones, it was an exercise on knowledge. Once done, with everything completely organised in her head she was able to find any and all that she knew, at least with a little searching. Afterwards it was just upkeep, she visualized memories as documents, shards of knowledge within her headspace. So once a week she'd sort through those papers, and organize them. Instructors would often quiz initiates to make sure there mental studies where in order. She actually saw someone get kicked out for not caring about organizing there headspace. He was called slothful and uncaring about the wisdom of the goddess and banished with nothing but enough rations to reach the nearest town.

    At the Monastery the monks encouraged Amelia's fighting prowess, kicking her ass in combat and forcing her to go over techniques. It was some of the most fun she had there, she loved wrestling on the ground with recruits. She was fast, much faster than anyone else there, instructors included. Now that didn't make up for her lack of skill however, she was to forward to ambitious in attacks, even now she has issues with over extending or going for incredibly risky moves.

    After close to seven years at the monastery, (about 6 and a half) she received a letter from her father. Telling her that he'd sent a group of guards to come and get her and bring her back to court. She didn't wait for the guards to fetch her, a few days after she received the letter she'd set out by herself to go back to Herindal. It was a three week journey to Dragonshore from the monastery, Amelia managed the best she could. The monks gave her gold before she left, so she didn't starve on her way, although she did indulge. In Dragonshore, even though she was essentially broke she somehow managed to convince a merchant's captain to give her passage. "It would be an honour, to give passage to a lady of a Great House." He'd said, it probably helped that he was heading to her uncle's port. With that Amelia set out to Herindal, heading east towards the continent and country that she used to call home.

  • Martial
    Basic Swordsmanship
    Amelia knows the basics of using a sword, she might not be amazing with one. But she's competent enough that she thinks she understands where to stick it.

    Adept Hand to Hand
    You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

    Focused Finesse
    You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.


    Basic Mending
    A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.

    Eye of Magus
    You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.

    Basic Banishment
    You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

    A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practice spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practice spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

    Touch of Knowledge
    By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

    Spell Saver
    Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.

    You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

    You're fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of you while your in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.

    You tend to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for your to lose sanity.

    You tend to get distracted fairly easily and do things without thinking of the consequences. If your interested or want something, you have a tendency to do whatever you can to get or learn about it.

    Socially Tactless
    You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.


    An early life at court has taught you that fair deals and encounters usually end off serving both parties the best. At a young age you discovered that a one sided deal only benefits the person who's getting a better deal. Which usually ends up biting them in the ass down the road anyways.

    Knowledge / Misc
    Outdated Political Knowledge
    You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight great houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

    Basic Geological Knowledge
    You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

    Advanced Religious Knowledge
    You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about the Goddess.

    Basic Court Etiquette
    Even after seven years without using cutlery or talking "properly". You still remember which spoon to use for soup and which to use for dessert. Although the proper customs for balls and other formal gatherings have slipped your mind. You were never one to care much about that thing, it's amazing that you can still use a fork.

  • Martial
    Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
    Adept Swordsmanship = 2.5/15
    Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

    Break apart
    Basic Mending = 0/10
    Eye of Magus = 0/10
    Basic Banishment = 0/10
    Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
    SpellSaver = 0/10

    Learn [Spell Saver]
    Major Affinity
    Spirit Magic
    Minor Affinity
    Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
    No Affinity
    Summon Servant = 0/25
    Ball of Light = 0/25
    Light Footed = 0/25
    Heavy Hand = 0/25
    Nature Net = 0/25
    Ball of Healing = 0/25

Last Vote
[X] Have Flint teach you how to use a sword [Max 3] x3
[X] Get a change of clothes and maybe wash your old ones. [Max 1] x1
[X] Attend the funeral for the people on your ship [Max 1] x1
[X] Go into your headspace [Sanity- after 3] x1
[X] Play with the children x1
[X] Help Ellel and Teal try to find a cure x1

| A Clean Edge|

You looked around the camp for a second thinking about what to do.

