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The Voids Heart

Water lapped over your legs, filling your boots and slowly entombing you in...
1.1. Washed up and Dead


Beta God
The Dark Abyss of My Soul
The Voids Heart

Water lapped over your legs, filling your boots and slowly entombing you in sand. Dull pain throbbed throughout your body, the salt water bringing a few dozen cuts and scrapes to your attention. Your head pounded dully, made worse by the ever screeching cries of seagulls overhead.

You opened your eyes, staring up at the dazzling ball of fire that you recognized as the sun. Birds, flew overhead, circling slowly coming down out of your vision. Groaning you rolled over, getting on hands and knees. You convulsed for a few second, vomitting a small pond worth of water along with yesterday's dinner onto the wet sand. Cradling your stomach, you flopped over on your side trying to organize your thoughts.

You'd been on a merchant's ship on it's way too the country of Herindal. When without warning the front half of the ship simply vanished, the remainder lurching forwards flinging you and everyone else into the water. In the chaos, your head rebounded off the ship's mast before you hit the water. Fading in and out of consciousness you watched as the boat you'd been standing on mere seconds ago was swallowed by the ocean. As everything turned black you could have sworn you'd seen the shimmer of scales below the water's surface.

Why were you on the merchant ship? You were...
[] A Traveler, on there way to find a new life in the country of Herindal
[] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.
[] A Crew member, you loved the sea and marveled at the opportunity to see new lands.
[] A Guard, hired to serve as protection against pirates and to help transport goods once the ship had reached Herindal.
[] A Stowaway, you'd made more than a few mistakes in your life and we're hoping to start fresh in a new country.

Something had happened at least, and it wasn't worth contemplating now. Besides, you needed to figure out where you were. You'd heard the captain say that the ship was at least a day's journey to the continent.

You rolled over, and got on your knees, making sure to roll away from the pile of vomit. As you did, you noticed something around your neck. An amulet? A purple metal heart swung from a string around your neck, examining it you noted seven gems worked into the metal. One of them was a royal purple, while the rest were perfectly clear. You weren't really one for jewelry of any sorts, and didn't remember owning a purple amulet. It was well made though, the gems spiraled around the amulet perfectly, making a beautiful display as it spun in the wind. You found it weird that this was still on your person, when all of your other possessions seem to have vanished in the sea.

Tearing your eyes away from that oddity, you took note of the scene around you. Pieces of the ship littered the beach, as well as the remnants of the ship's passengers. You could make out three bodies in the sand nearby, as well as blood pooling in the sand by each of their heads.

You tried moving towards the closest body, stumbling in the loose sand. and almost lost what little was left in your stomach as the corpse's head came into sight. It looked to have once been a women. It's head was in pieces, the skull having been fractured you could clearly make out the remnants of her brain now mixing with the sand.

You felt as if your throat was bleeding, as you dry heaved trying to get away from the body. Salt water wasn't kind to someone's throat, especially after they'd almost drowned in it. Scrambling back you tried to calm yourself, the other two corpses seemed to be in similar condition. Fuck, don't panic. You had your own set of talents, you were fine, you'd make due alone. Even if someone had bashed these peoples skulls in, you could defend yourself.

What are these talents?[Pick 2]
[] Swordsman- You know your way around a blade, if that's a broadsword, greatsword or rapier. You're pretty good at using it.
[] Spearman- You know your way around a polearm, and are fairly accurate with thrown weapons.
[] Bowsman- You're accurate with a bow and are fairly good with most ranged weapons.
[] Hand to Hand- You're good when fighting with your hands and even better on the ground.
[](Write in!)[Needs to be approved]
[] Battle Magic- You're good at creating magic shields, as well as empowering weapons and equipment.
[] Elemental Magic- You have an affinity towards a certain element, along with minor affinities towards similar elements.
-[] Water- Gives minor affinities towards ice and nature magic.
-[] Fire- Gives minor affinities towards earth and air magic
-[] Earth- Gives minor affinities towards fire and nature magic
-[] Air- Gives minor affinities towards fire and ice magic
-[] Nature- Gives minor affinities towards water and earth magic
-[] Ice- Gives minor affinities towards air and water magic
[] Illusion Magic- a magic based around manipulating the mind, your adept in making people think or see what you want.
[] Light Magic- A form of faith magic, your adept in healing, banishment and empowerment.
[](Write in!)[Needs to be approved]
[] Silver Tongued- A conversation is your battlefield, and you find it fairly easy to convince people of most anything.
[] Hunter- You've spent a good deal of time in the wild, and know how to properly set traps. As well as figuring out how to properly hunt game.
[] Forager- You know a lot about herbs and what kind of plants are good too eat and what can kill you.
[] Tinkerer- You've always been a creative person, and seem to be able to create anything if given the time and resources
[](Write in!)[Needs to be approved]

Or well, you'd be fine in better condition. You could barely focus right now, with your throbbing head. You walked a bit with the ocean to your right, searching the debris with your eyes. There wasn't much, a now empty barrel of rum, the boat's mast with the sails cloth still attached and a good deal of boards. You hadn't been on deck when the ship went down, you'd actually been underdeck when suddenly half the ship vanished in front of you. So you weren't sure, but with this much debris you must have been close to the island.

Up ahead where more bodies, hidden behind debris for the most part but you could make out a figure kneeled over one of the corpses.

"He-llo" You let out as you got closer to the figure, your throat was pretty dry and scratchy. You were about fifteen feet away, but the person who looked like a man froze at the sound of your voice. He turned around, partially getting up but staying crouched. You froze startled and confused when you saw his face. His eyes were an icy blue, the whole of each eye, his pupil and whites enveloped by blue. He stared at you, he had brown hair and a full beard his face was smeared in crimson blood. You remembered he was a crew member on the ship, his name escaped you though. Between the two of you was a rock, about the size of a head completely covered in blood.

He... It.. Stared, completely motionless, uneasily you took a step back, then a second...

It moved, faster than you expected it too, not inhumanly fast but quick. You were too tired, and too roughed up already, to even think of outrunning it. You tried getting ready, started preparing but it was already on you. It barreled you over sending you down to the ground. You grabbed its arms pinning it as you fell, all you had where your hands. You held it in place, it spasmed and pushed you, snarling inhumanly up at you. With a jerk it roughly turned its body and bit a chunk off flesh out of your left bicep. Screaming you loosened your grip and the thing overtook you. Biting into your neck it opened your windpipe, gurgling blood filled your mouth, filled your lungs as it bit your neck again. The pain was unimaginable, you couldn't breath, you were drowning in your own blood. You felt the muscles in your neck grinding between its teeth, The blood splattered your face, your torso, the ground. Your vision began to fade, and you felt it move from your neck too your chest as death embraced you.

