And here I was trying to figure out how to roll dice lol. Thanks for the vote.

Work on next post has begun.

Vote Tally : Original - Opening the Curtains | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 5-26]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] The Agent
No. of Votes: 7
Spectral Waltz
Lone Courier 6

[X] The Teacher
No. of Votes: 6

[X]The Revenge Seeker.
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 16
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Welcome, Mr. Adam
The first thing that you notice upon your Friday arrival at Narita airport is how busy it is. You've experienced Japanese crowding before, having been stationed at Kadena and having been to Tokyo. But this is ridiculous, did you come at a busy time? While a bit uncomfortable it does work to your advantage, the number of people allows your foreign features to blend into the crowd of travelers like an M&M in a bowl of skittles as you make your way out of the air terminal.

The rising suns has just become bright enough for the light poles to switch off as you exit the terminal. You proceed to the parking lot to look for the vehicle that has been given to you for the duration of our stay. Walking to the area described in the EMail takes a few. Finding the actual vehicle does not, The black Chevy Suburban has an obvious presence among the comparatively tiny cars.

Big American, Black suit, sunglasses and a black SUV, The whole thing just screams 'Secret Agent'.

With your luggage in the back you turn the ignition, the vehicle rumbles to life in response and you take off into the hell that is the traffic of Japan. With your previous experience here you avoid any major fumbles and arrive at your destination fully intact. The two story house stands in a state of disrepair, amidst some trees and overgrowth. Its location is not too far outside of Chiba itself, with the nearest neighbor being a five minute walk down the road. Hopefully enough to keep your Agent activities hidden. From past conversations with friends as long as you keep to yourself, your foreigner status should keep anyone from trying to get nosy.

Having to put some actual muscle into turning the lock, the door opens with a groan at enough volume to wake the dead, and as light enters through the opening, you are delighted to see that the outside is the only bad part of the house. It may have taken some months for Gaius to get back to you after the meeting, and more for some 'spook training'. But you are finally here, doing your duty for your country. Just a lot differently this time.

After you unpack your things and the equipment left here for you. Some weapons, body armour and communication equipment. You get to work setting everything up so that you may communicate with your Agency securely. You shoot a quick text to your superior, a man you only know as Mr. Sho, or Sho-san in the local language. telling him you have arrived and are 'settling in'. It takes you until noon to get everything set up interior wise, giving you plenty of time to do other things for the day.

You decide that before going out that you should put on an outfit that doesn't scream American Secret Agent. Opting to go with jeans sunglasses and a JoJo shirt for a tourist appearance. Checking the documents available to you, you select a few locations with suspected paranormal activity: An abandoned house in the woods, a rundown shrine, an active shrine, and a city block with reported unusual nightly occurrences. With the locations memorized you make your way out to each destination.

The abandoned house something straight out of a horror movie, the distinctly Victorian theme also stand out amongst the country with its decaying wood and colors washed away by time. You watch for anything at a distance in your vehicle. Among your observations are a pair of ancient looking broken tombstones. After an hour of absolutely nothing you decide against invoking any horror tropes by entering, so you leave towards the next location.

The rundown shrine is much the same as the house in that you don't see much, but you do decide to walk around the grounds as you can't see much from the dirt road do to all the growth. Nothing sticks out about the place from a quick look over, but one thing does become apparent as you walk through the place. The thick layers of dust and cobwebs are disturbed in places. In one room there are clear footprints in the veritable sea of dust, you can't pinpoint where the come from, but they end very suddenly in the center of the room. As you walk down the stone steps to your vehicle, it feels as if someone is watching you the whole time. The feeling only stops when you leave sigh of the place.

The other shrine though, is the opposite. It being a somewhat popular tourist spot so you blend in well amongst the small crowd. You do your best to look for anything out of the ordinary; but you are not able to go beyond a surface look as to not look suspicious yourself. You do learn some interesting things though, the shrine was built sometime in the warring states era and has a set of samurai armor on display in one of the buildings.

At your final spot for the day you get some local food from one of the many restaurants which had some tourists in it. You take a window seat and observe the restaurant and the street it's on. Nothing stands out the whole time you are there, the area appears to be a normal tourist trap. You finish your meal and slip into the ally's, a few minutes of looking through and you find nothing except for two restaurant employees taking a cigarette break and talking about a gas explosion that supposedly happened two weeks ago. As you make your way back home you decide that coming back at night might be a good idea for catching any magical activity, all the fun stuff happens at night.

