The Unification of Britain (CK2, Original) [Dead due to a RL event]

3.1 - War in the North, War in the South - Updates.
  1. Dubris Conflict Update
  2. Diplomacy, Rumors and Intelligence
  3. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update
  4. Turn 3
  5. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update
  6. Turn 3 Results
  7. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update

Drust's spies report that the situation in Dubris is a stalemate at present.

Lord Remus's army remains safe within Dubris's walls, unwilling or unable to sally forth to engage the enemy that has surrounded their city with siege works. Similarly, the forces of Novio-Calleva are content to maintain the status quo with them cutting the city off from the land that surrounds it. The stalemate ultimately benefits the side of Dubris as the Legio Pendragon will soon provide additional pressure to the Novio-Calleva situation.

The truth is, the war has been effectively won once the full force of Londinium's armies are available to fight. It is simply a question of the Novio-Calleva forces acknowledging the inevitable.

Dubris Order of Battle
Lord Remus of Dubris (+25 Martial)
Valen of Dubris (+20 Sorcery, Necromancer)
Force Bonus: +13 Martial
Force Multiplier (x2): Safely behind the walls of Dubris.

Combat Roll: 1d100+58 (12,000 soldier equivalent)

The First Dubris Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (2)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Valen of Dubris
Mage Support: Valen of Dubris (+20 Sorcery, Necromancer)

The Second Dubris Archer Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (2)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 1000 (2 Cohorts)
Commander: Lord Remus of Dubris

Novio-Calleva Order of Battle
General Alexander Calleva (+25 Martial)
Revan of Noviomagus (Hydomancer) (+20 Sorcery)
Force Bonus: +15 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+61 (7,000 man equivalent)

The First Noviomagus Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Revan of Noviomagus
Supported by: Revan of Noviomagus

The Novio-Calleva Archer Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 2000 (4 Cohorts)
Commander: General Alexander Calleva

You are Albus Tiberius and you have nearly completed the siege works needed to contain the city of Calleva. There was still one sizable weak point and today it would be exploited by the enemy for all the good it would do them.

The forces of Calleva boiled out of the city's gates like a swarm of angry bees before they charged the unfinished stretch of earthworks on the western side of the city. You rallied your men and stopped them before they penetrated too deeply but it was a near thing. Once you had organized your forces into proper battle lines, you crushed the Calleva forces between the finished sections of the earthworks and the full might of your legion. It was an easy battle, lopsided in its results and clear in its victor.

The Calleva forces did manage to retreat behind the safety of their walls but in the end, it hardly mattered. Their numbers were too depleted to risk any further assaults and their numbers were too few to truly resist a siege once you were reinforced.

The battle for Calleva was effectively won, it was simply a matter of time before the city was taken.

1D100+36 => 99 * 1.1 = 109 vs. 1D100+36 => 133 (Calleva's initial assault is effective at penetrating the siege works.)
1D100+36 => 122 * 1.1 = 134 vs. 1D100+36 => 58 (Decisive Victory; the forces of Calleva were slaughtered.)
1D100+36 => 112 * 1.1 = 123 vs. 1d100+36 => 64 (Calleva is pushed back into the city with heavy losses.)

Novio-Calleva's Losses
-1000 Men

Londinium's Losses
Minor; easily replaced by reinforcements from Londinium.

Novio-Calleva Order of Battle
Felix Africanus (Aeromancer) (+20 Sorcery)
Force Bonus: +15 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+36 (9000 man equivalent)

The First Calleva Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Felix Africanus
Supported By: Felix Africanus

Londinium Order of Battle
Albus Tiberius (+20 Martial)
Force Bonus: +15 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+36 (5000 man equivalent)
Force Multiplier: 1.1x

The Legio Britannia
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Albus Tiberius

There were no men of Londinium to observe the conflict, only Drust's feminine spies. A vast wave of greenskins attempted to scale the walls of Eburacum in the dead of night but the men of Eburacum were ready for them. The first assault was stopped in its tracks as the men of Eburacum threw ladders off the walls, sending dozens of orcs to their deaths. However, around midnight the Orcs had begun to arrive at the top of the walls of Eburacum. Thankfully, they were pushed back before the defenders suffered serious harm.

It is reported that morale is strong in Eburacum, with the first assault beaten back, the future assaults should be easier to fend off. Or so the people of Eburacum believe.

Drust is less confident as his spies report a column of 5,000 Orcs are on the road to Eburacum to reinforce the Horde that has besieged Eburacum. Those reinforcements will more than replace Warboss Skorcha's losses from this battle and the previous one. It will leave the defenders in a tight spot with 21,000 Orcs against 7,000 men. The men of Eburacum are stubborn souls but even they will give way against three to one odds.

Drust's opinion is that Eburacum will last until Spring but not longer than that. The cold truth is 5,000 Orcs a season will be more than enough to cover Skorcha's losses and Eburacum has no one coming to here defense.

The Segontium Pact seems content to allow Eburacum to fall while they pursue their own agenda with the red jewels that fell from the sky. Drust is alarmed by the speed at which strange magical artifacts were converted into usable rituals. It is something he has never even heard of in legend. Segontium has done what should have taken a year or more in a quarter of that time. Drust surmises someone must have provided the Pact with advice and assistance in achieving that feat.

Drust reports that Eburacum's pleas for aid have gone unanswered and it looks like finishing the war in the South as quickly as possible is Eburacum's only hope. However, he is skeptical that even the 10,000 men of the Legions will be enough to save Eburacum in the long run. Every season the Horde grows by 5,000 greenskins and that will grind anyone down given time.

Your spymaster is of the opinion Eburacum should be allowed to fall in the hopes the Greenskins will turn on the Segontium Pact next. A Pact that, much like the Orcs, is growing too strong and too quickly to be easily challenged.

