The Spine-Chilling Adventures Of An Ordinary Author (A Gayaverse Quest)

Welp, that settles it then, it seems you're all monsters. :p

Tomorrow is my 25th birthday so I may be a bit busy, but I'll get working on the update after. After all I do this for fun.

By the way, Ellen's cats are two brothers from the same litter, named Ponderous and Shade. Ponderous is the larger of the two, grey and white with a tendency to lean in hard for a good head rub, and he has a big soft belly. Shade is black and white, with little gloves and is obsessed with getting where he's not meant to be and seeming very smug about it. They cuddle on her bed most nights, while she's up writing.

This is what you have missed.
Welp, that settles it then, it seems you're all monsters. :p

Tomorrow is my 25th birthday so I may be a bit busy, but I'll get working on the update after. After all I do this for fun.

By the way, Ellen's cats are two brothers from the same litter, named Ponderous and Shade. Ponderous is the larger of the two, grey and white with a tendency to lean in hard for a good head rub, and he has a big soft belly. Shade is black and white, with little gloves and is obsessed with getting where he's not meant to be and seeming very smug about it. They cuddle on her bed most nights, while she's up writing.

This is what you have missed.
Those sound like some really excellent cats.
Agoraphobia or; The Dreadful Fear of the Young Socialite
"Lo! Death has reared himself a throne
In a strange city lying alone
Far down within the dim West,
Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest."

....Or Have They!?

What can I say, I missed Ellen, and I wanted to write more, I'm in a better place to write mentally too. Luckily, there's not much for folk to catch up on, so get to it, and get voting!

The Great Albian Union, Artemis, The 4th of December, Quarter to 8

You are Ellen Alena Doe, you are twenty-three years old and you have always dreaded parties, get-together's, masquerades, pubcrawls, or involvement in any sort of prolonged interaction of the social variety outside of quietly sharing a room. Mother and Father often said that you became upset at such things even when you were a babe, no more than a toddling infant, and you already knew how much you hated Social Engagements. Such a clever, willful little child you were. Oh woe, if you only had that willfulness now, it might help you pick a dress!

Oh bother, bother bother.

What do you wear? What does one wear when one is 'meeting the team' as Miss Heathcliff said? It is only four people, (you had asked before leaving) not counting yourself working at the publishing company, but it shall be in a public place where all sorts of people not involved with the party will see you, and make opinions. Opinions that soon everyone will know!

The grey dress with the lace trim, or the black with red floral accents? Just The plain black with the white Pan Collar? You know your Dresses are all a bit out of Fashion, but they are far more comfortable than anything that is currently 'in', as they say. Will they hate you for it? Will Helena...? She'll probably hate you for it, what sort of Lady (and you are a Lady, as Mother often reminds you) doesn't do Fashion!?

+1 Anxiety

"Oh, brimstone and darkness! The Devil made Fashion to torture me and only me entirely, Pondy." You huff, throwing the dress to the over stuffed chair sweet Ponderous has taken up, he lets out a rolling chirp as the dress falls over him, lightly confused at your actions, his head poking out from underneath, eyes round in the warm gentle light of your gas lamp before tucking his grey body neath his new blanket with a sound like a motor. His brother Shade is elsewhere in your flat, looking for a mouse to mince, you have no doubt. You smile at his antics, and find yourself rocking gently in your shift as you looked to the unlit lamps, evenly spaced along the walls with a light frown.

The electric lights are a wonder, your Family had them installed to update the place before they gave the Townhouse for you to use. Mother and Father wanted you to have the finest and most modern amenities The House Doe could afford...but they are so often far too bright, and make an awful buzz, just at the edge of hearing. It is constant, like rain in May, and only stops when all the electrics are off. You've complained about it to Ackley, the Head Servant and Manager to the property. (The only other staff member to 34 Wood Place was Beth, who tidied up your rooms and cooked your meals, you think she is Ackley's Wife, as they shared the Servant's Apartment between themselves.) to which he'd responded "Oh yes, that, Miss! Something one gets used to, I suppose. We've been here a wee bit longer than yourself, Miss, getting her ready for you. Beth and I hardly notice it now, I assure you."

You, for reasons beyond your ken never have, or have not yet have, in the time you've lived here, 'gotten used to it' and so have gotten into the habit of keeping a few gas lamps, which fair you far better.

You stare at the dresses with an intensity you think Julia van Helsclimb would find intimidating, willing them to make the choice for you.

The Dresses Tremble in Fear at your might!

...Or rather, Ponderous shifts in place from underneath the pile with a contented feline sigh.

Oh, to be a cat, unbothered by human affairs like parties and meeting people.

"I can't do this myself, can I Ponderous? Beth will be so annoyed, told her she and her husband had the rest of the night off." You brace yourself and reach for the button that controls the Electric Bell, pressing it in. 'BZZZT!' the bell screams and you feel your shoulders tighten at the sudden harsh noise of it.

Oh you're going to hate this party, you just know it.

