The Spine-Chilling Adventures Of An Ordinary Author (A Gayaverse Quest)

[ ] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)

You mispelled Fae market.

[X] The Solarium filled with medicinal and deadly plants, from mint to monkshood. Which *isn't* meant to be a room to sleep in, but at least it's pleasant? (it's simple enough make into a guest room, one which would get only a few complaints, given how filled with very pretty ornamental —and poisonous— plants it is.)

[X] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)
If tossing around multiple pounds didn't solidify Ms. Doe as stupidly rich, this sure does.
"Oh but we don't even have a Castle— Everyone whose properly 'rich' —crude as it is to just say such a thing!— has at least one. We Doe's are just comfortable, you know."- The Baroness Doe, Mother to Ellen Doe, drinking in that good Peerage Juice :V
Adhoc vote count started by JustGazzer on Apr 18, 2022 at 3:10 PM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)
    [X] The Solarium filled with medicinal and deadly plants, from mint to monkshood. Which *isn't* meant to be a room to sleep in, but at least it's pleasant? (it's simple enough make into a guest room, one which would get only a few complaints, given how filled with very pretty ornamental —and poisonous— plants it is.)
    [X] The Display Room, where most of your collection of Bones, Oddities, and Antiques (The space belonged to a bedroom, once, and has more space than the now library, but would require Eleanor to sleep amongst Bones, Haunted Dolls, Preserved Specimens and Famous Murder Weapons. She might misinterpret this as You trying to imply something, which you never are.)

Right then, that's a fairly clear set of choices, The Mini Poison Garden and Flea Market!

Have something up in 24ish hours, at the latest, today is a little busy for me

Until then, talk amongst yourselves, all six of you :V
Honestly, I'm not sure if our sister would be flattered if we put her into the poisonous plant room or mortified

Because on one hand, she knows us and knows that we have macabre interests. On the other hand, these are poisonous plants and she might think that we are clearly not trying to get a husband based on our thing with poisonous plants.

Eh, probably beats giving her the bone room
Chrematophobia Or; Adventure In The Temple Eriounios!
"Hermai's Hideaway", Artemis, December 17th, Noonish

You're really not sure how you did it.

You had perhaps channeled a bit of your inner Helsclimb when you'd asked her to go treasure hunting with you, rather than shop for dresses or go out to lunch. You talked it up as a grand adventure that you'd both enjoy, and a bit of a fun history lesson.

There was this place out in the East End, you'd explained, built atop of, around and beside one of the oldest places in Artemis.

There were parts of this city that had been old when Albia was new. It was said Bastortemple had been named Alabaster Temple, and it had gotten that name from the former temple that stuck up out of the ground in places —at least, those white stones that had not been taken away for other projects, like the cobblestone roads— once belonging to the pagan god Hermai in the aspect of Eriounios, The Lucky. Those details being a fairly recent discovery.

Decades ago the area had been excavated, originally as a tunnel for The Underground and later for Archaeological study. When study had finished almost a decade later, and any important artifacts were removed to the safety of The Royal Albian Museum of History, The Hole had been left.

The Intent had been to re-cover the area, or use it as originally intended, though the process of deciding such things took far more time than typical— you're given to understand it had something to do with an ongoing dispute between two members of the house of lords, who had turned the issue into an excuse for petty jabs and scandal-mongering.

Your Sister, in your detailed and thorough explanations, found a momentary pause in the tidalwave of information to remark that the phrase 'This is a Hermai Pit' still remained in the political conscious of Albia, which often meant 'this is a pointless waste of time and energy on an otherwise simple issue'

In any case, the open pit where the Temple to Hermai once stood was left alone for years.

So Locals of Bastortemple claimed it, as it seemed nobody else would. You could almost imagine it, Carpenters and Masons, Factoryhands and Dockhands, building new stairs and reinforcing walls with thick timber beams, creating firm ceilings. A whole borough coming together and making use of this abandoned place. It quickly became a Marketplace, mostly, if you understood, because it was easier than paying for a space in a proper shop, and there existed a persistent thought among some that one could strike rich with a find the Archaeology Teams missed or left behind, for one reason or another.