~~ 1 ~~
"Shhh, my sweet."

Water lapped over your legs, filling your boots and slowly entombing you in sand. Dull pain throbbed throughout your body, the salt water bringing a few dozen cuts and scrapes to your attention. Your head pounded dully, made worse by the ever screeching cries of seagulls overhead.

You opened your eyes, staring up at the dazzling ball of fire that you recognized as the sun. Birds, flew overhead, circling slowly coming down out of your vision. Screams escaped your lips, you yelled your hands scrambling towards your neck. You tried getting up, but fell too your knees, vomiting a small pond worth of water along with yesterday's dinner onto the wet sand. You could feel its hands pinning you down, you could still see its blue eyes inches away from your face. Still hear its animalistic snarl, feel your blood spurting everywhere, covering your face, covering the sand, flowing out of its mouth. You vomited again, tears running down your face, you switched between convulsing and sobbing. You could still feel its teeth in your neck, it still felt like your mouth was full of blood. You tasted crimson, although all you could really taste was bile.

You hugged yourself, running your hands over your neck again and again and again. There wasn't a single mark on your neck, not a single bite mark. Was that a dream, what just... You were still on the beach, but...

You tried getting up, managing to get on your knees, your chest heaving. Three corpses lay on the beach in front of you, the figure of the women was the closest. You knew what you'd see if you moved closer, you didn't want too see that again. You closed your eyes shuddering, trying to get yourself away from this place, you didn't want to die. You didn't want to get eaten alive...

What was your name?
[A Male name, will make them a guy. Female name will make them a girl]
[](Write in!)

What makes you... you?
[Pick 2 Positive traits and 1 Negative]
Positive Traits
[] Attractive
[] Loyal
[] Brave
[] Fair
[] Trusting
[] Patient
[] Tough
[] Strong Willed
[] Responsible
[] Forgiving
[] Kind
[] Optimist
[] Neat
[] Perceptive
[] Selfless
[] Romantic
[] Zealous
[] (Write in!)
Negative Traits
[] Lust
[] Greed
[] Pride
[] Envy
[] Sloth
[] Gluttony
[] Short Tempered
[] Cruel
[] Coward
[] Emotional
[] Outspoken
[] Shy
[] Cynical
[] Impulsive
[] (Write in!)
Thats right... that's right, alright. You tried taking a deep breath. Still shaking, you looked up, you'd woken up here in your dream. Was it a dream? Or was it just dejavu? Would you run into that thing again if you followed the beach...

Maybe you should try to prepare yourself? [Pick as many as you'd like]
[] Salvage the wreckage, for a weapon or anything useful.
[] See what the corpses have on them. [Will affect Sanity]
[] (Write in!)[Needs approval]

What do you do next? [Pick one]
[] Walk down the beach, with the ocean to your right. [Towards where that thing was in your dream]
[] Walk down the beach, with the ocean to your left.
[] Go into the forest
[] Stay here on the beach, maybe try to build a camp.
[] (Write in!)[Needs approval]

Plan format for Who you are please. [Why, Talents, name and personality]

[] Why were you on the merchant ship?
[] What are these talents?[1]
[] What are these talents?[2]
[] What was your name?
[] What makes you... you?

[] Maybe you should try to prepare yourself? [Pick as many as you'd like]
[] What do you do next? [Pick one]

Few notes on the quest itself
  • Sanity is a hidden stat, and will affect our character greatly.
  • This is a partial dungeoning quest, about 1 quarter of this quest should be about exploring dungeons.
  • No rolls, this quest is about being prepared for situations.
  • Traits are something which we'll acquire and will be brought between deaths.
  • There will not be much copy pasting of old text, If we did a bunch of stuff then were brought back. There will be a quick recap for doing the same shit, if we choose to do the same thing. (plus differences depending on sanity etc). I'm going to try to keep the redundancies to a minimum.
  • This is for the most part an original quest, with a sprinkle of re:zero. Completely original world and characters, with throwbacks to the anime. Along with the power.

Hey, i'm incredibly excited to be back. I've really missed this place, but I needed to leave so I would be able to juggle some personal matters along with school.

I think i'm pretty good now, but am pretty disappointed that I let my Dresden files quest die [Planning to continue that with short stories] and the zelda/re:zero one. This quest is a reboot of the Zelda/Re:zero one. But without the zelda tag on it, this quest will have dungeoning in it just like I was planning for the other one. So the only thing lost is maybe a bit of attention from me having the Zelda tag on it.

This was actually how the Legend of Zero was going to start, I was going to have a build up so you know the "bad guys" then have him end up on an island. I ended up just going straight to the island with this, I think it works better and shows the Re:zero mechanic right away.

I'll be keeping up with this quest, and I promise it will have an ending and I won't just leave it.
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Amelia Seyrunn
Black Hair / Green Eyes

  • Amelia was born in the 3rd month of fall, in the year 979'pt. To Lord Gaidel of House Seyrunn and Lady Elayne of Londerwin, a political marriage to formally ally the two houses which in the past had a good deal of issues.

    Amelia spent her younger years brought up by nannies, that's not to say her mother was never around. Her mother tried to give Amelia as much time as she could, but the life of a Lady of a Great House is busy.

    As Amelia got older her parents began taking her to the castle, as well as court so she could start learning how to be a lady. While she was at the castle Amelia would often sneak away from her maids and go watch the knights train. In particular she would always go in search of her older brother Ander, so she could watch him training. He was usually the one forced to bring her back to her maids after he'd find her wandering around. She always looked up to her older brother, and just being a child, she always imagined a future where she was a knight.

    It was during one of those incursions that she met a young girl named Siuan watching the knights spar up in Amelia's favorite spot. Siuan had similar dreams, but she also had to crush Amelia's by telling her that girls can't be knights. Amelia didn't believe her and thought that was dumb, so she convinced Siuan that they could train just like the knights.

    After that whenever Amelia was in the castle she'd run off to go play with Siuan, pretending to be knights or playing hero. Siuan turned out to be Siuan Paendrag, second daughter and fourth child to Uther Paendrag the King of Herindal. That didn't stop them from playing of course, there fathers always got along. They thought it was good that there daughters had a friend, although both were fairly baffled at their preference towards toy swords instead of dolls. Siuans older brother would often make fun of them and berate them for it. Constantly reminding them of how they couldn't become knights and that there weren't any women heroes that used swords. As the two of of them grew up they learned to not like the sword, Siuan enjoyed using the bow and would often go hunting with her siblings. While Amelia found it more reliable to use her hands and would often attempt to wrestle with the servant children, along with a not so enthusiastic Siuan.

