The Tarot's Game: Hallum

The OP


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Outer Space

In an ephemeral realm, a mortal spirit was chained within a visceral sea of entrails and seeping purple ooze that glowed with malice. Their spirit continues to writhe in agony as the environment around them desecrated their essence, yet it continued to shine brightly as it never yielded.

Eventually an overwhelming presence arrived as a darker more primordial entity lowered its gaze upon the spirit.with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

"Even till now you resist final death. To deny yourself peace from my amusement? You truly are a fool like the rest of your kin"

"To let myself fall is to let my world fall, I will not kneel silently as you destroy everything I cherish"

"Cherish? The passage of time for your mortal kind has passed and turned so much that even your elven kin you once knew are nothing but dust. You only left yourself a legacy of degenerates and worthless scrap"

"Even till my dying breath and beyond. Because I know when they will triumph against you, then all my efforts will prevail"

"Ah yes the final hope you threw out blindly. I do not know how you found the power of the gods within cycles before, but know the remaining ones of this one are either dead or soon to be dead. There is NOTHING! That will receive your hope"

The mortal spirit could only chuckle as it continued to resist the realm's effort to tear it apart. The entity could only narrow its eye before widening.

"Surely, surely you did not send the bouts of power to mere MORTALS?! You were a one in a millennia, you are even more of a fool to think others like you will come"

"That's where you're wrong, you vile abomination. Humanity, nay, all Mortal kin have the potential to become great legends, the cycles before had tales and legends of heroes that bested gods. You may have perverted this one, but I am proof that you cannot silence the beating hearts of hope and perseverance to become greater than we could ever be."

"So be it. I will find your feeble champions, and they will either be at my side as loyal servants or under my presence, crushed as the vermin they are. Farewell 'Saint', continue to flail and resist, it amuses me knowing you will eventually fall as the rest of the Pantheon did"

And so the Entity disappeared as the Realm re-tempered its efforts to torture and break the Mortal spirit, even as they fight back against the corruption, their thoughts laid on those would be champions, and hope that they will right things wrong.

Hi, my name is Cat, BlackCat, and I'm here to introduce the first forum RP I have done in a while, so forgive me if my GMing gears are a bit rusty.

The premise of this RP is that you're in the world of Mantle, a world that seems like your typical mediaeval fantasy world, however one that is currently fraught with great troubles and danger when the Crimson Mist arrived, a slowly encroaching phenomenon that heralded arrival of many new abominations and horrors, while also invoking chaos as old monsters grow to new heights all the while the mortal races bicker as they do their best to survive.

It will take great heroes to stem the tide and reclaim what is lost.

You are those heroes, granted with boons and great power from an unknown source, whether you are arrivals from other worlds (Isekai style) or you're natives of Mantle that are newly empowered, you all are granted the chance to become the heroes Mantle need to beat back its destruction, or the villains that hasten it.

Mantle needs legends, are you willing to answer that call?

Rule 1
-Follow SV Rules, figure that's obvious
Rules 2
-GM (aka Me :3) Word is final, we can talk about it and I'm willing to listen but when I decide on something please understand it as final and don't argue with me on it ;-;
Rules 3
-While you aren't automatically allies together and certainly don't know each other's existence, as well as fully capable of being rivals or enemies. If you players wish to fight against another, I expect the involved participants are fully capable of playing out and accepting that they may lose, unless it's certain, death is not a normally seen outcome. If the players are unable to properly play out a victor, I will either decide by rng to keep it fair or make a mock fight with dice rules.
Rules 4
-While there are some adult material references (one of the inspirations of the setting is Goblin Slayer with the icky goblins), nothing explicit will be done, so please do not do explicit sexual content.
Rules 5
-Depending on whether there is a lull of event I may do time skips for people to develop and situations to fully change or show the effects of actions done by players. Most common are monthly ones, but depending on how long, I may do years depending on the players desires.
Rules 6
-I dunno have fun, I'm rusty with this so I'm not sure on Rules
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  • Untrained-Your stats are akin to the average mortal commoner, very weak compared to the stats of more experienced and trained adversaries. Can barely know how to fight

    Trained-Trained enough to not be a complete waste, equal to skill of an average militia guard or low-ranked adventurer

    Expert-Experienced and skilled enough to be locally noted for your expertise, usually as skilled as a Captain of the Guard

    Grandmaster-Your capabilities are enough that you are widely known locally and even perhaps outside for it, you'd likely be the Champion of the Arena, able to best even monsters larger than you and match their strength as well

    Heroic-This is when you start getting tales sung about you in taverns or excited whispers in noble galas. You are a cut above the rest, a Hero of your own right, possibly even capable taking on larger forces on your own.

    Legendary-A Legend, a star that outshines high above everyone, an example for everyone to look up to as they carve a legend with their actions, capable of facing down it all. You will be one of the few Legends Mantle will now finally have, as the past cycles did before. You are one of the greatest warriors known to Mantle, an entire army of normal mortals will be nothing but a fair challenge to you.
  • Untrained-Your stats are akin to the average mortal commoner, you're as squishy as them

    Trained-Trained enough to not be a complete waste, you can take some beatings and have enough endurance to last long in a battle in full guard equipment

    Expert-Experienced and skilled enough to be locally noted for your expertise, you can take on beatings needed in long lasting combat, whether you can dish it out is another question

    Grandmaster-Your capabilities are enough that you are widely known locally and even perhaps outside for it, your skin is like iron as even metal find trouble damaging it, and the endurance to fight even when hurt is well noted, as a certain knight would say, it is nothing but a flesh wound.

    Heroic-This is when you start getting tales sung about you in taverns or excited whispers in noble galas. You are a cut above the rest, a Hero of your own right. Your skin will not be marred by even the firepower of canons, it'll likely take magic to pierce it, and you can thrive in endless combat for days.

    Legendary-A Legend, a star that outshines high above everyone, an example for everyone to look up to as they carve a legend with their actions, capable of facing down it all. You will be one of the few Legends Mantle will now finally have, as the past cycles did before. Your endurance is so incredible that you could fight in nothing for months and only be fatigued by then, it will take artifacts and equal peers to match your defense.
  • Untrained-Your stats are akin to the average mortal commoner, you walk as fast as a normal peasant

    Trained-Trained enough to not be a complete waste, your running speed and the stamina to match it would make you a good messenger even without a horse.

    Expert-Experienced and skilled enough to be locally noted for your expertise, your speed and stamina is enough that many consider you born from horse blood, capable of crossing across duchies without stop.

    Grandmaster-Your capabilities are enough that you are widely known locally and even perhaps outside for it, your agility and speed is well noted, almost like a blur, you are faster than the cheetahs of the Svannahs of Afir. Many would nickname you the Speeding Gale.

    Heroic-This is when you start getting tales sung about you in taverns or excited whispers in noble galas. You are a cut above the rest, a Hero of your own right. AS fast as a wind, you outbest everyone as you can run across countires in only but a burst of a few days and have the stamina to do it endlessly, you are fast enough to catch the buzzing of dragonfly gale.

    Legendary-A Legend, a star that outshines high above everyone, an example for everyone to look up to as they carve a legend with their actions, capable of facing down it all. You will be one of the few Legends Mantle will now finally have, as the past cycles did before. You are so fast than the sound of your zooming boom is heard only moments after you already arrive. You are the blur and dash that can cross the world in but a day if you wanted, even runnig across water to do so. although you'd likely be very tired at the end of the journey
  • Untrained-Your stats are akin to the average mortal commoner, you're only as skilled as an apprentice, mostly memorized cantrips and maybe one or two spells you know as your biggest hand in your arsenel, get learning student.

    Trained-Trained enough to not be a complete waste, average. You're as trained as a newly graduated Journeyman, whether you specialize in one School or a Universalist, you have enough learning to be considered independent as a Mage.

    Expert-Experienced and skilled enough to be locally noted for your expertise, You're as experienced as an Elder Mage, one that is learned enough to master a School of their own and have good knowledge in the rest, you can safely be capable of mentoring any would-be apprentices of your own.

    Grandmaster-Your capabilities are enough that you are widely known locally and even perhaps outside for it. You are as skilled as a Grandmaster, one of the highest ranks of the College of Magics, this means you are an absolute master in your chosen school, and experienced in many others. You are likely attempting experiments of your own to further your branch of magic, but whatever the case, you are one of the greatest, only superseded by the Archons.

