The Throne of Heaven - a (completed) Bleach rewrite (AU)

I will try! :)

I'm actually trying for something very particular with the "stealing Rukia's powers" plot, but I am afraid I'll end up fucking it up - Kubo did, and while I like to think I've a better grasp at worldbuilding, he is vastly better at writing compelling characters. Still, I'm going to try my best, and see how it goes.

Speaking of which, I'd be curious over what people are thinking of Sode no Shirayuki? I had some back and forth over wether I should introduce her to the story as early as I did or wait for later, and while I'm happy with the decision I went with, it was a thing I was uncertain over for a long time, so any comment on the matter would be appreciated.
I will try! :)

I'm actually trying for something very particular with the "stealing Rukia's powers" plot, but I am afraid I'll end up fucking it up - Kubo did, and while I like to think I've a better grasp at worldbuilding, he is vastly better at writing compelling characters. Still, I'm going to try my best, and see how it goes.

Speaking of which, I'd be curious over what people are thinking of Sode no Shirayuki? I had some back and forth over wether I should introduce her to the story as early as I did or wait for later, and while I'm happy with the decision I went with, it was a thing I was uncertain over for a long time, so any comment on the matter would be appreciated.

The story is great so far. And u like the direction taken with Sode no Shirayuki. Nothing much to add there since she can take the place of Old Zangetsu Ywach temporarily and foreshadow that Ichigo is not quite normal . I personally wanted a more gradual buildup of the Karakura arc in terms of exploring the promise of Ichigo and friends gaining spiritual awareness, exploring more of what high spec humans or mediums were capable of, and how dangerous regular hollows could be before they got the idiot ball.

There were just lots of plot points Kubo dropped before the Soul Society arc that should have got a deeper look. Ichigo sisters, who are also half quincy were criminally underused for example, but oh well.
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Yeah. I'm sad to say that I will probably not be giving too much attention to Ichigo's sisters - the fact is that I have so many character to juggle already, adding more would just make things a mess; which is a lesson I learned from Bleach itself, really. I can promise that things in Karakura will proceed different from the manga and should cover a bit more ground (and be less episodic and more tied to the actual plot of the story) , but wether that's for the better of for the worse will be for readers to decide. :)
Yeah. I'm sad to say that I will probably not be giving too much attention to Ichigo's sisters - the fact is that I have so many character to juggle already, adding more would just make things a mess; which is a lesson I learned from Bleach itself, really. I can promise that things in Karakura will proceed different from the manga and should cover a bit more ground (and be less episodic and more tied to the actual plot of the story) , but wether that's for the better of for the worse will be for readers to decide. :)
Fair enough. The girls are young as well, so not too essential. The tease of Karin as being more than a potential side character during the Fullbringer arc was a little annoying when it was dropped.

I do think Kubo could have focused on a tighter core of characters himself instead of introducing more.

Anyway, can't wait for the next update.
It should be next monday, assuming I can manage to actually write it. As I said, once-a-week is my hoped for posting speed, but as happened last week, I might not always be able to make it.
Chapter 5: Conspiracy

- Chapter 5: Conspiracy -

"Do you want to come inside? I've had a long day, and I'd rather not have this talk in the middle of the street."

Rukia looked surprised at that, then shook her head and said:

"Actually, I think it's better if you come with me - there are some people you'll likely want to met once this explanation is over, we might as well talk while we're on our way there."

"Lead the way then."

They walked in silence for a while; looking at Rukia, it was clear to Ichigo that she wanted to speak, but didn't knew were to start. So, he decided that the best approach to take here was for him to open the discussion himself.

"So, the Aushwal stole your connection to Sode no Shirayuki and gave it to me. I guess that's not how it was supposed to work, was it?"

Rukia shook her head.

"No, of course not - that's worse than pointless, it's giving the power of our Zanpakuto to people who don't know how to use them while leaving experienced Shinigami without their strongest powers! That's the opposite of what we wanted, the goal was to be able to arm people in the human world quickly."

"To replace the Quincy with Shinigami?"

Rukia turned to look at him with clear surprise in her eyes as she asked:

"Where did you heard of Quincy?"

"I met one. He made it clear that Quincy and Shinigami are enemies, and said you wanted to wipe them out."

Rukia looked genuinely shocked at that, and then grimaced before answering, sounding genuinely sad:

"They... would think that. There is plenty of bad blood between Shinigami and Quincy, that's true; a lot of disagreements and fights."

"Why? They're hunting hollows too, aren't they? What's the problem with that?"

"It's that Shinigami use Zanpakuto, but Quincy don't. Can't, really."

Ichigo frowned.

"Can't? Why not?"

"Zanpakuto need to drain a portion of the user's soul to grow into their full power. With spiritual bodies, that's easy to do, but when a soul is inside a body, the draining is a lot slower... and even for us Shinigami, it takes decades, even centuries, before a Zanpakuto has drawn enough for their soul to gain sapience and be able to bestow powers. It'd be impossible for a Quincy to use them."

"Alright, but why is that a problem? I saw a Quincy completely destroy an Hollow with my own eyes. They don't really need the Zanpakuto to do it."

"I know. But the consequences for doing that aren't good at all."

Ichigo frowned at that, an clearly Rukia picked up on it because she lowered her head and explained:

"I could kill a Hollow with Kido if I needed to, by annihilating it just like a Quincy would. It'd be harder and take more time, but it'd be possible. But if you kill the Hollow like that, none of their reishi is transferred to Soul Society; instead, all the particles spread here, in the mortal realm, increasing the concentration of loose reishi in the area."

"And that's bad?"

Rukia nodded.

"Yes. Too much reishi in an area makes it much easier for transcended hollows in the spiritual realm to breach the dimensional barrier and come back to the mortal realm."

Images of Shrieker breaking the sky open and coming through it came back to Ichigo's mind, but he was't sure how, exactly, that was possible, so he asked:

"Can you explain that a bit better?"

Rukia let out a long breath, then said:

"You know that things made of reishi can move through ones made of kishi; they do this by slightly shifting a portion of their body to the spiritual realm. When a soul grows powerful enough, the shift becomes automatic and, eventually, permanent, dragging their entire soul there."

"So, what, they go the afterlife? I thought you said that Soul Society was free from hollows, that only purified souls lived within."

"That is true, within the borders of Soul Society. But Soul Society is only a city, one that it took centuries for an alliance of forty-six clans to create, and which only survives due to the Gotei 13 protecting it. The rest of the spiritual realm is a barren wasteland, empty of anything but hollows."

Ichigo tought back to what Shrieker had said.

"Hueco Mundo... that's its name, isn't it? The real name of the spiritual realm."

Rukia frowned.

"Where did you heard that? Did the Quincy told it to you?"

"No, a hollow did. So... the afterlife is basically just a desolated world filled with hollows?"

"Yes. They wander, eating mostly each other, plus whichever unlucky soul that transcended on its own rather than being sent to Soul Society by a Shinigami. With some effort, these Hollows can travel back to the human world, but it's normally very difficult, with only the strongest, most experienced ones being capable of doing it. But the more reishi in the material world, the easiest it is for hollows to cross, the more of them show up. And if it becomes too much..."

Ichigo could complete that thought for himself.

"It'd allow for a true invasion."

"Yes. Which is why Shinigami asked Quincy to stop; but Quincy won't. To them, the right to defend their own is more important, and they refuse to accept or trust that we Shinigami will protect them."

Rukia shook her head.

"Most Shinigami think that's arrogant of them, but there's others who say they have a point, which is where the Auswhal comes into the picture."

"To create an army of human Shinigami to replace the Quincy?"

"No! That wasn't the idea at all; the Auswhal is meant to be used by Quincy, it was designed to work similarly to their powers, copying the connection by drawing the blueprint of it. My Captain thought that, if we gave them Zanpakuto, we could then broker a peace between Quincy and Shinigami."

"But it backfired."

"Yes. I'm sure it can be fixed, it's why I field test these things in the first place, but even so..."

She trailed off, and Ichigo could see the pain in her eyes, the sense of loss clear as day to him. He tried to think of something that could help, and eventually settled on:

"If it matters, Sode no Shirayuki still thinks of you as the one she should be bound to. She considers me a thief, and said quite clearly that I didn't deserve to use her power."

Rukia looked surprised at that.

"She did? She's not mad at me for having lost my connection to her?"

"I think she puts all of the fault on me for taking it away, honestly."

Rukia frowned:

"But... you only did it because I asked you to. Once she learns of it, she will feel like I've betrayed her, and she'd be right to. This was all my fault."

"You couldn't have known. I've told her it was all a misunderstanding, but she didn't believe me."

That caused the Shinigami to snort.

"She wouldn't, not so easily. She really wants people to prove themselves worthy of anything they ask for twice over. But, it is... rewarding, in a way... to be acknowledged like that."

There as a clear longing in Rukia's voice at that, but Ichigo thought she was feeling more positive, so he said:

"Well, at least now that you know, this can be fixed, can't it? If nothing else, even if it's not possible to just reverse it, you could get another Auswhal and ged the bond back that way."

Rukia shook her head.

"That'd not work. I told you the Auswhal is based upon the powers of Quincy; I'd not know where to start with using it."

That didn't sound right to Ichigo at all.

"Does that means I'm a Quincy?"

"Well... sort of?"

Ichigo frowned.

"That explains nothing."

"Look, it's like this: being a Quincy isn't a thing you are, it's a skill you learn. I told you there's two martial arts for humans to fight hollows, right? The Quincy arts are one of those, and from my understanding they work on drawing souls together. And I think the other one focuses on pushing souls instead, the exact reverse."

"So, why couldn't you be a Quincy then, if you just trained for it?"

"Because, without a body, drawing things to my soul would just hurt me; Quincy can use their bodies as a layer of separation, so even if they had their soul removed, as long as the chain of fate is keeping them anchored, their body would still filter away any extra reishi they'd drawn to themselves. Whereas for us Shinigami, that'd just become a part of our own bodies permanently."

"Alright, but that still doesn't answer my question: if the Auswhal works by using powers the way a Quincy does, why was it so easy for me to use?"

Rukia shrugged.

"Humans can have a greater propensity for one or another of the two martial arts; they can still learn both, but normally they will be better at one or the other, it'd just come more naturally to them, no matter how much they practice both. It's a known fact that children tend to follow the same inclination as their parents, but it's just more likely, not certain. There's been the occasional person who was equally good at both, but they're rare; it's not like many people would have reason to try and learn both anyway, when either one is more than sufficient on its own as a mean of self-defense from hollows."

Ichigo nodded, trying to grasp the concept, then said:

"So, it's like the matter of dominants hands then? Everybody can learn to write with both, but except for those few who are ambidextrous, it'd be much easier with one of the two."

Rukia chuckled at that, and nodded.

"Yeah, that's a clever way to put it."

Then she paused, and pointed to a building in front of them to say:

"Well, here we are; let's get in."

Ichigo looked with a critical eye at what seemed like a tiny, old shop of antiques filled with a ton of useless crap, most of it covered in dust, with a faded sign reading "Urahara's" at the top, and couldn't really hide the doubts in his voice:

"This is the place?"

Rukia nodded, then threw him a sidelong glance and said, with a smirk:

"What, did you expect a glowing neon sign declaring our undercover operation to be standing on the front? That would make for a pretty poor secret headquarter, don't you think?"

Ichigo had no answer to that, and just followed as Rukia led him into the small store. The place was positively cramped, with rows upon rows of shelves filled with a number of knick-knacks, most of which Ichigo wasn't sure would be used for, or even whether they were actually some weird form of art or decoration rather than anything that could be of practical use. He was still trying to understand if there was anything somebody would actually want to buy in the place, when his attention was captured by a man emerging from what had to be the shop's backdoor.

"Ah, Rukia! Welcome back!"

Ichigo eyed the man with puzzlement. He was wearing a similar attire to what Rukia had when they met, although his was dark green rather than black, and he was missing an undershirt but was wearing a long black jacket over it. Over his head was a bucket hat with green and white stripes, from which peeked messy blond hairs and shadowed grey eyes. He had wooden sandals at his feet, and the way he was moving, he clearly had some trouble walking on his left leg, probably the reason he was using a long white cane to support himself. He gave off an aura of shoddy harmlessness, and Ichigo was ready to dismiss him - and then he realized he was being a fool.

He narrowed his eyes, focusing his normal - or really, Quincy-style, apparently - sensing ability a bit, and indeed, the man, whom's spiritual presence was probably the weakest Ichigo had ever felt, practically seemed to radiate a genuine, honest lack of threat. He let out a pulse then, and as it bounced off, he confirmed what he'd suspected: the lack of threat was being pushed out, broadcast on purpose to hide a sense of self-satisfaction within, which almost seemed to spark the moment Ichigo's reiatsu hit it... and then, under Ichigo's metaphorical eyes, it disappeared, replaced with calm contentedness that was perfectly suited to the non-threatening image the man wanted to project. Rukia had been greeting the man back in her usual matter-of-fact manner, but the man interrupted her as he turned to look at Ichigo and asked:

"And this, I can see, is the boy you were talking about?"

She nodded.

"Yes, Ichigo Kurosaki; he's the one who's gonna help us with the mission."

"I see. Well, I'm Kisuke Urahara, and it's nice to meet you, Ichigo Kurosaki! You're an interesting young man, to be sure. "

The man grinned at him in a laid-back fashion, to which Ichigo reacted by nodding in greeting.

"Same here. So, you're another Shinigami secret agent like Rukia then? How many of you are there?"

"Ah, that's a bit too much, I think - I'm just a mere exile who just happened to be in the right place to offer dear Rukia here a bit of help, that's all!"

Ichigo looked at him, letting the disbelief at the man's brazenness show clearly on his face, then followed Sode no Shirayuki's teachings and expanded his reiatsu to the limit to sense the man's spiritual power passively. However, he did it as fast and swiftly as he could, hoping to catch the man by surprise, like his pulse had before; and sure enough, for just the barest fraction of a second, he was able to tell that, while the man was keeping all his power completely sealed, what he had contained inside was just as large as the spiritual energy Rukia had shown him, if not even larger - and the cane at his side was actually a Zanpakuto he was bonded with, it too keeping itself concealed but carrying just as much power within.

He only had a split second to notice all of this before the man somehow upgraded his stealth, smoothing over the small details Ichigo had picked up with his scan, smiling as he did and said:

"You're a curious one, too! That was some quick thinking, I'm impressed."

Rukia looked impressed as well, as she commented:

"You've been training your sensing a lot, haven't you?"

"Well, Sode no Shirayuki helped. Your Zanpakuto is very knowledgeable."

Rukia nodded in wistful agreement.

"Yeah, she is."

Then she shook her head, turned toward Urahara and added, still addressing Ichigo:

"And don't listen to him, he's just lazy and doesn't want to acknowledge himself; he's only an exile because of the traitors in Soul Society that made this mission necessary in the first place."

Ichigo frowned.


She nodded.

"Yeah, it's why my mission needs to be so secret in the first place; the thieves I told you about, the ones I'm here to catch, they are working together with some powerful personalities in Soul Society, and they used him and another Shinigami as the scapegoats for their plans. We know the name of some of them, but they also have a spy who we don't know the name of, which is why, when Captain Shihoin tried to expose them, she was framed instead, and had to escape here with Urahara as well."

The man chuckled and told to Rukia, in a friendly manner:

"You know she's not gonna be happy if she hears you calling her that, right?"

Rukia's eyes widened and she started to look around, as if looking for somebody else - although Ichigo couldn't see where anyone would be able to hide in such a cramped space - while she asked:

"She's back already?"