    When Amelia's brother was thirteen he left to go train at a temple dedicated to the aspect of Justice, which trained knights into paladins. It was thought highly of and was something that most if not all nobles did with there sons. Around that time her father started taking her with him to oversee his lands. She'd watch him talk to people about their problems, see some people be angry with him and watch him talk them down. He'd handle issues, while enforcing things that he thought were the best for his realm. It was a very sobering experience for her at a young age, the contrast between her life of luxury in her mansion and the city. To seeing how people actually lived, working for their income and earning the food on their table. That wasn't to say she didn't think her father worked for everything they had, she knew he did and knew he had little free time. But those visits really helped Amelia grow as a person, and prepared her for the future.

    A little after Amelia's twelfth birthday her mother passed away attempting to give birth to there third child. Amelia had been beyond excited to have another sibling, and had spent months preparing herself to be an older sister. Her only sibling had been Ander at that point who'd been away training with her uncle for the past six years. He visited every so often, but never as long as Amelia wanted. The passing of Elayne Seyrunn reverberated throughout the kingdom. Her being the daughter of the head of House Londerwin, and the wife to the head of House Seyrunn. That was the first and only time in her life that she'd seen her father cry. The first time she thought of her father as just a man. Till that point he may as well have been a hero out of legend. She looked up to him, respected his ability to lead and thought of him as an untouchable wall. It was at that moment when that image cracked. When she held her father as he cried over the body of his wife and unborn child. It was then, when that image of heroes and great warriors, crumbled for her. She realized that behind all those great deeds, lay regular men, who felt loss and heartbreak like anyone else. Ander visited for the funeral but he wasn't able to stay very long, he spent the majority of his time there with Amelia though. Showing her cool magic and sword techniques that he'd learnt. He was obviously hurting under the surface but he really tried to hide it from Amelia.

    Siuan started visiting more after that, sometimes her father the King would come along so he could visit with Amelia's father. Who also paid more attention to her, going as far as to actually teach her some of the things she'd remembered him showing Ander before he left. A few months after the death of her mother. Amelia's father asked if she'd like to go off and train at a monastery or temple, like most noble men did once they reached 13. She said no at first not wanting to leave her father alone. But changed her mind when he told her that the king was asking Siuan the same thing and that Ander would be returning as a full fledged Paladin before she left.

    A year later, a bit after her thirteenth birthday Amelia left Herindal with Siuan to the continent of Sygewyn. After landing in Dragonshore, Amelia went to the Monastery of Wisdom on the coast of the kingdom of Valoria. While Siuan went to the Monastery of Sacrifice in the Howling Mountains, which lay in no kingdom at the edge of the Bloostained Wilds.

    Life at the monastery was a good deal different from Amelia's life back at home. Once she arrived and her guards left, she was forced to strip down completely. Handing over all of her possessions, which they then burned to ash. She was then given cloth and thread, then was told that she must make her own robes. It was apparently what they did with all new initiates, shedding material possessions and all they had been beforehand. Being 'reborn' and brought into a world where possessions were more than just items. It was a lesson to remind you of all you'd taken for granted. Well, Amelia had definitely taken modesty for granted, that week was one of the worst in her life. She could only work on the robes in her free time. Which were three one hour intervals a day and she was so exhausted at the end of the day that working on the robe wasn't a concern. No one cared about her nudity, they were used to it and it was a mixed monastery. But she wasn't used to it, once she'd actually finished with a robe someone mentioned how they'd thought her face was just naturally pink.

    She slowly became accustomed to living there, they awakened her to magic and taught her the basics. They pounded lessons on the goddess, lessons of temperance and of wisdom into her head. She was forced to go over every thing she knew through her headspace and organize all her thoughts. All the happy memories, all the embarrassing ones and all the depressing ones, it was an exercise on knowledge. Once done, with everything completely organised in her head she was able to find any and all that she knew, at least with a little searching. Afterwards it was just upkeep, she visualized memories as documents, shards of knowledge within her headspace. So once a week she'd sort through those papers, and organize them. Instructors would often quiz initiates to make sure there mental studies where in order. She actually saw someone get kicked out for not caring about organizing there headspace. He was called slothful and uncaring about the wisdom of the goddess and banished with nothing but enough rations to reach the nearest town.

    At the Monastery the monks encouraged Amelia's fighting prowess, kicking her ass in combat and forcing her to go over techniques. It was some of the most fun she had there, she loved wrestling on the ground with recruits. She was fast, much faster than anyone else there, instructors included. Now that didn't make up for her lack of skill however, she was to forward to ambitious in attacks, even now she has issues with over extending or going for incredibly risky moves.

    After close to seven years at the monastery, (about 6 and a half) she received a letter from her father. Telling her that he'd sent a group of guards to come and get her and bring her back to court. She didn't wait for the guards to fetch her, a few days after she received the letter she'd set out by herself to go back to Herindal. It was a three week journey to Dragonshore from the monastery, Amelia managed the best she could. The monks gave her gold before she left, so she didn't starve on her way, although she did indulge. In Dragonshore, even though she was essentially broke she somehow managed to convince a merchant's captain to give her passage. "It would be an honour, to give passage to a lady of a Great House." He'd said, it probably helped that he was heading to her uncle's port. With that Amelia set out to Herindal, heading east towards the continent and country that she used to call home.

  • Martial
    Adept Hand to Hand
    You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

    Focused Finesse
    You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.


    Basic Mending
    A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.

    Eye of Magus
    You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.

    Basic Banishment
    You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

    A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practice spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practice spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

    Touch of Knowledge
    By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

    Spell Saver
    Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.

    You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

    You're fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of you while your in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.

    You tend to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for your to lose sanity.

    You tend to get distracted fairly easily and do things without thinking of the consequences. If your interested or want something, you have a tendency to do whatever you can to get or learn about it.

    Socially Tactless
    You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.


    An early life at court has taught you that fair deals and encounters usually end off serving both parties the best. At a young age you discovered that a one sided deal only benefits the person who's getting a better deal. Which usually ends up biting them in the ass down the road anyways.

    Knowledge / Misc
    Outdated Political Knowledge
    You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight great houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

    Basic Geological Knowledge
    You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

    Advanced Religious Knowledge
    You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about the Goddess.

    Basic Court Etiquette
    Even after seven years without using cutlery or talking "properly". You still remember which spoon to use for soup and which to use for dessert. Although the proper customs for balls and other formal gatherings have slipped your mind. You were never one to care much about that thing, it's amazing that you can still use a fork.