1D100+95 => 99 = 99*1.286 = 127 vs. 1D100+81 => 142 (Eburacum holds the walls and crushes the first wave of Orcs)
1D100+95 => 130 = 130*1.286 = 167 vs. 1D100+81 => 121 (Eburacum is pushed back and the Orcs gain a foothold.)
1D100+95 => 101 = 101*1.286 = 129 vs. 1D100+81 => 162 (Eburacum pushes the Orcs off the city walls)

Warboss Losses:
-2000 Greenskins

Eburacum Losses:
Negligible; Losses are replaced by volunteers from within the city.

Warboss Skorcha Order of Battle
Big'Un Choppa (+30 Martial)
Warboss Skorcha (+35 Pyromancy)
Black Gobbo Grell (+20 Pyromancy)
Force Bonus: +10 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+95 (18,000 Men)
Force Advantage: 1.286 * Combat Roll

The Horde
Veterancy: Blooded (5)
Equipment: Poor (0)
Morale: Average (5)
Manpower: 18000
Commander: Big'Un Choppa
Supported By: Black Gobbo Grell, Warboss Skorcha

Eburacum Order of Battle
Marcellus Lindum (+30 Martial)
Arcturus Kemmler (Lich, +35 Necromancy)
Force Bonus: +16 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+81 (14,000 Men)

The First Eburacum
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 6000 (12 Cohorts)
Supported By: Arcturus Kemmler (Lich, +35 Necromancy)
Commander: Marcellus Lindum

Mixed Allied Infantry
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (3)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 1,000
Commander: Harold Cassius

3.2 - Fall, 210 CE (Turn Post)
You have 6 action dice per Season. You must use a minimum of 1 die per action and may use a maximum of 2 dice per action. Multiple dice are used to improve rolls and rush projects. (i.e. 2 dice = 2 seasons worth of work) When using multiple dice, you take the best roll of the two dice.

Multi-season projects lock the dice spent until they are completed.

The base DC is 50 for all unopposed actions. This translates into a 90% success rate with an advisor and a 70% success rate without an advisor for most actions. For Martial Actions, you operate at 90% without an advisor and 100% with an advisor. Opposed actions have variable DCs.

Locked Actions (1 Dice + 1 Special Action):
  • Antipiracy Patrols: The Saxon Menace must be dealt with and you are dedicating your fleet to the task. It will be a long journey to eliminate the threat but it is a journey worth the effort.
  • Send the Legio Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon to Dubris: You have chosen to end the siege of Dubris as your first step to winning the war against the Novio-Calleva alliance.
Please vote by Plan.

Diplomacy: +21
Martial: +42
Stewardship: +31
Intrigue: +54
Sorcery: +36 (+46 if related to Pyromancy)

Special Action (Not required to be taken, but if you are sending Merlin you need to take it):
[ ] Send Merlin with the Legion to Dubris: Merlin provides Pyromancy Battle Magic to support to One Legion. Requires you to take the Support Legion action. Provides +35 to Legion Rolls. There is a 5% chance of dying if you lose the Martial roll.

[ ] Send Merlin to the Legion in Calleva: Albus needs more support if he is to take the city. While it is unlikely Merlin can take the city by himself, he can certainly take steps to move things in that direction.

[Diplomacy] Seek Advisor: The Lord of Londinium is far from perfect and it would be helpful to have an advisor to point out the flaws in your plans. A proper diplomat would limit the need for you to expose yourself to outsiders, outsiders that might very well be assassins with false papers. You are limited to 3 advisors, so choose wisely.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Diplomacy Advisor (minimum +20), Slight buff to resisting assassinations.

[Diplomacy] Establish Non-Aggression Pact with Moridunium: The first step to deepening one's friendship with one's neighbors is to guarantee that they will not be the target of your armies. While it is unlikely you would disrupt a valuable trade route with war, a signed treaty is the sort of assurance many rulers prefer. After all, if you are proven as a man of your word...the diplomatic value is incalculable. And if you prove untrustworthy, the promise costs Moridunium nothing. Moridunium has no designs on invading Londinium after all.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: NAP with Moridunium and the relationship is improved as long as you never break an agreement.

[Diplomacy] Negotiate with Dragons: Dragons are an out of context problem. Dragonslayers exist but who can vet them effectively when there have been no dragons to hunt for generations? Share some of your treasure and ally yourself with a Dragon is the rational course of action.
Time: 1 Season Cost: -50 Silver Bars/Season Reward: Gain a Dragon ally who calls Londinium his home. In theory, this dragon keeps the other dragons at bay. In practice, your dragon might die.

[Diplomacy] Rally Aid for Eburacum: You may be engaged in a war in the South but there are many cities who are not. Surely they could shake loose some troops to send to Eburacum. However, whatever aid is sent will be at a high risk of being destroyed by Warboss Skorcha before it can enter the city. So it may be wasted effort.
Time: 1 Season: Reward: A couple thousand troops, some food for Eburacum. Although, they may not be able to actually make to Eburacum at this point.


[Martial] Supporting the War Effort: Your men need supplies and women. Preferably in large quantities of both. Spend the time to see that they are well supplied so they do not start suffering penalties from low morale
Time: 1 Season, Reward: You don't have logistical penalties.

[Martial] Seek Advisor: The Lord of Londinium is far from perfect and it would be helpful to have an advisor to point out the flaws in your plans. A Martial adviser would increase your strategic flexibility as you would have two capable generals to lead your legions, instead of one. You are limited to 3 advisors, so choose wisely.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Martial Advisor (minimum +20), You can operate two armies independently in the field. I've changed my mind about military leadership so this option is changed moving forward.

[Martial] Construct Naval Cohort: While you possess two full Legions of well-trained soldiers, your merchants travel the coastlines of Europe entirely unprotected. While piracy is a minor problem, it is a problem. A navy won't pay for itself but it would certainly create military options that would otherwise be unavailable. With sufficient ships, you might even be able to transport entire Legions in a single voyage.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Naval Cohort, Piracy no longer limits trade route options. Cost: 50 Silver Bars / Season

[Martial] Focusing on Training: While your Legions train in their weapons daily, they still have to make time for other military activities. If you were to refocus them solely on training, they would undoubtedly improve noticeably. The stronger your army, the easier the Unification will be. Of course, your neighbors also have relatively green armies so the status of your legions is not exactly a disadvantage you need to remedy, yet.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Improves Veterancy by 1 for both Legions.

