I prefer to continue. Starting again just means having to turn a blank state into something worth caring about again and I would rather not have to wait a few updates to get invested in the player civ.
I could go either way. I am not yet so attached to these guys that a reboot would make me quit playing, but I don't think starting over is necessary either.
I prefer to continue. Starting again just means having to turn a blank state into something worth caring about again and I would rather not have to wait a few updates to get invested in the player civ.
The People knew war for a season and more, such as it was. Young men and women would depart from their fires and huts, travel to the shrine, and ask for the blessings of the spirits. Then they would travel for many days and nights to hunt the monsters of the swamp. Sometimes they succeeded and returned with spears stained with blood. Sometimes they failed, and returned empty-handed. Sometimes they never returned at all. But Pitside and Huntcamp were never threatened, nor the little gatherings of huts in between. The war was simply a different sort of hunting to them. Even so, the People took to setting watches on the edge of their settlements, just in case.
Gradually the raids grew less frequent. Honor had been satisfied, and there was no profit in this. The swamp stank and the mud itched and it was just unpleasant to go too. And so the first war of the People ended and passed to memory.
Meanwhile, another child was born with strange gifts, another child blessed by the spirits. His eyes were black as the shadow, with no pupil or white. It made him unsettling to look upon, and few were the children who would play with him, but the Speakers of the Spirits were quick to take him in and offer him a place amongst them, and he proved sure of hand and swift of mind and skilled in reading the sign of the spirits, rising higher and higher in their ranks.
And one day, as he tended the sacred fire, he asked of the spirits a question and the smoke answered. He wanted to know if the swamp monsters were a threat to the People, and the smoke swirled and formed a thousand and one shapes, telling a story long and strange to the eyes of others, but as simple as guessing which direction a stick will go in the river to him.
He asked other questions of the spirits as well, how to make their farms better and make better offerings to the spirits and if the River-People and mountain demons would be a threat to them as well, but in these he received only the faintest of hints. And so the lives of the People went on, unchanged, even if this spirit-touched man received even more awe and fear from others, even from the other Speakers.
Total of 5 actions, no more than 4 can be assigned to Pitside and no more than five can be assigned to Huntcamp. Identify which settlement they are taking place at.
[] Hold Feast (+Mood, - Food)
[] Focus on Farming (+++Food)
[] Focus on Hunting (+Food)
[] Send Expedition (Where To?)
[] Pursue an Idea: Better Farms (-Food)
[] Pursue an Idea: Symbols of the Spirits (-Crafting)
[] Pursue an Idea: Bonds of Teaching (-Crafting)
[] Pursue an Idea: Fishing Tricks (-Crafting, -Gathering)
[] Make Offerings (-Luxury, +Mood)
[] Construct A Shrine (-Building, -Crafting)
[] Construct a Granary (-Building, -Crafting)
[] Focus on Building (-Gathering, +Building)
[] Focus on Tools (-Gathering, ++Crafting)
[] Focus on Materials (++Gathering)
Food Stability: 7 (10, -3)
Population: 5
Crafting Capacity: 3
Gathering Capacity: 4
Building Capacity: 3
Luxury: 4 (-3 from pop, -3 from trade, +6 from trade)
Mood: 4
Prestige: 1
Pitside (Granary, Shrine to the Spirits, Spirit Pit, Mud Brick Shelters, Fields. Obedience of 4.)
Huntcamp (Granary, Mud Brick Shelters, Fields. Obedience of 3.)
Incautious Curiosity: There are always some who prefer to find what something does by sticking it in their mouths. Such courage can be laudable. Potentially dangerous, but laudable. Pros: Increased chance of successful innovation. Cons: increased risk from successful innovation.