Getting your clothes washed and maybe finding some new clothes to wear in the meantime sounded amazing. Your pants weren't too bad, the leather was in good quality and the pants were well crafted. The shirt however had a huge rip on the bottom leaving your midriff almost completely exposed. A bath or shower would be even better, but you'd be fine with clean clothes.

After walking around for a bit you saw three women who looked to be cleaning clothes, they sat at the edge of the camp staring off towards the open sea. Each of them were holding washboards and looked to be hard at work.

You ducked under a clothesline as you walked over. A woman with dark brown hair who looked to be in her late forties saw you first, stopping for a second as you approached.

" Ah, if it isn't the brave young lass." She remarked, the other two stopped as she spoke and looked up greeting you with warm smiles.

"We all appreciate you helping Mason this morning the extra food will go a long way." A grey haired woman who didn't look old enough to be greying spoke up.

"I just wanted to repay my debt to you all, you took us in so freely. I am the one that should be grateful." You said a bit flustered over the sudden praise.

"Now I assume your here to get those clothes washed. I almost tore them off you when I saw how dirty they were last night, I can't believe you've been wearing them all day." The brunette chidded waving for you to come closer to her. She grabbed the rip in your shirt and played with it for a second tsking her tongue.

"This won't do at all, the shirt is completely ruined. Have you been running around with men all day showing off this much skin?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Your face heated at her words, it only showed your stomach you hadn't thought anyone would think it looked inappropriate.

"Oh shush Edrea, she's young and in good shape. Why can't she show it off?" The third one said, a blonde woman with a few grey streaks in her hair. Your face was on fire at this point, all you wanted was some clean clothes...

"Take this and go to that building over there, tell someone there that Hazel sent you to take a bath. Then return here with your dirty clothes." The grey haired woman, who was probably Hazel said giving you a dress and undergarments. Inwardly you frowned a bit at the dress, you were hoping you'd be able to move freely in it. She pointed towards the big building that you saw people coming in and out of all day.

You scurried away almost tripping over yourself in your haste, the three of them arguing behind you. You entered the building, and hurried to close the door. Earlier you weren't sure what the building was, but now that you where inside it was obviously a large repurposed house. You stood in what looked to have once been a living room, chairs were pushed around the room centered around a table near the far wall. An old man sat behind the table, which was covered in various pieces of paper. He looked up as you entered, staring at you.

After a few awkward seconds you realized he was waiting for you to talk "Uh... Hazel sent me to take a bath." You said.

He sighed and nodded. "Up the stairs, second room on the right." He went back to his work and ignored you. There were two doors going out of the room and a spiral staircase that looked to both go down into a basement and up into the second floor. You went up leaving the man to whatever he was doing, entering a long hallway. Then into the room that the man pointed you towards.

The room was what you expected, a single big metal tub sat in the center of the room. With heat crystals encrusted into the bottom of the tub and a single water crystal stuck on the side of the tub facing the inside. You closed and locked the door behind you, going over to the tub you sent a bit of mana into the crystals. Water started pouring out of the blue crystal as you fed it mana slowly filling the tub, the fire crystals coming to life and heating it as the water hit the tub. You stripped down, leaving your boots on the ground, folding up the rest of your clothes beside them. You started for a second as you realized you still wore that purple necklace, the metal had warmed under your shirt and it didn't move much when you walked. To the point that you'd completely forgotten it was there until this moment, which was a bit curious, you would have thought that it would have gotten in the way as you and Flint spared earlier. But it was apparently not an issue, the heart shaped medallion was fairly comfortable pressed up against your chest. You decided to leave it on for the bath, it wouldn't get in the way and it gave you something to play with.

While the tub filled you checked out the few bars of soap that sat on a shelf beside a fairly large mirror. Throwing the dress and garments on the only chair in the room. You stopped the fire crystals from making the water unbearable, then after a few seconds stopped the water crystal as well. You stepped into the tub, the water just right and the bottom of the tub not overly hot.