[Martial] Hire Mercenaries: You technically have the resources to form a third military force. It would not be enough against Warboss Skorcha, but it would certainly be enough to guarentee victory over any of your neighbors. Of course, mercenaries are expensive and their reliability is questionable. It is too bad you need so much of your population to grow food and operate Londinium's industry. Ideally, these mercenaries would be magical in nature but without a strong relationship with one of the major elven cities that is unlikely to be an option.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Three mercenary options with varying costs depending on their power.


[Stewardship] Fortifications! Fortifications!: Your potential enemies outnumber you and expanding the City's defenses should be a priority. With this expansion, your defenses now apply their bonus to Two Legions or increase a single Legion's power by another 50%. In other words, 2 Legions = 20,000 men equivalent. 1 Legion = 12,500 men equivalent.

[Stewardship] Seek Advisor: The Lord of Londinium is far from perfect and it would be helpful to have an advisor to point out the flaws in your plans. A Steward would make life easier if you kept yourself in the field, conquering your neighbors. You are limited to 3 advisors, so choose wisely.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Stewardship Advisor (minimum +20), no penalties to Stewardship actions due to wartime complications.

[Stewardship] Focus on Blacksmiths: Londinium is a large city and has main talented artisans. However, if one was to focus on a particularly industry it is quite possible for it to become the premier source for that particular good. It would be useful for trade, and in the case of Blacksmiths, the military as well. A powerful industrial base could serve as the platform from which you grew.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +1 Trade Route unlocked due to an excess of metal products, +2 Equipment quality for Londinium's legions. Locks all Stewardship Focus options.

[Stewardship] Focus on Grain: You possess vast fields of grain and while you can do little to expand their size, you can improve their quality. Your mages might be mere hedge wizards but with some regular practice they can double the number of growing seasons you experience every year. Of course, training so many of your best and brightest in this task would limit your alternatives industrially speaking. But more magic is certainly a benefit.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +1 Trade Route unlocked due to an excess of grain, slight boost to the number of mages in Londinium. Locks all Stewardship Focus options.

[Stewardship] Focus on Fish: Fishing in the North Sea is well within the reach of your ships, even if they cannot venture far from land. It would provide a relatively secure food supply for a port like Londinium and limit the effectiveness of beseiging your capital. Of course, fish is not exactly something easily stored so it would be difficult to trade it but it should free up enough of your domestic grain supply to enable other trading opportunities.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +1 Trade routes unlocked due to an excess of food, 50% reduction in besieged penalties as you can supply Londinium without needing access to grain fields.

[Stewardship] Tariffs on Trade: You could raise the tariffs on your merchants, it is not like they could effectively object with Londinium being the only major port in Britain. That said, you cannot squeeze blood from a stone so there are limits to your ability to raise revenue. However, it would certainly slow the effective rate at which trade with the rest of the Roman Empire deteoriates. If only because you collected more silver per shipment.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +200 Silver Bars / Season but increases Deteoriating Trade's penalty cap to -700. So it would buy you another 4 years before the economic penalties brought Londinium down to "average".


[Intrigue] Poison Food Supply (Skorcha): The best way to deal with the overwhelming number of Orcs is to make them ill. It should reduce the numbers available to attack Eburacum and in turn prolong the city's survival. Even if it only delays combat for a few weeks, any delay is worth the effort.
Time: Instant, Reward: 20% of Skorcha's force is unavailable for 1d6 battles.

[Intrigue] Poison Food Supply (Calleva): They are stagnant and dependent on food stockpiles, you can accelerate the fall of Calleva by tainting their food supply and making them destroy their own stockpiles to protect themselves. It may lead to some innocent deaths but they started this war and you intend to finish it!
Time: Instant, Reward: -1 Season to Siege duration, 20% of Calleva's force is unavailable for 1d6 battles.

[Intrigue] Poison Food Supply (Novio-Calleva Siege in Dubris): The enemy has surrounded our ally and we need to resolve that situation as quickly as possible. What better way than to deplete their numbers when it matters most? Poison their grain, their meat and sap their strength while you bring the hammer blow down upon them.
Time: Instant, Reward: 20% of Novio-Calleva force in Dubris is unavailable for 1d6 battles.

[Intrigue] Gather Intelligence: Choose a city-state and hire spies to gather intelligence for you. It will provide a thorough accounting of their military and civilian situations. One might think a spy network would reduce the need for such focused intelligence gathering, but you'd be wrong. Invasions are too important to leave up to what random tidbits a network might acquire in the course of their regular operations.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Intelligence on a City-State.

[Intrigue] Investigate the Red Jewels That Fell: We should send agents to investigate what happened to these jewels. They seem to be heavily in use by Segontium's mages and only God knows what they are doing with them. They are our chief rivals, at least among the British, and we should keep an eye on their major activities. Particularly the suspiciously magical activities.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: You know what happened to the jewels, Risk: Unknown (Contested action)

[Intrigue] Negotiate with the Witches: They want to be able to practice without fear of retribution, you want access to all the magical power you can get your hands on. It is a match made in Heaven...or Hell. One of those.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Witch Infestation Harnessed, One legion is supported by ???? magic. Access to ??? Lore. Consequences ???? and ????.

[Intrigue] Hire Witch Hunters: You know there are witches doing dark magic in the woods. You know there are experienced men who solve these problems for a price. Let us put two and two together and solve this problem.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Witch Infestation Eliminated, Unlocks Witch Hunter Quest Path.

[Intrigue] Investigate the Order of Saint Narcissus: You know they are odd for a Christian order. The question is, are they the good kind of odd? Or the kind of odd you burn at the stake? Investigate to find out.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Order of Saint Narcissus resolved. Potentially unlocks Religious Schism Quest Path.

