The Terran Dissolution - A Starcraft Post Broodwar Warlords Game

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"Once again I stand atop the broken bodies of my enemies... – Victorious but not unscarred. –...


Slightly Insane Tactical Genius
Off in a Library Somewhere

"Once again I stand atop the broken bodies of my enemies... – Victorious but not unscarred. – The Earth–borne Directorate has been destroyed. – And the Overmind lies dead and trampled beneath the ashes of Char. – As for my unlikely allies, I think that I shall allow them a reprieve. – For in time I will seek to test their resolve, and their strengths. – They will all be mine in the end, for I am the Queen of Blades. – None shall ever dispute my rule again."
- Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades

It has been six months since the defeat of the United Earth Directorate. The once-proud Dominion, the government that once held the entire sector within its grasp, lay defeated. Emperor Arcturus Mengsk stands in the ruins of his once-great home of Korhal and can only watch as his sector breaks around him. The Terran Dominion, the successor state to the Terran Confederacy has been broken. It wasn't one thing that set it off, but many. Rebels, Traitors, Security concerns, the lack of ability to project their military might across the rest of the Dominion, but most importantly… It was the Zerg.

In the week before the end of the war, the zerg armies rushed across the sector, they crippled all they could in their charge towards the fleeing UED fleet that was on it's way to Earth, to warn them of the threat that was coming, only to fail before even having a chance. They were wiped out, and the sector trembled as they heard the final moments of the admiral who had come. His final words to his Dearest Helena.

In the aftermath of this defeat, as quickly as the zerg had come, they… left. There are still hives and dens of zerg across the sector, waiting to be found, but their forces, the armies that overran everything… disappeared. Nobody was sure what was going on, nobody had faith in the Dominion that was as weak as it ever was, and thus Five months after the accepted end to the invasion, the Koprulu Sector shatters.

While Emperor Mengsk managed to secure a portion of the planets closest to the Capital, the rest of the Terrans broke away, rebelled, betrayed, and formed their own petty kingdoms. The Terran Dominion had dissolved, and with it came opportunity. An opportunity that would not be missed by many.

Hello! The Terran Dissolution will start promptly six months AFTER the failed Invasion of the Koprulu sector ends. One month before the game starts the Terran Dominion shatters and with it come warlords seeking glory and power.

There is going to be only ONE canon character of important, that will always be in play, whether they are played by the Player or as an NPC, and that is Emperor Arcturus Mengsk who will have his Capital of Korhal, and six systems alongside him

Everyone else may choose Canon Characters who would split off and do their own thing or an OC character who is doing the same. Each player can make UP TO THREE applications making their case for why they want to join the game as that character, please use a ranking system of Most Wanted to Least Wanted (But still willing to play as) as the baseline. To make it clear as well, all players have to start as faction heads. There will be no deputies or two-player factions at the start of the game.

The template will be as follows:

Faction Name:
Starting Systems: (Up to Three)
Flagship: (Class and Name) [Be Reasonable]
Brief Backstory:

Now, the two big aspects of the game are GP and FP or Ground Points and Fleet Points. You gain these by expanding the number of territories you hold and the resources you have access to and they will be added to your pool every turn. Actions you undertake each turn can also affect how much of each will be in your pool that turn. But what are they exactly?

Fleet Points are basically how many ships you can build per turn. This means that someone with 100 Fleet Points can spend that 100 to build ships that can be used however they see fit. The ships that can be built vary and can be added onto as the game progresses.

Ship Unit List:

  • Leviathan-class: 10 FP - 1 Turn
  • Hercules-class - 20 FP - 2 Turns
  • Behemoth-class: 30 FP - 4 Turns
Valkyrie Strike Team - 5 FP - 1 Turn
Wraith Squadron - 5 FP - 1 Turn
Shuttle Squadron - 1 FP - 1 Turn
Gunship Squadron - 1 FP - 1 turn

Ground Points are similar, in that they are for the ground forces that can be trained and equipped per turn. What can be built/created will expand as the game goes on.

Ground Unit List:

Marine Company - 5 GP - 1 Turn
  • Infantry
  • Special Operations
  • Support
  • Recon

Firebat Platoon - 5 GP - 1 Turn
Medical Squad - 5 GP - 1 Turn

Recon Armor Regiment - 5 GP - 1 Turn
Combat Armor Regiment - 10 GP - 1 Turn

  • There will be a Limit of 8 Players
  • Turns will be 3 Months IC
  • Please abide by forum rules at all times when either in discussion or if things get heated. Discord is a great place to talk quickly and with a lot less restriction, but be respectful!
  • Avoid metagaming, powergaming, and min/maxing when creating your character and generally partaking.
  • Please do not wikidive, this means if you come to me with an obscure piece of lore or try to blindside myself and other players with obscure lore you are attempting to take an unfair advantage.
  • The GM has the final say on what goes down. This means that just because you have a bigger army and navy, you shouldn't always win. You can contest this, but do not attack others because of anything that happens.
  • Ghosts are rare. You won't be able to mass-produce them and if you lose them, well bad luck for you.
  • Nukes (Above a certain point) are GM-Fiat, I can decide whether you are able to build them or not with your resources/faction focus.
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Order Format
Orders will be delivered via PM, the PM must be labeled "The Terran Dissolution - (Faction Name)" As for the contents of your orders, you have two different types of orders, General orders which will have a soft cap of 500 words, this means that while you can go over 500, please don't do it excessively every turn. In these orders, you can do anything you want within reason. Perhaps you want to build up your capital, for example, you can put how you would do that and if you have any spare room you can keep on adding to the orders.

Next, however, will be Development orders. These orders will be what gives you an edge and access to new units. Here you can describe what you want, or you can tell me exactly what you want to design and for what and I will give you an estimated time of development. For example, if you want a new wraith and I say it will take two turns to develop a new one, at the start of the third turn you will be able to produce them. You don't have to focus on ships either, you may produce new Ground Units and whatever you want. Each Faction gets one Development order and that order cannot be used again until A) The Order is completed, or B) You cancel it.

Now, because of the new technology what you research will become an Exclusive Unit/technology/whatever for your faction until either another faction takes yours over, or until they manage to A) Steal a working copy, B) Reverse engineer it after enough time, or finally C) Research the same thing themselves.

You also have the opportunity to find, Salvage, or trade for technology with other factions, one such case being the Protoss. Or you can find/salvage the technology of the UED forces or Former Confederacy, the most immediate example being the Psi Emitters.

Any questions can and will be answered when I have time to do so.