Urahara shook his head and answered:

"No, not yet; she called and said she should be here in a couple days. She seemed to think that, with what's going on, it was best to create a distraction somewhere in Europe, so nobody nosy comes to check on us."

Ichigo interrupted them, as it seemed clear the two of them wouldn't get to the point anytime soon if he let them to chat about their coworkers.

"So, this whole operation, how many people know of it, outside of me?"

Rukia was the one to answer, going back to her more professional attitude:

"Just the two of us, my Captain, and Captain Yorouchi Shihoin. It's super top-secret; they only informed me because, now that they're sure the thieves are hiding here in this town, they needed somebody the thieves didn't know to lead the last leg of the investigation, and the Captain decided I was the only one he could trust with it."

Urahara nodded, and took over the explanation:

"Which brings us to you; Rukia was picked because she's both highly trustworthy and incredibly skilled, and was supposed to form a team with locals like you to help her conduct the investigation in secret. Once found the thieves, Rukia would have been strong enough to defeat everyone but the leader of these thieves easily - and once we had his followers captured, we could treat with the leader, or else lure him out to face Yorouchi. But without having her Zanpakuto anymore, things are more complicated."

Ichigo frowned, and answered:

"Ok, so what's the plan, and why am I here anyway?"

Rukia was the one to answer, in a determined tone:

"You're here because I want you to help us, but I know that if I don't explain to you what the dangers are, you won't want to do it; you made it clear that you would not risk your life without a better reason than just us asking for help. I thought we could just wait for my connection to Sode no Shirayuki to reform and then we could proceed with the plan as normal, but now that we know that's not gonna happen, we needed to change plans. The four of us have discussed the matter extensively, and I convinced the others that the only way this will work is if we tell you what is the danger here, and that you're worthy of our trust."

"Really? And why is that?"

Urahra smiled at that, and tapped his cane to the ground as he answered:

"Well, that's where I come in. My Zanpakuto has time-related powers; if you're willing to subject yourself to it, I could help you train at a much more accelerated pace, but it might hurt you. If it wasn't for something this important, I wouldn't even be willing to offer it in the first place, but since the situation is so dire, I think I should. And since we want you to accept, we have to tell you the truth."

He then nodded to Rukia, who nodded back and concluded:

"The item the thieves stole is called Hougyoku, and it has the power to destroy the world."

And I hope this makes it clear that this rewrite is about as far from a "retread of canon" as it can be. It'll still be the story of how Ichigo makes friends and fights both with and against Soul Society to stop an apocalyptic plot that involves pretty similar characters and plot beats, but a ton of the details, even very big details, are gonna be very different.

Sorry for the cliffhanger; I didn't want to delay the chapter again and this seemed like a good place to stop at. Hopefully it's enough to garner a bit of comments - I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong with this story, because nobody is posting to explain to me what my mistakes are. Please, if you have any feedback, especially negative or critical, let me know! :)
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This really does feel less haphazard than canon, but it really does seem like it has the same feel to it. You're a great writer, I look forward to more.
Thanks! I'll try my best to keep to the "every Monday" posting speed, so next chapter should be in a week if all goes well.

Anything in particular you'd say you like about the writing I should put more of in? Or anything you feel needs improvement that I should focus on? Any criticism will help! :lol:
Personally i would go with a weapon that can destroy the entire town at once. It least it gives gravity to the situation and allows it not be too ridiculous. Cause a 15 year old saving the world? Thats a stretch. Finding and preventing a nuke like weapon. For more of a sneaky type aporoach. Similat to solid snake might be interesting. But the key thing to take away from this is have it be relatable.
Rukia might be exaggerating the threat somewhat to get Ichigo on board with her plan.

That said, shonen always are about incredible stakes, and it'd be disingenous for me to lie about this; the entire point of this rewrite attempt is to make it look and feel believable that Ichigo's group were the ones who could successfully stop a universal threath that the organized powers of Soul Society failed against, something which the original canon, in my opinion, did not. If I reduced the stakes, there'd be no point.

I hope I will manage, and that the curiosity of seeing if I can actually pull this off will be enough to get people to read along! :D
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Chapter 6: Redirecting
- Chapter 6: Redirecting -

Ichigo was shocked by Rukia's claim, but then his eyes narrowed; that sounded... very hard to believe.

"And how long ago was this extremely dangerous thing stolen?"

Urahara was the one to answer that, sounding amused:

"About a century ago, give or take a few decades."

"So, if the thieves haven't destroyed the world in the hundred years they've had this Hougyoku, why is it so urgent to retrieve it now?"

Rukia frowned, and answered:

"It's not like it's gonna disintegrate the world or anything like that, but it's still a global threat nonetheless. The Hougyoku has the power to resonate with, and lock onto, the particular reiryoku of Hollows, granting the wielder the ability to manipulate and control them. It was originally meant to be used to seal Hollows away, purging them from existence, but since the thieves have stolen it, they've been using it to do the exact opposite: they've been empowering hollows, making them stronger, more numerous and more dangerous."

"Ok, that does sounds like something that ought to be stopped, but I'm still not getting world-ending vibes from it."

"And I've seen the number myself, and know what I'm talking about. The Captain found out, and I confirmed it, that the number of hollows that have been appearing in the last century has slowly but steadily been on the rise. And some of them have much stronger, more dangerous powers, ones that we'd never seen before, capable of taking down even the strongest Shinigami if they're caught by surprise..."

She trailed off, shuddering as if recalling some memory that left her distraught, but then Rukia shook her head and, determination redoubling in her eyes, she went on:

"And that's not all; while they're unconfirmed, the reports from the eleventh Division suggest that the rarest of all types of Hollows, the Arrancar, have been showing up more often in Hueco Mundo, in greater numbers and with greater strength. There's even rumors of a place called Las Noches where, apparently, Hollows armies are being assembled - and Hollows haven't gathered in numbers big enough for an army since the fall of the mesoamerican empires. If this increase in their numbers and power keeps up at the rate it has, it'll take less than twenty years for them to reach truly overwhelming numbers, and then it'll be the end for everybody."

Ichigo didn't think Rukia was lying - her expression looked far too genuine for it, and the hardness in her voice didn't sound like something that was being faked - so he nodded and said:

"Alright, let's say that I believe you. What then? How do we find these thieves? In fact, if they've been active all of the world for centuries, how do you even know they're here in Karakura?"

Urahara made a gesture to call attention to himself as he answered:

"That was something I and Yorouchi did. We've slowly been narrowing the locations where the thieves could have been hiding; we did this by cross-referencing the locations where hollows were more numerous, and finding out how singular it was that, while hollow activity all over the globe has been growing, here in Karakura it's actually going down."

Ichigo nodded.

"Like a serial killer not striking in the area where they live. But couldn't it be a diversion?"

"That was my first thought as well, but by investigating the patterns and timing of some attacks, it was clear to me that no such diversion was underway. I've even managed to sense one of the thieves themselves around town, although he disappeared before I could track him down; but even so, I'm pretty sure I wasn't noticed, which means this really is their hideout. Now, it's just a matter of investigating the town until we find them, but to do it, we can't have newcomers walking around looking for them, we need locals, to attract less attention."

Ichigo nodded, understanding the point, and couldn't see any negative to accepting to help; even if Rukia was wrong and the world wasn't going to end in his early thirties, somebody with the power to make more powerful hollows would be worth stopping just for the sake of it. He could still remember his meeting with the first of those creatures - the golden gaze full of hatred, framed by blood-red lines covering half of the otherwise eerily bone-like mask - and the shiver it'd sent down his back; how it'd kept fighting despite being torn apart, using its wounds as weapons to just fight harder. If a stronger version of that thing existed, Ichigo was sure he didn't want to meet it.

"Alright, I'm in then. What would you want me to do?"

"First of all, you'll need to do some training with me, personally, so we can get you up to scratch a bit faster."

"Rukia told you that three evenings every week I need to be at my dojo, right?"

Urahara waved his hand lazily and said:

"That's not a problem; one evening a week with me will be equivalent to a whole week of training, easily. Although if you're working at a dojo, you might want to start practicing your kendo while you're there; mastering the basics will help, given swordsmanship is how you'll be fighting from now on."

Ichigo nodded, and Rukia took over the explanation, with a determined tone:

"I'll give you a bit of training the other days of the week when you've time, and if we can we'll be looking for stray hollows so that you can practice. With me along to supervise, I don't think you're gonna have any serious trouble."

"Which reminds me!"

Urahara moved to open one of a number of cardboard boxes sitting upon one of the innumerable dusty shelves, and pulled out what looked like a black uniform similar to the one he'd seen Rukia wearing during their first meeting, except this one was sized for Ichigo. When Urahara handed it out to him, the cloth started to phase through his fingers for a moment until he focused his grip on it, using his soul rather than his physical hands to hold it, and Urahara explained:

"When you're home, go into your spiritual form; you'll be wearing the spiritual version of whichever clothes you've on at the time, but if you change into this, since these are purely spiritual clothes without a material body to inhabit, you'll always be wearing them when you go to spirit form from now on."

"Uh, thanks, I guess, but what use is it for me to have an uniform like you?"

"To avoid you getting recognized."

Ichigo turned toward Rukia, and she went on:

"I told you the mission is secret, didn't I? And that my job isn't to patrol this area here. So, you should already have realized..."

"...of course. There is a Shinigami assigned to karakura, that would normally be sending souls and hunting hollows, isn't there?"

"There are, and I'm sure they're doing their job just fine; but they're the only shinigami authorized to operate here. If they met you, they'd start asking questions."

Ichigo frowned, and asked:

"And that's gonna be a big problem? Why?"

"Normally it wouldn't be, but the Pacific region is watched over by the ninth division, and the Captain of it is both a big sticker for the rules and one with a great antipathy for my own Captain. If he learns of us operating on his turf without authorization, he's gonna raise a big ruckus, and the spy might catch wind of it. And then all of our detective work through the last century would have been for nothing."

"Ok, I can understand that, but how does the uniform helps me avoid questions?"

"That's because we can use it to point the questions in the wrong direction! If they met you, you can just tell them that you're a member of the eleventh division, and were following an hollow who tried to shrug you off by moving to the human world; they'd believe that, and even if they try to complain, it'd lead nowhere."

Ichigo frowned.

"I don't get it."

"See, it's about the way the Gotei thirteen is organized. Each of the thirteen divisions has about three-thousands members; thus, a division is about all that's needed to cover one area with about a billion souls of population. This way, we have six divisions, from number five to number ten, dedicated to covering individual areas of the mortal realm; the fifth has the Americas and Australia, the sixth China, the seventh the Middle East and most Eurasia, the eighth India, the ninth the Pacific area, as I'd told you already, and the tenth covers Africa and everything else left. The divisions from one to four are fully stationed in Soul Society all the time to protect it from any possible attack, each one in their own way, and divisions Twelfth and Thirteenth are the two scientific divisions, which work together a lot. The Twelfth is research and development, focused primarily on tools, while the Thirteenth is made up of the Kido corps, focusing mostly on developing new spells and techniques to make use of Kido faster and more practical."

"Which leaves the Eleventh to do... what?"

"The Eleventh is the hunting division, or as some call it, the Hueco Mundo incursion squad. Unlike the others, they don't have any assigned area to protect with their presence; instead, they send scouting parties all over Hueco Mundo to try and locate dangerous hollows, to kill them before they grow too powerful or otherwise become a serious trouble for Soul Society. They're our proactive defense force... and, most importantly, they're all a pack of bloodhounds led by a very reckless man who cares next to nothing for rules and regulations."

Ichigo realized in a moment why that was so important.

"So, it'd make total sense for one of them to pursue a prey even if it meant moving into the territory covered by another division, and even if a complaint was lodged, the captain would just ignore it, and not even check with his soldiers to see which one of them it was who broke the rules, is that it?"

Rukia nodded.

"Indeed; that's why it's the perfect cover. Of course, we can't do it repeatedly or it'd start to draw attention anyway, but as a trick to keep us from raising a ruckus upon a random meeting, it'd work. It's pretty much a foolproof plan, really."

Ichigo could almost feel the smugness in Rukia's voice, but then a thought came to him and he asked:

"But wouldn't dressing me up as a Shinigami make me attract the thieves' attention if I were to stumble upon them?"

Rukia shook her head, grinning all the while, and raised a finger, answering:

"Actually, the opposite. With a zanpakuto at your side, you'd be way too noticeable either way, but with the disguise, they too will just think that you're an overzealous member of the eleventh division pursuing some prey; it'll make you less conspicuous, and give them a reason to dismiss you. They'd still hide their presence if they feel you're around, of course, but they'd not fear discovery and think about relocating."

"Ok, so that takes care of some issues, but it doesn't really helps with the investigation much, does it?"

Rukia and Urahara both nodded, and the latter went on:

"Yeah; so we need somebody else to help with that."

Rukia agreed, and added:

"I'll be looking into that in the morning, when I'm free and not working with you; I'm sure I'll be able to find somebody who could help."

"Actually, I think I might have a suggestion."


Rukia and Urahara looked at Ichigo with undisguised interest, so he nodded and said, determined:

"I think we should ask the Quincy I met, Uryu Ishida, to help us."

Rukia frowned.


He nodded.

"Yes. After all, didn't you said the Auswhal was meant to facilitate cooperation between Shinigami and Quincy? And you had it, so it could be said that creating that kind of alliance is also part of your mission. And since he's already aware of the supernatural, we won't need to waste time explaining him much; we just need to tell him we're on the lookout for people who are working with hollows, and I bet he'd want to investigate it even if we told him not to."

"Maybe, but if he doesn't want to work with us, he might just investigate it by himself, and that'd help us nothing, while creating the risk that he'd go after them on his own."

"There's a chance, yeah, but this war between you will never end unless somebody makes a first step to try and end it, right? So, why shouldn't you be the one to make the first step, to extend your trust and see if it can't lead to something better afterward?"

He could see that Rukia looked unconvinced, and while Urahara was unreadable, he didn't say anything in favor either, which Ichigo took to mean that he was doubting still. So, he let out a breath and added:

"Look, I've spoken with him, and felt what his emotions are. He's angry at Shinigami, yes, but... I think it's because he feels like all his people, all the Quincy, are dismissed by the Shinigami, considered lesser. I think that if we do this, if we show him we consider him and the Quincy to be useful, it'll really matter to him. It's what I felt, and I wouldn't be suggesting it if I thought it'd not work."

Rukia seemed uncertain for a moment, but eventually nodded.

"Alright then, I'll at least meet him; but I make no promises of anything. I'll speak with him personally, and then decide if he's good enough for what we need, or not."



The day after, Ichigo wasn't surprised when, exiting from school, he found that Rukia was waiting for him not far from the exit. Ichigo said goodbye to his friends, then moved to Rukia, only to find that she wasn't watching him - instead, her gaze was fixated on Chad. Now, that in itself wouldn't be that unusual; between being at least two heads taller than anybody else around him if not more, his darker skin resulting from his Mexican heritage, and his generally friendly expression which starkly contrasted with his large and muscled frame, Ichigo's friend was one to catch the attention easily enough. But the way Rukia was watching was completely different, looking almost as if she was evaluating him from some clinical point of view; and when Ichigo was close enough that she could address him without shouting, the girl said:

"Your schoolmate there, the tall one, has a soul with an higher level of spiritual power than you do."

Ichigo nodded.

"I know; it's one of the first things I noticed while practicing my sensing, he's the second brightest soul in the school, and I'm the third. The Quincy I told you, Ishida, he's number one."

"Have you considered the possibility of recruiting your friend to our operation then?"