[Intrigue] Investigate the Order of the Shining Eagle: Are they criminals? Or common mercenaries? You need to know these things and, frankly, if they are the former you need to eliminate the problem or use it for your own ends.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Order of the Shining Eagle resolved. Potentially unlocks Assassin Guild Quest Path.

[Intrigue] Hire Dragonslayers: The only practical solution to a Dragon is to kill it. Sure, they have not been seen in generations but there are still men who have been trained by their fathers to do this dangerous job.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Kill all dragons that threaten your territory. Risk: Unknown.

[Intrigue] Establish Deep Cover Operatives: To deeply penetrate an enemies defenses, one needs long term operatives who are above suspicion. This is the sort of advantage any sane spymaster seeks out before he attempts a serious espionage operation. Of course, deep cover operatives are at constant risk of discovery so it is not without its drawbacks. You must choose a target City to establish your deep cover operatives in. (i.e. Moridunium)
Time: 1 Season. Reward: +20 to Intrigue rolls against the target as long as the agents aren't discovered, DC varies depending on target and it is a DC 50 roll to maintain these operatives each turn. Diplomatic penalties are negligible as everyone does this sort of thing.

[Intrigue] Steal Magical Secrets from Moridunium: It would risk your relationship with the Morrigan but the years it would save off of training your own mages might be worth it! The reason magical research is so slow is the elves are keeping the best stuff for themselves. They might sell you the same stuff their apprentices study, but the works of the masters are hidden behind closed doors. It is a risk, sure, but so is going a decade without powerful mages of your own.
Time: 2 Seasons, Reward: -20 Seasons for a random choice between the Develop Necromancy or Develop Geomancy actions., DC is 70=50+20(Morrigan Intrigue)+20(Morrigan's Intrigue Advisor)-20(Friendly relations). Massive diplomatic penalty with the Morrigan if caught as this borders on an act of war.

[Intrigue] Steal Magical Secrets from Segontium: It probably would lead to a cold war if you were caught, but the knowledge you would gain would be worth it. And honestly, Segontium is unimportant enough to you in the grand scheme of things that such a conflict would be a minor annoyance. Besides, you already have access to Necromancers and Geomancers through your friendship with Moridunium. Wouldn't it be nice to develop some unique Lore of your own or at least a Lore rare enough that it might as well be so?
Time: 2 Seasons, Reward: -30 Seasons for the Develop ??????? action. DC is 90=50+20(Segontium Intrigue)+20(Segontium's Intrigue Advisor). Massive diplomatic penalty with Segontium if caught as this borders on an act of war.

[Intrigue] Steal the Secrets of Pyromancy: You are practically at war with Warboss Skorcha and the other Warbosses already. Sure, you might have considered opening diplomatic relations with them in the form of trade but it would never go further than that. Why not steal their secrets, kidnap a few pyromancers, and give your people a headstart on the Lore of Fire. No one cares if you piss off the Orcs in the process.
Time: 2 Seasons, Reward: Unlocks Develop Pyromancy action with a Time of 20 Seasons. DC is 100=50+30(Skorcha Intrigue)+20(Hostile Race). Massive diplomatic penalty if caught, but honestly, who bothers making peace with a Warboss?

[Intrigue] Plan Operation: Write in the sort of Intrigue operation you want to perform and this action will determine its feasibility, risks, etc. Intrigue is the slow boat to victory but the cost of failure is always small enough to be worth the attempt against someone even if you avoid attempts on your friends.
Time: Instant, Reward: Unlocks Intrigue Action(s) for immediate use as a free action. DC is 50. No diplomatic penalty if caught although the unlocked action most likely will have such a thing.


[Sorcery] Teach Spell: Merlin can teach the magic he knows to the mages of Londinium without worrying about teaching them an entire Major Lore. However, there is a penalty to teaching people incapable of using a Major Lore. Can teach Enchanted Weapons, Rain of Fire, Dragonfire, Pyromancy Battle Magic.
Time: 12 Seasons, Reward: The Londinium Magical community has access to that Spell. Right now, if Merlin dies, you lose access to all pyromancy magic.

[Sorcery] Convert Spell: Merlin is a legendary mage capable of studying spells from other Major Lore and making them his own. Access to these spells and the ability to add them to Londinium's foundation of magic are two separate things however. That said, if Merlin can cast it Merlin can teach it. So it is possible to create a unique Lore for Londinium that crosses boundaries. Spells available for conversion are: Lich Transformation, Raise Wights, Skeletal Necromancers, Drain Life, Support Construction, Raise Fortifications, Fertile Lands.
Time: 4 Seasons, Reward: Merlin is able to cast a specific spell.

[Sorcery] Establish University: While you currently lack a Major Lore, you can still gather potential adepts in a single place and train them to the best of your meager abilities. It would certainly improve the rate at which your hedge wizards gained access to a Major Lore once you gained access to one. Of course, gaining access was the problem...
Time: 4 Seasons, Reward: University (Passively improves the quality of mages, provides a free training action every Season to improve the knowledge/power of Londinium's mages. )

[Sorcery] Beer! Beer for Everyone!: Demand for beer is skyrocketing both at home due to the discovery that beer enhanced magical power. The hedge wizards of Londinium had no clue of the benefits until a wandering sorcerer let the information slip. If you earmark a supply of beer for your mages, they would become more effective allies. Of course, it would strain your supply of alcohol so you would probably need to focus your economy on production of the stuff.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Mages are properly supplied and no longer suffer penalties from their ignorance of the magical properties of Beer. Requires Econ to be focused on Grain production.

[Sorcery] Hire Necromancers: The Necromancers of Moridunium are a powerful class of mages whose fell magic is feared on the battlefield by all that oppose them. In fact, the Morrigan was granted a large degree of autonomy just because the Romans feared open battle with dozens of powerful Necromancers. For the right price, one might acquire this power as your own but the price is rather steep.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: One Legion is now supported by a Necromancer Hero and his students. Cost: 300 Silver Bars / Season.