    Heroic-This is when you start getting tales sung about you in taverns or excited whispers in noble galas. You are a cut above the rest, a Hero of your own right. You are an Archon, or at least experienced as one, Archons are the Lords and Ladies of Magic, some say the Archons were the original users of Magic, with Magic being formced from the sheer power of their souls, thus granting magic to others in ancient times. Nowadays Archons are simply just the top leaders of Magic, capable of enforcing great change as their magic pushes the boundaries of the Schools, people were certianly notice you if you show the greatest heights of what you could do.

    Legendary-A Legend, a star that outshines high above everyone, an example for everyone to look up to as they carve a legend with their actions, capable of facing down it all. You will be one of the few Legends Mantle will now finally have, as the past cycles did before. You are greater than any known Mage of Mantle, only the supossed True Magicians of the Mythic Past can match your mettle, whether you change the landscape or create legendary artifacts, your magic is potent enough to match outside the known boundaries of Magic, some may even assume you are the return of True Magic Mortalkind once had.
  • NOTE: Skill stat refers to your general skill aptitude and your main skills, other skills outside of your main repetoire will have their own specific sub sections.
    Untrained-Your stats are akin to the average mortal commoner. You are essentially an apprentice in your craft

    Trained-Trained enough to not be a complete waste, average. You are as capable as a fully trained practitioner of your craft, from your average blacksmith to musician.

    Expert-Experienced and skilled enough to be locally noted for your expertise, A mundane master at your craft, capable of making masterworks but not always.

    Grandmaster-Your capabilities are enough that you are widely known locally and even perhaps outside for it. A local legend who make masterworks often and are applauded for them

    Heroic-This is when you start getting tales sung about you in taverns or excited whispers in noble galas. It is as if ever work you may is a masterwork or at least of extremely fine qualtiy, you cannot make something bad unless you genuinely intentionally botch yourself, many clamor to learn from you or to hire your services.

    Legendary-A Legend, a star that outshines high above everyone, an example for everyone to look up to as they carve a legend with their actions. Like the artisans and craftsmen of Legends, you are capable of making things so capable that it could almost be magical or artifacts in their own way, your skills are legendary and if not already, will sure to be widely known.


  • -Hanged Man's power is changed from time-rewind from death, to a pure resurrection after twenty four hours mark. Either your corpse will reform to pristine condition or you will be remade at the location where most of your broken down corpse would be

    -No Allies, Rivals or Nemesis with Major Arcanas, just choose one Arcana for you to use.

    -The stats indicated in the Arcanas is the base form in regards with the Fool Arcana's powers,

    -The High Priestess' curse Cassandra only takes effect if the intuition is described as gut feeling and will be considered with merit if there is other "proof" or info to justify it.

    -The Empress power empowerment of allies increases both time and doing great deeds to base the empowerments on. A week is the minimum needed to show effect.

    -Empress curse is capable of learning skills but they are not able to go beyond Expert unless due to another magical effect or artefact.

    -Emperor's power is unable to control Sapients without Monstrous Instincts, despite their appearance. Otherwise they are capable of doing so.

    -The Emperor's control wanes in time so re-application is necessary. Magical or super mortal efforts can be done to remove the control.

    -Hierophant is capable of choosing a deity (GM's discretion) to invoke on, although the default choice is the most popular deity, the Saint. Religious groups will rescind their aid if the actions of the Hierophant goes against their tenets. Future tellings are also capable of change and vagueness, with it being exaggerated the further the future being foreseen is.

    -Hierophant's Moral code isn't necessarily moral by our standards, take it as a code that must be followed, less Lawful Good and more Lawful in general.

    -Even if Lovers are friends with Monsters, does not necessarily mean the monsters are friendly to the Lovers' allies. Works best on non-sapient ones.

    -Lovers power does not work on Abomination-Type Monsters or other Monsters that are closely aligned or controlled by a superior force.

    -Justice's Karmic power inflicts karmic retribution on the target, if they have caused damage, the same amount of damage they done is given to them, theft and so on steals an item of equivalent of value, and intangible crimes will have the rough effect that can be done if possible.

    -Justice's Karmic power is based on the JUSTICE's moral code, not necessarily the laws of the residing territory.

    -The Hermit's meditation only requires that there is no people in the immediate vicinity of the Hermit, and there is no noise to disturb them. So an empty quiet room in a full inn is enough to fulfil the effect.

    -Death cannot change the past or what has already been written.

    -Temperance's Rules that are added or removed, are locked for a day before they can be removed or added again.

    -Devil's Dark Thoughts evil cannot stray into complete destruction or massive damage unless willingly brought to that point. Kill, Steal, and Lie, but the desire to end the world will not be there to tempt you unless you make it so.

    -Tower can choose not to absorb the skills and powers of those they slain. To slay is to either do the killing blow.

    -Tower's Castle of Cards have each Major Arcana absorbed add a +5 to the DC, the dice only rolls after five Arcanas are absorbed. A hundred sided dice is rolled for every time you absorb a Major Arcana or a Great Enemy's Power. If the dice rolls the DC or below it. They lose all their powers, with Major Arcanas going off to find other hosts and the rest of the power either dissipating or possess a random host.

    -Star's Lone Guide can only let them find mentors or people to teach them skills or taught powers if they are a minimum of Grandmaster in that skill (obviously the Star will be below Grandmaster or the Mentor's skill to make it work) to have a chance of convincing them to teach them, with higher skill experience warranting a higher chance of working.

    -Moon takes great effort and energy to make copies of powerful artefacts, copies last until there is significant damage done to it, then they dissipate into moon energy.

    -Moon can only tell if it's a lie if there is explicit evidence to the contrary (no going Sky is red unless they can't immediately see it), The moon is capable of trusting allies more than enemies to protect themselves. Illusions are considered Explicit evidence.

    -Judgement's God is already chosen and entirely controlled by the GM, they do not tell who they are, only that they are ancient, more ancient than the many cycles before this world.

    -The Quest Line ends when the Crimson Mist is fully vanquished from the world. Then you will be judged for who you are

    -World's Completionist is not passive or always active and only activates when one wants, mostly cause I'm way too fucking lazy to give detail for every single thing you met unless you ask for it (and I'm gonna be annoyed if you ask details for EVERY SINGLE THING)

    -While a World Seeker can't stay in a single location ,eat the same food, etc. They are fully capable of coming back, eating the food again, etc. So long as they experienced something else different beforehand, you cannot make a routine of different experiences as you will feel the same of it as well, you must experience something completely new once in a while.
  • -The bottom thing about writing extra plans for an extra minor arcana is null

    -Minor Arcanas (except for Wands) can be lost or stolen unlike Major Arcanas, yet Swords can also be completely triumphed over or vanquished.

    -You may choose to start with Minor Arcanas or be fated to find them eventually.
  • -Magical Diary is mainly used to have something to help reference info for. Even very old info you would've forgotten, make sure to ask the GM for reference on things they need to keep note of if you have this.

    -The Frugal Coin Bag produces the exact needed coins every time for the service, you are incapable of saving the coins as they eventually disappear unless used for purchase.

    -Cloak of the Meek makes you seen as a random poor beggar, while that usually means you are not seen with attention, depending on the place, you are fully capable of standing out (Nobles would be distraught if they saw a beggar in the noble streets)

    -Karma Necklace karma is based on the effects done by the wearer to other people

    -The jewelled egg hatches in 2 years. It is required to be placed in a hearth of fire for at least half the day, and it requires a bath of mana-intense herbal mixture every month to be soaked for development. Knowledge to care for it is instinctual. Knowledge of what it is, is not.

    -Master Tools are any skill that isn't combat-related. It is capable to be used for making magical-related items.

    -Peddler Pebble is a highly marked runestone so it is easy to find, it is small enough that you can hide it in your palm. It increases your skills by knowing what to say, it cannot magically make someone agree with you

    -Demon Scroll summons an Archdemon of a sin of your choice, Wrath is best for combat related deals including hiring its services as a fighter, Lust is best for seducement or social related tasks (although if you really want to, yes you can ask it to make you even more hotter), Gluttony, Greed and Envy is best for getting material-related deals like acquiring artefacts or so on, Sloth is only really good for making other people asleep or lazy, as well as delving into the dreamscape, and finally Pride is best for skill-related deals and so on.

    Their price is usually either indulging in their respective vice, making other people indulge in the vice, or acquiring "souls" of beings, amount or severity of price correlates with power of deals. You will not be damned if you use demons inherently, but obviously if you have moral codes, you cannot make the archdemon do something you otherwise are not allowed to do.

