The tale of the lost cyborg super soldier

[X] Open the pod slowly
Perhaps you shouldn't do anything that might look hostile. If you use the pod's inertia compensator to dampen the explosive charges it will only release the locks and allow you to push it open slowly. That should avoid surprising the aliens. You really don't like the look of those weapons, though, and you will be practically at their mercy.
[X] Open the pod slowly – 5 votes
[ ] Overload the charges – 4 votes
[ ] Open the pod quickly – 1 vote

OOC: Congratulations, you chose the second fastest way to leave the cell block. Of course, there is no telling if it was the best way.

The explosive charges detonate with dull thuds, the majority of the force contained by the pod's systems.

"Warning. Critical damage detected. Emergency shutdown commencing. Please use the nearest terminal to file a damage report. Thank you for using a product of Popsicle United."

Systems that have just shut down, taking everything else with them. Oh well, it isn't as if you need the pod any longer.

The pod's lid is very heavy and you don't have good leverage, but with the locks destroyed you manage to slowly move it. Fresh air flows into the compartment – or at least what counts for it in these parts. Frankly, the stench makes you want to gag. It's a mixture of the worst of chemical factory and cesspool. There's something caustic about the air as well. Not enough to damage your lungs or skin, but it is enough to make staying in this atmosphere thoroughly unpleasant.

Alien voices are coming from the outside, alternating shrill and deep sounds. Unfortunately, they don't use any language you understand. Before you manage to move the lid far enough to get a look something is jammed through the opening. Then a lot of electricity is sent through your body. Your implants are screaming warnings at you before you black out.

Suddenly you jerk awake. After a moment of panic you fall back on your training and force yourself to pay attention to your surroundings. The room you are in is mostly white. Half a dozen alien devices of indeterminable function are scattered through it, although the sharp metal blades look very suspicious. You are lying on a metal surface, with massive clamps and additional restraints preventing any movement.

Aside from various screens showing incomprehensible symbols there are several images on the room's walls. After a few moments you identify them as some sort of medical scans showing the inside of your body. Several of your implants are marked. There are no aliens in sight.

After some self-inspection you determine that you are lightly injured and some of your implants damaged, but fortunately it's nothing that won't fix itself with a day or two of rest to give your self-repair systems time to work.

That leaves your current predicament. Thin wires snake out from various parts of your body, exploring the object you are lying on. It seems to be some sort of metal pedestal with lots of integrated electronic systems.

Unfortunately, as you try to infiltrate it you learn that the system is completely incomprehensible to you. It's a miracle you can interface with it at all. That limits your options sharply.

[ ] Simply Wait
Sometimes the aliens will have to show up. You can decide what to do then. Of course, they might simply shock you again.

[ ] Free yourself
Overloading the restraining systems with a surge from your internal batteries should free you without causing further damage elsewhere.

[ ] Insert a self-adapting omni-virus into the alien systems
You can't control the alien systems or draw information out, but you are sure using this fine example of cyber-warfare will work. Aside from freeing yourself this will play havoc with all the alien systems. This will help if you try to escape, although the exact consequences are unforeseeable.
[X] Free yourself
Overloading the restraining systems with a surge from your internal batteries should free you without causing further damage elsewhere.