Unseen and unknown to you, Ellen Doe, that harried signal travels through a twist of wires to the light-board in the Servant's Apartment, a green glass bulb labeled below as 'BEDROOM' lights up, near where Ackley sits before the mantle, feet up on the foot stool of a comfortable chair, flipping though a pulp novel with the title 'THE SWARTHY WARRIOR-MEN OF AKTIKI' the cover the the paperbacked book proudly displaying a pair of muscular men, shining with oil, wearing very little and wrestling. The publication was intended to draw the eye of women, but it worked just as well for Ackley. The Light and gentle, if insistent buzz of the Electric Bell brought Ackley from his little world..

"Beth, luv, I think she's having trouble picking a dress for that little meet and greet with the publishing houses staff tonight. I'd help, dear, but I know absolutely nothing about lady things." Ackley sets his novel down as he turns to Beth in the seat opposite him.

Beth glances up from her latest project, a scarf half way to finished and a made up with embroidered pansy flowers, a particular sort flower that signaled to a particular sort of woman. "Of course ya don't, you silly little man, give us a minute and I'll go see what poor Miss Ellen needs." she teases good naturally to her best friend and play-Husband.

Ackley 'Lee' Simms and Beth Kind were married, legally. Though they didn't share a name or bed, or any affection beyond Familial. Covering for each other's proclivities in this manner kept them together as they liked and kept questions being asked in polite society. Everyone wonders after the bachelors and bachelorettes, but nobody cares about a married couple or the friends they kept. The Maid of Wood Place slips a uniform over her night clothes quickly, Lee fastening the back with a practiced motion, and takes a servant's way to the Bedroom, climbing a steep set of stairs in a hidden hallway, mentally preparing herself for Ellen's latest mood.

When the youngest daughter of House Doe wanted to move to Artemis, they had gone with her, chosen by The Family because they were married, thus, less likely to accrue scandal in the rumor mills in The Beating Heart of Albian Union, and because they were roughly the same age as Miss Ellen, whose parents desperately wanted to have something they could call friends her age, even if they weren't anywhere close to peers.

Miss Ellen, in Beth's Estimation, was a pretty enough girl, shorter than herself and a tendency to make her face far paler than was fashionable (which was an effort to hide her blushing, she'd revealed to Beth.) Her fingers and sleeves often stained by the ink ribbon of her typewriter, with a round, heart-shaped face, classical nose and dark grey eyes framed by even darker hair, she often reminded Beth of a Raven, or other clever corvid, being that Miss Ellen wasn't anywhere fierce enough to remind the Maid of a hawk, like her Mother did.

The Youngest Lady Doe was pretty, intelligent, and more concerned with hobbies and writing than for the quality of the servant's work.
A fine woman to work for, if a little...particular in ways Beth did not expect. She and Ackley hadn't worked directly for The Miss before, who had been dealt with by Gerty and Charles, the head's of staff. Beth and Ackley had been warned, of course, but it was another to experience it.
She never made eye contact, with anyone, for any reason, and would often have the same meal for days on end, with little variation until she became bored of it. She would find herself little morbid trinkets that she would have fashioned or fashioned herself into all manner of accessories and decoration for herself and the house, which once expanded to the whole of a home, could be a little upsetting at times. Beth still jumped at the articulated, and very real skeleton kept posed by the door of The Lady Doe's Office/Bedroom/Hideaway.
Indeed, The Miss's many (often macabre) fascinations that seemed to be the only things that drove away her fear, and made her act in a way Beth could call half-way normal. Get her talking about murder motivations, sequence killers, medical maladies, poets, or mythological monsters and you'd keep her busy for hours.

It was off putting, at first, but her enthusiasm was infectious, and Beth found herself understanding this intense, shy, quiet woman a little more. Ackley took it in stride far faster than Beth, who remarked that Miss Ellen reminded him of a nephew of his, who loved rocks, and very little else.

Beth waited outside the door, glanced at the Skeleton that stood guard. "Lets hope she isn't too worked up, eh?" the Maid smiled. The Skeleton smiled back, and Beth knocked.

You let Beth in after pacing for a sold minute, greeting her in your Shift, with a pile of dresses covering a very lazy Cat. "I'm so sorry about this Beth, I know I said I wouldn't need of you for the rest of the night but I was wrong. I feel very foolish."

Beth only gestures with her hand, an abortive modification, you notice, to a hand that was going to touch your shoulder to comfort you, which you're fairly sure is more casual than would be professional. "It's quite alright Miss, we're here to help you, no matter the time or the need, we certainly don't mind a little inconvenience if it helps you, Ackley and I."

Oh, bother. You've annoyed her, knowing your luck you've bothered them whilst they were...being personal. Is that what that tone means? That's what you think it means, anyway. "Again, Beth, I'm so sorry to interrupt your, uh...pleasant evening, shall we say, but I'm having real trouble with the whole..." you gesture helplessly to the pile which moves and shifts as Ponderous makes his way out and onto the floor, rubbing against your leg as if to say 'good luck, old girl.' before heading out the door.