[Sorcery] HIre Geomancers: The art of Geomancy is a useful talent in construction and in war. Proper Roman fortifications for a siege can be thrown up in a few hours. Fields can be tilled in minutes. It is this sort of flexibility that has made Geomancers a valuable commodity among those that can afford them. Unfortunately, demand for this power far outstrips its supply which means they can name their price.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: One Legion is now supported by a Geomancer Hero and his students. Cost: 300 Silver Bars / Season.

[Sorcery] Develop ???????: With access to a major magical community, you now have the resources to study Major Lores and potentially create your own. It would be a long process, but a unique Lore is the sort of advantage any would-be King desires. However, the process would be longer than simply educating your people in a Lore known to willing tutors.
Time: 60 Seasons, Reward: A Lore unique to Londinium and the formation of a new class of mages. Permanently unlocks ?????? as hireable units and ????? sorcery options.

[Sorcery] Develop Necromancy: With access to Moridunium's magical community, you have gained access to a wide variety of Necromancy texts and practioners of the art. This would be useful in advancing the breadth of Londinium's mages. Of course, it would take a decade of training the next generation of wizards to produce the quantity needed to engage in serious work.
Time: 40 Seasons, Reward: Necromancy is now part of the foundations of magery in Londinium, permanently unlocking Necromancers as hireable units as well as all Necromancy options.

[Sorcery] Develop Geomancy: With access to Moridunium's magical community, you have gained access to a wide variety of Geomancy texts and practitioners of the art. This knowledge would be useful in advancing the skill of Londinium's mages...of course it would take a decade of training the next generation to achieve anything close to the numbers you need for serious activities.
Time: 40 Seasons, Reward: Geomancy is now a part of the foundations of magery in Londinium, permanently unlocking Geomancers as hireable units as well as all Geomancy options.

[Sorcery] Develop Pyromancy: With access to Merlin's magical knowledge, it is only a question of effort for your magical community to acquire the knowledge needed to train its own pyromancers. Of course it would take a decade of training the next generation to achieve anything close to the numbers you need for serious activities.
Time: 40 Seasons, Reward: Pyromancy is now a part of the foundations of magery in Londinium, permanently unlocking Pyromancer as hireable units as well as all Pyromancy options.

[Sorcery] Train Apprentices: Merlin trains hedge wizards in the arts of Pyromancy to accelerate the speed at which your faction develops domestic pyromancers. This can be taken in conjunction with Develop Pyromancy and allows you to effectively deploy 4 dice a Season into a single objective. The fastest way to develop your own pyromancers? Sure, but a costly one.
Time: 40 Seasons, Reward: Pyromancy is now a part of the foundations of magery in Londinium, permanently unlocking Pyromancer as hireable units as well as all Pyromancy options.

[Sorcery] Enchanted Weapons: Merlin is talented at forging enchanted blades, arrowheads, and other tools of war. If he spends time improving the equipment of a given Legion, it would certainly improve their effectiveness. Of course, such activities require a substantial commitment in resources as Merlin will need blacksmiths to forge the weapons in bulk. If one was to focus all his efforts for years on a single Legion, well, they would be nigh invincible wouldn't they?
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Legion gains +5 Equipment quality which translates into +5 to Battle rolls with that Legion. Upkeep: 1 Mana/Season.

[Sorcery] Rain of Fire: Sometimes the best strategic weapon is the disruption of the enemy's logistical base. An army marches on its stomach and a lack of food can destroy an army as quickly as a victory in battle. The best part is, you can use this on anyone and they can't identify you as the source! Useful for weakening an ally, if one was so devious to do such a thing. May need to be taken multiple times in a Season due to the possibility of defensive magic.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Disruption of food supplies in the targeted region which causes a -10 penalty to Battle rolls, Upkeep: 1 Mana/Season. DC varies based on target's sorcery.

[Sorcery] Dragonfire: Stockpiles of Dragonfire are very, very good at laying waste to a fortified position. If one is willing to burn a city down to capture it, it might be worth stockpiling of some of this. Of course, it makes rebuilding that city afterwards a bitch and a half.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Stockpile of Dragonfire that can be consumed to negate the defensive value of fortifications.

[Sorcery] Locate Mana Sources: There are limits to the number of strategic enchantments a Sorcerer can power at any given time. If you wish to expand their reach, you must expand their access to the fundamental power of Magic known as Mana.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: ???? (+1 Mana/Season)

[Sorcery] Dispel: Remove an ongoing, hostile enchantment from a region. Dispelling magic is one of the first tricks a mage is taught and it is one of the most important tools in their toolbox. What good is a mage that can only play offense? None.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Hostile enchantment dispelled and has to be re-cast.

[Sorcery] Sorcerer's Aegis: A powerful defensive spell that can counter one hostile Sorcery action being launched against your faction. An all out assault of magical actions will still penetrate such a defense but such a serious commitment to magical assault will exhaust any sorcerer. Outside of a War or the Elves, it is unlikely you will encounter an opponent with sorcerers to spare for such a focused assault.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: Sorcerer's Aegis, Upkeep: 1 Mana/Season

[Sorcery] Support Legion: Maintaining the strategic enchantments of a major power is serious work and so is the work needed to support a military campaign. Normally, your advisor is available for one task or the other...but if you want to expend the resources to support him it is possible for him to do both. This allows a single sorcerer to maintain both your strategic enchantments and a single Legion in battle. Useful, if one does not want to pay for mercenaries.
Time: Instant, Reward: Legion supported, Strategic enchantments supported by a single mage.

[Sorcery] Research Spell: Write in a thematically appropriate spell for the Major Lore you know (or a generic spell like Detect Magic). This is how you expand your strategic magical options. Tactical magical options are basically anything reasonable within the domain of your Major Lore(s).
Time: ??? Seasons, Reward: One new Sorcery action appropriate to the spell.

[Sorcery] Lead to Silver: Have a cash shortage? Some basic alchemy can convert your stockpiles of lead to silver. Useful in a pinch but difficult to maintain as a long term funding source due to the attention required for the task.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: 100 Silver Bars

You get one free Personal action per turn and you cannot spend Dice to engage in additional action(s). Like normal actions, multi-season actions will tie you up for some time.