It took shape over years, bit by bit. Now it was far too late for anyone to do anything but let the place be, lest they get the whole of Bastortemple up in arms.

You are before the Market for the first time in person, having only read about it in books intended for Tourists. Nora, interestingly enough, had never heard of it outside the saying that referenced it. There are steps, leading down into the market itself, and in those areas that remained exposed to the sky it was crisscrossed with wooden footbridges where one might find it needful.

Between the threshold between Bastortemple itself and the former pit, a large sign proclaims the Market as HERMAI'S HIDEAWAY. Amusingly, there was a figure painted there in such a way as to appear to be hiding behind the 'I' in Hermai, an androgynous man with wings wrapped around his waist like a kilt or skirt that you recognize as popular contemporary representation of Hermai, with a finger to his lips.

There are other spots like it, with an image of Hermai painted with various levels of skill, pointing left, right up and down, proclaiming to have the best fish and chips, or the best deals this way or that.

It's all very good fun, you think, if a bit noisy and over crowded. Luckily you are insulated from the hustle from a good pair of earmuffs, which you could reasonably say was for the cold, mid december afternoon. Still you should be quick, lest you become overwhelmed.

That is never fun, you're not sure how other people stand it. Focus, old girl! Says the bit of you you're pretending is Helsclimb, You're on a treasure hunt!

You run your eyes over stalls that run along the walls of Hermai ignoring fruit and vegetables, live chickens, a man swallowing swords, past folk art and a stall that sold woven hats, baskets, and charms…

Oh! Is that a set of pinned beetles? How fascinating, they even have a bit of taxidermy, rabbits with horns— how cute!

"Miss Doe?" comes a familiar voice, after all, you spent a lot of time paying attention to it

You're already turning to face her. "Anika?" You're slightly tense, more people to talk to —even pleasant as she was— is not something you look forward to. "Oh what a surprise!" you hope you can handle this with a bit of grace.

"Ellie," Your sister smiles, a wry brow raised "aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Yes right!" You take a breath, perhaps deeper than needed. "Elenora, Anika, she works with my publisher. Presses, Matiance, a Handy Woman, as I understand it." you nod "Anika, Elenora, my sister. She's just returned from her posting in Gallia. She works for the Diplomatic Corps." You take a chance to break the moments of eye contact needed for such things, Anika and Nora shake hands and you're very pleased with yourself. That went smoothly, didn't it!

"Oy, luv," comes a wizened voice that appears like a specter behind Anika —you jump like a startled cat— but Anika seems calm, she snorts when a cane lightly taps the top of her head. "I know many people ignore elderly, but my own granddaughter not introduce to her friends?" says the old woman who ambles slowly from behind a stall, shorter than even you, and leaning hard on her cane. Her accent is thick and of the same kind as Anika's you think, she wears a shawl over most of her upper body, a thick dark furred Caspian style hat stuck to her head, a few sizes too big it seems, to fit perfectly. Her shawl is colorful and richly decorated with blue and green thread standing against the black backing, repeating patterns of embroidered flowers running down it.

"Sorry, Babba" Anika smiles good naturedly while rubbing her head, gesturing to you and your sister. "Everyone, this is my grandmother Adelle Slusarski, Babba, Everyone."

The old woman raises an eyebrow that turns her face into a topographical map of wrinkles. "Oh woe, sweetheart, that's the best you can do?" the old woman mutters in what to your ear sounds Dyskelandic…maybe Caspian? You're not sure, languages have always been more Eliza's wheelhouse, the second child of House Doe knew how to speak in eight languages, and read in many more.

Anika rolls her eyes "Grandma please, I know you caught their names nosing in like you did, you're old, not deaf." She's speaking with a surprising rapidity and you can't understand a word, but you do like how the words sound when she's saying them. "Ellen is nice enough, if very sheltered, sort of cute, actually." Oh! You heard your name in there, you hope it's kind. You think you might be a bit invested in the idea of Anika saying nice things about you, but you're sure it's just nerves. New people and all.