+1 Anxiety

Beth takes in the pile of cloth with something you'd call trepidation

"Right then Miss, that's a bit of a sticky wicket, isn't it? Do you want more limited choices or do you want me to choose?" Beth The Maid inquired, the picture of calm professionalism.

"Limited choices, first, please and if that doesn't work put me in whatever you think I'd be more comfortable in. The anticipation of it is flaying my nerves worse than I expected."

It takes The Maid little time to lay out two dresses, including accessories she knows you like, and find comfort in.

[ ] The Black Dress with the White Pan Collar, a silver broach set with a real, if gilded, raven skull, earrings made from ivory, a hair pin made of hammered iron. Simple, Comfortable, Understated, Exactly Your Speed. +0 Anxiety
[ ] The Wine Red Dress with the Black Lace Shawl, a bracelet of fine ebony wood, shaped into the likeness of an ouroboros with textured scales, a lady's walking cane with an untouched Burl for the head, supposedly carved from a haunted tree, a fine top hat with red ribbon, the dress a more fashionable cut that perhaps shows more than you're used to.
A Statement, A Shield, Somewhat Out of Your Comfort Zone. +1 Anxiety

AN: CHOOSE YOUR GOTH FASHION. After this, The Party!
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[x] The Wine Red Dress with the Black Lace Shawl, a bracelet of fine ebony wood, shaped into the likeness of an ouroboros with textured scales, a lady's walking cane with an untouched Burl for the head, supposedly carved from a haunted tree, a fine top hat with red ribbon, the dress a more fashionable cut that perhaps shows more than you're used to.
[x] The Wine Red Dress with the Black Lace Shawl, a bracelet of fine ebony wood, shaped into the likeness of an ouroboros with textured scales, a lady's walking cane with an untouched Burl for the head, supposedly carved from a haunted tree, a fine top hat with red ribbon, the dress a more fashionable cut that perhaps shows more than you're used to.

hat? Ribbon?!?! Gimme!
[X] The Black Dress with the White Pan Collar, a silver broach set with a real, if gilded, raven skull, earrings made from ivory, a hair pin made of hammered iron. Simple, Comfortable, Understated, Exactly Your Speed. +0 Anxiety

We should avoid giving our introverted author a massive panic attack.
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[X] The Black Dress with the White Pan Collar, a silver broach set with a real, if gilded, raven skull, earrings made from ivory, a hair pin made of hammered iron. Simple, Comfortable, Understated, Exactly Your Speed. +0 Anxiety

[X] The Black Dress with the White Pan Collar, a silver broach set with a real, if gilded, raven skull, earrings made from ivory, a hair pin made of hammered iron. Simple, Comfortable, Understated, Exactly Your Speed. +0 Anxiety

Let's go with a more simple goth look, and to avoid us from getting absolutely messed up with anxiety. While we are meeting the team, it's probably best that they understand our typical aesthetic.

(ALSO, I'm so glad to see this back!)
“...And so being young and dipped in folly I fell in love with melancholy.”
Looks like Simplicity takes it!

The Great Albian Union, Artemis, The 4th of December,8:12PM

You are Julia van Helsclimb, Private Detectress and Slayer of Monsters. You stand outside a wretched hive of scum and villainy, filled with all manner of human and beast, turning now to the sweet call of the Night, who knows what sort of Creatures Mythologic or Monstrous you may find within, be they friend? Be they foe? Your Experiences with The Witch, Harriet Weir have taught you much and opened your eyes to the possibilities of cooperation with The Moonlit World that hides in the shadows.

You cannot say what will come of this, not until it is done. You stride confidently inside-

You're still standing outside the Pub, The Ink Plate named such for the many nearby printing houses, both public (a fact you always thought interesting; quirk of law meant that most 'public' buildings and spaces are owned by The Royal Family, but given to to Her Subjects as a gift for 'Publicum Bonum') and private as the area had been given over them for the past 30 years or so indeed, it was scarcely further than a brisk walk from your own publishing house. This is where you agreed to meet with the whole of the C. H. Page Publishing Company.

It has been Ten Minutes. Perhaps longer! You are normally very punctual! Who knows what sort of misinformed opinions they are forming about you now! Late, Lazy, Lackadaisical, they'll call you! Bother bother bother! What were you going to--

"That you, Miss Doe? Just got here mahself." came the gentle timber of Mister Mortimer Kane, and you started, feeling as though your soul and slipped an inch from your skin. You claw at your spirit and force it back into flesh —or rather, you composed yourself as quickly as you could—

"Mister Kane!" Says your mouth as you focus on smiling —just enough to be pleasant but not too much to be upsetting— you practice it often in the mirror, you hope hope hope it passes inspection. You manage to hold his eyes for that moment, which should be long enough before you sweep your eyes over him, appraising him for the first time not behind a desk. Your mouth follows the many branching script of pleasantries pressed into you as a child in etiquette lessons as you do.