  • Martial
    Advanced Hand to Hand = 0/25
    Basic (Write in, combat style) = 0/5

    Break apart
    Basic Mending = 0/10
    Eye of Magus = 0/10
    Basic Banishment = 0/10
    Touch of Knowledge = 0/10
    SpellSaver = 0/10

    Learn [Spell Saver]
    Spirit Magic

    Cloak of Shadows = 0/10
    Summon Servant = 0/25
    Ball of Light = 0/25
    Light Footed = 0/25
    Heavy Hand = 0/25
    Nature Net = 0/25
    Ball of Healing = 0/25
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Sanity is a mechanic in the game which effects our characters mental health, how much shit she can take until she snaps essentially. Messing with dead bodies, murdering someone, watching her friends get murdered or getting killed her self. Will all effect Sanity and change how our character looks at the world. Now as the quest goes on her resilience will increase, she'll probably get better at killing people, get used to dying even maybe. But eventually, inevitably she will snap and how she snaps all depends on the circumstances that she's in. She might just crack a little bit, have an urge to see someone dead no matter what, not caring about her own mortality or others. Or she might snap completely and be thrown useless for a while until she's able to bring herself out of it, for better or worse.

There are things we can do to raise her sanity, organizing our headspace and rationalizing our past experiences are a big one. Simply taking time off and not just focusing on the task ahead is one to, although that could lead to unpredictable repercussions.

Energy is pretty basic, what we do and how much we exert ourselves effects Amelia. Training hard and then going right for the throat really exhausts her, and focusing to much on certain tasks might not just effect energy but also Sanity.

Spells take energy as well, Spirit spells are the easiest for us to cast so they take barely any energy for us to use unless its an advanced spell. Void and Reality magic are our second easiest to use, it takes us more energy but we can still use those spells effectively. For us elemental magic is whats difficult, we can use elemental magic but its exhausting we need to use excess null magic in order to guide it which really taxes our reserves. So technically we can literally do anything as long as we conserve energy and pay attention to how much we're using up. Its a hidden stat, but ill give hints and messages as to how low it is.

Learning Spells/Skills, and creating new spells and skills.
Time spent is the main thing that I wanted to go over here, its something that isn't currently prevalent but will be eventually if not the next post then in a few.

Timespent is, when we have time we can allocate into learning/creating a spell or training/creating new physical techniques. Our headspace helps us a lot with spell based work, and martial training. It gives us a space where we gain extra time to focus on learning and gives a safe area for us to experiment.

Ts to exp conversion is pretty simple, 4 hours of training by ourselves within the headspace is worth 2 point of experience towards that skill. While 1 hour of being taught a skill, outside or within our headspace (by another person or entity) is worth 2 .5 points of experience. A very good teacher might be able to get us 3 points of experience per hour taught.

4 hours of personal training = 2 exp
1 hour of being taught = 2.5 exp

For example, if lets say Flint was to teach us how to use a sword.

Basic Sword Training = 0/5. (Takes five experience to learn)

By ourselves it would take us 12 hours within our head-space, while it would take 2 outside. This is just a basic skill though, which is why it only costs 5 exp.

For martial specializations there are 4 skill levels per, basic, adept, advanced and Master

Basic = 0/5
Adept = 0/10
Advanced = 0/25
Master = 0/50

Pretty basic scale, points do not transfer over so in total it would cost 90 points to reach Master.

Spells are similar although different because of our affinities.

We have a much easier time rationalizing and learning spells of spirit and a bit less of an easier time learning spells of void and reality. While elemental magic takes the most amount of time for us. Being taught a spell still gives us the same amount of experience as being taught a skill would, 2 for training yourself and 2.5 for someone teaching you. 3 if the teacher is very good. Because of our spellsaver spell, we can take any spell we've seen and focus time into it to learn it ourselves, getting an understanding of it without investing in it.

There's another step for spells though since all spells use symbols, it costs a low amount to learn the spell but increased time to learn the spell well enough to be able to use it by visualizing the symbols. A step past that is breaking down the spell and understanding it to the point where you can create new spells off of it. (but ill get into that further below)

For example lets say we're trying to learn a spell. This is what it would be like for learning it with affinity, with a minor affinity and with no affinity, breaking each of those spells apart and understanding a spell. (ill explain what that entails below this example)

Affinity - Understanding = 0/5
Affinity - Drawn Symbols = 0/2
Affinity - Visualization = 0/5
Affinity - Break Apart = 0/10

Minor Affinity - Understanding = 0/10
Minor Affinity - Drawn symbols = 0/5
Minor Affinity - Visualization = 0/10
Minor Affinity - Break apart = 0/25

No Affinity - Understanding = 0/25
No Affinity - Drawn symbols = 0/10
No Affinity - Visualization = 0/25
No Affinity - Break apart = 0/50

Breaking apart spells, to upgrade or learn new ones.
Breaking apart a spell lets Amelia look at the spell more objectively and learn how to improve or add onto it for different results. It's a system for us to learn and develop our spells and create new things that we hadn't thought of. As well as upgrading existing spells. Breaking apart a spell is just a way of analyzing it and doesn't do anything to our knowledge of the spell, apart from adding onto it.

Understanding is a bit more then just learning how to go about using a spell, whenever you break apart a spell. You'll also gain knowledge of that kind of spell (Spiritual Healing, Empowerment,Banishment etc) and be able to invest time into it so you can learn more applications within that field. Essentially by breaking apart a spell, you can then gain the foundation for learning and creating other spells that might use similar applications. (see the example below) Not all spells have direct spells that relate to it and breaking apart some spells will just give knowledge and no upgrade. Investing into something that would give us knowledge of something we already know, just gives bonus exp to that knowledge.

For example-
Lets say we just invested 10 exp into Basic Mending, so we could break it apart.

This leads into a few breakthroughs and gives us a few things that we can try to understand.
We'd then be able to immediately invest 5 exp into 'Adept Mending' to understand it then 2 more to learn how to properly use it. (then 5 more to visualize, etc)

We'd also gain knowledge of 'Faith Healing' which if we invested 5 exp into that, could lead to other healing spells apart from just Mending. (If you invest into an idea, like 'Faith Healing' I'll give you guys a few options to choose from every time you invest into it.)

The Island of Nino
Ellel - Elder and Healer of Nino

Nature Affinity
Tery - Healers Apprentice
Nature Affinity
Rida - Fishman who found you on the beach
Eldin - Fisherman who comes to get supplies with Amelia.

Amelia's Ship
Flint - Met Dying on the beach
Earth Affinity
Windspeaker - Met Dying in a tree
Wind Affinity

Other Ship
The Ranger
The Warrior
The Mage
The Paladin
Mason - Guard on the other ship
Raffin - A Sailor on the other ship

Fire Affinity


Magic Theory
Magic is a conversion of energy used to effect the fabric of reality. The majority of people convert energy to a more pure state, this state is simply called "Magic Energy" or Mana. Although technically any form of energy can be converted to Mana , its a lot tougher to convert anything that has an actual mass to it.

Because of that the most common form of conversion is by converting one's own personal energy reserves and using that too do things with Mana. These reserves are fairly expendable since they reset after a good night's sleep, but if you leave yourself completely depleted then your body will shut down.

