The Spine-Chilling Adventures Of An Ordinary Author (A Gayaverse Quest)

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The Spine-Chilling Adventures Of An Ordinary Author
A Gayaverse Quest

You Are Ellen Alena Doe, Necrotic Mess, Idly Wealthy Goth in 1910, and Pulp Horror Novelist. Become Famous, and Influential! Hate Becoming Famous and Influential!
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Begin at The Beginning, Stop When You Reach The End


Minds Eye Bind
The Spine-Chilling Adventures Of An Ordinary Author
A Gayaverse Quest

The Great Albian Union, Artemis, The 4th of December, 1910

Since you were young, you loved stories.

The obsession started well before you could read and when you learned to do so at the tender age of five, it only grew even more intense. You went to far off places, fought fantastical foes, battled in ancient Remean Wars, learned forgotten secrets. Whole worlds existed within your families personal library. Countless and beautiful, things of leather and paper and ink and imagination! Something that exists not only in the physical but beyond that, living in the hearts and minds of everyone who has ever read those stories. That's what you loved about them.

Books were your escape from the humdrum timidity of your comfortable life in The Albian Union and when you learned that you could make your own stories, that in fact, people would publish them for you?

You knew what you wanted to do with your life.

You're going to be a famous Author! You want your stories to inspire, to make people feel alive in new ways, to give respite from an often bleak and hard world. To do everything they did for you, for everyone else.

You believe your stories can change the world.

You are a...
[ ] Man
[X] Woman
[ ] Author*

You've just recently moved from your family estate to a townhouse (A moving out gift from Mother and Father, their last little bird to leave the nest) in the city of Artemis, to be closer to your publisher C. H. Page Publishing Company, as your first novel so far was a headache of slow moving letters rife with edits, revisions and the occasional argument on direction. But you suppose you can't blame Miss Heathcliff for being a harsh mistress with her editing pen, (the bright red ink imported from Ganjay from all places.) It is her tough love that helped shape your story into something fit for publication. It's been the hard work of months, almost a year, delayed by the speed of post and in your hands, you hold the final chapter of your first Novel!

And now that you were in Artemis itself, you could deliver it to Miss Heathcliff yourself, cutting out weeks of anticipation and greatly speed bringing your works to the masses!

What is your Genre?
[ ] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!
Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[X] Spine-Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910
[ ] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.

You've always hated crowds, and there are so many in Artemis. The hot press of bodies and the stench of industrial fog and sweat is almost overwhelming. But you brave it for the sake of your novel, as your childhood heroes would have braved even greater dangers. Winter this year was blessedly mild at least. Though as always, you wish there was less rain. Nonetheless, you press on! Into the tubes you go, carefully avoiding eye contact with everyone sharing the train with you.

After two trains on the Underground, you walk your way up, out and finally to the tall, old, narrow green building of the C. H. Page Publishing Company sticking out of the ground at just a slight angle, a side effect of being an old building in the marshy, soft earth of Artemis, they sink into the ground a little bit, every few years, without proper maintenance. Miss Heathcliff called it "charming" in her letters, but it is so often hard to read sarcasm into words on paper.

You approached the door and walked into Reception, Final Chapter in hand. You glance around, a flight of stairs to one side of the room, and a lift set into the wall with slightly tarnished brass doors on the other.

"Name Please?" says the Receptionist, a quite out of place a tall Caledonian man with the tight and clean haircut cut of former military somehow merging into positively massive muttonchops and a well fitted, if slightly well worn suit asked in a calm but rumbling canter.

You start, jumping slightly and flushing with embarrassment for missing the man. "O-oh so I'm so terribly name is..."

[X] Ellen Alena Doe

The Caledonian smiles warmly, clearly recognizing your name. "It's quite alright," he says, using an arm to help lift himself from behind his desk to stand, holding out his other hand to shake, which you oblige as he talks. "So good to finally meet ye in person, I'm Mortimer Kane, Miss Heathcliff calls yer work 'Promising' which is bloody high praise from her, waiting fer that final chapter for a week now." He leans in with a conspiratorial whisper "Don't tell her I said this, but she's quite excited." Still shaking your hand, goodness he has a firm grip. "Take th' lift to the top floor, her office is down the hall, door on th' left." Releasing your now thoroughly shook hand and with a careful motion sat back in his chair. "Lemme know how it goes, Eh? Maybe I show ye the town, ol' Mooky knows his way round the best Pubs in all of Artemis!" he calls after you, the metal curtain of the lift closing after you.

Its not long before you're before door that reads Helena Heathcliff, Head of Publishing.

Well. Here goes nothing. You take a deep breath and remind yourself.

Your stories are going to change the world.

You knock.

Welcome one and all to yet another big gay quest on that wonderful gay earth that @open_sketchbook is responsible for.

First, this is gonna be some narrative fun. No Dice, no Stress, no stats, just a Queer Introverted novelist.