    -Evolving Weapon changes best on the user and what they use it for

    -Legendary Weapons are generally great magical artefacts (think Noble Phantasms from Fate in a way), the higher the power the higher the standards you must adhere towards.

    -Both Comfy Home and Land Deed both have a waystone you are able to use to quickly travel to and back that works for only two times a day, one for going there and another for going back. It teleports you back to where you once were.

    -Land Deed can be for a place that's off-island.
  • -Most Cups are usually capable of being allies that would travel with you, but may often have their own obligations that they need to do and cannot travel together for long times.

    -For Dragon Cub, refer to Pathfinder's Chromatic and Metallic Dragon colours. Their evil/good inclination is instinctual and can be trained differently if wanted.

    -Ideal Partner is not an option cause I find it boring, unless a good argument can be made for it

    -Sassy Genie needs to monkeypaw rules because of equivalent exchange in manipulation of fate, being affable with the Genie will allow you to direct the monkey paw into something you can handle, while aggravating her can make it worse for no better effect. The genie is otherwise a strong Djinn of the four elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water) in their own right.

    -Happy Village is able to be placed within Noble Land, they also are protected (whether in being hard to find or having strong enough guards) that they usually do not have any problems defending against the roaming monsters.

    -Motherly Countess and Noble Diplomat may be from a kingdom that is outside the main island area of the game, this lessens the time available they have for you, but increases the gifts and help they are able to give to you.
  • -Unseen Servants are incapable of doing direct combat or attacks.
  • -False Start takes away Major Arcanas, and Minor Arcanas must be found or worked for to be gained, Base Stats from chosen Major Arcanas are still there.

    -Call of the Wind automatically compels you to live in the wilderness after a full week in town stay has passed, it does not come into effect if you are incapable of leaving town or civilised areas. Best get used to camping it out.

    -Wrong Reading only comes in effect if we do the whole allies, rivals, Nemesis thing

    -Demotivation can only be assayed by insistent assistance by allies or a critical need passes.

    -Betrayal each year will either fate an existing companion to be turned against you or have a new "companion" join you to betray you, they will betray you before the year is done. You are capable of stopping an existing companion from being corrupted into betraying you. The effort needed is enough to suffice the suffering to sate the Sword.

    -The messenger from The Call can be killed, ending the sword. But you will have to answer to the Noble who the messenger was from, and will have to pay a steep fee to replace him.

    -The Black Knight is a rare Magical Knight

    -for Public Enemy, you may choose the kingdom to hate you, either one of the ones in the island or an off island one that periodically sends a taskforce to end or capture you

[Character Sheet Template]

Appearance/Face Claim:
Major Arcana
Motivation: "What compels you to accept the Arcana and fight in this world?"
Skills: "Put the skills related to your Major Arcana here as well as any you'd normally have, you also put Minor Arcana Wands here"
Companions: "Put allies and so on here, as well as Cup Arcanas"
Inventory: "Notable items you have, put Pentacles Arcanas here"
Drawbacks: "Put Swords Arcanas here"

[Some Lore stuff I guess we should know]

-The Crimson Mist was first detailed centuries ago when it ravaged Mantle before the Saint banished it away with his sacrifice.

-The Crimson Mist arrived on the 38th cycle of the Last Winter of 1709 AS (after saint) on pockets of Mantle as it suddenly ravaged towns, cities, and kingdoms that it spread on. It covers the area in thick red mist that slowly mutates the environment, the animals, and the natural monsters within it into horrifying abominations. All the while bringing its own swarms of monstrosities to ravage whatever civilization it encounters.

-While spreading naturally on its own, it requires large tumour-like nodes to be grown, largest ones being large as a castle, they help cement the growth of the crimson as it continues to spread even farther.

-The surviving members of the civilised continue to fight back at the nodes, but recent lull due to the inactivity of the Mist meant the people went back to the old status quo.

-Expeditions to the Crimson Mist-infested areas are often done, both to explore the twisted landscape until they can find the Nodes, and also to collect samples. With the samples being both used for making new concoctions of alchemy as well as experimenting to find the weakness of the crimson taint.
-The Island you are in is and the major centrepiece for the RP is called Hallum, size of Australia but has more diverse climate, north is more colder and arctic, while south is a tropics with rainforests here and there, with some plains and grasslands for farming more north near the mountain ranges. The mountain ranges divide the north and south with heavy jagged and steep mountains that make it hard to move from the north to south without using boats or designated pathways. This also helped ensure the Crimson mist are impeded from seeping into the south faster.

-There is also a less large island south of it that is filled with marshes and an entire jungle swamp. It's populated by the resident Fishfolk

-There are ten notable factions within Hallum itself. The Kingdom of Noer, The Church of the Saint, the Flame-Peak dwarf Clan, Innsmouth, the Kahli Tribes, Fortress-City of Irdunmach, The Adventurers Guild, the Branchwraith Glade, and the meddling forces of the two of-island principalities, Empire of Survhelm and the Gaelian Trade Company. Originally the Trading Kingdom of Sybaris existed, but their people fled after the Crimson Mist overtook it.
-The Kingdom of Noer is the largest and strongest local power of Hallum after Sybaris was decimated, due to being the only place capable of trading overseas due to having a functional port, they hold much soft power over the other local politics, although tempered by the fact they are the weakest military wise, relying on the Adventurer's guild and hired Mercs to project power as their standing forces are only guards designed to defend their city and outskirts.

-Their main exports are rare ores mined from the free mountains, collections of samples of both mutated fauna and flora collected from Expeditions into the Crimson-tainted lands, and recently slaves, mostly from the refugees from Sybaris. Mainly they gain income from being the middleman between off-island traders and the rest of the local island.

-Slavery is legalised as well as a functional purpose of punishment. Considered Indentured Servitude, many refugees often sell themselves into slavery in hopes of a chance of getting meals and shelter, with many others "convinced" to.

-The ruling authority of the Kingdom of Noer is Jacob Frigtalien, Prince of the Royal Family of Noer, Frigatlien. Jacob Frigtalien is only prince but still rules as originally he had a regent which he ousted for being a "traitor to the Crown". Keeps calling himself Prince due to his reputation, and wishes to cultivate that "Princely Charm"

-The Church of the Saint worships the Saint, a mysterious figure that is only known to be once a human man who prevailed against the first ancient incursion of the Crimson Mist, beating it back and driving it back fully before sacrificing himself to ensure it was banished for centuries

-It espouses general moral codes, general no to murder, theft, and general crimes, but also espouses that the Crimson Mist returned due to the degeneracy of mortal kind, as such they are all sinners and must punish themselves till the Saint "sees" them worthy enough to banish the Crimson Mist back once more.

-Flagellantism and turning into slavery or "indentured servitude" is considered popular among the more fanatical followers, as they inflict both pain to themselves and other perceived sinners.

-Notable in that some followers are capable of channelling divine magic, healing and wielding divine relics to great use, they are considered "Saints" and praised no matter the race. It is unknown what causes them to channel divine magic, but most are generally selfless and righteous.

-By written word, all races are welcome under the church, but some members of the church consider other races more sinful.

-Worshipped most commonly by Humans, Mootfolk, and Beastfolk. Although some other mortals do worship the Saint, usually those who live closest to humanity
-The Saint is the current largest religion for Humans, there used to be other deities but no evidence of miracles or proof means Saint worship became more popular. Although some more isolated communities, especially those with shamans, most often worship spiritualism or spirits within nature etc.

-Mootfolk don't worship any other deities usually, only the same ones as Humans, which is due to in nature, their upbringing is closest to humans. As no Mootfolk are ever with Orkinds due to Orkinds perceiving Mootfolk as "weak offsprings". Orkinds on the other hand seemingly do not worship anything and simply revel in the destruction they cause.

-Fishfolk worship the Sea Witch, a deity that they say was born from the seas in the ancient times and is the mother of all sea life, with them being offsprings from the Sea Witch's first trysts with mortal races. There is no sign of the Sea Witch's influence as of present time, despite their claims that the Shamans have gained their power from the Sea Witch. However recent rumours have claimed the Fishfolk fight a secret war against a "False Sea Witch"

-Beastfolk when they're not worshipping the Saint, worship a shamanistic religion based on the "Great Animal Spirits", wherein there are great spirits that were the first of each animal, and they gain power from channelling them as Shamans and so. Worship of the Animal Spirits is largely isolated to Beastfolk tribes as worship of them is considered as edging closer to Beastmen savagery. Beastmen seemingly worship the Animal Spirits as well but in a more savage and primal destructive way.