This is something that most people can do, but any spell that's past a beginners skill level. Usually uses enough mana that you'd near kill yourself by using your personal reserves to lay out the spell.

Because of the need for more mana, practitioners discovered that there was more then one kind. Ten kinds in total, each of which are better suited towards different tasks. With that they found that each indivual practitioner tends to hold an affinity towards a certain type of mana. Making it increasingly easy for them to use and manipulate that type, while others are much more difficult for them. They also where found to hold minor affinities to mana types that have relation too there prime affinity.

The first is Null Mana, which is converted directly from energy within living tissue.[Your own personal reserves] Its mainly used to guide spells and can be used equally with all kinds of magic.

Six of them are elemental based. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice and Nature. Each mana is able to be manipulated in other ways apart from their base elements.

Fire mana. Focused on Destruction and Disintegration magic. Gives minor affinities towards ice and nature magic.
Water mana. Focused on Protection and Mana Grounding magic. Gives minor affinities towards earth and air magic
Earth mana. Focused on Gravity and Runic magic. Gives minor affinities towards fire and nature magic
Air mana. Focused on Sound and Enchantment magic. Gives minor affinities towards fire and ice magic
Ice mana. Focused on Time and Body Manipulation . Gives minor affinities towards air and water magic
Nature mana. Healing and Divination. Gives minor affinities towards water and earth magic

Three of them are soul based. Spirit, Void and Mental. if someone has an Affinity for Spirit, Void or Mental, then they have minor affinity towards the other two. [We have minor affinities towards void and Mental]

Spirit magic, also called Light magic. Channels the energy outputted by emotions, as well as outside sources. Used mainly for things that affect a person's spirit, or the spiritual plane itself. Predominantly created by converting faith, although the conversion tends to give more mana then faith given. Theists commonly believe it to be caused by the deity that the faith is directed towards, while Atheists tend to go a more scientific route.

Void magic, also called Dark magic. Channels the energy from outside and unknown sources. Used mainly for out of realm and summoning magic. Unlike the common view on void magic, not all Dark magic has to do with the Witch and Demons. Most if not all summoning magic is at least partially void magic.

Mental magic, also called Reality magic. Channels energy from within and around themselves. Used mainly for manipulating other people, making them see and think what they want. There are rumors of high level spells being able to manipulate reality itself.

With most magic you need to either draw or visualize symbols that help guide the mana into doing what you want. It takes more effort to visualize the symbols in your mind, but you can use it to almost cast spells instantly if familiar enough. The kind of symbols don't matter as much as the individual's belief behind the symbols. There are sets of symbols that are near universal, but there's differences between different organizations. It's even possible to know where someone learnt there magic from based on the symbols they use for their spells. Some spells use multiple kinds of mana, while almost all spells use null mana at least to guide the spell.

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[X] Plan Scion
[X] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.

[X] Elemental Magic- You have an affinity towards a certain element, along with minor affinities towards similar elements.
-[X] Air- Gives minor affinities towards fire and ice magic
[X] Silver Tongued- A conversation is your battlefield, and you find it fairly easy to convince people of most anything.
[X] Quenser Barbotage
[X] Strong Willed
[X] Perceptive
[X] Lust

[X] Salvage the wreckage, for a weapon or anything useful.
[X] Take note and gather anything that may be of use.
[X] See what the corpses have on them. [Will affect Sanity]
[X] After acquiring a weapon, whether by making it ourselves or obtaining on from the wreckage, constructing traps and then laying them out would be a good way of preparing for anything.
[X] Stay here on the beach, maybe try to build a camp.

@BetaM Is it okay?
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[X] Plan Sunlight Fist
-[X] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.
-[X] Hand to Hand- You're good when fighting with your hands and even better on the ground.
-[X] Light Magic- A form of faith magic, your adept in healing, banishment and empowerment.
-[X] Amelia Seyruun
-[X] Attractive
-[X] Optimist
-[X] Impulsive
[X] Salvage the wreckage, for a weapon or anything useful.
[X] Walk down the beach, with the ocean to your left.

Well, we got zombies so...healing and FIST
[X] Plan Scion
[X] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.

[X] Elemental Magic- You have an affinity towards a certain element, along with minor affinities towards similar elements.
-[X] Air- Gives minor affinities towards fire and ice magic
[X] Silver Tongued- A conversation is your battlefield, and you find it fairly easy to convince people of most anything.
[X] Quenser Barbotage
[X] Strong Willed
[X] Perceptive
[X] Lust

[X] Salvage the wreckage, for a weapon or anything useful.
[X] Take note and gather anything that may be of use.
[X] See what the corpses have on them. [Will affect Sanity]
[X] After acquiring a weapon, whether by making it ourselves or obtaining on from the wreckage, constructing traps and then laying them out would be a good way of preparing for anything.
[X] Stay here on the beach, maybe try to build a camp.

@BetaM Is it okay?

For constructing traps we'll need either the hunter or Tinkerer trait. Or else our character simply won't know how to make them.

Everything else is okay though

Save-spamming! OP!

The Munchkin in me is giggling like a demented maniac.

But the Strategist is worried about how much time this will take...

Save-spamming! OP!

The Munchkin in me is giggling like a demented maniac.

But the Strategist is worried about how much time this will take...
I'll try not too go over stuff that we've already done, for example if we already did 2 days worth of stuff and want too get back to that point we where at 2 days from the checkpoint. I'll only go over the differences, with a very brief reminder of what all happened in that time. Accounting for how our sanity effects stuff as well.

For example, lets say we did 2 days worth of stuff and then died. Once we where back at the checkpoint i'd give us options like this-

[]Follow the same events as last time.
-[]Try to do this differently
-[]Try to do this differently
-[]Split off and do _______
[]Go this way and try to see if you can stop this before it happens.

I'll also always have write in's just in case I missed something that we could do.
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Quick question. If we don't choose magic here can we pick it up at a later time?

Tentative plan

[x] Noble Hunting
-[x] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.
-[x] Silver Tongued- A conversation is your battlefield, and you find it fairly easy to convince people of most anything.
-[x] Hunter- You've spent a good deal of time in the wild, and know how to properly set traps. As well as figuring out how to properly hunt game.
-[x] Julius Kingsley
-[x] Perceptive
-[x] Zealous
-[x] Cynical

So I'm thinking we should be able to pick up magic later, so we want something to help us survive right now. Hunting has combat applications which is good. Zealous in my opinion will probably help us in the sanity department, and cynical probably will too (albeit at a cost). Perceptive is just useful to have along with silver tongue for a bit of synergy, and they are greatly enhanced by our ability to save scum (which we should be able to pull off because of zealous).