Second, Genre is Important because it will effect your Fantasies. You have always been an imaginative sort, and you've a tendency to day dream, it's gonna be part of the fun of this little story.

Get ready kid, you're gonna be famous and all that comes with it.

Because well, your stories are going to change the world.

* if you choose this option, You're lucky enough to be from a wealthy family, and are considered eccentric for your enbiness, but harmless. A word of warning: this might change if you use your influence to go further and rock the boat.
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Facts and Other Sundry
Name: Ellen Alena Doe (Pen Name E.A. Doe)
Age: 23 (Born 13th Of May, 1887)
Residence: 34 Wood Place, Artemis, Albia (A Pleasant Townhouse)
Income: Comfortable (Old Family Money)
Anxiety: 2


The Haunting Of The Widow, Published Dec. 1910
New Project, Title TBD
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[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Edgar Poe
[X] Author*
[X] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!
Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[X] Seneca Wilkins

looks at own world-building and the dumb name he stuck on Indiana, then looks at Alt!Ohio.

that'll do pig. Let's have a badass in our nerdy brain, constantly telling us exactly what we did wrong.

and yes I know we aren't naming the character we write, but I actually really like Seneca as a name so i'm rolling with it.
Don't you mean Ellen Edwina Poe? If you're going for the full flip, anyhow.
I'm thinking the middle name would just be a thing passed down and they just take it out of tradition.

Like, her father is an Edger. Her brother is an Edger. Her grandma on her father's side is also an Edger.
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[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Alena Doe
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[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Alena Doe
You know with the way this is going I'm gonna have to read a lot of Poe to get the tone of the Fantasies right.

Good thing I have a copy of his complete works.
[] Author*
[] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!

Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[] Seneca Wilkins
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[X] Man
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.
[X] Andrew Ryan

Let us push for progress! or at the very least daydream of it.
[X] Man
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.
[X] Andrew Ryan

I kind of like this, although if we could wind up wandering in a more "speculative" sci-fi direction it would be neat - think reusable chemical rockets, moon bases, and space stations, more than star drives, forcefields, and rayguns. Although, a speculative sci-fi story could be seriously interesting in a pulp style - do something like the Expanse, where the science is harder than normal, but just serves as a back drop for the stories being told.
[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Alena Doe
[X] Man
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.
[X] Andrew Ryan
[X] Woman
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.

I'm quite a sucker for sci-fi, so I must naturally vote as such.
[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Alena Doe
[X] Author*
[X] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!
Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[X] Seneca Wilkins
Mind if I approval vote our genre? (It's just that I'm very much not a fan of horror, of any kind)

[X] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!
Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.

(Also, no ideas or opinions about name and gender... yet. We'll see if I get some before the vote closes)
[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Ellen Alena Doe
[X] Author*
[X] Two Fisted Adventure! Tales of Daring Do! Your stories are filled with excitement and the mystical dangers of far off lands!
Your classic Indiana Jones type Pulp, brave and good going against mustache twirling evil, larger than life Heroes that you wish you could be.
[X] Seneca Wilkins
[X] Woman
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.

[X] Alice Mary Norton
[X] Leigh Brackett
[X] Clare Winger Harris
[X] Miriam Allen DeFord

Andre Norton - Wikipedia
Leigh Brackett - Wikipedia
Clare Winger Harris - Wikipedia
Miriam Allen deFord - Wikipedia

Okay, so temporal displacement is required for the first two choices. Still.

[Jk] woman
[Jk] political and economic commentary
[Jk] Ayn Rand
You can't have an Ayn Rand without a communist revolution for her to be traumatized by and create an exact "no you" 180-degree reversal of everything about communism to dogmatically insist is the only true ideology for the rest of her life.
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[X] Woman

[X] Spine Chilling Horror, Tales of Gothic Woe. Your stories are filled with all manner of monster, human and otherwise.
Be a less racist Lovecraft, beat Not!Merry Shelley at her own game, be a Goth in 1910

[X] Roberta Howard

The Conan stories will have a somewhat different emphasis here. More pointed Heart-of-Darkness-style commentary on civilization, barbarism and the way those don't necessarily line up as expected.
[X] Woman (identifies as Man)
[X] Astounding Science Fiction, Tales of the Human Ingenuity. Your stories are filled with the impossible made possible and a burning hope for the Future.
HG Wells, Juels Verne, and others! Predict the Future and argue with nerds about the viability of going to the moon and what kind of life is on Mars.
-[X] In your current work, the solar system is being forcefully colonized by beings from Alpha Centauri, who just so happen to be a not-so-thinly veiled allegory for modern day imperialist powers. They consider it an honor and privilege to be conquered by them, and have already demonstrated that the alternative is genocide. The floating cities of Jupiter have been reduced to burning wreckage, and the Martian council is drafting a surrender as we speak. Can our hero turn the tide?

[X] Adam Futuremark (Pen Name)
-[X] Andrea Fulton (Birth Name)
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