When you arrive back, you put on your suit. Along with the most compact body armor you have and your pistol, A suppressed SIG P226 loaded with 9mm subsonic rounds. As you wait for the sun to full disappear you look over more intel. It seems some students at Sobu hIgh school have been reporting strange things happening, in particular some students report strange lapses in memory, along with feeling of dread in certain parts of the school. At the docks however workers are seeing strange lights at night near the warehouses.

When darkness finally settle across the city, you move out to your first destination.

[X] The abandoned house
[X] The rundown shrine
[X] The normal shrine
[X] The tourist trap
[X] The High School
[X] The Docks
There's Something Strange...
In the green world that is seen through your nightvision goggles, Sobu high schools modern design stands out proudly in the night. You parked in a poorly lit alley behind a bakery a block down from the side of the school. And now you observe the school grounds from atop said bakery, You spend a few minutes creating a mental map of the area, primarily to find a way onto the school grounds without being seen, as your current getup broadcasts suspicion in the visible spectrum. You opted to bring along a mask to cover your lower face, as the NVGs cover your eyes well enough.

After a few minutes of scanning you are satisfied with your knowledge of the area and focus your attention on the school once more. You recall what the intel said about the school; Students are reporting lapses in memory along with feeling a deep feeling of dread and being watched.

You don't have anything solid to do base any kind of inferring as there is little to no data. Given its young age, SUNRISE has very little 'real-world' information on the moonlit world and its inhabitants, there were some suggestions as to what it might be. Angels and Demons were suggested but with the lack of information there is no way to be sure. So hopefully you can can some actual intel on this hidden world.

Not long into your observation and you see a group of teenagers, possibly students, approach the school. Once they reach the gate they begin to climb over the squat stone barrier, along with the aluminum fence atop.

The light of their flashlights slowly dims as they disappear into the school. So it looks like we have some paranormal chasers, this might complicate things worse than their math classes if it turns out there is something spooky at this school. They just had to choose this night to be trespassers huh.

Damn kids.

You continue you observation of the premises anyway. Two hours later the wind picks up and you are considering calling this one a bust when you see movement in the windows on the third floor inside a classroom, you would have dismissed it as the wannabe ghost busters or the trees if you hadn't picked up on the fact that the kids went to the back and that you would have seen them enter the room. Not a minute after that red flag raises, something steps through the wall, and starts to prowl through the halls.

You quickly grab you camera and take a few pictures, they aren't good ones, but they capture the freakishly tall and lanky form of the creature. The darkness makes for poor details on the creature and it almost seems like the dark coalesces around it in an oily blackness.

This… this is your first chance to get some good intel on the magical world. With how little the agency has everything counts. But at the same time that thing looks dangerous, you could reposition for better view.

But goddamnit those pinhead kids are in danger.

[X] Get in there - Those shitheads are going to get themselves killed
[X] Continue Observation - You have no idea what that thing is capable of. It might just kill you and them without a thought.
[X] Or maybe… (Write in)


Looks like our first encounter with the spooky kind.

Personally I don't like to update with less than 1k words but sometimes ya gotta post what you got, otherwise it'll just sit there and die.
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[X] Get in there - Those shitheads are going to get themselves killed

Hey if we save them they may become future witnesses and our goal is to expose the supernatural to the world.

Plus i would like to play as a benevolent secret agent.
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[X] Continue Observation - You have no idea what that thing is capable of. It might just kill you and them without a thought.
[X] Get in there - Those shitheads are going to get themselves killed
Time to go introduce the protagonist to the world of magic.
EDIT: The QM liked my post. The time to panic is now.
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Voting Closed.

Vote Tally : Original - Opening the Curtains | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 39-41]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Get in there - Those shitheads are going to get themselves killed
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Continue Observation - You have no idea what that thing is capable of. It might just kill you and them without a thought.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 3

Time to rescue some shitnoggin kids who can't respect the schools lawn.
...I forgot to vote, update dropped when I was at work, went home too tired, then slept and forgot it had happened, my bad~

Will try to keep in next update.
Probably not going to be able to get the update out before the weekend.
Just want to keep you all from marking this as another 'dead after 3 posts' quest.
Spooks, Supernatural and Schoolkids
You remember when you were young and dumb not unlike those kids down there. After you graduated from high school you entered into medical school, more out of expectation than any desire to be a doctor. After dropping out you drifted for a while, becoming a lifeguard at a local pool, you enjoyed that far more; but it left you wanting something more. You did that for 6 months until you were approached by a recruiter, and something about the description for pararescue spoke to you. three months later you started two years of the most harsh and arduous training you have ever gone through, but you pulled yourself through it.