-Elven worship a pantheon of Gods, but seem to be more secular in contemporary times, finding info is hard but it's speculated that the less influence from deities in contemporary times means there is a loss of faith

-Dwarfs have Ancestral Worship, with Grumni and Gertha being widely worshipped as the "First Dwarfs", with each hold having their own Ancestor God being the founder of the clan and hold.

-Infernalbloods are either angrily antitheist, cursing the gods for cursing them with their lineage, or fanatically religious to the Saint in hopes of redeeming themselves.

-Changelings due to their extreme rarity, have no info on whether they worship gods or not.

-Halfling when they do not do lip service to the worshipped deities of the place they live in, are generally agnostics, believing there are greater forces but do not worship them and instead pursue a peaceful life.

-Constructs from the brief interactions with them don't seem to worship deities but have deep reverence for the First Human Empire

-A rare and equally hated religious order by the majority is the Cult of Crimson, widely considered as deplorable maniacs and madmen who worship the Crimson Mist and believe it to be the natural ascension of the next order, what does not help is that the more notable members seem to possess cursed blessings similar to the Mist. The cult often sabotages the civilized world to make way for the Crimson Mist to consume all.
-Flamepeak Dwarf Volcano Hold is the resident Dwarf clan in Hallum, the only active one, originally there were two more minor clans, but one left for newer pastures and the other one in the north is assumed dead due to being near Sybaris when the Crimson Mist attacked and no contact was seen since.

-Notable for being one of the few Dwarf clans that hold a Volcanic Forge, which harnesses the magma within the volcano to fuel their forges and smithy.

-Lends services in commissioning smithing and building projects to the rest of Hallum as well as sell it's volcanic forged projects.

-Has close ties with Irdunmach in supplying siege defendes and fortifications due to Irdunmach's role in defending the last chokepoint in the mountains between the south and the Crimson infested North

-Lead by Erbus Flamepeak the ruling Longbeard King
-So far the only known origin and principality ruled by the Fishfolk. They are tight lipped on the existence of the rest

-Situated in an island as big as New Zealand (Hallum in comparison is the size of Australia)

-Until recently, the island was heavily closed off to the rest of Mantle with only contact between Innsmouth and the rest of Mantle was either Fishfolk traders or Slaver raiding parties. Even then, only a part of the Island is open to visitors, with the rest being off limits in the threat of death and slavery.

-Lends its services with their "Shamans", who can help locate vital aquatic breeding grounds for fish farming, as well as selling various exotic fish that are considered delicacies in rest of Mantle

-Also lends services as slave breakers and trainers to the more unscrupulous parts of Mantle

-Rumoured to be fighting off renegade worshippers of a "False Sea Witch", as well as a hidden force of escaped slaves hidden within the jungle

-Lead by the oldest non feral Fishfolk, Elder Shaman Fou'khal
-The Kahli Tribes is a designation for the loosely allied assortment of Beastfolk tribes that dot the rainforests and jungles of the South of Hallum.

-Most often canine and feline beastfolk but other assortments and such of Beastfolk exist

-Has loose contact with the rest of Hallum and is generally heavily hostile due to slaver raids, especially from Boer

-Only friendly access to Guild-affiliated members and Irdunmach

-Guild hires Kahli tribesmen for guides in the deeper parts of the south as well as monster exterminators

-Irdunmach's Conscription policy instead of Slavery is a respite for the tribes, who work closely in common purpose against the Crimson Mist

-Lead by their own tribal leaders, who form the Kahli Pact together.
-The Fortress City of Irdunmach is a highly defensive city built between the mountain ranges of Hallum, right on top of the only open pathway after the rest were closed down to stem the tide.

-Highly defended with giant impenetrable walls built within the mountain range, with outposts dotting across it alongside various tunnels deep within

-Fortifications and outposts come with various siege defenses from giant canons to rapid ballistas, all built by the Dwarfs

-Has a heavy Conscription and Training Policy wherein all residents are required to go under service and training to ensure every adult resident is of fighting capability within it.

-Slavery is outlawed, with the common slavery punishment being replaced with conscription service and any slave of combat ability is given offer to their masters to be bought for service. Conscription has a limited term but due to the benefits and fear of being enslaved outside of Irdunmach, often retain service

-Constantly is on the watch and often defends against Crimson raids and attacks

-Also a resupply point for expeditions into the Crimson Infested North

-Lead by former Champion of the Arena of Noer, Culas Lugh.
-One of the few international organization in Mantle, allegedly founded by one of the companions of the Saint, found in the belief of finding and training new heroes

-Practically it's a way to find reputable mercenaries and contracted workers who can be guaranteed to do the job instead of betrayal

-Is headquartered at Cairnholm but Hallum's regional headquarters being in Noer, with a secondary hq at Irdunmach, other notable Enough towns or cities often have their own guild posts.

-Regularly finances expeditions into the Crimson Tainted lands but otherwise gives contracts to guild members around general services from monster hunting to head hunting

-Regional HQ supervisor is Amelia Ironheart, a noble from Cairnholm
-Not much is known about Branchwraith Glade aside from being the only known Elven Glade that exists in Hallum

-Rumoured to possibly been dabbled in necromancy due to the name but Elven folk do not assuage the rumours except to ensure they do not dabble in Undead magic

-No activity has been known of it in contemporary times to the point it's assumed dead or abandoned
-Empire of Survhelm is THE largest Principality of Mantle, encompassing parts of Europa and the Asu continents.

-Basically a Holy German Empire in concept, wherein it's officially a empire that has various principalities and states that are self-ruling but pay lip service to a throne or central authority that helps manage and coordinate the member states, (actually sounds more like the Empire of Man in thought).

-In Europa, the main notable and original Member States are Gallia (not to be confused with the Gaelian United Duchies), Russia Kieva, Germana, Roma, Cairnholm, and Bazyinthia.

-In the Asu, the original member states that joined them were the Xiongnu Confederated Tribes, Sumer, and Huang-Zyiou.

-Does not expand due being loosely ruled as is and fears of collapse in order if more were to be conquered into.

-is led by the Western and Eastern Emperors of Europa and Asu respectively. The current Emperors are Emperor Gahmin Survhelm of Europa and Survhelm Hana of Asu.

-Emperors are from the ruling family that connects the two sides of the Empire, Survhelm, but the emperors are appointed from the family members by the Council of the Tribunal Lords, rulers of each of the Member States.

-Currently has task forces in Hallum both to help in fighting the Crimson Taint but also to protect their mercantile interests in Hallum. Although rumours state they may attempt to turn Hallum into a colony of Survhelm.
-The Gaelian Trade Company is a State-owned Mercantile Company from the Gaelian United Duchies. Essentially an expy of the East Indian Company

-Is main goal is the proliferation of the Trade King status that the Gaelic have due to their vast navy and reputation of trading with any possible partners.

-Currently is the largest trading partner in Hallum, with a regional office in Noer to help facilitate trade relations.

-Is loosely affiliated with the Guild as the Guild help protect Gaelic Trade Company interests and property while the GTC helps supply the Guild with its necessities and supplies.

-Rumoured to be trying to occupy parts of Hallum in the interests of the Gaelics.
-The original strongest state in Hallum, due to their deeper waters allowing for bigger ships and thus a bigger navy, close relations with off-island principalities thus allowing for many trade partners, and close ties with the Seastone Dwarf Clan and Branchwraith Glade giving them an edge with exclusive merchandise based on Elven and Dwarf craft. This and other factors ensured they were the trading kings of Hallum.

-However the Crimson Mist first appeared in Sybaris and hitted it incredibly hard, ravaging it with all its might from the inside, all but ensuring its fall.

-Many of its citizens fled the kingdom, many fleeing the island entirely, but many were also unable and thus forced to become refugees in the other principalities of Hallum, subject to their whims.

-The largest concentration of refugees are in the Kingdom of Noer, making refugee camps within the Kingdom's walls and the slums around it.

-The surviving army of Sybaris regrouped under an independent banner in Irdunmach both as a large mercenary company that specialise in anti-Crimson fighting and organised and well-trained soldier groups. Rest became independent mercenaries or bandits

-What's left of the Navy that didn't become pirates, became privateers for the Gaelic Trading Company, stationed mostly at Hallum as they protected GTC interests.