By the goddess the water was amazing, all the stress you'd built up after the last day and a half felt like it faded away. The last time you took a bath was in the inn in Dragonshore, which felt like a year ago even though it was closer to a few weeks. Then it had been a luxury, the monks used wet rags to clean themselves in the monastery. Bathes where wastes of water, it had been a luxury when you found a small waterfall to bathe under once when you were out hunting.

You were disgusting though, the grime from the sea. From sleeping in your clothes and then hiking, added up. When you walked in and looked in the mirror you realised how much of a mess your hair had been in. You kept it straight and it only just touched your shoulders so it was manageable. But your knots had knots and you had to be careful not to rip chunks of it out as you brushed your hair.

You stayed in the tub for a while, using the bar of fruity soap to clean every inch of your body. You never realize how bad you smell until your clean and smell of something other then grime. Your used to it, living on the monastery you didn't get to bathe much. But when you first moved there you really had to get used to your own smell and the smell of others.

You played with the amulet and thought about all that had happened since you'd woken up with it around your neck. Maybe it belonged to that woman who lay not far off from where you woke up, perhaps the man who killed her didn't have the heart to do you in as well. It was beautifully made now that you actually studied it, two round teardrops connected together to make a heart. With Seven gems, one looked to be amethyst while the other six reminded you of diamonds. The gems themselves spiraled around the heart so if you rotated it they individually shined reflecting light. It perfectly fit in the palm of your hand as you clutched it, thoughts of all the lives that had been lost since you'd awoken fluttering through your mind. How many of those people could you have saved? If you'd just woke up sooner, if you'd gone a different path after waking up...

Once your fingers started to prune you got out of the tub, then dried yourself with one of the towels in the corner. You fed some mana into the enchantment in the side of the tub which converted the water into mana. Not as much as it uses but it helps recharge the crystal, so it doesn't need to be replaced as often.

The dress was incredibly well made and you were surprised at how free you felt in it. It was pure black with a light purple trim to it around the sleeves and neck. The neck was loose but showed nothing in the way of cleavage. It looked to be made for someone around your height and size. Although it was a bit tight in the chest, but not uncomfortably so. The skirt ended about a hand below your knee and had a cut up most of its length allowing you to move freely. All in all the dress was perfect for your tastes if you ignored the amount of leg it showed. Although your boots made it so even that wasn't too bad.

You left the room and hit something as you were closing the door, your head banged against what felt like someone else's and you fell. A cry escaped your lips accompanied by someone else's mirrored cry of surprise. You fell banging your head off the door behind you and your eyes watered as you sat on the ground staring at the wall you just hit. The wall in question was the blue hair girl you'd seen in the morning dragging that creature. You thought her name was Teal? Which seemed to match with her sharp blue eyes and somehow natural looking light blue hair. She wore the same dress you saw her in earlier and was glaring daggers at you her eyes watering.

"Watch where your going!" She snapped at you, standing up and crossing her arms as she looked down at you. You got up and glared back at her, she was just as much at fault as you were here.

Her expression changed to one that was more of a sneer as recognition crossed her face. "Oh your that women. I shouldn't expect any manners from you then."

"Do I know you?" You said sharply, moving closer to her.

"Amelia right? I've heard a lot about you." She said somehow sneering harder if that was even possible.

"Teal are you not gone yet?" You heard a voice come from the room behind Teal that sounded like Ellel's. Teal looked back in the room then waved for you to get going. You gladly obliged her, and started walking towards the stairs wanting nothing more than to get away from this witch. She followed though keeping her distance.

"Is that my dress?" Teal asked behind you, sounding appalled.

You looked back and grinned, shrugging. "Hazel lent it to me until my clothes got washed. I think I might keep it though, my shirt wasn't in the best state." You said nonchalantly. You heard a sigh of disgust behind you, but she stayed silent. You left the building with Teal behind you, she split off towards the storage shed while you walked towards the women still cleaning clothes.

You gave them your dirty clothes and they complimented the dress, making comments that made your face heat again. You fled almost as soon as you set the clothes down, polite laughs following you.