After that your life was set on the path of saving people. Combat rescue, humanitarian missions, disaster relief, you did it all and with it the satisfaction and feeling that you were saving someone's life each and every time you went out.

Tonight will be no different. A group of kids just unwittingly put themselves in a situation where they are about to be way in over their heads, and without your intervention they will be dead before the sun rises. You won't let a bunch of kids die, not tonight, not here.

It takes you less than a heartbeat to rush down the squeaky ladder on the side of the building and through the narrower streets towards the school. No lights appear to be on in the buildings and houses on the way but you cautiously stick to the shadows. And a few minutes later dash across the last street to the fence of the school and launch yourself over, only barely making it. Upon your boots making contact with the ground you haul ass across the courtyard and through the unlocked front doors of the school. You last saw the kids heading towards the back end of the campus, so that's where you'll check first.

You run through the hallways with the fervor of a mother bear on cocaine. All you can do is run through the halls with your eyes and ears open, and hope that you don't run into that creature, or that you're too late.

After nearly sweeping the entire first floor of this building you hear voices and see the illumination from flashlights up a stairwell. You practically fly up those stairs and to your relief you see five unharmed teenagers. Alarmed by your sudden appearance, but unharmed.

One is so surprised by your rise from the dark stairwell that she jumps back and falls flat on her ass, the sound of her letting out a half formed scream and the flashlight smacking the floor grab the attention of her four other friends.


The school halls fill with an unnatural silence in the following seconds as the teenagers process your sudden appearance. The girl in front of you with her hair in a huge braid stares at you mouth agape with an abandoned scream. Her fellow trespassers all have similar expressions. Seeing as you'll need to break through their shock You break out the most authoritative voice you have from your instructor days.

"You kids need to leave. Now."

"But we, uh, we're just…" One of the two boys, the one with messy tries to stutter out what you assume to be some sort of excuse. But you are getting them out of here, even if you have to throw them over the fence.

"I don't care, leave. Now."

The other boy, with much more tamed suddenly snaps back to his senses.

"R-right, come on guys let's leave."

And with his directions the group all too slowly gathers its wits and regains its bearings, starting with the girl in front of you standing up and moving away from you to rejoin her friends a few meters away. Where they stand and look each and every way as if confused where to go.

You don't know where the creature is right now, and they don't seem to even know that there's some sort of slenderman looking motherfucker wandering the halls. So you'll have to escort them off campus if you want to ensure their safety.

"Do I need to hold your hands? Follow me." You begin to walk down the hall towards the back of the school grounds where you spotted a small gate leading to what you assume is a staff parking lot.

After a slight hesitation in the group the shaggy haired one begins to follow and then the rest after him. You and the group walk in tense silence exiting down the stairs, out the wing and into the open air, then one of the girls breaks the stillness with her barely audible voice.

"Um… whats with the night vision goggles and the mask?"

You completely forgot that you still had your NVGs and mask on, and now that you think about it you've unquestionably made yourself appear more suspicious than you need to. Now how are you-

Your thoughts and the numbing silence are broken by Your skull being pierced by the loudest shriek you have ever had the displeasure of hearing. The shriek vibrates your bones, flash freezes your blood and sets off the fight or flight response hardwired into your brain.

You whip around to check the teens you're escorting and to locate the source of the noise. A quick check of the group reveals them frozen, wide eyed, shaking and rooted in place.

A quick check of the general direction of the noise has you looking all the way down the hallway you exited from. At the end all you see is complete darkness that your goggles are incapable of penetrating, and two eyes glowing with unhuman emptiness.



[X] Shake the kids out of it and haul-ass.

[X] You brought a gun for a reason, start a fighting retreat.

[X] Tell the kids to get out of here, you'll make sure it doesn't follow.


Sorry this one took a bit longer. but anyway, next post will probably be a test of the combat system. hopefully it doesn't fail too hard.