The Topaz Championship (Legend of the Five Rings)

Yeah, I've got the skeleton of my idea around, it's just going to be a bit of a mouthful to write, and any time I think I have some time off, some asshole decides that he wants a short notice vacation and I have to pick up his shift.

Case in point, this week from tuesday to friday, I was originally supposed to have off. Just found out walking out yesterday that one of my coworkers decided to take wednesday afternoon off--which means I have to spend all of today getting ready to do a 2 PM to 1 AM shift when I just worked the weekend from 3 AM to 2 PM.

So functionally, I've gone from having four days off to having two, because I'm effectively losing a day of productivity thanks to needing to spend a good chunk of the adjacent days switching from morning to evening wakeyness, it was a very rude thing they did.
Also, I'm just going to take after @Mina and roll to see what the twins look like.

EDIT: Okay so... given Sakura and Takuma's hair looks similar, Sakura's passing on her Scorpion looks. :V
horngeek threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Even mother (S)/Odd father (T) Total: 27
6 6 1 1 18 18 2 2
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Further updates in making unreasonable plans for children's futures:

-Sakura will got learn to be an archer with the Mantis and come back a tattooed, punk haired little rebel.
-The Hitomis are gonna go spearman for those masteries and so when they do one day die they go out side by side.
-Everyone will have to learn an instrument and complimentary weapon styles so family reunions double as concerts and viable battle formations.
-The bishi (the Katsu look alike) will go to the Akodo school to be a bishi bushi badass.
Alright, that's now out of the way!

Sorry for having take this long to post. I had some ideas that ultimately didn't know how to put them on paper (on top of not knowing if those were really interesting to write in first place). Gonna make sure huge delays like this won't happen ever again.
More or less, I have the next two days off finally, so I'll spend at least one of those getting some stuff written up.
Anyway, while waiting on that, I might try writing up some more of Sakura in the Burning Sands finally. :V

And possibly some other stuff during the timeskip.
I got some progress done, but not enough that I'm comfortable posting it yet, and I've got work ahead again.