Dueling Practice: A useful skill to have on the battlefield, the ability to outduel your opponent(s) will certainly increase your ability to survive the battlefield as well as allowing you to lead from the front (which provides bonuses to the battle). Of course, a wise ruler would make sure he was quite skilled before he hazard himself in battle.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +3 Dueling

Train Attribute: Pick an attribute and gain +1 to that Attribute. Very straightforward and very cool. You can do this to improve your sorcery, although it will not allow you to gain access to a Major Lore and use of a Major Lore requires a minimum of +20 Sorcery (20 turns of training) combined with a few years studying the Major Lore itself.
Time: 1 Season, Reward: +1 to one Attribute.

Britain City List:
Northern Isca
Southern Isca

Action Success Tiers
DC +50 = Critical Success
Above DC = Success
DC to -5 Below DC = Partial Failure
-5 or more Below DC = Failure
-50 or more Below DC = Critical Blunder

Relationship Tiers
Vassal (30)
Allies (20)
Friendly (10)
Neutral (0)
Unfriendly (-10)
Hostile (-20)
Feuding (-30)

Treasury: 910 Silver Bars (Londinium)

Seasonal Balance Sheet
+1000 Silver Bars (Londinium)
+50 Silver Bars :: Beer Trade Route :: Moridunium
+60 Silver Bars :: Beer Trade Route :: Dubris

-300 Silver Bars (Legio Pendragon)
-300 Silver Bars (Legio Britannia)
-100 Silver Bars (Spy Network)
-50 Silver Bars (Watchtowers)
-50 Silver Bars (Naval Cohort)

Net: +310 Silver Bars / Season

Trade Routes: 2/2

Diplomatic Relations
Cataractonium: Hostile(-20)
Dubris: Friendly (27)
Lugdunensis: Friendly (10)
Moridunium: Friendly (10)
Most British Cities: Friendly (4)

Military Forces
Veterancy, Equipment, and Morale provide bonuses to Martial roles. Manpower advantages and disadvantages adjust the rolls accordingly.

The First Fleet
Veterancy: Green (0)
Equipment: Good (10)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 600 (1 Cohort, 3 Triremes)
Commander: Marcus Valeria

The Legio Pendragon
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 4500 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Arthur Pendragon

The Legio Britannia
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Albus Tiberius

Revenue: +1000 Silver Bars / Season
Population: 100,000 (Max. 2 Legions) / Humans: 90%, Elves 8%, Orcs 2%
Stability: Very Stable (10)
Loyalty: Very Loyal (10)

Major Projects:
  • Watch Towers: Bandits are easily caught by regular patrols between towers and Londinium has plenty of time to prepare when faced with invasion.
  • City Walls: Londinium is protected by substantial fortifications which doubles the effective combat power of up to one Legion stationed in Londinium.
  • Deteriorating Trade: Your wealth flows from a dying Empire whose deterioration will slowly strangle Londinium's economy. Every year, your silver income will drop by 50 until you hit -500 Silver Bars / Season. (40 Turns)
  • Jealous Neighbors: Your wealth is a double edged sword and your neighbors wish to take it from you. Anyone more powerful than you immediately declares war on you. You might think this ends when your trade revenue vanishes but you would be wrong about that. People will still believe they can bring the trade back.
Strategic Mods:
Diplomacy: +21
Martial: +42
Stewardship: +31
Intrigue: +54
Sorcery: +36 (+46 if related to Pyromancy)

Arthur Pendragon (PoV Character)
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Dueling: +41 (Martial + Sorcery)
Diplomacy: +20
Martial: +41
Stewardship: +20
Intrigue: +20
Sorcery: +0

  • Roman Traditions: You can raise proper Roman Legions from your populous city and Roman Legions are the best at what they do. This translates into a +10 to Martial rolls as long you are using a professional (rather than levied) army.
Allannia Greentree, Niece of the Morrigan (Wife)
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Dueling: +0
Diplomacy: +2
Martial: +2
Intrigue: +22
Stewardship: +22
Sorcery: +22

Genetic Traits:
Elven Bloodline (80% Inheritable): Guarantees Major Lore / Sorcerer development options for heirs when inherited.
Bookworm (50% Inheritable): +5 Sorcery and -5 Diplomacy.
Gifted (50% Inheritable): +1 to all Stats
Redhead (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Short (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Lithe (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Blue Eyes (100% Inheritable): No stat modification

Sorceress: While she may not have the skill to practice a Major Lore, she is a sorceress in her own right and is as capable as any of your hedge wizards. ( Substantial assassination resistance due to your wife being able to cure poisons and other ailments. She is also more likely to notice the effects of such before a court physician would. )
Interracial Marriage: Elves and humans do not get along as well as they should and the net result is it will strain your marriage. This will lead to domestic and diplomatic complications depending on how racist the people you are dealing with are. It is not as bad as it would be in Moridunum, but it will be noticeable.

Merlin of Avalon
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Sorcery: +25 (+10 if Pyromancy)
Mana: 2

Archmage of Pyromancy: Merlin has reached the pinnacle of the Pyromancer's Art and his skill with such magic is impressive (+5 to Pyromancy rolls). His specialty is the creation of fiery, enchanted weapons that literally melt metal armor and sets fire to those in leather. The value of such a power on the battlefield should not be underestimated.