The name I don't really care for, so I just used a reference. I am curious what people think the best negative trait is though, because they seem like traits that aren't necessarily bad if had in moderation.
Quick question. If we don't choose magic here can we pick it up at a later time?

Tentative plan

[x] Noble Hunting
-[x] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.
-[x] Silver Tongued- A conversation is your battlefield, and you find it fairly easy to convince people of most anything.
-[x] Hunter- You've spent a good deal of time in the wild, and know how to properly set traps. As well as figuring out how to properly hunt game.
-[x] Julius Kingsley
-[x] Perceptive
-[x] Zealous
-[x] Cynical

So I'm thinking we should be able to pick up magic later, so we want something to help us survive right now. Hunting has combat applications which is good. Zealous in my opinion will probably help us in the sanity department, and cynical probably will too (albeit at a cost). Perceptive is just useful to have along with silver tongue for a bit of synergy, and they are greatly enhanced by our ability to save scum (which we should be able to pull off because of zealous).

The name I don't really care for, so I just used a reference. I am curious what people think the best negative trait is though, because they seem like traits that aren't necessarily bad if had in moderation.

Yeah we can learn magic later, although that would mean that our affinity will be chosen depending on personality instead of us picking it. Also Magic wont be easy too learn it'll take time. Us starting off with magic means we'll start off knowing some spells with the ability too expand a bit more easily. Zealous would maybe mean that they'd attribute a lot of stuff to the goddess more easily, although it might also make then open too having a crisis of faith.
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Current vote tally
[X] Plan Sunlight Fist
Number of Votes- 5

[X] Plan Scion
Number of Votes- 1

[X] Plan Noble Hunter
Number of Votes- 1

I'll leave the vote up until the next part, although it looks pretty swayed towards Sunlight Fist

Also changed the name too "The Void's Heart" My god was "Shades of the heart" a bad fucking name
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[X] Plan Sunlight Fist
-[X] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in years.
-[X] Hand to Hand- You're good when fighting with your hands and even better on the ground.
-[X] Light Magic- A form of faith magic, your adept in healing, banishment and empowerment.
-[X] Amelia Seyruun
-[X] Attractive
-[X] Optimist
-[X] Impulsive
[X] Salvage the wreckage, for a weapon or anything useful.
[X] Walk down the beach, with the ocean to your left.

The only thing I don't like about this is the Hand to Hand, which is exactly the worst possible way to combat zombies, and not a super effective battle skill in general, especially if we're not super strong. I'd much prefer either picking up a different martial skill, any of them would do, or Tinkerer. I might make a similar plan later, but I'm not sure it's worth it.
For a flaw, cynical seems the most useful. And if we are going for martial talents, spear means Melee and Ranged weapons.
1.2. A Walk Down The Beach
Amelia Seyrunn
Adept Hand to Hand
You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

Focused Finesse
You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.

Basic Mending
A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.

Eye of Magus
You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.

Basic Banishment
You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

You could have sworn you died, but maybe it was just a dream...

Amelia is fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of her while she's in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.

Amelia tends to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for her to lose sanity.

Amelia tends to get distracted fairly easily and does things without thinking of the consequences. If she's interested or wants something, she has a tendency to do whatever she can to get or learn about it.

Socially Tactless
You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.

Knowledge / Misc
Outdated Political Knowledge
You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight greater houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

Basic Geological Knowledge
You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

Advanced Religious Knowledge
You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about the Goddess.

Checkpoint Inventory
Leather Pants
Slightly Torn Cloth Shirt

Current Inventory
Leather Pants
Slightly Torn Cloth Shirt
Leather Bag
Carving Knife
5 Chips

Traits gained
[X] Hand to Hand- You're good when fighting with your hands and even better on the ground
Adept Hand to Hand
You're good at fighting with your hands and proficient at grappling people on the ground.

Focused Finesse
You aren't incredibly strong but your fast, your good at getting out of holds and have a knack for predicting enemy movement.

[X] Light Magic- A form of faith magic, your adept in healing, banishment and empowerment.
Basic Mending
A spell that mends flesh, good for small wounds but doesn't help much if it's a deep wound.
Eye of Magus
You can use a burst of magic too opening your inner eye. Letting you see into the Spiritual plain, seeing what kinds of magic someone is using, as well as seeing spiritual entities. Not everything in this realm is for human eyes too see.
Basic Banishment
You can Banish minor spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

Personality Choices
Amelia is fairly good looking, people tend to take notice of her while she's in a room. Although they also tend to be persuaded easier.
Amelia tends to think of the future as bright, it takes a bit more for her to lose sanity.
Amelia tends to get distracted fairly easily and does things without thinking of the consequences. If she's interested or wants something, she has a tendency to do whatever she can to get or learn about it.

[X] A Noble, returning from a country across the sea to a home you hadn't seen in year.
Outdated Political Knowledge
You once lived in Herindal after all, you remember your teachings about the eight greater houses as well as a good deal of minor ones. That was close to seven years ago though, so anything recent your unaware of.

Basic Geological Knowledge
You know the general layout of Herindal and could probably get to most places using landmarks.

Hand to Hand+ Light Magic + A Noble
Life Event
Past 7 years training under Monks of the ________ Aspect of the Goddess [Chosen Below]

Traits gained:
Advanced Religious Knowledge
You spent the past seven years with a group of Zealous monks, there's not much you don't know about The Goddess and The Witch.

Socially Tactless
You can talk to people just fine, but spending the better part of your teens in a monastery has left you fairly blunt and sometimes awkward in social settings.

| A Quiet Walk down the Beach |

The sand crunched underfoot as you stood up, the thought of bloody teeth and sky blue eyes burnt into your eyelids. You couldn't stay curled up here, what would your instructors have said if they saw you like this. It was just a dream, you were fine, you were alive, at least you thought you were. You winced a bit noticing the three corpses again, an image of a caved in skull flashing through your mind.

You needed a weapon!

Your instructors always said that the hands were just as deadly as any blade, and you agreed with them. But, your body ached and the vision of that...


Fighting out of your hold, the feeling of its teeth biting into your arm...

Tearing at your throat...

You turned left away from where you'd gone in your dream. Following the beach you looked through the wreckage. It wasn't long until you saw the strap of a familiar looking bag pinned under what looked to be the remnants of a dresser.

It took longer than you'd like to admit to dig it out. But finally you had the bag, a bag that you remembered crafting yourself. The monks weren't keen on personal possessions unless there was meaning behind it. You had to hunt down a ram, skin it and then craft it into a bag yourself. Your mother had taught you how to make dresses when you were younger, at the time you thought it was a useless skill for a noble's daughter to know. But you'd been grateful for it when you received the letter from your father calling you back home and hadn't had a bag to carry any of your things in.