That left him dumbfounded, as he answered:

"I don't think he could be of much help - I don't think he can even see ghosts."

"I've told you that stronger spirits can more easily notice spiritual creatures; why do you think he can't see ghosts?"

"I've known Chad for two years now, and he's never told me that he could; I think if he was capable of doing it, I would have known."

"Is that so?"

Rukia turned a sidelong glance at him, and went on, sounding unusually thoughtful:

"Sometimes, friends will hide things from you, if they think it's for your own best. Have you ever told him that you could see ghosts, anyway?"

"No, I never saw the need to."

"Then why do you think he would have?"

Ichigo was left stumped at that, but Rukia just patted him on the arm and said:

"It's alright - you can talk with him later, and if he wants to help, he might."

"Oh! Help with the ghostbusting secret mission, you mean? Can I join in too?"

Rukia blinked, while Ichigo could feel the embarrassment mount even as he turned to his left, where the voice had come from and where, sure enough, Orihime was standing, looking energetic and genuinely curious, while Tatsuki waited a few steps behind, bemused. While Rukia continued to stare at Orihime, Tatsuki moved to Ichigo and said, sounding exasperated:

"Now, why does Orihime thinks you're a ghost blaster or whatever that is? I know she can go off tangents, but generally there is a reason whenever she does. Care to explain?"

She then glanced at Rukia, and added, offering a hand in her direction:

"Oh, by the way, we didn't introduce ourselves the last time we met; I'm Tatsuki Arisawa, Ichigo's oldest friends. And you're the girl he helped out, I know that much, but I didn't knew you'd become friends because of it, and I'd like to know your name too."

Tatsuki's interruption seemed to be enough to break Rukia out of her surprise at Orihime's words, and she quickly slapped a friendly smile on her face as she offered a small but very precise bow to Tatsuki rather than clasp her hand, before answering:

"I'm Rukia Kuchiki; it is a pleasure to meet you, miss Arisawa."

"Please, just Tatsuki is fine; any friend of Ichigo is a friend of mine as well. Although, he didn't tell me he'd made a new friend."

She elbowed him at that, quite hard in fact, and while Ichigo massaged his side, she continued to speak with Rukia, curiosity clear in her voice.

"So, you did never went into details about what he did to save you, exactly, and that makes me very curious. Do you want to tell the story? If I asked Ichigo, I'd get nothing interesting out of it, he's shit at telling good stories."

Rukia smiled amicably, making a dismissive wave with her hand.

"Oh, it's nothing interesting, really; I was going through a street and got accosted by some thugs, but Ichigo chased them away before they could cause me any harm. You see, I'm not from here - I'm visiting with my uncle for a few months - and so I didn't know that the road I was going through was a dangerous one."

Orihime interjected at that point, asking with clear curiosity:

"So, where they ghost thugs? Scary and spooky ones?"

Rukia chuckled amicably at that and said, winking at Tatsuki:

"Well, they were certainly scary enough, I'll give you that."

Ichigo had to admit that he was impressed; had he not known that she was lying, he would have bet anything that Rukia was being fully honest. He frowned, and sent a pulse of reiatsu out to try and sense what her disposition was, but the moment it came into contact with her, the reiatsu flowed around her, as if she was controlling it on the fly; which looked like a pretty good way to camouflage her presence, honestly. He wondered if it was some form of passive defense she always kept up, of it Rukia was just that quick to react and good at manipulating reiatsu, but before he could think on it any further, the short girl suddenly grabbed his arm and said to the other two, in a brightly chirping voice:

"And that's why I hired Ichigo as my bodyguard while I remain in Karakura! I could hardly find any better, seeing as I know he's a martial arts teacher, he's already proved his character and the ability to do the job, and apparently my offering of five time his current salary was good enough to persuade him to help."


Ichigo was just as astounded as Tatsuki; five times what he was making at the dojo would be comparable to a job for an adult, and not a cheap one either. The surprise had apparently been enough to leave both of his friends speechless, and Rukia took advantage of that to continue:

"Oh, it's really no issue at all, really - and this way, I also get a guide who's familiar with the town in the bargain. Speaking of which! Ichigo, didn't you promise me you had something nice to show me?"

She shot him an imperious glance that had him nodding almost without realizing, and then she returned to her friendly demeanor as she waved to Orihime and Tatsuki.

"Alright then, see you later!"

It took a few minutes of being dragged onward by Rukia - she was surprisingly strong for being so small - before Ichigo recovered enough to be able to say:

"That wasn't a good idea."

"What wasn't?"

"Saying that you were paying me. Now they'll be expecting me to actually have money on hand, and I don't."

"Oh, if that's a problem I can give you what I said, don't worry about it."

Ichigo stared at the Shinigami.

"Do you have any idea how much money that would be?"

Rukia shrugged and answered:

"We don't need to pay for any of the costs of living phisical mortals do - we only eat spiritual stuff. So, in about a century of undercover work, Urahara has amassed a lot of your human money that we had very little use for. I'm sure there'll be enough there to cover these expenses."

"So, you have tons of money just laying around, and you'll give them to me, just like that?"

"Why not? We don't need them, it'll make my cover more solid, and you sound like you'd appreciate the gesture."

Ichigo couldn't help but keep frowning at that, but before he could comment, Rukia turned more serious, squeezing his arm to make him refocus as she said:

"I've found him, but he's not standing still - he's running, fast... toward an hollow."

She glanced around, then identified a bench that wasn't in clear sight of anything, and dashed toward it, exiting her Gigai as soon as she was there so that it looked like it was just sleeping. She quickly gestured at him, and Ichigo moved to his spiritual form, taking a moment to adapt to the Shinigami uniform he was now always wearing in it, before immediately taking off after Rukia... and finding himself being left behind almost as quickly as she started to run on air, while he had to follow along down on the ground.

Even as he continued to run, he shouted after her, annoyed:

"I can't fly like you, you know?"

She paused at that, and then suddenly appeared next to him; she didn't apologize, but did say, even as she wrapped an harm around his waist:

"Then that's gonna be the next thing I'm teaching you. Now, hold on strong."

And with that, she once again darted forward, except this time she dragged him along with herself. As the other times she'd brought him anywhere, the speed they moved at made Ichigo's breath catch in his throat, and he wondered how many other stuff was she capable of doing that he couldn't even begin to think about.

It was barely three seconds later that she landed with him on a rooftop, and they could see that Ishida was fighting with a hollow almost entirely covered in gold-colored armor, the only part of it white being the oblong mask covering its head. The hollow looked somewhat spider-like, with six reverse-jointed legs, three per side, each one ending in a large and powerful spike. There were also long strands of some sticky, thick ochre substance, drawn from rooftop to rooftop in what looked like a vast web.

Ishida was standing in the air above one of his platforms of blue light, with his bow in hand, using it to fire arrow after arrow at the hollow; however, the monster seemed to be capable of sliding on its own web at incredible speed, using it to dodge each shot. Occasionally, the hollow was also shooting web strands from its round mouth directly at Ishida; whenever he did, the Quincy immediately summoned energy enough to create a shield in front of himself, in a way similar to the platform he was standing upon or the bow in his hand, and the strands could do no more harm than draping over the shields, before Ishida dropped them.

Rukia looked at how Ishida kept having to stop his attacks just as his rate of fire started to speed up due to the spider hollow shooting web at him, and commented, with a frown:

"They're at a stalemate; the hollow can't hurt the Quincy, but it's too fast to be hit by him and keeps stopping him from picking up speed. I guess he's fought enough hollows to know that going for tiring them out is the best strategy to defeat them, but if we don't intervene, this is going to take a while."

Ichigo frowned, as he remembered the speed with which Ishida was able to generate his slide/road of light. It seemed unlikely that he wouldn't be able to make one here and use it to circle around the spider at a faster speed than the hollow could match, and being able to hit it from multiple different angles. No, something else was going on... and as his eyes ran over the web, he understood what Ishida's plan was.

"That's not it at all."

Rukia turned to look at him at that.


"He's not trying to outlast the hollow, he's trapping it. Look at the rooftops: they're cracked and damaged in several points, and if you watch when he misses with an arrow, you'll see they never fall to the ground or hit the web, they always smash into the roof. He's only pretending to aim for the hollow; in truth, he's aiming at the web's anchoring point, while ensuring that the hollow is always standing on the web. He's just making sure that he can make all of the anchoring points fail at once - so that the hollow will be in free fall, trapped in his own web, and unable to defend himself."

Rukia's eyes progressively widened as Ichigo explained Ishida's plan to her, as she glanced at the web's anchoring point to confirm the truth of what he'd told. Ichigo, meanwhile, prepared himself; when the web finally fell, all the supports collapsing at once and causing the spider to be trapped into what had been its own battlefield until a moment prior, Ichigo immediately jumped, and with the hollow unable to defend itself while in free fall, it took less than a second to have Sode no Shirayuki straight through its mask, once again causing the big vortex to form at the point of impact and send the hollow to Soul Society.

Then, he realized that he was going to continue falling, so he quickly released his Zanpakuto and created a platform of ice underneath himself, using it to stop his fall before he could gain too much velocity.

As he straightened himself, he heard Ishida speaking from right next to him, in a unhappy tone:

"I see you're wearing a Shinigami clothes now. And you interfered with another one of my hunts."

He turned to look at the Quincy, who had moved his energy platform to stay right next to Ichigo's ice one, and answered:

"I only helped; after all, you can't deny that having a Zanpakuto makes the killing go much faster. And I know, you don't need one, but if it's just there to make things easier for you, what's the harm?"

Ishida seemed to actually think Ichigo's words over before answering:

"I admit that makes sense, but since the Zanpakuto comes associated with the Shinigami carrying it, I'd rather to without, if you don't mind."

"What if it didn't? What if you were wielding the Zanpakuto instead?"

Ishida turned to where Rukia was now standing on the other side of him, right there in midair, and he looked at her carefully for a moment before saying:

"You are strange; your spiritual power is similar to what I expect of Shinigami, much more than Kurosaki is, but you don't seem to have a Zanpakuto with you, nor can I even sense the bond of it on you."

Rukia frowned, but then went on:

"Well, my situation is special; I'm temporarily disconnected from my Zanpakuto for stealth reasons. But that doesn't matter; what matters is that I gave Ichigo the Zanpakuto he's carrying now. If I were to give one to you, would you use it? Would the Quincy be willing to accept that weapon, if they could use one?"

Ishida's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes moving from Rukia to Ichigo, then back to the Shinigami as he said, his tone more inquisitive:

"This is an experiment, isn't it? I've heard of the Shinigami's twelfth division, how the people who made it up continuously came up with new weapons and tricks when fighting us. And now, you've found a way to make Zanpakuto that a human can learn to use in a short time. Is that right?"

"In a manner of speaking. Does it really matter? What would you say if I offered a Zanpakuto to you, Uryu Ishida?"

"I'd say to you that I don't accept gifts from people I do not know, and that if the giver is a Shinigami, I'd be looking for the catch in the offer. What is it you'd want from me in exchange?"

"Just some help. There is a group, hiding here in Karakura Town, that is opening portals and bringing more hollows in the mortal realm for their own purposes. I am here to find them and stop them. If you can help me do so, I'll find a way to have a Zanpakuto for you."

Ishida looked doubtful.

"And that's all you need, for me to help you find people who'd be consorting with Hollows?"

Rukia nodded decisively, to which Ishida replied:

"Well, then you're in luck; I know the people you're speaking of."

Rukia's eyes widened at that, and Ichigo himself couldn't help but be surprised; he'd hoped that Ishida would have been able to help, but him knowing exactly who the thieves where, or possibly even where they were hiding? That seemed way too convenient. Rukia, however, didn't seem to think so, because she was quick to ask:

"You do? Can you help me find them?"

"I have heard of them; it is a group that calls itself Execution. But I'd rather not talk of it here - maintaining the Hirenkyaku is tiring enough without having to hold a long conversation while I'm doing it."

And with that, he headed to the ground, with Rukia eagerly following; Ichigo did so more slowly, having to create a stairway out of ice platforms using Sode no Shirayuki, but he couldn't help the feeling that this was just too convenient a finding, and worry that something else was going on here. Something he doubted he would like.
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Thanks! Do keep in mind that, as Ichigo said, more might be afoot here than it seems - and people can make mistakes, too. Just something worth thinking about. :)

Also, does anybody has any comment about how I reorganized Soul Society's structure? It's one of the things I'm more proud of about the plans I have for this rewrite, so getting some feedback about that would be really invaluable.
I loved the reworking of SS. The canon 6000 shinigami seemed ridiculously low. It justifies the independent streak the captains have much more so than the manga and anime sets up. The captains literally have armies at their neck and call, have the numbers to absorb casualties that the divisions could not, and their territories make more sense.

Especially the 11. I'm very glad you made shinigami incursions and raids into HC a thing. I didn't think there was anything stopping this in canon since Menos were apparently known enough by SS that kill teams were a thing.

But yeah, this SS sounds much more populated and plausible than the original.
I'm very glad you made shinigami incursions and raids into HC a thing.
Well, that particular change was sort of necessary - with the way I reworked the afterlife (there being no "Hueco Mundo" and "Soul Society", but rather just one Spiritual Realm afterlife which the Hollows themselves call Hueco Mundo, and within which the Soul Society we know of is just a single lone city - Rukia explains it in chapter 5), it would make no sense at all to have Shinigami sitting pretty into their little fortress without making sure that their surroundings were kept safe.

And of course, while we aren't there yet in-story, this will justify the abrasive attitude of the members of the 11th division against the rest of the others - they will be able to argue "you just walk around in the Material Realm or sit safe inside Soul Society's walls, but we go out there to bleed and fight everyday to keep you lot of cowards safe". Which is a pretty one-sided way to see it, but I think it really both fits and give a reason for the 11th general attitude.

It's one of the ways in which I've been trying to tie all the worldbuilding together, by making sure that chracter attitudes and personality, while remaining close to canon, at least have a reason for being that way that makes sense in context.
So, due to my sister showing up this week unexpectedly and eating up some of my free time, there won't be an update this week - instead, the next chapter will be up next monday; I hope everybody will forgive me for making them wait. :)
Chapter 7: Connections
- Chapter 7: Connections -

After Rukia had recovered her Gigai and Ichigo returned to his body, the two of them and Ishida went into a small cafe that Ichigo had never actually entered before, despite it only being a couple blocks from his school. It was surprisingly elegant, yet simple at the same time - almost austere, truly, which in a sense was to be expected of Ishida, he supposed.

As soon as they were sitting, with hot chocolate in front of themselves, Rukia asked, determination in her gaze:

"So, what do you know of these Execution people? Do you have the names, their hiding place?"

Ishida shook his head.

"No, not really. But I know of them, and have perceived them in action once, although they were gone when I got there."

"Alright, so what can you tell me?"

"Well, from what I heard, they bring Hollow to the material realm through the dimensional barrier, but only in order to kill them. That's where the name comes from; it's why we haven't gone after them."

Ichigo frowned then, and asked:

"By we, do you mean the Quincy?"

Ishida looked at Ichigo with a perplexed frown as he answered:

"Sure. Who else would I be speaking of?"

"I don't know, I just... sort of got the sense that you liked to work alone."

"I do."

Seeing Ichigo's confusion at the answer, Ishida elaborated:

"My master lives in a different section of the city, and I'm only one of the tree students he has; but he doesn't want us depending on each other, and teaches each of us individually."

Ishida turned a glare on Rukia and added:

"It's a precaution, so that if the Shinigami decided to attack one of us, they'd not be able to take us all down at once, and when we don't send the signal, the others will know we've been attacked and react accordingly. I'm telling you so that you know, should this all be a trap, you'll regret it."