-The royal family of Sybaris supposedly died fighting in Sybaris to ensure the citizens could escape, but allegedly some of the members fled but their location and fate are unknown. All that is known is that if they reveal themselves and prove their lineage true, then what was left of Sybaris would gladly swear allegiance to them once more in hopes they can help guide them in taking back their Kingdom.
-The most well known or commonly found races in Hallum are: Humans, Moot, Fishfolk, and Beastfolk.

-Other notable races that are less found in the island but are sometimes sighted there as well as more common in other places are:: Elven, Dwarfs, Infernalbloods, Changelings, Halflings, and Constructs.

-Humans is obvious, differences are based on cultural stuff

-Moot are the offspring from the mixtures of Orkind blood and Humans, generally divided between the larger and stocky ones descended from Ogre and Orc blood and the diminutive and sneaky ones that are from goblin stock.

-Fishfolk are native to the island south of Hallum, generally keep to themselves but sometimes go out in raiding parties or trade, usually in either slaves or fish. They are supposedly descended from a deity called "The Sea Witch" which gave birth to all of them. Fishfolk generally degenerate when they go beyond ninety years of age into feral beasts and are captured by their younger fish folk.

-Beastfolk are descended from the diluted blood of humans and the dire beastmen of the Huntsman, a great figure of ancient past who raised an army of primal half beast and half mortal that terrorised the kingdoms before being put down. Although far less beastly than their primordial kin, enough so that the natural instincts to desecrate and hate civilization is either gone or muted. The level of beastliness usually describes how removed they are from their ancestors.

-Elven are the long lived mortals that usually look like graceful humans with long ears. After their ancient history of building empires that were toppled by both their rivals the dwarfs and newer races rising up to take their place, most Elven kind keep to themselves in isolated Elven glades or forest villages, although some Elven situated themselves with the more mortal kin and some have made their own towns out in public, they are the very outlier though.

-Rumors of other elven descent from ones that live underground to ones that situated themselves deep in mountains and arctic regions, but supposedly had been wiped out by the current Elven kind.

-Dwarfs are the ancient rivals of the Elven, these stumpy grumpy race keep to themselves in their deep mountain holds or caverns, but they regularly interact with the other mortal races, giving their expert services for blacksmithing and forgery with metal as well as mining. Rarely do they ever leave the holds and have permanent stay, and even rarer for them to let other mortal races into their holds. The Dwarfs that live with the other mortal races prefer homes that are deep underground or in mountainous areas.

-InfernalBloods are those descent from copulations between Demonkind and Mortal Races, they are often hated and distrusted, but most religious orders do not dictate death for them, simply that they work to redeem their souls in lives due to their "evil" nature so they live better in after. Ironically the Infernal Bloods that take this redemption oath seriously, are the most religious among the Mortal folk.

-Changelings are a mysterious race of shapeshifters, and are almost universally feared and hated, that is why they generally never show off their capabilities, and hide away in more mundane identities

-Halflings are short as dwarfs but lithe as elven, they usually keep to themselves in their mounds, living a peaceful life as they hide within the hills in an idyllic agrarian life, but they are fully capable of fighting, and often are renowned for being incredible marksmen and scouts when their back is put to a wall.

-Constructs are an enigmatic race, but most usually ascribed to as creations of the first human empire, mechanical golems or automatons that are kept alive to a mixture of machinery and magic, they are the only ones capable of making their own, and are very rare sight.
-Magic unlike say DnD or Pathfinder wherein there's spell slots n stuff, is based on casting from Stamina, as Magic makes you more fatigued as you keep casting it. This thereby makes mages have incredible stamina from training their magic (Great for when you want to keep running away).

-A fair amount of mages are also stereotyped as miserable pessimists due to a tendency for magic to invoke emotional effect from casting, with apathy and lowered mood being the common facets of it. Does not help constant fatigue at earlier proficiencies mean mood is easily lowered anyways. Otherwise Mages are considered very emotional due to their magic fuelling their emotions.

-Magic is divided into basic eight schools of Magic: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion, Transmutation, Necromancy. Magic can also be further subdivided from each school of magic, example being Artificership from Transmutation. There is also an unsaid ninth school of magic for spells that are too basic to not fit in any of the schools of magic, essentially called Universal Magic.

-While magic is possible to be learned by anyone, most mages are people who had magical potential, allowing them to have an easier time to learn and master magic.

-People with magic potential most often have a "Element" or Origin, a congealed expression of the self that allows them to do certain magic more easier than others somewhat, most often as the name denotes, it is elements, with the four main elements (fire, air, earth, water) being the most common.

-People with an Element have a three-step system to describe the range of magic they are capable of doing, Zeroeth Step is the very Element itself, anything directly related to the Element is incredibly easy to do and intuitive enough to do so, First Step is something that can describe the Element, something metaphorical or descriptive such as a parent word for it, a bit harder to do magic related to that but no less easily capable to do so, Second Step is related to the first step of the element, due to being a bit more distant to the element, it's harder to do it but is possible with effort and is useful enough, Third step is the a word connected to the word connected to the word connected to the element, so tangent that it's incredibly difficult to learn just for vestigial amounts. Any other steps is so complicated and impractical to learn that you need to be an absolute master to do so, even then it's at the level of cantrips usually..

-Examples of the Three Step System. Example: Sword. First Step: Weapon, Second Step: Cut/Armament, Third Step: Harm/Tool, Fourth Step: Kill/Equipment

-Most Mages have both a focus and a spellbook, a focus is something they use to channel their magic easier into something usable, while a spellbook is to quickly reference the steps of complicated spells, some experienced mages can make do with a spellbook, even rarer are those without a focus.

-Mages are different from "Miracle Casters" and "Shamans", both deriving their magic from an external force instead of themselves, while the latter two are capable of innately casting their "magic" and are potent in nature, mages are more versatile.

-There are 6 levels of spells that describe both the potency of the effect as well as the complexity to cast it: Apprentice (Untrained), Journeyman(Trained), Experienced(Expert), Grand Magic (Grandmaster), Archonic (Heroic), and Breakthroughs(Legendary)

-Notable Subschools of Abjuration: Wards, Antimagic

-Notable subschools of Conjuration: Creation, Summoning, Calling, Eidolons

-Notable Subschools of Divination: Scrying, Battle-Foresight

-Notable Subschools of Evocation: Elementalism, Arcanism

-Elementalism is the subschool of Evocation and the most commonly used subschool of it. When magic is casted through incantations and magical graphs, the magical energy derived from a caster's stamina first goes through the Element, which functions as a filter that transmutes that energy into one fasceted after the Element (so the Pure magic energy passes through the Element of Fire, it becomes magical energy of fire), this is an instinctual expression of a Mage's casting as it makes it easier for a Mage to use and cast, albeit limiting its more potent energy into something more malleable as well as generally making their spells different from other mage's even when using the same spell of a non-Evocation school. This is how Elementalism comes to be as it's a natural expression of a Mage's element in Evocation. Commonly the most easiest to learn school.

-Arcanism is the opposite of Elementalism as it focuses on unlearning the instinctual usage of Magic through the Element of a Mage and use the pure potent energy of Magic. As said before, the Element/Origin functions as a filter that alters the magic energy into something less powerful yet more malleable, Arcanism makes due to unlearn that to use the pure magical energy derived from a Mage's stamina, this results in usage of energy more potent and powerful but more harder to control. With even an Origin of something similar to "Energy" only softening the complexity of handling such potent energy. Most often it's used to power Evocation spells that are stronger and better than Elemental Spells.