He is missing a leg —this much is obvious to one who knows and you do, thanks to a fascination with the subject of amputation and amputees— from the way he leans on his walking cane, to the manner of his walk, as he comes with you to the door, you would say a Transtibial amputation, below the knee? You would have to see for yourself to be sure, and part of you wants to ask-

"Miss Doe? You've been distracted for a moment there, thinking up some new idea, I hope?" he slips out of Albian and into Caledonian, and part of you wishes you understood him. The Language had not been officially suppressed for almost a century, but nor was it widely available to learn.

"Sorry, Mister Kane, what was that?"

"Distracted, Miss, ye seem distracted. Not cause of the leg is it?" he taps his metal and wood shin with his cane

"Oh! Yes." says your mouth before you can stop it. Quick! Say something to fix it before he hates you! "Bother! I mean, its fascinating you know..." Oh you're really not helping at all, are you? "-that is, uh, I mean- to me it is! I don't think of you poorly at all." Whatever you do, stop talking here please stop talking- "I keep up with the latest techniques in Madam Grey's Medical Monthly, I'd love to learn more about it-that is, um, if you're willing to share? I'm so sorry."

He looks at you a moment, expression an undefinable mystery, smiles far wider than you ever could, you've tried that sort of smile before and it just sort of makes you look like a shark. On him, you think it fits his face like a tailored suit. His smile is framed by and enhanced in turn by his bushy mutton chops and it seems so very effortless. A level of skill you cannot help but admire, he must have practiced for days. "Why, Miss Doe, that's a new one! Lotsa nothin' but pity and disgust from most folk, so a true interest in the leg for the leg is new! Refreshin', even." Oh thank God in Her Heaven. This is going far better than it has any reason to. "Not just saying that cause you're the new talent nether!" He laughs and you begin to dread it is exactly for that reason.

+1 Anxiety

At some point in the intervening time between that mortifying moment and the other, you found your way inside The Ink Plate, done up in the Traditional style of most Mixed Pubs, with the Bar spit down the middle, with booths for each Gender along the sides and long communal tables in the middle for mixed company. Families most often but in this, the 20th century, you could see friends and coworkers co-mingling, too. —Workplaces had become more lax about gendered segregation in your lifetime— but still, as was proper, there was a Barman for the Men, and a Barmaid for the Women. Each sending drinks with Waiters and Waitresses, who themselves also took orders for food, from chips to candied nuts and other pub foods to a kitchen in the back which was small enough that you assume it only had one or two cooks.

At one of the long tables, sits the whole of the C. H. Page Publishing Staff, a broad shouldered woman in a muted yellow dress, whom you have not met but assume to be Anika, beauteous Helena still looking just as radiant in the exact same clothes you met her in earlier that day, and a shorter, roundish man in a flat cap and overalls who must be Bert, the artist.

You find yourself sat down close to Helena. You never thought you were going to make it this far! Bother, bother bother...You find yourself running your thumb against the wood grain before you, and something about it focuses you a little.

You hope they knew how to cook Chips right in this Pub. You couldn't eat them otherwise.

Everyone is staring at you.

Do they expect something? A speech?

Oh first impressions are the worst!

[ ] Write In: What Do You Say?

Order something to eat and drink?

[ ] Yes, a drink a good stout bottle of Ale or two is just what you need to take the edge off! May let slip the Mask of Etiquette
[ ] Yes, In fact, drinks on you! For Everyone! That's the sort of thing that makes people like you, right? Pros: The Whole Bar will like you, Cons: The Whole Bar will like you.
[ ] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
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I think we should maybe just accept that Anxiety will fall on the protagonist at random, for no logical reason, and that it is what it is.
[X] Write In: A simple "hello" should suffice. There is no way you could mess THAT up... can you?

[X] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
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I think we should maybe just accept that Anxiety will fall on the protagonist at random, for no logical reason, and that it is what it is.
I'm moderately certain that an unexpected loud sneeze will provide more Anxiety by now (not saying it as a negative, just making note of a quirk, I honestly find it a bit amusing so far)

[X] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
That said, lets make a notional attempt to rein it in.
General context for anyone less familiar with the whole Gayaverse:

The underlying game mechanics of the first quest set in the Gayaverse come from one of open_sketch's game designs. These are in turn based around the assumption that the party consists of a bunch of walking disaster-messes who will constantly get into stressful interpersonal drama, then blow it off somehow, usually by indulging in vices.

While obviously Our Heroine's vices are rather milquetoast compared to the boozing, fighting, and woman-man-and-enbyizing a typical mercenary fighter pilot would indulge in, we might as well roll with that general mechanic until given a good reason to do otherwise.