Rukia shook her head.

"It's no trap, I'm really after these people; they've been messing with Hollows for a long time, and if they continue, they might just put the whole world in danger. I need to take them out."

She let out a long breath, then asked:

"So, do you think you could find out where their base of operation is, lead us there?"

Ishida nodded, then said:

"I will, but at three conditions. The first is that I get to be there when you strike, to ensure that this is really the threat you say it is. The second is that you give me one of those Zanpakuto you promised, so that we can try it out. And the last is that, once this is over, you and your Shinigami will stop interfering with Karakura and leave us Quincy alone."

Rukia grimaced at that last one, and answered:

"I can't promise you that - I don't have the authority to make that kind of decision; I could ask my Captain to intercede on your behalf, but I don't know that it'd work. Are you willing to accept that as my promise, instead?"

Ishida seemed very annoyed by the answer, but he didn't answer immediately; instead, he seemed to consider the matter for a long moment, and finally answered:

"I shall think about it; should I decide that's acceptable, I will let you know."

The two of them had to accept that, and after they left, Rukia commented, thoughtful:

"Well, that went way better than we expected - this thing might be a true lead."

"Only if Ishida can find these people. What should we do in the meantime?"

"We'll train; you pointed out earlier that you have holes in your skill set that I should fill, so we'll do that while we wait for Ishida to call us back."


In the following days, Ichigo focused on his training, which went much more smoothly with Rukia's help. In particular, he began training in Hoho, which took place, as with most of their lessons, in the same corner of park where she'd given him his first lesson, that she had basically commandeered.

"So, you remember what I told you, about how reishi works?"

"Yes; the spiritual particles are charged with emotions, and similar emotions attract each other, keeping a soul together."

Rukia nodded.

"Exactly. This, of course, means that if there is a strong, overwhelming emotion running through your entire soul, it keeps it more tightly bound together, making you denser and heavier. Does that makes sense to you?"

"Yeah, it's logical. I suppose that means that if you're really determined and focused on a single goal with all of your emotions, that would also make you tougher, isn't it? Since the pieces of your soul stick closer to each other, so it'd be harder to break them apart?"

That gave Rukia pause, as if the idea was new to her, but she quickly went on:

"I suppose, but that wasn't what I was getting at; in fact, the opposite, really. See, I told you that a soul takes less damage than a body made of kishi, right? How it's more durable?"

"I remember."

"That's because of the emotional bonds being looser. I guess you could imagine a spiritual body as being more fluid - when something impacts you, the reishi making up your soul spreads around, but if the emotions holding it together are less powerful ones, the bond between the particles stretches instead of breaking, and when you refocus your emotions, the bonds grows tighter and your souls reassemble itself more tightly. Of course, a strong enough blow can still leave a permanent wound, by separating or breaking to pieces some of the reishi, but it's harder than with kishi. Following me so far?"

"More or less; you're making it sound like this reishi is sort of elastic, isn't it? Stretching on a blow, then returning to its proper form afterwards, just you need to put a bit of effort into it."

Rukia chuckled.

"Yeah, let's put it that way. So, what Hoho is about is controlling your emotions to a greater extent, to loosen the bonds holding your soul together as much as possible while still being able to move and act freely. Originally, it was meant as a primarily defensive martial art, and in a sense it still is, since the looser the bonds of your soul, the strongest the impacts you can weather. But with time, masters of it realized that it also allowed for much greater speed of movement, because by loosening your bounds like that, you weight less, and when you get good enough to focus it on only a part of your body, such as just your arms or legs, you can get those to move faster."

"Is that how you do those dashes of speed you always use then?"

"Yes; if you do it just right, since your body is looser, your limbs can get just a smidgen longer, giving you more reach, or making your steps cover a bit more ground. That particular technique, applying Hoho only to your legs to lengthen your steps, we call it Shunpo. The better you are at it, which you get by learning to truly control your emotions, the longer steps and reach you gain, and the less and less you weight. And since, as I told you, kishi weights more than reishi already in the first place, if you just make yourself light enough, you can step onto even the thinnest of kishi particles, like those of air."

She demonstrated, taking two steps upwards, and once again standing on air like she had many times before; she then motioned to Ichigo for him to use his passive sense, and as he did, he could feel the way the reishi inside her spiritual body was much less loosely connected, almost letting the air pass through it and support it - especially so on her leg and feet.

Ichigo nodded, and commented:

"I imagine that makes for pretty good attacks too, doesn't it? Since speed is one of the most important aspects of combat, I imagine that making your arms capable of striking much faster is gonna help with it."

Rukia shook her head at that, surprising Ichigo.

"Sort of, but not in the way you think. See, with Kishi, what matters most is the emotional aspect of things; reishi is primarily made of compressed feelings, so the strongest the feelings, the strongest the impact they have when they hit somebody else. Of course, the speed matters too - a sudden surprise or scare will have a stronger impact when it hits you - but in general, strength is the most important factor, and to supply strength, either the emotions need to be at peak potency, or you need to invest your enemy with a ton of them at once. So, when fighting in a spiritual body, bringing more reishi and reiatsu to bear is much more effective to hurt your opponent than hitting with only a very small amount of it, no matter how fast. Shunpo makes you faster by spreading your mass and thus having to carry less of it around, but that actually translates to weaker physical attacks the faster you move."

"Then, why do you say that it only sort of reduces your effectiveness in combat? It seems to me like it reduces it by a lot."

"Well, because that only applies to physical strikes with your own body, but if you were using a weapon that hadn't been reduced in weight like the rest of you..."

Ichigo touched the Zanpakuto at his side, nodding in understanding.

"Of course. So Shunpo is good for dodging and escaping, but offensively its mostly a way to support your Zanjutsu... it sounds like it's a pretty essential skill for a Shinigami to have."

"It is, which is why we'll now start practicing."

She lifted a stick then, which caused Ichigo to frown as he asked:

"What's that for?"

Rukia offered an amused smirk as she said:

"Training. I'm gonna poke you with the stick until you learn to let it mostly pass through your body; once you have that down, we'll move to trying and having you apply it only to your legs and see how long it takes you to get air-walking down."

Ichigo wouldn't say that it was pleasant, and Rukia was having way too much fun continuously poking him with a stick, but he couldn't argue that it did bring results. In the span of about two days, he was good enough to shrug off most glancing blows, which Rukia deemed "passable" before starting him on the air walking training.

That was not, however the only training he was doing; at the dojo, he asked to be switched to the kendo classes, which helped in getting a bit less rusty with his swordsmanship, but also led to Tastuki cornering him after the first lesson.

"So, you left me without my sparring partner. Why is that? Do you even realize how bad the other ones are?"

"It's nothing personal, I just felt like my kendo was getting rusty and wanted to get some practice in it to keep my skills sharp."

"You never saw the need for that before, though. What's changed to make you think this way?"

"Look, do I even need to have a reason? Can't I just simply want to practice something different for a bit of time, to have a small change of pace?"

"I don't think so. I think that your new employer wanted you to use swords rather than fists to protect her, is that it?"

Before Ichigo could answer that, Orihime, which was as usual tagging along with Tatsuki, interjected with a smile:

"I think that's why too! Why else would he be carrying around a sword all the time now?"

They both turned to look at Orihime surprised, although for different reasons, as Tatsuki asked:

"What are you talking about? He's not carrying a sword right now, let alone all the time."

Orihime frowned, and, to Ichigo's shock, reached for Sode no Shirayuki, tapping it with her fingers as she said:

"See? It's right here."

Tatsuki frown deepened, and she was clearly about to say Orihime that she wasn't making sense, when she stopped, narrowing her eyes a bit as she instead replied, more hesitantly:

"There's... nothing... there... I think?"

Orihime turned to look at Tatsuki with her general expression of displeasure, puffing out her cheeks to let off a annoyed huff as she said:

"Oh, come on! You're just being difficult now, aren't you? It's right there!"

"No, it's... not..."

Tatsuki was sounding more uncertain by the minute and, Ichigo realized, was getting closer and closer to actually seeing the zanpakuto... which Orihime, apparently, could see clearly; she obviously knew it was there because he'd told her, but he hadn't realized she could also see it before now.

He focused his sensory abilities for a moment, and sure enough, he realized that Orihime, whenever looked at him, was letting out a little bit of reiatsu which rebounded back to give her perception of the supernatural - and Tatsuki, whenever she focused, was almost doing the same, letting out reiatsu by focusing on it, and just having trouble in registering the rebound wave simply because, having not released enough reiatsu to begin with, there was not enough rebounding back for her to catch and interpret.

Also, for some reason, both Orihime and Tatsuki seemed to have an easier time releasing reiatsu rather than catching it back, with Orihime only being better at it, Ichigo realized, because her body was doing it on her own - likely having somehow learned how during her out-of-body experience. It felt strange, that they would naturally gravitate to the opposite sensing method from the one he'd picked up naturally, but in the end, that wasn't the problem right now; instead, he had to decide what to do about the situation, with Orihime knowing the truth and being able to see it while Tatsuki was neither, and whether he wanted to ask Orihime to stop mentioning it in front of her and keep her out of all of this, or just tell the truth to his older friend.

And when he put it like that, it really wasn't that hard of a choice at all.

"Orihime is right, I am carrying an invisible sword I use for slaying ghosts; that's why I've decided to train in kendo more."


"I can show you."

Then, he drew the glow Rukia had given him to help drag himself out of his own body, and placed his hand on Tatsuki's head, pulling only the top half of her soul from her body; once he saw her eyes widening, he let her go and pushed her lightly back. Once she was back inside her body, Tatsuki's gaze focused on the zanpakuto on her own; to make it easier for her, Ichigo drew the sword, carefully, so as to show it to her. Tatsuki looked at it in silence for a long minute, then said:

"Back when we were eight, some kids were bullying you because you'd said you could see ghosts. I asked you if it was true, and you said it wasn't; then I kicked those bullies' ass. But you lied, didn't you? You've been able to see ghosts, and weird stuff like this invisible sword, all along."

Ichigo didn't know what to answer to that, so he simply nodded, and Tatsuki closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head, her emotions a vortex he didn't knew how to interpret and her voice unreadable.

"I need to think this over. I'll be going now."

Then she left, and Orihime was about to follow her when Tatsuki raised a hand and shook her head, keeping her from following as she left on her own. Orihime watched her go with a sad expression as she commented:

"Maybe we should have explained things to her sooner."

Ichigo found himself thinking of this for the following days, and maybe that was why he eventually went to have a chat with his friend Chad which he opened in, perhaps, not the best way.

"Say, Chad, do you believe in ghosts?"

As was his habit, Chad took a moment to answer, and as Ichigo was checking his feelings with his passive sensing, he could feel that Chad wasn't surprised, excited or worried, merely thoughtful. And when he did answer, he did it with few words, also as usual.

"Yes. Why?"

"I just... there isn't a way to say this that won't make me sound crazy, even Tatsuki didn't took it well, so I'll just come out and say it: I can see ghosts."

Chad looked at Ichigo at that, then he said, thoughtfully:

"I cannot. But my abuelo could."

That left Ichigo stumped for a moment, then he asked:

"He... could? And... didn't teach you how?"

Chad nodded, and explained:

"He said I'd be better off not seeing them. Feel less guilty."


"For being unable to help them."

Ichigo couldn't understand that. He'd been seeing them for his entire life, and had never once felt guilty about it; he did try to cheer them up when he could, but that was pretty much it. But then again, that was before he learned about hollow; the image of the white mask with red lines on its left side and the hateful golden eyes of the first hollow he'd met was quick to jump in Ichigo's mind, and how it'd been about to eat the little girl's soul. He had to wonder then, how many times had those ghosts which disappeared had been eaten by hollows rather than being sent to Soul Society.

Ichigo let out a long breath and said:

"I can see why he'd think that; there are dangerous ghosts around, called Hollows. Getting involved with them isn't good... although not being able to defend yourself is not a good idea either."

"I can defend myself."

Ichigo frowned, and Chad explained, playing with the golden medallion that Ichigo knew was all he had left from his grandfather:

"My abuelo had me practice self-defense so I would not get hurt."

He then demonstrated, closing his eyes for a moment, and Ichigo could feel how he was pushing his own emotions outside of himself, releasing reiatsu and wrapping it around himself like an armor; he also noticed that, to his spiritual sight, he also looked like he was glowing softly. Curious, he sent a pulse of reiatsu outside to see if you could understand the mechanics of it by scanning deeper, and realized that, in a sense, Chad was using a reversed version of Hoho, of sort. It felt like he was inflating his soul, but due to it being inside his body, the soul itself couldn't grow, instead pushing out the reiatsu within all at once; and it seemed an effective enough defense, since Ichigo could tell that the pulse he'd sent out had only barely gone past the surface, instead of going through his whole soul as it normally would have.

Ichigo couldn't help but smile at that and comment:

"That's impressive."

"Thank you."

Chad seemed to think things over for a moment, then asked:

"Why did you want to know?"

Ichigo frowned. He himself wasn't sure what the reason was, although it'd be silly to deny that Rukia's words and Tatsuki's reaction hadn't played a role in his decision. In the end, however, all he answered was, in a neutral tone:

"I just didn't want you to be caught by surprise if all of this ended up spilling over and putting you all at risk, is all."

Chad smiled at that, offering a raised thumb in approval as he commented:

"Protecting each other, right?"


Ichigo left it at that, although he did make sure to mention to Rukia on their next training session that Chad couldn't see ghosts and thus wouldn't be helping them with the mission.

Rukia looked sad at that as she commented:

"That's a shame - we really do need all the help we can get."

That was when Orihime suddenly said, surprising them both:

"Does that mean I could help?"

Ichigo and Rukia both turned to watch Orihime, who was waiting right outside the park area where they normally trained together; while both were surprised, Rukia was the first to recover and ask:

"How did you find us?"

"Was it supposed to be a secret? I went the same direction Ichigo always goes when leaving school with you, checking both sides of the road until I found you. It's not that hidden."

Ichigo couldn't help but smile at that - Orihime wasn't wrong - and then he asked, curious:

"But why did you come searching for me, Orihime?"

"Oh! Ishida said that since I was your friend, I probably could tell you that he's decided to help and has the information you need. So, once we finished with the sewing club, I came to tell you."

Rukia and Ichigo exchanged a glance, then the former asked, in a more serious tone:

"Did he said when we could meet with him?"

"He said to speak with him tomorrow after school; he said you knew the place to meet."

"We do."

And so it was that, the following day, Rukia and Ichigo found themselves once more in the café they had first spoken with Ishida, meeting the Quincy again. Rukia took charge of the conversation immediately, by asking Ishida pointedly:

"So, you've decided to help us then?"

Ishida nodded.

"Yes. In the end, the possible threat of hollows invading the human world is too big to ignore, especially because I'm sure your leaders wouldn't hesitate to assign the blame to us even if we've nothing to do with it. I'll still take that promise of your to speak with your captain about stopping your people's interference with our affairs, even if I know it'll lead to nothing."

Rukia lowered her head at that and answered:

"Thank you. I'll really try my best to campaign for you, I promise - if it depended from me alone, I'd make the promise immediately, but I don't have the authority to do more."

Ishida seemed to consider that for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Alright - I'll guess I'll just have to content myself with the knowledge that, if nothing changes for us, at least one Shinigami will be feeling guilty about it."

Rukia seemed confused and surprised enough by that for Ichigo to cut in and ask Ishida:

"So, you know when these Execution people will be doing their next hollow summoning?"

"Yes, and also where. It's an old abandoned building on the edges of town, and it will be Friday night; we can meet here at sunset and I'll lead you to the place."