Life at the monastery wasn't what you were used to back home. Beatings insteads of scoldings, robes instead of dresses and at the monastery you got beat harder if you brought up your rank. It was funny when you thought back on it, a pretentious adolescent girl forced to go through puberty in a monastery full of men. There were more than a few nights where you went to bed cursing your father. But it helped you grow as a person and because of it you became your own women instead of just being some nobles daughter.

Which Aspect of the Goddess was the monastery dedicated to?
[] Wisdom
A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practise spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practise spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

Touch of Knowledge
By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

Spell Saver
Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.
[] Justice
Hands of Light
by keeping your hand/s covered in magic, your able to touch spiritual entities. It also burns entities who should have already passed on.

Touch of Truth
By keeping contact with someone you can monitor vitals, useful for telling if someone's lying.

Aura of Temperance
As long as your focusing on the spell, your skin pulses magical energy absorbing the force of attacks. It won't stop a blade coming at you, but might stop it from being a fatal blow. Minor spells might disapait completely on contact.
[] Sacrifice
Out of Body
Given a few seconds to yourself. Your able to become a being of pure energy and walk the spiritual plain. Your unable to go more than 20 miles away from your body. Good for spying, listening into conversation or following someone. But there are some things on that plain better left unknown.

Syphon Touch
You can transport energy from yourself into someone/something else, speeding up the healing process and revitalizing them. Its an equal conversion though and can kill you if you give too much. It can technically be used in reverse but is frowned upon.

You can use a great amount of energy to knock someone/something unconscious. This just about deplete your energy reserves and would leave you unconscious if you're not at full energy.
[] Diligence
A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practise spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to test spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 4 hour inside the headspace is roughly 1 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

Steel Skin
By covering your skin with magical energy your skin becomes incredibly hard to slice. All but the sharpest edge won't cut you, blunt force damage still does damage though.

Minds Fortress
Your mental defenses are strong, it's hard for someone to influence you with spells of the mind or trick your vision.
[] Mercy
Adept Mending
Your able to mend muscle, although organs and arteries are outside your area of expertise.

Controlling Touch
By making contact with a simple minded creature. You can send a burst of energy targeted at its mind, leaving it under your control. The creature goes back to normal after an hour, unless you refresh the spell.

Adept Banishment
You can Banish all but greater spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.
[] Compassion
Adept Mending
Your able to mend muscle, although organs and arteries are outside your area of expertise.

Touch of Union
By making contact with someone you can leave a magical imprint on them. This also leaves one on you however. This imprint allows the user to know what the other is about to do and predict their movements. Can force a stalemate in a battle or perfect synchronization for an ally.

Without Pain
Given a few seconds you're able to throw all your emotions away and disconnect yourself from your body. While active you can't feel emotions but also can't feel pain. Your still fully in control of your body but without distraction. This can be hard to leave with low sanity. The flood of emotions and feeling can also be quite a shock to your system.
[] Bravery
Hands of Light
by keeping your hand covered in magic, your able to touch spiritual entities. It also burns entities who shouldn't possess flesh.

Courageous Touch
by making contact with someone, you can leave a magical imprint on them. This also leaves one on you however. Whenever each of you receives a physical attack, the other feels it and receives a similar wound. This also works with mental attacks and attacks on personal energy.

Energy Boost
By pouring magical energy into yourself, your able to heighten your abilities. Allowing you to move faster, hit harder and think fast. This drains you steadily though and can be fatal if you use it for too long.

How big is House Seyrunn and where is it located?
[] One of the Great Houses, you spent the majority of your time in the capital. Although you'd often go with your father to visit his lands bordering the great forest.

[] A wealthy House that owned land within the Shenai mountains and bordering. You used to go with your father as he surveyed the mines. Your fathers lands and banner were under House Vanegul.

[] A fair sized House on, the coast of Elin's Lake. Your fathers lands and banner were under House Fael.

[] A Petty House near the Far Marshes, you have fond memories of chasing frogs and catching bugs. Your mother always looked horrified when you came back covered in mud. Your fathers lands and banner was under House Rein.

To your surprise the bag wasn't empty, looking inside you found a sheathed knife, a few coins and a very moist paper ball. The knife you'd bought at Dragonshore, the port where you found the merchant's ship going to Herindal. The wad of paper being your father's letter, calling you back to your once home. He thought you'd been gone long enough and wanted you to start learning the ways of the court. You'd been expecting the letter for years, this year would be your Twentieth. Most noble women get married at sixteen, being twenty and hardly having any court experience would be rough.

There was no need worrying about that now though, all you needed to care about was surviving. You slung the bag over your shoulder, and continued walking down the beach. The... Corpses, you'd woken up by we're almost out of sight. Up ahead the beach broke off turning into grass, you could see what looked like a branchless tree at the sands edge.


No not a tree, a post, a square wooden post, beside it looked to be a dirt path that disappeared out of view. Well that looked promising, maybe this island wasn't des-

A yelp escaped your lips as you face planted into the sand, adding a few more scrapes to your collection. You were so focused on the post that you stopped paying attention to the debris littered beach. Dusting yourself off, you got off the sand and looked down.

At the body of a man.

You yelped again, jumping back and almost falling over. To your relief his head was still in one piece. A head with short blonde hair and a clean shaven face. His shirt was covered in bits of steel too cover vitals, and was partially ripped open. Underneath you could see that the majority of his chest was red and purple. A long sword was strapped to his belt, held in place by a leather sheath.

You remembered him from the ship, you'd actually talked to him a bit. But later started avoiding him after you he'd compared your looks too a "Cool breeze in the heat of summer." You thought it was a compliment, well it sounded like a compliment. Why was your face so warm?

Leaning down you put your hand over his mouth and felt shallow breath escape from his lips. He was alive, for now atleast. Part of the shirts plate had pierced his chest, and blood had already dried around it. It looks like he'd been like this for a while, actually you weren't sure how long it had been since the ship was destroyed.

An hour?


What do you do?
[] Leave him
[] Try to heal what you can [Basic Mending]
-[] Follow the path and try to get help.
-[] Follow the path, don't ask for help if you find any.
-[] Take his sword
-[] See if you can find anything else on him
{other options depending on which Aspect you choose}
-[] See what's wrong with him and how long he has. [Touch of Wisdom]
-[] See how long he has [Touch of Truth]
-[] Use some of your energy too get him stable [Syphon Touch]
-[] Take his energy and fully heal yourself [Syphon Touch]
-[] Heal his wounds fully [Adept Mending]
-[] (Write in!)

**OOC- I'm not going to label which options lose Sanity, ill state them in the next post. But I feel like adding them just deters from the option and makes it look like i'm trying to make you choose something-**

Those Traits for the Aspect Monastery's took me forever.