[X] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
You're still standing outside the Pub
It has been Ten Minutes. Perhaps longer! You are normally very punctual! Who knows what sort of misinformed opinions they are forming about you now! Late, Lazy, Lackadaisical, they'll call you! Bother bother bother! What were you going to--
Trying to muster up the courage to enter a party you were invited to:
[X] (Write-in) Come on, you practiced this-- "Ah-- Yes, thank you, everyone, for having me by."
[X] Yes, a drink a good stout bottle of Ale or two is just what you need to take the edge off! May let slip the Mask of Etiquette

Why not be SPICY
[ ] Write In: "Remarks Complete"/jk

[X] Write In: A simple "hello" should suffice. There is no way you could mess THAT up... can you?
[X] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
Adhoc vote count started by JustGazzer on Apr 15, 2022 at 11:15 AM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] No, no drinks for you tonight, just an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in Ganjay curry oil. Sure you're playing extra for the chips to come like that, but how else could you eat them? The heat is addictive, and has been since childhood. (-1 Anxiety)
    [X] Write In: A simple "hello" should suffice. There is no way you could mess THAT up... can you?
    [X] (Write-in) Come on, you practiced this-- "Ah-- Yes, thank you, everyone, for having me by."
    [X] Yes, a drink a good stout bottle of Ale or two is just what you need to take the edge off! May let slip the Mask of Etiquette
"I taste a liquor never brewed—" Or; The Humours of Curry
What do you say?

What do you say what do you say what do you say?

"Hello." oh bother. —Right then, one more time Ellen, you can do this— You clear your throat, and run your fingers along the postorbital process of the raven skull you'd discovered languishing in some flea-market in Hermasshire. "Hello. Everyone, I'm Ellen Doe." and then promptly sat down. That should be good enough, you think. Not that you think you should do much else at the moment— even the smallest interactions seemed to draw energy form you, and it was all the more intensely drawn in groups. It was best to conserve it.

Blessedly, a Waitress came to serve the ladies side of the table, taken up by yourself, Helena and Anika. She takes an order of ale, fish and chips from Miss Heathcliff, Anika orders a Mug of Beer with a Bastortemple accent, tinged with a hint of something Caspian, you think? It's an lends an interesting lilt to her voice that your ear finds fascinating. Her clothes are a working woman's clothes, a leather coat is doffed and rests at the back of her chair. Her sleeves have been rolled past the elbow. Her arms seem strong, and tightly corded with muscle, and you note her callused hands, the thin scars across the back of her hands. A Thumb, broken at least once, and set imperfectly, close cut nails, painted a floral pink-purple, but chipping now, and missing entirely on the first two nails. Perhaps she works the printers? Or Maintenance work? She seems the type, the kind of woman who could take you in one hand and lift you like a kitten. You smile politely at some joke she shares with your side of the table, only half paying attention to the content of her words, and more to the sound those words make. You could listen to her talk for hours, to tease apart the little trill in her 'r' to examine more fully-

"Miss?" says the Waitress "Your order?"

"Oh!" You start, turning your eyes to look in the rough direction of the woman in the black trouser and waistcoat uniform "No drink for me but a ice water. an order of Chips, thick cut, skin on, light salt, tossed in curry oil."

"Miss I don't think we carry curry-" Ah, but you had planned for this, and pull from a pocket in your dress a five pound note, and handed it to her. The script felt almost natural, and you feel very breezily proud of yourself. You've seen Mama do much the same thing for you on many occasions, and so channel a bit of her spirit. "On my way here, I noticed a Ganjay restaurant, just down the street. Ask for a vindaloo infused ghee from them, keep the change. A Whole Tin, if you can. I suspect I'll be dragged here often, and would not like to inconvenience the staff in future."

The Waitress looks at you. Then the note. Then you again. "All the change? from five pounds?" she seems a little...something? Perhaps incredulous or shocked. You cannot tell.

"Oh bother, if you don't think it should pay for it, I have-" Helena places a hand on your shoulder then. "No no dear, that's more than enough for some oil, aye?"

The Waitress nods, looks to the Barmaid for a moment, then back to you. "It may take a moment, but it'll be done. Thank you Miss!" and you watch as she runs over, waves the note before the barmaid, hands over the orderslip, and runs out the door at impressive speed.

"Was it not enough?" you ask, earnestly nervous. "Will she have any left over for herself, you think? Oh I hope that wasn't too demanding."

"Miss Doe, that much pays of my monthly rent and then some." Remarks Bert, frankly. "You shouldn't worry about short changing her! Fuck me, Miss, You've likely made that girl's week."

Oh. oh.

How Do You Feel About That?

[ ]
It doesn't seem right, or fair! Five pounds isn't very much to you at all, but its so much to everyone else. Its wrong, and you should do something about it. Start a Charity, or rather, talk to Mother about Starting a Charity, you have wealth, you shouldn't hoard it. Of course, such a thing would draw attention of the Public. And likely require *More Socializing* (Begin Philanthropy, be noticed by The Public, and Your Peers. You Dread it. +1 Anxiety)
[ ] Well...Such is the way of things, that you have and others have not. You don't like it, but you don't think you can *do* anything about it. Not yet, not now. Let the moment pass, you've made someone's night better, and that's the most you can do, for now. (Nothing changes, not yet. You aren't ready, and you know it. +0 Anxiety)
[ ] You Are A Bad Person. You Are Bad, look at you, flaunting your wealth in the face of people who could benefit so much more from everything your family has. You are a Bad Person, YouAreABadPersonYouAreABADPERSONYOUAREA- Shut up! Not Here. Not Now. Break down in private, like a Lady should. (+5 Anxiety, Possible Burnout)

You make—or rather, listen to others make— idle chatter as food and drink comes to the table, your waitress having rushed to the kitchen with a one pound tin of curry spice infused ghee and a pocket full of heavy coins that you hear jangle and chime with her every step. She returned, minutes later, with your chips, just as you'd ordered them, tinted a red orange by the toasted blend of spices, and smelling floral and buttery and all to much like you imagine Heaven to smell.