"That gives us two days to prepare, right?"

Ishida looked curious at that, as he asked:

"What sort of preparation are you doing?"

"Learning how to use the Zanpakuto, mostly."

Which was why, when the following day he went to his third training session with Urahara, Ichigo insisted that he wanted to enter his Zanpakuto's inner world again. Urahara was skeptical, however.

"Are you sure this is is a good idea? I thought we were making plenty of progress with meditation alone."

Which, Ichigo had to admit, was true. By now, the connection with Sode no Shirayuki was instinctive to the point that it felt like an extra limb, and while he hadn't yet been able to send his own reiatsu to the sword to empower it, or drain reiatsu from it to make himself stronger and faster to recover, they were pretty sure that he had the mechanics of it down, and it was only a matter to get Sode no Shirayuki's cooperation. Which was, really, the best reason to push going to talk with her right now.

"I know I am, but you yourself said that, for most things, I'll be needing Sode no Shirayuki's help anyway, right?"

"That might be true, but you've learned practically nothing of emotional shaping and sharpening, and while the fact that the Auswhal seems to have standardized itself without need for your active control to make it properly usable is handy, it still wouldn't hurt to learn the basics, just in case they help with it somehow."

"Yeah, but none of that would be as useful and as quick a way to gain power as persuading Sode no Shirayuki to help, isn't it?"

Urahara grinned at that, and said, drawing his sword:

"Alright then! If nothing else, it'll be an interesting experiment. Ready?"

Ichigo nodded, and Urahara sword started to glow purple. Even though he'd seen twice, it was still a bit creepy to watch as it fired strals of energy directly at him and, instead of avoiding them, he remained still, allowing them to wrap themselves around him, so that Urahara could slow-down his individual perception of time to make the three hours he would spend in his Zanpakuto's inner world feel much longer to him.

As he arrived, he found that Sode no Shirayuki was kneeling, checking what looked like a trapdoor which seemed to be locked by the same chains that held her; as she noticed his presence, she got up immediately, letting her long vest fall to the ground to hide the trapdoor completely... and he couldn't help himself but ask:

"Have you been hiding that from me for the beginning?"

She glared at him, but the chains immediately started to light up and she answered, disdainful:

"Yes, it was already there the first time you came bother me, and if you know what's good for you, you won't want to know what is holding back."

Ichigo frowned - he hadn't wanted to force an answer out of her, the question had been almost an instinctive one - and worded his next question carefully.

"I'm gonna guess that it is some sort of huge power that could hurt both of us, if it was released."

"And that guess would be correct. If you were to let it loose, it'd most certainly destroy you, at the very least."

Ichigo looked at Sode no Shirayuki with curiosity at that, then said:

"Don't you think it strange, that you could just let this power loose to destroy somebody you hate, and yet you choose not to? I mean, one would expect that if I was so detestable, you would have wanted me destroyed."

The sword spirit glared at him, then answered:

"Not in this manner; what would be left afterwards would still have control over me, and would be far worse than any thief."

Ichigo was surprised, and he was about to ask a question before he stopped and instead said, picking his words with care:

"So, it would not just destroy me, it would take me over. I would ask how you know this, but I suspect that would be the same as asking what that power is, wouldn't it?"

"It would. What are you here for, thief? I lose my patience talking with you."

"Because I need us to learn to work together. Tomorrow, I'll be going up against people who have been releasing Hollows in the human world and have means to control them, so I'm gonna need all the help I can get."

"And how does this concerns me?"

"From what I've been told, part of the way a Zanpakuto helps the wielder is by acting as a second mind for them, spotting things they don't, giving them a second opinion, even guiding their movements in battle. And exchanging reiatsu back and forth between wielder and Zanpakuto can also be useful. I want us to be able to work together like that, and that's why I'm here."

"I still fail to see the point of this discussion."

She raised the glowing red chains wrapped around herself, glaring at Ichigo as she continued:

"After all, you can get me to do anything you want, can't you?"

Ichigo shook his head.

"That'd be pointless; I want you to help me, and that only works if you do it of your own free will. I need us to work together... so, I've come here to ask you how."

"You want us to work together, after you enslaved me here? I have no interest in working with you - you might have stolen my powers, but that doesn't mean I need to accept your theft, much less help you benefit from it."

"What if I told you that it was never my intention to trap you here, and apologized for it?"

"Yes, you implied as much the last time you were here. If that's true, then I tell you: let me go. That's the only way you can apologize to me so that I would believe you: to return my power to Rukia, the only one who should benefit from it."

Ichigo lowered his head and let out a tired breath, then answered:

"I don't know how. If I knew, I'd have helped you go back to Rukia already, but I have no idea how the Auswhal works, nor how to free you from it."

Sode no Shirayuki narrowed her eyes, and Ichigo felt a sudden pulse of reiatsu running through his own body; then the spirit of the sword said, in a dubious tone:

"It feels as if you are being honest, but you could just be good enough at faking your emotions to trick me. But even if you were being honest, you're still the one at fault - you're the one who stole me in the first place, after all."

"I've told you it was an accident, haven't I?"

"You have."

Even as she granted him that much, it was clear she didn't consider it an acceptable excuse. Ichigo paused, unsure what to say more, then remembered Rukia's words, how she said Sode no Shirayuki wanted her to prove herself twice over for any scrap of power she'd been granted, and an idea came to him.

"What if you put me to the test, somehow?"

"A test? Of what sort?"

"Whichever you think appropriate. I face your test, and if I pass it, you'll grant me your help in battle if I ask you for it. I think that's a fair deal, right?"


She seemed to think it over for a few minutes, and eventually she said, in a serious tone:

"Why not? There is a version of a test I administered to Rukia once that might just do. If you can pass it, I'll agree to lend you a bit of help in battle, when you ask for it, instead of simply ignoring you as I have thus far. But in exchange for that, you will make me a promise."

"What promise?"

"If you fail the test, you will never again come back here to bother, unless it is to free me from this prisony. Are you willing to take that risk, in exchange for the possibility of gaining my help?"

Ichigo didn't even need to think about it; if he couldn't get Sode no Shirayuki's willing help, coming back to talk with her would be useless anyway, outside of trying to force the help out of her, which he had no intention of ever doing.

"I promise."

Sode no Sirayuki offered a smug smile at that, as she said:

"Then, you will need to let me free of using my powers, otherwise I won't be able to test you properly."

Ichigo frowned at that.

"You can't just do it right now?"

"No; the chains would consider it an attempt to hurt you, and stop me. They only let me do what you want me to do."

"And let me guess, if I fail the test badly enough, there's a risk this might kill me, isn't there?"

The zanpakuto spirit's smile turned even more smug, and she answered:

"If you fail really badly, yeah, that's a possibility. Are you still willing to risk it?"

Ichigo offered his most confident grin back - he could see now what Rukia meant about her being a harsh taskmaster - but he wasn't afraid of taking a harsh test; she wouldn't be trying to scare him from taking the test if she didn't think he had a chance of winning it. So instead of answering, he simply said, in the strongest tone he could:

"Sode no Shirayuki, I want you to use all of the power you have to test me."

As soon as he finished saying it - and he saw a flesh of sudden surprise in the woman's face at his declaration - the chain holding her suddenly fell to the ground, except for a small necklace-like piece that remained around her neck. Sode no Shirayuki checked herself with surprise, moving her arms in large sweeping motions as if to make sure she really had back her full range of motion; then, once she felt satisfied with it, she turned toward him and said, tone regal:

"Alright then. It's a very simple test, really, just a game of tag. Touch me, even just with the tip of your finger, and I'll judge that you have passed."

Before Ichigo could reply, the hail that had been continuously falling throughout the room suddenly grew violent as cold, battering winds raised, throwing it around with unending fury; it also turned a hundred times more intense, with a multitude of actual snowflakes suddenly being added to what had previously being a precipitation of mere ice, and in a matter of second, the entire area was totally white, the soft powder almost reaching to Ichigo's knees, while Sode no Shirayuki was now sporting large wings made of ice, floating effortlessly atop the snow even as she said, her tone as harsh as the weather she'd just unleashed:

"But remember, the one you're asking for help from, it is the one who you must reach."

As she spoke, copies of her formed from their surroundings, some emerging from the bed of white powder as if they were snowmen gifted light and dressed in the illusion of a woman, while in the air more hovering, winged avatars coalesced out of compressed ice and snow. More and more disdainful gazes were leveled on Ichigo even as, trying to adapt to the winds attacking him, he looked around at the multitude of possible targets surrounding him, and then Sode no Shirayuki's voice rose from hundred of different mouths as it let out the final challenge:

"You know that I'm Sode no Shirayuki, but you never earned that name, so how could you ever know who I really am? Being given help you don't understand will help you not at all. Prove you know what you want, Ichigo Kurosaki, by finding it. Or perish."

Ichigo gathered himself, focusing for a moment, then refocused his gaze through the snowstorm in front of him; thanks to Urahara's power, he had all the time he needed, it was just a matter of lasting long enough to complete the challenge, so he said, in a quick bark:

"You're on."

Then he reached for the closest figure, ending up with nothing but a handful of snow in his grasp for the trouble even as the figure moved away, the hole in its side already refilling with more snow as all the avatars once again spoke, mocking:

"Guessing blindly will lead you nowhere. You need to know me, to understand who I am, or else you'll never understand anything I would help you with."

Ichigo didn't let that deter him, as he continued to trudge through the snow, reaching for multiple avatars and once again finding only snow; however, soon enough all of the avatars had moved away from him, and Sode no Shirayuki's voice once again echoed from countless mouths:

"Is that the best you can do? You can't even reach a mirage of me, let alone my true self."

Ichigo had to agree, and so, he decided to try out something; in a moment of focus, he used Hoho to lighten himself, and then jumped out of the snow; as he had expected, there was no material air for him to walk on top of, but he managed to stand atop the snow without sinking into it. Then, he dashed forward, charging at a number of avatar in sequence, and while they kept forming, he realized they formed more slowly than he could move. He grinned, considering how he was already making progress, when suddenly shard of ice started to fall from the sky, and only barely did he manage to dodge them.

As he looked up, he saw that the flying avatar were releasing sharp pieces of their own wings as projectiles, and even as they did, they all said to him, disdainful:

"Do you really think the real one would be so easy to reach? You're still searching blindly, and that will get you nowhere."

Ichigo frowned, then extended his range in the passive search technique that, he realized, Sode no Shirayuki knew he could use, having taught him herself; and a grin formed on his face as he realized that, with it, it was easy to tell that all of the ground copies were fake, while one of those in the sky was different from each of the other... but then he realized something. The flying avatars did felt different from the snow ones, and one of the flying ones felt different from them all... but the emotional feel it was sending out was very smooth, a perfect shell of disdain. Too perfect.

He sent a pulse of reiatsu out, while still keeping the passive sensing up; using both at once left him winded, but he couldn't help the smile on his lips as he replied, self-satisfied:

"None of you here is the real one."

"Progress. And yet, all you've done is recognize what is not me; that's hardly the same as knowing who I am, or finding me."

Ichigo looked back at the avatars who had, once again, addressed him at once, and answered back:

"No, but now it's just a matter of looking for you."

"And you think I shall let you do so freely, do you?"

Before he could answer, the avatars started to attack him by flinging shards of themselves again, but at much faster speed this time, while the wind picked up, and the temperature quickly dropped. Ichigo started dodging, but the avatars didn't let go, continuing to target him.

He wasn't sure how long he kept running over the snow while dodging the attacks from the avatars, but it was a long time; he barely had time to catch his breath as he did, and for the whole time, he had to keeping up both the Hoho and passive sensing, while also having to continuously pulse his reiatsu out to see if the real one wasn't hiding among the copies. Sode no Shirayuki didn't let out at all, giving him no time to catch his breath or formulate a plant of action; it even stopped speaking as the chase continued endlessly, and he soon realized that she was just going to get him by exhaustion if he didn't find a different solution. He needed a plan, and to come up with one, he needed time.

And suddenly, as he dodged past a spear of ice that easily went through the entire snow covering to smash into the ground below, he had an idea. With a glance around, he quickly figured how the closest two roofs were positioned in relation to one another, he redirected his run and, once he was exactly between them, he suddenly dropped his Hoho, falling through the snow in a point where he knew he'd be falling in between the buildings, to have more space to fall through.

With the snow limiting his falling speed quite a lot, he had a moment to try and think of how he could possibly find the Zanpakuto's spirit... and realized he'd known the whole time. He let go of his passive sensing as well, instead focusing all of his attention on the sense of his connection to the sword itself, and suddenly, Sode no Shirayuki's location light up in his mind like a glowing beacon.

Immediately, he focused on his Hoho again, slowing and then stopping what had already been a slow fall as he gained traction over the snow, and then dashed upwards, heading diagonally through the snow to reach the right location without being targeted by any more attacks.

Of course, the moment he emerged, all of the avatars were surrounding the point he arrived from, and unleashed a flurry of power straight at him - one he knew he couldn't dodge. Which is why he wasn't planning to; instead, he used all of the focus he had left to try and copy the trick Chad had shown him, collecting his reiatsu inside himself and pushing it outward, only to grasp at it as soon as it reached past his soul to shape it into an armor. Without an actual body, it didn't work as well as he'd seen Chad do it, but it was just enough to give him a split second of armor to deflect the spikes away, which left the real Sode no Shirayuki surprised just long enough for him to charge at her.

Still, she recovered fast enough to dodge his charge, and she continued to dodge his following up attempts, still looking down at him with disdain, although it was perhaps less than usual, as she said:

"You have proved that you can listen, at least, and that's not bad, but it's also not enough."

Ichigo wondered what more he could have to learn, but he still focused on expanding his passive sensing again, even as he continued attacking her in an effort to hit her with something. And as he did, he realized that the connection was vibrating with every move he - or she - made; as long as he was using it to locate her, she could use it to predict his movements, and while that went both ways, the Zanpakuto's spirit was just faster than he was.

Which meant, he realized, he had to trick her... and suddenly, he knew just how.

She smiled in amusement as his determination redoubled, and commented:

"You think you've found a plan? No matter what you try, I'll know it before you can put it into action. That's the trouble with facing a superior opponent on equal grounds - you will only ever lose. You never had any chance to pass this test to begin with, but I must applaud you for having come this far."

"I'm not done yet!"

Then, with every punch or strike he attempted, Ichigo occasionally started releasing a pulse of reiatsu before attempting a feint; sweat was running down his brow, his muscles were trembling, and his stomach was grumbling from hunger - he had to have been doing this for more than a day, hadn't he? - but he didn't stop, and Sode no Shirayuki glared down at him, getting annoyed even as she dodged even as he attempted the trick again and again and again, and said:

"Your attempts at confusing me won't work. They might have on somebody with a lesser ability to read the fluctuation along the connection, but I've been studying it ever since you first stole my power for yourself, in the hope of breaking free from it. You can't fool me."

Ichigo didn't answer, making another attempt by releasing the pulse and making the feint, knowing the attack wouldn't reach... and then, just as his opponent dodged of the barest measure, failing to hit as they both knew he would, he used Shunpo on just his arm, letting it reach forward just enough to compensate for the slowed reaction caused from her surprise, and barely graze the edge of her clothes.

Then, he fell to his knees in front of her, thoroughly exhausted, and Sode no Shirayuki watched down at him, genuine surprise etched on her face as she said:

"That was Shunpo. You never used it once during the entire battle; you used Hoho aplenty, but I thought you couldn't do much more. It could have helped you escape from the copies faster if you had."

