The Tempest of Muspelheim (Overlord)

"Oh no, my sweet, there is no escape for you," the thing whispered sibilantly, suddenly close enough to caress Jeppi's ashen face. "You will serve me... you will all serve me!" It's voice screeched, echoing discordantly from within the shadows.
Arvo's going to look back on this as that awkward moment that it became incredibly apparent that being a Yggdrasil race had wider reaching implications on her mental state than just changing her diet.
Arvo's going to look back on this as that awkward moment that it became incredibly apparent that being a Yggdrasil race had wider reaching implications on her mental state than just changing her diet.

Potentially. :) Frustrating thing about being the writer---I can't comment much without spoiling anything!
Tempest Danmachi 1
Okay. So. I've just brought the fic on SV up to the same standards/version of the SB thread. All three chapters have had fairly major edit work done. A bunch of dialogue changes, some changes to Avro's thought processes. All to try and bind the chapters together and make the story stronger. I feel as if the story is worth a good re-read now. I went back and changed the real world back story of Avro, as I felt with the characterization I gave her, it didn't make a whole lot of sense--she now makes comments on things accordingly in her dialogue and thoughts.

Now; as to why I've been so quiet. Back in early 2017, I wore out the tendons in my arm, and from about the 20th of November 'til the 28th or so of December, it flared up *bad*. Finally, my arm is starting to recover again, so I've been able to work on the fic again.

I currently have about 2500 words written for Chapter 4, and about 1300 for Chapter 5, which will be a bit of an interlude. I won't give an estimate on when it's out, as I don't do that sort of thing, but rest assured, this fic ain't dead.

Also... I was going to bed the other night, and a sudden thought crossed my mind. And wouldn't leave. So after half an hour, I gave up. And wrote this. I did it in one go, no editing passes, over the course of maybe an hour or so--part of which was researching the spells Ainz uses in combat often. So, not up to my regular quality. I -may- do some more in this vein as a 'what if?', but they'd be the same sort of scenario; if they don't leave my head, no editing passes, minimal research, short in length etc.

"I see," said the tall, robed skeleton. His eye sockets flashed red, and he raised a bony hand, with the palm facing towards Teyr Avro.

"I will have to disagree. Unfortunate. For you," he dipped his head, then intoned; "[Maximize Magic - Thousand Bone Lance]!"

Hundreds of ivory lances materialized out of the air, surrounding the robed skeleton, then shot forth in blistering storm of death.

Only a hurried "[Dreadwings]!" and a vault into the air saved Avro from being impaled. Large, black bat-wings surged through the air behind her.

That absolute... maniac! What does he think he's doing?!

"What the hell are you doing, Squirrelman?!" She screamed at him, her brows furrowed over angrily glowing scarlet eyes.

"[Maximise Magic - Reality Slash]!" was the skeleton's only response. The spell cleaved through space and air, tearing a line through the sky.

"[Dimension Gap]!" Avro snarled in response, tearing a darkened hole in the very fabric of the air in front of her with a glowing fist, and absorbing the slash through reality. She dove down with a savage grin on her face, her wings pumping, through the dissipating rip in space, and ripped her swords free of their scabbards.

Only to find herself crashing through beams of wood and cloth. A short, high-pitched scream, cut off almost instantly came from below her, and Avro impacted the ground in a crouch.

Below her, flat on the ground with the tip of Avro's red sword pointed at their eye, was a small woman. With big, pretty blue eyes, pale skin, and long black hair tied up into long tails on each side of her head.

Avro blinked, grin falling off of her face. The girl's eyes teared up, and her lip trembled. The scent of fried potatoes filled the air.

Um. The fuck? Who is this?

Murmuring broke the silence, and she glanced about. There were what looked to be wooden stalls with people standing around them all around her. Most of them seemed to have weaponry of one kind or another on them, with scattered pieces of armour barely protecting them.

The murmuring was quickly becoming angered, and a lot of the surrounding people's hands reached for the handles of their assorted weapons.

Where the fuck am I NOW?! Who the hell are these people?

Avro blew a strand of red hair out of her face with a short exhalation, and slowly sheathed both of her swords. She stepped back, armoured feet clacking on the cobbled stone forming the street.

I guess I should see if I can defuse this angry mob?

She gave a deep bow to the girl on the ground, her wings dissipating into puffs of black smoke behind her.

"I am… terribly sorry, miss. I don't know how I got here, but my intention was not to harm you," the vampire said softly. The muttering of the surrounding crowd grew louder, and one tall man stepped forth.

"You got a lot of nerve, lady! Attacking Goddess Hestia like that!" He shouted, brandishing a large, two handed sword.

Avro stood up, frowning.

"Attacking?! I don't even know how I got here!" She shouted, frustration bleeding into her tone. Then she blinked, cocking an eyebrow and raising one hand slowly. "Wait… goddess?"

She turned to look down at the girl lying on the ground. She was clad in a clingy, short white dress with an apron over the top. A blue ribbon peeked its way out from either side of the apron.

That's a goddess?

Her other eyebrow shot up. "Well… uhm. Oops?"


Probably has something to do with that I watched the entirety of Danmachi while recovering. 🤔

Work on Chapter 4 is continuing, but is slow. Some of it is very tough for me to write, being autistic and not really 'grokking' emotions. Thus, I'm requiring a bunch of help. 🤷