Alright, so next you wanted to try and take Flint up on the offer he made you last night. It would be nice to actually learn how to use a sword. Hand to hand was great and incredibly useful in a lot of situations, but a sword would do you more good against these creatures.

After grabbing your sword from the cot, you started looking around the camp for Flint. You found him after a few minutes just outside the gates racing Raffin. You felt mana radiate from them and it looked like Raffin was teaching Flint the spell he'd used earlier in the day to move quickly. You thought it was a kind of earth magic, but exactly how it did what it did was beyond you.

You stopped and watched them for a second, waiting till they where done so you could get there attention. Raffin saw you first and came to a stop nudging Flint who noticed a few seconds later. The two of them walked over to you, neither of them looked to be tired which you found odd. They were running full throttle, but maybe that was part of the spell.

Raffin whistled as he approached. "Don't you clean up good." He said, his words accompanied by his stare making you a bit uncomfortable. Flint nodded beside him, not saying anything.

"Uh... Flint." You said tripping over your words. "Yesterday you offered to teach me how to use this." You raised the sword and he nodded recognition lighting behind his eyes.

"Yeah of course." He said, looking over at Raffin who just gave him a smile.

"I think you've got the basics, i'm going to see if I can be any help inside." Raffin said clapping Flint on the back as he moved towards the camp.

"Do you need to go get your sword?" You asked noticing that Flint was currently unarmed, he chuckled at that as if you just said something funny.

"Follow me for a second." Flint said Nodding down the path towards where they were setting up the funeral. You followed and once Flint reached the area he grabbed a long straight stick from a pile set aside for the pires.

"Your stealing wood now?" You teased, you thought you knew what he was doing.

"I'm sure they won't mind." He smirked and walked back a bit near the wall where him and Raffin had been running. Flint snapped the stick in half and tossed you one, both looked to be around the size of a sword although yours looked shorter. You leaned your actual sword up against the wooden wall and bounced the stick in your hand. The stick was a good deal lighter, you weren't sure how this would help you with using the sword you just put down.

"Alright, now try to hit me." Flint said smirking, waving his stick for you to come at him. You nodded and moved towards him, your stick raised and as you got near you darted to the left bringing your stick up to hit his chest. Flint's stick came up and blocked the attack then he followed through and hit you hard on the back sending you tumbling into the grass.

"I thought I was trying to hit you?" You said with a slight groan picking your stick up.

He smirked "That was way too obvious, try again." He motioned for you to keep trying and you went at him.

It took you half an hour to hit him, with each miss he told you what you did wrong and you tried to fix whatever he pointed out. You managed to hit him by ducking his swing as you moved towards him. Using your height to your advantage, you managed to completely dodge his attack and then come up to thunk him hard in the chest. You had a split lip from where you tried that earlier, but this time it worked.

After that Flint tried working on your stance, showing you just how important it was to hold yourself. Half of why you couldn't hit him was because of the way he was standing and how desperate you where in your attacks. He showed you some things to practise and then went into smaller techniques, reactionary movements that were mainly situational. The majority of his time was spent on that, smaller things that added up in a fight. How you should react when your opponent faints or what to do if they swing to wide.

He was surprised when you remembered a few things that your brother had showed you when you were younger.

"Your brothers in the military?" He asked curious about where he'd learnt the things he'd shown you.

"He's a knight, or at least should be by now." You mused, "I haven't seen him for quite a while."

"Your brothers a knight?" He said looking a bit shocked, then looked at you for a second not saying anything. "Are you a noble Amelia?" he asked a bit hesitant.

"Uhm... yeah." You said slowly "My full name is Amelia Seyrunn, my father is Prince Gaidel Seyrunn." You answered just as hesitantly as he asked. You weren't really supposed to talk about your house while away. But you trusted Flint enough that it should be safe to tell him.

"Oh... So your also a princess?" He asked his expression a mix. You weren't completely sure what he was thinking.


"Not really..."