Pyromancer (Dragonblooded): Merlin has a natural affinity to Fire Magic due to the fact that he is an eighth Dragon. This grants him access to the Lore of Pyromancy as well as a natural talent for its use. (+5 to Pyromancy)

Drust of Londinium
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Intrigue: +23

Lovely Little Birds: A master of the honeypot, Drust's spies are mostly servants of the female persuasion. The passive intelligence he provides is on a scale no other can match. (+20 to Intrigue rolls against targets with the Lecherous trait.)
3.3 - War Update
-[X][Intrigue] Poison Food Supply (Novio-Calleva Siege in Dubris): The enemy has surrounded our ally and we need to resolve that situation as quickly as possible. What better way than to deplete their numbers when it matters most? Poison their grain, their meat and sap their strength while you bring the hammer blow down upon them.
  1. Dubris Conflict Update
  2. Diplomacy, Rumors and Intelligence
  3. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update
  4. Turn 3
  5. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update
  6. Turn 3 Results
  7. Dubris and Eburacum Conflict Update

Your agents infiltrated the Novio-Calleva camp in broad daylight as women who work on their backs. It was the world's oldest profession and every soldier was happy to increase the numbers of such camp followers. The women, skilled poisoners that they were, cobbled together poisons from native nightshade plants that could be found around the enemy camp. The men, too busy with the work of the day, had no idea what the women were up to and Novio-Calleva's counterintelligence capabilities were equally oblivious. It took a couple weeks to build up a sufficient stockpile of poison to do the deed.

The deed itself was relatively straightforward, a woman distracted a lonely soldier with some attention while one of her companions poisoned the barrels of beer. It was over in less than an hour and the Novio-Calleva forces were oblivious until it was too late. Hundreds bled convulsed and died while hundreds more were left too weak to move after they collapsed to the ground.

It was a very successful operation.

1D6 => 6
1D100+35 => 51 vs. 1D100+54 => 143 (The poisoning was more effective than expected and some of those affected die.)

Novio-Calleva Losses:
Dead: 500 Infantry, 200 Archers
Incapacitated: 1000 Infantry, 400 Archers

You are His Majesty Arthur Pendragon and you arrived in Dubris too late to catch the Novio-Calleva army. They had enough warning of your plans to escape with their force intact. It was an unfortunate turn of events, particularly given how effective the poisoning of the Novio-Calleva forces had been.

At least you managed to link up with the Dubris army who has graciously agreed to detach its 5,000 infantry to your command although it will hold its archers and sorcerers in reserve in case of an assault on Dubris in your absence.

Novio-Calleva was unlikely to stand against a combined force of 14,500 soldiers. Surely they would surrender.

You shadow the Novio-Calleva forces on the road to Calleva but unfortunately you are a couple days behind them. A couple days they could use to pound the Legio Brittania if that commander was caught unaware.

1D100+35 => 87 vs. 1D100+54 => 82

Londinium Order of Battle
King Arthur Pendragon (+41 Martial)
Merlin of Avalon (+35 Pyromancy)
Force Bonus: +14

Combat Roll: 1d100+90

The Legio Pendragon
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 4500 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Merlin (+35 Pyromancy)
Commander: Arthur Pendragon

The First Dubris Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (2)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Lord Remus of Dubris
Mage Support: Lord Remus of Dubris

Dubris Order of Battle
Lord Remus of Dubris (+25 Martial)
Valen of Dubris (+20 Sorcery, Necromancer)
Force Bonus: +13 Martial
Force Multiplier (x2): Safely behind the walls of Dubris.

Combat Roll: 1d100+58 (1,000 soldier equivalent)

The Second Dubris Archer Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (2)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 1000 (2 Cohorts)
Commander: Valen of Dubris (+20 Sorcery, Necromancer)

Novio-Calleva Order of Battle
General Alexander Calleva (+25 Martial)
Revan of Noviomagus (Hydomancer) (+20 Sorcery)
Force Bonus: +15 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+61 (4,900 man equivalent)

The First Noviomagus Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 3500 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Revan of Noviomagus
Supported by: Revan of Noviomagus

The Novio-Calleva Archer Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 1400 (4 Cohorts)
Commander: General Alexander Calleva

You are Albus Tiberius and you woke this morning to find yourself surrounded by the enemy.

The Novio-Calleva army, fresh from a quick march from Dubris, had surrounded half of your siege works slightly before dawn. Their people had quietly cut down your scouts and sentries to great effect during the night, likely due to their access to magic which you sorely lack.

The Calleva army, fresh from sitting behind their walls, boiled out of the gates like a hive of angry insects poised to strike.

The strategy was obvious, to pin you between the two forces and slaughter you.

Your men fought like cornered rats as you tried to organize a retreat in face of the overwhelming enemy force again and again. It was a brutal, bloody struggle to escape the trap and you lost many good men in the process. In the end, however, you managed to escape with the bulk of your legion and link up with King Arthur Pendragon's army.

The new, larger force numbers 13,000 men. A powerful force to be sure but not a force certain of victory now that the Noviomagus forces in Eburacum have managed to link up with the rest of the enemy's army. And the enemy was safely behind Calleva's city walls.

The enemy now numbered 10,900 but they could not defend both cities. So there was that at least.

The question was, did you detach a force to take a 2,000 man force to take Noviomagus while you contained the enemy here? Or would you try to negotiate a peace now?

[ ] Negotiate a peace with Novio-Calleva now that the war is in its final phase. You want to return to Eburacum as soon as possible.

[ ] Take Noviomagus with a detachment of 2,000 soldiers under Albus Tiberius while the rest invest Calleva and settle in for a long siege.

1D100+54 => 67 vs. 1D100+35 => 70

1D100+81 => 159*1.78=283 vs. 1D100+36 => 118 (Albus Tiberius was crushed between two forces, taking massive losses.)
1D100+81 => 112*1.78=199 vs. 1D100+36 => 77 (Albus Tiberius is unable to extricate himself as his force his ground down.)
1D100+81 => 127*1.78=226 vs. 1D100+36 => 80 (Albus Tiberius only extricates himself at great cost.)

Londinium Losses:
-1500 Men

Novio-Calleva Losses:
Negligble; replaced with volunteers from the city.