-Notable Subschools of Enchantment: Dreamwalk, Skill Magic. Phantasmal Magic

-Notable subschools of Illusion: Phantasmal Magic, Shadow Magic, Glamouring

-Notable Subschools of Transmutation: Artificership, Fleshcraft, Alchemy

-Notable subschools of Necromancy: Death and Life Magic, Entropic Magic, Undead Magic, Fleshcraft
-Dwarf Language is ripped straight from WHF (Im too lazy to make up an entire language, Im not Tolkien so sue me), otherwise known as Khazalid

-The Dwarf terms for each Race:

and Umgi-Human
For the rest
Mootfolk=Umgrozi "Green Human", alternatively for goblin=Umgrobi, Ork=Umgurk. and Umbolgrozi for Troll "Green Large/Fat Human"
Fishfolk=Varrazi "The Sea [group]|
Changelings= Zhufazi "The River/rapidly flowing water [People]"
Infernalblood= Umgi'Zhar "Humans of Fire"
Construct=Dalzulazi "The Old Iron People" [Shortened to Zulazi most often]

-For Monstrous Races:
Orkinds=Grob (Green=Grobi, Orcs=Urki, Trolls=Bolgi)
Abominations/Chrimson Mist Creatures "Gorr'Dumalen" [Beasts of Ongoing [definite] Chaos]


January-3rd Winter Month/Year's Beginning
Febuary-Last Winter Month/Winter's Twilight
March-1st Month of Spring/Spring's Blossoming
April-Last Month of Spring/Spring's Final Tears
May-1st Summer/Arrival of the Sun
June-2nd Summer
July -Last Summer/The Sun's Farewell
August-1st Month of Autumn/Dawn of Winter's Herald
September-2nd Month of Autumn
October-Last Month of Autumn/Winter's Arrival
November-1st Winter Month/Winter's Dawn
December-2nd Winter Month/The Year's Eve

The Tarot's Game: Hallum (IC) IC

OOC THREAD GTS Mancaeth, Deepone Ocean, Heading Towards Noer. 1st Day of the Winter’s Twilight, 1559 A.S The caravel quietly croaked and creaked as it sailed underneath the moonlit sky, only the creaks of the ship’s sailing and the lapping of the waves underneath its hull were the only sounds...
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(UbeOne) Noble Empresses

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival~

My tigergirl juggernaut sheet, featuring the Strength major arcana: Tarot's Ube: Meihu

She's a killer queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind

My alternate sheet, being isekai'd as a newly appointed marchioness with the Empress major arcana: 2nd Tarot's Ube: Bellamy Dubois
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Wow. This is a lot. I'm unsure if I can find the time for a game, given IRL stuff, but it's definitely interesting.
Wow. This is a lot. I'm unsure if I can find the time for a game, given IRL stuff, but it's definitely interesting.
Thank you! I pride myself in making games that are interesting and have put a lot of effort done on it! Even if it's just originally an idea two dayw ago lol :p. Good luck in IRL stuff though! ❤️
I'm interested but also incredibly busy. May give character creation a try, but unsure whether I'll actually play.
(Noob5674) The Wolf Kid of Stars
The Wrathful Star
Name: Ken

Age: 13 (Look, I rolled 2d12s and added 10, this is the result
Height: 3'10 (I rolled for this too)
Major Arcana
The Star
Motivation and Backstory
Motivation: "What compelled you to accept the Arcana and fight in this world?" "?"
(There is not a thought in that head that said no so that slight pull of a question would receive an acceptance)
"Ah, a particular one this child is. One blessed, and cursed, with talent and fortune where he can excel in any task, but never truly grasp a dream. Never lacking, but never wanting either. A stagnant glory."

"A life that's barely started yet beginning to burn out at an end already on the horizon. Yet it burns steadily even with that sight. If he is born in a life where there is nothing, then he shall live with no expectations. If there is nothing to solve, then he will not disturb the still waters."

It is with this that a question whisked this child away to distant lands.
The Dormant Star of Wrath descends.
The actual build (AKA, making the Mysterious Black Knights not so mysterious)
  • Attack: 3 (The Expert) usually as skilled as a Captain of the Guard
  • Defense: 3 (2Expert 2Furious) You can take on beatings needed in long-lasting combat
  • Speed: 3 (Expert 3: With a Vengence) Your speed and stamina are enough that many consider you born from horse blood, capable of crossing across duchies without stopping.
  • Magic: 3 (Expert 4: Electric Boogaloo) You're as experienced as an Elder Mage, one that is learned enough to master a School of their own and have good knowledge in the rest, you can safely be capable of mentoring any would-be apprentices of your own.
  • Skills: 3 (Expert 5: The fifth one) A mundane master at your craft, capable of making masterworks but not always.
Polar Star: The one most worthy of leading. Blessed with the charisma needed to guide the masses' hearts, even their foes will not hold woes against them.
Fast Learner: The shining star which only grows brighter as time passes, their skill grows twice as fast and training comes naturally with rewards.
Unseen Servants: Within 100 meters, unseen forces are capable of taking simple actions around Ken. Whether they be simple chores of a camp or dragging away the wounded in a battle (Allies or not), all it takes is a thought to happen. Of course, many thoughts can cloud one's mind and require concentration.
Ethereal Wings: A pair of wings that can be sprouted at will and allow them to fly 4 times as fast as they can run.

Dragon Cub: A peculiar green baby dragon that's bonded to the child and has taken to be raised by him.
Constantly hungry in both literal and metaphorical senses, it shall watch to see what perfection is and strive to reach that seeable absolute.

Hearsay Tome: A magic tome that'll tell of all points of local intrigue and rumors…including ones of a specific kind down in his drawbacks...and it can't quite tell true rumors from false either.

Comfy Home: A large home to his own name that he has a waystone for traveling to and back once per day. Immune to prying eyes and is far from the island to reach by normal means. Much Comfy. Has basic furniture and facility for daily living, but not the supplies to do so.

Legendary Weapon- FrostMorgan (Yes I just said Frostmourne but threw Morgan in the name): A large metal mace once owned by an even larger ancient conqueror, this weapon that would require a grown adult to lift was one that tyrant wielded in one hand to smash any and all obstacles. Not with magic or trickeries, but by pure magnitude as the jolly destroyer smashed and toppled entire castles.

As a legendary weapon, its two unique ability is simply to grow ice around it to increase its size (The weapon is cold by default, but the odds of getting frostbitten by it is nonexistent unless it's pissed off at you. Makes for a good way to chill a bath down) and strengthen/reinvigorate the user. As for how much...well, it could be as its original size, shattering its iced parts to shrink down if need be into fine snow, or as shown above, flatten walls with every swing with a glacier. And as for its more mystical capabilities, it's a good part of the reason its original owner was capable of fighting armies by themselves, fighting days on end with enough breath to laugh heartedly while bathed in blood.

A simple weapon and many would think themselves capable of using it especially when it simply asked for one to be a true ruler, even with its brutal usage...until they found out the weapon's will.
While not unheard of to those experienced of a weapon that grants power to those that fulfill its needs, FrostMorgan's whims are as jolly and destructive as the one who held it.

"Hah? Why pay them for what you rightfully deserve? Those arrogant elves know their scrying's worth squat without someone to listen to it."
"Egh, this peace and quiet are too stale for my mood. Say, there's been talk of a fish raid camp in the next village, let's go break them. Eh? Your best friend is getting married tomorrow? Who cares, we already gave them pleasantries and gifts, we don't need to stick around."

To be king is to be unmatched. To be king is to bend thy knee to none but higher beings.
If one proves to be lesser, then one will find themselves bent to the whims of a weapon that constantly changes its favor at any mood at any time.

It is as whimsical as fae and as cruel as demons. If thou wish to wield it, then you must prove to be the perfect partner, or be many folds worse...
"So, it makes perfect sense for the child to be the best person to break it, eh?"​

Lone Guide: When all seek his aid, few would expect themselves worthy of aiding him. The masses may be willing to help, but Ken will be always seen as the worthiest, and thus others less so in teaching him.
Dame of Discord: A strange lady with charisma rivaling Ken will occasionally spread bad rumors about him. In his absence, they spread like wildfire, and even with his, it will prove difficult to stifle.
The Black Knight: Just as a strange lady seems determined to spread bad rumors about him, a mysterious black knight is just as determined to hunt him down. Charisma holds no effect over them, and fighting will prove a difficult task to take on.
The Black Knight 2: ...And they brought a partner with them.
Confusion: …Between the Star, Dame of Discord, and the Black Knight's active efforts upon the rumor world, any information has a chance of being false. Not even the likes of the Hearsay Tome can tell truth from tall tales with their nonsense.
Rivalry- Dragon: What, did you think a dragon would follow a child as their parent? No, with both of their youth, it is only natural to see him more as a brother. And of course, the difference between a sibling and a foster parent is magnitudes wide for dragonkind.
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(Ryumancer) Phantasmal Beastgirl of the Moon
Name: Frellia
Age: 17
XVIII: The Moon
ATK: 2 (Trained)
DEF: 2 (Trained)
SPD: 3 (Expert)
MAG: 5 (Heroic)
SKL: 6 (Legendary)

Motivation: "To learn Magic, to create Wonders impossible upon magicless Earth. Surely, the chance to achieve what was once considered impossible, is worth the risk?"