"I am the second heir to house Seyrunn behind my brother." You answered. You'd never really thought about it before. "I guess i'd be a princess if Herindal split up? But Seyrunn hasn't been separate since the unification of Herindal." He seemed to be re appraising you and you weren't sure if you liked how he was looking at you. As if you suddenly became a different person.

You did know a princess, the two of you had been incredibly close. You wondered about Siuan for a second. Would she be waiting for you in Herindal or was she still at the Monastary of Sacrifice?

After a bit of awkward silence you guys went back to training, Flint was a bit more delicate with you though and you tried to hit him harder for that. After about an hour of that you two called it quits the two of you fairly exhausted after three hours of training.

Traits gained
Basic Swordsmanship
Amelia knows the basics of using a sword, she might not be amazing with one. But she's competent enough that she thinks she understands where to stick it.

Adept Swordsmanship 2.5/15

You and Flint parted ways back at the camp. Flint went to go see Darius the windspeaker, why you had no idea. You'd yet to talk to Darius after saving him on the beach, maybe you'd get a chance later at dinner.

You went over to your cot and put away your sword. Then lay down in bed, for an hour in your headspace. Getting in your headspace took a bit of time usually, meditation until you could reach a point where you can accurately visualize it.

After a few minutes that felt like a good deal longer, you opened the door into your headspace and stepped inside.

What was your Headspace sculpted after?
[] The Mountains at the monastery [Low defence, Difficult for things to hide]
[] The Mansion that you grew up in. [Medium defence, Things can hide but it's not difficult to find them.]
[] The Village near your uncles manor that you used to visit with your father [High defence, Easy for things to hide]

What room was there apart from the Spellsaver.
[] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells. [All spells cost 1 less to train, Breaking apart a spell costs 3 less]
[] A Martial training area, suited for training with arms. [All Martial abilities cost 1.5 less exp]
[] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. [Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
[] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. [Helps with mental protection]

What will you do with the hour you have?
[] Organize your memories [If you didn't pick the butler](1 hour max)
[] Expand your headspace
-[] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells = 0/5 hours.
[All spells cost 1 less to train, Breaking apart a spell costs 3 less]
-[] A Martial training area, suited for training with arms = 0/5 hours.
[All Martial abilities cost 1.5 less exp, when trained in your headspace]
-[] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. = 0/5 hours.
[Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
-[] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. = 0/5 hours
[Helps with mental protection]
-[] ?, your not really sure where you got the idea from or what exactly the room will serve when it's done. = 0/5 hours
[] Invest in a skill or spell (1 hour = 2 exp)
Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
Adept Swordsmanship = 2.5/15
Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

Break apart
Basic Mending = 0/10
Eye of Magus = 0/10
Basic Banishment = 0/10
Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
SpellSaver = 0/10

Learn [Spell Saver]
Major Affinity
Spirit Magic
Minor Affinity
Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
No Affinity
Summon Servant = 0/25
Ball of Light = 0/25
Light Footed = 0/25
Heavy Hand = 0/25
Nature Net = 0/25
Ball of Healing = 0/25



The next few options will happen in the next post, attending the funeral, playing with the kids and helping Ellel and Teal.


i'm pretty surprised at how long this part ended up being. I was planning on it just being a thousand words or so but it ended up being a bit over 3k.

I'll try to get the next part out sooner, i mean to have about 2 parts out a week but its looking like I'm only pumping out 1 a week. Although I have been trying to do the same with my other quest.

I didn't explain much about the headspace, mainly because what we see is completely based off what we choice for the headspace.

I split the parts up to not overwhelm you guys with votes and so this part didn't end up being over 5k words.

There are upgrades for each of the rooms as well, just an upgrade in the ability mainly.
Last edited:
Mmm, lot of mechanics to unpack.