Londinium Order of Battle
Albus Tiberius (+20 Martial)
Force Bonus: +16 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+36 (5000 man equivalent)

The Legio Britannia
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 5000 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Albus Tiberius

Novio-Calleva Order of Battle
General Alexander Calleva (+25 Martial)
Revan of Noviomagus (Hydomancer) (+20 Sorcery)
Felix Africanus (Aeromancer) (+20 Sorcery)
Force Bonus: +15 Martial

Combat Roll: 1d100+81 (8,900 man equivalent)
Force Multiplier: 1.78x

The First Noviomagus Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 3500 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Revan of Noviomagus
Supported by: Revan of Noviomagus

The Novio-Calleva Archer Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 1400 (4 Cohorts)
Commander: General Alexander Calleva

The First Calleva Infantry Division
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 4000 (10 Cohorts)
Commander: Felix Africanus
Supported By: Felix Africanus

Britain City List:
Northern Isca
Southern Isca

Action Success Tiers
DC +50 = Critical Success
Above DC = Success
DC to -5 Below DC = Partial Failure
-5 or more Below DC = Failure
-50 or more Below DC = Critical Blunder

Relationship Tiers
Vassal (30)
Allies (20)
Friendly (10)
Neutral (0)
Unfriendly (-10)
Hostile (-20)
Feuding (-30)

Treasury: 910 Silver Bars (Londinium)

Seasonal Balance Sheet
+1000 Silver Bars (Londinium)
+50 Silver Bars :: Beer Trade Route :: Moridunium
+60 Silver Bars :: Beer Trade Route :: Dubris

-300 Silver Bars (Legio Pendragon)
-300 Silver Bars (Legio Britannia)
-100 Silver Bars (Spy Network)
-50 Silver Bars (Watchtowers)
-50 Silver Bars (Naval Cohort)

Net: +310 Silver Bars / Season

Trade Routes: 2/2

Diplomatic Relations
Cataractonium: Hostile(-20)
Dubris: Allied (27)
Lugdunensis: Friendly (10)
Moridunium: Friendly (10)
Most British Cities: Friendly (4)

Military Forces
Veterancy, Equipment, and Morale provide bonuses to Martial roles. Manpower advantages and disadvantages adjust the rolls accordingly.

The First Fleet
Veterancy: Green (0)
Equipment: Good (10)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 600 (1 Cohort, 3 Triremes)
Commander: Marcus Valeria

The Legio Pendragon
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 4500 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Arthur Pendragon

The Legio Britannia
Veterancy: Blooded (1)
Equipment: Average (5)
Morale: Strong (10)
Manpower: 3500 (10 Cohorts)
Mages: Hedge Wizards (Out of combat healing and minor non-combat boosts)
Commander: Albus Tiberius

Revenue: +1000 Silver Bars / Season
Population: 100,000 (Max. 2 Legions) / Humans: 90%, Elves 8%, Orcs 2%
Stability: Very Stable (10)
Loyalty: Very Loyal (10)

Major Projects:
  • Watch Towers: Bandits are easily caught by regular patrols between towers and Londinium has plenty of time to prepare when faced with invasion.
  • City Walls: Londinium is protected by substantial fortifications which doubles the effective combat power of up to one Legion stationed in Londinium.
  • Deteriorating Trade: Your wealth flows from a dying Empire whose deterioration will slowly strangle Londinium's economy. Every year, your silver income will drop by 50 until you hit -500 Silver Bars / Season. (40 Turns)
  • Jealous Neighbors: Your wealth is a double edged sword and your neighbors wish to take it from you. Anyone more powerful than you immediately declares war on you. You might think this ends when your trade revenue vanishes but you would be wrong about that. People will still believe they can bring the trade back.
Strategic Mods:
Diplomacy: +21
Martial: +42
Stewardship: +31
Intrigue: +54
Sorcery: +36 (+46 if related to Pyromancy)

Arthur Pendragon (PoV Character)
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Dueling: +41 (Martial + Sorcery)
Diplomacy: +20
Martial: +41
Stewardship: +20
Intrigue: +20
Sorcery: +0

  • Roman Traditions: You can raise proper Roman Legions from your populous city and Roman Legions are the best at what they do. This translates into a +10 to Martial rolls as long you are using a professional (rather than levied) army.
Allannia Greentree, Niece of the Morrigan (Wife)
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Dueling: +0
Diplomacy: +2
Martial: +2
Intrigue: +22
Stewardship: +22
Sorcery: +22

Genetic Traits:
Elven Bloodline (80% Inheritable): Guarantees Major Lore / Sorcerer development options for heirs when inherited.
Bookworm (50% Inheritable): +5 Sorcery and -5 Diplomacy.
Gifted (50% Inheritable): +1 to all Stats
Redhead (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Short (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Lithe (100% Inheritable): No stat modification
Blue Eyes (100% Inheritable): No stat modification

Sorceress: While she may not have the skill to practice a Major Lore, she is a sorceress in her own right and is as capable as any of your hedge wizards. ( Substantial assassination resistance due to your wife being able to cure poisons and other ailments. She is also more likely to notice the effects of such before a court physician would. )
Interracial Marriage: Elves and humans do not get along as well as they should and the net result is it will strain your marriage. This will lead to domestic and diplomatic complications depending on how racist the people you are dealing with are. It is not as bad as it would be in Moridunum, but it will be noticeable.

Merlin of Avalon
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Sorcery: +25 (+10 if Pyromancy)
Mana: 2

Archmage of Pyromancy: Merlin has reached the pinnacle of the Pyromancer's Art and his skill with such magic is impressive (+5 to Pyromancy rolls). His specialty is the creation of fiery, enchanted weapons that literally melt metal armor and sets fire to those in leather. The value of such a power on the battlefield should not be underestimated.

Pyromancer (Dragonblooded): Merlin has a natural affinity to Fire Magic due to the fact that he is an eighth Dragon. This grants him access to the Lore of Pyromancy as well as a natural talent for its use. (+5 to Pyromancy)

Drust of Londinium
0/3 Wounds
Piety: 30
Intrigue: +23

Lovely Little Birds: A master of the honeypot, Drust's spies are mostly servants of the female persuasion. The passive intelligence he provides is on a scale no other can match. (+20 to Intrigue rolls against targets with the Lecherous trait.)