Also remember too pick the Aspect that's best for the future as well as the present.

The Headspace is something i'm taking from a series called "NightLord", decent series not amazing. Its not an inner realm like in Mage Trials.
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[] Wisdom
A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practise spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to practise spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 1 hour inside the headspace is roughly 4 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

Touch of Knowledge
By making contact with someone, you can send out a pulse of magic through their body. Figuring out what their weaknesses are, useful on the field of battle as well as diagnosing health problems.

Spell Saver
Every spell you see is saved into your Headspace, for you to deconstruct at a later time. It can sometimes mix up energy and save things that no sane person should see.

So Headspace seems a tad shitty honestly. We become completely defenseless and sacrifice 4 hours per hour of time here, and the only benefit is that practicing magic is safer.

Touch of Knowledge can give us info on anyone we contact, helping with bringing an enemy down or diagnosing.

Spell Saver is basically the Sharingan, and the most viable feature of Wisdom. Will be a great help in expanding our library, but again, Headspace has a ton of downsides.

EDIT: So it actually means 4 hours in there, 1 hour out here, making this much more viable. And assuming that Sharingan'd spells stay there over restarts, holy shit this can snowball magnificently.

[] Justice
Hands of Light
by keeping your hand/s covered in magic, your able to touch spiritual entities. It also burns entities who should have already passed on.

Touch of Truth
By keeping contact with someone you can monitor vitals, useful for telling if someone's lying.

Aura of Temperance
As long as your focusing on the spell, your skin pulses magical energy absorbing the force of attacks. It won't stop a blade coming at you, but might stop it from being a fatal blow. Minor spells might disapait completely on contact.

So we can cover our body in Holy Light, monitor someone's vitals, and keep up an minor active magical defense in a pinch. It's the first feature that defines this one, honestly. Undead never really react well to Holy Light.

[] Sacrifice
Out of Body
Given a few seconds to yourself. Your able to become a being of pure energy and walk the spiritual plain. Your unable to go more than 20 miles away from your body. Good for spying, listening into conversation or following someone. But there are some things on that plain better left unknown.

Syphon Touch
You can transport energy from yourself into someone/something else, speeding up the healing process and revitalizing them. Its an equal conversion though and can kill you if you give too much. It can technically be used in reverse but is frowned upon.

You can use a great amount of energy to knock someone/something unconscious. This just about deplete your energy reserves and would leave you unconscious if you're not at full energy.

So Mind Projection, Energy Transfer, and Knockout Touch. Seems a bit of a niche build.

[] Diligence
A headspace is an area within your mind where you can sort through memories, practise spells and hone skills. Although physical training won't do much for you inside, it's a great place to test spells without negative side effects. Inside you move and act at the speed of thought, 1 hour inside the headspace is roughly 4 hours outside. You must go into a deep meditative state to reach it.

Steel Skin
By covering your skin with magical energy your skin becomes incredibly hard to slice. All but the sharpest edge won't cut you, blunt force damage still does damage though.

Minds Fortress
Your mental defenses are strong, it's hard for someone to influence you with spells of the mind or trick your vision.

Headspace but without the Sharingan, and large passive buffs to physical and mental defense. I like this one, it makes us flat out harder to kill, but doesn't improve Light Magic shit, healing, or offense.

[] Mercy
Adept Mending
Your able to mend muscle, although organs and arteries are outside your area of expertise.

Controlling Touch
By making contact with a simple minded creature. You can send a burst of energy targeted at its mind, leaving it under your control. The creature goes back to normal after an hour, unless you refresh the spell.

Adept Banishment
You can Banish all but greater spiritual entities back to the Under Realm.

Goes further into Healing and Banishment, with a bonus of controlling animals. This is minmaxing our specialization, and these honestly seem very useful.

[] Compassion
Adept Mending
Your able to mend muscle, although organs and arteries are outside your area of expertise.

Touch of Union
By making contact with someone you can leave a magical imprint on them. This also leaves one on you however. This imprint allows the user to know what the other is about to do and predict their movements. Can force a stalemate in a battle or perfect synchronization for an ally.

Without Pain
Given a few seconds you're able to throw all your emotions away and disconnect yourself from your body. While active you can't feel emotions but also can't feel pain. Your still fully in control of your body but without distraction. This can be hard to leave with low sanity. The flood of emotions and feeling can also be quite a shock to your system.

Further goes into Healing, then we have this weird predicting link, then we can go emotionless Zen for a little bit. Don't like much.

[] Bravery
Hands of Light
by keeping your hand covered in magic, your able to touch spiritual entities. It also burns entities who shouldn't possess flesh.

Courageous Touch
by making contact with someone, you can leave a magical imprint on them. This also leaves one on you however. Whenever each of you receives a physical attack, the other feels it and receives a similar wound. This also works with mental attacks and attacks on personal energy.

Energy Boost
By pouring magical energy into yourself, your able to heighten your abilities. Allowing you to move faster, hit harder and think fast. This drains you steadily though and can be fatal if you use it for too long.

Alright, so Hands is cool, as previously mentioned, and Energy Boost is a good emergency measure, but "Courageous Touch"? Seriously? Have we been studying and worshipping fucking Jashin for the last seven years?

I'm thinking Mercy, Diligence, and maybe Justice.

EDIT: Keep in mind that because of the loop, survivability isn't the biggest issue.
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[] Wisdom

Spell Saver + Headspace is the most powerful potential of the whole lot long term. Okay for combat and support alike.

[] Justice

Pretty kickass for combat, since you can FIST undead into ashes, it's also very powerful on the immediate level of punching zombies.
That it reduces damage taken makes this a straight fistmage build.

[] Sacrifice

Very good for recon, but otherwise I don't think it's a good idea.

[] Diligence

Strong defense, though limited immediate use.

[] Mercy

Classic cleric type. I THINK we could develop this on our own though. Controlling Touch makes animals harmles.

[] Compassion

...dangerous, few immediate uses, but if we have multiple allies this is powerful.

[] Bravery

Hero option. Thwack.
But also because it's the Hero option, it's prone to YOLO

[X] Wisdom
[X] One of the Great Houses, you spent the majority of your time in the capital. Although you'd often go with your father to visit his lands bordering the great forest.
[X] Try to heal what you can [Basic Mending]
-[X] See what's wrong with him and how long he has. [Touch of Wisdom]

I settled on Wisdom mostly because that's where I think noble parents would send an impulsive child to. :)
Justice was a VERY close second to me though.
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So Headspace seems a tad shitty honestly. We become completely defenseless and sacrifice 4 hours per hour of time here, and the only benefit is that practicing magic is safer.
Shit... Welp I fucked up. Headspace is 1 hour outside is 4 inside, sorry about that. I swear I went over everything fuck I didn't relise I fucked that up..