What was your Headspace sculpted after?
[] The Mountains at the monastery [Low defence, Difficult for things to hide]
[] The Mansion that you grew up in. [Medium defence, Things can hide but it's not difficult to find them.]
[] The Village near your uncles manor that you used to visit with your father [High defence, Easy for things to hide]

If so, I'm leaning towards Mountains. Our defenses can be augmented through guards, but there doesn't seem to be any way to increase our detection capabilities. Of course, if there is, then Village becomes preferred, because Defense is always a good thing. (As a side note, it's really weird that a Village has high defense while a Mountain has low defense. Seems a bit backwards, as a mountain monastery seems like the fortress kind of mindscape.)

What room was there apart from the Spellsaver.
[] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells. [All spells cost 1 less to train, Breaking apart a spell costs 3 less]
[] A Martial training area, suited for training with arms. [All Martial abilities cost 1.5 less exp, when trained in your headspace]
[] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. [Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
[] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. [Helps with mental protection]

Since we can brute force any of these options in five hours, the question is what do we need right now in the next couple of days. If we want to jump on expanding our magical repertoire, Library. If we want to rush Adept Swordsmanship (in which case, why the hell did we pick up Hand to Hand in the first place), then Martial Training Area is obvious. If we want to get a jump on protecting our mind (ie the one thing staying constant over loops and the Most Important Thing), then Guards. If we want an immediate buffer against Sanity loss (which doesn't seem to be an immediate priority), then Personal Butler.

Our choice in Headscape Architecture matters here, since Mountain would mean that Guards are more important.

What will you do with the hour you have?
[] Organize your memories [If you didn't pick the butler](1 hour max)
[] Expand your headspace
-[] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells = 0/5 hours.
[All spells cost 1 less to train, Breaking apart a spell costs 3 less]
-[] A Martial training area, suited for training with arms = 0/5 hours.
[All Martial abilities cost 1.5 less exp, when trained in your headspace]
-[] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. = 0/5 hours.
[Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
-[] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. = 0/5 hours
[Helps with mental protection]
-[] ?, your not really sure where you got the idea from or what exactly the room will serve when it's done. = 0/5 hours
[] Invest in a skill or spell (1 hour = 2 exp)
Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/30
Adept Swordsmanship = 2.5/15
Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

Break apart
Basic Mending = 0/10
Eye of Magus = 0/10
Basic Banishment = 0/10
Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
SpellSaver = 0/10

Learn [Spell Saver]
Major Affinity
Spirit Magic
Minor Affinity
Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
No Affinity
Summon Servant = 0/25
Ball of Light = 0/25
Light Footed = 0/25
Heavy Hand = 0/25
Nature Net = 0/25
Ball of Healing = 0/25


Alright, that "?" room option immediately makes me think that this is related to our Reset power.

If we're doing any magical training, Spell Saver is what we're working on, period. This is the thing that lets us copy shit, and any improvements would probably affect the XP we need to learn spells, or something similar. Any change we make to that will have significant long-term efficiency boosts, and as such is our immediate priority. And, frankly, rushing combat stuff to help our short-term survival is sorta an obsolete strategy when we don't die when we are killed, so long term benefits are the most important.

I feel like it would be a really good idea to sit down and make some calculations to detail which options give us the most efficient Time/XP ratio, particularly over time, but I can't be bothered right now.

So, some questions for @BetaM:

What does "easy/difficult for things to hide" mean for our headspace? Can we be infested with mental spells or creatures that can hide from our detection and spy or fuck with our mind? I thought that "Defense" would be our ability to deal with invaders, but it appears not.

How do the two Training Areas affect the rate at which we gain XP? It says that the Martial Area means that Martial abilities "cost 1.5 less exp, when trained in your headspace". I'd assume that this means that Hand to Hand would only take 28.5, and Adept Swords would only take 13.5. But we've already gained 2.5 XP outside of it. If we started to train Swords for our four hours, getting 2 XP, would the new threshold for Adept be at 13.5, even if we do the rest of our training with Flint? Shouldn't this Training Area merely affect the rate at which time spent yields XP? (As in, with this training area, training Swords for four hours yields 2.5 XP instead of 2.) Because otherwise, we should train with Flint until we're almost done, and then finish in Headspace because the threshold is 1.5 XP lower.

