Chapter Sixty-Three
Marteau took a small breath, and smiled kindly to the worried-looking girl. "Don't you worry now, Miss Westwood, this fellow here is going to get us out of trouble real quick, him and his partner are some of the finest lads I've ever met," he winked at her, which did little to reassure the girl, but she did grow less fearful, trying an awkward, but quiet, smile.
"Well," Marteau said, "Guess I should start from the beginning. You see, Sir Saito, I was going my way when Miss Matilda, the Headmaster's secretary at Tristain's Magic Academy, stopped me asking if I wanted a job. I could feel it a mile away that it really mattered to her, but she couldn't leave to do it. I don't know how she found me so quickly since I had barely reached Tristain, but she was quite worried about her sister here," he pointed at the blonde. "She needed someone to go and fetch her from this cursed place, since it was starting to get too hot for her, but she couldn't just up and leave, and then there was the matter of the orphans which Miss Westwood, bless her heart, really, took care of-"
That would have explained the children, most of which were now quietly looking at them, a few even shyly smiling at Bleu or Jeanette's tender smiles, or at Josette's cheerful waves of her hands they answered with light giggles.
"So off I went. It wasn't hard. Being a mercenary for hire and with a past of it, I had all of my experience to go with it. She gave me this old box, saying to open it near the woods of Westwood and go around until Miss Westwood came to fetch me," here his voice dropped slightly, "I know little about magic, so I guess it's pretty standard fare to hide a fair maiden in the woods, I think."
He chuckled next, "And boy what a fair maiden, isn't she one?"
Saito couldn't help but agree with a nod, Jacques actually doing the same until Jeanette's foot stomped down so hard on his own to make him wince and freeze. Meanwhile, Louise's feet began to massage Jacques' kidneys, small muttered curses making the grown-up man swallow nervously, glad he was not the actual receiver of them.
"And that's when things started to go down the drain. It can't have been more than a few days ago, but all of a sudden, the dead didn't want to stay dead anymore. By the time I had Miss Westwood and all the orphans lined up and ready to go, well..." he swallowed thickly, "I'm just a normal man, not a knight like you or-"
"Mister Saito's a knight?!" Josette said excitedly, her eyes wide. "Woah-just like the stories!"
"Oh, ops," Marteau brought a hand to his mouth, "Shouldn't have said that?"
"It's not important," Saito replied. "What happened?" he asked next, his voice a whisper.
"I managed to reach the city gates before they closed them at least," Marteau said with a hint of pride. "Had it all set up with a friend in Londinium. You might have met him shambling downstairs, poor old Sartre retired after an arrow got him in the family jewels," all the men in the room winced in sympathy, "He was never the same afterwards, but at least he wasn't as bad as Scarron. Poor bloke lost it all to a mercenary with a large hammer that-"
"Enough-" Saito winced in sympathy, and phantom pain, "Enough."
Marteau chuckled, "Sorry, Sir Saito, it just helps to talk about lighter things-"
"Then what must have happened isn't really something we want to know," Bleu said.
Marteau took a shuddering deep breath. "I got them safely in here, but the stupid captain of the ship we had hired wouldn't budge. They weren't going to sail until the day was right, and the blockade made it all the more difficult to do so. I think the blockade's in act to keep these things down, I guess. Such a plague of Undead-one has to wonder who's the one leading them all and why. Nothing short of a plague from the Gods themselves could make this happen. Perhaps it has to do with the death of the rightful King of Albion, but those are just the tales I heard from the few that passed below our windows..."
Marteau shook his head. "I don't think any made it outside. We've been lucky we weren't planning on showing ourselves out much, what with the war and how pretty Miss Westwood is, I know how some men think just because they've got a symbol on their chests that allows them to arrest people, so I-well, I did my best," he pulled his leather cap off his head, and sighed, clutching it. "I don't know if you can, but can you at least bring a few children away with you?" he pleaded. "I know I'm asking a lot, Sir Saito, but-if there's not enough space on the ship then-"
"We don't have a ship to leave," Saito said. "We had one getting here, but-"
"But it went down," Bleu said. "However, I am a capable captain, and I am a Wind mage just like Miss Jeanette here," he tapped his chin. "If we can reach the docks, and if there's still a ship working, we can leave this blasted place behind." He sighed. "Truly, one has to wonder where the mages all went to allow for such a thing to happen-"
"They were probably the first to die," Marteau said. "It's usual fare to hit the nobles first in a battle, so the majority of them died during the civil war-and those who didn't are probably safely tucked away on the ships of the blockade, holding them aloft with Wind Magic."