Anika leans over, pilfering a baton of spiced potato before you can warn her. She chews with appreciation, and makes unladylike noises your never allowed to make— ah yes, you watch as the heat finally hits her— her eyes watering slightly as her body fights the fire raging in her mouth. "Fucking hell, I know folk say curry is fucking hot but this how can you eat a basket of these?"

You're smart enough to use a fork, and not your hands —You hand her a napkin and warn her against touching her face, as you have for your older siblings many times before— as you think of how to respond. The crisp outer skin of the chips giving way to cloud like bliss within, the burn flushing your skin and giving excuse to any blushing you may do, the fire makes your heart rush and endorphins flood your brain more reliably than any intoxicant. The bite passes, the heat lingers and the taste of coriander, ginger, cumin, come to the fore. Your Memories turn to that strange Summer in Ganjay, as a child ten years ago and you are happy.

(-1 Anxiety)

"Well," you joke, face perfectly straight. "The Woman who founded house Doe killed a Dragon, made a pagan ritual to The Goddess Artume, and bathed in its blood, and ate of its heart. She knew it worked when she later dreamed of a White Doe and found that fire could no longer burn her nor the heat of the sun make her sweat, even in the hottest summer. The Blessing of Dragonsblood is much weakened now, of course, but to me this is no hotter than say, a normal basket of chips."

You hold your face in the perfect mask of lady-like poise and calm as Anika blinks. "Really?" she asks, with so far as of yet uncharacteristic innocence. Helena has already caught on, having told her this before in your shared letters and is holding back a smile, you think.

You can't help but start to giggle, a snort escaping as you do. She just looks so very cute, like that, an interesting reversal of your expectations. "No not at all. But that is in a little book I keep for Julia van Helsclimb's backstory, with a few changes. I just love spicy food." and the table laughs with you.

From Helena, all you hear is bells bells bells, little silver bells wafting to your ear.

Well then— This isn't so bad.

The rest of the night flows by like a river, and you collapse into bed —exhausted yes, but satisfied with your performance. Hopefully you won't have to do it again soon.

Idly, as Somnus, sweet Sleep herself, draws closer, you notice the weight of Shade on your legs, the little black cat having snuck up on you, Ponderous finds his way to your side shortly after. Chirping in greeting and begins to purr as he settles on your chest. You are home, you are safe, you are so tired. Your cats —and the only men outside Papa you think you have ever loved— lull you into sleep.

You Make It Through The Night! Good Job! What Happens next?

[ ]
You've Promised Miss Heathcliff you'd be by to take a look at a few of Bert's roughs for the Cover, having let him have a week to work on it. She also warned you that the Former editor, Collins, might show up and make a scene.
[ ] You Run into Mister Kane, rather out of place in a Lady's Clothier speaking with a Seamstress you learn is one of his many, many sisters.
[ ] Your Eldest Sister, and Diplomatrix for The Royal Diplomatic Corps, Eleanor Ulyssesa Doe, is in Town for a few weeks and was hoping to stay with you. She doesn't really...understand you, but she cares.

Fun fact! five pounds in 1910 is roughly equivalent to 575 pounds now, or 750 dollars. She's made that girls fucking year.
Well, I'm pretty sure we unlocked a romance option in that maid.

I'm honestly not sure for the first option, but for the second one.
[X] Your Eldest Sister, and Diplomatrix for The Royal Diplomatic Corps, Eleanor Ulyssesa Doe, is in Town for a few weeks and was hoping to stay with you. She doesn't really...understand you, but she cares.
[X] Your Eldest Sister, and Diplomatrix for The Royal Diplomatic Corps, Eleanor Ulyssesa Doe, is in Town for a few weeks and was hoping to stay with you. She doesn't really...understand you, but she cares.
[X] Well...Such is the way of things, that you have and others have not. You don't like it, but you don't think you can *do* anything about it. Not yet, not now. Let the moment pass, you've made someone's night better, and that's the most you can do, for now. (Nothing changes, not yet. You aren't ready, and you know it. +0 Anxiety)
[X] Well...Such is the way of things, that you have and others have not. You don't like it, but you don't think you can *do* anything about it. Not yet, not now. Let the moment pass, you've made someone's night better, and that's the most you can do, for now. (Nothing changes, not yet. You aren't ready, and you know it. +0 Anxiety)

[X] Your Eldest Sister, and Diplomatrix for The Royal Diplomatic Corps, Eleanor Ulyssesa Doe, is in Town for a few weeks and was hoping to stay with you. She doesn't really...understand you, but she cares.
"...this is what I see— This fenced-off narrow space— Assigned to me."
34 Wood Place, Artemis, Albia.