Ichigo was still recovering his breath from all of the exertion, but eventually he answered, with a grin:

"You weren't pressing me enough. I didn't need it, and since you had refused any contact with me, you didn't knew I had it, so I kept it in reserve."

"If I had known, you would not have been able to win."

"I know. But that's the whole point of the test, isn't it? I knew something about you: that you didn't knew everything about me. I don't know you as much as Rukia, and I probably never will, I know that. But maybe I know you enough for us to work together?"

The woman stood still and silent for a long moment, and then said, her expression undecipherable:

"I suppose you do, at that; you did pass the test, after all."

Ichigo grinned, even as the snow around them slowly disappeared, the wind calmed down, and they found themselves back on the rooftop; slowly, he got back to his feet, while the red chains started to reappear around Sode no Shirayuki, which eyed them with clear annoyance.

Ichigo considered the matter for a moment, then turned to the zanpakuto spirit and said:

"Well, I guess I need to be going now, but hopefully we'll keep in touch."

"That is what I agreed upon, yes."

"Good. But, you know, since this was such a nice workout, I had a request for you."

"Oh? And what request would that be?"

"Please, until I came back, take the time to use all of your powers to prepare another such test for me; maybe I won't have the time to take it, but if that's so, you can just keep perfecting it until I finally have the time for it. Can you do that for me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman's eyes widened in surprise, even as the chains surrounding her fell to pieces, once again leaving her only with the collar; she regarded herself with surprise, as if she couldn't believe that he was letting her have as much freedom as he was able to, and Ichigo merely grinned and said:

"I told you - I never wanted to keep you imprisoned. I'll be looking for a way to free you, I promise."

And then, he reached for the connection and let himself be pushed out, opening his eyes to be once again in front of Urahara, who looked at him with a smug grin as he asked:

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did."

He glanced at the zanpakuto at his side, whose voice he could finally hear, and added, in his most determined tone:

"I'm ready."


Tatsuki didn't usually practice at school, but with Ichigo's recent revelation that he'd been lying to her his entire life, she had been feeling restless the last few days, and she knew that if she didn't let the rage out with exercise, she was going to end up punching a few faces.

That was why she'd picked a most isolated spot to practice, and was thus surprised as a voice said to her, in a respectful tone:

"You look like you really want to use your hands to hurt something."

Tatsuki turned, to see that it was one of Ichigo's friends, the big one - Yatsutora Sado, she thought his name was - who was looking at her with an assessing gaze. She frowned, placing her hands on her hips and shooting back:

"So what?"

"Strength shouldn't be used to hurt others, only to protect them."

She let out a long huff at that and answered:

"Yeah, well, that's sorta hard to do when you discover the people you were protecting were treating you like a fool the whole time, isn't it?"

Sado seemed to consider the matter for a moment, then said:

"Ichigo didn't mean to hurt you - he was just trying to protect you."

"I don't need his protection, if anything he needs mine! And how do you know it's Ichigo I was mad at, anyway?"

"He told me. And of the ghosts, as well."

She kicked the ground in frustration at that.

"Yeah, now he's going around telling everybody, apparently."

Sado seemed to consider that, and then said:

"You'll never settle this alone, you need to speak with him."

Tatsuki frowned again; the truth was, she was very stubborn, and when it was important to him, Ichigo could be too. And while she wouldn't call either of the two of them violent, she also knew they both had something of a temper, and when you mixed it all together...

"I know that, but I also know that, if I see him now, we'll get into a fight before he can explain a damn thing."

"What if I was there? I could stop you from fighting each other."

Tatsuki let out another annoyed breath, but then decided that, really, she might as well get this over with as soon as possible.

"Alright then, come along."

However, when they reached Ichigo's house, they found that he wasn't there; when they asked, his sister Yuzu, who had opened the door, told them he'd left with his new friend Rukia.

Tatsuki frowned at that, then Sado asked, in his reasonable tone:

"Do you know where he could have gone?"

She was pretty sure she didn't... but then, she couldn't help the smirk that formed on her lips as she answered:

"No, but I think I know a person that would."

And that was how they found themselves knocking on Orihime's door; Tatsuki's friend was happy to see her, and when Tatsuki asked her if she knew where Ichigo might have gone, she answered with a smile:

"Of course! He and Rukia were supposed to meet with Ishida at that café he likes so much, to go on their very important mission for catching ghosts!"

Tatsuki was surprised at that - she vaguely knew Ishida as the best student in their year, although he wasn't in their class - but then shrugged; clearly this whole ghost thing was way more widespread than she thought.

And, she decided then and there, if it had become such an important part of Ichigo's life, then she was going to meddle with it; that'd give her a chance to make peace with him without either of them having to admit they'd been wrong about anything, which was just how she liked it. So she asked to Orihime, with a smile:

"Could you lead us there then? I really want to talk with him right now - it's important."

Orihime frowned and answered, uncertain:

"I wanted to go with him too, but Ichigo said it'd be safer if I didn't; the ghosts are dangerous, and I can't really defend myself from them."

Tatsuki frowned, unsure as to how to answer that, when Sado suddenly piped in:

"I can defend us from ghosts, if one of you can see them."

"Oh! I can!"

Tatsuki grinned then, smashing her fists together as she said:

"Alright, it's decided then - let's go speak with Ichigo, and see what this ghost thing is all about."

The other two nodded, and soon enough, they were on the road, Orihime leading them to the café were Ichigo, Ishida and Rukia were planning... whatever it was they wanted to do. Tatsuki couldn't wait to learn.
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So, looks like Tatsuki and Chad are about to mess up the very delicate meeting with Ishida.

He's probably gonna be pissed about the eavesdroppers or 'shinigami ambush!'.
Orihime is going along too, so there's three of them, although remember, one of the things Shinigami are easily recognized for is the Zanpakuto spirit they all drag along, and none of them has that. Besides, Ishida is skilled enough at sensing that he might be able to recognize the three of them, especially Orihime (who he meets very often in the afterschool) and Chad (who he'd know as the second highest spiritual pressure in the school). Just thought I'd point that out.
Orihime is going along too, so there's three of them, although remember, one of the things Shinigami are easily recognized for is the Zanpakuto spirit they all drag along, and none of them has that. Besides, Ishida is skilled enough at sensing that he might be able to recognize the three of them, especially Orihime (who he meets very often in the afterschool) and Chad (who he'd know as the second highest spiritual pressure in the school). Just thought I'd point that out.

So he wouldn't think Ichigo or Rukia put them up to this then? I thought he would be more suspicious about the possibility of more Quincy replacements or shinigami auxiliaries?
So he wouldn't think Ichigo or Rukia put them up to this then? I thought he would be more suspicious about the possibility of more Quincy replacements or shinigami auxiliaries?
He might be, but since he also knows Orihime, he could also easily reach the (almost) correct conclusion that she just did what she wanted to and showed up despite Ichigo's warning, couldn't he?

I mean, this is all hypotetical discussion - I already know what's gonna happen in the next chapter when I post it next Monday - but in theory, it seems to me that, while there is a chance Ishida could overreact, there is also a chance he could read the situation correctly, and thus react to it logically. Ishida is an interesting chracter in that he tends to be very precise and collected when he's calm, but he's also prone to overthinking stuff when he gets angry.

Speaking of which, what's anybody take on the cast? Do they feel like they match the ones from the manga in personality, at least in the broad strokes, from what I've shown so far? I'll confess that I'm not sure if I'm making them justice, and due to the lack of feedback I'm getting as I post this, it's hard to judge.
The characterization seems on point to me. I haven't noticed any inconsistencies in the characters voices.

Ichigo I find to be great. He's not overly aggressive as some writers tend to over do, but he is strong willed.
Chapter 8: Blunder
- Chapter 8: Blunder -

They had just finished the chocolate Ishida insisted on and were getting ready to go, when Rukia frowned and said, in a perplexed tone:

"We aren't alone."

Ishida's eyes narrowed at that.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that Ichigo's friends just entered my perception range, and are heading for this place."

Ichigo let out a tired breath; he thought he'd managed to make Orihime understand how dangerous this was, but clearly he hadn't. He got up and said:

"I'll go speak with Orihime again - I don't know why she changed her mind, but I'll make her understand that to wait for us is the best thing to do here."

"She's not alone; your other friends are with her, too."

Ichigo turned toward Rukia at that; there was nobody else who knew they were here. He'd only ever told Orihime because he wanted somebody to be able to tell his family in case anything happened.

"Which friends?"

"The girl you train with, and the large guy we were talking about the other way... Tatsuki and Chad, if I'm not misremembering the names."

"What? Why would they be with Orihime?"

"I don't know. Why do you think?"

It was pretty easy to imagine a number of reasons for Tatsuki to be with Orihime and ways she could have talked her best friend into bringing her here, but while Chad and Tatsuki were both friends of his, they didn't really interact very much with one another, so Ichigo was at a loss as to why he was with them.

Still, if all three were here... he let out a long sigh and said:

"I'm not sure I can persuade Tatsuki to go back; she's much more stubborn than Orihime, and she's angry with me already."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because I explained to her that I can see ghosts and... she didn't took it very well."

Ishida frowned at that, and commented:

"Then you are terrible at keeping secrets, clearly. Which makes you really unsuited to secret missions, such as this one. Maybe we shouldn't include you in it."

That annoyed Ichigo quite a bit, considering he was the one who'd suggested including Ishida in the first place and was the only one with a Zanpakuto they could use, but before he could answer, Rukia interrupted, with a smug smile:

"I don't know, I think that being too honest can be a good thing, you know?"

Then, she turned more thoughtful as she added:

"And really, if you can avoid hiding things from your friends, I think you should. Sometimes, keeping a secret is the only option, but it's not a pleasant one, so I won't begrudge Ichigo not wanting to do it."

Ishida scoffed, then answered:

"In any case, all this discussion is irrelevant; if we want to, we can just leave. They don't know where we're going, and even if they were able to track us, I doubt they'd be able to keep up with us in speed, unless you've been training them too."

Ichigo shook his head.

"No, I haven't - training up myself took up most of my time."

"So let's get going then; that'd take care of the problem."

But Rukia raised her hand and said:

"I think they might be useful, if we let them come along."

Ichigo didn't like the sound of that, and was quick to answer:

"Look, I know you want to recruit as many people as possible, but I'm not going to put my friends at risk for this."

Rukia raised an eyebrow at that, then asked, very matter-of-fact:

"Shouldn't that be their choice? Or are you saying that your wishes for them take the precedence over what they'd like to make of their own life?"

Somehow, Ichigo felt that, in asking the question, Rukia had in mind something more than just to present the problem to him; but the fact remained that, hidden intent or not, she had a point. Did he really considered himself so much smarter than his friends, to think he knew better? Had he any right to make a decision on their behalf? He didn't think he did, but...

"They have no idea what it is they'd be going against; Orihime is the only one who has ever seen a Hollow, and while Chad might be able to defend himself, the others aren't. It's not a matter of making a decision on their behalf; it's that they would not realize what kind of decision they'd be making."

Rukia nodded to that, then shot back:

"Then how about this? I will talk with them, and give them a solid scare, make it clear to them that we're not playing here, that this is dangerous. But if after that they want to come along, we let them. Deal?"

Ichigo didn't knew what to say, and before he could muster an answer, Ishida suddenly answered:

"I can sense them now, which means they're less than a block away from here. If we want to go, we should do so immediately; waiting only makes sense if you want to bring them along."

Ichigo lowered his head at that, accepting that there wasn't really any other option.

"Alright then, we'll do things your way, but you need to make an honest attempt at scaring them away, ok? Tatsuki won't believe how dangerous hollows can be until she sees them for herself."

Rukia nodded, then led the two of them outside; they could see Orihime at the head of the other group, Chad and Tatsuki following after her, the latter with a very determined expression on her face. Orihime meanwhile was smiling, and waved as soon as they came into view, shouting happily:

"Hey, Ichigo, we've decided to come along and help!"

"Is that so?"

Rukia was channeling a very unusual amount of arrogance in her tone as she answered; Ichigo had never heard her be so haughty before, and yet, the way she somehow managed to look down on his three friends despite being shorter than each of them seemed to come so naturally, Ichigo couldn't help but think that she must have practiced. And, he also realized after a moment, it reminded him quite a lot of how Sode no Shirayuki would act, although the Zanpakuto Spirit was far more suited to it.

Still, since Rukia had always been nothing but polite and friendly with them, her sudden shift in attitude was enough to give pause to Orihime and Tatsuki; however, the latter recovered quickly, stepping forward as she said, pointing a finger in her direction:

"Yeah, we're gonna help, Kuchiki, and you're not going to stop us!"

Rukia raised an eyebrow in an expression of polite disbelief that bordered on disdain, and answered:

"And why not? I did not require your help; Kurosaki is the one who I hired to guard me, and Ishida has proved himself capable enough to warrant inclusion, but this is my mission, and I don't need any dead weights on it."

"Your mission?"

"Of course. I told you I hired Ichigo as a bodyguard, didn't I? I'm here to hunt dangerous people, and only one who can fight against spiritual creatures would be able to help me do so. And you can't."

Tatsuki narrowed her eyes at that, and shot back:

"So what? I am a better fighter than Ichigo, and I can see ghosts just fine; tell me how to hit them, and I bet I'll be doing just fine."

"Is that so? Let me give you an idea, then, of what you should be ready for."

And then, without warning, Rukia let her reiatsu loose, and suddenly, Ichigo found himself, once again, having trouble breathing, and moving his limbs - it was stronger now than the last time she'd shown this to him, he realized, and as he focused his senses, he confirmed for himself that Rukia's power as she was revealing it right now was about three time as high as his own, Chad and Ishida's combined. Ishida was staring at Rukia now, a look of complete shock on his face, but Ichigo could tell that, while he was taking slower, more labored breaths, he was somehow withstanding the pressure, with his skin once again letting out a soft blue glow that was probably related to it. Ichigo himself wasn't holding up as well, but at least he was still standing and, if he focused, he could move somewhat.

The effect Rukia's demonstration was having on the others, however, was quite another thing altogether. Orihime had collapsed as if a sledgehammer had hit her, and was laying on the ground, breathing heavily; Tatsuki was on her knees instead, using both arms to keep herself from falling further and inhaling in very quick, small gasps, clearly having trouble with it. Chad was standing, but he looked completely paralyzed, and Ichigo realized he was holding his breath.

Rukia smiled dismissively at them, then made a rotating movement with her hand, and a sphere of glowing golden fire appeared on top of her index finger; she closed her fist, the light clearly still glowing from inside it, and then she opened her hand again, spreading her fingers wide, revealing two more spheres, one each between the index and middle, middle and ring, and ring and pinkie fingers. She waved her hand around, the spheres leaving glowing traces of light in the air behind themselves as she did, and she said to them, in the same disdainful tone as before:

"Each of these lights is as powerful as a bomb; and you can't even move. I could throw each at one of you, and you would all be dead, with no chance of defending yourselves. The difference between me and you is as tall as a mountain... and yet, I am gonna need help against the people I am chasing. What hopes do you think you could have, when facing something even I can't take on my own?"

She looked them down for a long moment, and then, suddenly, Ichigo saw Chad reacting, pushing his reiatsu out in the way he'd shown him; once he did, with that thin armor surrounding him, he was able to take a deep breath, and then move - if slowly - forward, as he said:

"We can still do something. That's enough."

He reached Orihime first, and knelt next to her; putting one of her arms around his shoulder, Chad helped her to her feet, and once she was capable of looking at them, they could see the girl glaring, an expression Ichigo really wasn't using to seeing on her face; she clearly couldn't speak with the way she was still breathing slowly and tiredly, but there was no mistaking the defiance her face was displaying.