Anika's Grandmother waves an arthritic hand with a smile, skin thin, with knuckles the size of walnuts. "If you like her, you like her, that's fine! Our people have never been as hung up on such things, The Caspians objected, of course. When I was your age I had a girl I liked too, and then fucking cossacks-"

"Grandma, you know I'd love to hear all about how you systematically killed a whole unit of Cossacks and stole the captain's hat and sword but we're maybe being a bit rude, talking in front of them like this?"

"Yes yes, apologies, ladies, my sweet grandchild, she tell me about you." She points with her cane at you with a smile, "Not worry! Good things, good things! Then I distracted, forget about dinner. Anika just remind me about it. My advise, not get old, Ellen! I remember when had mind like steel trap!"
She cackles at her own joke and Nora politely, reflexively laughs with her, years of ambassadorial training taking over as a septuagenarian bulls her way through with a honestly refreshing amount of bluntness. "So! Besides chat up my grandaughter-" Chat up? You flush, why the very idea makes your heart race, even if you were the sort to do that kind of thing, you don't think you have the nerve. "You want buy anything? Genuine Yidim art, I make by hand, very good. These old hand still very steady, had be, to kill Cossacks!"
She's a veteran? Of what war, you don't know, but it must have been quite some time ago. You notice Nora looking the woman over, with a small frown, as if for the first time actually paying attention to the woman. "I'm interested." says your sister. "What have you got?"

"Got mostly embroidery, keeps the body moving, Miss, even if lot of sitting. Some woodcarving too, from uh, Husband. Not much more of that, kicked bucket last year, I think is saying? So even if very sad for me, still very unique! I not lie, this drive up price a bit, but also I think he would want work to go to good home. Can let go of his carvings for only twenty shillings."

You watch beside Anika as your sister picks up a little wooden figurine of a mother bear standing on her hind legs and protecting a cub, looking it over with a keen eye. She offers a price and the old woman counters before she has time to finish speaking. Anika looks amused, maybe, you think. Her eyes light up, and a smile is tugging at her lips, pulling against a thin scar there. It's as if she's seen this song and dance play out before, she probably. Madam Ślusarski seems to be in her element, as she and Nora start to really barter, and you think your sister is having fun too.

Suddenly it's over, and your sister hands the elder woman about ten shillings and both look satisfied. "Ellie? Do you want anything?"

What Do You Get?

[ ] An embroidered scarf, covered in lovely little pansy flowers, you think it's very cute! (Warning, Possible Attention from Lesbians)
[ ] A wooden figurine, about as tall as your forearm, in the shape of a deer alert and listening. You think it'd look lovely in the Bone Room next to the Deer Skulls. (Fairly typical, for you. Will at least lessen the ratio of bones in the showroom)
[ ] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)

How Does Your Bartering Go?

[ ] About as much as Elenora does, you both leave happy (A Normal Amount, you think?)
[ ] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
[ ] You actually manage to work her down a bit, but as you say goodbye, you hand Anika a few folded bills and bid her a Happy Haloea (Not only do you buy it for exactly what you want to. You get to be kind! You Pay Their Bills for the next year or so, as a gift.)

This whole adventure has inspired you, and you'll be locking yourself in your room to start a draft on a new project, and also decompressing from all the socializing.

What Is The Working Title?

[ ] The Temple Of The Old God (In a hidden corner of Artemis, Greatest City In The World there exists an ancient temple below ground, whose still living cult has infiltrated the highest levels of government, who seek to bring back their god for nefarious reasons yet unknown to Julia Van Helsclimb, Supernatural Thrill Seeker.)
[ ] The Witches In The Wood (Julia receives a letter from her old foe and occasional reluctant ally Harriet Weir, asking for her help to fight a curse that is slowly turning her and her coven into wooden statues. Who has done this and Why? Only Julia can find out!)
[ ] The Goblin Market and Other Secret Things (From her recent studies in the paranormal, Julia has learned about Hedges, spots in the world that are tucked away, and placed into 'hidden gardens' could this be a clue that finally reunites van Helsclimb with her missing brother!?)