Backstory: An Umbral dragongirl apparently from another world, blessed with power to fight against the Crimson Mist, dumped into the wilderness unarmed, unarmored, and unconscious. She was rescued by the Adventurer's Guild before any of the local predators found her and taken to Irdunmach, her arrival unexpectedly Divined by a local mage. After a few short days to confirm her training and the power she was blessed with, a Knight and his Fairy companion who she got along well with were assigned as her minders, to help prevent abuse of her newfound gullibility and near-inability to lie, and mentors, to help her acclimate further to combat, survival, magic, and the world itself.

-The Dreamer: Can will into existence copies of any kind of object you've seen. Can also summon a copy of a monster/person, but have to puppet the copy yourself, via concentration.
-Boundless Energy: Food, Drink, Sleep, and Rest are no longer necessary. Pain is no longer a hindrance.
-Third Time Is The Charm: If you fail a task and try it a third time, you'll know more about how to succeed, and have a higher chance of success.
-Ethereal Wings: Can spawn wings that let you fly at four times your running speed.
-Magic: Yet to be learned. Element = Formation

-Chivalrous Knight: A dreamer and romantic, skilled in combat, not afraid of anyone.
-Fairy Companion: Prankster and Spellcaster, particularly good at illusions. Loves jokes, no matter how bad they are.

-Karma Necklace: Improves luck based on Good Karma.
-Magical Diary: A self-writing diary that takes note of places you've seen, things you've tried, recpes you learned, people you met, promises you made, etc. Can be consulted in mere minutes.

-Losing Reality: Can no longer distinguish between true and false.
-The Black Knight x2: Powerful, relentless, incredibly hard to kill opponent pursues you for unknown reasons. Will not give up.
-Call of the Wild: You cannot stay more than a week in towns. For each week in a town, compelled to pass a month in the wilderness.
-Nightmares: Terrible nightmares plague your dreams. The longer you go without sleeping, the worse those nightmares get.
-Confusion: Whenever you gather info of any kind, there's a 10% chance to completely misunderstand it.
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Name: Frellia
Age: 17
XVIII: The Moon
ATK: 2 (Trained)
DEF: 2 (Trained)
SPD: 3 (Expert)
MAG: 5 (Heroic)
SKL: 6 (Legendary)

-The Dreamer: Can will into existence copies of any kind of object you've seen. Can also summon a copy of a monster/person, but have to puppet the copy yourself, via concentration.
-Boundless Energy: Food, Drink, Sleep, and Rest are no longer necessary. Pain is no longer a hindrance.
-Third Time Is The Charm: If you fail a task and try it a third time, you'll know more about how to succeed, and have a higher chance of success.
-Magic: Yet to be learned.

-Chivalrous Knight: A dreamer and romantic, skilled in combat, not afraid of anyone.
-Fairy Companion: Prankster and Spellcaster, particularly good at illusions. Loves jokes, no matter how bad they are.
Nice sheet! Only two note i will input is that Fairies are rare and most often only accompanying Elven outside of the Glades. Easily solved by the knight being an Elven so no foul.

Magic being Yet to be learned if not you being unsure on what magic you have is quite possible to determine the potential you have in it, which at Heroic is a lot.
Obviously for magic an Element is suggested to show your inclinations.

Can go for the typical elements or something esoterica like Shirou's sword
(SkylerTheWise) The Necromancer Magician
Name: Archea
Age: 28
Major Arcana: The Magician

Motivation: "I want power, pure and simple, power enough to be truly free to do whatever I want, whenever I want"

Backstory: Born without any power in a modern world, where those who are not rich are treated as nothing but slaves and the rich may do whatever they please, it is little wonder that she wished for nothing more than to switch places, to reach up high and attain freedom from her torturous existence, and now that she has been given that exact chance through going to another world how could she possibly say no?

-Magic: Necromancy
-Fast Learner
-Last Barrier
-Slow Growth
-Boundless Energy

-Necromancer (Rival)

-Evolving Weapon (Staff)
-Mysterious Egg

-Rivalry (Necromancer)
-The Call
-The Black Knight
-Dame of Discord
-Public Enemy (The Church of the Saint)
Magic being Yet to be learned if not you being unsure on what magic you have is quite possible to determine the potential you have in it, which at Heroic is a lot.
Phrasing. I'm, uh, not sure that sentence makes any grammatical sense. I roughly understand what you're trying to say, though. My intent was more, "She's only been in-world for a couple of days, she hasn't learned any actual spells yet", though I'm also a bit undecided on what her Element should actually be.

Edit: Would 'Formation' be fine as an Element?
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Phrasing. I'm, uh, not sure that sentence makes any grammatical sense. I roughly understand what you're trying to say, though. My intent was more, "She's only been in-world for a couple of days, she hasn't learned any actual spells yet", though I'm also a bit undecided on what her Element should actually be.

Edit: Would 'Formation' be fine as an Element?
Sorry about that! Was doozy so I didn't construct a sentence well enough haha.

For Formation, we have a concept that has two differing meanings, Formation as in to Form something akin to Creation although form would to make something out of something not entirely create in of itself, shape is a better term. Formation also refers to organized arrangement of a group with a given purpose or movement.

IF we had to apply the Three-Steps
0th Step: Formation>1st Step: Organization/Shaping 2nd Step: Army/Alteration>3rd Step: Command/Crafting>4th Step: Control/Creation

This is what I would believe how the steps would go for your Element, you're welcome to discuss with me about it of course.
IF we had to apply the Three-Steps
0th Step: Formation>1st Step: Organization/Shaping 2nd Step: Army/Alteration>3rd Step: Command/Crafting>4th Step: Control/Creation
Incidentally, is there anything stopping someone from having multiple first or second steps? It frankly feels like for a bunch of elements, a mage would get a lot more use out of using multiple 'description'-type 1st Steps to add variety to their Element.

Also... I feel as though Shaping and Crafting feel a bit out-of-place in that Step progression? I don't really see how they connect to their immediate prior concept. Formation->Organize->Alter->Enhance feels like a more reasonable/logical progression to me?
Name: Archea
Age: 28
Major Arcana: The Magician

Motivation: "I want power, pure and simple, power enough to be truly free to do whatever I want, whenever I want"

Backstory: Born without any power in a modern world, where those who are not rich are treated as nothing but slaves and the rich may do whatever they please, it is little wonder that she wished for nothing more than to switch places, to reach up high and attain freedom from her torturous existence, and now that she has been given that exact chance through going to another world how could she possibly say no?

-Magic: Necromancy
-Fast Learner
-Last Barrier
-Slow Growth
-Boundless Energy

-Necromancer (Rival)

-Evolving Weapon (Staff)
-Mysterious Egg

-Rivalry (Necromancer)
-The Call
-The Black Knight
-Dame of Discord
-Public Enemy (The Church of the Saint)
Looks like we have our first evil or Amoral PC! While I'm surprised you made a Cup Companion into a Rival, It does make for an intersting story. Anything you want specified about the Necromancer? Also any element unless it's straight Necromancer.
Incidentally, is there anything stopping someone from having multiple first or second steps? It frankly feels like for a bunch of elements, a mage would get a lot more use out of using multiple 'description'-type 1st Steps to add variety to their Element.

Also... I feel as though Shaping and Crafting feel a bit out-of-place in that Step progression? I don't really see how they connect to their immediate prior concept. Formation->Organize->Alter->Enhance feels like a more reasonable/logical progression to me?
The three step isn't restricted to one path, it's a thought formula to help Mages figure out the extended applications of their Element. so yes multple first and second steps are quite doable.

Organize is part of the step path of Formation's meaning as a group, it doesnt connect well to Alter enhance
Shaping is literally in a meaning for Formation

So it is a first step as it's dereived from the Formation's meaning to make or form something out and give it "form"

so Shape-Alter-Craft. maybe craft isn't a good third step but Shape is a step for the path for the basis of Formation as something to make or alter something
Looks like we have our first evil or Amoral PC! While I'm surprised you made a Cup Companion into a Rival, It does make for an intersting story. Anything you want specified about the Necromancer? Also any element unless it's straight Necromancer.
What do you mean first, Ken exists and children are anything but moral without a reason to be
(Kero) Judgement of a False Start
Name: Noah

Appearance/Face Claim:

Age: 22

Major Arcana: XX (Judgment)

Motivation: "Uh, I… dunno? I didn't really think it through, at the time. I just thought it was a dream, and… I mean, I'm either in a coma, or this is all real. I dunno which is worse, but at the same time, I don't think it's… really hit me yet, I guess? For now, I'm just gonna… do whatever comes to mind, I think."