Also, as a note, could you give us our Hours in terms of the relative time spent in our Headspace instead of objective time for our body? As in, give us 4 instead of one, and make it so every HS Hour of training equals .5 XP, and so all those room options cost 20 hours. It gives a much better picture of how much time we are spending, and allows us to divide the time we spend into different things.
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Mmm, lot of mechanics to unpack.
If so, I'm leaning towards Mountains. Our defenses can be augmented through guards, but there doesn't seem to be any way to increase our detection capabilities. Of course, if there is, then Village becomes preferred, because Defense is always a good thing. (As a side note, it's really weird that a Village has high defense while a Mountain has low defense. Seems a bit backwards, as a mountain monastery seems like the fortress kind of mindscape.)

It more has to do with the landscape which maybe I should have explained a bit more.

The village is in the middle of the great forest and has lots of buildings for things to hide in along with the forest itself. It's high defense for the same reason, the great forest has a thousand myths behind it and Amelia grew up being fairly scared of it. In her mind its full of monsters that could ravage things hiding within, but it would also be very easy for a foreign monster to hide amongst these creatures.

The Mountain though is incredibly open terrain, the monastery was built to be open air. So there aren't very many places for things to hide, in the same sense it leave's it fairly vulnerable, atleast in Amelia's mind. The place wasn't built to keep people out, an army might have trouble getting through the mountains but taking the monastery would take less then an hour.

What does "easy/difficult for things to hide" mean for our headspace? Can we be infested with mental spells or creatures that can hide from our detection and spy or fuck with our mind? I thought that "Defense" would be our ability to deal with invaders, but it appears not.

The spirit world coincides with the waking world, Amelia can see that plain by simply switching on her third eye. There are creatures and constructs made of pure energy that live purely on that plain which can and sometimes do invade peoples minds. Either leeching off them like parasites or simply eating them from the inside out. They aren't incredibly common and don't invade everyone's mind but this is why the Spellsaver is such a dangerous thing. Which I hinted at before.

The Spellsaver can mess up and accidentally imprint copies of such creatures into your mind confusing that mass of energy for a spell, sometimes that kind of energy is literally just a living spell.

Yes spells can infest the mind and any kind of mental attack is a kind of infestation, the headspace is just a personification of our mind essentially and anything that attacks our mind also attacks our headspace. Defense is our way of dealing with invaders but its more a way to deal with them without direct intervention from Amelia. We can have 0 defense but then we'll need to actively hunt out and destroy any kind of threat that might be present.

How do the two Training Areas affect the rate at which we gain XP? It says that the Martial Area means that Martial abilities "cost 1.5 less exp, when trained in your headspace". I'd assume that this means that Hand to Hand would only take 28.5, and Adept Swords would only take 13.5. But we've already gained 2.5 XP outside of it. If we started to train Swords for our four hours, getting 2 XP, would the new threshold for Adept be at 13.5, even if we do the rest of our training with Flint? Shouldn't this Training Area merely affect the rate at which time spent yields XP? (As in, with this training area, training Swords for four hours yields 2.5 XP instead of 2.) Because otherwise, we should train with Flint until we're almost done, and then finish in Headspace because the threshold is 1.5 XP lower.

Looking it over, I think i'll just remove the 'trained in headspace tag'. So 13.5 exp is the amount needed in our out of our headspace.

Also, as a note, could you give us our Hours in terms of the relative time spent in our Headspace instead of objective time for our body? As in, give us 4 instead of one, and make it so every HS Hour of training equals .5 XP, and so all those room options cost 20 hours. It gives a much better picture of how much time we are spending, and allows us to divide the time we spend into different things.