Agriculture Hunting
Ambush Hunting
Prey Driving
Perseverance Hunting Gathering Fire Materials
Wood Tools
Digging Sticks
[X] Plan Idea Pursuit
-[X] Construct A Shrine (-Building, -Crafting) (Huntcamp)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Better Farms (-Food)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Bonds of Teaching (-Crafting)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Fishing Tricks (-Crafting, -Gathering)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Focus on Farming (+++Food)(Pitside)
[X] Plan Idea Pursuit
-[X] Construct A Shrine (-Building, -Crafting) (Huntcamp)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Better Farms (-Food)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Bonds of Teaching (-Crafting)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Fishing Tricks (-Crafting, -Gathering)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Focus on Farming (+++Food)(Pitside)
In Huntcamp a shrine was built. It had been a matter of debate among their council, for they had no pit to build around, no place where the speaking of the spirits was clear and obvious. They tried to dig a pit down to the place of the spirits, but the pit kept collapsing before they got deep enough. Some among them began to ponder if there was a better way to dig, or what could be done with the excess dirt, but such flights of fancy were dismissed in favor of practical considerations.
Lila looked up at the shrine he and his siblings had finally built and smiled. It was as grand as the one in Pitside, he knew that for certain, for he had been the one to travel there and ask the Korin the Spirit-Blessed, Korin-Smoke-Talker if the spirits approved. The spirits approved mightily, with the Sacred Leaf growing around the shrine they had built using an enormous stump as an altar. There was no one to take the Sacred Leaf right now, but a Spirit-Talker was coming to help them keep the spirit's favor, a young apprentice of Korin himself, an honor the people of Huntcamp appreciated.
(Shrine built, +1 Mood, +1 Huntcamp Obedience. New ideas unlocked.)
The farms of the People were in many ways their pride and joy, for the vast, flat fields were fertile and well-marked and provided great sheafs of corn that fed them and made their beer. Most of the People worked in their fields day in and day out, sowing and reaping, smashing the grain to separate the corn, then grinding it into flour for their meals or soaking it for their beer. One young man who was rather reckless with his leftovers noticed that they seemed to make the plants healthier if he left them on the field before the planting. Another found a sort of bean that took well to growing during the winters, when it was too cold for wheat. Their efforts went unnoticed for now, but a few saw the extra food their labor provided and thought it worth imitating, and the practice began to slowly spread.
(+4 Food, Progress has begun on Chickpeas and Fertilizer)
While the People took justifiable pride in the size and productivity of their farms, they took just as much pride in the works of their hands, in the pots they shapes and the weavings they made and the wood they carved and most important of all, the tools they made. Many of these were made offerings to the spirits alongside whitestone and greenstone carvings and clay figurines, for they were seen as just as worthy. Most people knew something of every craft, few were those who truly dedicated themselves to one, and while each was highly skilled they rarely had the inclination to teach another their crafts. But Korin spoke against it, saying that the Spirits were displeased when knowledge was lost, that the Spirits desired songs and truth and skill to be remembered, and while some began to try and recall the stories of old, others sought to keep knowledge remembered. Including the most skilled crafters, who taught some they found worthy among the young.
(Progress begun on Apprentices, Progress has begun on Oral History)
Fishing was not the least respected task among the People, but it was somewhat looked down upon. The barbarian River-People fished, and stories said that the monsters of the Swamp fed upon nothing but fish and blood. Still, it would not do to let the People be lesser than others, and so there were always a few youths who would seek ways to gather more fish and receive no censure for it from the others.
Hela was one such youth. Though her father half-heartedly insisted she help with the farm, she snuck away to the river whenever she got the chance, even traveling to the huts of the River-People a time or two to see how they did. She used a fishing spear like they did, something which had been tried by the People many times before, but she split the point of hers into two with a wedge of stone and did not aim where she saw the fish, but just before it. Every day she returned home with a few fish, but she sought more and begun to try and dig out a pool to keep fish in, but the edges kept collapsing.
(Spearfishing Developed, new idea unlocked.)
The years of plenty wore on, the Spirit-Speakers growing more influential under the leadership of Korin even as he aged and grew weary. Using the smoke to learn truth was still a difficult art, but a few of his apprentices could manage it. The lands between Huntcamp and Pitside were filled with fields and little clusters of homes, and some had begun to spread across the Great River, but few could manage the amount of work to carve out new farms, build homes, gather stone and wood, and make tools without the near-constant support of their neighbors, and most of these efforts failed, some dying in the process.