There is absolutely nothing special about Noah.

Born to a lower middle class family in the United States, her life was simply normal. She went through traditional schooling, kindergarten to elementary school to middle school to high school. She held and lost friends just as everyone did when going to the next school on the checklist. Her family sent Noah off to the local community college, and she was in her final year.

It was almost suffocating.

So when she had yet another dream about a chance to visit a brand new world, she didn't even question it. It wasn't the first time her mind had conjured up some manner of escape to the lull she'd been in her entire life, and she doubted it would be the last. She played around with her options as if she was designing a character, for a much more interesting life she'd never have the chance to live. A simple, but fleeting dream.

But this time, the dream never ended.​

  • Strength: Untrained.
  • Defense: Untrained.
  • Speed: Untrained.
  • Magic: Untrained.
  • Skill: Untrained.
  • The Great Trial: In accordance with her Major Arcana, Noah will be given a long, sprawling series of quests from a strange voice that proclaims itself 'God.' If she manages to complete the quests, her abilities are increased. If she fails, her abilities are lowered. The Great Trial has not yet begun, however.
  • Neptune's Blessing: Unobtained at this time.
  • Last Barrier: Unobtained at this time.
  • Boundless Energy: Unobtained at this time.
  • Endless Courage: Unobtained at this time.
  • Ethereal Wings: Unobtained at this time.
  • Innate Compass: Unobtained at this time.
  • Expert Journeyman (Rivalry): Currently unmet.
  • Evolving Weapon: Unobtained at this time.
  • Frugal Coin Bag: Unobtained at this time.
  • Master's Tools (Adventuring): Unobtained at this time.
  • Mysterious Egg: Unobtained at this time.
  • Karma Neckless: Unobtained at this time.
  • Magical Diary: Unobtained at this time.
  • Cloak of the Meek: Unobtained at this time.
  • Final Judgment: None are safe from the judgment that lies at the end of the road, and Noah is no exception. Upon completion of all quests handed to her from 'God,' she will be judged as all things are, on their actions.
  • False Start: While Noah has been brought to this new world, all Minor Arcana's are currently out of her possession, or currently unmet. Her Major Arcana will not active until some time has passed.
  • Public Enemy: Noah has not yet given any kingdom reason to label her as such, however, she will inevitably give good cause for her face to be plastered across every bounty board in one of the many kingdoms of Hallum.
  • The Black Knight (x4): At the moment, the Black Knights have no reason to pursue Noah. In time, this will certainly change.
  • Dame of Discord: Similarly to Public Enemy and the Black Knight, the Dame has yet to be given sufficient reason to bother with Noah, or to be even made aware that they exist at all. She will find reason to do her work eventually, just not quite yet.
  • Betrayal: While betrayal is certainly not unknown to Noah, - she did go to high school, after all - it's not had quite as much of a potentially deadly impact as the betrayals in her future might turn out to possess.
  • Heart Turmoil: Finding close friends have always been a bit of an issue for Noah, and this only serves to make that harder. At the very least, it won't hinder her ability to find allies to much. That's the Dame's job, after all.
  • Nightmares: Horrible night terrors plague Noah. Their occurrence is random, but she is always at minimum shaken upon waking from one.
  • The Call: While currently unaware of her existence, a noble somewhere will eventually decide that Noah is a reliable enough person to send messengers her way to request tasks of her. For some strange reason, she has extreme difficultly refusing these requests.
  • Rivalry (Expert Journeyman): Though they haven't encountered each other yet, the pair will soon find a fierce rivalry to spark between them.
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Organize is part of the step path of Formation's meaning as a group, it doesnt connect well to Alter enhance
So, my logic in regards to this, is that a 'Formation' is simply a state of being (6th definition, paying particular attention to 'people or things'). It doesn't matter whether something is a Formation of Particles or a Formation of People or a Formation of Energy or what have you, and even the properties/purpose of the formation is irrelevant. Organizing things creates or alters a Formation, thus opening up Alter as the second step, and you can alter things (like a Formation) to either give them different effects/properties, or to improve their effectiveness/properties, hence Enhance as the third step.

Edit: I suppose if you want to stick purely to 'words in definition', Formation->Arrange->Adjust works, though it loses Enhance as a third step and 'merely' retains it as something Adjust can be used for.
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So, my logic in regards to this, is that a 'Formation' is simply a state of being (6th definition, paying particular attention to 'people or things'). It doesn't matter whether something is a Formation of Particles or a Formation of People or a Formation of Energy or what have you, and even the properties/purpose of the formation is irrelevant so long as that arrangement has a purpose. Organizing things creates or alters a Formation, thus opening up Alter as the second step, and you can alter things (like a Formation) to either give them different effects/properties, or to improve their effectiveness/properties, hence Enhance as the third step.
This feels like overrreaching for a bit. Formation as a group or arrangemnt is possible, but I don't get how this segways from Formation as Arrangement to alteration and enchantment....when that's literally for Shaping or formation as in Forming. Or formation of structure.
Edit: I suppose if you want to stick purely to 'words in definition', Formation->Arrange->Adjust works, though it loses Enhance as a third step and 'merely' retains it as something Adjust can be used for.
the Element itself is the Zeroth step, again to go back to the Sword analogy
Example: Sword. First Step: Weapon, Second Step: Cut/Armament, Third Step: Harm/Tool, Fourth Step: Kill/Equipment
Notice how the first step is Weapon, NOT sword
Two questions:
A. Are races outside of what's mentioned in the OP available?
B. How creative can we be with what a Infernal Blood or Construct look like?
Two questions:
A. Are races outside of what's mentioned in the OP available?
B. How creative can we be with what a Infernal Blood or Construct look like?
A) The lore is flexible but I will have to think carefully on what kind of extra race you'd be. Generally look towards DnD for inspiration
B) Infernal Bloods look like DnD/Pathfinder Tieflings, essentially archetypical demonic looking, although can range from red skin to only horns. Constructs are essentially any humanoid magical golem or "automaton"/aka magic robot, think to the Warforged of DnD
the Element itself is the Zeroth step, again to go back to the Sword analogy
...I'm aware of that, as you can see. Zeroth->First->Second, "but if we use this chain, we can no longer include This Particular Third." The bit you quoted is not, in fact, an error.

This feels like overrreaching for a bit. Formation as a group or arrangemnt is possible, but I don't get how this segways from Formation as Arrangement to alteration and enchantment....when that's literally for Shaping or formation as in Forming. Or formation of structure.
Formation as Arrangement, Arranging Things is an Alteration or can be used to Alter (or both, it's entirely possible that it both is an alteration and is used to alter, simultaneously), and Altering the structure of a group (group of people, group of things, remains true either way) can be used to reinforce that group or otherwise make the Formation more efficient or effective. That's... about as clear cut as I can make any logical segway, these included.

Now, i'm not sure where you getting 'and enchantment' from, so i'm thinking you probably misread part of my logic-chain somewhere?

Edit: Oh, and in regards to Shaping... my main issue with it is that it loses functionality. It's purely physical, whereas formations don't have to be. Arrangement or Organize do their thing regardless of whether you're arranging/organizing a group of people or a group of particles. How would you 'shape' a group of people?
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...I'm aware of that, as you can see. Zeroth->First->Second, "but if we use this chain, we can no longer include This Particular Third." The bit you quoted is not, in fact, an error.
I apologize then, an error on my end.
Formation as Arrangement, Arranging Things is an Alteration or can be used to Alter (or both, it's entirely possible that it both is an alteration and is used to alter, simultaneously), and Altering the structure of a group (group of people, group of things, remains true either way) can be used to reinforce that group or otherwise make the Formation more efficient or effective.

Now, i'm not sure where you getting 'and enchantment' from, so i'm thinking you probably misread part of my logic-chain somewhere?
I apologize. an error in entirely on my end then.
A) The lore is flexible but I will have to think carefully on what kind of extra race you'd be. Generally look towards DnD for inspiration
B) Infernal Bloods look like DnD/Pathfinder Tieflings, essentially archetypical demonic looking, although can range from red skin to only horns. Constructs are essentially any humanoid magical golem or "automaton"/aka magic robot, think to the Warforged of DnD
Dnd-esque fantasy.. Hm. Would a straight up dragon be on the table then? Or would it be limited to only dnd-esque dragonborn and half-dragons? Or to only working as something ala the manaketes from Fire Emblem?