Yeah, this one took a bit longer than I expected. Back half got a little rough for me, wanted to add more, but honestly I couldn't figure out the flow. So, I'll have to settle for good enough, and hope y'all enjoy!
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[X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)
[X] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
[X] The Goblin Market and Other Secret Things (From her recent studies in the paranormal, Julia has learned about Hedges, spots in the world that are tucked away, and placed into 'hidden gardens' could this be a clue that finally reunites van Helsclimb with her missing brother!?)

I'd actually be more down for the Temple of the Old God if we could continue the theme of the supernatural not being evil, and instead the evil living inside the hearts of women (and men)
I'd actually be more down for the Temple of the Old God if we could continue the theme of the supernatural not being evil, and instead the evil living inside the hearts of women (and men)
That could still exist in the Temple option, as it could in all options our E.A. Doe is still working on the outline, after all! There's editing passes and plot choices still to be made!
[X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)

Cool hat.
[X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)
[X] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
[X] The Temple Of The Old God (In a hidden corner of Artemis, Greatest City In The World there exists an ancient temple below ground, whose still living cult has infiltrated the highest levels of government, who seek to bring back their god for nefarious reasons yet unknown to Julia Van Helsclimb, Supernatural Thrill Seeker.)
Choices, choices. I think I want all of the items… (and I might actually own a hat similar enough to that one, if my imagination and memory's correct)
Right. Voting. The hat wins out over the scarf, despite the potential hilarity of the later (next time!) (I assume we're not allowed approval voting?)

[X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)
[X] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
[X] The Temple Of The Old God (In a hidden corner of Artemis, Greatest City In The World there exists an ancient temple below ground, whose still living cult has infiltrated the highest levels of government, who seek to bring back their god for nefarious reasons yet unknown to Julia Van Helsclimb, Supernatural Thrill Seeker.)
[X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)
While the pansy scarf is fun, I want Ellen to not get swamped by lesbians looking for a book gf. Yet
[X] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
[X] The Temple Of The Old God (In a hidden corner of Artemis, Greatest City In The World there exists an ancient temple below ground, whose still living cult has infiltrated the highest levels of government, who seek to bring back their god for nefarious reasons yet unknown to Julia Van Helsclimb, Supernatural Thrill Seeker.)
The nefarious reason is lesbianism. Which of course the protagonist is soooooooo not interested in
[X] An embroidered scarf, covered in lovely little pansy flowers, you think it's very cute! (Warning, Possible Attention from Lesbians)

why ever would we want that,
you say, wearing it about town,
Adhoc vote count started by JustGazzer on May 5, 2022 at 10:03 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] A Hat wide brimmed and black, like the one you imagine your Adventuress Juilia wearing, sometimes. Out of fashion but revitalized with geometric embroidery around the brim, it makes you feel confident. (-1 Anxiety, Big Helsclimb Energy)
    [X] More than you planned, but Madam Ślusarski seems very pleased. (You let her drive you up, because you can afford it.)
    [X] The Temple Of The Old God (In a hidden corner of Artemis, Greatest City In The World there exists an ancient temple below ground, whose still living cult has infiltrated the highest levels of government, who seek to bring back their god for nefarious reasons yet unknown to Julia Van Helsclimb, Supernatural Thrill Seeker.)
    [X] The Goblin Market and Other Secret Things (From her recent studies in the paranormal, Julia has learned about Hedges, spots in the world that are tucked away, and placed into 'hidden gardens' could this be a clue that finally reunites van Helsclimb with her missing brother!?)
    [X] An embroidered scarf, covered in lovely little pansy flowers, you think it's very cute! (Warning, Possible Attention from Lesbians)

(Hey sorry, I've been really busy studying for a state exam related to my work, and am likely going to be for the next few months? Things will likely slow down, but I'll be working on this when I can and I plan to have an update up by Monday)

As for the vote itself looks like Cool Hat, Being Just The Right Amount of Nice, and The Mystery Cult Plot for the book!

Really Cool! Can't wait to see what we make out of it :V