And then, Tatsuki suddenly started to move herself; Ichigo watched and he could see that she wasn't doing anything like Chad had, merely using her own strength to force herself back into standing up. He took a moment to see how she was doing that, and he saw that she was breathing in before moving, and breathing out as she acted, for every move she did; which, he realized, was one of the control exercise they always used to practice proper kata. Except that, instinctively, her soul was matching her breathing, as if body and soul were in perfect synchrony, and whenever she puffed out, a bit of her own reiatsu did the same - not enough to cover her entirely like Chad's, but enough to push away Rukia's own reiatsu for just long enough to let her move just one little bit more.

Once she was standing, Tatsuki stared down at Rukia and slammed her fists together before aiming her right at the Shinigami and shouting, furious:

"Bring it then! We're done with Ichigo pushing us away, if he wants to go into danger, then we're going with him! Nothing's gonna scare us away, no matter how dangerous it is, so if you want to stay out of it, you better be ready to fight us for it!"

Chad nodded at that, and Ichigo got the sense that, had she been able to, Orihime would have as well, then he looked directly at Ichigo and said:

"You want to protect us, but we, too, want to protect you."

It took a moment, but then Rukia smiled, her disdainful expression disappearing even as she closed her fist, making the glowing lights disappear and, a moment later, the pressure disappeared as she sealed the reiatsu back inside of herself, once more projecting the sense that her soul was about as powerful as Katsuki, thus two third's of Ichigo's own. While the others looked at her with confusion, she clapped her hands and said, satisfied:

"Alright, then it's decided, you will be coming along too."

"Uh? And what happened to all that threatening aura you just pulled out?"

Rukia winked at Tatsuki and answered:

"Oh, I was just testing you."

Then she turned more serious and continued:

"But just so we're clear, I wasn't joking either: we don't know what's gonna happen, and it's very likely that, whatever goes down, it might be extremely dangerous. I'm happy to have you along and helping, but I'm in command here and, if I tell you to do something, I want you to do as I say without questions, are we clear? Your life might well depend on it."

Chad, Orihime and Tatsuki all nodded, and Rukia let out a long breath before she simply stepped out of her body, which had Ichigo's eyes widening in surprise as he caught the Gigai before it could hit the ground and shouted to her, annoyed:

"What the hell? Warn me before doing that, you could have hurt yourself!"

She shrugged, and shot back:

"It's just a gigai. Now, Ishida, you said you had rented me a room in here to leave this, right?"


"Good, then if you could get this there, I would say we're ready to go, as soon as Ichigo changes."

Orihime looked suddenly embarrassed at that, while Tatsuki asked, sounding confused:

"What does she means, change? You got an armor to go along with the sword or something?"

Ichigo shook his head.

"No, she just meant walking out of my body, like she did."

Tatsuki and Orihime looked quite surprised at that, but Chad only narrowed his eyes.

"Chad? Can't you see me?"

The other boy didn't answer, only narrowing his eyes, but Rukia waved and answered:

"It's fine - if he keeps trying to see, he'll manage to eventually, as his soul gets a bit of exercise in. I don't suggest trying to force it - it's better if he figures it out on his own, it'll put less strain on his soul if he's not forced into it."


Rukia turned to Tatsuki at the question, looking at her with an evaluating gaze for a long moment before answering

"Yes, but don't worry too much over it. It's not like it hurts you or anything - it's like being a bit shortsighted; you pick up less details, especially at a distance, and you'll have trouble developing longer range sensing, but in general it's hardly a noticeable drawback. But until it's an emergency situation, I'd suggest not forcing it - just have one of you stand close to him and point him toward us, and that should suffice for what we're planning to do tonight."

"I'll do it!"

Orihime enthusiasm caused Rukia to smile, but then Ishida came back from the café, and she nodded with determination at that as she said, her tone serious:

"Alright then, lets' go. Ishida, I think you can carry the others?"

The Quincy nodded to that, and created a larger light platform than he normally would have, one large enough for all three of Ichigo's friends to stand on it, but while Orihime was quick to mount it and Chad followed along without protesting, but Tatsuki shook her head and said, in a tone that would accept no argument:

"I'd rather be carried by Ichigo, actually."

Everybody turned to watch at her with confusion, especially Orihime, but Ichigo knew what this was about - she was going to take advantage of the travel to shout at him without leaving him any chance to retaliate - and said, making it clear how annoyed he was at being forced into it:

"Only because we don't have any more time to waste. And I'm carrying you piggyback to keep my hand free in case we're attacked, so you better be ready to old on by yourself."

She nodded, and as soon as he had her on his back, Ichigo started to run in the sky after Rukia and Ishida; the latter was moving extremely fast along one of his sliding paths, while Rukia was keeping up with her Shunpo although, he thought, she seemed to be requiring some effort to do so - it seemed that the Quincy's method for achieving high-speed movement was innately superior to the Shinigami one... or perhaps Ishida was simply better at it than Rukia was at Shunpo, although that was hard to believe, as he was having a bit of trouble keeping up with her.

He was surprised when Tatsuki spoke, and not because she did, he'd been expecting that, but because of what it was she said.

"Be honest with me now, how dangerous is this thing we're doing, truly?"

He frowned. He knew it wasn't fear speaking in Tatsuki's voice, and if she'd already decided she'd go along with this no matter how dangerous it could be...

"You want to know why I'm willing to put myself into danger for this."

"Yes. I know it's not because of Kuchiki, you'd only do it if you thought it would protect people. So, what's the threat?"

Ichigo let out a long breath, then explained:


"That's completely unhelpful."

"Right, sorry. Hollows are a type of corrupted ghosts; they hunt other ghosts, and even living people, to eat their soul. They're very dangerous, and the people we're after plan to unleash an army of them on the world. Rukia came here to stop them, which is why I'm helping her."

"So that's why, then."

They continued in silence for a bit, Tatsuki clearly thinking something over, until she eventually spoke again.

"You only learned about these Hollows existing when Kuchiki showed up, isn't it?"

"How do you know?"

"It's the only way things make sense. You revealed me a secret you had kept for years, because before you didn't thought it was important and didn't want to look weird. But now that it could be a danger, you wanted me to know. Isn't that it?"

Ichigo wasn't sure how to answer to that, and before he could come up with a right answer, Tatsuki went on:

"Anyway, you'll need to teach me how you fight, you realize? I'm not going to just do nothing if there's a threat like this just lurking around the corner."

"Yeah, but I don't know that I can do much, I'm still just learning myself. You'd be better off asking Rukia, she's the one who's training me... or perhaps Ishida; he's been doing this for a long time, from what I can gather."

Tatsuki punched him on the shoulder at that, although not as hard as he knew she could have, and answered:

"Maybe I will, but you're going to help; what, are you scared I'm gonna mop the floor with you at this too?"

"As if! Just a couple sparring sessions and you'll see that I'm just naturally gifted at this, like you are at Karate; you're not gonna beat me at this, I guarantee it."

He could feel the grin Tatsuki got onto her face as she answered, sliding back into the bantering back-and-forth that was their usual way of interacting with each other:

"Well, it's true that you learn best when you're doing rather than training, so these last few months might well be a solid head start; I guess it'll take me a bit to catch up. How long do you think, two days? Maybe three?"

"Try three years, and you'd be more on target; you're gonna need a lot of losses to catch up!"

"That's right - you learnt more from me than any of our teachers through the years, didn't you?"

He was about to answer back, when Rukia suddenly fell back next to them and said, in a whisper:

"Focus now, we're almost there."

Ichigo nodded, and could feel Tatsuki doing the same over his head, as they moved to the outer edge of a large parking lot only occupied by what looked like a ruined, cracked truck, standing next to a large, abandoned factory; as they came closer, Ichigo realized that there was a weird stillness to everything, and it looked like a just faintly visible vibration was running over everything.

He moved to where Ishida, Orihime and Chad were waiting, and let out Tatsuki too before asking Rukia, who was also examining the chain-link fence:

"Do you know what this is?"

"I'm not sure."

She frowned, then made intertwined her fingers for a moment, before sliding them aside from each other to form a golden see-through lens that she was now holding between her hands; she looked through it, and when Ichigo watched, he could see that the fence was actually covered with an intricate energy barrier, although covered was perhaps the wrong word, "drenched" being probably a more fitting one, as the energy seemed to run through, compenetrate and envelop it. Rukia studied it for a long moment, and then said, thoughtful:

"This is strange. It's a reiatsu construct, but it doesn't match any Kido spell I know of; yet, it feels like it's too elaborated to be an Hollow's power in action. And from what I know of the thieves' powers, none of them should be able to create something like this."

Ichigo didn't even pretend to understand what she was saying, instead asking:

"So, what it does?"

"It's a temporally static barrier; it keeps something from happening for some time, or rather, it limits the effects of something to inside the barrier, and then has them happen all at once after its time goes off. I would guess that whoever's inside doesn't want what they're doing to be sensed by those outside."

Ishida had a glimpse of understanding in his eyes as he said:

"So that's why last time they were gone so soon after I sensed their presence, despite how quickly I moved in - I only sensed their presence when they'd already left the area, due to this time delay?"

Rukia nodded.

"Seems like it. And I bet that if we were to destroy the barrier, they'd notice and scatter."

Tatsuki, who had been following with curiosity, then asked:

"So, what do we do?"

Rukia smiled in self-assuredness as she answered:

"We sneak in, of course. I train with Urahara when I can, I'm probably one of the Shinigami most experienced in dealing with time-based abilities, and this really isn't all that powerful anyway. I'll just craft a kido to get us through; just give me a moment."

She took a few moments to think it over, then nodded to herself and said:

"Alright, I think I can make this work; I know three spells that can do each a bit of the work, so if I cast all of them together it will work. Let me concentrate, this isn't easy."

Then, Rukia started moving her left arm in a set of wide, sweeping movements; meanwhile, she was using her right hand to make a series of sharp pokes at the air, using multiple fingers at once in weird positions. The movements of both was so dissonant Ichigo had trouble following it, much less imagining himself going through it himself; and if that wasn't enough, Rukia was also whispering some sort of poem in an almost inaudible manner, something about standing still and twilight, with very long verse and what sounded like a rhyming scheme Ichigo was unfamiliar with.

After looked like a full minute of this, definitely the longest Ichigo had ever seen Rukia take to cast any of her spells - she normally could get them out in less than a second, with at most two seconds for slower ones - Rukia finished at once, making the last movement with her arm a wide arc, while her hand made a last push just in the middle of it like a palm strike, and she spoke the last word of her poem. There was a brilliant flash of golden light for a moment, and then Ichigo saw that a full arc of the fence had simply disappeared, as if disintegrated, and Rukia quickly moved through it as she gestured for them to follow, which after a moment, the rest of them did.

As they moved closer to the building, Ichigo expanded his passive perception range as much as he could, and soon enough, he could detect five people inside, with souls all roughly around the same level of brightness as Ishida's, except for one - likely the leader - which felt about half-again as strong. Rukia frowned at that and commented:

"This is weird; none of them read anything like I expected; they all feel like mortals."

Ishida frowned at that, and asked:

"The ones we're asking, your thieves, are they all Shinigami?"

"They were; having betrayed us, they aren't anymore. But all that matters now is that these people aren't the ones I was looking for."

Tatsuki spoke up at that, sounding uncertain:

"So, what, do we leave? If they're not your enemies, there's no point in staying, is there?"

Rukia seemed to consider that, but then shook her head and answered:

"No, I want to check them over first - they are summoning hollows after all, they might be working for the thieves; it'd make sense, to not do this personally, in case we found out about it."

She then looked at the group and said, with a nod:

"Alright, we're splitting up. I want the three of you to wait here, next to the main door; is somebody comes rushing out of it, try to hold them down - they're all humans, so you can do it if you're careful. Ishida, you're faster, so if you could circle around to enter from the backdoor on the other side, that'd be great - in case it's needed, push them toward this side."

Ishida nodded at that, and Ichigo asked:

"Then, we're each taking one of the other two sides?"

Rukia shook her head at that and answered:

"No, the two of us are going in together from the top; there's no other door for us to use, and if we're going to be going through a wall anyway, might as well go for the most surprising direction and be able to strike with concentration of force if required."

She made a gesture with her hand, creating that looked like six small badges of golden light, and gave one to each of them, before saying:

"I'll call you in case I want you to do something; for now, just get in position and wait for my signal. Come on, Ichigo, you come with me."

With that, they all moved, and soon enough Rukia and Ichigo had reached the top of the building; she motioned for him to use Hoho, and then showed how, by having their body dispersed to such an extent, it was possible for them to go through it, dragging him along. It was a weird experience, like being squeezed through a vice yet not actually being painful.

Once through, Rukia placed a finger on his mouth to keep him silent, while they listened to the discussion going on under them, amidst the multitude of ruined trucks, cart parts and other such wreckage that littered the warehouse.

The group was relatively diverse. Sitting on one crate at one side was a short teen with blonde hairs, wearing a black cap and coat; he wasn't participating in the conversation going on around him, instead focusing on playing a videogame of some sort. Then there was a middle-aged man with a large black mustache, wearing a leather strap covering his left eye, as well as a dark vest and white shirt which resembled a bartender's clothes; next to him was a tall, dark skinned woman with sharp features and black hairs, wearing knee length dark boots that looked surprisingly elegant when matched to the rest of her outfit, a set of form fitting pants and a sleeveless top. The two were speaking in low tones with each other, while watching the last two members of the group.

These were one girl with red hairs arranged into pigtails wearing a white cap and an elegant black and white dress, who was angrily pacing as she shouted to the last figure, standing in the center of the area, a man with slicked back dark hair wearing a black jacked with a fur collar and, much more noticeably, had a sword almost as large as himself that he was leaning on.

"You keep this going, you're gonna kill yourself, and then this will all have been pointless! We should stop here for now."

The man laughed, a deeply rich sound, and answered:

"We're being as careful as can be, you're overblowing the risks. Beside, at this point I think I'm powerful enough to handle any one random hollow."

"That's ridiculous! You yourselves told us that a single hollow was enough to very nearly slaughter your old team, or am I misremembering that?"

This caused the other man to stiffen, but then the middle aged man said, in a placating tone:

"Now, now, no need to bring such matters up. Ginjo has become much stronger since then, and meeting another Hollow as strong as the Grand Fisher is unlikely."

"Yeah, but unlikely is not the same as impossible."

"Is your fear really that great, Riruka?"

The girl turned toward the other woman, who'd just addressed her, pointing a finger and saying, in a warning tone:

"Be careful what you say, Jackie, or I'll make you regret it."

"Like you could."

"Why, you..."

That was when a beeping sound suddenly rang, and the blonde boy looked up from his videogame to say, in a neutral tone:

"The device has recharged, we can open another breath whenever. Are you ready for it, Ginjo?"

The man straightened, grabbing his large claymore in two hands - Ichigo noticed that the weapon's hilt ran some way into the hilt, which was weird - and nodded, saying:

"When you are."

Riruka crossed her arms at that and commented, morose:

"I still think you're taking on too many in sequence."

Ginjo shrugged at that and answered:

"Maybe, but you heard Hirako: it won't be long before Shinigami find us, and when that happens, we need to be ready for them."

Rukia's eyes narrowed them as she whispered to Ichigo:

"Ok, we're going in."

"So they're the thieves after all?"

"No, but they're working for them - that name, Hirako? That's the name of the thieves' leader."