The Letter had arrived from the Royal Office of Domestic Affairs, which in turn were delivering a message from your eldest sister —by eight years— Eleanor via Telegram, stamped with the seal of the Royal Diplomatic Corps. The Message within was short, and terse as such things are. According to the attached note from the RODA, She'd be arriving by ship to Albia in a few days at most, no more than 48 hours.


You read it several times, each time faster than the last, before handing it to Beth with your head in your hands. The Maid dilfully takes the letter, glances over it and stuffs it in a pocket. "I'd rather wish I could say no, Beth, but I know Eleanor well enough to know she shan't take that for an answer."

"Shall we get a room ready for her then? We have a few guest rooms," Beth began to tick off on her fingers "One you have turned into a...reference library, another a show room for oddities, and the last is meant to be...I'm sorry miss, I've forgotten the intent. The Solarium is something Lee is taking care of?"

"A Greenhouse, Beth. We've not yet the proper space in the garden nor the climate for some of the more interesting plants. It isn't the perfect space for such things, but it shall do for now." You had made friends over letters with The Duchess Norumber, Alice Percy who shares many of your fascinations and was kind enough to send seeds and cuttings of her favorite poisonous and medicinal plants, as well as a Pineapple from her Tropics Hothouse as an early Haloea gift —which was remarkable, as you'd never actually held a whole pineapple, before— It seemed quite dangerous, with all the points.
Ackley is already taking care of the details of the eventual Greenhouse, which you hope to expand from the original solarium into something that takes up the whole of your allotted yard.

Beth nodded, pulling a bit of paper and a pen from a apron pocket. "Right Miss." said Beth, adopting a casual stance and tone obvious enough for you to catch she was being playful. "So, where should we put her? in your Library Of Murder, the Bone Room or the Jungle of Death you seem intent on cultivating."

"Elizabeth Hemera Kind, you scoundrel!" you flail a bit, blushing. "I don't even have anything that will hurt anyone without them eating it. Conium maculatum, Aconitum anthora, Brugmansia. That sort of thing. Pretty to look at, dangerous to eat." Beth snorts, for reasons that escape you— find yourself explaining more, listing the qualities of your burgeoning garden, both beneficial and malicious because it was fun. Eventually, you come to the topic at hand. "Nothing tropical enough to be called a jungle either— I was very clear in my letters to the Duchess that my limited space precluded such things. Nora would be fine, honestly!"

Though to be perfectly fair, it was only limited in space when compared to the Norumber Castle. It's quite a lot of space in Artemis, as you are coming to understand. "Of course Miss," Beth assents "but the question still stands. Where shall we put her? Its cramped enough in the Servants Quarters as is. I don't care how pretty she is, Miss Ellen, she isn't getting my bed." The Maid looks very firm on that. Oh Bother.

You sigh, there goes that idea old girl, and before you even said it. "Very well then, she'll be in..."

Where Will Your Sister Stay for Holiday with You?

[ ]
The Library, where you keep your books on your every fascination, past and present. (The space is somewhat cramped, with all the books and shelving taking up space. At best, there is room for a small cot, and chest for personal belongings. Is likely to be the most 'normal room' for Eleanor, unless she needs something to read.)
[ ] The Display Room, where most of your collection of Bones, Oddities, and Antiques (The space belonged to a bedroom, once, and has more space than the now library, but would require Eleanor to sleep amongst Bones, Haunted Dolls, Preserved Specimens and Famous Murder Weapons. She might misinterpret this as You trying to imply something, which you never are.)
[ ] The Solarium filled with medicinal and deadly plants, from mint to monkshood. Which *isn't* meant to be a room to sleep in, but at least it's pleasant? (it's simple enough make into a guest room, one which would get only a few complaints, given how filled with very pretty ornamental —and poisonous— plants it is.)

With that matter settled, Achyle and Beth rush to make the room into something usable for a Under-Ministrix Of RDC. It takes a day and a half, but it looks quite fetching, given the circumstances. You have to remember to actually keep a guest room, in the future, and not just think of yourself so selfishly.

Mere hours later, Your Eldest Sister arrives.

"ELLIE! DARLING!" The Ministrix exclaims, as if seeing you in the sitting room of your own home was a great surprise, and you carefully hold back a wince. Your Sister is in many ways your Mirror, as if God herself had ordained it. She is tall, she is bright eyed, blonde, extroverted and had a tendency to Insist upon herself— that is, to take up space and take charge of whatever room she was in. There are many things your Sister is, and is not. She was, however, loud and insistent like a Bittern bird, or exotic parrot. She had to be, It was her job to be heard, listened too in places and cultures that may not understand things the Albian way.