Yeah of course, I was just giving the time in real world hours because of how the quest is set up. It's based off repeating days so I thought it would be easier for us to be given time in real world hours to make an easier timeline and not confuse people.
Adhoc vote count started by BetaM on Apr 20, 2017 at 4:58 PM, finished with 75 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] The Mansion that you grew up in. [Medium defence, Things can hide but it's not difficult to find them.]
    [X] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. [Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
    [X] Expand your headspace
    -[X] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells = 0/5 hours.
    [X] Plan Foundation for the Future
    -[X] The Mountains at the monastery [Low defence, Difficult for things to hide]
    -[X] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. [Helps with mental protection]
    -[X] Expand your headspace
    --[X] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. = 0/5 hours.
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[X] The Mansion that you grew up in. [Medium defence, Things can hide but it's not difficult to find them.]
[X] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. [Auto sorts your memories helping with Sanity]
[X] Expand your headspace
-[X] An enchanted Library, designed to help with spells = 0/5 hours.
[All spells cost 1 less to train, Breaking apart a spell costs 3 less]

Mindscape as home. Secure and familiar.
[X] Plan Foundation for the Future
-[X] The Mountains at the monastery [Low defence, Difficult for things to hide]
-[X] A Set of Guards that are fragments of your personality. [Helps with mental protection]
-[X] Expand your headspace
--[X] A Personal Butler that's a fragment of your personality. = 0/5 hours.

So, to explain, I picked Mountains for our Architecture. For one thing, I think it's thematically appropriate for Amelia to feel more connected to the Monastery than her original home at this point. She was there for 7 years, it's where she studied her religion, it's where she acquired her current abilities, it's been huge in shaping her current self. Mechanically, the primary reason for this is that it's very difficult for any nasty parasites to hide, which is something that (unlike Defense) we can't seem to be able to fix with added rooms. This is intended to be a long term investment, so we can add more Defenses ourselves and we will be able to breathe a bit easier knowing that there isn't something insidious hiding from us. More importantly, we don't have to waste our precious time looking for shit that might not be there.

Because I picked Mountains, Guards were the obvious choice, to offset our low Defense. Our mind is the most important thing we have, this is even more true in this quest, we need to defend it long-term. Dying physically gets us reset, dying mentally lasts forever.

Finally, I'm starting work on our Butler, for similar reasons. Long term, our Sanity is very very important, and while we could spend our own time organizing our own memories, our Butler will do it automatically, saving us precious amounts of time. Ultimately, this is important, but less immediately important since we aren't in immediate Sanity danger, so we start off with guards, and work on Butler ASAP.

Looking into the immediate future: Finish Butler -> Build Library -> Break Down Spell Saver -> Buy Spell Saver Improvements. Library is a huge help in reducing Break Down costs, so it is an excellent use of our time. After that, we only need to schedule 3.25 hours of real world time to break down Spell Saver, look at how we can improve it, then buy those improvements. I stated above why Spell Saver is so important for us. Any improvements we can make will have significant long-term effects, and probably save us a ton of time (and possibly making it less likely to fuck up and infect us with magical parasites).

So yeah, there's my reasoning process. I'm planning long-term here, putting all of my current efforts towards protecting our mind and setting up the infrastructure that will save us a ton of time in the future.
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Butler saves more work if we start with it. It takes the organize action for us automatically...while we're unlikely to eat psychological attacks before we do the next mindscape action
Butler saves more work if we start with it. It takes the organize action for us automatically...while we're unlikely to eat psychological attacks before we do the next mindscape action

I had intended to ignore that for now and let the Butler handle that option when he was finished. I had judged that, for the period between now and our next room addition, it was more important to patch our low defenses than it was to organize our memories. Our sanity really isn't in any danger right now, and Defense is a bigger priority because Mountains has such low Defense.
We just lost a bunch of sanity in the past day as it is, with no sign of less shocks

Mmm, alright that is more persuasive, though it doesn't seem like Amelia is that rattled right now.

My main concern is that without Guards, anything that infects us will have to be dealt with by us directly, and we really do not have a whole lot of metaphorical muscle right now. Without either automated defenses or any real ability to take out shit ourselves, we will be very vulnerable until we finish the Guard room, and that makes me nervous. I'm not budging on Mountains either.

I'm gonna think on it. The trade-offs may be more even than I first imagined, since Sanity is a hidden stat that we can't quite quantify.