"Leaving innocent people to die," Josette whispered with her hands to cover her mouth in horror, "How-How despicable!"
"It's probably because nobody thought that there could exist a mage capable of controlling so many Undead at once," Bleu said, taking his hat off and kneeling in front of 'Miss Westwood' with a warm smile, his eyes however on a young child who was clutching on to the older girl like a lifeline. "Hello, fair lady. My name is Morgan Bleu, but I am Bleu for my friends. May I have your name? I always ask the name of the people who are going to board my ship."
The child looked away from Miss Westwood's bosom with a fearful look, but at Bleu's warm smile sniffled a bit, and then whispered her name out quietly.
"Ah, that is a pretty name, Miss Marie. Now, you have nothing to fear, because you see that man over there? He's so strong, he can cut in half dragons! And that boy on my friend's back? He's so strong, he wiped out a whole army of Undead just outside the walls! I know it's night now, so it's a bit scary, but tomorrow morning, we'll all be out of this dreadful place and on a flying ship. And I'll be the captain," Bleu spoke softly, his voice not wavering once, "But I'll need someone to hold on to my spyglass for me," he added, pulling out from his breast pocket a small copper cylinder. "So-How about you become my First Mate?"
The child looked at the shiny object, and then at Bleu's smile.
She gripped at the spyglass with a small shy smile, and that was all that Bleu needed.
He stepped away next, a mouthed 'thank you' coming from Miss Westwood as the child had been the most scared of the lot.
"If Louis gets better by tomorrow," Saito said, "He can probably level up the road from here to the docks."
"That wouldn't be wise," Marteau said. "The ships that are blockading the port aren't there just for show. The only reason they haven't blown up the whole city is that it's their capital, so they kind of need it -and we're close to the palace, which means there's all sort of important documents in it, coupled with-"
"The palace is nearby?" Saito asked, his eyes now firmly determined.
"Well, yes, it's just down the street, but Sir Saito-" Marteau's words were cut off by the boy's firm shaking of his head.
"Marteau, Louis and I haven't come here just for sightseeing purposes," he said in a soft voice. "And if Louis' knocked down, then it's up to me to finish the job. I'll have better luck at night. I can't see the Undead, but the Undead can't see me in turn, can they?"
"If you say so, Sir Saito," Marteau whispered, "But if one of them acknowledges you, then they all will."
Saito shrugged. "So what if they've got a hivemind? I've survived worst odds, and the blockade-it's only on this side of the island, isn't it?"
Bleu's eyes snapped open in wide realization. "Oh-Oh I see now!" he smiled, "The Reconquista has this port blockaded, but the Royalist side might let us go if we bring them something of worth! Maybe they haven't been hit by these Undead as hard as the Reconquista has been, after all Newcastle's is a fortress city, while Londinium was a pretty big port city-there's a difference between having a moat and not having one-"
"Yes, now stop babbling. You are scaring the children with how excited you are, Captain," Jeanette said with a low hiss. "We could all go together, it would be safer-"
Saito shook his head, "You are all low on Willpower, and this is something only Louis and I can do. He's knocked out, so-" he smiled, "I'll do fine. I'll stick to the rooftops until I reach the palace. Marteau...can you lend me a couple of hooks and a rope?"
"Sir this so important you would risk your life on it? This is quite close to suicide, and the only reason I am not saying it is, it's because I am an optimist," Marteau spoke in a whisper, as if not to scare the children.
"I'll be waiting for you lot on the rooftop of the palace once I'm done," Saito said. "Bring the ship around and you'll find me there."
"I can see I won't easily convince you otherwise," Marteau muttered, "So I can only hope whatever you're doing is worth it," he added.
Well, he was going out in the middle of the night to seek out five letters that could pretty much be hidden in secret compartments all throughout a palace more than five times a large sized mansion.
However, he didn't need to find the letters as much as ensure their destruction.
Louise was out, so there was only one thing he could do.
He just had to set the palace on fire.
He knew from experience that the kitchens of the Magic Academy had oil and fat to spare, and those things?
Those things could burn.
He couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself at the thought that he would be greasing the walls of a palace filled with Undead just to set it on fire.
If he said so himself, this was the most suicidal plan of all suicidal plans.
Thus, it was guaranteed to work if he made it work.