She had taken after Father in this respect, a former Minister himself, who had been pivotal in the transfer of Ganjay from a Colonial Project to a Commonwealth able to stand on its own.
Technically, it was better position than they'd been in before, a theoretically Independent Nation with only official subservience to the Crown, intended to protect them from the Ambitions of Empires like the Gallians. (You knew a vote could be done, after a period fifty years to see if they wished to declare their full independence or remain a dominion state of the Albian Republic, but little else. Even while there, you were only a child, largely cloistered away with Gerty to keep an eye on you.)

"Ellie! Oh I haven't seen you in a dogs age! Longer, even! Look at you, living on your own, having a job— Never thought I'd see the day, our little Ellen, a proper independent woman!" Eleanor proclaims, Ignoring that the Servants even exist except to hands things too. She fills Beth's arms with nearly nauseating pink luggage and Nora natters on, pulling you into a much-too-tight-hug. "Oh how I've missed home! God, even the air smells different from my posting in the Gallian Republic." she says, cheek to cheek with you in a way that makes you worry you'll have to reapply your makeup after. "That'd be the industrial run-off from the river, Nora." you manage to mumble out, being squeezed like your sister was attempting to extract 'Essence of Ellen' from your flesh.

Nora laughs at the joke you didn't know you were telling, letting you go with a smack on the arm. Bother that hurt. "Oh you! Always the dour, queer one. Mother should have named you Wednesday, after that old rhyme." It was an old refrain, often revisited when you acted in ways that felt truest to yourself. 'Wednesday's child is full of woe.' At this point, you know she thought of as an inside joke rather than the childish verbal jab it had started as, and you hadn't the heart to correct her. So you say your expected lines instead, and play the role you have since childhood.

"But I was born on a Friday? shouldn't it be Friday then, if she was to name me after a day?" You'd meant it earnestly, that first time, all those years past. Now it was little more than ritual. For reasons you'd never been able to fully understand, Nora found this response hilarious, no matter how many times you had done it. You just think she enjoys having a straight woman to bounce off of. Personally you disliked playing the straight woman, even for family.

Your typical exchange done —which only seems to drain you and energize her— Your sister sits with you, having tea herself a cup of tea. She asks after your life, and if you'd been seeing any gentlemen, takes your no with the half-smile-half-frown she always does. She asks about your book, The Haunting Of The Widow, politely nodding as you explain the plot, and how it would finally be published by the end of the month. "Well!" She remarks as you pay careful attention to her eyebrows, your simulated eye contact. "That's an accomplishment, isn't it Ellie? A published writer! It is perhaps, not my genre, but I'm sure it'll be well loved among those for whom it is."

That felt carefully constructed, but most things Eleanor said were, as a knock on effect from her work. She had once joked about dreaming entirely in non-committal statements in a letter. So you don't do much but thank her for the kind words, as that was her intent.

"Now, I think I should like to see the room I'm staying in." Your Eldest Sister glances at the human skull serving as the centerpiece of the knee height table. "You've such interesting tastes in decor! I cannot wait to see what my room will be like."

This will be the worst part, you think. You gird yourself, and lead her to her room for the next few weeks. She looks around, takes a glance back at you, as if to check you're having a laugh. You are not, of course. She looks back to the room, she finds her bed, and looks at the room from that angle. Then turns fully around to face you.

"You know what I haven't had time for yet? A Day about town, I've not had a day in Artemis that was meant to be fun in ages! Come with me, Ellie, please?" she asks, while dragging you out with her, making your choice in the matter clear.

Beth and Lee give you a sympathetic look as you are spirited away for a 'Day About Town'.

Oh Bother, you were looking forward to a bit of quiet.

[ ] She takes you shopping, buying clothes you'll likely never wear, for parties you never attend. (You Run into Bert, whose seems to have been dragged along by his daughters who need new formal wear for a school dance.)
[ ] She takes you out to lunch, bringing you to some restaurant she'd been craving for the past six months. (You run into Helena, having lunch herself with someone you don't know)
[ ] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)
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[X] The Display Room, where most of your collection of Bones, Oddities, and Antiques (The space belonged to a bedroom, once, and has more space than the now library, but would require Eleanor to sleep amongst Bones, Haunted Dolls, Preserved Specimens and Famous Murder Weapons. She might misinterpret this as You trying to imply something, which you never are.)

[X] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)
If tossing around multiple pounds didn't solidify Ms. Doe as stupidly rich, this sure does.

[X] The Solarium filled with medicinal and deadly plants, from mint to monkshood. Which *isn't* meant to be a room to sleep in, but at least it's pleasant? (it's simple enough make into a guest room, one which would get only a few complaints, given how filled with very pretty ornamental —and poisonous— plants it is.)

[X] You manage to convince her to follow you to a fea market you'd been eying in the East End, framing the whole thing as a treasure hunt, and a chance to practice her bartering skills. (Anika is here too, strange enough, helping an elderly woman at her stall, selling folk art.)