These efforts led to a subtle slowdown that Korin found to be the cause of many problems, and so he chose to issue a proclamation before he died, traveling to every little cluster of huts he could reach to tell them that…
[] they should focus on strengthening the bonds between the People
[] every gathering of the People should have a shrine and a granary as well as homes
[] to remember all that can be remembered
[] to be cautious with their time so that they will be able to always have enough to spare
Total of 6 actions, no more than 4 can be assigned to Pitside and no more than 4 can be assigned to Huntcamp. Identify which settlement they are taking place at.
[] Hold Feast (+Mood, - Food)
[] Focus on Farming (+++Food, ?)
[] Focus on Hunting (+Food, ??)
[] Focus on Fishing (+Food, ??)
[] Send Expedition (Where To?)
[] Pursue an Idea: Extra Dirt (-Building)
[] Pursue an Idea: Symbols of the Spirits (-Crafting)
[] Pursue an Idea: Moving Water (-Building, -Gathering)
[] Pursue an Idea: Digging (-Building, - Crafting)
[] Make Offerings (-Luxury, +Mood)
[] Offer Tools (--Crafting, +Mood, ?)
[] Construct A Shrine (-Building, -Crafting)
[] Construct a Granary (-Building, -Crafting)
[] Focus on Building (-Gathering, +Building)
[] Focus on Tools (-Gathering, ++Crafting)
[] Focus on Materials (++Gathering)
[] Gathering Stones (+Gathering, ?)
Food Stability: 8 (10, -3)
Population: 6
Crafting Capacity: 0
Gathering Capacity: 3
Building Capacity: 2
Luxury: 5 (-3 from pop, -3 from trade, +7 from trade)
Mood: 5
Prestige: 1
Pitside (Granary, Shrine to the Spirits, Spirit Pit, Mud Brick Shelters, Fields. Obedience of 4.)
Huntcamp (Granary, Mud Brick Shelters, Fields. Obedience of 4.)
Incautious Curiosity: There are always some who prefer to find what something does by sticking it in their mouths. Such courage can be laudable. Potentially dangerous, but laudable. Pros: Increased chance of successful innovation. Cons: increased risk from successful innovation.
Spearfishing Agriculture Hunting
Ambush Hunting
Prey Driving
Perseverance Hunting Gathering Fire Materials
Clay Tools
Digging Sticks
Fishing Spears
Numbers Diplomacy
Trade Leadership
Elders Arts
Vocal Storytelling
Oral History
Woodcarving Economy
Bargaining Religion
[X] Plan Making Water Work
-[X] every gathering of the People should have a shrine and a granary as well as homes
-[X] Focus on Tools (-Gathering, ++Crafting)(Pitside)
-[X] Focus on Materials (++Gathering)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Digging (-Building, - Crafting)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Moving Water (-Building, -Gathering)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Focus on Fishing (+Food, ??)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Send Expedition (Downriver)(Huntcamp)
Thinking to see if focusing on the river this turn might have better gains. Tools and Materials are mainly for the raw stats, so that we could work on moving water, digging, fishing and river travel together to hopefully arrive at some form of crude boats, fish traps, or using clay in construction.
[X] Plan Making Water Work
-[X] every gathering of the People should have a shrine and a granary as well as homes
-[X] Focus on Tools (-Gathering, ++Crafting)(Pitside)
-[X] Focus on Materials (++Gathering)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Digging (-Building, - Crafting)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Moving Water (-Building, -Gathering)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Focus on Fishing (+Food, ??)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Send Expedition (Downriver)(Huntcamp)
[X] Plan Making Water Work
-[X] every gathering of the People should have a shrine and a granary as well as homes
-[X] Focus on Tools (-Gathering, ++Crafting)(Pitside)
-[X] Focus on Materials (++Gathering)(Pitside)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Digging (-Building, - Crafting)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Pursue an Idea: Moving Water (-Building, -Gathering)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Focus on Fishing (+Food, ??)(Huntcamp)
-[X] Send Expedition (Downriver)(Huntcamp)