Then, underneath them, the blonde boy pulled what looked like a metallic device out of his pockets and pressed a button on it, and almost immediately, Ichigo could see a rip forming into the air, exactly like the one he'd seen when Shrieker had come out at Orihime's house. Rukia's eyes narrowed at this as she said:

"Yeah, not going to let that happen. Ishida, now!"

The last words she'd spoken into the communicator she'd created, and just a moment later, the backdoor exploded inwards, causing all the people inside to turn toward the entrance, where Ishida's white-clothed figure was standing, bow of energy in hand, as he said to them:

"Stop what you're doing right now."

Ginjo eyes narrowed immediately at that and he shouted, enraged:

"What do you want here, Quincy? Mind your own business and leave us alone!"

"Close that portal, and then I will. Else, I'll have to make you."

"Right. Jackie, take him out!"

Without hesitation, the dark-haired woman moved forward with surprising speed, and Ichigo realized, she was pushing reiatsu into her boots; they were reacting, somehow absorbing it and releasing a reaitsu around them that he could feel was, somehow, qualitatively different.

Then, the battle was on, as he watched in astoundment as the woman kicked a broken down car and sent it flying at Ishida; the Quincy however didn't panic at all, instead just releasing another arrow which exploded when it slammed into the car, causing it to explode as well.

As the woman made an impossibly wide and quick jump backwards, Ishida darted forward, using his Hyrenkiaku to propel himself at high speed, only to be suddenly forced to stop as another car suddenly jumped in his way - and Ichigo saw that the eyepatch-wearing man had touched it with a small pocket watch that, just like the woman's boots, was glowing with a altered reiatsu of some sort.

That was the point when the tear in the sky suddenly ripped open, and a large hollow with a flat head sporting blades out of her cheeks, a thin body and long, sticky limbs jumped out of it with sudden speed; that was when Rukia motioned for them to head down, pointing for Ichigo to attack the hollow, which he did by diving down. The hollow managed to avoid the attack by dodging to the side, while Ginjo, who had been about to strike it as well, suddenly said in fury:

"A Shinigami?! What are you doing here, tell me!"

Rukia then landed right behind Ginjo and answered:

"Capturing you. Surrender now, or we'll make you!"

Ginjo turned toward her, swiping his sword to force her to jump backwards, then shouted:

"Don't close the portal, let more through!"

"Are you mad?!"

"No, it'll divide their focus!"

It wasn't clear if the blonde boy had wanted to obey or not, but the hesitation was enough for a host of white tentacle to suddenly shout through the still open portal to grab its edges, keeping them from closing; then, a massive hollow with a mask shaped like a guardian lion moved through, before the tentacled hollow, whom body was more slug-like and which mask was shaped like a pointed helmet, a wide maw filled with minuscule teeth the only feature on its body other than the many appendage it had trailing behind it.

Ishida arrive them, sliding forward at high speed while firing two arrows in passing at both hollows, hitting both in the center of their bodies, before he himself slammed into the crate the blond boy had been sitting; his target managed to roll out of the way with a grimace, and Ichigo noticed that he had pushed out some reiatsu from his shoulder at the moment of impact, not dissimilarly from what Chad could do, to cushion the blow.

The redhead, Riruka, darted toward Ishida as she yelled at the blonde one:

"Yukio, close that thing, right now!"

Yukio, as he was apparently called, nodded and pushed a button, closing the portal, while the two hollows were already almost recovered from their wound; Ichigo was about to head for them when the first one suddenly charged at him, forcing him into a quick parry. He then charged, but the hollow used its long limbs - which, Ichigo now noticed, had reversed knees and elbows - to jump backward like a grasshopper; he narrowed his eyes, and was about to charge again when suddenly Sode no Shirayuki told him to drop down.

He did, and a moment later a shiny black boot went through the space where his head had been, before slamming into a rusted truck just behind, creating a crater of fractures that caused it to fall apart as she said to him:

"You really shouldn't meddle with what doesn't concerns you, Shinigami."

"And you shouldn't meddle with Hollows, but I don't think you're gonna stop on your own, are you?"

She just grinned, raising her foot to prepare another kick, but he didn't even let her, instead using Hoho to jump into the air and stand there, at the same time dodging another warning from his zanpakuto about the hollow he had been about to kill - by so doing, the hollow's jump ended up carrying him straight into the kick that had been meant for Ichigo. He quickly darted around in the air as the hollow, whom's body had been partially crumpled by the hit, was sent flying backwards, and ensured to be ready to just place his blade on the path the monster's head was on, cutting its mask in two and sending it away without even stopping.

Which was a good thing, as a moment later his eyes widened as he saw Jackie in the air with him; he glanced at her feet, and saw that they were glowing just the smallest amount as she pushed reiatsu out of them, and it seemed to react with the air for a moment, just long enough to form temporary platforms for her to jump off of. He dodged another kick and then asked, surprised:

"What are you, and what sort of power was that?"

"We're Fullbringers, and I'm not going to explain how our powers work to you if you don't already know. Well, unless you let me pummel you into the ground first. How about that?"

Ichigo scoffed, then started to move around his opponent, seeking an opening; he noticed that, while she was standing in midair just like him, the technique she was using was much less stable than Hoho, forcing her to constantly moving around to keep afloat; on the other hand, she had more accelerations, since each push keeping her in the air also gave her a little bit of push as well.

He spared a moment to check what was going on underneath him, and saw that Ishida was engaged in a shootout of sort with the redhead; she was wielding what looked like a toy gun, firing weird hearth-shaped projectiles of glowing energy that Ishida kept avoiding while shooting back arrows of his own, which Riruka tended to stop from hitting her by using small bursts of speed - her feet glowing justly just as Jackie's were - to move from cover to cover as each of Ishida's attacks obliterated it.

Rukia, meanwhile, was firing off blasts of energy and creating barriers to attack and keep her opponents separate by one another as she did, somehow managing to keep at bay the two hollows as well as the three humans all by herself, although the simple fact of having so many attacks coming her way kept her on the defensive, stopping her from effectively counterattacking. The one thing that was positive was that the two hollows were angling for whichever targets were closer rather than Rukia herself, meaning the Fullbringers had to be careful of them even as they tried to coordinate with each other; in particular, the mustachioed one seemed to be smacking the huge hollow with his pocket watch, held by the chain as if it was a whip, and each hit seemed to slow the hollow down considerable, even if it didn't leave any wounds that Ichigo could see.

Ishida was helping Rukia, sending an arrow on the direction of the tentacled hollow to stop it from moving too much, but he could only do that when he was moving around to get a better angle to shot Riruka from, and he couldn't remove too much of his attention from his opponent, as the girl was clearly more than willing to take advantage of any opening the Quincy offered her. Rukia couldn't keep five enemies at bay by herself forever - she didn't look tired right now, but she would tire eventually.

So, after a moment, Ichigo knew what he had to do; he sent a call to Sode no Shirayuki to get her to focus on covering his back, then grinned at his opponent and said, as they continued to circle one another:

"You know, since this is going nowhere, how about I just go take out one of your fellows instead?"

She looked shocked for a moment, and Ichigo took that to dart downwards, aiming toward Yukio; the blonde body, who had been the less active combatant so far, mostly due to how Rukia kept placing barriers in his path when she wasn't dodging Ginjo sword slashes or firing globes of glowing golden fire at the other fullbringer, looked suddenly upwards as Jackie shouted his name, charging after him... and on the last moment, Ichigo suddenly dodged to the side, letting the other fullbringer to have to slow down, which due to her less balance, she was unable to do before colliding with her ally. They didn't get hut, but were trapped for the few moments that Ichigo needed to charge at Ginjo while shouting:

"Rukia, cage those two!"

The shinigami didn't even hesitate, moving to cast barrier after barrier even as Ichigo jumped in front of the Fullbringer's leader sword strike, blocking it... and being sent rolling backwards from the power of the attack.

Ginjo advanced on him with a dark grin as he commented:

"You know, I thought I'd have to come to Soul Society to get my revenge on you lot, Shinigami. But if you come under my sword of your own volition, well, then I've just no reason to hold myself back any longer, do I?"

Ichigo raised his zanpakuto, preparing to release it, when he suddenly got a call from the sword itself to dodge; he did, and then saw that the huge lion-headed hollow was moving at incredible speed, and with such power he broke through the barrier Rukia had left into its path, and Ichigo noticed that, in the movement, he'd literally pushed the older Fullbringer through, leaving him battered and unconscious. The hollow didn't stop, instead grabbing the unconscious fullbringer by his leg and swinging him at Ginjo, who raised his sword to stop the hit with the flat of the blade - and then, the moment the body was touching the sword, suddenly a multitude of tentacles sprouted from the steel, wrapping themselves around his ally and, when Ginjo darted backwards, removing him from the hollow's grasp.

If the huge hollow was surprised by this, it didn't care, instead charging forward once again, heading toward the barrier containing the Fullbringers, breaking through it at well. Luckily for the two Fullbringers behind it, Jackie had been ready for the attack, grabbing Yukio and dashing toward the air; however, she wasn't prepared for Rukia suddenly appearing at her side and firing one of her golden fire globes at her from point blank range, which sent both Fullbringers crashing to the ground, although in the process it also pushed them pretty far away from the huge Hollow.

That was when the tentacle hollow struck, suddenly jumping upwards, lengthening its tentacles to grab the ceiling and use it to swing toward Ichigo himself; he jumped backwards, and only a last moment warning from Sode no Shirayuki made him realize he was about to slam into Ginjo's sword. He twisted as much as he could, using hoho to get the leverage needed to swing his sword and deflect Ginjo's own away, but the resulting impact sent him flying.

He was caught midair by Ishida, the Quincy having created a cushion in midair that stopped Ichigo without hurting him, but this gave Riruka the chance to quickly move from her position, repeatedly firing at Ishida; the Quincy dodged backwards, forced on the defensive as she pelted him, while the other Fullbringer ran toward the door, the huge hollow chasing them as Ginjo shouted:

"Riruka, let's get out of here, now!"

The redhead nodded, rushing forward, and while Ishida recovered his footing and Rukia placed a new set of barriers in front of the tentacled hollow, he rushed after their enemies who, upon opening the door, found themselves face to face with Chad, Orihime and Tatsuki. This caused the Fullbringer to hesitate for a moment, of which Tatsuki took advantage of by grabbing Riruka and slamming her into the outer wall of the warehouse, leaving her dazed. Ginjo reacted to this by slashing at her, but Ichigo called on his Shunpo to a largest extent than he'd ever tried before, and even as he felt something tear in his legs, he managed to get there in the nick of time, blocking the attack... only for an explosion to erupt at the point of contact, sending him skidding back while the Fullbringer's leader smiled smugly at him as he did.

Meanwhile, Jakie went to kick Chad out of her way, but he crossed his arms and took the attack head on; Ichigo could see him pumping his reiatsu out, which caused a flash of surprise in the Fullbringer's eyes. Perhaps that caused her to hold off on her power, or perhaps Chad was just that sturdy, but he managed to fully stop the woman's attack without being even pushed back by it, although his arms do were left bleeding by it. She then said, sounding surprised:

"You're a Fullbringer? Why are you working with Shinigami and Quincy?"

Before anybody could answer, the huge hollow reached the group, smashing through the door while letting out a loud bellow; it took a swing at Yukio, who dodged and then pulled out his portable game console as he said:

"Alright, that's quite enough - get out of my way, you bastard!"

He pressed a button as he aimed it as if it was a gun, and a sudden rip in reality opened, sucking the huge hollow within, along with the closest people to it - Orihime, Chad, and the Fullbringer Jackie.

As the huge hollow disappeared, four arrows made of glowing blue energy shot through the place where it had been - clearly having been aimed at the hollows - and slammed into the young blond Fullbringer, sending him rolling to the ground in a cloud of smoke, with blood spreading to the ground.

Ishida looked shocked for a moment, clearly having not meant to hurt the boy as much as he had, and Ichigo suddenly realized that, during the battle with Riruka, she'd been hiding behind cover that could not possibly have been tougher than the car Ishida had destroyed with his first shot - he'd been holding back to not hurt any human.

Riruka, however, didn't seem to have reached the same realization Ichigo had, instead letting out a furious scream as she took advantage of Ishida's shock to fire several shot at him. Rukia was there in a moment, a shield appearing in front of her to stop the shots... except the shield disappeared into nothingness after taking the first hit, and Ichigo only had a fraction of a moment to see the shocked surprise on Rukia's face before the following up shot impacted her and she too seemed to disappear into thin air, with Ishida doing the same a moment later as another of the follow up shots hit him straight in his chest.

The sound of approaching steps dragged Ichigo back to attention as he saw Ginjo slowly advancing toward him, vengeful glee in his eyes; Ichigo went to get back on his own feet, but he collapsed and, upon looking down, realized that his legs were bleeding. He gritted his teeth, refocusing on his approaching opponent. He had Sode no Shirayuki whispering in his ear that he could probably use the ice from her released state as improvised bandage to keep himself going, and he knew the wound was light enough he would recover once he was back in his own body, but the guy had already shown two powers from his sword - the tentacles and the explosion - which made him unpredictable.

Before any more fighting could happen, however, Riruka shouted:

"Ginjo, we need to go, now! I think Yukio might be dying, and with Giriko down, everybody could have sensed what happened here, which means Shinigami reinforcements will be coming soon! And there's a hollow in there as well - if it gets free, we'll lose even more time! He won't last that long!"

Ginjo stopped, glaring, then said to Ichigo, in a low tone:

"You better hope we don't meet again, Shinigami, or it'll be your death."

Then he ran to where his fellow Fullbringer was laying on the ground, grabbing him before he and Riruka both jumped into the air and flew the scene.

Ichigo let out a tired breath, then turned to Tatsuki - only to find that she was unconscious, and bleeding; he hadn't even realized it, but even if he'd shielded her with her own body, that apparently hadn't been enough to stop the damage from Ginjo's explosion. He quickly knelt, taking her on his shoulder as he whispered, trying to sound encouraging:

"Don't worry, I'll bring you to the clinic, dad will fix you up. Stay with me, ok? Stay with me."

She let out a low and incoherent moan, but that at least meant she was still alive, which was all Ichigo needed to know at this point. He quickly left the area, not looking back at the places where all his friends had disappeared, promising himself that he'd come back, find out what those Fullbringers weird powers did, and make sure they were all right, and that he'd save them. He tried not to think of the possibility that he could be wrong, because he didn't knew what he'd do if he was.

So, this is the official opening of the Fullbringer arc; I hope it's interesting enough to catch people attention, and to surprise those who didn't expect it to take place this early; but it was the only way to fit it into the story, and also, it will serve an essential narrative purpose, which is always the only reason anything should be included in a story, ever. I think that's enough of an improvement over the canon version to justify my decision here.

As for the arc itself, in case people are worried it's gonna take over tons of the story, I can safely promise it won't; I'm not sure how long it'll be, but my current estimate is a total of four chapter, and more than six is highly unlikely. And it will be, hopefully, action-packed enough to compensate for all the slow setup chapters I needed to get here in a sensible manner. It will also tie into the plot.

One thing people might notice is that Ginjo and Giriko have both displayed abilities that were either slightly or very different from what they had in the Manga. This is something that people should start to expect in this story from now on - I'll be trying to keep the personalities in character, but I will tweak or outright change people's powers if I feel the need to (I've already a ton of plans for the how of it, in fact), which might well include changing a character's source of power (Shinigami, Hollow, Quincy, Fullbringer, Visored) however is necessary for the story to make more sense. More details will be showing up in future chapters, but I thought it better for people to be aware of it.
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Loved the update.

Looks like Xecution put up more of a fight than Rukia's bargained for.

Ichigo's was kinda right about getting them involved.